Newspaper Page Text
' "4s"iai gp irf! S THE WA.cnmsrojON TDrES.' IMQD-Y; APRIL 17 1918. .. x .- 7 . -r -v - tw'V'-' FILEIOITAX RETURNS TODAY OR PAYTHEPENALTY It hat horn blows' for Jncome tax rvtnrna t tnlftnlrbt tonight. . To lite comerrf"the of- t the Bureau ,of" Internal Rere ads. Ja-al Bqlldjnr, Elehth and G atreets ' northwest, where District txps,rers arsTfilinr their Income tax raturna, will remain open unttl mld atrht tonlsht. The penalty for falling to par- on time Is an assessment of. 5 per cent at the amount, unpaid, plua 1 per cent Interest for each full month during which. It remains unpaid. For mak ing a, false or fraudulent. -return the penalty Is a fine, of J2.000.-or not ex ceeding one year's Imprisonment, or both, and am additional assessment of 100 per cent of the tax evaded. Mora than 7.000,000 taxpayers this year sire required to lite-returns, the law applying to every unmarried per son whose net Income for 1917 was (1,000 or Do.rA; apery married parson whose net lnoocne was 12.000 or more. IJitTyeVr JHi-riumbettvas approximately 600.000. The estimated revenue to he collected Is J3.50O.O00, 000. of which, nnderlhe.act of 'Octo ber 3, 1917. $1226.000,000. Is In. excess profits tax and. Jl.201.000.000 In In come tax;' corporation. I53S.OO0.0O0, and Individual. . 088.000,060. POLICY OF U S. DUTCH SHIP SEIZURE WILL NOT CHANG E His First View of a "Chip of the Old Block" TWO MEN KILLED BY GEORGIA POLICE CHIEF VHXEX, Ga, ApTlt 1. Frank God bee. and R. C. McNorrHl are dead and JT E. Faxnell. chief of police, was wounded as the result of a ahootlng encounter here Saturday night. Mc N'orrlll and Godbee, It was. alleged, had been firing -a rifle1 at Godbee'a home and when an' attempt was made to quiet them Godbee Is said to have fired- at Faraell, wounding him In the hand. Farnell returned the fire, kill ing both men. GLASS FOUND IN PASTRY. KEW TORK, April lv The Federal food board here has warned the pub lto to be most careful In the future when eating bread, rolls,' cakes, and pastry," because "jagged bits of glass hare been found In flour, bread and bread wrappers." iing. Like'Cascarets Enjoy life! Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy and ., .constipated. Best for bad breath, sour stomach, coated tongue or indigestion. 33 I SI 13 1 JWORK WHILE YOU SLEEPJ The SUte Department today .receiv ed a lengthy communication from The Hague. It Is understood ,to contain the official attitude of the, Dutch government on the seizure of the Dutch ships by the United States and Great Britain. , Unofficial dispatches from The Hague have stated that-the foreign office there has characterized the seizure as "an ac,t of violence which It will oppose-with' all the energy of Its conviction and Its wounded na tional feeling.' It also declares that the seizure was'unjuetined. Officials asld that the attitude of the Dutch government would not change -the situation. The action of this Government, It was. stated, was taken only- after the entire situation had been Investigated .and there would be no change In policy. Officials re gret the Dutch position, but say that nothlns- further can be don to change, the "Views of the officials of j the little Kingdom. Officials are Inclined to believe that the Dutch position la dominated by Berlin, and resent the Implication that this Government did not set in good faith. The declaration by the Dutch government that the United States could be expected to violate Its prom ises and seize ships sent here for grain has displeased many officials. However, under direct Intructlons they refuse to discuss the situation in any way. There has been a report current here for the last few days that Hol land has been considering withdraw ing her minister and breaking diplo matic relations as ' a protest against American action. However, It Is not expected that the- Dutch government la ready to go that far inasmuch as such' action would lead to compli cations with the entente. The situa tion between' the two countries, how ever. Is decidedly serious and officials say that It will have' to be handled with extreme delicacy. CENTRAL MISSION STARTS CAMPAIGN Assured of the support of ' every charitable organization and' church In "Washington and backed by the Washington Board of' Trade and thi Chamber of Commerce.the campaign of the' "Central Union' Ittailon for Z26.OO0 started today. - Assignment1, of over 0)00. -prospective ' contributors to the campaign fund will be given out at the banquet to be gfren to the workera at Cush man's tonight. The Rev. Earle "Wllfley, general chairman of the campaign committee. will address the workers on the plans of .the- committee. ".Daddy" John S. Bennett? -superintendent of the mis sion, through whose services much of the reclamation work has been done, will tell of the activities of the mission during1 the past year. At.aonceting of team captains yes terday at the mission, the -workers were instructed in the proper manner to solicit funds by E. K. Kester, cam paign manager. A. saving of over $1,200, which can be used in reclamation work and helping needy persons In Washington, will be effected if the mortgage Is re moved from the building of the mis sion .at 622 Louisiana avenue north west, it was announced today. imiiiiiiwiimiiiiiiiM No Charge for Careful Examination by An Experienced Dentist Come to this modern office and have your imperfect teeth made sound aad useful in a very- little time and at a trifling outlay. s Our methods are'' the most modern methods known to dental science; our facilities for restoring and extracting teeth are without equal in Washing toa. Our staff: consists of duly qualified ad licensed dentists whose work has ben proven perfect by actual service tart. Tie best materials obtainable in the -United States are used exclusively, and ear large practice enables 'us tc se cure big discounts for cash buying. Aad this is one of the secrets of onr exceptionally low charges for the highest standard of dentistry performed la the aty of Washington today m JHt ffiindiwIlt you hear don't go by what you read of old-time eeotistry -come , to theoffice where men who are responsible will attend te yea, ; Terms of Payment to Slit. Examination Free KisssRviaV assW"assssssLa.sssssssssssssssH .aLssss9Lij?9s0asssssssssssssssssssssH V '&f ?- ."SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaP'aHLm IHKttttBislVv - 2S? t ' '-, BBBBBBBBBBBBSB f4 ' -1sfc,s'''f'W f ' SBBSBk'., WlisSsBSSSSSSSsS? , ' MsMfaSSTTnl asssssssssssssssK!-l JaWH' " flP' IfWSM t M' V V "H sssssssssssssssK'sflPrHL' aL"' WIILLBJ LlssssssH BBSBBBBBBBSsHsSBBBk&wJ.-tlBBSBBBa1' HsBBSsK' f-fBSBBBBBBBBBBBBsP BSBBBBBBBBBBnSaSBflBBHilJBTt'i'BBSBBBBBBST -?, SaSBB9aBBBBS.''- X3 iZaBBBBBBBBBBBBBB7TlMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BlllHaBBa&taFBBBBBBBBK BaKalt WxSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBB aBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBiVlaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBa J iiiM 'SVBSBBBBBBBBBBBb! 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Zl 'BBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbL-IGT M KK.iLri 'iJ"&'lJ' ' 1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkY 4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbV ':C'JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV TJJ:2.:BBBBBBBbI lsBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBP.Sa'ff-SBBBBBBBB 3F'iaBBBBBBBBBi BBllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKdBBf ? - fX rLHaBBBBBBBBBBfltBBBBBBBBBBB WBBBBBBBBBBB1 MgKKtt:iiS mXEknS3nr 'it&tf ; - , 'aBfaBBaBBBaBBBa aLBBBlLLBBBRalJs9aBHasr ' sigjr',.-- tJMIH t3BHiWKHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT W Vv''BBBSBBB'SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB EBBKaBBaBBBBBBUsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl V SUW - -SiiiJBK.' -tSBBBBBBBBBBBBf BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBisBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK iBMSt'... i l?MjBBSIsBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBV'i'7aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBnlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH&llr' - - SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaAbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb T ROOFS IN CONTROL OF CON Rl 1 RIOTS IN QUEBEC ANTHRACITE COAL PI REDUCED QUEBEC. April 1. With the arrl val of several' new regiments of troops from other Canadian cities to reenforce the. local police, officials today .stated they exnected to set con trdl of the situation here following five daya of rioting by antl-conscrip- tlomats. Three persons 'are suffering from wounds sustained last night In a bat tle between troops and the mob. The engagement took place when the troops began removing the firearms Lfrom hardware stores to prevent them falling Into the hands of the rioters. Two of the wounded are young wo men. Machine guns, were set up today In ronc oi ine new postoince. .tiara ware atores were ordered to place all fire arms and ammunition In safe places, where there would be no dan ger of mobs seizing them. Cardinal Bfgln Issued a letter to all parish priests, to be read In churches, urging, that peace be- observed. Copyright, Underwood & "Undewo"od, K. T. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, holding in bis arms his new grandson, while its mother, Mrs. Archie HooseVelt, tries to make baby smile. Archie, Jr., is the first son of Capt. Archie Roosevelt, who wasrecently decorated forbravery in France. He was slightly wounded. ' Colonel Roosevelt's newest grandson is "certainly a fine little fellow," according to the Colonel, who fondled andplayed with him, much) to. the enjoyment of the youngster. . ., This is the 'first, photograph showing the Colonel wth his latest grandson and is the first showing him ' since his recent, serious illness. Teddy appears to be in excellent health ' ' SAYS JAPAN MAD E ALLIES NOfFER TO ACT IN SIBERIA foKTO. March 27. (Delayed.) In announcing that Japan haa never started negotiations nor made pro posals to the allies regarding the Siberian situation. Foreign Minister Motono stated that Japan has no aggressive Intentions nor does she regard Russia as an enemy. The announcement waa made In the Diet. The minister said that Japan has not received any Joint proposals from the allies regarding Intervention, but refused to answer when opposition leader. Count Oiaki, asked -whether proposala had been received separate ly front the allies. U-BOATS TIE-UP SHIPS. MADRID, April' 1. Ten large trans- Atlantic steamships nave cancelled their trips to-Americaand are lying idle In various harbors otSpaln on ac count of the submarine menace. ThousaDdi-ot'tona-of freight Is lying- on the piers at Cadiz, Barcelona and Corunna awaiting cargo space. E 30CENTST0DAY Anthracite .coal Is 30 cents a ton cheapec today In Washington and throughout the country.; The 30-ceat reduction will remain In force through the summer to August, as ordered by the Fuel Administration. On Septem ber 1 the winter price wilt go Into effect again. Fuel Administrator Garfield In a statement today called upon people to store their coal daring the summer months to keep the mines going at full capacity, and to assure sufficient supply to meet all needs next winter. The bins of the householder and the Industries of the aeaatry ., tk nation's greatest storage caBctty, fce said, and 'ualesaVtsrer are JMIe prc dnctlon will, shut down at the -mlaes. bringing s"url?attaraj next winter. ' "'",'- '-' POLISHED lAR WM.FLAC. HOBOKZ.Y. NV J., AbtH lv Otta Wlekbold, as) eaeauy aHea. Is n4er arrest here for poll tog with aa American flag the brass, bar ral-r la a saloon where-he was employed. Wlck bold was 'an erapl-eye ofOuItave Oil-' rogge, who was arrested Friday oa a charge of selling liquor within the prohibited district. ' , G)mfortBaby WithCuficura stas. ohesMtXiUMi. Here's A -New Model It is one of those smart, stylish suits that have made the B-K Store so popular. Wote the-newbekets arid the clever form-fitness; And, men, it's an honest value, one that means a worth-while saving because w.e're situated-"out of the high-. rent district." 'sBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaHBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaV SUITS & TOPCOATS $15 to $35 i Bieber-Kaufman Co. i 901-9 8th St S. E. -" 'JBqwn by the Navylfard" ..-'' 1: CAPTAIN ROOSEVELT LAY UNAIDED FOR a. V FjDORTEEN HOURS UUl s f NEW YORK, April 1. A letter received here by a New York surgeon from France tells how Capt Archie Roosevelt, who was wounded on "March 11, when about to lead a raiding party, lay for fourteen hours where' he had fallen,- without medical attention. No explanation of the delay was given, but it. is assumed that he was in ar position from which it was impossible to rescue 'him until the heat of battle had passed. I. QUIZ SAM SCHEPPS AFTER SLAYING OF N. Y. GA1 ABLER My Perfect Suction. Teeth Will Not Slip or Drep $5.00 Otter Sets f Teeth. 8&40 ap. Fillings, 50c to $1 up. In gold, silver, amalgam or DOfCflnJH. Gold Crowns and Bridge Work, $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 Open Every Evening Until 8 O'Clock and on Sundays, 10 A. M to 4 P. M. Lady and' Maids in Attendance. All Work Fully Guaranteed for 20 Years. Dr. Wyeth, Opposite LaBsbwrgii & Bro.'and over Grand Union Tea Co. Largest aod Most ThoroBgfalyqttped Parlors " In Washington. PEone Mam 9133. 427-29 7th St N. W. NEW TORK, April 1. Sam Schepps. -who attained nation-wide notoriety as paymaster of the New York gun men who shot and killed Herman Rosenthal, was taken to the District Attorney's office to be questioned shortly before noon today following the slayinff of Harry Cohen, alias "Harry The Tot," In the lobby of a Ninety-second street apartment house. Cohen was an Inveterate gambler. the police say, and he was killed fol lowing his appearance last week be fore District Attorney Swann. where he cave evidence In aid of the police cambllnEr crusade. In many respects tne uonen muraer parallels the Rosenthal case, for which Police Lieut. Charles Becker and several cangmen paid the pen alty. Jn the electric chair. Schepps fled to Hot Springs following the ar rest of Becker and was given his free dom by turning State'a evidence against Becker and his associates. BIRTH RATE IN WASHINGTON IS RISING STEADILY The birth rate In the District of Co lumbla Is steadily rising, figures In the office of Dr. W. C. Woodward, 'health officer, show. I During the period between April 1. 1917, and today there were 7.601 births In Uie District, as against 71G during the twelve months from April 1, 1316, to tho first day of America's war month a year ago. While the comparison be tween these figures does not Indicate a vlartllng ascendency In tho birth rale. Health Department officials say the birth lncreaso has been steady. ROUMANIAN ENVOYS GERMAN VICTORIES USED TO BLOCK REFORMS WHO TURNED DOWN PEACE TERMS FLEE LOUDON, April l.-A.n official dis patch from Paris says that several Roumanian ministers who refused to accept the German terms of peace have fled and re en rout either to Paris or London. Among them are Take Jonescu, former premier: Jean Vlntlla Bratlano, Former lllnlster Constantlnescu, end other court officials. It Is said that the delegation have declared that they would rather be exiles than live In Roumanla as vas sals of Germany. Headed by Colonel Anderson, of Richmond. Vs.. the American Red Cross commission is reported to have left Persia and to be en route to Vladivostok. AFRAID OF CHURCHES. "Tou seldom go to church." "So. J was married In one." THE HAGUE, April 1. The re ported successes of the German army re being used by the Pan-Germans in Prussia to block ballot reform there. Vorwaertz charges the con servatives with building barricades against the coming parliamentary contest. Dr. MIchaells expresses concern at the delay and points out that Jlert- llng stated definitely that he stood or fell on the accomplishment of re form. mcmscr or as.rooD --- A OMlfr 1ST ATMMI - ' "3. juaun Har0443Si , . 'itd2ftopC'' PSBu&SKgBjkjebf SyHBSkgBJ3CXBjSmBBBJBBBBBSrBBS MiMSCft or uaraoe AOMimSTKnON B? 4JCtUtK NVa-OMM Tuesday-Wedtie&day NeWs! y y - T t Fancy RICE will cook white fluffy, Pound, 10c Small, Meaty PRUNES healthful nutritious fruit, 3 Lbs., 25c Fancy PEA BEANS A big snap at this low; price, 'Pound, 16c Evaporated PEACHES bright California fruifc 2 Lbs.. 27c EVAPORATED MILK Carnation Brand, 2 tall cans. . SHOE PEG CORN, 7 n ADVERTISEMENT Miller's AntUcptlc OH. Known As Snake Oil Will Positively Itelleve Fain In Few flllnutrs. .Try it right now for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, sore, stiff and swollen Joints, pains In the head, back end llroh. corns, bunions, etc Afl one application pain usually disap pears as if by magic. A new remedy used Internally and externally for Coughs, Colds. Group. Sore Throut, Diphtheria and Tonallitla. This oil Is conceded to be the most penetrating remedy known. Its prompt and Immediate effect In relieving pain Is due to the fact tl at It penetrates to the affected partB at once. As an il lustration, pour fen drops on the thickest piece of sole leather and It will penetrate th!suibstancc through and throughln thrAs minutes. Accept no substitute. This great oil Is golden red color otilv i:vrv h,itn guaranteed. 25c, CQc.jand ?l.00 a bot- M "j rviunoF.-a at uuoaneus Drug Stores. Can CANNED COOKED HOMINY, large can. . . DRIED SQYA BEANS, v3 lbs CANNED SAUERKRAUT, -J 0 Large Can lOC PINK ALASKA SALMON, 1-Ib. tall can Evaporated CALIFORNIA PEARS, lb . i r i . .--- 25c Mto r. i 14c 25c 22c 20c FRESH SHAD MELT, Canned SOYA BEANS tLi 4 25c ...6c 38c 8c 13c lie GRAHAM FLOUR, Lb BARLEY FLOUR, 5-lb. bag DARK RYE FLOUR, Lb. ; Light rye flour, 2 lbs WHITE CORNMEAL, 2 lbs TABLE . SALT 2 Kuan. IOC bags, PEANUT BUTTER r 20c Lb. ROE, 22124' FRESH TILE, Lb. FRESH GOD, Lb 22c 20c FRESH - CROAKERS, lb..l 1UC FRESH HERRING, Lb SALT WATER OYSTERS 9c 35c Solid measure quart. POTATOES, Select mealy cookers, lt)Peck.JjC 25c Fancy Fresh Creamery BUTTER Our Derrydale Brand, CfetTBed From Pore, Rich, Whole AQk. Pound Print 48' STRICTLY FRESH EGGSt dozen. . . . .i.wi-:.. FANCY HAMBURG STEAK, lb... . . .;.(.).;. 40c 25c BOILINGBEEF, plate OO or brisket, lb ,.,. .C Yellow-Globe 1A Qc ONIONS Pk 5 JELLY SPREAD, . Delicious Strawberry Jelly, 5 ounce cup . . . 10c SMOKED SHOULDERS, lb.... BONELESS BREAKFAST BACON, machine sliced, J A D.. .:.i....t.ii.jt:.t.i.t.jt.j.l" LEAN oc PORK CHOPS, lb. . ...iuDC SMOKED v 07 SAUSAGE, lb M.C SLICED iy BEEF LIVER, lb. . . .... .1 1 C T r r