Newspaper Page Text
' f,-warww.-a8cwcif5 THE WASHINGTON TIMES. MONDAY; APRIL 1, 1918. I I. Q I I e 3 Everywhere Women Are Knitting ' but not eerywhere can you And a store so well prepared to updIv those who knit with needles, yarns and various other necessities. Yam, $1.10 and $1.15 Hank "We Tiave In stock a large as sortment -cf khaki, blue, (tray and natural 4-ply and extra heavr jarn. for making sweaters, socles, 'helmets and wristlets for the soldiers and sailors. Sock Needles of steel, each. Be. white and Amber Needles, double point, pair, 20c and 23c. While and Amber Knitting jlns-l.and 4! Inch: pair, S3e. White and .Amber Knitting Pins. 14-lnch: all sizes; pair. 25e to 75c. The new Twin Flex" or "Miss liberty Needles. 4 sizes: each. 10r. SSe. 33c and 50c Knitting Bag, $1 to $8 A (rood assortment of cretonne and silk knlttlnir basra- In varl. ous styles of handles and trim mings: with .covered hoop handles, straps, celluloid rings, etc Art Department Strret Floor. The Palais Royal Has Been Appointed Exclusive Washington Representatives for Mflgrim Tailored Salts and Dresses produced by the celebrated House of Ullgrlm, foremost In America among creators of the Superb in Tailored Apparel for women. On display in our Garment Dept- Third Floor. THE SHOPPING JW LyAI.A Tfl' Ja V 1377 inr CENTER MMh vumx owums - covmx swim a.uoo' i? New Trimmed Hats-An Exceptional Display At $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98 Sailors. Mn.krooms, Pokes. Tnrbans, Trleoraea. Side and Back IUU Effects, Novelty Styles Included in this display are numerous new large shapes now more in demand as the sea son advances. Also smart sailors, pokes,, mushrooms, tricornes, turbans, side and back roll ef- jecw ana noveuy styles lashioned oi usere, nve-ena Miians, Jap and Ieequered chips and other warned straws, xne newest spring ana summer snaaes are represented. IJnrnmmswn Hnrf.Rlrk-Irvl I Hats, $6.95, $7.50 up to $11.95 The most exclusive shapes copied from the leadtnr Imported French hats. Very picturesque models that lend grace and beauty to the wearer Shown In a variety of different straws and a diversity of attractive styles. Good assortment of colors to choose from. New Summer Trimmings, 35c, 49c, 75c, 98c up to $4.98 Advance showing- of trimmings that will adorn the new summer hats. New wild flowers. Jack roses, janales, wheat, wreaths, gullls. wings., burnt ostrich, and vulture pom poms, also velvet, faille, cerl and satin ribbons In tho wanted colors. Palais Royal Second Floor. sssBsBsrB ssHflsmBsssssssr ' yssHlcsP . r ImmmW ( (jri A SpecUI Lot of Rogers' Silverware Boaxkt at a Blsr Price Oeocesslea Aad Offered At Greatly Below Reg-lar Prices This universally known and guaranteed sllverptated table ware. In the desirable beaded pet tern, requires no introduction to Palais Royal Patrons a generous assortment of pieces at very at tractive prices. Set et ButUr SBrtaetrt, U Bt of I Trait Knives. til Sacsr Shells, le Pickle Forti. Rassr Ton rs, CMMraa's Katrss. yish reeks, run KntTM. Ksat rorks. Oresm Ladles, Oravy Ladles, Soup LMlts, IL3 Poach , Ladles, tlM Set of Tea Bpeoas, Ma Set of ( Table Spoons, L Slllfl SOUP Sbooos. H.1J Set of f Onus Spoons. till Set of Dessert Spoons. S1.M Set of Dinner rorks. Ill StrofsPle Forks. till Set of Ice Cream Spoons, til Set et t Oyster Forks. ILU PalaU Royal Street Fleer. Women's Smart Frocks la Coat d SUp-Over Meiek 5L95, $2.50, '&?95 rervS lort-A- .Smocks train are receiving muck recognition by DB).J5asnlon.And as usual th Rials' Rotal are the first to show.the newest styles for serine and summer wcar We have a verv attractive assort ment of sinr.ek V ,for women. Tber nro shown In beta the (-oat and slip orcr models. Co, ore are- rose. - co oenhajrn. French blue. green, yellow and white. New Voile Blouses, $2.45 An unusuallv effective dlsDlnv of New Voile Blouses. In One tucked models: also embroidered voile blcuiei. trimmed with vsl laco and soma l, ,. . i . j MIIIHia IUUUVM. . a - Palais HoymJ Third Floor. -BBsBBBsKr "V-" usK An After Easter Sale of New SILKS To outdistance any previous month's selling in our Silk Department we have made tre mendous efforts to present not alone the wanted merchandise, but at prices that make them decidedly tempting. The Following Items Are Offered for This Week That Should Create Unusual Activity $2.25 to $3 Values 3 6-inch Silk Foulards 40-inch Dress Satin turquoise, sold, green. At In plum, and cray. 35-inch Lustrous Satin A quality in a variety of colore, cdly underpriced 1 $1.69 Yd. supple brilliant D.M.W- $1,25 $2.25 to $3 Values 40.ineh Fancy Charmeuse 36-inch Silk Tuseah In gray, wistaria, copen, navy, re ssda, old rote, and brown. 40-inch Crepe de Chine A splendid color as- quality m a variety or colors. Dead- shades. $1.25 32-inch Silk Stripe Shirtings A good variety of patterns with multi-color stripes on white ground. Excellent wearing quality. -'Yard ." 36-inch Fancy Silks Very at tractive patterns in checked and striped satin, and-taffeta. All up-to-the-minute styles. Yard These and Other Equally Attractive Values Are the Reason for the Unusual Activity at the Palais Royal Silk Department , ' t, . .. - T. ' Palais Royal Second Floor. $1.10 Durable quality. Yard 35-inch Chiffon Taffeta A very soft finish chiffon taffeta of splendid wearing quality in light spring shades. f 1Q SsXv $1.39 Yard Smart Styles in Sweaters The miss or woman who is farseelns; enough to buy her Sweater now will realise the savins; she has made as the sesson ad vances, me . newest styles for summer are shown here. At $3.95 N'ew Shetland Sweat ers In the slip-over and the latest sleeveless models. -Colors are tur quoise, coral and light blue. Very attractive .models. At $6.95 Smart Sweaters In the new sup-over tnoaeis with sleeves and large collars of brush wool In coral and cray. tur auoise and array, and Nile and array. $5.95 and $6.95 The New Coat Sweat ers in Shetland wool. In all of the popular col ors, such as rose. Copen, Palais Royal turquoise, Nile and pur Thlr Floor. pie. v ra Misses' and Women's Spring-Suits At $25, $29.50, $35 and $45 ; These Garments Represent the Utmost in Style, Quality and Value ' Straiglitline' Models, Full Flaring Effects, Double Peplum and Ripple Back Styles, TTaftr-Taifored . Styles, Semi-Tailored Styles Models or Sport Wear; Military Effects ;iilrr .' Large Variety of Salts for $25 At this popular price there Is an unusual assortment. Suits of checked materials, poplins, serges, cheviots and fine mixtures. Attractive models for street; sport or general util ity wear. Smart, plain tailored effects, ruffle-bade styles, plaited, belted and strictly tailored models in. the sew sprint colors. Unusually Smart Suits at $29.50 A splendid variety from which to choose. There are the new stralajhtllne models, full flaring- effects, double peplum and ripple back styles, plain tailored and novelty braid trim med effects and a number with pretty vestees and overcol lars. Sizes 10 to 44. Soma still larger, sixes included. Distinctive Uew Suitiat 435' '-' - We could not begin to describe tfie diversity ojlI tractive models. shown here, .but we might say that aH-the newest styles, materials and colors' havetljeir ShownSfjf. f, 'i-m tf ft -M Charming Spring Suits at $45 This splendid collection embodies plain tailored suits la the large and extra sizes, as well as the regular elzes. Smart models fashioned of hair line striped irabardlne and men's wear serae. Many youthfut suits In tailored and semi-tailored W, with ripple backs, wsistcoatSind.saJh.belU. ' Palais Royal Tkjnl Floor.- A One-Day Notion Sale Braid Covered Suit Hangers. or Kach ...-......,, uut Cellar Supporters, r 6 on card... ... til .Featherstitch Itraid; colors XUC Bew-on Hose SupDort era. White 1C only ............. XOM Front Pad Hose OCn Supnortere Qt iiieinert Bibv or -Pants: Each-. - -N3QJ Guaranteed Dress Shields, sizes 1Q. :. 3. 4. 5. 'Fair 16C KleJntrt Baby Nickel -Coat 1(Yk Hangers. Each... lUt Mother's Laundry C Wax. Each OC Best.Quallty -in. UacblneOll ...-.; XUC Lisle "To . in Oards." Pair JLUC Olove Stretch- Ofn era. Each"" UC Stccklftg Dry- or. era. Pair uOK, Superior Quality C From 03C csieiv rm v Best Wocden Coat Hancera. Each Children's Sock Garters. Pair Superior Quality trm oaeeis . 3c 10c 5c Tomato Pin. .cushions .... -.iilsreertxsd inc- Coltoif Oualltv Snap' J'n- . Crt-Fasteners. Dos. 1A. ei.vviii, uiiii trt uone jisirpins. ntr-. assorted colors UU Dozen &DC "flrSfn ffit SSfS-i i cKS!i a- " f3KHStUvJ9 Over 63 Styles of New s White Wash. Suitings and Skirtings Imported and Domestic Gabardines. Beach Cloth, Piques in all sire EV'.o' Jfe!!'V:,Vi& $Sl$ etc Som8 n,h,- me"erlzed. lend log- to them vdesirable silk-like finish. - 50c59c, 65c, 75c, 89c, $1.00 and $1.25 Yard Dress Voiles 38-lnch extra fine sheer quality Colored . Dress Voiles, in laven- H nlnlr licrhf hltl Nile and Alice blue Yard ... 75c French VoQes 39-Inch Printed French 2 ply Vara Dress Voiles: soft tones; rich &1 ff colorincs. TrdWXUv Printed Voiles Orient Printed Voiles In wlrii mn nf mrr colorings. On aro ............ uuIj Palais Rral Srread Floor. Household Utilities at Special Prices Each Day More Housewives Learn That It is To Their Advantage To Shop at the Palais Royal for Household Necessities. Ice Cream f I 'Lemonade I Gas Mastles, Glasses, P Sets. S1.S8 3 f or 22e . .las jii 1 I b tor bc $lCanWixargOfl,79c 1 quart Can H floors, furni ture and wood work, and re- makes -2ff 6rr 'vantsjte of this" jow pnee. Sewins Tables, $1.39 Oak-flnlshed, Well-made Foldlnr Sewing; Tables. -PalaJaloyal Fourth trioer,- Footed Ice Cream glasses, attractively cut In crape tne pattern. SJCatrFlowerr: l. Baskets, 25c Colonial shape, clear class. Lartcer size at 43e. $1 Brooms, 85c Good Quality 4 sewed Corn Brooms. riesTular SI crade for 83c. Jm. itimTmuLsp' ZbJJ? 3-Piece Aluminum Saucepan, Sets, Special, $1 3 Saucepans 1, 1H and S quart sizes of heavy sheet aluminum. Regular price 11.C0 let. 2 quart covered class Jus; and 6 tall classes. cut In J rape .vine pattern, ust the thine for lemonade. Ice tea, etc. Regular price, 13 set. i. 4 lO-fcecr-4 Baking Sets, 89c Brown and White Baklnc Sets, Inelud. ed are 2 baklnc dishes, covered cas serole and 6 Individ ual custards. All for S9c Regular 10c Grade Inverted Mantles. Not over 12 to a customer at this price. i Cops and Saucers, 6 for $1.39 Attractively dec orated Cups and Sauoera. Choice of several pretty patterns. Shrubs and Vines Many kinds of bushes and vines at this low price. In- ciuafa are: Paeenlas, cvlora. red, pink and white. Climbing Honeysarkle, Japan Hoai-ysaekle, Heaeysaekl. aearlet and yellew. Palex. Bnrnle and red. Clematis, la parple, red, white, paalcalta, nnvTTDsiis. Splrra Van tlontter. Althea. In red, white, blae and sink. I.llae, parole, llydranaea, I. G. Palais Iter"! -Fonrta Fleer. 10 each Rose Busfies Now Is the time to plant them to cet the best results. These are a fine lot of bushes In all your favorite varieties and colors. Some of the varieties Included are: . Excels. , Alfred Celemb, 1 J JOT American Beauty, I Klllarney, white and ptak. ssk sassl f CrliK.ion Rambler, Ulrleh Bmnner. I f I HmTiv Rambler. lanl NrrMB. Bf lata. Slarsball P. Wilder, Cea. Jaeqaemlnet, Rmpreea ef China, La Fraace, Dorothy Perkins, Taasendsehon. PalaU neyal Feurta Fleer. 25' Vi: Extraordinary Savings on Furniture . for the Home FEATURING 'kmM'i K0DAYlEB:BAraPORK Kreekler Kedar Bed Daveapert, Very Special at StS Mission Style Kroehler Kodav Bed Davenport, finished In fumed oak: large and massive de sign, with guaranteed, sprtnr, that win carry a 33-lb. mattress.. Outside measure. 7 ft. 6 Iff. Very special eCK at COO S7S Vain Sfahearany. Salah Bed Davenport at S70 Dull Uahogany-flnlsh Kroehler Kodav Bed Davenport. In William and Mary Period de sign, with cane end pan-, els; extra soft seat and back has spring edge covered In cood quality blue striped velour. Will carry a 33-lb. mat tress. Special S7fl Kroehler Xodar Bed Davenport. Special at Covered with genuine Spanish leather, has broad arms. In mahog any finish Jtnd plain- de sign, will carry, a 33-lb. Sar&! $61.50 -KreklcKodav Bed DaveasortT'Speclal at SSI JO" Made of quartered oak, polished finish, with broad arms, and covered in Spanish leatherette, with a guar anteed spring. C(T1 CA Special at... OD-UOV S5S Maaoaraityflntsh Bed XTewport r, jJIahogany - finish-' jvroenier aott umi Davenport , epvered in has a cood quality bi spring-, opeciaj at S50 150 Famed Oak Settees Special , Samples Acquired and Offered at Special Prices- $24 00 Setters. S2&0O S30.M Settees. $S4jOO $10.00 Settees. SIS-00 S2&00 Settees, S31JKI SiXOO Settees, 3UX I 173.00 Settees, SSOOO Palais Itoyat Fourth Fleor, S30JO Kedar Bed Davenport Plain Design. Mahogany-finish Krcehler Ko day Bed'Davenport. cov ered In Spanish leather ette: has miaranteed sorlngs and will carry a Special .... bO&liU SS7JO Value Kedar Bed Dareapert. Special at S Kroehler Kodar Bed Davenport, finished In dull mahogany, with ex tra soft seat: spring edge covered In blue ana Cray -striped vel our: cane DanI ends. 1 Unguaranteed sprlnc. .special - 3-riece Bed Davenport Suite, SpeeiaL VTSO Plain Design Quarter ed Oak Bed Davenport Suite. Kroehler make. All pieces to match: covered In Spanish leatherette. Suite con sists of arm chair, rock er aftd bed , CJ70. TA aavenpoTt- .eJlA.iTu OnaHnndred All-Cstten W)tlmiu Closely Tufted Rolled Edge Mattresses, cover, ed In blue and white art ticking. Value S11.50. Special QQ fTr ..S60 Tuesday Is BasementDay THE PALAIS ROYAL BARGAIN BASEMENT A WARTIME ECONOMY STORE offering merchandise that is not excelled in style or desirability up to the limit of the price carried. No Lower Prices Anywhere at Any Time on the Same Goods and our Basement Undersellinc Policy brines forth values every day that are extraordinary and far below ordinary prices asked for the same foods. A Place to Practice Thrift and to Save Money ;. T . Tuesday Is BasementDay T7ta I I i 1 Check Coats at5.95 Sprmg Style for Women and Misses ' New spring coats of good quality shepherd checks, with large col. lars of contrasting color. 2 fancy pockets, full belted model, gathered at the walt Collar and pockets are button-trimmed. Desirable for business wear, snort and mines' school wear. Bargain Basement. New Silk Skirts New Spring Styles in Waist Bands from 22 to 30 A beautiful lot of new spring skirts In pretty 2-tone stripe combinations, with ,41 r-w -v two fancy pockets, button trimmed, sep- Br "j fl 1 tl arate belt and gathered back. A large ,g f X range of color combinations: also all- "Js J VJ black taffetss Included In the lot. Bargain Basement. $2.00 Voile Waists Remaining Lots of Waists That Sold Up to $2 These tr. sliehtlir nl1H frnm hand. ling, but a Journey to the tub will makn them look as If new. Many are trimmed with fine lace edgings and Insertions. Neatly made of fine sheer voiles. There Is onlv a limited number, and as we wish as many ss can to take advantage of this spe cial we are forced to limit the quantity to 2 to a customer. Bargain Basement. $1.49 New Silk Dresses A Special Offering of Unusual Merit At this remarkably low price there are about -10 dresses, shown in nttrncttve 2 tone stripes and taffetas. New spring models, with embroidered fronts, with contrasting "k colors and many with Georgette sleeves. Spe cial at $9.75. Many Others at $11.75 A rack full of these silk dresses In new striped and plain taffetas, also crepe de chines, with pleated collars. Included are many odds and ends taken from our better lines. New spring shades; sizes for women and misses. Bargain Basement. $9.75 New Corsets, 69c Values to $1.50 All Sizes An assortment of Corsets, made of good quality coutll. In several styles. Including the girdle with the elastic top. A good range of sizes, but not all sizes In any one style. While tbey last. 9e. Bargain Basement- Tailored Hats $1.69 Values in the Lot to $3.50 Very effective mannish tailored effects, msde of Milan hemp. There are shown a good variety of smart styles, with band and bow of hemp. Colors are black, nat ural and several of the popular shades. Wonderful values at only S1.69. Bargain Basement. Voile Waists Values to thft"70 .Lot up ,te 51 "C tM hlVA vliWtt a tiw asortment'o bout 50 dozen new white voile and fancy striped waists In the new spring styles. Many hate large square collars or tuxedo collars: plain tailored and trim med styles. Women who have need tors, s dainty, yet inexpensive, waist should come here, tcmarron ana profit byf this special -of ferine Values (o $1 at only "Sc Bargain Basement. JfcSKW7J'3& VL JsMmMmMSC? If J&& Silk Camisoles, 47c Of Paik Tub Sfflc A larse table of Dainty Tub Silk Cami soles, made of good quality material, in pink only. Prettily trimmed with lace bands and edges of imitation filet. All have neat lace shoulder straps. Exceptional values at 47c. Bargain Basement. Untrimmed Hats, 39c AD Are This Season's New Shapes " A very desirable lot of untrimmed shapes that sold so rapidly when the original of 200 arrived! a few days ago, that there are only 46".now left-in the lot These are of Milan hemp and straw and are shown In. the season's new shapes. Jn black and colors. Special at 33c. Bargain Basemrat. NIGHTGOWNS Limited quantity of Women's Nightgowns, of good quality mats rial, prettily trimmed in embroid ery and each one ribbon run. Val ues to 11.20. Elzes 16 and CQn 17. Special DIC WASTE BASKETS 69c Waste Caskets, filled with good. grade of figured sllkollne. In white or mahogany finish rr. frames. Special tltlU HANDKERCHIEFS A few all-white, but most of them have pretty colored borders and daintily embroidered designs and Initials. Limited quan- An tlty. Each 1C OUTING FLANNEL Extra heavy white twilled Out ing Flannel. 27 Inches wide, f Q0 A regular 35c value XUK, CHILDREN'S HOSE 25c quality black and white Hose, slightly Irregular; mended 1 C sizes C to 9i. Special IDC WOMEN'S VESTS Coarse rib. mill mends of a 10c quality: each one tape run. Regu lar and extra sizes. While OK they last, special, 2 for OL 17-INCH CRASH Fine quality linen finish crash, 1 Inches wide; neat blue border. ?:fduu.r..:.?.u.!t.3:-. i9c WHITE WAISTINGS Pretty embroidered figures and corded stripes; will make the dain tiest waist and summer dresses In lengths from two to eight Of yards. Tard 4ll BLEACHED SHEETS 81x90 Bleached Sheets, three Inch hem; extra fine quality, free from dressing and a rig- pji jC ular 11.70 value, at ... O1.09 $1.50 TO $2 CURTAINS Nottingham, lace and scrim cur tains. In about a dozen beautiful patterns to select from Whltr or Aran colors, .-special, pair $1.18 WASH CLOTHS Extra heavy Turkish Wssh Cloths, all white: HHxllH rjp inches. Ususl 12Hc value, each ' MERCERIZED PONGEE , Sport effects on extra fine qual ity mercerized pongee: desirable for sport dresses, knitting bags and also excellent linings for spring suit. A regular 10c "tAn alue. at -LM.U BLACK BUTTONS Black Tailored Buttons and a few of the fancies; from 3 to 12 on a card. Values to l&c. Zn Card ............. vw PRETTY EMBROIDERIES In widths up to 10 Inches: strong edge: awlss and nainsook, baby and cenvent edges. Values Q 13c and 10c I' WOMEN'S HOSE In black, white and natural bal briggan. rrgular, but mill ends f a 23c grade All sizes, 8'. 0. 3', and 10. Special. 2 OKf for &0 79c TABLE COVERS CSxS6 Inches square, unhemmed: pretty round patterns in rose and iieur-uQ-iis. ncguiar 11.00 value, at SILK RIBBONS Silk Taffeta Ribbon, four Inches wide: In black and all the wanted shades. Limited quantity, ll so come early. Yard JLXC PRETTY CHALLIES ' Exact copies of Imported cloth, also printed voiles. In many pret ty patterns, as well as the plain colors. An unusual value. - Q, BEDSPREADS 72xK0 Inches; pretty crochet pat terns; gooa wcigni; neatly nem- siucnea. a regular I.Stf value HAT TRIMMINGS Flowers and Foliage in a big variety: dahlias. rose. etc : flow ers and coloring for almost every shape to be found In this lot. OO rt Values to S0c, at U3J S1.59 SPRING COATS Coats In all-wool poplins, serges, covert and novelty cloths; large collars and fancy pockets; many are trimmed with fancy stitching and jet buttons; very Cf (T AA stylish coats Special at PEPPERELL SHEETING Brown, extra heavy: most of It Is 73 Inches wide; quite a few pieces 81 Inches; In lengths from 1 to 3 yards. A regular 03c QQ, value. Tard ODt MERCERIZED NAPKINS Excellent quality mercerized Napkins. 18x18 Inches; several pretty patterns, hemmed ready for use. A regular tl.O va- CJ1 AQ lue. Dozen ttJl.'it WINDOW SHADES 85c to f 1.23 handmade oil opaque Window Shades. In the regulation sizes. These goods are cnlled sec ond., but vou cannot detect the alight Imperfections. All are mounted on good strong spring rollers. Complete with all JCp fixtures, each lUli HOUSEDRESSES . About 25 Dozen in the Lot Housedresses of extra good qual ity gingham, in attractive striped, and checked patterns. Many have piping on the front of white pique and dainty embroider ed collars. Sizes 10 to 44. The values offered are quite sur prising. Banraln Basement. I59 T P I i st I Wash Skirts Qualities That Ordinarily Sell at $1.25 Wash Skirts of good quality fancy repp In a smart model, with 2 fancy pockets and sep arate belt and gnthered waist. Pockets and belt finished with pearl but ton. Waist bands. 22 to 30. " Bargain Basement. 98"