Newspaper Page Text
-r-TgKgy'i VtfJ'iivSSl!y'' THE TASHIXGTOX TDDSS. MONDAY. APRIL 1, 1915. ,7 W SEACRE IS DUE FOR A BUMP BEFOR E DAY GOES Have you bitten yet today on otic of those ancient, hoary, bewhlskered 'wheezes that individuals zee fit to perpetrate this day on their unsus pecting: fellow-men? Have ypu stooped to pickup a fat. promlslng-looklnc rallet that lay tejnptlncly Jlndei1 your ery feet, .nly to hae It whisked unceremoniously a way 7 Have you drawn back your Toot to administer a. lusty Kick to a dilapi dated dicer lyine Invitingly on the sidewalk, only to Have jour pet toe come Into sudden and painful con tact with a brick, carefully camou flaged under the lid? Hae you found a note oil jour desk this uiornlnev asking von to call up illss Fox, or Miss Wolfe at Columbia 744, only to have ionie jcruff -voiced lndiidual at the other end of the line Inform you that it was the Zoo. and that J ou're another one of those gosh-blanked. bllnkety blanked April Fools that bite on that venerable trick eery April 1. Have you? The flood of damphool calls every April 1, results of some one telling some one else that Hiss Fish at a number that later develops to be the Fish Bureau, wants to make a date, has caused officials of the telephone company to put an extra operator on the switchboard todaj, no If you call that number and Central tells you to "lay off" don't be surprised. Of course, all the old stunts Mill come into their own again today. There will be the same old soap-and-cotton candj : the same old "Your shoelace-Is-untied" joke, so-called, the same old trick telephone calls; the same old explosive clears and cigarettes; the same old rubber pointed pencils; the same old box In the mail, whose coier sou take off only to have some shaky thing leap into your face and give jou a black eje- and a ditto disposition; tlio same old call to the boss, whereat you go tremblingly Into his sanctum, only to have him ask what In 'ell you came In there for and to get out. whereupon you find out that some of your fellow-workers ha put one over on you. SoTjewSreV-or you'll be dubbed an April Fool ere today Is jesterday. .mM WILL BlilVIN BUYERS OF BONDS Hare yea tttn that .new flair firing rer the United State Treasury build ing? "Well, one Just like It. but smaller. Is awaiting each purchaser of a bond In the third Libertv loan cam paign which begins April Q These flags will be known ai 'honor flags The will be rimllar in design to the erlc flag, with a broad red border surrounding: a white Held and on the field three vertical blue bars, signifying the "third Llbertv loan ' In addition to the flags to be award d to members of a famil. there will be "honor flags" for municipalities. A blue s"r may be added for everv 100 per cent oversubscribed Secretary of the Treasury XIcAdoo will unfurl the first municipal banner to be awarded Coring the campaign, and it will be snade an Important eent CLERGYMEN ASKED TO HELP RECRUIT LABOR Clergymen of A ashlngton w ere asked today by the United States De-I partment of Labor to lit In thej campaign to raise a volunteer arm i of farm worker for irginla and Maryland farmer I In a letter sent to tne lergvinen tne department requested that the Import ance of enrolling a large forte of ol unteer farm workers be Impressed upon congregations The need for workers on the farms at the present time la imperative to stimulate In- crease food production, the letter i stated. An employment office has been opened at 1410 I'ennvlania b enue ! northwest where applications will be i receUed. CROSSED WIRES START FIRE AT NAVY YARD, 1 Officers at the Washington navy yard today are investigating a fire which, breaking out last night In the aeroplane testing houe on the reser vation, for a time threatened bea destruction to wluable material Ii was extinguished with the aid of Tils trict apparatus, after doing about SJOO carnage It was said thi morning that thre was nothing to indicate Incendiarism, and that the cause was a short-cn culled electric wire KING GEORGE PRAISES SAMMIES AT FRONT LONDON, April 1. n American etlon was Inspected b King George during his recent visit to the front In France. He congratulated the Americans on their fine 'appearam e The King spsnt fifty hours in France, moving about freely among the Voops. LEGAL AID FOR SAILORS. Legal advisory, boards in cities throughout (be nation have Just been organized under the direction of the American-Bar-Association to give free legal advice to members of the Unit ed States Navy who may be Imolved In civil suits or legal contruerle Sailors will receive legal advice with nut cost, and tbe full benefits of the sailors' civil rights act will be afford ed them. These are already 4,'VH) legal a4vUojT,9rd organized and read for MndtTlng ssrvlce. ,i:r. - Lansburgh & Bro. Thronged With Happy Seekers of -tKV Marvelous Offerings of This Great "Million inrpri(! Jile. MJiiMml AA astHIV 0- .Jfnril m iLMWiLl&m ew ' 't Prices so low in several instances that retailers have oF- - The "Million in April" Sale is setting new low standards i fered to take our entire stock of some item's "at 'the salev , d T. for-prices in Washington. -It is an event that will be iv c ...r. i r. ti . -i - l-5.-. v. ,:.J z. i - : !. nr-: -i price, we, or course, rerusea, ror cne purcnases -vvere. made for our friends and patrons of Washington an'cHr: to them go the savings. New special lotsadded daily W w: appreciated more and "more, as the offerings we "have prepared for the month unfold themselves: Watch for our daily announcmehts and read them carefully. Great "Hon in April" SflfSiuF Most Noteworthy Eveet That HasBilkS&gadl in This City Doarieg the Sprting '.Seasop ofltSj Silks Worth Up to $2.50 Yard Special at 32, 36 and 40 inches wide. A silk sale thatis possible only because of the liberality of one of the best silk dealers on our buying list. Hie Silks Crepe meteors, crepe de chines, radium crepes, georgette crepes, heavy silk serge, tub silk shirtings, satin Amer ica, chiffon taffetas, chiffon satins, satin radium, striped taffetas and striped messalines. Third Floor. Lansborgk Jfc Bro. $135 s n.) --"&. The Colors v i '? ' Helio, turquoise, myrtle, Copenhagen.tesedaBM'P" phire, plum, prune, seal, golden brown,-' 'taupe, ' sag tan, gold, silver, smoke,'peach, burgundy, amethyst, wisteria, old rose, white, black, pink, light blue and maize. The Million In April Sale Startles Washington With These Women's Exquisite SilkDresses $12 You couldn't buy the materials used in the mak ing of these beautiful Dresses for the special price Sizes 16 to 44 Dresses made of taffeta. Foulard, Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, Gros de Londre, Taffetaand-Gebrgettc or Foulard and GettgfUSlJ T No Alterations, even if paid for, because of the shortage of alteration liands and the immense number of dresses sold. Serond Floor, LansbarsTb. A llro. Pleated Georgette Crepe Dresses, hand em broidered dresses, tweed and flounced short dresses, shirt waist dresses, soutach : waidarimfned dresses,' etc' The Million In April White Goods Sale 40-Inch White Lingerie and 36-Inch English Nainsook, at, Yd i wo specially line wnue cotton materials, spienaiaiy imisnea, ana just the fabric for women's and children's summer undergarments. Only 1,000 yank to be distributed. The Million in April Sale About J Price on Trimmed Hats The Sale includes practically every hat in stock, and there is such a wealth for selection that ou'll have no trouble finding what jou want. Small hats, medium hats and large hats trimmcJ in ever conceivable manner and in ALL colors. $25 Hats, $15 $20 Hats, $10 $15 Hats, $7.50 $7.50 Hats, $5 $5.00 Hats, $2,95 Some Mannish Sailors, $1.95 Second Floor Iannliur;h JL Bro. m J 29c The ''Million in AptU" Sfc. - -" Bulletin Specials. Really should be. called ".thrift specials,' the 'savings aYtfso great . . auu su wuiiu wiuic. .1 Infants' $1.00 Sample Caps, 59c Made of Rood quality lawns, and trimmed with laces and em broideries.. Third Floor. j Highland Linen "Writing Paper, 29c"' Correspondence paperf S dl Iterant shape envelopes: "t sheets and envelopes. First Floor. $7.50 Blankets, $6.44 White part woolJ Blankets With pink or Mutt bordent. For double bed. Good weight. , Fonrta Floor. 8UBe Burke Pajamas; "$L50 Valued 99c Made of nne- quatttj- pink batiste In one-plrc niodelsi tfandker chief sHofiaeTi Tklnl FIooA . v -"" $2.00 Girigham Dresses - atSlS ' Stripes or bUids t3n"h wlt r line .moaaia wuu ihifu. Pretty collar. "SUes 7 tor 14 years. Third FJoor; ( f TV, f $5 Bordered Comforts, Deckl-S45 , Comfortsiflllsd jtl& 'aoodjco'tton: scroll, iqpiiuni;" pjain - awupa boniest good xsolor. toninsar Aa. extra special, value at ii.6S. Fourth Floor -UuubmrjEk Bro- $1.00 White Wash Corduroy. The most popular fabric fpr sep arate coats and skirts. Wide wale and velvet finish. Excel lent quality. 50c White Pique 3G-inch White Pique Skirting, in several size wales fine soft wool finish. First Floor, Lansbonch Jc Bro. 79c 40c 50c 4-Inch , . White Suiting. . . 40-inch white French finished suiting. The ideal fabric for dresses, skirts, also nurses' uniforms. 50c White 'Porilin -.. 27-inch White Mercerized Pop lin, a very desirable fabric for making nurses uniforms, skirts and dresses. 39c 38c :. Textile Cloth Service Bags, 98c Textile Cloth service bags which are guaranteed to give satisfac tory wear. Nicely lined, 98c. Vachette back strap purses, nicely lined and well made, 50c. First Floor, Xnsburajh A. nro. njfflionj jIprJl'jf 9alel V Million in April Sale, $2;50to$4- Corsets. $1.89 Odd lots and close out models et C B.. R. & U., La Grecque, Warner's. American Lady "and F.ed Fern. Med ium and low bust styles, with hose supporters. Sixes 13 to' 38. but not t all alxes In all stylts. At I. Model Brassieres, 59c Mode Brassieres, the hook-front models, embroidery and lace trim med. SUes 21 to CO. Special at 59c. Third Floor, Laaabarsh Bro. 54-Inch $3.50 Forestry Aviation Cloth Tli name of this material' holds world's of uKKestlnit Women would loe to wear the uniform or ili soldiers, but since tln fnl tlif do the next be-t thine This fabii is sometlunc nw wlmli will dollcht rvery one. One of the -inaM nappy uool coal ln?s and smtfnc-" for sprint- Ask to vet it : r.0 alne at 48-In. Ail-Wool $rt.49 Black Broadcloth ... All wool twilled batk material Itlrh crow blaiK, old standard rtje I.ustr us. rloseh shear'! lace Guaranteed Onl 10'JardB fo distribution Otic la oiilv at :.-! j Third Floor, '.anihurfcli A Urn. flJGlh'ont $9.98 W 42-In. $2.00 Black $ .39. Wool Voile, Yd 1 All wool Voile rich cron- bla I.: non-crushabU-: old standard dye. Our staple 1 -Z Krade A wonderful alue induced for one, day only lo 11 35. The Million In April Sale Makers' Sample Waists Less Than , Price Braid Trimmed Waists Bead Trimmed Waists Satin Trimmed Waists Tuck Trimmed Waists Values up to $10 $4.90 Lace Trimmed Waists Frill Trimmed Waists Hand Embroidered Waists Fancy Trimmed Waists Mot wonderful creations ou ever set eyes on made of heavy white Jap Silk, Pcau de boie, Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, etc., in delicate pastel shades and in fancy col ored stripes and figures. Being sample waists, some arc slightly mussed. All sizes in the lot, but not in eachshle. Voile Blouses, Special An array of dainty waists made of fine voiles In nil white and trimmed with a ariety of delirate lares l:tls roll and convert ible collar. Then, arc alo a few ery Mott olnrel stuped ual'U in IJIIK 101 l! izM llsrg a I ii '1 able I'lrM floor. ucir UL 95c Voile Blouses, Special A wonderful assortment of exquisite whtt? voile waits that are exceedingly well made lu everv detail ineyro trimmed with A - f laces In new patterns of a blc 4 "1 arietr. Many new collar and V m sieee laeas are lepreseniea in the showing. AH sizes. narjcnln Table Flrnt Floor. 1 0 .Bungalow Aprons. 95c .. Bungalow aprefns of fine quality 'percale- in plaids and stripes made in envelope, or slip-over models'. w' Trimmed with con trasting colors. 95c Third Floor. ' W Jw Chamoisette Gloves, 69c Two-clasp models wlth-self -stitched back; extraordinary values it tjifs price. First Floor. $2.00 Dresses, $1.59 . Or elnshamin jjlad, checlbr stripes. tlll waist line mod els. Size 7 t'14-years; ; Third Floor. Petticoats, $1.00 to $1.95 A large -variety of styles trimmed with fine ernbrohlry effte'sjnii ruffles. ., Third Floor. Fownes' Filosette r-GIoves, 85c. ' - White onty. jarla point stitched backs;two-ciasp model. Cor rect fitting. , . rirat Floor. H Night Robes, $1.25 " lot flne nalDsook..with ramj. acnaro or empire yoke. Finely- trim med. -For w'orhen7 "' Third Floor. ' Mendel's House Dresses at $1.95 1 Jlendelfs iuj others.- pome In BIHle Bti&e styIe9.'Fme aa lection. A special offer. Third Floor. jrprn'f VSVrfe Men's Neglige Shirts, 79c 'tXt consists of good quality percale neglige - shirts onli. But oflhese' there arc atoout 200 dozen in score upon'sco.-tsof smart striped patterns. Perfecfshirts.. ?9c Klnrt Floor. '- Moire Ribbon, 19c Fhc-Inch moire ribbon in white. pink, blue, green. purp(e and black First Floor. Boot Silk Hose, 79c Terfect qualities In black or white. Closely win en Jlost exceptional value. rirst Floor. BungalorvT AproHs, 125 Belted tyalClftc;e aajlsccoirawi and tie triramedvn.-rtii TrpVrgcfc.-! Solid colors pint or-'bliie. Third Frtor.; Z;,.. - "Million in ApriF Sale of Rugs and Upholstery Brings Big Values Mpril Salet Saviusb that are possible onh on hecaiibe ut months m special and fortunate purchases made Figured Curtain Scrim, 15c Yd. If we botiRht these same mate rials today they woulil hae to sell at 25c yard. They are 36 inches wide. All-over fitrured in pretty floral effects with border to either side. A rooU washable quality for over drapes, summer door hang ings, etc.- Per yard, 13c. Summer Portieres, Special, $3.25 A cod heaiy duality xnouflal.r material I lh background. Dmisnit are stripes niniilnir the length tif lh fUrtaln In blu ruse or nvm llgttom finished with neat tassels Tor any room In jour home. Talr. 32S. Summer Couch Covers, $1.29 Made of imitation linen fini.-hed with preen, blue or brown bord ers. A washable cover that will Kive your room a cool and cheerful appearances durinjr the hot months to come. At S1.29. Just Received New Shipment 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs Regular $40 Values Stephen Sanford's fine Wilton Velvet Rut:, in pretty all-over eflTects. A good heavy closely woven quality that will give years of satis factory sen-ice. Suitable for any room in your home $32-75 The New 1918 9x12 Rattania Rugs $14.50 These beautiful Fiber Rurs are made in the newest designs and color combinations in soft gra colors. Finished with stencilled rose color borders. Many other new combina tions. 'I hese rugs are w orth a trip to our store. At $14.50. Fourth Fleer, l.aubursTh A Bra. ppjpBjpjSjpjpjajBJBPa njtillionl " jipril'l Blanket Sale Double-size plaid blankets shown in soft tonings of blue, pink or tan. Loomed and finished in a most satisfactory manner. Also shown in plain gray i'air $10.00 extra-size white part -wool blanket, finished in the finest possible manner. Dainty pink or blue borders with wide binding to match. .Size- 72x82. Pair Double-size part wool plaid blankets revealed in a large block effect in pink, blue, tan or gray. Wide bindings. Also shown in white and gray ss....!?rr...rf. $10.00 Faurth 1'Utr Lanabarah A Bro. $5.95 $8.98 Children's Black Stock ings at 29c An exceptional alue in a limited quantity onlx Fine ribbed qualities First Floor. Neglige irti;$1.10 Exceptionally Rood Talues In all. -materials, and choice patterns. Sisea 14 to IT First FIor. TV 3 5fJi, r S" x&ae&s&fc: 5U0 quality. EfStira In white, 25 Dozen Utica and Mohawk Pillow 'Cases, 35c Subiect to slidit imperfections. If first: w i'- asssgs thev w ould sell at 75c each. Size 54x36 In, ,K 54x38 V2 In. 54x40y2 In. 35c A. Up to 40c Fillet Laces, 29c Yard Also Insertions to match In cretty new patterns fcr dainty waists and dresses. The popular rrse designs are Include!. Widths to 1 Inches. ixJWioni r?.JAl TTM3f " V . Trinunmcl at9cd& Values uo to 33c ardoien.. Choice of black, white and color (or the trimminir of waists, coats and dresses. An extra, special Talu. at 9c card. Store Hours: Open 9:15 A.M.; Chase 6P.M. f ?EOr6f?AT&3ffVC& KHsE jsilllKniBl1 IsHV 420-430 Seventh St. Through io EitMh St. tl.l JBn.8 V