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THE WASHINGTON TDIES; WEDNESDAY. MAY 1.1: 1018. French Win Woods While Americans Aid; Germans Begin Another Bombardment and Ike They Look Alike Copyright, 1918, by E. A- Ituciley. REPULSED ALL B 1 1 H HAVE - Copyright, 1918, by E. A- Uuciley. , ?V (jQnP TOT OP FOE RAIDERS ff" (Continued from First Page) official announcement by the admi ralty The transport was convoved by dc siro.veri.. but the Italian warships managed to return undamaged. The enemy destroyers were hit. Search lights from the land placed upon the Italian destrovers mad plain tar gets, but the Austrian gunners failed to score a hit. DRAFTS CRIPPLES AND BOYS TO WIN lly WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS. (United Prrw Stall Correspondent.) WITH THE BRITISH ARJIICS IN FRANCC. May 35 There Is little doubt that Germany hast embarked on her last great adventure. In which very man. boy, horse, and machine win be used in a desperate endeavor to gain a favorable decision during the present fighting. The German drafts are refitting di visions which are about half com posed of returned wounded and re cruits. The' latter include some boys of eighteen jears. Youths Lack Stamina. Few, if any. of the youths of this fcge were in the line with the begin ning of tb offensive when Ilinden Burg depended largely on the class of 191S, which fought with great im petuoslty, but lacked the stamina to win a victory. A captured non-commissioned of ficer of the Sixty-second Infantry de clared that regiment lost 50 per cent of its infantry personnel around Sfeteren (on the Flanders front). Its casualties included nine commanders. Loose Are Demonflxinc. Another prisoner says his bat talion lost between CO and TO per cent o fits effectives A prisoner belonging to the 112th Regiment says certain battalions lost 40 to GO per cent. It is clearly established that the German losses were high in both the Somrae and Lys fights, delating the start of the third push. GUNS BOMBARD BRITISH LINES L LONDON. May IS. German artillery bec&n a bombardment this morning at points between the Kommc and the An r and on the northern portion of the Flanders front. Field Marshal Haig re ported. Southwest of Morlancourt and north ot Kemmel. the enemy's artillery fire in- mi tKKBiOiBiBiaiBiBiBiBiBiBiBia; Demand the Original Packages For the past 14 yean Aspirin htu been made on the bonis of the Hudson Bayer.Tablets and Capralea of Aspirin contain genuina Aspirin. Demand them in the original packages. For your protection every package and every tab Jet is invariably marked with Bjj "TitEirtr nsffli CuraatMaf rnJr" TISLZTS lll : SN ! e(!i TlpkttbXM 111 Bayer-TabletsAspirin TJ trmta-itrk Ajpmn" (Bnr V S. Til. Ot it a ro 10 Ibr UUeu and rtpuiltt i- of t IT'S BETTER TO HAVE THE TIMES DELIVERED AT HOME More Convenient More Regular And Cheaper The TIMES will ho flolivorcd to you at your home. Daily and Sunday, for 45 Cents a Mouth - cent ami a half a day. There's a TIMES route ili.t past your door, and one of your neighborhood hoys is building a business for himself by dependable service. Tell the boy you want The TIMES, or phone or write to The TIMES' Circulation Department Phone Main 5260, or Write The Washington Times, Slims?; Bldg., Washington 1 OSJ?L SCT tr - US -XO REHEMBEp f j VfXTY oM V f feUT Srte W Ttte i . Q StHiSWs J f WHIA is UJWICH-J . -TV?BOMe f Sot-T SWEETEST, r f- SS oMce -AisS Tfor k -s .Wt Fcer 4 - GivKr cXMY J ) host Moieg J- fSmssN ? V Y?PP1I J A P KlfaS , $ S Vft $ ) LlFe-IF sHe looks AMY-) frwsiAteKMM) r CiL, me rtjAzzBo, ( c2f'dL Wtot JJ I souMbs sues ofu (j V K 'V creased this mo-nlng," the statement said. 'An attempted raid was repulsed north of I.ens last night "We carried out a successful raid east of Robc-'o TTiere was hostile cannonading last night In the Sommo and Amrf valleys, north of ISethunc, and In the Neppe for est sector." FIGHT IMMINENT ON FINN BORDER LONT)ON. May 15. The Kusso-Fln- nlsh border is blocked with troops and a battle is Imminent There are concentrations of both the White Guard (pro-German forces) and Red Guards (Bolshevik) on the border. WOMAN LAWYERS ASK CHILDREN GUARDIANS The Woman's Far Association of the District believes the office of chil dren's guardian, to have charge of the estates of children not otherwise provided for, should be created by Congress. A resolution requesting Congress to take such action with the stipula tion that the officer should b a woman, was passed at the second an nu&I meeting of the association last night. Officers elected are Mrs. Kllen Spencer Mussey. president. Miss Ituth Stalpcnny. vice pr'ident: Miss Laura M. Berrler, secretary. Miss Helen Hill, treasurer. Mi V ri 1. Thoma.. mem ber of the executive committee. Efaks&i itabl ItAl4 paekigM til fclt4 rek&M - n, that the moix.rtfetKittr of tiLcrldd re u. Barer manufacture ".j 5 JURORS CHOSEN TO TRY DENTIST AS (Continued from rirst Page.) Ing are Herman P. Keams. steel worker; A. I.. Bailey, railroad claim agent: W. Lamar Hdwards. broker: Joseph T. Leath. and John H. Tray. Vr. Just one year ago Johnson was graduating from the Medical College of Virginia here with high honors. Alice Knight was .1 stenographer at the rollege while he was a student there. The motive for the crime, the Com monwealth will seek to prove, was to rid himself of a ife he did not love, so that he could marry Miss I Ollle White, bis sweetheart from youth, and to uhnm he was engaged to marry on Christmas Day of last J car. Fiancee Won't Testify. Miss White, at first enraged to llnd that her fiance secretly was mar ried to another, turned against John son and had promUcd Richmond au thorities to come here and testifj against him. but at the eleventh hou she has declined to appear against him. Whether this Is due to her desire to escape undue publicity or to a change of heart toward the young dentist is not known. Because she resides in another State, the prosecu tion is unable to force her to appear. Smlrrbrd Her Character. Xorth Carolina witnesses from Mid dlesex, Johnson's home, will testify that he swore he was not married. Others, from Wilson, N". . where he attempted suicide 1 swallowing aeon itine In the Wilson Hospital. i'l testify he denied he had been mar ried to Alice Knisht and will testif) that he cast reflections on her char acter Counsel for Johnson, up to th- time the case went to trial todaj. continu ed to maintain an air of serrecj as to the possible line of defense they would offer. Indications arc that .t straight plea of not guilty will be made The prosecution will produce ev'-dent-e to show- thnt Johnson not only iHHight to purchase evanldo Just a few davs prior to his wife's death, in sev eral Richmond drug stores, but evn tried to buy a quantity of the poison in Raleigh. N ' A Richmond tlruggiM ! will testify that he -old Johmon twenty grains of the poison and that Johnson asked for Ike strongest he uuld get. JAPANESE ENTHUSIASTIC OVER AIRMAIL SERVICE "Very wonderful I wi-h we had such aeroplane service In Japan. We hope to hO.n ' This was the enthusiastic t omment of K Kambara. Japanese secretary for the department of communica tion, who is In the Tinted Stales studying mail, telegraph, and tele phone s-ystems and w ho witnesned the inauguration of America's acropostal service. "We have no aeroplanes and have no pneumatic tubes, but we are very progressive in many ways." kambara said. ll- will Iravr Washington soon for 1,11'M v hre he says lie will urge ii iii.sUiai.uii of a Japanese air serv ice 6 Bexl-ans Hot water Sure Relief BELL-ANS.;1! SLAYER OF BRIDE WM5S 'ySS OBsVFOR INDIGESTION E L (Continued from First Page.) father of the defendant, is in court beside his daughter, often patting her reascurlngly- on the back, and telling questioners that he' is 'certain a fair trial will result in the acquittal of his daughter. ' Witnesses Ttho will reveal the tragic history of Grace Lusk's life and love were ordered to appear in court thii afternoon ready to begin the astounding narrative of love gone mart. The .selection of Jurymen, which had slackened conlderabl. despite the prodding and pushing of Judge .Martin i.uecK. was speeded up ajraln when the prosecution and defense suddenly ined four of their pre-enp-tory challenges, or stalls," as they call them. This left them each with but four stlres to employ, and both sides an nounced that they had practically decided on the elimination nf eight o the twenty f veniremen still bcore them in the jurj-f box ;race Lus, as the. hour of reveation approached, scrutinized careulyf the stern aces of the men who will try her. One of the rflst witneses expected to be called b the State was Capt. It. II Davis, former Waukesha phy sician, now stationed at Fort Riley in the medical department of the army Captain Davies was one of the first arrlavls at the home of Miss Banta Mills, where Mrs. Roberts was shot He. with Dr. Roberts and Chief .' Police MacKay. was held at bay b the schoul teacher. Veraonol feud. Additional interest was given to I, storv by the personal feud that ha existed between him and Dr. Robert since the fatal day At the preliminary hearing Capia'n Davis testified that lir. Roberts hart told him "She hounded me to death she wouldn t let me alone" Davirs is a scoundrel, declared ! Roberts. Another early witness was expert ed to be u I) Hlott, manager of Ir Roberts' business enterprises ll was expected to tell of quarrels be tween the veternanan and Mr. Rob ens over the teacher of psvrhologv Illott's name was drawn into the examination of veniremen when the defense asked several potential jur orH if they had i-een him lately in the region of Muckwango Judge I.ueek's efforts to hasten the selection of the Jury resulted in Ihe arrival of a special venlr of sevent-fivc at the courthouse -arlv In tin- day Several of these were excused on th" xcm- that th-ir farms would "tuffer ,n their absem e " Rut those who sought to us the frave.l 1 1 ue that ther had "form ed an opinion fh t wottld prevent reaching a vrUi I wire abrupll) Jiappointd EPISCOPAL DIOCESEAN CONVENTION OPENED The twrnty-thir'l annual conven tion of the Protestant Kpiscopal Church of the Inu ese of Washing ton opened this morning at 10 o'clock in tli Church of the Good Shepherd, on Sixth street, betwen H and I streets. There are ISO delegates In attendance. It will continue until to morrow. After communion services, the Rev. Alfred Harding, D. D.. I.U D, bihop of the diocese, in his annual address dealt with the national crisis. fhe Rev. Arthur S. Johns, former rector of the Old Christ Church, occu pies the convention secretarial desk, a position he has occupied for twenty lour years. Principal business of the conven- iii will be elec , of th. standing1 mmitlre of Ihe ilio, e-.e .mil Ihe o ee of delejraten io iIim iivf nro nctai stnod an J member of the SECRET SERVC M AfflK WAUKESHA TRIA b0.'"'? ot managers of the diocesan '''''na. RATHER A PRIVATE IN OLD COMMAND ANN'ArOMS, May IS. Shoulder straps, the insignia of rank, hav no lure when matched against the com radeship of ordinary "buck"' privates. Andreas Z. Hollcy. formerly a first lieutenant, honorably discharged from active service for physical disability, todaj declined a commission to shoul der a gun as a private with the men that he had commanded on the Mexi can border. I'rivate Holley is back In the ranks today because of his zeal for service and attachment to his old organiza tlon and comrades. Holley was a first lieutenant at Camp McCIellan. Ala., until discharged for a slight In til discharged for a slight injury to the ankle. He was relieved of his TANMNK NNEW physical disability and pronounced fit for service by medical examiners. Unable to return to the 150th In fantry as an officer, the soldier, who had Jumped from a private to first lieutenant In Company M. First Mary land Infantr. during the Mexican trouble, asked to be assigned to his old command In the ranks. He leaves tomorrow for Camp McCIellan as a nIvate in the machine gun company. I'rivate Holley was formerly employed at the Naval Academy. EYE-WIMSS WELL TELL OFAfllERICANSINBAmE The first eye-witness account of the battle of Apremont wood. In which the 101th Regiment of 'Jencral Pershing's army fought the first battle of our war with Germany as an independent engagement, will be given in a lee ture by Dr. William T. Kills at All Souls' Church, Fourteenth and L, streets tomorrow afternoon at 4:43 o'clock Ur. Ellis was the onlv American correspondent with th 101th Regi ment when it fought thn brilliant en gagement and so distinguished Itself as to be decorated en masse by the Fremli government. (ft Turkish Cigarettes ARE MADE ESPECIALLY"F0R1THE DISCRIMINATING AND .EXPERIENCED SHOKER OF HIGH ikuu TURKISH ClGAREHto The Wending is exceptional or mA GlGARETTEs, m INDUSTRIAL ZONES TO BE ORGANIZED TO AD WAR WORK Industrial zones each to consti tute practically a complete economic unit for war work are to be created by the War Industries Board through out the country. L'nder the new scheme, being work ed out by the War Industries Board, unused facilities, thrown into Idle ness by cessation of peace-time de mands, wl'l be revived for war pur poses. Flexibility of the Industrial war machine will be obtained by this step, it Is believed. Sharp curtail ments in all directions are quietly be ing put into effect by the War Indus tries Board because ot shortages in fuel, raw material, labor, and trans rRAOE TURKISH'ATIP They are just like meeting your Best Girl face to face. REMEMBER-There are no others like your "B. G. portation. Warning of Impending cur tailments can be disseminated through the sones affected and ar rangements for needed war work to replace the curtailed activity made. Smoother readjustments of Indus try will be possible. Manufacturers in the various zones will have acces sible sources of Information close at hand regarding the Government's pol icies. Hundreds of trips by Industrial representatives to Washington will be eliminated through establishment of agents in the chambers of com merce. The zone plan Is another step la the process of scattering war con tracts throughout the nation Instead of concentrating them in the Eastern industrial district. A complete chain of information and service bureaus will be developed In each zone reaching down to the smallest city where any available fac tory fs located. STATE LENDS TENTS TO FLIERS HARItlSBITRG. Miv IX 1 !.,.., General Beamr has ri!rott th !.. State tentage to the University of Pitts- wweu, nuivu is training- men ror n avIaUon and other services at the col lege cams In Pittsburgh. The canvas will be used as long as the camp is con tinued. 18 Gents 99