Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TBDES. WEDNESDAY. MAY 15. 1918. TVeddlncn and 1'ommrnrrmrnt Ubl occasion when Cud fumUhes th "owcrs anfl decoration. 1T1I V Advt. Acr mar ',nr ?ot from the irrnchr. Iiut ft don not Mnf 4 jour protrc to tbr rollrctor'w ofTIrritb jour Income taa. GB S QD QD BQ QB QD Kl tB B a ca Airit It a Grand and Glorious Feelin? TffiT J3TOP7T7Tnr?CS?rn3w - I jm no m m m BYBKIUbo ,B MMUl ! - H tT- P H FTT'" '--'""- . , -, . ffl The Secret of Herzog Success M Once a Customer, Always a Customer Satisfaction is the Keynote of Our Whoje Establishment. That Is Why They Come Back ' ISTRAWS FOR EVERY MAN Srylep.usCkrtries $21 AND $25 The buy son son. same men tli em sea after sea And more these bri men men ng othe r You can wear a STYLEPLUS suit until it is threadbare the wool . will eventually wear out, but the workman ship remains. Sennit and Split Straws $2 to $4 All the new shapes, some with the cushion sweats that make a hat self- conforming. i Genuine Panamas j$5 to $7.50 I The season's newest and ! cleverest styles, which ! meet the exacting requirc- j ments of, Mr. Younjr Fel- j low. A Fhape, style, and weight to please the most ' exacting'. Sol Herzog & Co., Inc. 602-604 9th St. N. W. Stytsplus Clothes 2! and425 1 Close Daily at 6 P. M. Sl!lllini!ll!ll!lliraiaifflJ!!!!!rk. - u,up.i v..or ,.,., u,..,t ... . . r-.i . . .. . . . I UIT JUL llboS H' K; AWU6 RETTV CLOSE -- YOU HWR A SMEU-Ctxi.06 a .SHffLL HCE IL?T tfiCfeV vllilllIILiwJl' Sv T ThE LNe5 w C105BR MD CLOSER I U W v AhII ft ItirtsJ" T ri ' m. . 2,? -V i 0 a 3 lWW -mmmWMmm I 5r H jJi: 'eL-- ' ' " 8 I , A UGr-S-rImp amd GL0R-Kr n '" . - But t ppiwfs Kl c -1 S ANO THE 3HFLL -S-miKtS , V ! ijyjj RI6HT AL0U6SIDE OR YbU ' '.J B - - rm m " " ' - i r -- H CCbprright. 1. br Tho Tribune Association. New York Tribune). ) sYp ' GUYNEMER AVENGeId . ard. avenged Guynemer by kiUinp .--.- -.. "j "iH miH KS:SjrTff"s?5 EMPLflYK PRALSF KAKFR RHIHR ! .. . - W . W . ... ..-. . .. ..W.. .... WW.. . g fc cios.hlrdaF.,6P.M. hhH-U N UHHH mi MV : N r Wl I IUIlUlllUi-111 Ull i I1UUUIM IU IIIUI1L. - SETTLING STRIKE GERMAN PROVINCE s "p Germany Is sekinr to auemrnt B llusalans tm dzjsublb ccALrnu-oDCEscrsTYizj xflcaa Superior Values in Men's and s Young Men's Suits At $1 0.45 Htw HUB FURNITURE CO. "First Aid" to All Homemakers If you are new in Washington and wish to furnish a home; if you are about to be married and expect to start housekeeping; if you have invested your cash in Liberty Bonds and find now that you need Furniture for your home You Are Welcome to Use Your Credit at the Hub where you are assured Guaranteed Furniture at genuine Underselling Prices- """c octviwc ana sausmcuon auena every transaction. This New 4-Piece Old Ivory Finish Bedroom Suite inuumng large arawer Uresser with trench plate mirror, new style Chiffonette, uipuwic i rami piaie mirror louet I able and full-size Bed to match; a substantially, built, elegantly finished suite. On easy credit terms, tor :ncn piate mirror, new sty $11475 V I I ftl! 1 'yjbgMgiagsBro F- rrrrF yMllM. a -. PfE'EEaKP' J ' . w ! mtw11 M 9 izxzi 2 1 v U h . (5 Willi 1 ' JuJCfi n fly7 BentwnndLnmn JiPnrh This All-steel. Dron-Side CoUch mmi fjJ I H This Natural Finish Orf Hickory Rocker Strong and com- fortable. Hih$0,49 back and varnish- cd scat Fumed Oak Paying- tribute to the spirit of falr- n"s evinced by Henrj- T Offter- Idlngtr in .settlini; the strike of the 'employes of his factor-, and correct- jlnp Imprensions that hsve gained cir culation that the OfTterdlnner product wmr Inferior, the former strikers have isued a formal statement announclnc the end of the difficulty. I Germany Is sekins to her armies by concriptms of the border lands 1 And. what is Just as sinister to world peace, she is striving to make the rich Kusslan territory purely and simply a German province. These statements represent official opinion here today, backed by offi- 1 clal information. Both programs are In line with the A splendid group of about 370 Suits, including the very newest models for men and young men. The materials consist of worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres, tweeds, homespuns, velours, flannels, and serges, in mix tures, grays, blues, tans, browns, heather mixtures, stripes and checks. Every garment in this sale is tailored1 to meet our high standard for quality. Not every size in every pat tern, but all sizes for men and young men of regular build in collection. Regular sizes, 33 to 44. Also stouts, 38 to 46. Most of These Suits Cannot Be Duplicated at Wholesale At This Price, As They Com prise Mostly Fine All-Woor Materials Men's Shop Street Floor. S Another Great Purchase . And Sale of Yy? 08JT CPU nf I 1 r ffl : if 1 1 1 1 i J 15 1 3 ft.. 6 in. long, preen, finish, bolted construe, tion, center lee support 'I 1 HI Full length all metal with Q. 95 best link spring O Prepare to give generously to the RED CROSS Second War Fund, May 20-27. f - X. - BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS HERE $2.45 Standard tennis .b"-.-.," " snr.pj?m& as vl Porch Swingjh 2 &&FQtT&T JX I II II r i Km I I I fl rawi I jS 9 l 1 I JxoP ,t-i HI B n ula. 4M 7 1 I 1 HPKsL vJv 'JE$J. I H . ' ft-Ja.f , ' V "n y 1 gy P -rf Of cA 4 "i"7 ft. lone, bolt ed construction. ( omplcle with chains and ceiling hooks. naaBnManH.B.BHaMM.HHiHMflBslBBw t?ttmbtos&&m Full size, with best gut strings and leather tipped handle -IMlKlIWMB SEVEfflm& DSTSEETS ThisBamboo Sewing Stand $2-49 Has lower shelf and conicnienlly atr.inied work box v ilh lid ton-red wilh line lap matting. n rj '4 11 " -i III Hi J f mJ jne statement, which is sicned for. Teuton plan of ending- tho war this ;the strikers by William Al McCabe. of, Y'r- By getting- fresh men for the the Cigarmakers' International L'nlon: fniy ' .ermony nopes to make a mill- . . r. n .. .(" v w"VI JViJ-wtc, UUI. II Slir ail .r. ntocrra j-crrj-. cnairman ot tne n, ., ,, k.h i.. . ,.i.m .. I Offterdineer emnloves- committee, snil i ... j i .jj .', Mr. Glfford Plnchot. who as chair-, nt least f, riomlnit. Rnuli mt.rlv . I ( man of the Washington committee of' that she can later go before the woMrt , tiic National Women' Trade Union with the in Minus nl. w nili i. League has been actixei) aiding the up the west if w-c can bold what weil striker?, is as follows: 'hae m tin- east" I Kmplore' stalemeai. i n,h these plans represent a very H ' "In v.- ,.r ,h.. ,..... nki.. ..... erioua menace which the allies must's In ien of th.- great public inter-cons,dr. acPordlng to officials. One'" :.i mannesieu in me urike winch has said today the western military slt- eXIsted in flw firrnr maniifmfiipinv ' liatlrn. nllltf this fnnrl.H T?ito,l.n I establishment of l!-nry T. Offtcr-' Pnlem. meant that Kngland andjl dinger, we. the undersigned, desire I V," ,,,.1 ' " " TV "l"" - . . . .. !." . Tin their man power much further. I H tCl State that tll . nnl.M M.ui. hta I.aah' ., . 1- .1 . 1 rvL .... . " .... ...... ...... ..j ..Ma .i, .uu(.kw is iiireaienti. tne oocno nasi amicably adjusted to the entire satis- I oerrun L kreine. iolating the Ure.t- fa of all parties concerned IJtovsk treaty indi-rlmlnatel. Ger- i- .,,ti ... , ., mar i making demands that she be Ue avail ourselves of tin oppor ,wrraiued a frcBe hrfnd , ,he prMent I jtiinity also to ay in Justice to Mr. 'M-'lm and removal of it Oflterdlnger that most of the difficul farther east Is considered. The boche tie. involved were differences from has already put the Russian navies out' j the discussions of which all personal -i mj..inti And he l i Ill-will was absent to a greater de- stamping terror Into ItiK-iian hearts by! I grec man is usual in controversies of' repeating Ins Iielgian atrocities In Fin 1 this kind. land. L'ralne and Itunsia proper , "Spsaking collectively in behalf of line cmplove. ami at ilirlr .l.lnv ! Men's Shirts it !i At $1.20 . viish to pay tribute to the spirit of fairness exhibited by Sir. Offlerdinger throughout the conferences which have led to a settlement on -in h basis or mutual lordialitv between j himself and hw employes bld fair to ' be of long and advantageous dura tion "Of cour.e. various statements pro and con. ome authorized and nme un.iu thorized. as to tin- merits or demerits of the dbpute have gained rurrenrj . but . what the publif i interested :n is this - ,tliat Mr. (irrtrrdiiigr has satisfied the demands of his rmplove.s and his rai Iplojes. on the other hand, testify to the . Pleasure tney have ,jd In returning to i his etnplnvnient. to io-iprra!e with him , mi the continuance of tlirue hlgl, tand ' ards whifh have alwa nvriie,l the progrf.s of this important industrv i 1'roduels Hating Superior ((uailty. I "And tlie emplovcs further desire the I public to know that the superior stfn k and material ued bj him. the care taken I in its selection, anil the ileanliney of pro i duition in all sups of manufacture pa. k , ing ..nd .-hipping are h-re ii-tui-U to b them, and the? have not. during tl.e 'strike nor al an other time. iuest.,n'I , jthe Inch tuallt. leanline.s and exiel lence of Mr i iffterdlnger output, tins has alwa)s bet n conceded, because it is I true 'The purpose of this statement Is to .remove any unjust Impressions nhuh I ma have lodged in Uic public mind as. 'a n.'ult of the difficulties now liappllj .adjusted Th disposition shown on both side. ' Ins been line, anil constitutes a p.itrloih example of what tan be done when earh partv approaches the solution of suih a, ( prubicin in the right spirit." SWEDISH AND GERMAN FORCES LEAVE AALANDS i E a ! Qualities That Are Worth Up to $2 Splendid Materials. Good Patterns. Perfect Fitting. Guaranteed As to Color. An excellent lot we had made up for us bv one of Vw York's leading shirt manufacturers, from materials whicli were purchased when the piece goods market was 33 1-3 per cent lower in price than it is at present. The materials consist of vtoven, mndras. crepe, rep. poplin, percale and mercerised vteate. In plain and striped effects. Milrts mnde In flve-hutton mtTles. with soft ruffs, and In slvrn 1Sta to 19. All sleeve length. STOCKHOLM. Mai 13 - The i.ermans will evacuate the Aaland Islands on Ma -3. It wj announced todav. Swed ish fones will be withdrawn at the same time The islands, -which were lost to Russia by Sweden in 1VW. have a population of more than 2T.ti00. most of which Is Swedish. Several months ago Swedish 'forces were landed there because of atroi ities committed agalii.t the inhab- Hants b.v Russian soldiers. Some time ' , latir the Germans also landed a force1 'on tin- ADVERTISEMENT MOTHER GAVE THIS DEUCATE CHILD VINOL And He Got Well and Strong. That's True HOURS LENGTHENED. War vvuikers in Washington will have tim to visit Mount Vernon. Vashingtrn's home, after the dav's business The Mount Verhon I.adlcc Association of the fnlon announced today that the hi-torie estate w-ill bo open fro n t'.."0 to ti o'clock dallv. with the e eptu n of Smuidiiy. when the pules will b- closed nt N o'rln k An other concet-ftion. uliuli bd omes ef feetive t ida). Is that school cmldren acciuiipanicd bv their teachers par ents or guardians. If they groups , ill be adml'ted hare. I . Monaca, Pa. "My little boy, who is the youngest of three, was weak, nervous and tired all the time, so he was most unfit at school, and nothing seemed to help him. I learned of Vinol and gave it to him. It has restored his health and strength and be has gained in weight" Mrs. Frederick Sora mers, Monaca, Pa. Vinol is a constitutional cod liver nd iron remedy for delicate, weak, ailing children. Formula on every bottle, so you know what you are giving them. Children love it. O'lJonnells Drug Store. 001 V Street N. . and at other Us-hinvrl.-n Drug come in Htores that di-plav the m.-l .- -n and vv 'iiou a -1,, bes . 12 'i e i ,n Jlen's Straw Kats. $1.83 and $2.83 In all the newest shapes and styles of straw sennits, rough straws and Panamas. Jlen's Fiber Silk Socks. 39c Or 6 pairs for ?2.25; gauze weight with liale heels, toes and soles; 30c grade, in black and white only. Men's Washable Cravats. 29e Each or I for SI Four-in-Hand Cravits in a large as sortment of patterns from which to select. 33c grade at 29c. Jlen's Union Suits. 39c Cross bar nainsook Union Suit. sleeveless ankle length. All sizes it 9c. 75c SI Grade Balbri""an Men's Shirts and Drawers, Shirts and Drawers, slightly imperfect (imperfections con sist of small stains). 300 Night Shirts, Worth to $1.50, Special 79c A remarkable lot of tine qualltv cambric and twilled cotton ' Night Shirts for m-n. all are slightly soiled Worth to St ai. al 7Qp ratal. Itoyal street Fluor. only ind ot aud ii in ti.. .outit THE PALAIS ROYAL BOYS' SHOP Unusual values for thrifty parents in the better Inns' clothing at substantial s.iing. Boys'NorfolkSuits,$5.95 of durable chevot and cassimere. well made and trimmed 'orth full J,.9a Some with two pairs of Knicks lined throughout bues for bos 7 to is vears at 3 9." Boys' Norfolk Suits, $7.95 i:tra good Mualitv s.uit comprising ea sinierc. cheviot-., and tweeds, finely tailored, some have extra knickerbockers, good $M values. Mzes for bovs 7 to is ears at 7 t.. Boys' Blue Serge Suits, $8.95 Ml wool pure vv orated guaranteed last color double warp serge, cweptionaltv well made, knickerbockers lined throughout, all seams taped ext.a strong Positively the best value an where, .sizes 7 to IS, at Js.90. Boys' Fine Tailored Suits Including the celebrated Sampeek Standard of meriea I'lothes for boys from 7 to is jear. Talais Itoval epecial pm es. $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 & $17.50 Boys' Washable Suits remarkable values at 95c, $1.29, $1.45 to $3.50 I'alals rtojnl Third Klnor v l i' frt m I 1 a 3 B a H I B I 1 a a a i i i q a a a a H fl Q I I B B B H B B B n B n B B D B I