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-- - ' " " "ini;i m J i. newwy Today Wise Woodrow Wilson. Poverty Kills Monarchy. Red-Haired Man and Devil. Five Hundred Villas. Bj ARTHCR BRISBAXE. As chief Investigator of the so called "aviation scandal" President Wilson appoints Mr. Hughes, who ran against him last fall as a can didate for the Presidency. By tills characteristic act Mr. "Wilson, as he has often done, an swers and confounds insincere and Ignorant critics. Republicans in Congress and out have sought to make partisan political capital of difficulties that were inevitable in the sudden un dertaking of a great war. Mr. Wilson says to them: "Very well; I shall give you rope. I appoint the head of your party to inrestigato the charges that you make In a partisan spirit," The President knows that Mr. Hughes is honorable and able, and that is all he asks. He chooses for the aviation investigation the man who drastically and success fully investigated the insurance scandal in New Tork city. HINDENBURG MOVES TROOPS FROM ROUM ANI A TO BELGRJM WEATHER: Fair tonight and to morrow; warmer tomor row. Temperature at 8 a. nu, 58 decree, C Je Itreen cooler than arer aire for May 16 for last thirty years. aht!tfifott mm jSnti m PR wl ssm. EDITION mam ! NUMBER 10,530. WASHINGTON, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 16. 1918, IQomz Wail Street Prices. PRICE TWO CENTS. Let it be remembered, by the way, that it was President Wilson who BEGAN the investigation of the aviation department, demand in? results and explanations and ' himself reorganizing the service. The Queen of Holland, for the first time in her life, has been hissed by crowds in Amsterdam streets. "Republics are destroyed by wealth, monarchies are destroyed by poverty," said Prudhomme. Holland feels the pinch of pov erty in the form of hanger, and when this war ends may be in cluded in the "formerly a king dom" list, with the good, little Queen and her husband keeping house as "Mr. and Mrs. " The Associated Press says that Germany is planning to take the channel ports and to "Germanize the United States." Quite a plan, particularly the Germanizing of this country. It took the United States a hun dred years to Americanize a small collection of Indians with a few weapons and ponies and the job isn't yet quite finished. How lonsr would it take the Kaiser to "Germanize" a hundred million of Americans fairly well supplied with fighting materials, food and railroads? WAR MACK IS MOVING IN WITHIN U. S. AI RECORD SPEED Grace Lusk, the Wife She Killed, and Man She Blames The Kaiser's Germanizing plan denfOJBHfites" 'the"" kindness of Providence which makes stupid ity destroy itself. Frank L. Johnson, reverend pastor of a Pentecostal church in California, observed in the con gregation a man with red hair, decided that a devil possessed the man, and tried to beat out the devil with a chair, saying, "The Divine spirit tells me to drive out the sin vtjth forces" Not long ago it was customary to treat in that way the insane and epileptic Poor creatures ere often beaten to death by well-meaning Christians in the ef fort to drive out Satan. Unprecedented Success Marks Department's Efforts In Handling Constantly Increas ing Number of Drafted Men. The Reverend Mr. Johnson, driv ing an imaginary devil out of a red-headed person by force, is only religious sincerity out of date. Similarly the Kaiser is a char acter from the fourteenth century accidentally misplaced in the twentieth. This war will put him in the right place. Think of Russia for a minute, and you will be del.'ghted with the United States in spite ' of high food prices. Semeneff, the Cossack leader, is "active again" which means that he and his followers are murder ing the Bolsheviki. Semeneff is one "Russian Villa" and there are 500 more "Villas" IJce him murdering and burning 1 roughout Russia. Mexico is a happy hamlet, compared with the land of the ex-czar. The "regular government" of Russia, according to the Pptrc grad newspapers, has a machine worked by electricity, invented by an engineer named Brum, which will cot off the heads of 500 politi cal prisoners in an hour. Villa, of the Mexican mountains, and Dr Guillotine, of the French revolution, are simple pre-Raph-aehtcs compared with Russia. Success chances us all. Mr. Lenine, who could not endure the cruelty of the Czar, finds himself In power and requires a machine to cut off heads that will work with the speed of an American corn sheller. And the Russians knout that servants of the Czar used to swing on the backs of revolutionists is now In the hands of Kaiser's ser vants, and very effective, it is said. In causing Russia to pre tend to love Prussian government. The publication, representing moderate socialists in Russia, is quoted by the Literary Digest, as follows- 'We are tired of the war, of the revolutions, of exciting spectacles and strong emotions. We do not believe tbat the Itnmlnn people will now accept a program of new terrors.'' The Russian people will have little to say about it They locked up their slow moving bear, the Czar, and opened a case of a thousand I niHSfan hvenas, and "tired of strong emotions" or not, they must go through with the performance. By DAVID LAWRENCE. ICopjrltht. lilt, by New Tork Evening Port Company.) So rapidly are American troops being moved to Europe that tie mobilization of drafted men is pro ceeding with unprecedented speed. And the biggest and most important problem before the War Department is internal transportation. To move 50,000 troops requires at least ten days' notice as schedules must be rearranged and traffic ad justed to absorb the troop trains. There hasn't been the best kind of provision in this matter and conges tion is resulting, but the authorities have probably learned a lesson about overnight mobilizations of draft army contingents that will stand them in good stead in the future. War Machine Speeding. When It U oonsldered that in the month of May alone more than 400. 000 men will have been called to the colon, and that In previous months the most that was ever summoned was In the neighborhood of 30.000, one Idea of the speed with which the war machine Is being- compelled to move these days can be obtained. Camps and cantonments are being enlarged and space Is being- made for the new troops by the shipment of the trained divisions to Europe. The Rovpramrnl K91I nn Ma fKaf It i could transport troops as rapidly as the present emergency has made pos sible and the War Department's call for drafted men has tended to upset railroad plans somewhat Nevertheless cars are belnc pro vided, only there must necessarily be some delays In the handling of coal and raw materials for troops will have preference everywhere. Men Before Supplies. Another Inevitable difficulty Is the agricultural situation. The Govern ment had practically promised that the biggest drain of drafted men would come later In the year but in stead the young men are being called In the midst of the planting season This Is causing a good deal of disap pointment and naturally will Interfere somewhat with food production, but the decision to place men above sup plies was made by the allies and the United States is rushing men to the western frtnt to create a big reserve army that ahsll protect the entente against emergencies In the year 1018. Large numbers of troops are al ways required for Mexican border patrol as It is desired to prevent am munition smuggling and border raids, which. If Ignored and not pre vented, could lead to more serious complications. America has 100.000 (Continued on Page 21, Column 1.) i - jfea mr kWLtML ii. IV VsKl.PHjiC!-. ."& -. .dA - --. ; Hy? sBmH 'rr'' ' '" Fl I mrr iM. ik? ini sMHiffSRl " -l-&Mt& ambK'; ' IwH iBaVias? man wt'iiPmm : BSBSBSBaw AJ & BBBBBflr7ABBBBBBBKIWBMWBSBB r V"l dbbbbbbbbbbbK&'IL bbbbW-IbbbbbT - ii WUbbbbbbbsW . iBlssKfW . sn . uw-tai. v . fc ' ' -x . i ' ar GERMAN FLEETJ. K. COVINGTON BEADY AT KIEL ITS AS HEAD AS FDE PLANSOF SUPREME .C. Resiffns As Judffe OfD.C. Court Ti ALFOUR STATES ALLIED ATTITUDE TOWARD PEACE DOOR OPEN TO HONEST OFFERS AT ES w "Belgium Seething With Prep arations" for- Renewal of Drive As Troops Pour in From Roumania. BLOW m OF D An artillery battle was blazing over approximately 200 miles of the western front today, from the North Sea to the southern reaches of the Picardy fighting rone. Von Hindenburg, however, con tinues to hold his German hordes in th,leMh and the only infantry op- crauvus inai were reported were small and unimportant. Amsterdam reports that "Belgium is seething with preparations" for a renewal o. the offensive apparently on both the Flanders and Picardy fronts. Troops continue to arrive in Bel gium from Boumania a country that now lies helpless under the heel of German militarism and the Bel gian hospitals are being vacated in preparation for the fresh numbers of wounded that will inevitably fiU them when the great battle is re sumed. Fleet Concentrated. The Germans are reported to be con centrating their entire fleet at Kiel, which Increases the probability that a sea oenslve may be launched simulta neously with the renewal of the grand assaults on land. The defection of Russia has made It possible for the Germans to withdraw their sea forces from the Ilaltlc and to concentrate all their sea strength against sea offensive may be launched slmulta- Ilaltlc fleet has never been revealed, and s possioie mat tne uermans may have President Sends Name of Asso ciate Justice McCoy to Sen ate to Succeed Him T. J. Bailey Takes McCoy's Place.! At the top is Miss Grace Lur.k. teacher of psychology at Waukesha, wis., now on trial for killing of Mrs. Mary Newman Roberts shown below. Miss Lusk blames Dr. David Itoberts for creating the mental condition that Id to the tragedy. "He swore hi loved us both," she says. By BILL PRICE. Chief Justice J. Harry Covington, of the Supreme Court of tht Dis trict of Columbia, has handed his resignation to President WHson. The President sentXo tfc Senate this afternoon thrwrnmation. at AssodaleJusticV'Walt H. Mc Coy to Justice Covington's seat. The President also named Thomas Jennings Bailey, of Nashville, Tenn-, to be associate justice of the Su preme Court of the District. WiU Practice Law. Chief Justice Covington's resigna tion was made personally and for mally to the President some days ago, Mr. Covington at the same time giv ing his reasons for resigning. Mr. Covington will return to the practice of law In this city and Gas ton, his Maryland home. He will con tinue to maintain his legal residence In Maryland, but will ha7e an office hre. Of active nature. Justice Covington does not take readily to the confine ment and tedious duties of the bench. He was made chief Justice of Ka Ttltvlit Ciinvam Paiisf nasflw t-u wi'tiivt aiutiuv wua fc uvsi four years ago. I J. HARRY COVINGTON, Who has resigned as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of District of Columbia. the DELAr IN HH ALL 1 Foreign Minister Tells Commons Serious Proposals Would Be Dealt With In Full Confidence With Allies. I ffopnt I I would L with t nn E OF DM in seized' the Russian men of war to re- enforce their own high staM fleet. Heard Across Channel. In connection with the possibility of action on the high seas Interesting and Important Information was received (Continued on lage 2, Column 1.) MR.ISBELL, advertising manager of King's Palace, had an ad in The TIMES for salesladies. He said the ad brought splendid results. Better y follow the crowd. They're coming our way. Phone your ads in. Main 5260. THE STRANGE WAUKESHA CASE Grace Lusk, on Trial for Killing Wife of Man She Loved, Visits Scene of Killing, While Jury Watches Her. Wants to Stay There Always. b WAUKIWU, Wis. May 1 -Craxe i finally selertei tlm State's attorney Uisk ghl-heart-d. smlllns; and chat .nude the request that the court ad ting Joyously, left the nldgr.y court-1-" ZXZ "ZLT nT house on the mill today and went back to the little brown stuc-o home where last June she shot and killed Mrs. Mary Newman Hohrrts For a while she darted about the pretty little garden In the rear of the place She rri'd out over the fra grant blossoming of a gnarled crab apple tree. She smiled at the begin ning of a homely bed of turnips in the black soil. Then with a bough of cherrv blossoms In her trembling arms, she stepped Into the house of death and stood on the spot whern she sacrificed another woman to her Jection. asking that Judge Martin I.ueck be the official guide of the party. Not only did they Inspect the brown ntucro home where Mis I.usk lived with Miss nianct Mills and Miss Myrtle Lull. They also went to the home of Ir. Itoberls. where, accord ing to Miss I.usk. sIib and the doctor met the night before the shooting. Another stop was made at his office, and then the V M. C A. building, where Miss I.usk and Mrs Roberts were suppoed to have made an en gagement some days before the slaying. MELT FREDERICK mad love for Vr. David Roberta. "Oh I never want to gi back to Reaction Came Later. that coia. lernuio tuun.i..uc i.u -Ine rvacimn rrom the strange Dru- cen. sne cui.iiu. - - -j ceedlngs came a bit later The nsriv ....- .v.rvihlni- Is co beautiful here" . . '' " ine party ""-' " returned to the courthouse. The jorr '" '" prosecutor began his opening state Ana an mo wn.ic n.c ......- .ooct- ment. an Impassioned attack on the faced, keen-eyed Jurors, who will de- defenie of "insanity." and becan tn clde the fate of the gifted teacher of outline the State's terslun of the v.irklnc-v- watched her narrowlv snooting. Such was the real opening of the M,M '-usk. Mill rarrvlng the cher trlal of Orace Lusk. It was a strange y blossoms, slipped forward In her scene, and one that would seem fiuite ea l?url'a "er face in her arms, ImnoKslble under any other conditions and "bbed. than those which surround this spec The laM motions of selecting fie I wllITi: SULnitlR SITINGS, w. Ta. tacular trial. Jury were gone through swiftly. I Tb Jrnbrir vurotan plan. Wonderful tamedlately tb iwM fa kM (Continued on Pg. 3, Column t) ?taU """' W-T tna w"ton. GREAT'S STATUE, BILL PROVIDES Now America proposes to send Fred erick the Great against Hlndenburg. Senator Calllnger of New Hamp- snirc lino mirrnonn introduced a resolution In the Senate Instructing the Military Affairs Committee to In quire Into the possibility of melting the statue of Frederick the Great, re cently removed from the War College ground. Into munitions of war tit be tisi'd by tne American expeditionary forces. Action on the resolution was deferred until tomorrow The statue of the Frederick the Great was presented to the United States by Germany some years ago A few weeks ago after Senator Thom as of Colorado had made a protest against the statue being allowed to stand. It was quietly taken from Its pedestal and stored away In a Gov ernment building. Now members of the Senate would have It made Into war munitions. "I can bay that there la no lack o' precedence In buch procedure, for our forefathers used George III this way." Senator Chamberlain, cahlrman of the Military Affairs Committee, said. "I had that historic event In mind when I drew the resolution," Senator GalllngVr said. RICHMOND. May IS. Dr. Lemuel J. Johnson, the young North Carolina den tist on trial id hustings court here. charged with the murder by poisoning of Alice Knight Johnson, his secret bride of three months, today began to display signs of nervousness aa one after an- tha and had court In the defendant's presence and Al Ihn Hm. nf hl nnmln!lfnn h Alh,. rtt .ba..... wl..fn.B was a member of the House of Rep- -" - - ....uu . . resentatlves from Maryland, (Continued on Page 11, Column 4 ) RED ROSS PARAD E SATURDAY WILL BE TABLE PAGEANT Complete roster of parade and full direction to participants on rage 13 of this paper. swore they were so convinced of his guilt that It would be Impossible for them to give a fair and Impartial trial From the panel of thirty-six venleremen called today only four Jurors were accepted, this being the third paneL From the first two panels of twenty each, eight jurors were seated. Four more must be se- (Coutlnued on Page 13, Column 4.) Br FLOYD MacGRIFF, InternaUdnal News -Service Suit CorresponiJeat LO.VDON. Marlfc-lf any belUeer- ent representatlin. rtrslred seriously to" par forward peace proposals they would be dealt with In full confidence with the allies. Foreign Minister A. J. Balfour announced In the House of Commons today during debate upon the peace letter which Emperor Charles of Austria sent to Prince Slxtus shortly more than a year ago. Mr. Balfour's statement was called forth by a question put to Walter Runclman. former president of the board of trade, regarding the Aus trian Emperor's letter. 1 AsqoJth Lauds Statement, Former Premier Asquith lauded Mr. Balfour's opportune statement, saying it was to the satisfaction of the world at large that the British had not closed the door to any over tures toward an honorable peace. He added that the.-e had not been nor should there be any contraction or extension of the allies' war aims and purposes. n CAPITAL'S FIR T All plans are laid, all details are complete, everything Is In readiness. for the Red Cross parade, which on Saturday will end the publicity week of the Ited Cross $300,000 campaign In this city, and which coincidentally will usher In the real drive week, when Washington hopes to far ex ceed her half million dollar quota. The country Is asked to raise a hundred million dollars for the lied Cross. O' this, the Capital Is ex pected tc give iSOO.000. The present week has been given over to pub licity that was Inaugurated last week with the visit of Pershing's fifty veterans to Washington. The parade is expected to be a brilliant culmina tion of pre-campalgn publicity ef forts', and a gigantic appeal to Wash Ingtonlans to wake up to their re sponsibility to the Red Cross. rages nt To De ftotablc. The parade will be divided into eight divisions, and 2H uniformed Red Cross companies will parade. Seven bands will furnish music, and there will be numerous special fea tures. The parade will be under the direction of Melvln P. Haxen. What do you want to know about the parade? If the Information on page 13 of (Continued on Page 13, Column 1 ) AIRMAIL OFF ON SECOND START Washington's first airplane mall for Philadelphia. New ork. and other cities made its second start from the polo field In Potomac Park on the minute of 11:30 o'clock this morning. Lieut. James C. Ldgerton piloted out for Philadelphia, the big army biplane of the Curtiss type, in which he bruoght the New Tork and Philadelphia mail Into Washington yesterday. H" left the ground at 11:25 and circled the field until he had made an altitude of 3.000 feet, when he straightened out to the northeast, on a beellne for the Bustleton field, near Philadelphia, crossing the hangar here on his straight flight at Just 11:30 o'clock. Lieutenant Bdgerton's start today was as impressive as his landing yes- (Contlnued on Page 13, Column 7.) DEAD 3 INJURED IN AUTO SMASH ON DEAD MAN'S WE Burns Demar, S03 I street southeast, forty years old. boss rigger at the navy yard, was killed and three other Washlngtonlans were Injured severe ly today, when an automobile la which they were returning from Baltimore to Washington went Into a ditch at Dead Man's Curve on the Baltimore-Washington boulevard. The Injured are George Sanderson, of 710 Seventh street southeast. Stephen Glrardl. and a man who gave his name as Dan Clifton. The third Injured man was not Identified. Demar and several friends went t Baltimore yesterday afternoon. News of Demars death reached his wife through navy yard employes at noon. He was a well-known athlete. Beside his wife, he Is survived by a fifteen-year-old son. PRESIDENT WILL GO TO NEW YORK TOMORROW President Wilson will go to New York tomorrow, and on evenine; wl" I1OO.00O.OO0 Red c- S3 drive at a mass meeting In the Metropolitan Opera House. It was learned at the White House today. PORTO RICANS TO TRAIN. Provost Marshal General Crowder today ordered 200 Porto Ktcans to camp Los Cass 3 fur training lm-i mediately. I READ K. C B. On the Editorial Page Every Day. K. C Beaton, one of the best-known news paper writers in America, will hereafter be a Tegu lar contributor to l he Washington rimes. E V .