Newspaper Page Text
v THE WASHINGTON TBIES. MOXDAY, AUGUST 26: 1918. 13 Latest Casualty List From Oversea Forces KILLED IN ACTION. MAJOR. SC V.. TrumBnsburj;, Arthur R. lion Ion. cvrTvrv. H- Detroit, Fred William Drnndry. X. k, nlnsbamlon, Klruy llnldwlii Sleppy. LIEVTKXAVrs. Colo Dtnrtr, Dran X. Jcnk. Conn., Waterbnry, Charlea P. LtDne. Mo., St. Loo In, i;uKrnt W. Colrman. Wla.. Wittenberg, Itnymond F. Blotch. r. SISnGKtXT. Ala nnntTlllr. Kills J. Moon. III., Irrlnston, Henry Prltameyer. Maa, Mlddleaboro, Simeon U. Mck crson. CORPORALS. Knslnnd. Derby, Jamea Smith. X. J., Jeraey Cly. GeorBV W. Urann. X. Y Adama, Don Carlo. Round.. X. Y., Rew lork, rarl Anderaon. X. D, Xew Salem. John Ilepsdorf. Slau Charle.ionn, Loula 5. Danga. Pa., Derry, heater A. WIneman. Pa, Greenabnnr, Charlea H. Ambrnrt. Pa, Philadelphia, A llllnm I,. Carry. Pb Philadelphia, Leo 31. Grout, Pa, WaahlnRton, Fell 31. Klnc. j -, Toma ureeic, uaipa j. jiuuii-u- nUGI.KU. SUeb, Oaalnekc, Ward n. Morrlaon. MECHANICS. Ran, Coffeyrille, Axle B. Kiln. Pa, Derry, Robert I. Tc. PRIVATKS. Cal, Alameda, Peter Larson. , CaL, nollUter, Frank It. Eeheverla. CnL, Oakland, Edward II. Kubnle. CU Oakland. Arthur G. Rood. Cal, San Joae, Albert G. Perkina. CaX, St. Helena, Bernard F. Korte. Canada, Alta, Lone Butte, Walter L. Fry. Conn, TorrlnKton, John Kouar. Conn, Waterbnry. Frank J. Down. Pla, Dade City, IVylle Arnett. Ga-, AdalraTlIle, Wylle Stephens, Ga, Albany, Jeae D. Bridnea. Ill, Danvera, John U. Kranae. Italy, Chlaxzeria, Pro-Catanaaro, Glavnnni Maruea. Italy, Raaaaro Renoa, Vlttorla Ca- rotto. Ky., Diwira Sprlnga, Lemuel A. Chap pel, Ky, Padueah. Robert C. McCune. Xd, Baltimore, Franklin A. Landram. Xasa, Holyoke, Charlea Toker. Kaaa, Maiden, Erneat S. Adams. Maiden, Jnmea J. McCarthy. Medford, George J. June. Stoushton, 3Ilrbael Ronanuk. Wallhaxn. William B. Benner. laaa, Worceater, Walter P. Kelly. " , Detroit, Ben Slarsolla. Klleh, Detroit, Charlea M. Moffatt. ItUca, Grand Rapid, Charlea W. Brlnfcinaa. T"fc i Jaekaoa, John Dendor. Ho, Clarkton, Henry J. Lone, alo, Kennett, Elmer Tucker. JUo, Liberty, George B. Stone. Sla, St. Joieph, Harold Owen Penne- wIlL Mont, Anaconda, Michael H. Bracken. Mont, Walkerrllle, Butte, Anthony Poxplsll. KVh Wans. Karl T IfArain. X. J, Jeraey City, William Aloyatua J Diekhaus X. 1, Xew York, Braxso Famo.o. X. 1, Xw York. Irvine Xeedleman. 3. J, Newark, Henry Tellone. X. Y, Wnlea Center. Allen Dlraon. Tvcit York city, Frank V. Grlnnon. T. C, Andrew., Paul Hocurd. X. t, Calberxon, Errln Christopher. X. C, Elkrllle. Will Z. Peanon. X. C, KerneraTllle, William B. John won. X. C, Klnc Mountain, William Ilar rett. X'. 1, Burlington, Raymond V. Klrkey. A. Dak., DaTraon, Jacob Scboek. X. D, Drake, Forreat T. D. Ilume. X. D, 31lnot John C. Kenn. Okla, Tulsa. Leon W. Gordon. (Jkla, Marlow, Fred Idlett. Ore, Woodburn, George W. ZIm merle. Fa., Alfoona, Franrl. A. Bender. Pn, BradenTllle. George Knott. Pa, Coaldale, Walter Ell.north Gi. irchr. Pa, Lntrobe, Xeal XV. PhlHIppL Pa, Iblladelphla, AValter 1- Smith. Ia, Srrantnn. John StankleiTlcz. Pa, Allllnm.burg. Robert Franklin Sollenlierger. Tenn, Illckmnn. Cbarle Roy Balrd. Tex, San Antonio. Mareua Pena. t,, Andrew Srrgn. IVanb, llarrnh, Conrad notf. Wnnh., Seattle, Paul F. Hauhrtm Jr. Aa.h, Seattle. Richard C. Wlllard. W. Va, AVbeellng, Jamea R. ritager- ald. AVI., Bloomer, Herman IT. Iteich. A I., 1'oy Slppl, Edward A. Doro. Wl, Sl.ter Bay, Harry W. Erlck- .on. Wl., Spring Yalley, Clair O. LeirUton. Xo nddre.a, Ednard Smith. DIED OF WOUNDS. CORPORALS. Ala, 31t. Vernon, Henry p. Bnrnett. Ill, Zlon City, Lnwrence. R, 'Wolfei 3lont, Dllllnga, Charles L. Dunn. X. Y, Yonker., Jo.eph Angu.tlne. AVI., Horl.on, llnrry L. Lange. PRIVATES. Arte, Lowell, Thomas A. XalL Cal, Loa Angrle.. Hall W. Watta. Conn,. Union llle, Uaild Friedman. Idaho, Payette, Berahnrd n. Huaehke. Ill, Illngham, Edgar E. BuUca. Ill, Chicago, JoxeC We.olowaki. HI, Chicago, Frank S. WltkowakL III, Chicago, Jo.eph J. WltxeL III. Chicago, Charlea Zadlg. Ind, Xew Orleana, Romaln L. Gull beau. Towa, Tabor, Clyde W. 3Iunalnger. 3Id, SlechanlcaTlllc, Jamea A. I'llker- ton. Ma.., Lynn, Andrew B. Lindsay. Ma.., Ptt(.aeld. John M. Morrt.oa. 3Ilch, Houghton, Jndwin ELworth Ingram. Mich, St. Louis, Allen Bernard Plnka- ton. Minn, Little Falls, William J. Gra- tell. Xeb, Gerlng, Arthur Stucky X. Y, DnnialUe, Paul X'. Lawrence. X. Y, Rochester, Joseph Peter Rooacy. X. Dak, Bottineau, Serert Johnson. Okla, Pryor. Grover Snlllran. Fa, Pnnx.utnwney, Jamc. Emanuel 31clntyre. Pa, Shamokln, Clyde C. Lytic. 3. D, De Smet, Earl Adelbert Lcmont. Wn.h, Yaklha, Jamea R. Wllklnaon. Wn.Ii . Senttle, Edward J. Wolff. . Va, Oceana. Elmer Cook. Wl., Cnzenqtla, Hubert McVatnara. AVI., Fond Du Luc, Albert C Hohen- ee. AM., Grand Rapid., Henry Llp.lta. Wl., Manitowoc, Bcrthold C. Schwanta. Wl., Marinette, Stere Andrew TJr- banlak. WIa, Orange, Jamea A. Dempsey. DIED FROM ACCIDENT. PRIVATE. 3Id, Baltimore, Christian J. Rltter. DIED OF DISEASE. PRIVATES. Ind, Atlanta, William . Eller. X. 11, Lisbon, C A. Goudir. Tex, Post, Harey W. Redmond. DIED OF AEROPLANE ACCIDENT. LIECTEV 1AT. Mont, X'orth Great Falls, Charlea L. Watkin.. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND "OTHER CAUSES. 31 o. 'I '''fn-aaaVP'kfl BEST hi 1 HE " CH4TEAU wLAKIiiGUISE TOiere the windows frame million dollar pictures of peaks, lakes and glaciers. "In the Lake, ever changing, is Beauty herself, as nearly visible to the mortal eyes as ' ehe may ever be." In the heart of the Canadian Pacific Rockies Alpine climbing with Swisi guides trails to Lakes in the Clouds metropolitan cuisine. IGetTo KncwCanada Belter YOUR HEAREST ALLY Ak for Ilcaort Tour So. 145 C E PHELPS City Pan Act. CAXADIVN PAIIFIC IIAII.WAY lll New York Ave.. Washington. K It rEKRY Cen. AXfnt, Department 131 Uroaday. .New 'Vork City. LOANS On Diamonds, Watches, cid Jewelry (South of Highway Bridge) OUalXESS TILANSACTEII HVELT THERE. EXCLD. I Taka car at 12th, at. and i'eonaylva. pl are. for south end of Highway Bride Oo car Uckel each war. CAPTAIX. Chinicotbe. Alexander M. Ellett. LIEUTE.AT. Ky, Lonl.lllc, Arthur V. Harris IItI ATES. Del, Harrington, 'William McK. Flem ing Tenn, Dick.on, Charlie I. Knott. WOUNDED SEVERELY. LIECTEXAXTS. Mo, Knnsa. City, Earle Parson. Lnce. X. 1, -eT Ilochelle, Hamilton K. Foster. . II, Concord, Richard S. nerenor. Win, Ea.t litu Claire, 'William C. Chrl.tcn.en. V. i, Hartford. Edvrard J. GehL Si:itGE 1TS. In., Latroble, Georirc H. Dunn. :'., I.lsonier, John .11. Deeds. I'n, cit Derry, John A. Fatora. I'a, Pilt.uursh, i:dnard SIcDonald. ab, Walla Walla, llruce C. Whit ney. Wl., Ean CInlre. Jarae. MeoIey. ti.. Wet A.hland, Albert 11. Kors xuoe. conroiiiLs. Ind, Mnnroe Ity, Claude II. X'el.on. Ind, Illrhmonii. Pnul Knnlf. Kan, Arkan.a Cit, lien C. Cnnnlna;-' ham. Elaine, Lincoln, 3Inurire W. Pond. Ma., Bedford. John II. Glnaebruok. la..., Wllllum.toun, Harry J. Andcr .on. r HIh, Detroit. Wnll'r Jnsln.kl. Mo, Knn.n. ( Ity. fiarrle Eugene Mi chael. Mo, Moudy, Ilnilen O. Ray. V A, et lork, Nalhnn ((ildniin. In, IIOHleiter. John Julia. z. !. , Ileerh Creek, it:i inoiiil M Dlrk.. lex, Ilrl e Hull county, William D. MontKumrr;. n, Crockett. I'red O. Ilatld.on. Wl... n.bkoKh, William Robert Abra. Iinm. Wl.., i:au c lalrr, Richard Iremn. III'GI.ERS. I a., phllndrlphla, rajmond 1. Efran. W. a , rsrt nlmrr, t'nrry II. Gliena. mi:chaxics. Mn.., Qulnnpoxet, I'dnard Jo.eph MrLoul. In. i'n , Lntrohle, W 1 f ed C. Tlflncfr. I'a, Itorhr.lrr Mill.. Oilie Walter Ma eke I. PRIVATES. Ia, Ihoenlx, Jew.le Morrl.. Ark, Ilenton. Rcnjainln 1". Lcley. t onn, Hlshuod. llnrry Dnnlel Mautte. Idaho. ( hrntcr, f'nrloi 1 lloon, I'la, Danla, John S. Odom. t.o, Adnlrntlllc. Jamr. C. Enrln. Ill, ( blcnco, Ralph W. ndernoB. Ill, fhlraco, Rlrliurd Cullen. Ill, Chlcniso, lnrent I.odl. Ill, Chlcnco, (harlr. A. Orllrh. Ill Chlcaco, Suutucl Rothburt. Ill, Chicago, I3dnrd Srrycnr. Ill, lllKhnooil. t.rursc J. smith. Ill, Krll, Mnrlort Huoten. III. Iercy, Jnme. III. Rockfurd, lucle J. Ind, Cotlncton, Wnyman M. ldtvards. Ind, f oilnclon, Stephen I. Keller, ind, Washington, Charles T. Ilaynem. limn. Council Illiiff., llnrry II. eliMin. Ioa, Emmct.burg, Alpha F. Ilroth- er.. Italy, Ilcnctcnfo, S. Zlorglo Lamalara, Antonio senrlno. liy, Rrook.llle, Robert DnnoTan. La, Ahbeillle. Mdney Le Malre. I.O., Ero., Rodney J. Hobba. La, Iieansport, Reuben . Horn. Md, EmmlLbursr. Thomaa II. Little. Md, at. Michael., William Colemaa. Max., Cambridge, I'ntrlrk I, nullock. Mn.., Glonce.ter. Clarence A. McNeill, Mass, Holyoke, Timothy Flaherty. Mn.., South Framalngham, Frank a. Walsh. - ' I Mass, Worcester, Leo E. Cnron. J .Minn, Alexandria, William A. Pratt. Mo, St. Louis, Joe A. Elanser. j Xeb, South Omaha. Anton Remar. X. Y, Ilrooklyn, John II. Doyle. A. 1, .Neir lork, Timothy Callaahan, . Y., Rochester, Frank C. Oiran, X. v., SIIIIiTater, Earl J. Manning. I X. 1, Wapplngers Fall., Martin A. Cnrtln. ' X. C, Gold.boro. Erne.t Wlllougbby. N. C, Tnylonilllc, Rnymond Rarne., X. 11, Portland, Frank II. Frederlck aon. X". D, Lererne. Cnrl-Jcn.en. Ohio, Kenton. Phillip Hnrt. Ohio, Woo.trr. Dlnlr W. Flaher. Okla., Ilrrnt, Willie R. Xorrld. Okla, Frederick, John S. Kerr. Okla, Xenby, Claud II. Ilutler. Okla, nu.eIlTiIle, Henry Corey. Okla, Yale, Allen Rcld. Pa, Carbondnle, William Doda. Pa, Frrderleksbnrg. Elmer C. Sfaarpe. Pa., Lntrobe, Renald E. GlbMin. I'a, Mildred. Domlnlck ScpponnL Pa, Wayneaboro, William II. Bln baugh. Rna.Ia, Kale.l, Grodzlnskt, Guberna, John SobolcTrnkL. South Italy, Palml, Antonlne Dom mlo. Tenn, Alamo, Joe C. Vandyke. Tenn, Robbln.. Herbert C. Smlthcr. Tex, Gary, Wllllnm R. McDonald. Va, Stone Rrldgr. George Wines. Va, Wythevllle, Frank S. Shrader. Wash, Elk, Stanley J. CrulL W. Va, White Sulphur Springs, Wlll lnm A. " oung. W'K, Rondnel. .Inlln. W. Spreeman. Wli, La Cro..e, John J. Clbalka. Win, Marlon. William F. Bertran. Win, Milwaukee, Augu.t Glpp. Wis, Monroe, Alfred Plu... Wis, Superior, Clarence LaSallea. Wis, Paul M. Amorn. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDE TERMINED.) LIECTEXAXTS. La, Omega. Jnmea rcrry Cole. X. J, nutlnnd. Hnrnld Fl.her. Xeir York city, Wllllnm Ranmet. Xew York city. Arthnr S. Crane. m:rgea.ts. Pa, nialmillle, Edgar F. Raker. Pa, Philadelphia. Robert FUher. Pn, Philadelphia. Ardo C Smith. CORPORALS. Pa, FraefcTtlle, George A. Rerdanler. Pa, Llvermore, Frank SI. Rarkley. Tex, Paris, Robert II. Proctor. I'a, Pott. i Hie. William II. Hayes. Pa, Scliujlklll Hnenf Hugh X. Coxe. Pa, Sunny.lde. Jnme. M. Slckel.. WIC, Ga, Augusta. Je.e M. Crusan. WAGOXKRS. Pa, Phlladrlpbin, Eugene Renter. Pa, Schuylkill Haven, John A. Knnrr. Pa, Waynrsburg, Glenn R. Morrison. Wis, Snrlng, Ilnrold Mon.on. privati:s. Fla, Arcadia, Arthur E. Velth. IdnhoV Jerome, Ralph Kcltner. Idaho. Montpeller, Lenl. W. Tanner. Italy, Sas.nrl, tllorannl Fogu. Ivy, Room llle. Henry W. Kramer. " Ky, Cowan, Sterling G. McKny. Mn.., Hyde Park, Alrxl. Galanlf. Ma.., Tannton, Leroy Olson. Mich, Rogers City, William n. Ged- drrt. Pn, IJo-.t Emporium, Albert A. Rnrr. Ma.., West Falmonth, Arthur C. Unrkr. X. J, FalrricTf, Patrick J. Maaso. X. J, Newark, AVnlter Ralkow. X'. 1, Rrewerton, Hnrry A. Wing. . 1, Ilrooklyn, Frederick J. Jacob .en. XI, Brooklyn, Rolrlnw Plrxla. . 1, Ilrooklyn, Henry G. Slltert.on. X. Y, Troy, Stnnley R. Hon.lnger. X. A . Wntcrtonn. W llllnm J. Gregory. Ohio, Cincinnati, Frank emnrUlfr. Okla, Noble, Robert E. Brown. Okla, Enid, Ilonnrd J. Piper. I'n Apollo, Ira Dccnicr. I'n , Aultraan, Sam Cruclnnl. I'n, Illnlr.tlllr, James D. Forsha. I'a, lllalr.llllr, Ru.srll R. Palmer. Pn, Dlalr.tillr. hnrlrs T Reed. I'n, Con.hobockcN, Joseph R. Smith.' I'n, Che.ler, I'eter Toma.. P:i, C'rreksldr. Wilbur II. Seanor. Pn, Dayton. Merle I, Been. in,, jonn i. I iiumpMrn, I'n, lrne.t. John J. Do?lc. I I'a, Ernest, W niter Shlninkcy. j I'n, Jersey Shore, hnrle. I. Sands. j l'u, Johnstown. Bernard J. MrGIltery. Pn., Leechburg, t larence E. Gonser. 1 Pn, Lloyd, Torrcnce A. Scarborough, i I'a, MinerSille, John G. I'nrlry. t Tex, Mount I'lea.nnt, Jamc. It. DU1. I Pn, ew ("n.tle. I'rnnk Ro... ' I'n, Xrw Stanton, Anson Moore. l'u I'ine Grote. Harry Benjamin t Dentrn. t Pa, Philadelphia. Harry G. Weber. i'a, I'ottNillIc, Arthur F. farcy. I'a, Pottatlllc, GcnrKC W. Duby. ' I I'n, Pntt.tllle. Harold J. I.rlser. I'n, I'hlladelphla, Joseph Flllmyer. Pn, Pru.peet, John . Illlllanl. I'n, Snlt.burg. Robert A. W'augnman. I'a. Schuylkill Ilmrn, Harry E. Kel ler. Pa. Schuylkill Haven, Milford. D. Klahr. I'n. Schuylkill HnTrn. Hnrry E. Reber. I'a, Sbamokln. Charlea Ilnlnea. Pa, Trrnton. Dnlphon Jacob.. I'a, Volant. Walter D. (.IITrn. I'a, Wclglestonn, lork County, Leroy W elgle. Portugal. Madrro, John F. Gouvea. Wash., I".Iiiib, Dnlght J. Murray. Run. la. Kllmhocko, Jo.eph N. Gorocfa. Tex, BNbop, Eugene Tumllnnon. Wn.h, t fi.mipoli, f 'hnrle. DutTey. Wash, slnn.on l'erry, Lnwrence An trcj. Wn.h, Hoftulam, Henry C Hegblom cher. Wn.h, .North Yakima, Ralph R. Tay lor. Wn.h, Spokane. Edwin J. Bnxard. Wash, Wnll.i Wnlln, Wlllard L. Flrt W. Va, f barlc.towti, George W.Jones. Wl., Ocento, Milton Cain. SERVICE STARS tOanrtexit: 11: By Jobs T. XeCntaon,l Ohio, Cincinnati. Julius A. Deller. Ohio, Toledo, Morris Goodman. Ore, Canionvllle, George H. Fallltt. Ore, Ironside, Canlllou. I. Iawrenee. Ore, Portland, Llle Dnlley. INi, Mc.doo, Vasily Potocboy. Pa, Philadelphia, George R. Gosner. I'n, I'lttxhurgh, John L. McGulre. I'a , I'hlladelphla, Edward J. Sparka. I'n, South Bethlehem, Jessie Fred erick. Pn, Sunbury, Robert R. Rorlck. Poland, Llgovoo, Joe Gatfran akk Utah, Sclplo, Edward C. Peterson. Vn, Alexandt'a. Theron R. GroTea. lu. Council, Elbert Fletcher. Wash, Lebnm, Slla. V. Workman. Wash, Olallu, ( edor J. Fagerud. Wn.h, Seattle, Raymond Vaughn. Wn.n, Spanway, John Rohr. W. Vn, Cnmeron, Wllllnm T. Eller. W. Is, Grrcn Sulphur, Emerson Ar nold Martin. W. Va, Xew TbaekcT. Stewart Lone Wl., Rhlnelander, Georse E. Swed berg. RgEVIOUSLY REPORTED DIED OF WOUNDS, NOW REPORTED WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDE TERMINED.) MAJOR. Via, Rnmer, Jnmes C. Wllltama. i.ii:t"ri:xAXTs. ill, Springfield. Elmer E. nagler. Kan, Pittsburg. Jnme. W. Ilnnbery. . J, Icyporf, Alfred P. Conoier. .N. C, Weldon, i:tlnt H. Clark. I'n, ew Bethlehem, Walter W. Craig. I'n, Ephratn. Drleth Eber Mrlllnger. Pa, I'hlladelphla. Leon F. Roemer. Tex, Waxabachle, Thoma. It. Brad Icy. Wu.h, Everett, Harold Clinton Waa gntt. Wl., Milwaukee, John Barton Mc Carthy. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISS- ING, NOW REPORTED KILLED KILLED IN ACTION. I.IEtTEVAXT. Ark, O.rcoln, John McGavoek Grtdrr. PRISONER. tORPORAI, j Ind, Aurora, Harvey I'hlpp.. i - - 4- SEVEN HEN AS THE LOCAL MARKET TRADING DIVIDED BETWEEN BONDS AND SHARES. Washington Gat, Capital Traction, and Washington Railway and Electric Securities Transferred. Commercial National and Other Companies' Stocks Find Purchasers. The local stock exchange had a. fairly active day, with trading In bonds and shares about equally di vided in demand. One $500 Wash ington Css Light bond S per cent at 00, and a $1,000 Washington Gas Light, S per cent at DO, changed hands; also a J500 Washington Rail way and Electric 4 per cent at 09, and a $100 Capital Traction at 994. Thirty shares of Coramsrclal Na tional Bank, in three sales of ten each, sold at 18S. Four Lanslon chares sold at 57. and ten Merchant. Starice and Transfer at par. A JG Lansrin senp sold at 9714. and Wash ington Gas Light three shares sold at Wash. Loan & Trust.... 236 2 Continental Trust 115 . 11 SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. Home Savings 420 ... Bank of Com & Sar.... 12 ... East Wash.-Sav. Bank.. 11 ... Sec Sav. & Com. Bank. 175 ... FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS. Arlington Fire Ins...... 8 It Corcoran Fire Ins 90 ... Firemen's Fire Ins 18 ... Ger. Amer. Fire Ins.... 240 ... Nat. Union Fire Ins.... 554 ... TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS.' Columbia Title Ins 4 5 Real Estate Title Ins 80 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Chapln Sacks 180 D. C. Paper Mfg. Co.... 90 Mer. Trans. &. Stor 100 115 Security Storage 183 Washington Market .... 104 ... U. S. Realty Co 12fc ... ALLOTWiORE - HOTELS PACKED TODAY'S SALES. Commercial National Bank, 1O01SS, 10-S10S, 10S1SS. Lanston, -Hi57. Merchants Transfer and Storage, lOfilOO. Lanston script. CS97U- After call Washington Gas, 5"s, 5OOf90. M.000fi9G. Washington Gas. 33S2I4. Washington Railway 4's, J50069. Capital Traction 5's, $500ij99?i- LOCAL BOND MARKET. GOVERNMENT BONJJ3. Bid. AsUed. 03 , MISSING IN ACTION. LIECTE.NAINT. Ill-GLEIU Ky, Loill.illlr. Rbcn C. .Button. Tex, Au.tln. Ilcnininln 31. trrn.baw. PHIl ATEt. Imperial. Robert B. Wrather- Angclc., F. i Oil. ford. Cul, Lii. 1 bnnini. Cut, Onklnnd. I,c.ter A Small. Ill, Brockton, Inude licrrlrk. HI, hlcugo. Ilermnn Andcr.on. Ill, i hlcngo. rthur A. Klrrhner. Ill, Chicago, Frank L. Lankownkl, Jr. Itul, Purablta I.eccc, Ce.Imo He- dunno. Ill, t apron, Amo. A. Herman. on. Ill, t hlcngo. Jamc. E. 1'ettcr.on. Ind, lllrkncll, John Kool. Ind, f'rauford.tlllc, i:nrl 1 oung. Ind, Mnrengo, Curtl. II. Jenkins, lown, t Inrrnrc, Hurry M. Stouffer. lown, Horiilck, Ilenton 1, t orey. Hal), Folrlno, I'aleta Chlata, Filo- meno thliitclla La, Franklin, Jo.eph A. Grrgolre. Mich, Rrutii., Sojnmon Nnldcr. Mich, Highland Park, John F. Mr- Srtccnej. Mlfb, -North Branch, Valdla C Pat rick. Slont, Ml.aonla, Mifrlnn F. Fuller, cb, Omnha, Henry 9ento. Xcr, Round 3Iountaln, FIdenaa G, Ott. X. Brooklyn, Woltcr Gro.lry. X. Y, Brooklyn, HoTard Knlacr. X". V, Iluflalo, Anthony f.eorge Lanke.. N", 1., Corning, ICrneat J. Trarla. X. 1, High Falla, Ul.trr to, Phillip S. I uir). V. .t Rocheater, Ira aprlng. X. J, Trenton, 'raak Kalraczek. X. V, -Troy, Tliamu I. Owens, ANARCHISTS INN Y 1 NEW YORK, Aug 26 Six men and one girl, alleged to be Russian an archists, have been arrested here by Department of Justice agents and army Intelligence officers, and arc charged w ith being responsible for cir culars attacking President Wilson and the American war policy. The men, w ho w ere caught In a som ber and out-of-the-way room on the East Side, wore long hair and were hiavily bearded. They call them selves "the Blast Group" taken from the Emma Goldman and Alexander ltcrkman publication, called "The Blast." The circulars attacking President Wilson and America's war policy were circulated teveral days ago. Forged draft cards, guns and bundles of anarchistic circulars were FCized when the East Side room was raided. Other rooms In the building will be bParchcd for other evidence. Federal agents said. In the hope of diaclobing some connection of "The Blasters" with the German spy ring In thtx country. Tho girl member of the "Blast Group" Is Mnllle Stlner, a twenty-one- ear-old waist maker, who lives where the raid was, mad. She came from Russia five years ago. U. S. TAKES OVER BANK. ST. LOUIS, Mo, Aug. 20. Bank commissioners of Missouri today took over management of the Union Station Bank of SL Louis when It failed to open Its door, According to Com missioner O N Enrlght, the entire capital of JlOO.noO and surplus of $27,000 are gone. Deposits amount ing to J1.SOO.000 made chiefly by railroad men, are endangered U. 8. Reg. 2's 9SH LT. S. Coupon 2 OS's U. S. Reg. 4's J08H U. S. Coupon 4's 100H D. C 3C5-s Liberty Loan 3V 1030 Con. Lib. Loan 4's 04.22 2d Lib. Loan 4's 113 00 3d Lib. Lojin 4U's 95 12 1st Con. Lib. Loan 44's 94.20 2d Con. Lib oan 4-Ss. 93 92 GAS BONDS. Georgetown Gas 5's Washington Gas 5's 9i Col. Gas & Elec 5's 80 Col. Gas gc Elec Deb. .V. 75 RAILROAD BONDS. Cap. Trac. It. R. 5's 09. Ana. & Potomac 5's . s." Ana. Pot. Guar. 5's 84 Metro. R. R. 5's iU Wash. Ry & Elec 4'a... C-ij Wash.. Bal. & An. 5's. . . hi 99 83 ko 100 90 70 101 90 97 Lend yoor money aa freely aa our boya irt giving tbemaelvea. Buy War Savinga Sampa. MISCELLANEOUS BOVDS. Potomac Elec, com. 5's. 01 9t FoL Elec Lt. 5's OG'-J OS Pot. Elec l'ower 6's ... . t, Pol. El P. gen. 5's 93 '-j 04 C. A-1. Telephone 5's.. . 07S OS Amer. Tel & Telga. I'a. 77 'i 77J Am. Tel. & Tel. 4'4's.. S2 Si Am. T. & T. Ctl. Tr. 5's. 8714 74 Am. Oraphophone 1st C's 0(1 91 D. C. Paper Mfg. G-s OS 100 Wash. Mkt. 5's 1027... 93 Wash. Market 5's 1917.. 05 W. M. Cold Storage 5's. . 94 Sec Stg. & Safe Dep. C's . . N & W. Steamboat 5's.. 100 RIggs Really 5's (Long). ... Rlggs Realty 5's (short). U. S. Hcalty 5's 101 PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Capital Traction SS 89 Wash. Ry. & Elec. com. . 50 Wash. lly. & Elec pfd. . 70 N & W. Steamboat.... I5S 170 Washington Gas 51 52 Columbia Gas & Elec. 35 Amer. Tel. & Tel 00 TYPE MACHINE STOCKS. Mergenthaler Linotype.. 112'4 1135J Ianston Montotype 53 00 Lanston Script 07 07 VI NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. American Nat. Bank.... 140 ... Capital Nat. Bank 224 Commercial Nat. Bank.. 187 190 District Nat Bank 140 Far. & Mech. Nat. Bank. 220 240 Federal Nat. Bank 170 ... Lincoln Nat. Bank ICO Nat. Metropolitan Bank. 200 207 RlECs Nat Bank 405 445 S-cond Nat. Hanr 150 Nat. Bank of Wash .... 230 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. Amer. Sea. & Trust i20 National Sav. & Trust... 278 Union Trust. 120 LALTIMORE. Aug. 20. Baltimore hotels have smashed all previous rec o'ds in the number of guests .regis tered this summer. Normally a dull period of the year, with most o' the r?ular guests at mountain or sea shore, the summer months this year have found the hotels- packed to ca pacity and turning prospective guests away every day because of lack of ac commodations. For all of which, and the changed aspect of local hostelries. the war Is responsible. In the first place, owing to the overcrowded condition of Washing ton, hundreds of big business men who turned over their private enter prises to subordinates and are tiv Ine their entire time to war work at Washington, are now- regular resi dents of Baltimore hostelries, going to Washington every morning .and returning to Baltimore at night. In addition to this, Baltimore's extensive war industries have made it an Im portant link In the chain, having New York at one end and Washington at the other, and hundreds on war busi ness And lt necessary to stop over in Baltimore to attend to certain details In" the course of their reeular trips between New York and the Capital. The proximity of Camp Meade has been another big contributing factor, as has Camp Holabird. Clerks of the local hotels say that scores of guests are continuously registered who ar fathers, mothers, wives or other rela tives of boys at Meade, who come to Baltimore and spend weeks at a time to be near their loved ones. During the Urns that the 312th Held artillery and the 315th and 31Gth In fantry regiments, all Philadelphia and Pennsylvania outfits now overseas, were at Meade, week-end automobile parties from Pennsylvania taxed the capacities of the hotels. The week-end rush of men from Holabird and Meade was so great that the hotels were unable to take care of it. and provision for the men had to be made by the War Camp Community SerIcc A goodly num ber of such men. however, every Sat urday and Sunday,- are among the registered guests of the city's best hotels. Hundreds of army and navy officers. In or passing through the city, help swell the number. The war has given a totally differ ent aspect to the lobby of every hotel In the city. Gone are the lobby clubs of old, where old friends gath ered, and, tapping toes with canes and puffing fragrant cigars, swap ped yarns and exchanged experiences. In the lobby of a big downtown hotel yesterday every chair was taken, but not a single man was talking to another. Each was eith er absorbed. In a paper digesting the war news or nervously watching the clock, anticipating the keeping of an engagement. The terse comment of the desk clerk. "Nothing special go ing on; Just busy," describes not only the condition of the hotels, but the attitude of the guests as well. In tho grill rooms the gay parties of other years are conspicuous by their absence and over the doors of several are sign nf the Unlteii States Food Administration admonishing the diners to eat and drink less Women clerks, and elevator operators em phasize still further the .different at mosphere which pervades the hotels today as contrasted with the atmo sphere a few years ape, WALL ST, MARKET INTEREST IN STEEL COM MON AT OPENING Stocks Make Good Gilm In Initial Trading, But Prices Recede After First Sales ."Canadian Pacific Makes Advance of Half a Point. NEW YORK, Auc. 20.J-Nearly all the Interest at. the opening of the stock market today centered In Steel common, which was In urgent demand all through the first fifteen minutes, making an opening gain of S to IMS. Othtp mfnflem ntor1 vuin ! . thejnltlal trading, buafter the first sales receded, and at the end of the first quarter of an hour showed net losses from Saturday's closing prices. Canadian Pacific made an advance of .i to 170. from which lt dropped to 169. After Tnalcin manv Klt m. - -----e u . saw r staau . orda for the year, the market showed an .abrupt change (ate In the fore noon, nearlv .11 th lmn., - declining from 1 to 2 points from the UIKA. Steel common dropped from 115 to 113T&. while nf ahntif th .m amount were sustained In the other sceei industrials. Saturday. Cloaa. RUr3. ZX Alaska O M.. 3U Aias.-Jnnean. 2 33J4 AlUs-Cftal... 34 69 Am Beet Snj 718 47M Am. Can.... AB'A Saturday. Oom. 24J Southern Ry. 643 So Ry pf... J8J youth YaciCa 76 '& SoPacpf.... Siudebalcer.. lSa Tenn C & C, Hlia. Lev. 24 H 24U 64 64 sex 77 44.K 19 1533 89S 77 44Ji 19JS 154 Id PJC. 24X 641, Lra- 3J IX :-3X 7J 47 9Js Am Ag ChenfclOOJ 100 66 'i 42U 22 S4 33J$ 42- 783. 67a 85JS 42 21U 3'i 33 41X 73 17X 120 . p.kt 3.', 2 33S 718 48J$ 100K f5fc 42 21 93 W 33H 42 788 678 A C & Fdv 428 Am Cot OH.. 218 Am H-i L.. 84J A H & L pt. Amer Ice.... 418 Am Linseed. Am Lin pf... 673. Am Loco 128J Am Sam Tob. 1288 1273$ 128 Am S Tob pf. 9 89 89 778 -Am Smelt's. 78.'i 778 778 75tf A Steel Fdy. 758 75H 758 HOtf Am Susar... 1118 110 Ills Am Sugar pf. 109J 109 109JS 97M Am Tel & T. S8 875 98 1E9J Am Tobacco 160 163 160 Am Woolen.. 538 538 588 36K Am W P pf. 36?6 308 368 Am Zinc... C63C Anaconda ... 67 Atchison. . Atchison pt. 948 Bald Loco... 56J Bait & Ohio. Batopllas Mn. BethSUpf. 85! Beth SU B. M Brook R T.. 145 Burns Bros.. 170 Can Pacific. O'i Cen Leather. 588 Ches & Ohio. 93J C4NW.... 508 CM iS P.. 0!4 CM&SPpf 268 CR I t P R. 678 CRI&P 6 wL. 788 CRIP7ri.. Chile Copper 478 ColP& I... 353i ColG&E... 433. Corn Prod... ContCan.... 69J Crucible Stl. 0 ' Cuba C Su:. Del L&W.. 59 DisSec 153$ Erie ... 328 Erie 1st pfd. Erie dpf.... 147U Gen Elec,... 162tf Gen. Motors. 93 Z Gt North pt. 318 Gt Nor Ore.. 448 Greene C C 1268 Harv. N. J... Hask & Ban. 518 Ins Copper.. 618 Int Agri pi. 64'A Int Harres.. Int Harv pf. 30 Int Nickel... 35 Int Paper.... Kan. City... 338 Kennecott .. 848 Lack Steel... L&Mpf.... 116 Lou & Nash. 27 Marine com.. 102J Marine pfd.. 26 Maxwell M C Max 1st pf... Mexican Pet. 278 Miami Cod... 538 Mldvale Stl.. Mo. K &. T.. MSPSSM. 248 Ma Pacing... 57 Mo Pac pf... NatC&C... 743 N Y Cent... 127 NYlrBrk. Nat Lead.... 448 N YNH&H. N Y O & W.. 903 Nor Pacific. . Nor Amer.... 98 Ontario Silvr 38 Ohio Gas... ee'A Owens BM.. 44 Ohio F S... Pacific Mail. 448 Penn R R... 51Ja Pitts Coal... 27li P.itts & WVa 81 P&WVa pf. 39 Plerc-Arrow 708 Press SU Car 112 Pull Pal Car. 24 Ray Con Cop 67X Ry SU Sprjrs 90!4 Reading -. 93 R. I. & Steel. 7'A Saxon Motr. 73i Seab'd A L. . Bhattuck A 0 32 Sinclair Oil. 614 Slots 31 178 67 .678 82 958 568 18 1043i 85 298 146 170J 708 53 q33f SVi SOW 268 63. 798 168 478 388 443 72.' 698 318 176 59 15?; 338 233 1478 1618 93,U 328 448 1273$ 46U 623$ 62l 65 106 30' 36 183$ 338 848 102 1158 278 1023$ 268 58 1013$ 278 54 58 928 S48 573 17,' 743. 127 'Si 448 21 '4 908 408 98 ;BU 70 43 328 448 51 37 81 39 718 1128 24 678 918 933. 7 73. 158 32 178' 178 6 63$ 88 82 878 P 94Ji 943$ 558 558 18 18 1043$ 1043$ 848 84 '4 398 398 146 146.U 1678 168 69 70,'i 588 5d8 933$ 933$ 508 b08 79 ' 79 X. 258 268 678 fc8 79 798 168 l168 478 47M 353$ 353$ 438 448 728 72K 69 19 30tt 30 176 176 588 88 158 158 32U 328 233$ 233$ 147 147 1618 1618 92!i S3'A 32 32 443$ 448 1273$ 1273$ 43 46 52 52U 628 628 65 65 106 103 298 298 36 36 183$ 183. 33 33U 648 848 102 1C2 1158 1158 278 278 1018 1013$ 263$ 263$ 58 8 101 1018 278 278' 538 538 58 58 928 928 14 24 57-S 573$ 17 17 74 74 127 127 67 67 433 44 218 218 908 SO' 408. 408 934" 98 Text Pac. . 15.. 15 JVi Tobac Prei. 72 71?f U Cic Store 134.'& 109 -0SCIP&F. 138 138 128 Unicn Pac.. 1283$ 1278 1308 United Fruit 13J 1298 128 U S Ind Al. 1285-1283i 628 U S Rubber. 6?8 63 U S Rub 1 pf 1048 1048 1148 U Z Steel. 115 1128 ti S Steel pf Utah Copper Va-CarChera Wabash--... Wabash pt A 438 Wesfhouse.. 15 x 'Weatera.Md. 193. Willys-Over. Wilson pf. 1108 38 10 40 1108 1108 91 638 Wor Prop M. 82 568 10 40 44 158 198 918 668 818 658 98 398 435. 158 198 98 638 15 MJt. 05. 7X 1C5. f 130 1233$ 63 1048 1148 1108 82- 58 98 388 4 158 198 918 683. PAPER SHORTAGE , L BAN ONGTALK 38 67 43 388 70 43 328 328 448 448 51 37 81 39 51 37 81 39 703f 718 112 1128 238 238 668 68 90 903$ 928 93 7 73$ 7 73. 158 158 328 328 Because of the shortace of nrtat paper In the Goremment Prtntlajc Office, members of the House ar urged to cut oat Iong-winCed speeches. The fact that there lart enough paper In sight to permit t printing: of lengthy speeches en x sorts of subjects. In the Congressiozi Record was brought out today. '-, Congressman Walsh of JussacSu setts stirred up th matter wnent criticised the length of speeches pat Into the Record by Congressarv Blanton and Treadway. He sal" ' "Such speeches ought not to be al mltted in view of the paper short age." ' Chairman Bamhart. of the prmttrr committee, said he had been authorize f by his committee to ask members to rf slow on printing lonz- speeches beeaaa of the shortage of paper In the,Prlntlfcr Offke. He added that lt would prtfx ably be. necessary to commandeer ptfper In order to get out the GoTemment pub lications. I nin riT rnn i rno UHHtAirUKLtto- IN LOS ANGELS The cost to the average faraflT Va Washington for food Is 10.5 per ceht more than If the same food were tor- chased In Los AngeleiC according Sgures collected in the two cltfes July 23 by the Bureau of Markets; In a statement given out with a. table of flfrures showing comparisons between Washington and Los Angelea food prices, the bureau says: , " "The accompanying figures shovr Washington to be considerably higher on a treat majority of the food prod ucts listed in the first group. "Washington Is 10(i per cent higher on potatoes and one-third per cent higher on bread. These two commo dities make up a considerable portiost of the average family's expenditure, for food and 13 largely responsible for Washington being 1D.5 per cer.C higher. '' "In the dairy product group Los Alj geles Is slightly higher on three of the articles, with Washington higher on only one. " "In the fresh meat group. Washing, ten is from 22 to OS per cent high! on all products listed, w i S.i t tlon of pork chops, v. ,.ch ore same price In both cities. "In the cured meat fi'oup Lor AIU gtles Is higher on all but ttl bacon. "Washington is i fry teuifc tighe on all fruits and vegetables &ad sasj what higher on canned vegetables. "In the flour and corn meal groups, Los Angeles Is higher on two of the three articles listed with the same price prevailing on one." BEFRIENDS DOG, DIES OF BITE HAZLETOjr.' Pa, Aug. 29. Thirteen-year-old Josephine Shlmanskl. of Parte View, died of blood poisoning from the bite of a stray dog wblcl she befriended. She was treated aO the State Hospital, but wanted to ro home when she learned she could noB recover and reached her parents home two hours before she passed. away. OBSERVE ROUMANIA DAY. ROME, Aug. 28. Roumania day was successfully celebrated here yes terday. 4 . I FINANCIAL W1 Capital and Sarplna. C0O0 .800 HO will look after your properly in terests while you are on duty overseas? Settle that nuestion before the next draft. Mr. Business Man, by arrltiv; inc NOW with this institu tion to serve as your Finan cial AKent. Depiuv or IrtinEcr. We are empov-ered to Ret m all fiduciary capacities 0'ir entire assets are a bond for the faith ful discharge of any trust dele gated to our care, glTConfrrtnce without obligation Invited. National Saving & Trust Company Car. I'-lk ini N V. Ave ni"rvsXo. u -xnxw. The Safest Investments Ara thaaa that s M( nnetnaU 4urUS tfla. tnrbl esndttlona of taa raonay or stock maM tats. First deed of truat notca (first merM mil), well ancand oe, real, aetata la tha bl.trlet at Columbia, esnstlrau "tilt-ads InTtatmata. and thar So not Srpad npoo tM trardal rapenilbtuty sf hvdlTidoala er com Mratlana for thIr atablllty. Wa can anstfy iveh lnTatmntp In amotrata rrora t5S9 ua vara. M r NxiiUt "Coaoralrt (Jul nS tBrtrallt. SWARTZELL. RHEE.M &, HENSEY CO.