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M" Bj l jp i ?ftJ!i' J f ' THE WASHmGHLON TBIES: MONDAY; AUGUST 2tt 1318. KEWyi-gWWHjlO JliiH D.C. MAN CHAMPION F KILLER 0 COOTIES CAMP MEADE. MJ Ans. 28. The thtmplon cooties killer of the army Is here. He Is Frank Dowd, of Washing' ton. -who as chemist for a large raanu factoring concern has worked out formulae for preparations that hare made army camps, forts, trenches, and dugouts unsafe places for all kinds of insects. Rats, mice, and other "rar mints" that show such great zeal In Joining the armed forces are also dis posed of by Dowd'a solutions. In the area around Washington Alone fifty barrels of the drugs are being used. Three of his solutions ore widely used in homes and hospi tals under trade names. Before his number was called Dowd was in the Health Department of the District of Columbia. He is for the present in the depot brigade, subject to call to any place where a cootie is seen or felt. No household, hospital, or hotel could be more particular than the army in ilghting all pests, especially those likely to bring disease. In spite or every precaution, unwelcome visi tors do appear in kitchens and In bar' racks. What Is known as spring cleaning in towns takes place in camp once a week. Beds and everything movable are placed In the sun for four or five hours, in winter as well as in summer. MAN TRAMPLE HO OF KAISER NEW YORK, Aug. 28. A remark able demonstration Is reported to have taken place In Berlin when a report was spread that the military authorities Intended to raise the mili tary age limit, says a copyright Am sterdam report to the New Tork Times. This started trouble in the poorer quarters, and particularly in the Boa bit district, for in this district, which might be called the tower hamlets, or Bermondsey, of Berlin, had been cir culated a report that the older classes would be released from service. Reports of the contrary decision were reeclted with anger and dismay. Crowds, mostly of women and old men. assembled in the streets and noisily discussed the matter. Under the eyea of the police, however, the crowds melted away and the people returned to their homes or went to the cafes. But at the latter place pictures of the Kaiser, the crown prince, Hlndenburg, and Ludendorff were taken from the walls and thrown Intq the streets. For some minutes there was a rain of pictures of Germany's military Kreat ones pouring from Berlin's private and public house Out of doors the people gave vent to their feelings ty trampling- the pictures underfoot. Some who had lingered rather too long at this business were Arrested. For an hour street clean ers were busy sweeping up the tat ters of thousands of the gaudy litho graphs, a spectacle which was en Joyed by onlookers from many a window in Berlin. SEIZE BARONESS' VILLA FLORENCE, Italy. Aug. 2a Au thorities have seized the villa of the German baroness. Cla KemarowskL It will be transformed into a home for children. LEMON JUICE TAKES OFF TAN Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin is sunburned, tanned or freckled Men of Means Scrub Decks at $1 Per Day In Merchant Marine War is serving to make all men literally equal. Nowhere is this more strikingly demonstrated than in the merchant marine, where men of means are scrub bing decks at $1 a day. A bank president, Lansing Wil cox, of Great Harrington, Mass., in an assistant paymaster; Harry Rulten, known as Harry Murray, a $500-a-week vaudeville per former, Is swabbing decks and chipping paint; R. C. Watson, Richardson, Tex., farmer and wealthy man, is a mess waiter; Albert L. Bannister, son of a Massachusetts mill oner, is in the steward's department. SANDBAG ON TAIL CURBS MULE'S BRAY Squeeze the Juice of two lemons into a Dotue containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best' freckle, sunburn, and tan lotion, and ccmplexion beautl- fler. at very, very small cost. Tour grocer na the lemons and any arug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massape this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms, and hands each day and see how freckles. sunburn, windburn. and tan disap pear ana now clear, sort ana white the skin becomes. Tes! It is harmless. ADVERTISEMENT CAMP HUMPHREYS, Vs., Aug. 26. No longer will it be necessary to oper ate on the throat of the poor army mule, as the French veterinarians are eaid to do, to prevent the resound ing he-haws by which the beast wakes the echoes, arousing the Humphreys engineers from their toil weary slumbers. After many experi ments with gas masks, feed bags, and the like. Stable Serst. Dave Traugott. of Company F, Fourth Regiment, who back In Pennsylvania had great op portunities for studying the char acteristics of the mule, has discovered a much simpler method. A little bag of sand attached at night to the tail of the mule. Sergeant Traugott discovered, worked the trick. Accordingly each night the bags are attached to the tails of all the mules In the stable and Traugott and his comrades get their sleep undisturbed by the blatant brays of their charges. The doughty sergeant's knowledge is the result of deep study and much re search, gleaned from close association with the animal. According to Trau gott, in order to bray successfully snd with wonted harmony, a mule must stretch his neck and elevate its caudal appendage to a horizontal position at right angles to the vertebrae. Denied this privilege by the weight of a small rock or sack of sand, the beast id absolutely unable to bray. LEAVESBHTO T CAMP MEADE. Md Aug. 35 Na than Kaufman, of the Twenty-second company, depot- brigade, is jtrobafely tne rnly soldier In Cmg jMc&de ho has come all the way.xron Geruianyo take part In thevjon-pffainst German. He was a Russian student In a technical school, and atterthe Russian ambassa dor told him. Tie had to stay in Germany ue mrnea ro nis own wils ana ro&nagea to get to Denmark. In Copenhagen he was arrested as a Russian spy and was put to work as a war prisoner. He worked his way on a Danish steamer to Stockholm and then got back to his home In Russia. Getting In the Russian army, he was about to get a taste of real war when he was weighed In the scales and found wanting Weighing only 100 pounds, he was picked to be a bugler and sent to a school to learn music In the school he was Anally rejected on account of his frail health. His sister then gave him money for a trip to Japan, and fxom Japan he worked his way to the United States Here he tried to enlist in the Jewish Legion of the British army, but wal rejected. He wi turned down by the United States army and United States navy, but was finally drafted in Philadelphia. After many tests here Kaufman has been ordered on full duty. Indicating that he has all strength necessary for drilling and fighting. He is anxious to fight his way back to Germany and thus com plete his tour of the globe. FIGH WAY BACK PROBE KILLING OF BABE RUTH FATHER THIS IS THE AGE OF YOUTH Strands of Gray Hair May Be Removed Strands of gray hair are unattrac tive and very unnecessary and accel erate the appearance of approaching age. Why not remove all traces of gray In the hair and possess an even shade of beautiful dark hair in boun teous quantities by tbe use of "La Creole" Hair Dressing' Used by thou sands of people every day every where with perfect satisfaction No one need be annoyed with gray hair hair streaked with gray, diseased scalp or dandruff when offered such a S reparation as "La Creole" Hair iressing. Apply It freely to scalp and hair, rubbing It in well, and after a few applications you will be de llghtfully surprised with the results. USE "LA CltEOMR" HAIIt DRESSING for gray or faded hair and retain the appearance of jouth. Used by gentle men In every walk of life to restore rM even dark color to their gray hair, beard, or mustache For sale by O'Donnell's Drug Stores. People' Drug Stores, and all good drug stores BALTTMORE, Aug. 26. The city postmortem physician will perform an autopsy today on the body of George H. Ruth, forty-two years old. father of "Babe" Ruth, all-around star of the Boston Red Sox, who was killed late Saturday night during a fist fight with Benjamin Sines, thirty years old. a city fireman and brother-in-law of the elder Ruth Pending the result of the autopsy the action of the coroner's Jury, Slpes is held at the western district police station charged with the killing of Ruth. Slper claims self-defense, averring that Ruth struck him twice without provocation. The trouble oc curred outside of a saloon owned by the dead man. Ruth, when struck. was standing on the curb, and the blow caused him to lose his balance, crashing violently on his head In the street. He never regained conscious ness. Nothing had been heard from "Babe' Ruth, early today, but It Is expected he will be here to attend his father's funeral and this may Interfere with Ruth finishing out the season with the Red Sox Ills father' j death may also prevent Ruth playing In the world's series, should the Red Sox win tbe American League pennant. CZAREVITCH SHOT. LONDON, Aug 28. A Russian prince who recently arrived In Eng land states that shortly after the Czar was killed by the Bolshevlkl they assassinated his son, age thirteen years When the murderers of the Czar went to the Czarevitch they said We killed nur father. It was a dog's death for a doe." " -. ..- W -!- 1 t..j1 This Store Closed All Day Saturday and Monday STORENEWSOFiANSBIIRGH.&SB!0i! Editorial It some one can explain the how and why of NICKNAMES, we would like to hear from them. There is "Skinny," who weighs a ton; "Fatty," thin as a rail; "Happy," who never smiles unless some one gets hurt, etc Only thing we have been able to figure out is that nicknames just happen. Sometimes they reflect a human trait; other times they show a lack of something or other. For almost a year we've been trying to figure out a name for our boys over there. First it was "Sammies," but THEY didnt like it, so we dropped that one. Now it's YANKS a typical American name and one which we believe will stick, t It's short, easy to say and forceful. What more could be asked. Millinery of the Better Kind $10 to $45 Perchance you'll like a chic little turban or one of -the new "tarn" effects; possibly you had rather have one of the wider-brimmed affairs daintily embroidered whatever your desire, you are sure to find it here because, our early fall dis ' plays include trie newest modes approved by fashion and feature the latest "effects in shape, in trimming, and in color. ' Twpuld bejpnpossible to describe enough models to give you 'an acleguate idea "of our exhibits. A visit will prove hnore pleasurable. Prices, $10 to $45 Second Floor Xannburgh A Bro. Great Enthusiasm In the Buying Of These Rich, -NeW Fall Coats Women are coming to realize that these"ganftents cannot be duplicated at -prices as Jow as ours when we reorder. "" We might say for your information that wholesale prices are io to 20 per cent higher NOW than they were when we bought several 'months ago. Pom Pom Silvertone v ' ' ' I - k - A Corner of Our Sun Porch for Employees A loggia or sun-parlor on the sixth floor.-where comfortaljlti-: chairs await our salespeople during the noon hour or anyilnie they desire a quiet rest in tHe open air. ; A Grafonola furnishes music for those who wish-fe-daacet--- Then immediately back of this is an Indoor rest room also filled with rockers, chairs, tables, etc, for our employees-. ,,' ' , Just one of many things we do for our business associates, '. If .you would like ta join our force see Mr. Hart Regular $3.00 40-Inch All Silk Crepe Meteor;. Yd. Beautiful and lustrous" and "Very soft sad rich in texture, . Its colors are as follows: Porcelain, Yale blue. Delft blue, x silver ray, smoke gray, taupe, mole, trench brown, Ssyrtle, wisteria, phnn.'egg plant, peacock, white, black, sapphire, navy, and midnight- 2 .69 Velour Normandy Broadcloth Coats that are trimmed with fur or self trimmed. Beautiful coats'' de picting the most authoritative styles for the coming season. Hundreds of Coats, $19.95 to $195.00 The models art so. "varied that women of every taste can find what they want, priced according to what they can afford to pay 36-in. New Fall Plaid Silk8,;$2.25,.$2Sq;J Beautiful .multi-colored safer plaida in rich colorings and.aH new and'ex- elusive designs. For new fall dresses, Ictrts, etc , , Third Floor, nsborgh Kr 40-in. Figured Pussy Willow, Yard, $400 .We are sbowiBfctfee new fill Jx. anesquer pusy wflknra 'ta rich tsefe- en stripes, jlaija floral dwiigngr We Are Exclusive Agents For Lady Duff Gordon, Inc. Costumes and Dresses Distinctive Styles Second Floor Lansburgh i Bro 9x12 Fine Worsted Wilton Rugs $ .75 Made For One of New York's Leading Stores by one of America's largest mills. The New York store couldn't take care of these rugs in their warehouse, so we were able to purchase the entire shipment at a great reduction from the real marked price. At today's value, these, rugs are worth $125.00. Our regular price will be $100.00. All are finished with linen fringe. The designs are true reproductions handmade Oriental rugs woven of fine worsted yarns in an assortment of pleasing color combinations. Wilton Velvet and Axminster 84 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs. Today's Value $40, at $29.75 The land of rujt that is especially suitable for a room in which it pets a lot of usage, such as offices, living rooms, etc In blue and tan or creen and tan all-over effects. A closely woven rug. Hugs, 9x12 Foot, $49.75 Stephen Sanford Seamless Axminster Rues Un new oriental designs and colorings. A closely woven rug with deep rich pile. Also closely woven Wilton Velvet Bugs in- neat all-over or medallion effects. FaU 4Dress Jjbbds Already our Shelves axe Veil stocked wth the first shipments of woolen dressgoods. This, is possible only because' we placed our orders months ago. Salt's Black Plush, $5.98 Silk face Salfs black '"plush, 60' inches wide. For mtrffs; .stoles,', capes, throws, and coats. tC '06 Special at :.. O.VO Black Broadcloth, $2.98 Twilled back silky face black broadcloth; splendid for tailored suits and capes. 9 QQ Spedal at QCimVO $1.00 54-inch Shepherd Checks, 79c An entire skirt length of this extra wide shepherd check. 2M yarcV will cost you only $1.98. Full ti niches wide. A suit, dress, or coat at small cost. Third Floor Lanaburgh & Bro. vv -Ki 1 i IT Tt- V unc Youre Been Looking For Envelope chemises of fin Tiainsookr voile or flesh batiste with dainty colored stiteEinj as trimming. Finished with lace and ribbon, Spe- ifl AA ' dal at 9JUUU Combinations of flesh, voile, in drawer models with hand embroidered yokes with ribbon stripes over shonl- tf" Qt der. Special at... $1JD Combinations made of good cjuality nainsook in skirt and drawer models embroidery and lace trimmed. At fT Qg $1.25, $L50, and.... i?lV0 Corset covers made of gcd Duality nainsook, embroidery and lace trimmed. Spe- CQn cial at DuC Night robes of fine voile or crepe in flesh or white trim med with dainty colored stitch ing. Some in floral effects. At $1.50, (OOP $L95and $9 Third floor LansburRh & Bro. A Sale of Regular 50c White Imported Batiste, Yd. 35c A very special fine grade with permanent silk fin ish for waists, dresses and lingerie garments. Only a limited quantity. Comes 40 inches wide. .85 New Lace Curtains, Pair According to Today's Value, Worth $4 Pair Fine Scotch laces- in reproductions of the real handmade laces, A choice of white, cream or 2J4 to 3 yards long mercerized marquisette curtams linlslied wllh Unenlzed Hencel lace edge $2 A serviceable and attractive curtain for any room. ecru. 2y2 to and insertion. Mercerized Armnre Portieres, $5.95 Pair In blue and sreen color only. Made of jjood quality mercerized armure. in neat all-over designs and fin ished with braid -edRe. 2 yards long and 47 Inches wide. Fiber Silk Portieres at $10.49 Fair Odd lots in brown, green, blue or cold and finished with braided ede. Made of fiber silk and cotton warp. The most attractive portiere made. I'ourth Floor. I-ansburch i. Uro. New Kapock Snnfast Draperies, $2.98 Yard 45 to 50-inch wide In blue, rose, preen er red color ings, made of fiber silk in neat self-woven designs. For draperies in reception or living rooms. New Fall Cretonnes at 49c Yard Our finest selection of lower priced cretonnes. A good heavy quality in novelty, floral and tap estry effects. ToJay's value is 75c. A Sale of Flannels A special sale of white flannels suitable for all uses for he coming cold weather. White cotton shaker flannel 28 inches wide in a nice, &ie, soft quality. Four different weight cspeciai-y adapted for Infants garments and women's night robe . etc At 30c, 35c, 40c and 50c Inf ants' White Flannel, 50c, 60c, 65c to $1.50 Yard A superior flna grade with Just enough cotton to mako it wash perfectly. yard wide. First Floor, Lansbursh & Bro. Best Outing Flannel At 40c Yard A full line ef the M wi'hjr flannel for skirts, shim, i ajamaa etc. Special, at 40c Store Hours: Open 9:15 A. M.; Close 6 P. 31. ?EQf&&AT&$EBVC ffa , WEsm 420-430 Seventh St'. Throash io Eighth St. . t ' ? 1 i Bt r ji -4 --? I t it ; SSSS HSSl he VurstTn'to ante. tears.