Newspaper Page Text
KT1 THE WASHINGTON TIMES. 1TESDAY. AUGUST 27. IMS. WANT AD RATES 1c A WORD Minimum cbarre (slncle Insertion). 15c. Minimum charre for more than one in sertion. 15c HELP WANTED norsEs for rent LOST ANI FOUND FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS WANTED COrXTRT BOARD business orroRTUXiTirs POULTRY. TETS AND LIVE STOCK WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Advertisements set In 10 rolnt are charred for at the rate of rente per arale Tine One line of Urge type 10 point) equals two lines of small t)pe (acate) An experienced girl operator will help you write your ad. so It -n 111 pull bill will be sent. niova main s:o -dJSE A "RESULT GETTER" IN TIIS TIME3 LOST AND FOUND IXxST White poodle doc. answrrlnr to name Toodles. 63 V st N W Reward. if roCKETROOK. In park near- Washington Ire Call F 7481 2T XnTK nnriK Lost between I4th and I'a. ave- and Municipal Bathing Reach Re ward lor return to 1602 ll si ara noor. s.j ON Tth st. or Kann's Dent. Store, pack tare containing 1:0. bank book, letter and material Reward if return to BOX 330. Times office .8 JIANDRIC Black: In park at Conn, ave. and K at-, please return to i?ii jh si. .", W i-a CTJKF BfTTON ruin rold. Friday after "noon, between 133J K st and Cornwell's. on 11 st Initials H J N on button Re ward If returned to Dr II. J. NICHOLS, 3331 K st N W !-: "WALLET About Dremles of Washington Hotel, containing 1250 In cash, also check for 1181 and valuable papers. Lib eral reward for Information or return to LEONARD L FRANK. 177 Lamer PL Phone Columbia 5S7. l-5- TTOnAK Vest-pocket: lost Tlclnlty Chain bridge. liberal reward. 13 uirara st. i-:s FOUJfD nrft rvtllte. an Dm Kt N W Sunday owner mar bae same by writing BOX 337. Times office 1-38 vr HELP WANTED MALE UTO REPAIR MEN and ex perienced helpers; splendid "working conditions, good wages, and short hours. Arnly F. S. CRISMOND, REAR 723 Third -st N. E. au20-tf "AICOLRK to oar school will qualify newly -Jreglstered men for promotion to higher Tank and better pay, flye weeks or less re- IQUIred- SERVICE RADIO SCHOOL. SO! T. ave, N W au22-20t D.RRERS Two at one.. HOTEL BARBER SHOP NATIONAL 1-2S BARBER On the steamer "' Southland. Apply after i&30 p. kl, Captain, Norfolk ;and Washington Steamboat Co., th st. wharves. 27 BLANK BOOK FORWARDER First class, also half-bound and edition for warder, steady work, eight-hoar day: good conditions: open shop. Apply M. R. A D. A iiYCK CO. savannah. Ga. 27 BUSS BOYS Highest wages paid All meals Childs Co, 1423 Pa. ave. w. BOYS Colored, 16 years old; good pay, steady job. Apply (TRIANGLE DISTRIBUTING CORP., 712 13th st. N. W. M. 1030. 2S yBELL BOT Whits. Apply S001 19th St. ,. i. e. Dfiween if tea s. i-w- MESSENGER BOY To de- " uver pacKages; mnst nae a iftrheeL W. S. THOMPSON, Pharmacy, 703 15th st N. W. l-n (BOYS To carry Times 7 routes, in vicinity of Du Jpont Circle and 14th and TJ :6ts.; good salary. Apply to ftfiu LESER, Circulation De partment, Phone M. 5260 or by card. aul3-tf BOYS AND YOUNG MEN I Ooloreli wlUi wheels, a xnessenrtrt, J Guaranteed 12 to J518 WEEKLY xM commission; also publlo or high sehoel students. aTenlnss. 17 weekly. Apply 717 lit " W mhl2-eod-t COLORED BOY 17 YEARS OLD. THE CRANE PRINTING CO., 813 13 th street N. W. JBOYS To learn paper ruling and book finishing. GEO. A. S1MONDS & CO., 810 F st. "N. W. 1-28 BELUTKV. I; rood warn and board. Apply Head Bellman. ism ana Eye sts K W BELLEVCE HOTEL. 2S 1UUCKLAYER.S (Cnion). 41st and KeoknV. sts. Chevy Chase, D C , 16 houses. 81 Ian hour ROBERT DARR. 6 BUSHELMEX First - class, wanted at once. Apply 1421 -fr st. N. W. 1 BUSHELMAN -JBteady position. MERTZ & MERTZ. F ". X W 1-2J CLERK Elderly preferred; prominent book store; per manent position to right man. $25 per week to start. BOX '31, Times office. 1 GROCERY CLERKS " AXD STORE MANAGERS. Excellent opportunity for o-clean-cut men, Tvith opportu nity for advancement. Expe dience not absolutely neces "Barv. Apply 10 a. m. Sanitary Grocery Co. Inc., 52 0 St. N. W. 10 A. M. TOMORROW aulS-tf-ex tr CHAUFFEUR (Colored) ril before 10 !0 s m at 127 13th st X JULIUS CARKIXKLE i CO. IJ !lt rKKCK for delivery track; mnl be xpenenced and furnish references, good position to right party Apply 9Z1 1jl:ana are N W ! II M FI-KI'R White or rrflnb!ei-oTored; c" ic drive Stearns Knight car must hsve reference and know city thoroughly; "r'fod wages and uniform Inquire at CAN- riO.N i CO. i:: Hth st. N. W. 17 HELP WANTED MALE THE GOVER.VMKNTNEEDl ?OV nr rou ajie a skilled chauffeur AND auto mechanic. THE NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE COLLEGER th and O Fte N. W. Bare Day and Eirnlnr classes. Reasonable Rates. IrVtf- CHAUFFEURS Colored; -ood salary; steady position. Apply 4th floor ollicc W. B. iMOSES & SON, 1 1th and F sts. N. W. CHAUFFEURS Experienced in line; must have Maryland license; good salary to right man; also several help ers needed. Apply 35 N. Y. avc. N. E. Essential occupation. 1-2 CnACrTECR Careful while; with Identi fication card, for taxi, good wages. THE BRIGHTON TAXICAB CO, Tho Brighton HoteL au8-3ot C1IE1. also short-order rooL: day work; good wapM 173 Columbia road 39 CHIEF ENfilNKKR anil two firemen. Ap ply CJIGlUiEMT HllSI'ITAU. I-2S WANTED Clerk and typewriter. Recent Business High school graduate nreferr-d Good salary for young man. Apply In per- son. bus ti street Jj. v. 133" COLIXCTORS Two: experienced- tZS and (30 week. II Oim FURNITURE CO, 1146 7th st. X. W. I MI- CONDUCTORS AND MOTOR MEN Wages 32 cents per hour for first year up to 38 cents per hour at end of fourth year. Credit given former trainmen for previous service with us. Age 19 to So years. Permanent em ployment to men of good char acter. Apply 2 p. m., the Capi tal Traction Co., 36th & M sts. N. W., Washington, D. C. COOK All - around, colored. Good pay. Apply 1742 L st. N. "W. 28S KXrERrENCED short-order rook; male; white or colored, good pay. day tork, no Sundays. 300 10th st. N W 1 :s COOK, male; US per week. CENTl ET LUNCH. 1705 Pa. ae X W. 28 COOKS Two: short -order: colored: bet wars; good hours. Apply COFMOS LUNCH. 06 Pa. ae. N. W. !- COOK Short order; good pay. Box 308, Times OIBce. 1-17 WANTED TAXICAB DRIVER Pleasant Employment. Good wages. Our School of Instruc tion opens August 19, 1918. Wages while learning. Application will be re ceived 10 o'clock to noon each week day. TERMINAL TAXICAB CO., 1231 20th st. N. W. 1-28 DRIVERS For Freight Wagons, Furniture Vans, Baggage Wagons. Highest wages and steady jobs. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., 920 E St N. W. anr24-tf DRAFT MKN. Wireless teleera&hy Is the surest and quickest way to be Indncted Into the service with better ranW and pay than trench daty offers Thousands of opera tires are now urgently needed for servlct in a signal corps, naral reserves, aviation, tank division and merchant marine. Oar fast five weeks' course fur draft men wilt prepare beginners for this service. No crevious ezDerience or knowledge neces sary. New classes start every Monday with day and night sessions. Govern ment licensed Instructors in charge. Over COO atudenta from this school sre now serving Uncle Sam. Many with commis sions ana non-commissions E.sianusnea In Washington In 1814 Call, write, or phone for full Information. NATIONAL RADIO SCHOOL. Utb and Tou Sts. N.W. Jy7-tr DISHWASHER Reliable; -white; also bussboy and short-order cook; good pay and opportunity of advance ment for bright young men. Xo Sunday work. Apply Gen eral Manager. WHITE HOUSE LUNCH, 1024 0th st.'X. W. 1-31 DISHWASHER, $1G.00 up woek. VICTORY LUNCH, 1724 Pa. Ave. N. W. 28 UIHIM IMIKKs'AV'l III -f BOVS; good y.i.K-0 CENTCIt 1.1 .SOU. 170S I'a a- w : KNtJINKICII Cionetent and er;erleneed In opi-railon t fit-vm fl riven refrigerat ing machinery JTi ler week permanent position Apply CHIEF ENGINEER. Cen tre Market 27 K.(,1M:I,I: To work nights and help oat In general Apply IlOX 170. Times of fice lau!7-I0t FLOOR MANAGER A speclalt store desires the sen ices of a first-class floor manager, one who has been an assistant manager preferred, an excellent opportunity to the right man. ROX 2t.S, Times 27 MlthJllN l.erlenred; goed salary. Ap M MANHATTAN I.VCNIHtV CO, 131. Us sie N W 23 FURNITURE wagon i,iTw,r. JIU1II VIM. " M,V... III.YVIJ, 3 srood men. steady position: IH.I'113, good hours, good pay and tips. in garage, excellent pay. Apply at once, 418-420 lOth.SEATON GARAGE, Lincoln st.N. W. 1-29 'road and Scaton st N. E. 29 HELP WANTED MALE FIREMEN Experienced with Hawley down-draft boilers. hours per day S3S per week Apply CHIEF ENGINEER. Cen ter Market 27 IIM.!'I.K for delierlng on ronl trurki. Appl so; lmhst X w - UELPERSt'olored, in de livery tlepl. Globo-Wer-nicke Co., 12IS F X. W.; sec Sliipping Clerk. JS COIX)ltKIl HnlM.MN Rrlng reference.. Apply ICOl 13th .1 N W between 10 and : J-30' HOUSEMAN Colored; $."0 er month and meals. Good hours. Universitv Club, l.'itli and Kyo sts. X. W. 2S J WITOIt "lorrd. good .alary; light work ppl In person with references. 80t E ft N W 1-80 JAMTUI! Itij. Xpply TOST4I. TEI.EnitM'll f.Mll.i: CO. Evans hide . Mil New York Rr l--i W ANTED .lanllor for IJIerty Hut. Y. V t A . Union Malton Tiara S ilBORKP.sKor ImlMlng ron.trurllon SO miles from nt. gotnl wnges. plenty over time HKKE1IPE CONSTRUCTION CO. MJ 8th st S K 31 Unnnr.RS Id; ISe per hear. RED CROSS. D st. bet. 17th and Utb. 1 a;. Ureunlnger. lyS-St LABORERS. SEVERAL. 40c PER HOUR. EXLDE BATTERY DEPOTS, INC., 1823 L ST. N. W. 28 LABORERS For Warehouse Work. S3. 63 per day. Apply to Timekeeper, AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO., Second and Eye sts. N. E jyS-tf IHE CAWITAI, TRACTION COMPANT ITas positions for MECHANICS and IABORER5 on car repairs for main shops and division car barns. Street railway work; In Wash ington Is classed by the Govern ment as ESSENTIAL employ ment. Attractive wares and tr transportation over our lines. APPLT TO SfASTER MECHANIC at snops. IKI M 8treet N. W. MEN--Colored; steady work for inside store; eight-hour dav. "DULIN & MARTIN CO., 1215 F st. N. W. 29 MEN Thrrr, wlilte, for food mannfkrtur las work with corporation, exceptional opportunity salary and hours right . many addM Inducements Apply U. H EM PLOYMENT faEl-VlCE, 1410 Ta ave N V COLORED MEN Middle aged, for kitchen work. Sal ary $50 per month and board. Apply Chef, Universitv Club, 15th and Eve sts. N. W. 28 MAN Colored, under 21 ; strong; for light ware house work. Apply 91G 5th st. N. W. 1-31 COLORED MEN AND BOYS As Jumpers for our delivery cars. Apply before 10-30 a m. at 537 13th St. N W. JL'LIUS OARKIN'CLE & CO. 17 MIN Several; young; to learn dairy lunch business; opportunity for rapid ad vancement to reliable courte ous young men. No Sunday work. Apply General Man ager. WHITE HOUSE LUNCH, 1024 Gth st. N. W. MEN wanted; intelligent young men IS to 20 years of ago to learn telephone work ; good wages and chance for promotion. Apply Tele phone Co. repair shop, rear 77 U st., N. W. aul5tf MEN WANTED to work in warehouse; good wages; short hours; good chance for promotion. Apply CHES APEAKE & POTOMAC TEL EPHONE CO., REAR 77 You st. N. W. 29 YOUNG MEN, white. Apply METROPOLITAN CLUB. 17th a. n sis. in. w. 1-29 . MAN Reliable, for night work HELP WANTED MALE 31 N Colored, under SI: strong, for ware hou work Apply )U tth st N W !-: 31 X'N Colored, to work In dairy. W. PEI.ECMAN. I41C P st. N V 21 It. MN Colored, to make hlm.elf ufnl around lunchroom good pjy short hours STARS & SHERWOOD. ZfOO 7th stNJ i-: BXPERIEXCED CLOT H in.r; and funiisliing men. Liberal salaries; positions permanent. LIVINGSTON'S, )0S 7th -,t. N. 31 M W nr Ihtj nndrr or orrr draft to mlt In r.n.; fr nlork. fj-y tin ir. CivmI pit l'I-Kl.JI NS DOOK Stlir. BARBER & ROSS I require in their .Structural Steel 'Dept. young man for office i work with fair knowledge of t pewriting; also shipping clerk. . Applv 5th & V Sts. N. E. 28 YOt'MS MA lth I or S years' experi ence In drug store, salary tIS per week. STONE A POOLE. 1210 Hi mS W. S7' YOUNG COLORED MAN No Sunday Work $12 per Week Apply HUYLER'S, 12th and F Sts. N. W. 27 SIAN as operator In by-prodaet flrmt one with some knowledge of machinery pre ferable, essential work. Apply SUPERIN TENDENT. :sth and u sis. n. w. !-: lUUiW MAJN To worK in shipping room; also bundle wagon driver. KAZi&& I'V- TOMAC LAUNDRY CO., 18 D st. N. W. 1-27 VARD MAN Colored; $12.00 per week and board. Apply Timekeeper, SHOREHAM HOTEL, i5th & H sts. N. W. 1-28 MKN. several, for gasoline filling stations. TENN Oil tv. liossiyn, va. i-s WHITE BIEN Two capable men, white or colored, for work In warehouse: pre fer men 40 to $0 years old. permanent em- nlovment: per day. six aays a week. also one elevator man. good pay. Apply Receiving Clerk, center Market. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED with yonr present wotIc. the Waahlnj. ton Railway and Electric Company has openlnr for lnexpe lie need men In Its car ahopa and car houaea. GOOD WAGES. GOOD WORKINO COKXHTTOJfflU Opportunity to learn the street rail way bualneaa. Apply 2411 PSL N. W. PAPERHANGER and houseman House dept., NEW WIL- LARD HOTEL 1-29 PANTS rRKSSKR at once. MS 7th St. N. w. Room 12. 37 PRESSER Steady position. MERTZ & MERTZ. Jl F St. 1-2J TRE8SER Flere worker on Hoffman ma chine: good par PKTWORTII TAILOR ING CO 4031 Ga. ae. 21 PRESSER Steady position. MERTZ 4 MERTZ CO.. 906 F st. 1-27 NIGHT PORTERS (TWO) Colored or white Highest wages paid All meals Childs Co., 1423 Pa. ave. nw. rORTKR Colored, steady petition: rood salary, loeb CO.. in .tn st. N. w. 27 WANTED Tool Makers, Tool Lathe Hands, and Machinists. Exceptional opportunity for advancement. Locate where conditions are ideal. State age and actual experience first letter. Emplovment Department, CURTLSS AEROPLANE & MOTOR CORPORATION, Ilammondsport, N. Y. se!4 PORTER To work in bind ery. Apply Mr. Fletcher, Capitol Publishing Co., 332 C st. N. W. 1 ri.f.MUKlt .steady work far good man. 2207 ltlh St. N W. 1-27 STKAUFITTKRS Kxperlcnred In hot Kater IM'S good pay steady work Vp ply Till- IJIiTROIT HBATINU CO. CIS K st N 2J I our Steamfitter's Helpers Me.tdy nrk the year round KKP KHAI. HEATING CO Apply At 91 O -t N W 29 TKACIIKR, gentleman, wantel tn Instrnrt as tutor one hour at night 1U 3.b, Tlmea office l-27 TINNERS AND HELPERS II. J, GICI.OS, 113 Four-and-a-half St. S. W. CIVIL HRRVICE riiOTOS for examinations made while you aalt. tiostal carJs. tnT traits and commercial work. METROPOLITAN STDDIOa. Wl Pa ave N W and til Pa. tn. N W TAIIR For new and old work; a-ood pay. JJ:7 Hth st. N. Vf, !: HELP WANTED MALE SOLICITORS WANTED Who can qualify for ad vancement. See Mr. LAR KIN, Circulation Dept, The Times. Jyli-tt "tenn on, i : (.ON nniETtS (White). CO . Rosslyn. Va 1VAITFRX tiood pay: no .Sunday work: good tips, also nlghl wslfrr. to 12 p. m. FCHNEIDKR-.. 8th and K sts. N W IS HELP WANTED FEMALE A DELIGHTFUL VOCATION In nlri' irVeraphy for yminjf womn; f ouatlfr you In a. fw wmWi for m. Ciov- rrnmnt license Day or ivrnlnc claatea. government instructors. Open 9 a. in. to 9 P. m. SERVICE RADIO SCHOOL. 10: r. ave. N. W. Thono Frank. 7514, 31 HOOKKKKPKR KsperlenceU yoanr lady. Appiy i.a i" bu r. w i-si CASHLERS AND SALESLADIES Best salaries in town; rapid advancement; skilled training and permanent position guar anteed. Halm's, cor. Tth and K sts. 1 CLERK Good working conditions Permanent positions Apply C. & P. Telephone Co.. 808 12th St. (2d Floor). :i KXrKRIENCKD ledrer elerka wanted by corporation; unexcelled npportunlty for advancement, pleasant surround. nr. sal ary and hours rlcht. BOX 333. Tlm?fl of fice -5- LEDGER CLERK Bright young lady familiar with office work. Apply at once, Patbo Exchange, Inc., 601 F st, N. W., 2d floor. 27 CAPABLE alteration hands on dresses, with ability to help in fitting; salary $14 LEONCE, 1115 G St. N. W.28 CHAMBERMAID WANTED white, $8 per week and board; one day off. Apply Housekeeper, Occidental Hotel. WHITE CHAMBERMAID $8.00 per week and board, Monday off. Apply Housekeep er, Occidental Hotel. 28 CLERK AND TYPIST, insurance offlre opportunity to add to Income through commission arrangement: 1S week guar anty, middle-aced woman preferred fine opportunity to learn lucrative business. uox ill. Times otllee. - COOK Competent; (rood wages. 186 Park rd !-; COOK AND CiENKRAL HOUSEWORKER. ,-a untarto roaa ;v. w it COOKS Female; colored. Apply EMEP tc.tji iiujrnAU i.zs COUNTER GIRLS No Sun day work. Apply Govern ment Cafeteria and ask for Mr. Williams, 7th and B sts. N. W. 29 COUNTER GIRLS and salad women; no Sunday work. Apply Government Cafeteria, and ask for Mr. Williams, 7th and D sts. N. W. 1-28 COUNTER At OMAN Colored: for restau rant no Sunday work. SCH.N'EIDEU'3. 3th ami K N W 21 DIHIIWAsllKRS. female; good wages. CBNTiritV LUNCH. 1T0S Pa. ave. N.W. :s DlSIttr SIIKR Colored. A EITI CARA MEL. CO Inc. C09 14th St. 1-27 DISHWASHERS & PAN- trv help Colored. Floren- tineCafe, 1404 Pa. ave. N. W. DIMItVtslIEKS; no Monday work; good wages KATHSKM.LEIt. tth and K sts. N W 21 It..r WZ .C -Ln aJuass A.I Isr nJ pay. steady utl ytr amund Apply 1014 EARIA CLEANERS Tavo; good hours. Applv to the HOUSEKEEPER, Univer sity Club. 2S FITTERS and alteration hands wanted, suits and gowns. YOUNG LADIES' SHOP, 1217 G s.:. N. W. 27 HAND HJONERS Experi enced; good wages. Apply Page Laundry, 620 E sL nw. FUR FINISHERS. JULIUS CAUKINKLE CO. ST IH's tilRI, Colored: mut be neat. COSMOS LUNCH. 404 I'a. ave. X W GIRLS Ten for waist, sweater and skirt dept.; highest sal ary and commision paid. Ap ply at once. ERLEBACHER'S, 1210 F st. N. W. 1-29 GIKI.x llrlclit rolored: for waitresses; rootl salary pleasant bJrrnundlRCS. Ap ply STEWARD. Cosmos Club, 1SJ0 II St. N w : t.lKI For general housework; with rood references, til Kast tap st L"-s CiIRI, To work tit soda fountain. Apply Mr RAIJIAN. 09 I'a ave N Y ZT CiIRI, to aeist In ruoktnr; cood wares. 111 M st , apt 1 23 OIRI, for Krneral housework and rare of bab). Apt. 209, Wardman Courts West YOUNG GIRLS Bright, for clerical positions; $10 per week to start; only those desir ing permanent positions need apply. FRZEE POTOMAC 1AUNDRY, isth and D sts. 29 YOf.M, INDIES for adillnc marhlne, oper ators and office asslstanta Permanent position and rapid advancement to those who quality Apply OLD DUTCH MAR KET. K. P 0. N. t. 1-30 HELP WANTED FEMALE Miss Gregory's TALKS TO YOUNG WOMEN Number 43 Thcr$ are at the present time In the central offices of the Chesapeake ind Tatomac Telephone Company In the City of Washington over 1.200 elrls engaced In the patriotic duty or slv Ing telephone service to the United States fJovernment and to the resi dents of the District of Columbia. They comprise a body of Intelligent, refined and loyal young woiuasi. care fully selected and trained for the pro feislon. They are. undoubtedly, better shel tered and better cared for than any like number or Industrial workers. They work In clean, well-llshted and properly ventilated rooms, and their profession affords them better opportunities for advancement and l as well paid on the whole as that of stenographers, typists or clerks, and it is learned without expense tor in struction. They have their own quarters, con sisting of sitting; and dining rooms; In charge of a competent matron. They are provided with Individual sanitary lockers and have their own operating seta. They are carefully attended In the event of sudden Illness and first aid remedies are properly administered. Lunch and dinner are furnished (optional) at a nominal price, which is less than cost. Tea. coffee, milk and sugar are furnished free. They are not In direct contact with the public as Is usually the case with Rlrls who work and for this, as well as for many other reasons, the work appeals to that type of young woman who shrinks from a more unguarded contact with the business world. Call and talk It over. Miss Gregory, Room 308 Homer Building;. 13th and F Sta. N. W. C. & P. Telephone Co. 2" LADY 19 or 20, for position in manager's office of a Iarge corporation. Splendid training; good salary. See Mr. Thomas, 604 14th st. nw. 27 TWO NEAT YOUNG LADIES No Sunday Work Apply HUYLER'S, 12th & F LADY Youncr, for ceneral office work; one who under stands how to operate a type writer. Apply Doc Cola Co., V2.22 14th st N. W. 28 LADY Young, to assist in of- tice. Apply general manager, WHITE HOUSE LUNCH ROOM, 1024 6th st. N. W. l-2 YOUNG LADY For office work and tvnewritinrr: ner- manent; give experience and salary wanted. Box 293, Times Office. 27 LADIES take work hornet spare time permanent artistic and fasclnailnr work. uua. z. Times omce. zz YOUNG LADY To attend soda fountain. THE W. S. THOiLPSON PHAEMACY, 703 15th st. N. W. 27 VOCMl LADY to clerk la delicatessen store. 10 a week and board. 717 I st. N. W. i.j MILLINERS Experienced millinery makers, also APPRENTICES who are desirous of learnlnr the trade JULIUS OARFINKLE i CO. ZT ML'LTIUR.riIKR Thoroughly experi enced; excellent opportunity also for overtime If desired. Mala 1173 i.; OFFICE ASSISTANT. Young girl, good at figures; knowledge of stenography; .de partment store experience; must be quick and alert; good chance for advancement HAHN'S, 7th and K. i EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES for all departments; perma nent positions; liberal salaries md extra bonuses; summer va cations with pay and unusually pleasant working conditions. A real opportunity for salesladies who have worked in better class stores. PHILIPSBORN'S 610 11th St. N. W. Si,KSLAniKS t once; no experience re quired 725 11th st N W il SALESLADIES King's Palace requires a number of sales ladies, both with and without experience, for all departments, especially for millinery and women's suits and coats; ?ooi salaries and commissions on sales. 810 Seventh st 29 SALESLADY to I souvenirs and military roods, referenc. required, eood talker. PALMER'S. 1ZZI 1 . J". 21 SALESLADIES Experi enced in coat and suit dept; $20 and 1 per cent. LOEB CO., 714 7th st. 27 SAI.KSI.Aim wanted. Apply KOIIN EifS DRY GOODS STORE. S-O-S:; 7th st NVV 2 SOriY" IIISrKNSKR VELATI CARA5IEL CO Inc. 603 ntn st j-:? STENOfiRriIERS flood salary, splendid opportunity ana permanent positions, come In and consult the Scientific Vocational Bureau, 4 SOUTHERN RUILPINO uc:i.;z.;s ;; hTKNOCiKAI'HKK ThorouElily experi enced, xi. too. pxita pay ror overtime HOLMES. ::i-::: Southern IlIdK Main J17S zs.;7.: TELEPHONE OPERATOR Capitol Park Hotel, N. Cap. & E Sis. 1-28 TELEPHONE OPERATOR Pood salary and steady posi tion. Applv 4th floor office W. B. MOSES & SON', 1 Ith and F sts. N. W. 27 Tl'l'IT lso a woman or rlrl to nddres ent elopes ROOM 42. LcDrolt bldr cor . ner 8th and K sts 1 2 VAITHKS At onrr ; hUhmt vrmtr. pi TARIS LUNCH. 1127 litb -L Ap. HELP WANTED FEMALE The Norris Peters Company Wants quick, bright, yodnr women for clean, easy work In bindery: good surrounding's and par; bo experience, necessary. Apply at office of com pany, SS Pennsylvania, ave. N. W. aalT,: TYPIST An excellent opening for the right party as typist and bill clerk in our office; good salary to start and pleasant sur roundings. Apply Mr. Brooks, STERRETT & FLEMING, 2155 Champlain st. N. W. t-29 TYPIST Experienced. Apply 808 12thjSL N. Second Floor. W. l-aul(-tt WAtTRBtrira wanted: 10 colored! (It per week; short hours. 1U Itth st. N. W. i-: WAITRESSES Four white tx- perienced; good salary, tips, and bonus. Apply DOLLY MADISON TEA ROOM, 909 F st N. W. i-27 WA11RES8KS Experienced 1 white t rood wares; good tips. Applr COSMOS i.u.v;it. io rs. are. r. w. i-z WAITRESSES Three expe rienced, three dishwashers, and one cook. Apply Model Lunch, 737 8th st S. E. 28 WAITBE88E8 No Sunday work: rood tips; at the RATHSKELLAR, tth and E sts. n. w. z WAITRESSES 00 colored, (or .hotels. clubs and restaurants; rood aalarr and iips; at onee. uiuk'8 JtUTEL. AUE.NUI, 12th and Pa. ave. N. W. 1 WAITRESSES, two. CAPITOL. LUNCH. it rs. ave. iv. w. zs M'AITRErtSES. wanted. ROTISSEB1K RES- IAUBA.M, i ID nth St. M. W. 1-li WArTRESHKS Colored, for hotel: S hours a dar with large tlpa and board, at once. UIUK.-S HOTEL. AGCKUr, IZtB and Fa. ave. N. W. zl WOSIEN Two colored, as kitchen helpers; short hours, cood ware. PRESTO LUNCHROOM. tI7 9th St. N. VT. l.S WOMEN IS colored, to work la rreen- nonsee. Apply to . a. JwJULlIEK. Jl sr st. r. w. l-zs WOMEN Active; to clean windows; salary ISO per month, in F t, zd floor. !-; WOMEN Young, for desirable office positions; good salaries. See MR. ALBRIGHT, 6th floor new Commercial Bank BIdg., 14th and G sts. 1-29 PAXTBT TVOJTEN Three; highest wares paid: experience not accessary; all meals. CHILDS CO lzl Pa. Are. X. W. WOMAN Colored, with expe rience as second cook. Hotel Vendome Dining Room, 3rd & Pa. ave. Entrance through hotel lobby. 1-30 COLORED WOM.VN to Iron; rood warm. S24 E St. N. W. ! WOMAN Colored, to help in kitchen. Highest wages paid; all meals. , Cbiln? Co., 1423 Pa. ave. N. W. 27 WOLN for renerai housework halt day; wares j:s. zioi ntn st. is. w. zi SCRUB WOMEN WANTED Colored. Apply Government Cafeteria and ask for Mr. Wil liams, 7th and B sts. N. W. 29 DOMESTIC. COOK and general housework- er; stay nights; reference. 2812 27th st., not Georgetown. WOMAN Colored; reliable, for general housework, S40 per month. Apply 1800 Wyom ing ave. N. W. . Call mornings. COOK Competent: wares $20 ta SSS monthly. U34 3 St. N W. 21 ftTRT. Veat. to work In apartment: rood wares, otr every otner aunaay. Appiy 17 F st. N w- apt. . zs COOK and reneral houscworLer: small Antrt. 703 Albemarle. 17th and T sts. N W, Z7 GIRL Colored, to work In kltcbea from ; to S p m . rood pay; steady work. Apply 2i G St. N. W l-27 LAUNDRESS Good, to take work home. Apply Apt 51. The Keneshaw z WAITHEES and cliambermald; at once; rood wages, izzs m st. . 31 WOMAN Reliable white or colored; to at tend two children durlnr the day. Sun- day off. Call 501 2d at. N W. 2i WOM-VN Colored, for cooklnr and house work, no laundry Apart. 135. THE rORTNER. 15th and V sts. N W 21 TJErPlOTTED" MALE AND FEMALE. MEN AND WOMEN, an ever-lncreaslnr number needed for maktnr mechanical drawings at excellent salarlea after qualify Inr throuch tralnlnr at the Columbia School of Oraftlnr tiet into itus csaenuat occu patlon at once One of our students, who had been taklnr our course only about one month, has lust secured throuch us a posi tion uayinr 12.000 a year to atart. Our courso is practical and instruction is Indi vidual No nrevlous tralnlnr or special tal ent requred, can master this subject in your spare time, day or num. uti caiaiorue ci particulars at once, riven cheerfully on re- quest Columbia School or uraiunr. in and T SIS r V, occupying hid entire bulldlnr). Call or write (Entrance 1J02 nth st ) au27-tf COMPETENT CLERK for llrht rrocery in 2 ti . SiaiW MM M ,C.CCUV. rnv la? Times office. I-29 bODV HIPENSKR One expert, rood sal ary. and four rlrls to work at fountain, no experience necessary Apply at KRA MER PALM GARDEN. Jit F st N W --a- CIIAMBERMIDS Two. white or rolored; 120 per month ana Doara. two nousemen, n ... m..ih mnA hoard Annlr House keener. NEW COCHRAN HOTEL. 11 STENOGlt rlIER Thorourhly experl- enceu. J no. exira par iwt u,jiiir. HOIIE? zl-121 Southern Bldr. Main ti7t 27 JoTTi-RES FEEDERS Apply NATIONAL CO. 1222 II St. N W 1-27 DUOTfl1! 50c Finished promptly rniiluo toT idrntiacatlon purposes. Brooks. 1329 F St. N. W lmh 20-iOt SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. K1I-T-CI.SS pajslrr cook, hotel exp wants position. IlOX 319. Times office l -rs PItlVTKU. proofrtmder. erfltor. with know I- rlt: "f atlvcrtisinir. wint- employment from I to 5 p m daily BOX Zl Timw office 3 .VK tne a Job eTenlnr. SaturrUy and Sunday m licensed chauffeur, book keeper. Btcnosntpher B02I 31 Tlme otTica. 27 SITUATIONS WANTED MALM Expert Male Stenographers Furnished on Short Notice Day and Night Service. ' Shorthand reportinr;, stenography, typewriting, multigraphing aad mimeographing. "Everything Stenographic" e.,e?Jitisfaction KtrantecrL REXFORD L HOLMES, INC. 321-323 Southern BIdg. Main 8178 it MACHINIST; worklni; would Uke ertrm t work. BOX lit. Tim.. re.. . Ill .....v. 1-4,- WORK from f to l; n. ra.t eioerlme; It years bookkeeper. 1 x,ri Tnmai! tell kind of work ToV hare and sslirfe; oftlce. .. to,.. FKMAI.E STENOGRAPHER employed durtar day WIKFIOB lAnia J a . . " menu; reasonable. BOX K2. Tlmea office! . l.lls EXPERIENCED telephone operator deatrea position; best references. BOX 121 Times office. . W0K WAJTfED by expert dresamaker and milliner. Address 240 Tou st. N. W vi ywinn u. jvtl J. JTS s-uo.aau.-v isi onice uy young womaas rood penman; several years experience s telephone switchboard operator: also typewriter experience: salary til per week. Address BOX Iz. Times office- M LAUNDRY to do at home. i:o zoth st. 4. , XI MORNING WORK by colored wsatii apartments, office rooms or theater: aa Sundays. 2217 12th st, N. W. 27 FOR SALE MISCELUNEOUS MORRIS CHAIR Almost new. Apply 2438 18th st N. W. Col. 6893. 29 JT. IN. BY 7 FT. IN. ARDEDILL Wilton rnr. cost J40, will sell for ill two pairs Irish point lab curtains. Ill; Imported baby's hlrh chair, coat IK, wtli sell for 2S. II0 tth St. N. E. 2f WASH khaki and white uniforms: ais ofTlce coat and dttxen's overcoat, size le I 21. Phono CoL 1277. xi L FOR SALE Dot Ier round-top portable steel rarare; ZOO at frelrht office. Ad dress EUGENE E. KIPPAX. room 2JZ2. Department of Interior. aa2t.2M BOSTON TERRTKR. dark ealTrVeaxr marked, screw tall, small stock; show specimen: 1200; also puppies. Driest breed- In" antltHrilam ff Hvlatee as b. - s - awa a ir"-' sUVUe er" (Htf priaT macfi. zki . nmw onic. JZ1- LAKOE TKDDX BEAR, J3j Schmidt t7P writer. x; b run, (xl. $3.19 for lot: S rlaa f J aaah. ai e4 a, s , . m of butcher tools. JZ.50. (il L tt. S. W, j - - i. CANOE 1TJB SALE Complete rats. cimiuddb, nuns, iirnia. paaaies. VIO trola and records, tent; cheap. Call iCt liit or CoL C7tl. I-:i WALNUT bed. aprtar. dresser, and wash stand, marble top and mirror oa each: ItS. Apply 42IS Iowa are. N. W. l-2 8CIT Man's: alia 37: will Ot tall, alias man; excellent condition; very reason able. 1002 Fairmont st. l-2i ONE MEDIUM-SIZE ICE BOX la goo condition, price 11.(0. 2120 Monroe at. N. E. North 702. 21 TYPETRXTEB OUver, ill: fist-top otflea aesK. xi. call orta 4101-w. alter :zf m. 1-21 OA8 bTOVE Acorn: practically new; cost ; price lis. zoos h st. r. w. iza- CIIINA CABINET. fzO; refrlrerater. (Si ror. it: typewriter table. IS: msboranr settee. II; pas stove. Irons, etc. 2122 ltta. at. N. W. 2i COW years old; tested and tn llrt-Ue , conaition: can nve weexa oia. tsun NETT INGRAM, North Brentwood. Md. 2I CANOE 17 ft. Oldtowa: will fall equip- I ment; pillows, electric lantern; four w paddea. etc; on rack at Dempseys: la ex- ' cellent condition; will sacrifice for Im xaedlate sale: lit. BOX 100. Times office. 21 FOR SALE Two old and valuable viollms: also one antique chest of drawers, and one old bureau and chest of drawers com bined. Address 701 Randolph si. N. W. Phone CoL 2024-W. 21 ROLiZtOI"DESK Four-foot: side araw era. also rerolrinr chslr; price. 125. Can Line. 5221. 21 VIOIJN Stradlvarlus 173S model, very aid and valuable. wlU sell at a sacrifice. Call after t ?. U. Addtua 2110 F at. K. W l-27 WE I'.VY hlxhest cssh prices for new and cast-off clothinr. e us first at 937 D St. N. W aur22-90t GAS RANGES REPAIRED and rebuilt. CLYDE L. BOWERS. 1207 n St. N. W. Main 7094. an22-9tt ALEX. HAMILTON institute's -Madera Basineas.- a bargain. Pearlman's 911 O N. W. 1-jaU-if TITEWRITER in rood condition. Call after t p. m NORTHEAST TEMPLE. 12th and II sts. N. E. 1-21 GET THE BOOK lOD WANT AT PEARL MAN'S BOOK SHOP. 921 O St. N. W. RAEE PORTRAITS. ENGRAVINGS AUTOGRAPHS. HEmrDLLER ART CO.. 1307 Utb St. IT TT. apzs-sst WOOD Cheap; delivered, or Drmg your wagons or trucits in tQth finrl R N W Ac.1- fnf WIGNALL (the wood man). K Phone Norm osio. jyjo-joi WOOD. Tor fuel: Nw wood. 12.53 per load. eltvered to door. Supply row tor winter. Phone Main 1004. J. H. FITZGERALD. 24 Jacksoa St. N. E. ap3t-tl WOOD FOR SALE m deliver wood sawed any lenrth at year door for US per cord. This wood Is mtxs4 with oak. pine, hickory ana wamut. raooa Franklin 1754-J. mh3-ot MCSICAJ. IXSTTtCSIEXTS GREAT DISPOSAL SALE. IT O. SMITH PIANO CO "S STOCK Fifty tine Bradbury, Webster. Whlttler aael Henninr flayer I'lanos at mv 10 sj.bss. SAVINGS OF 2S TO 50 PER CENT. VAN W1CKI.E PIANO CO 1217 F St. CinCKERINO BBT GRAND. LEFT FOR SALE OR WILL RENT TO RELIABLE PA8TZ ALMOST NEW. C.ll af ATITTII-B TrTnV tT Vrt OT 11th and Q sta. N. W. l BICYCLES Adlake and Orient Bicycles, Onlv Si 0.00 Cash Down. CHESTER COGSWELL. 3019 M St. N. W. tvti.iat ' I HOUSES AND VEHICLES SEVEN HORSES and mare and seven de livery waaona. Rear 4t Pa. ave. N W SO SETS second-hand alnrle aad double team, burry. surrey and plow harness. rtdlnr ssddles and bridles. 200 collsrs alt kinds, cheap Corswell's. 220 11th. cor (X n. w trr xzss PROPOSALS OFFICK OK TIIK COMMLsslONERS. IISTUItT OK COI.UMI1IA. August 3 ft. 1518 Scaled proposals will b received at the office of the Secretary of the U-ird of Commissioners, room 511. District Build me until Z o'clock p nu. Sptmbr 1312. for furnishing and tnntalllnc on steel stack and on radial brick stack, at the D C orkhou--. at Occoquar V Blank forms of proposal, specification tl all nececrarv lnformatiun ma be obiined. from the Chief Clerk Krln-er lnrt nenl room 42T. P-atnct Buiidic? Wash ing on I A deposit of ,i wdl b r du.retl fr'-m bidden to Insni- th? return of the plans and nr.rifictlons llX3 imOWVLOW, JOHN C 1 KNtt-PT w. bWXSN G.VKX-INUK. Cornmtwionfr-, Pt trict ci Columtia. a;,tieIJ,ll.3