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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, September 18, 1918, FINAL EDITION, Image 1

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'Cowardice and Cruelty.
Kaiser, Go to England.
The Puzzled Clams.
Don't Understand Buttons.
Secretary Daniels says truly,
"The allied advances are responsi
ble for the offer of peace to Bel
gium and the proposition of the
Austrian Emperor for a confer
ence." "Out of the fullness of the heart
the mouth speaketh."
The Kaiser has a heart full and
a stomach full of French, English,
Italian, and American fighting
efficiency, more than sufficient.
An explanation of the sudden
demand for peace, can also be
found in Montaigne's interesting
little essay which begins:
"Cowardice the Mother of
"I hive often heard it said that
cowardice is the mother of cruel
ty; and I have found, by experi
ence, that that malicious and in
human animosity and fierceness is
usually accompanied with a femi
nine weakness. I have seen the
most cruel people, and upon very
frivolous occasions, very apt to
The Kaiser was a gory,
dashing, defiant "world conquer
or" while he was running over
weak Belgium and taking the
French by surprise through his
treachery. He and the Austrian
Emperor are weeping in chorus
and in public now. What Mon
taigne wrote in the sixteenth
century, is nicely illustrated in
Berlin sad Vienna today.
On Tuesday, from London, a
rumor came that the Kaiser had
abdicated on behalf of himself
and the whole Hohenrollern brood.
This morning the Washington
Post printed another rumor, which
came, presumably, by Associated
Press: "The Kaiser has suffered
a nervous breakdown and is very
Whether he abdicates, or blows
his brains out, as has been pre
dicted, leaving his precious son
to face the music, it Is certain
that cowardice based on cruelty,
and cruelty based on cowardice
are illustrated in the bragging of
four years ago and the whining
of today.
The safest thing that the im
perial gentleman could do would
be to take his entire family, land,
on the English coast," and' throw
himself on the mercy of the Eng
lish. Bis mother was the daughter of
an English King. The English
do not murder their enemies or
kill defenseless men.
The Kaiser might live safely in
England, where the family of Na
poleon Third were received, or he
might face a trial for murder. If
the Prussians keep him at home,
they will eventually do to him
what he did to so many unfortu
nate, courageous Belgian and
French women and children.
A gentleman who says he is an
atheist asks:
"How can you write editorials
about a merciful God? Does your
religion help you to understand
the horribIe.world war. these mur
ders, unnecessary deaths, etc.,
The inquiring atheist Is referred
to the fresh water clams, so called,
mussels that live in the nice mud
of Western rivers
The shells of these clams are
now shipped in carloads to but
ton factories. They sell for fifty
dollars a ton, and used to be
worth only sixteen dollars before
the war started.
The atheistic gentleman will
admit that soft water clams are
controlled by a wise, higher
power, namely, Man.
Now that mussel shells are
worth fifty dollars per ton, they
are hunted more industriously
than ever. Millions of them have
their lives suddenly ended as they
are hauled up with dredges, left in
the sun to rot and dry. Their
homes, the shells on their backs,
are sent away to be manufactured
into buttons for human clothing.
An atheistic clam probably
would aslc, "How can you talk
'about wise men managing ev
erythinjr n th's nlce mud?
Can the man of which you speak
in any way explain the fact that
we are dug out of the mud, mil
lions of us, exposed to cruel
death, the houses on our back,
useless to anybody except our
selves, carried away."
The soft water clams could not
be made to understand why it is
that man makes his little house
into mother-of-pearl buttons.
Clams can't understand buttons or
Human facings cannot under
stand the war, the suffering, the
purposes that direct and control
this world.
But they need not necessarily
deny the existence of a Supremo
intelligence, just as the clams
would not deny if they knew
more the existence of an intel
ligent being that knows what to
do with dim nooses.
Unsettled tonight and
Thursdays probably rain.
Temperature at 8 a. ni.,
37 degree! normal tern
perature on September
18 for last 30 year, fin
number 10.054. t
, N. C,
ASHEVILLE, N. C, Sept. 18.
John Early is held under
quarantine at Tryon, N. C. He
refuses to return to Washington.
John R. Early, the leper, who es
caped from his prison-cottage on the
Eastern Branch early Monday morn
ing, was captured today as he was
leaving a train at Tryon, N. C, his
native city.
Inspector Clifford Grant, Chief of
Detectives, was notified of Early's
capture by a telegram from Marshall
Webb, of Ashcville, N. C.
Telegrams Exchanged.
The telegram read:
"Leper. John Early, captured at
Tryon. X. C. Authorities anxious to
get rid of htm. Wire instructions,
Inspector Grant Immediately con
ferred with Dr. William a Fowler
chief of the. District Health Depart
ment, and the following:" telegram was
I sent to the Ashevillc authorities:
"We understand ' leper. John R.
Early, born In Tryon, N. C, caugh'.
lie Is not a native of Washington
Dropped in here ten years ago. Since
then we have cared for him. Health
Department refuses to send for
Early, claiming as long as he is a
natlvo of North Carolina, and he has
been caught there. State authorities
should care for him. Many thanks
for information."
Seen At Union Station.
Early, the police believe, le.'t
Washington Monday night He was
seen Monday morning by a joun'
woman clerk in the Christian! drug
shop in the east end of the Union
Station. He asked for a box of
salve, and when told it was not kept
in stock, left Detective Sergean
Scrivener said he learned from a
gatekeeper at the station that a mat
answering Early's description passed
through the gate to get a train for
the South Monday evening
Dr. Fowler, chief of the District
Health Department, wa; particularly
anxious that residents or Washing
ton keep on the lookout for the
leper. While Or Fowler believed
there was a chance of Ear!s re
turning to his home, he felt that he
might return voluntarily to Wash
ington and surrender
Since it has been found that Early
returned to 'Sis nstiie city. Dr.
Fowler believes he should be cared
tor there, where he has relatives and
others interested in him.
BOSTON". Sept. JS - Influenza and
pneumonia caused more than seventy
deaths in New England mtnin the
twenty-four hours ended last night
In Boston there were thirty-five
deaths from influenza, Including three
naval men, snd twenty-sevrn from
pneumonia. In Brockton and nearby
towns, where the shoe fa-tori's hav
been badly crippled by the spread of
the disease, twelve drat lis from in
fluenza were reported.
i"ilS5Fi Til
She Ttetata
- trra.'us.sma'
Pershing Promises to
Send Lloyd George
More Good Medicine
LONDON'. Sept. IS. General
Pershing, replying to Premier
Lloyd George's telegram of con
gratulations on the St. Mihiel vic
tory, said the American army
would "endeavor to continue sup
plying the premier with occa
sional doses of the same sort of
Lloyd George, who dictated the
message to Pershing while ill In
bed. said the success of Pershing
was better than any of the other
medicines he had taken.)
Beginning the latter part of this
month, men will be drafted for the
navy and marine corps as well as for
the army. Provost Marshal Genera!
Crowder announced today.
Calls for the navy probably will be
announced the end of September or
the first of October, and mailnccorinB
calls also wilt be issued within" fw-
This ettenslon of the draft means
the permanent abolishment of volun
tary enlistment in all branches, and
incidentally .places In the hands of the
War Department the entire work of
manning the nation's defense arms.
Calls for the navy and marines
will be made exactly like those for
the army. A distinctive arm band
will be provided for men inducted un
der navy calls, bearing the litters
U. S X." In selecting men for the
navy, the present physical standards
of the army will apply, with the fol
lowing exceptions.
No vcnereals. no color-blind men.
no man with a vision minus glasses
of less than 15-20 In either eye. no
man with transmissible skin diseases.
and no man over seventy-four Inches
in height shall be forwarded
"T'11 the Serretan (of the y)
we have exerythins we need over
here, that ever thing is running
smoothly, and for Cod's sake io let us
alone '
This was the message Admiral Hod
man, of the American naval Torres,
co-operating with the Itrilish. sent lo
Secretary Daniels through Senator
Thompson of Kan'as. Thompson said
today In the Senate.
Hodman's remarkable message was
clen in response to an offer by
Thompson to cone the wiihe of
the American naval force-, lo the
Navy Department and to Congress.
Thompson, speaking on his recent
trip to France and England, tlerlsred
the Cerman submarine, no longer a
menace, ha Become merely an a-noance
for mm
.. (Cryrlhl, till. r)Mn Trlhuwn, ,t
Washington, Wednesday evening,
R. E.
The National War Labor Hoard to
day urged upon the District Public
Utilities Commission the "pressing
need" for Increased tares for the
Washington Railway and Electric
P'The War Labor Board, through Its
joint cnalrmen, Former iTesiuem
Taft and Frank P. Walsh, cited the
recent agreement for a higher wage
1 scale for the street railway workers
as a reason for granting higher
fares. R
Same Arguments.
The communication set forth the
same arguments as -have been made
by the board in urging the granting
of increased revenues fo- rompanles
in other cities where wages have
been materially increased by official
decision, pie letter follows:
"We beg'.nerewlth to transmit two
communications from the Woshlng
toru.Railjv.aV and Electric, Company to
yWjrJ- board These- Communications
show that in deference to our ruling
as arbitrators under the National
War Labor Hoard, this company,
which now pays its men rates per
hour aryinc from 32 cents to 3S
cents on a scale effective June 21.
191N uhich itself was an Increase
from a rate of 21 cents to SO cents an
hour, has Increased Its rates to accord
with our rulings In the Chicago. De
troit, and Cleveland cases to a rate
varying from 1" cents to 48 cents an
Operating f'oat I.arrer.
"That this will involve a very large
increase in the operating cost Is
shown by the figures submitted by
the ompany, and Indeed goes without
"We feel that .- tills reult has!
been attained by an acquiescence by
this "'ompany in our rulings in other
cases, this company is entitled to the
recommendation to your board which
we gave to the street railway com
panies of Chicago, Detroit, and Cleve
land as follow.
"We hac recommended to the
President that special Congressional
legislation be enacted to enable some
(Continued on Page 2. Column 2.)
Willi virtually no opposition, tho
chief provisions for war and excess
profits taxation in the SK.Ono.noo.000
revenue bill were parsed today by
the House, sitting as a committee of
the whole
The provision propose a flat SO per
cent viar profit" tax. with an altcrna
tixe excess profits tax ranging as high
as 70 jwr a nt It is t-Mimated that the
to provisions would raise t3,3X.00O,00O.
10 THE
John W. avis, solicitor general
of the United States, has been
selected uy President Wilson as
American ambassador to Great Brit
ain, it was officially announced to
day. Davis, who Is now en route tq
Berne, Switzerland, to confer with
German representatives on questions
involving disposition and exchange of
prisoners, is one of the less widely
known but most popular officials of
the Government. He is being ac
corded an extremely warm reception
in Europef. reports show.
Somewhat Like Heading.
In many ways Davis poslt'on as
United States ambassador to Dngland
will not be unlike that of Lord Read
ing. British ambassador to the United
States. Both men are legal minds of
wide repute. Davis being recognized
as one of tbe most able 'rfoljcifbrs
General the Government ever has
had. Doth Davis and Reading are of
tbe so-called "liberal" element in
world politics, and both are of charm
ing personality
In view of the delicate problems
which are bound to come out of the
war and the need for studious hand
ling of these situations between the
United States and Great Britain,
Davis' selection carries with it tbe
knowledge that he is regarded in ex-
(Continued on Page 2, Column S.)
Complaint that some women employ
ed in the Government departments are
compelled to sleep three in & bed in an
apartment house on Massachusetts ave
nue. ,ind are required to pay rental
from C7.S0 to J.7) a month, was rcceired
toda by ilhairman Hen Johnson, of
j the House District Committee, in a let
j ter which awaited him when he arrived
in me Cll ironi rweiiiut.
The letfr gave details of the condi
tions in which the young women are
housed. It said that in at least one
case three girls slept in one bed,
another on a cot In a room which has
but one window.
In spit" of the fn I lint the num
ber of Inmates of the place has been
Increased. n additional facilities have
been pro Iiled.
LONDON. Sept. 18 Admiral Henry
T Mayo, of the American navy, ac
companied by his Haff. ha arrived
In I'ngland on a tour of American ac
tivities in Kuropean waters
September is. i9is.
New U. S. Ambassador to
Great Britain
West Virginia man, who has been selected by President Wilson to rep
resent this nation at the court of St. James. He has been solicitor
of the Department of Justice.
AMSTERDAM, Sept, 18. Tbe German press,
throwing off its first official restraint, is now openly ad
mitting that the Austrian peace note was the result
of lengthy Austro-German negotiaions.
The Budapest correspondent of the Berlin Tage
blatt says the step was agreed upon by Baron Burian,
the Austro-Hungarian foreign minister, and Admiral
Von Hiatze, tbe German foreign secretary, during the
latter's visit . to Vienna.
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Sept. 18. Austria's peace confer-:
once note, Germany's peace offer to Belgium, and the
"scream of the Kaiser at Essen" were all due directly to'
the Allied-American victories, Secretary Daniels said today
(Continued on Pajie Two, Col. Six. '
rcioskgWaD street Prkes.1
jxy , it .-I - :.i! saw? i
price two cents.
LONDON. Sept. 18 The
British have crossed the Hin
denburg. line in their new attack
at Villeret and at the sugar beet
factory south of Gcuzeaucourt,
acccrding to battle front dis
patches received here this after-
With the Americans smashing for
ward south of Metz. the French ad
vancing north of the Alsne river,
and the allied forces plunging ahead
on the Balkan front, the British
struck a brand new blow on a 14
mile front northwest of' St. Quentia
today. v '
- The new British assault followed
A successful attack on Tuesday
-Which, put the village of Holnon. In
their possession. Holrlaa. laonly
Two' and onfr3talf, piles"'" from. St.
Yankees Cross Moselle.
The Americana have taken and
passed Vendleres. on the Moselle
rlvtr. and were almost In Pagny-sur-i
Moselle at last reports.
Fasny-sur-Moselle la about tea
miles southwest of the great German
fortress of Metz, but is much closer
to the double chain of defensive
works surrounding the city.
The French, after a series ot bril
liant attacks, have gained a foothold
on the western end of the Chamln-des-Dames,
the road which lies upon
tbe strategic line of hills Just, north
of the Alsne river.
British forces on the Flanders front
have again extended their positions
south of La Bassee canal, but had to
give a little ground at Moeuvres In
the face of a German attack which
was carried out under the protection
of a terrific barrage fire.
Moeuvres lies directly west of
Cambral, and the Germans in that
zone are making the most desperate
efforts to prevent the British turning
movement which has Cambral for lta
Balkan Blow Succeeding.
The new campaign In the Balkans
I Is having magnificent results. French
and Serbian troops are pounding the
I mountain positions of the Bulgarians
fti the district east of -Monastlr and
have won ground of the utmost strat
I egic Importance.
I From their new mountain positions
the alllea now dominate terrain many
miles In the rear ot the Bulgarians'
front lines, and the allied artillery
now can put down a plunging fire di
rectly against the Bulgar defenses.
PARIS. Sept. 18. Further prog
revs in the French drive between the
Alsne and Ailette rivers. In which
enormous losses were Inflicted upon
the Germans, is announced by the
French war office in the following
"Progress has again been made In
the region of Holman Savy. Prison
ers were taken. Another advance
has been made on the plateau north-
(Contlnued on Page 2, Column 1.)
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