OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, September 18, 1918, FINAL EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1918-09-18/ed-1/seq-9/

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- ,
Beautiful Lamps
Candlesticks, Lamp and Candle
Shades to Harmonize With
the Furnishings
In a Very Large and Interesting
Individual Chinese and Japanese Vase Lamps, Carved
Mahogany Lamps, Metal Bridge andPiano Lamps, Boudoir
Lamps, Tall Mahogany Candlesticks, Silk and Parchment
Shades, in simple as well as elaborate effects. It Is pos
sible to satisfy most any desire in shape, style, and coloring.
B4lr FvrOktrs. in Ivory, cold. tnahcaar: on l(bt. In vaH
u mitts, SL.73 to f0.
Table rvrtafcles, one light; sold, iraboxany-, I Tory a3 reatls
ance. tZSS to S12A0.
Tw-Uxfct rwtable Uaix. in the, stately corumn effects. J also
thae handsomely carved. 8.50 to X&30.
F1r FMtakfe. in cold. !ory and mahogany, for caa or elec
tricity,. In plain column effect?, also the beautiful Polychrome
lamp. Particularly interesting are those with Japanese Inlay In
metal, which can be fitted with harmoslxlnr parchment shades.
Ifedlum Size Floor Lamps that can b placed beelda th bed
or easy chair, sheddlnc the light downward; Ivory and xoahoca&y.
Prion, 11B0 and ai&OO.
Asimm ul Cklavae Porcelain Umn, In plain shades and won
derful decorative effects. fT-00 to $3&0l
Entirely New This Seuon
tm Caa41etleks for candles, also candle effects fitted for elec
tricity, reminders of colonial days. SICJ4 to tTUo.
Iran AXfostable Chair T.smna. tTa.00.
Ina Portable Ijbsu, for electricity. S33LM and IMML
Adlsatitbl Iraa Partable Ijwiw. r1th extended arm. 31.5o to
Shades for Lamps and Cimdlta
Xasr ITeoch Print Shades fcr candles and small boudoir -lamps.
SUM toSfjXJ. Hand-painted Shades with black decorations.
Screans for side electric lights, in silks and parchment. Me to
Lace and Trimmed Fancy Shades for candles and boudoir lamps,
prettily decorated -with rarlasds of rosebuds, etc CL40 to S&0.
rials Silk Shades for candles and electric lUhta, S5 to SUM.
New and Distinctive Shades for T-np
Juj entarejj- sear effect is perfectly flat, fan pleated, wlta S-taeh
heaTy frlnre as its decoration. tSSM.
A very odd sad artistic shape is of Japanese deatxs. r12b. tas
sels. In combination of blue and cold. T"Tt.
An umbrella effect m brae and sold and other coroMnatkres has
est designs of velvet and silk in odd style. (340 and SS&OO.
Slack and a-old brocade, combined -with cold lace and fold trlm
mlnc are employed In another nrtistlc creation, tltin.
A most effective shade is of cold cloth orer Dresden efflc and
lined with cold, trimmed with blaclv tassels. S4SJM.
Parchment Shades in sreat variety; sizes 10 to 22 Inches. Plain
colors with borders: decorative effects in which the deslcss are
beautifully brought out; also in the black decorations, f-ffft to $27.00.
Silk Boudoir Shades In plain and decoratad effects. SVSS to S4-S0.
Dull and Finished Mahogany Candlesticks. X1.0 to Soe.
Extra High Candlesticks in Mahogany, for the tall candles for
use on low mantels, low- tables, beside the fireplace; size IS and 24
inches. tSJO and S-SO each.
Second floor, I" street.
Free Instructions in
A competent instructor will give you instructive and
interesting lessons in the making of Lamp Shades, provided
the materials are bought from us.
We offer a very large stock of Metal Galoons, Edges,
Bands, Laces, Tassels, Motifs, and Fringes. Also of Silk
Fringes and Embroidered Bands, Squares and other pieces.
A large assortment of plain and fancy silks and taf
fetas, mrtal cloths, gauc.
Wire frames in many shapes and sizes.
Free Instructions and Suggestions.
Fifth floor. G street
TKHoo&warb & Xotbrop
Store Opens 9:15 A. M.
Store Closes 6 P. M.
Iff ft Hv
!m" " ill!
A1.1 IV .-... U .J -. Wl r0 i-iitm v tt , , -.
vviin livery xvegcuu iui yvcxi-uiiic juuuiiuiiiy
Is Ready to Contribute Its Share In Making the Home
Attractive and Comfortable.
Fine fabrics and serviceable fabrics of every kind for curtains, draper
ies, and upholsteries. Portfcres of silks and other weaves; lace curtains and
imported novelty curtains; curtain nets and laces, kapock unfadeable fabrics
for hangings.
The beautiful things, together with a very competent organization, can
be of great assistance to you in making the home cheery and comfortable
for fall and winter.
We urge you to make your purchases and plans for the coming season
as early as possible. A complete showing of
Comprising Both Imported and Domestic Productions
Particularly noticeable is the large collection of entirely new designs
which arc shown in the simple as well as the more elaborate effects. The
beautiful handmade curtains and the finer grades of machine work in very
effective patterns.
Included Are
Handmade Filet,
Lace Arabian,
Cluny, Brussels,
Marie Antoinette,
Duchess Lace,
Swiss Point,
Tambour Net,
Renaissance, etc
Fine Voile Curtains with handsome
embroidery -work, motifs and lsce
decorations. Also the more simple ef
fects in voile and scrim.
Fine Grenadines, Swiss, Quaker Lace,
Soft Net Curtains, etc.
Curtains desirable for any room of
any home, and in view of large advance
purchases, wc believe you -will find the
prices reasonable.
Fine Lace Curtains, $5.00 to $68.75
Voile Curtains, $3.00 to $22.50
Hemstitched Cur., $1.75 to $3.50
New Portieres, Couch
Covers, Table Scarfs
and Pillow Covers
Portieres in all the standard colors, and the unusual
colorings for special color schemes.
New Crinkle Silk Portieres, Double-faced Velvet
Portieres, Sunfast Silk Portieres, Mercerized Rep and
Armure and Shiki Portieres.
Prices Ranging From $6.50 to $25.00 Each.
Couch Covers in Tapestry and Moquette Velvet;
exquisite Oriental, conventional verdure, stripe and other
Tapestry Coven, $3.00 to $12.50 each.
Moquette Covers, $14.00 to $18.50 each.
Table Scarfs, in a very large assortment Brocades,
Rich Moquette, Tapestry. Silk, and Japanese Cloth.
Beautiful in colorings and attractive in design.
$2.50 to $12.50 Each.
Pillow Covers, m oblong and square shapes, in
hnndsome rich brocade.
$4.00 to $6.00 Each.
Fifth floor. G street.
Jin mWm
sHHHI isCc9sSilVslH
The Life
of the Home
It is surprising what a wonderful
change can be brought about by the
use of beautiful cretonnes. They
can be used in so many things and
in so many places in the home.
Our showing is the greatest we
have ever made in our history yi
almost every conceivable design'and
combination of colorings "both
light and heavy weaves simple
and elaborate effects in addition to
the staple designs that never grow
Prices Range From 40c to $1.25
the Yard.
New Drapery, Decorative
and Upholstery Materials
Fabrics of Beauty, Utility, Service
For Window and Door Hangings, upholstery purposes of
all kinds, 3nd for the maUnr of Decorative Articles an assort,
ment that we have never before approached in Tariety and cx
tensiveness. KAPOCK UNFADABLE FABRICS. A revelation in be?.uty
of 'weave, design and tone; warranted absolutely sunfast; soft,
iiilky and reversible, giving double service. 45 inches wide,
$2.50 yard.
PLAIN" AND FIGURED Sn,KS; the Figured Silks in floral,
conventional. Oriental, Egyptian, Japanese and Persian designs
for making Lamp Shades, Covering Down Quilts, Fancy Work
of all kinds, rioin silks. $1.25 and $1.50 yard; figured silks,
$1.25 to $3.00 yard.
RICH VELVETS, for hanging- and upliolttenng; plain
and striped effect, $3.25 to $4.50 yard.
COTTON TAPESTRIES in many design.-, and colorings,
$2-50 to $5.00 yard.
rich, beautiful colorings, $3.50 to $7.50 yard.
weaves plain effects, French and colonial design-. 5()r. to
$2.50 yard. Voiles, 35c to 85c yard. Marquisette. 30c to 60c
We Have Greatly Added To
While manj' sets cannot be complete until after the
war, we have recently completed a number of popular pat
terns in American and English Porcelain, Haviland, and
Limoges China. Where we have not been able to dupli
cate patterns in many cases we have bought patterns that
are similar, that will be suitable to use together.
Some of the patterns are entirely new,
others are the popular patterns in dainty de
signs or trimmed in gold, our stock of .white and
gold Haviland china being especially good. As
prices are steadily advancing, we would advise
early selection, for -even where stocks can be
reordered the price will be much more. '
Fifth 'floor, F street.
Is Ideal For Cooking and Serving
The transparency of Pyrex enables the cook to see the
process of cooking right through it. Of graceful design, it is
made for the table no less than for the oven. Since one dish
takes the place of two, pantry space, utensils and drudgery of
dishwashing are saved. These salient points plus the fact that
it can be used for serving upon thoi table as well as for cooking
the food, make it a constant appeal to the woman who takes
pride in her kitchen ware and the products she turns out with
Our line includes all the popular pieces in the most wanted
sizes. Moderately priced.
Fifth floor. F street.
That Meet the Demands of Good Taste
Good dependable Trucks that meet present-day requirements,
in a variety of styles arc on display in our Traveling Goods
The best of material is used in constructing them and the
workmanship is the highest class.
Full size Wardrobe Trunks, fitted with all conveniences,
$31.50 to $100.00 each.
Three-quarter Wardrobe Trunks, $42J0 and up.
Steamer Wardrobe Trunks. $25.00 to $45.00 each.
A splendid Wardrobe Trunk especially adapted to men's
use, $60.00.
Black Enameled Hat Boxes, Single and Double Styles
18 and 20 inch sizes, in single and double styles, the single
style having pocket in the top and the double ones in the
sides. They are well lined with cretonne, $7.50 to $14,00 each.
Fourth floor, Eleventh street.
WIZARD Housecleaning Requisites $
For cleaning days here are valuable
aids. They will help you keep furni
ture, floors, rugs and walls dean and
WfZARD Polishing Mop
The original triangle mop. so designed fori
tnnrpnlen In crettia&r Into every nook and
-ranny Treated with Wizard rollsh. It pick
up dimt clean." the floor and polishes It at the
knmr timf vrv Htirjthlv made. Smooth han
- die. with adjuntable elbow, which adda to the ease of its
i jBfa use. Can be washed when soiled. SLOO and 8 1 JO.
WfEAPn Polish
Gives woodwork, furniture and floors he nch. shimmering-
loiellneis of new wood. Is as effectie a eleanlnc
a;;ent as soap and water and far better for the flnlsh.
which It protects and preserves. Wizard Polish pro
duces a hard. dry. brilliant luster. Does not gum or
stick Dut does nnt adhere to it ZSr to S3 50.. Quart
i. an, a popular size because of Its economy. Sl.OO.
WIZARD Carpet Clean
s jj
Does away with the disagreeable clouds of dust when
weplnR Sprinkled on the floor before sweeping:, it
lays 'he dust, helps collect th dirt, brlchtrns the
olur T rugs and earpets Contains no salt or sand.
WIZARD Wall Duster
rherricallv urated for gathering dusi. tiiVimn han
dle enables ou to reach celling, inoldinss. pictures
Waihable, chemical treatment does not ! out
thciefore. never needs renewing-. S1.O0 to S1.50.
Fifth floor. Eleventh street.
America's Finest Rug Is Whittall's
The Whittall Rugs
After-everything has been done to impart the proper tone to an apartment or home, and you rcicv the effects of your plans and
labors, the conviction will be forced home to you that the floor covering Is the one item above all others that you cannot afford to neg
lect. Perhaps you are not a rug expert. Very likely you are not versed In tne lore of Hie oriental loom. et
Plan is you may, study as you may, and inquire as you may, you
will find nothtnr 5 compelling to every finer feeling as a
Whittall Rug
The reasons may be hidden, but they are not. after all, far to seek.
A color and pattern art that has been perfected through centuries of
Oriental rug weaving has been combined, right here in America, with all
the excelling facilities of modern mechanical execution to give you
Whittall Anglo 1'ersi.in Rugs, ranging 22x36 inches, $7.75; to 9x12
ft, $111.00,
Sixth floor, F street.
We have handled WHITTALL RUGS for many years, and this sea
son show you more exclusive designs than ever.
These are closely woven rugs of finest grade yarns, specially selected
and imported from Persia. The dyes are also the best obtainable and
equal to those of the finest Persian Rugs in cfFecl.
Made in many sires.
:iome and see them. You will luc no difficulty in making selection
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