-W.A5ttl N G TO N
SEPTEMBER 19,- 1918
XUC O. 8. FaUnt Otflca.
ARTHUR BRISBANK. Editor and Owner
EIX3AR IX SHAW, Publisher
Entered as second elm matter at the Pototflc at Washington. P. C
. Published Every Evening (Including- Sundays) by
The Washinirfnri Times Oimnanv Munsev BIdr.. Pennsylvania Ave.
.Stall Subscriptions; 1 year (Inc. Sundays). ilJM; 8 Months. 11.85: 1 Month. C5c
Don't Do Just Enough to Earn
Your Pay
- You Will Never Get More Unless You Are "Worth It.
. Among the young' men who are fond of making sar
castic references to Fate because they have not been more
successful this expression is very common:
"I'm earning all the money I'm getting. I don't in
tend to do any more work than I'm paid for."
This rule a great many men follow very carefully.
They estimate what they think they ought to do to earn
their salaries, and they do that and no more. They feel
that they are absolutely just' to their employers because
they are conscientious in their effort to earn exactly what
is paid for.
This logic may be sound, although usually a man's
estimate of what work is worth is not very accurate; but
it is about as dangerous a mental attitude as a wage earner
can take.
If a man is not worth more than he is getting, it stands
to reason that HE WILL NEVER GET MORE.
' As long as he is earning his present salary, his employ
ess have no object in paying him one which he doesn't earn.
Xi .. When a man who owns a business raises a salary, he
dees it because he finds it profitable to himself to do so.
There is very little sentiment concerned in the transaction.
The employer doesn't pay a lazy man any more money
in the hope to make him industrious. That hope would
never be realized.
'He does not advance the salary of a man in the expecta
tion that the man will be worth more to the concern. The
employer knows that an expectation of that kind would be
When salaries are raised, they are raised to meet the
growing value of men who are earning more than they get.
The business man knows that to keep good men work
ing for him he must pay them according to WHAT THEY
DO, not what they would do if they got more money.
In all kinds of business where men are employed there
. is & large class of clerks and other wage earners who work
only for pay day.
They are continually haunted by the fear that they
will do more than their neighbor, who is paid the same, or
that they will wear out their brains in order to make an
other man's fortune.
They will always continue to work for pay day, and
their envelopes at the end of each week will always con
tain the same amount of money or less; for when a man
lacks interest in what he is doing he soon begins to fall off
in nis earning power.
Meanwhile, the men who keep interested, who are not
afraid pi domg more work than they are paid for, and who
are not so much worried about wearing out their brains as
they are about using them too little, are the men whose
wages are advanced.
Employers learn that such men steadily earn more than
they are paid, and while their salaries may never keep pace
with their value 4here would be no profit in employing
them if such was the case they at least are progressing,
and soon will leave their pessimistic young friends far be
hind. Another thing which the man who goes out after suc
cess soon learns is that when he does another man's work
he must do it better than his predecessor did.
If one bookkeeper or clerk takes the place of another,
he will attract no attention as long as he does the work
If he does not do it as well, he will not be likely to
last very long in his new position. But if he does it BET
TER, he will be noticed, and will stand an excellent chance
of promotion.
In any business ruts are soon formed, and the man
who takes the place of another finds it easier to get into
the same rut, and plod steadily along there, satisfied if he
brings down upon himself no criticism.
He is usually sorrowful because he is not paid as much
as- the other man. He does the same work, he says, and
he ought to get the same pay. '
But the man who is doing the paying is not looking
for that kind of substitute.
He is in a rut himself, and the fact that every thing is
going on as formerly makes no particular impression on
But if the new man once gets out qf the rut, and does
things that the man whose place he took could or did NOT
DO, then he begins to be noticed and marked out for ad
vancement. All young men are naturally anxious to earn more
money to get, somehow or other, that valuable and useful
thing which is known as success.
k unhappily the systems of employment in use by the
great corporations limit the opportunities of vast numbers
of their employes, and make it necessary for many of them
to work for far less than their services are worth; but the
men who DO advance are not those who are the most care
ful to do only that for which they are paid.
And big corporations, as well as individual employers,
are alive to the value of men who CAN LEARN TO BE
WORTH MORE, and that is the kind of men who get the
big salaries in the end, or acquire the information and ex
perience which enables them some day to get into business
Smr themselves, and become employers on their own account.
Beatrice Fairfax Writes of the Problems and Pitfalls of the War Workers
Especially for Washington Women
SOME one a man, of course
has written a letter asking
me to define the difference
between an old maid and a bache
lor girL
I don't know what the dic
tionaries have to say on the sub
ject, or if they discourse to any
extent on the space that sepa
rates these two states, but to the
world at large the dissimilarity
is as the poles.
To be an "old maid" denotes a
state of mind rather than a state
of single blessedness; and is by
no means confined to the female
sex. Old maids in trousers and
derby hats and taking pride In
mustaches and pointed beards in
fest our street cars, professions,
and public offices. The old maid
may be determined by a tendency
to ossify, or turn to bone, usually
beginning at the head.
They are opposed to change of
any sort, they like things to keep
on In the same old rut, because
they have always been that way
from their earliest recollections.
"Is My Hat on RJghtP
The genuine article of cither sex
is more concerned with things
than principles. A world war may
be raging, nations perishing of
starvation or by the sword, but
the real issue of life to the gen
tlemanly old maid will be: "Are
my suspenders where I leave them
every night?" And to the lady
like old maid, "Is my hat on
Their world is bounded on the
north by Me. on the south by My
Things, on the east by What I
Think, and on the west by What I
Peel About Other People. Some
times a genuine old maid marries,
bat not often, the responsibility
of seeing some one's else
shoes arranged at what may be an
offending angle Is too great a re
sponsibility. Better go through life unloved,
unwed, unmounted, than take
such chances. To the simon pure
O. M. there are rarely no such
things as days of the week; in
stead there Is: "The day I go to
church, ride in a Ford, ferry, or
trolley according to my circum
stances. Monday is not Monday,
but the day I have my clothes
washed. Tuesday the day I eat
the last of the cold roast. Wed
nesday the day my sweeping is
done, Thursday the day I go to the
movies or indulge myself in some
such recreation, etc.
In Ilk manner '914 Is not the
year of the world war, but the year
I set out my scarlet runners, or
What's the Difference Between an Old Maid
x and a Bachelor Girl?
had my front tooth filled with
Inrcst in "Prunes and Prisms"
This self-centered product has
flashes of patriotism, and would
honestly enjoy buying thrift
stamps, war saving certificates, or
even a Liberty bond or two, but
it has contracted the habit of In
vesting in "Prunes and Prisms"
preferred, and can't bear the
thought of risking a change.
For very much the same rea
son, your typical 0. M. is always
an anti-suffragist, for the com
pelling motive that his or her
grandmother was one. Why they
do not wear caps and hoop skirts
for the same reason, it is difficult
to follow.
We have old maids of this type
in the Senate, House, and State
legislature. We have always had
them, and, like the Biblical poor,
we shall have them perpetually.
The impatient reformer does not
always see it, but these reaction
aries are a valuable spur to all
forward movements.
They are the pebbles that give
greater momentum to the stream
of progress. Bat we think of
them and lament their presence
in Tennyson's apt phrase: "A
yet-warm corpse, and yet unbur
iable." Not long ago one of these
ran for the Presidency, he also
undertook an unsuccessful pleas
ure excursion, at the Govern
ment's expense, for which a cer
tain dub awarded him a medal for
valor. I do not know the inscrip
tion on this gift horse, but bear
ing his record on women suffraee
in mind, it might have read: "He
has not changed his mind in fifty
Sometimes the old maid is
young, as years are counted, but
as set as a hard boiled egg in the
matter of convictions. The crown
prince of Germany, for instance,
sees a perishing world waiting
for him to set it straight.
The Bachelor Girl.
The bachelor girl differs from
the old maid in that she Is in-
Dr. Tindall On Sparrows
During my hebdomadal clearing out
of my pockets this etenlng I exca
vated therefrom a clipping from your
'Heard and Seen" column containing
a criticism by a "Member Audubon
Society of D. C." of my plea that the
sparrow be permitted to nest la the
cannons In Lafayette Square, as formerly
With respect to my critic' asser
tion that the sparrow drives away
other more useful birds, I can only
adduce that whenever I pass through
that park I see sparrows there In har
monious association with robins,
blackbirds, flickers, and almost every
sort of winged thing whose habitat
Is there, except bugs. Near Annapo
lis, where my daughter resides, the
sparrow has so many song-bird asso
ciates that the chorus Is often too
Before the English sparrow was ex
patriated to the National Capital by
Gen. O. B. Babcock, of blessed mem
ory, eVory elm tree In this city that
I saw was denuded of Its leaves by
measuring worms before the end of
July. That such trees escape that
depredation since the sparrows' ap
pearance I u constrained to accept
n an instance of effect and enure
I Prof C. V Riley and Or. Elliot Cones
years ago. and in my Judgment the
sparrow had by far the better side of
the argument The havoc which the
swallow a wrought with the vnteen
year locusts when tboro Insects last
nppearrd here signally refuted the
Imputation thnt the MrJs are strict
vegetarians Tne immunity of our
shade trees from wirm ravages is. in
my opinion, largely dm to their vigi
lant activities.
, It is jtrue, as my critic ascribes to
Frank Chapman, that the vocal emis
sions of the Hngllsh iparrnw are nit,
as the late President Cleveland oalrt
of his early married experience, "one
sweet song." but the same can truth
fully be said of the notes of the rubln.
the blackbird, the wren, the Jazz band,
and the mule. Nevertheless, such me
lodious deficiency Aoea not materially
Impair the practical usefulness of
either of them I therefore submit
that It Is not fair to subject the spar
row to a musical test as a criterion
of Its right to exist.
On the whole. I fall to discern that
my critic has made out his case, and
I still appeal to Colonel Ridley to re
move those unsightly tar tampions
from the muzzles of the guns around
the Jackson statue In I.afayette
Square in order that the sparrows
may multiply, and that the predatory
huirsnmt xnrnn may ronsrquently get
their coup de vice era i
variably feminine. We have no
bachelor girls In trousers, and
wearing moustaches, and beards,
as we have old maids and mil too
many of them.
The, bachelor girl is a spinster
and as progressive as the old maid
is reactionary. The bachelor girt
almost always marries, and
if she does not,, it la for
enrr reason but lack of
opportunity. She dresses well
because she realizes that a good
appearance Is the best introduc
tion, and while a dowdy jacket
may cover a noble heart, she re
alizes it will obtain slower recog
nition than if Its nobility was
masked by one that is up-to-date.
The bachelor girl is humane,
genuine, and refreshingly free
from cant. She is never a Polly
anna glad because an automobile
ran over her, and thereby secured
her a ride to the hospital or some
such nonsense.
The bachelor girls were the
first to avail themselves of the
higher education offered to
women, and to fill the colleges
and prepare for the professions.
They were the first to organize
units in France and Belgium to
feed the refugees, care for the
lost children, and nurse the
sick, and they went prepared for
these duties. ,
They did not invade stricken
countries full of futile sympathy
and inability to speak a word of
the langarpe. They had less of:
"Oh, you poor dears," and more
of "Je parle francaise."
They did the first thing that
came to hand and they did it
mighty well. A famous war cor
respondent tells of a group of
them from Smith College whom he
met in the north of Prance help
ing to repatriate the peasantry in
their wrecked and desolate homes.
They stayed by the work till the
Huns were upon them, and then
applied the torch to the model vil
lage that it had taken thousands
of dollars and months of labor to
build, rather than let it fall into
the enemy's hands.
And when they did leave, each
one of them came driving her own
motor brock and bearing in it a
load of helpless natives. One girl
actually brought to shelter a troop
of terrified dwarfs, dropped from
a stranded caravan. Now she was
a bachelor girl, modern, resource
ful, humane. An old maid would
have said, in reference to the
dwarfs: "Haven't you something
more pleasant for me to drive J"
To be an old maid indicates a
state of mind, to be a bachelor girl
denotes a state of grace. ..
Let's Walk to Work
And Thereby Make Ourselves Healthier fey Far aatl Metier By Cwfm
Nearly everyone who kicks about the street car service
could have breakfast half -an hoar earlier and walk to work
Perhaps it would be hot and uncomfortable walEing in
the summer time, but now the line fall days are nearly here
and it will he one of the greatest pleasures to walk briskly
downtown in the crisp morning air.
The trouble with most of us is that we wait until the!
last minute, and then rush but, breakfast hastily eaten, to
catch an overcrowded car that wilL get us to the office,
barely on time provided no accident occurs. ,
Probably one hundred thousand people all try to get
down to the office at 9 o'clock, and all of them try to get
there on the same car.
s THAT feature of "Washington's traffic problem was
what staggered John A. Beeler until ho hit upon staggered
hours. Now that he has recommended them, they have gone'
into effect in someof the departments, but not in all.
And the morning crowds grow worse and worse. Per
haps as many as a hundred new people a day come to
Washington to help along the war work and add to the
At the best the street car" service is to be improved
only by seventy new cars, and thatdoe'sn't seem to me to
be enough for the constantly growing population. EspeJ
cially in view of the fact that it will be extremely difiBculf
to, get seventy new car crews out of tho present shortage
of labor.
So why not walk to work. Thousands of people are
doing it every day and are getting to their desks in rhttcsj
better frame of mind and body than if they had bee
shunted down in a packed and jammed street car.
''But I haven't time to. walk," I hear some one say.
The truth is that we have all the time there is; hut Wf
don't always dispose of it in the proper way. Country boys
who have had to walk three mfles-to school every .morniBf
know that it is entirely possible to SpA. time to walk tt
We have interesting streets and -parks here in WasKj
ington. It would do a lot of us & lot of good id hiker t
work tomorrow morning, save a car ticket, and fill otng
selves with more energy than we've had for many a daar. 3
Try it I'll do it if you will. ,-
As this is written it is my firm in-
teatkm to visit the.Hosae of Bepre-
seatatives today to hear fee f are-
wea speech of my good old mead
ALBERT JOHNSON, Ceagressraan
from Washington. He is in the uni
form of aa army captain and" I pre
dict big things for kiss.
JOHN G. CAPERS appoints
me a speaker for the Jtrarta
Liberty loan, bnt all I can say
la this: '
"Bet Your Mosey on the TJ. S. A."
GUS BTJCHHOLZ -was down to
Atlantic City for a speiL See say
U-boats, Gas?
Well, Went Here's WILL CHASD
LEE. "Within a few squares this morn
ing," says WILL CHANDLEE, the
artist, "I picked up enough peach
stones to fill a small paper bag,
working only one side of the Btreet.
"Here is a chance for real service.
Any citizen who would not stop to
pick up a peach stone deserves to
be shot In the wrist watch. Aside
from the value of fruit pits for sup
plying carbon for gas masks, the act
of bending forward at the hips is a
nigniy beneficial exercise for the
abdominal muscles, and tends to re
duction of the flesh in the region, of
the waist-band."
Ho Comment Needed.
Sorry to note that in Tuesday's
Times that a cigar dealer refused to
let a soldier see a paper: you know
Just the happenings. Another man
present told you tne cigar clerk
made him pay. If I had been that
man I should have refused to let the
soldier pay, but paid myself, and
given the clerk a piece of my mind.
All. however, are far from lfte'tHit
Tuesday morals I saw CO
GMSSMAN LUNK Seheaeetaay,
N. Y, going- dewa aorthwsat, Eight;
eeath street otfsrssfpaeVwar work
ers' and soldiers. saOers. aad asanas
a ride to work. He had a FULL
CAS after stepping at only two or
three car steps.
1832 BUtmore St. N. W.
When I got this picture of W. F.
FULLAH he was a colonel, but he
may be a brigadier general by now
as he seems to be going up. He
jumped over one grade to be col
onel, having been a major only a
minute ago. A Washington boy.
and adjutant to GEN. HUGH
JOHNSON, the youngest general in
the army, chief of purchasing, stoi
age, and traffic division.
Harrison Joins the Federation
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If the governor general of thi
Philippines finds it dignified and"
proper to join the National Federa
tion of Federal Employes, I imaging
that Government workers in Wash
ington could follow his example
without embarrassment. In fact,
membership in the federation, I bg
lieve, is an honorable and valuable,
thing- It will not only help the
Government employe personally, bul
will indirectly aid the Government
itself. The federation is' doing
much toward uplifting conditions
for the entire body of clerks and
will probably be a great factor ia
the effort to obtain a review of
Government clerk conditions by Cos
THOMAS H. QUINN, of the fed
eration, sends me . a letter frora
governor general of the Philippines,
and the second highest paid official
of the Government. Governor Har
rison addressed his letter to H. M.
McLarin, former president of the
federation. It Is as follows:
Manila, Aug. 2, 1918.
Dear Mr. McLarin:
I am in receipt of your letter of
May 28, 1918, with reference to the
National Federation of Federal Em
ployes, and assure you that I am hi
itenrtipst sympathy with the almsa
and objects or tne lederanon aa
will fca plad to hriirimri a vmsbsmse.