Newspaper Page Text
-; -r-M i SC fen Wm FINAL EDITION THE WEATHER: Partly cloudy and cooler tonight; to morrow fair, cooler. Temperature at 8 a. m., 67 degree. Normal temperature for 'Sept. 20 for last thirty yean 67 degrees. VrTTrr3TT -t(fl Publlshod every evening; (Includlnr Sunday Jj UxiiXjJCil. LUUOO. Entered u scond-clau matter at the post office at Waahlnrton D C. WASHINGTON. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1918. fdwagWaH Street Prices. PRICE TWO CENTS. ESCAPED CONVICT CONFESSES ') - - -p? - 9b flastata ! EPS BARON'S BODY FOR 7 DAYS; IS ARRESTED . After locking the body of Baron (Eugene dc Kappentack in a room for seven days and refusing to permit its removal, Miss Mary E. Case, twenty-five years old, of 1726 Wfl pard street northwest, -was arrested I today by Capt Bobert E. Doyle, of J the Eighth precinct, charged with violation of section 677 of the D. iC code, which nrovides that no ner- reen shall be held nnbnried for more than seven days after death, with eout the permission of the Health ".Officer. Miss Case was removed to the (Washington Asylum for observa ftwn. , , i '- Called Cissian Count. Baron de Kappentack Is said byi Miss Case to be a Russian count. He died, of Orient's disease last Friday morulas at the WUlard street ad dress. Miss Case took possession of tho body and took steps to have It preserved. She. notified the Russian embassy of the death, and asked that it take charge of 'the body. She could not produce sufficient evidence to prove that he was a baron or a former-Russian official, and the embassy refused to take action. For the last week she has kept the body In the third story front room of the house, with the door locked. -She refused to remove the body or to permit its remral when requested by the Health Department. She Resists Arrest. District Health Officer Fowler, ac companied by Captain Doyle, visited the house, several days ago. Miss Case was out. and the door to th room where the body was kept was locked, and they were unable to view ,11. At that time Dr Fowler had no i legal right to demand the removal of the body. .This momln- Dr. Fowler issued a warrant for the arrest of Miss Case Captain Doyle and Charles C. Staub. a Health Office Inspector, went to the house, met her in the hall, and read the warrant. "You can't trrest me." she said. "I won't leave the house Tou will have to force me " "I have been ordered to arrest ou and I shall take you into custody," said Captain Doyle. She then demanded that Captain Ioyle let her call up the Health Of fice and Police Headquarters. This I and Police Headouartera. This WOMAN he allowed her to do. She obtained an,Inectlon wlth qUrie9 by committee' unsatisfactory answer over the tele- j members concerning charge,, that - , I phone, and, turning to Captain Doyle. said: "If yod arrest me I will get my brother to shoot you, and ,"'..." vilMi r ." .V' -'.. ,..u .L':i . . .? ..., . --.... . . ...... '"'all the facts he has on the t.ltuatlon.1 baron. Tou can take his body but ou shall not arrest rae." Captain Doyle then tried to per- jtborlties. The committee therefore I " health who volunteered to a. -uade her to submit to arrest quietly. droppei ite pIan, to investigate for ! rif Ice as much blood as was needed., tfhe refused to do this, and CapUln ! - (Continued on Page 2, Column T ) OCTOBER 12 SET AS "LIBERTY DAY The President by proclamation day named October 12 as Liberty I Day. and requested the citizens n. it. United States to celebrate Uie discovery of America "in order to ytimulale a generous response to tbe fourth Liberty loan " "Every day the great principles for -which we are fighting take fresh hold upon our thought and purpose, and make It clearer what the end tnust be and what we mut do to ichleve It," tbe proclamation reads. "We now know more certainly than we ever knew before why freemen brought the great nation and govern ment we love Into existence, because t grows clearer and clearer what upreme service It Is to be America's jirlvllege to render to the world. "The anniversary of the discovery of America must therefore have for us in this fateful era a peculiar and thrilling significance We should ufte It a day of ardent rededlcatlon to the Ideal upon which our Govern , ment Is founded, and by which pur 'present heroic tasks are Inspired" AH Federal employes who can be spired on that day will be excused from Government service. TO THE KILLING PALMER REPLIES TO SENATE RESOLUTION Sends Documents Bearing On Purchase of The Times By Arthur Brisbane. In response to a letter of Inquiry from Senator King- of Utah and the Senate resolution of Inquiry Intro duced by Senator Jones of Washing ton. A. Mitchell Palmer yesterday Is- sued a statement In support of tte; charges which he made In a political speech delivered In Harrlsburg, Pa., last Saturday with reference to the Interest ai the brewers In the pur chase of Washing-ton newspaper The Washington Times. Mr. Brisbane in an editorial in The Times and in a page advertisement printed In Thursday's Washington Post, has stated that the money to make the first payment In the. pur chase of The Times from Mr. Munsey and enough additional to put The' Times on a paying basis a total of $175.000 was borrowed through a friend, C. W. Felgenspan. president at the Federal Trust Company of Jiewarl-. ?f. J. a brewer. Mr. Pal mer's statement gives the names of the men who made up the fund which totals 1375,000 and provided for S125v000 more. If necessary. Their names and amounts are: Xtaei of Cntrtbntora. George Ehret, X50.0O0? C Felgen span, 425,000; Julius Llebmann, t!5, OOQ J. O. O. Hupfel. S7.50O: Jacob Buppert, 50,000; JosepaJS. Klhler-.. JKMKMj.. Edward Xandsbc'reMKdOO: Reuter ,Co JlS'.OOOr'A.'J. Houghton Company. 10,000; William llamm, 10,000; G. Pabst, J50.000 Fred Miller Brewing Company, S1S.0O0 (this sum was alloted among Ave individuals at 13,000 each); C. Schmidt A Sons. $5,000; F. A. Poth & Son. 513.000: Bergner & Xngel, JIO.OOO; United States Brewers Association. eSO.OOS. and the United States Brewers' Ass elation, adv, $25,000; a total of S407.SOO. Mr. Palmer adds & letter from Mr. Felgenspan to Mr. Brisbane detailing the nature of this transaction, a let ter already published In Mr. Brisbane's advertisement In yesterday's Wash ington Post and which re ids as fol lows: I write this note to define a busi ness arrangement existing between us. I and a number of my friends. i SLACKERS DELAY The great Hog Island shipyard at Philadelphia will do well to accom- pllsh half the program of .htp con-- structlon set for It this year. Charles Plex. vice president of the nmergencyi "',.?.:P,r"0"' t0W tbe Stnat - "The Hog Island yard expected to turn out forty-eight ships. It will do well to turn out twenty." lie said I ,.r. "..." ". .,: ,Z ". , liiciilUCS ...jiiwiti iiiiik vuLitir IUBI ,!,. ,j. r nrart v.HrK ,..- i,..i -i.. i,. , irnl, Tkin! ' Pie Save the co " t ' Save the commitlee inronnally J He said It will be corrected by the' mA. r..nA..,iM mi ,.. .... ... ! may Depite an appeal from Secretar to-.jicAdoo. who personally appeared be fore them, that both he ond the Presi-' dent regarded Its adoption of the utmost Importance, the Senate and 1-. use conferees failed to reach an) farfrecment today on that provision of! tfie McAdpo Liberty bond bill which empowers the President to niwrli gate, regulate or prohibit any 'ran-' actions In bonds of the United State. The Senate struck the provision from the bill after the House passed it unanimously, following a declara tion by Chairman Jvltchln, of the Ways and Means Committee, that It was Intended to enable the Govern ment to reach syndicates alleged to be engaged In a conspiracy to traffic In Liberty bond;. ' Kltchln told the House that these syndicates were plotting to first ac quire Liberty bonds from small bond holders by depreciating their value and afterward forclnr up the in terest on them Another meeting of the (.onferees will h$ held later In the daj at which it is hoped that they will come to an agreement. SHIP PRODUCTION : UNABLE TO AGREE ji mm i unru uu in v II ni i 1 1 1 I IIMIv I It 1 1 li ill II tMif LbUIiI I I llwffiwlwll all of whom I am authorized to rep resent, have for years felt very strongly that the public welfare and our own industry because of your well-known convictions would be S ur P.r.oa.1 owner. ship of a newspaper. Half Mlllloa-eCaaltal. We agreed to supply you with a capital of five hundred thousand dol lars (WOO ,000) for the purchase and establishment of a newspaper by you. We have, at this Umt supplied two hundred and nlnetv-fiver thou. "! J".T JES2ffktt ,E.'W ance namely, two hundred and five thousand dollars ($205,000). although .odn0sn,0otcre.o.inotn oeLif JS!5- or others. The understanding of my- "H .and ry. trlea .w.,th. you' of which understanding this Is a me- morandum, is as follows: . The money, which-we gladly con - iriDuie to your enterprise, is 10 or disposed of, absolutely at your dis cretion, for the purchase, maintenance, and establishment of a dally news- It is understood that, after a period J or five years, you. will .'repay to m. and ray associates, at your discretion I UTtA Jni,.i.1.,A nn biiiiaiimI nf flut'l and convenience, on account of the' nrinelnal. et much -of he nroflts as- 'jnaVvbe derived. from soch aewapapeeich6olyear JaarcTu 'T 4B f m aivm ta4 emm SaCaV am f .. m . as may. In your judgment, be taken r-n os ine ousiness wunoui lniezier Ing wifh Its proper operation and development: and that you shall be under no liability whatsoever for, re payment of the sums contributed other than out of such profits. It Ik understpod that no interest shall be paid upon this money, our claim to be satisfied In full upon the repay ment of the principal without In terest. Repay at Any Time. Tou may, of course, repay part or all of the principal at any time and In ahy manner that you may choose, and our agreement with you shall not bo considered xa giving me or my as sociates any interest whatsoever In said enterprise. Should you sell the (Continued on Page 3, Column 1.) 'BLOOD TRANSFUSED E. In an effort to sae the life ot Prof. Emory M Wilson, principal of the Central High School, more than one-half pint of blood was yesterday transfused Into his veins. I'or several weeks. Prof. Wilson hab been a p.. tlent at Emerseucy Hospital, suffer n or ..I eently lns '""" nervous nreaKaow malignant tnaracier. and rece hi. niilm. !. l,n .,,. i.t,...i Precarious. His attending phygl. '". Ur. Charles Stanle White, this ' -.... , ..... week decided on tho transfusion. Dlf ficulty arose ss to where a quantltv ... i-., . i ., .. i .. t "- " " - "- """" 1r lter N'euman. pathologist ut the hospital, found a man of viirnr-t Tile transfusion followed. It was re-1 ported today at the hospital that Prof. Wilson was doing ulcelj. It is llkelv tnal It will be ncces &ary to transfuse additional blood into the veins of Mr Wilson in a few days. It was said atf tbe hospital ' this morning that Dr J. Ward Man- kin, superintendent of the Institution, and a friend of Prof U ilson. has j volunteered to 1,'llc additional blood. Tests today showed he would be ac ceptable , CHICAGO. Sept. 20 James It. Mann. Jr., said b the police to be u son of Congressman and Mrs. Mann, shot and killed himself here today Mann was twenty-eight years old. At the boarding house where the act was committed, he left two notes, one to Miss Eva Wilkin, his landlady; the other to Mrs. James Mann. High land apartments, Washington. D. C. It Is the latter note which led the police to beTteve he Is the son of ths Republican floor leader of the House Before sending the bullet through his brain, Mann shot his dog. which, according o his landlady had been his constant companion. The dog lay at his feet. Mann himself was sit ting, fully dressed. In a chslr TubeVculosIs was the cause given In one ojf his notes. FOR PRO WILSON SUICIDE SAID TO BE CN MANN'S SON L 10 . T . . . . . . . . . ' Intensive courses of study tn high Schools -and sixth, seventh, and Wh & of Washington edu-J cational institutions, so that the school year may be shortened and tudenta released for war work. were decided on today by E. U. Thurston, Superintendent of Schools. ,,... . , . .,, All intensive course students will lbe eiven a schedule involvinir lonir recitation periods coupled with su pervised studies," said Mr. Thurston. Dates Are Advanced. Under this plan students who Would normally gradual In Febru arjr will complete their, forfc In De t T j. -?. . 4m -. .' comber, and - t stud entsi'"i-ho would' -i. :. . . ..r. ..r. . . .1 gnuusu next juno wui jiqian.. loeir 'Scholars who would normally complete their studies in February, 1020. wilt be through late In' June, 1010." Mpeelal enrollment. Students who Intend to take the Intensive course should prepare to enroll specially when school opens, Monday, ald Superintendent Thurs ton: Many students subject to draft are being permitted by school authorities to substitute in their general courses subjects of special value In military jjservlce. such as mathematics IDENT WILL President Wilson today uas to wel come the detachment of the Toreign Legion, one of France'." most heroic fighting units. They are here to tour the country for the liberty loan cam- palgn .,...,. . . .. . . .it 1 SHORTENED w&m FOR 1 IRK PRES GREET LEGIONARIES iuuiuk Ainrrica, inc I renrn U'gionjuiusi bccac. has won every honor ofTored by the! "1cV:?r"rnen.,i "n7. n.T decora- "" '"" '" "" r.iiaonsnea ror tnem. ' The first detachment of fifty I, to' b followed by thirty Mho novo been wounded in action Allan Seejrer the , ...".... .l"e '""""'" " was iviuea wnne ncnttng asa leg.onarx iTT "s7 7..'. IWUWUHH STRANGELY KILLED!! wii.KK.snAmn:, pa. bepi :o - One of the most my.Ulf!nfc double murders that hax ever come to light In northeastern Pennsylvania took Place hore today, when Mrs. James Amelia, thirty-two yearn, and her mother, Mrs. Ferdinand JacobB. sixty live, were shot and killed by an un known man Mrs. Amelia died InstantH and Mrs. Jacobs succumbed shortly after being admitted :o Mercy Hospital. FOR SALE HOUSES t MX rooms and bath brick dwelUnr. uu aood street. N E , h-w heul. all In food condition, price tS.SOl). ir sold 1-14 3Uleklf T3S Uth t X V A Real Estate Dealer says: "This ad in The TIMES brought me the best results that I have witnessed for quite some time and I am more than pleased." If you want to buy or sell a home phone The TIMES Real Estate Bureau. Main 5260. Victim of Spanish 'Influenza a'asssBssKasifc Hokit''' StMslassssBBSssisGr"- bwiiiHiBKSHk' ajssHVVB' usccsckzzzc Assistant Secretary of the Ifavy. who wiin cammanaer jsaie Jictauiey and Livingston-; Darts, members of hi party," Contracts, the, malady abAarSADlD returhlnc- to' America. . ... r . r Dr. William C. Fowler, District Health Officer, will today Investi gate the first suspected cases ef Spanish influenza in Washington The patients are Lieut. Arthur (Henne and his wife, of 3165 Eight eenth street northwest. The lieu- tenant became ill upon his return irom ,ew York last Monday. Mrs. ; Henne, who had also been in New I Vnrl hffamo 111 Inat Wurinnerlnv 1 j-k. -l. . .. ti . .t --"". ........ ... .WW. .. .... W.M-J .. ... As a result of the spread of tne disease near Washincton. Dr. Fbw - ... . .. J ler today made an appeal to all doc - - .r-- v . - '-- INFLUENZA . j IND.C. i ' tors throughout the city to report I"'1 . . i i u .v. - all cases of acute crln which theyi"1 . . 7... . . suspect to be Spanish influenza to ! the District Health Office in the Munclpal lluilding. The majority or doctors In Wash- ' -she said. 'Oh, yes. i would." Ingtun admit they do not know the .., sad .WouId you be afraid to re exact symptoms and c-haractvlstlcs , . . ... ,, , .... , . . ..port me. because I'm a convict, ot the so-called "Spanish Influenza." J so It will be left to the District iAlth Office to investlKate and iso late an cases that show smplorns of I developing into the dread disease. Spanish Inlluenza Is not on the list i of diseases which doctors are re- ! qulted to report lo the Health Office.! but because of the way it has spread ! In other cities. Dr Fowler wishes ptoslcians to Immediate! report all suspected cases to hlin The case of Lieutenant Henne and I his w ife was reported to Dr. Fowler ! today H is the first case that the Health OfTk-c will Investigate, and if I proven to be true influenza Dr Fow- (Continued on Page J, Column 3 ) i J LONDON. Sept 20 -lime Alexan dra Iiedschkajeuna, organizer of the Russian woman's battalion of death, was executed at Vltcbek. September 12, fdr participation In a counter revo lution, according to a Berlin wireless dispatch made public here toda The dispatch declared the woman was shot MGR. IRELAND NEAR END i ST PAUL. Sept 20. Archbishop ' Ireland Is considerably weaker ac- I cording to word from hfs residence today Physicians fjald there was grave doubt 0 Ibis recovery. m MrUUbn end ORGANIZER SLAIN OF EVA BEN RUBIN DEWS HE CHOKED GIRL TO DEATH NEAR FAIRFAX Benjamin Rubin, twenty-one years old, of Chi cago, a convict who escaped from the District reformatory, at Lorton, Va., on July 10, confessed this afternoon that he killed Eva Roy. .. ' 'She threatened to tell the authorities that I was an escaped sonvict," he told Inspector, of Detectives Clifford L." Grant, at Police Headquarters. - "I seized her by the hair to prevent her from reporting me 1 let her-go for a minute and she, breathed and begari tp coughs She then said shegpbuld nod o .me." ''Wh.eji able, fQ-UlslfcMid, :"Jf;jQu"!lf felynkgo X will riot "repbrt you. I then back awy. ' f got mad and afraid and again grabbed her, seizing her by the throat" Rubin demonstrated to Inspector Grant how he squeezed the girl's throat, in their death struggle! "I choked her until she became unconscious and then dragged her into the woods ' tree," he said. "I became so excited that I do not know what I did after that.1' Escaped on July 10. Rubin sas lie escaped on July 10 from Lawton, with Buford Tucker. He said they separated after they escaped. I was In the woods 'from 11 o'clock ln the mornlnff UDtii s o'clock that night." he said. "After leaving Tucker I went to I , . i Aiexanaria, wnerc i siepL on iuo Alexandria. ! grass. I went to the woods next morning to hide, and while there 1 '. w this girl tending to the cows. I nnake lo h.r and asked her what , spoke lo ller arm a8k'a "" wn" sne wouiu uo ii sne Knew x was an scaped convict. She said. 'I would report you.' I told her. 'Tou wouldn't do that, it wouldn't do you any good.' "T "" "e 'rI reP"'u lnaI' sne iamii,i , . . ' "' "" "" lu"'r "p w "" hoiue and I'll give you a meal. ., T ... . . ,. , , .,. . ....,, If X ihat- 1 ,oId hrr' ou; would report ine -cure. Ut - "She said. 'Oh. no. I wouldn't.' "If you want to give me a meal. I YONKIMIP. X. V. Sept. 20- While; j his fiancee waited at his bedside with I a marriage license and wedding ring and a clergyman held himself ready to perform a wedding ceremon. George S. Abbott, of Charlestown. Mass.. died In St. John's Rlversldd Hospital, from Spanish Influenza, early today. Abbott came here Sunday from Boston to keep a business appoint ment. He became 111. When told that he might not recover, Abbott asked the hospital authorities to send for his fiancee. Miss Sarah Cone a graduate nurse of Waltham. Mass. Miss Cone hurried to the bedside of Abbott and decided to have h marriage ceremony performed Im mediately. She obtained the license and ring and arranged for the clergy man. But when all was In readiness Abbott's condition became worse and he died DIES AS FIANCEE AND PASTOR WAIT and left her dead against a '. l tie girl, you bring It down here." I told her. "I was afraid to go to the-house. "She started to back away from me and It was then that I grabbed her. " After I killed her I took off my shirt. It was bloody. ' I threw it away and went to Alexandria and took a car for Washington. I got off on the avenue and got a shirt. Ithen went to a lunch room on Penn sylvania' avenue between Sixth and Seventh streets. After eating I went to a Ninth street moving cloture ( theater. slnce tnen r ,have ved ,n j Washington. -1 read so much . The Times about , tafns'wlThhrat'e.l 'drdeT.0"0 the murder that my conscience wor- Two attacks were attempted by ried me since I murdered the girL , V.f?!!" 1nd Austrian, against " American positions west and south- I saw her In my sleep. I couldn't west of Metz last night and today. stand it. I would have gone crazy. ""I bo'h were VnaJ77?.d ,-rhev,i- ' dolus barrages of artillery fire pnt I am glad It is all over. down by tho Americans. "I have been afraid of the police. Etery time one looked at me h seemed to read my thoughts. ' wanted to slay out of their way all j I could and everywhere I went I saw 'one. I.U.MlO.V. Sept. 20 Otrrrrhelm ing defeat of Bolahetlk forces commanded by German officer near t'bktlnakaya waa reported In an official dispatch from the Mnrraan coast today. "Ccrman-led forces at fkhtlo skaya were- overwhelmingly de feated by Karellaaa." the state ment said. "Orer a taanaaad rifles. much ammunition. an3 manj- boats were captured." 5Tni-K-iini f .n. -n - STOCh-HOIJI. Sept. -u.-An agree- ment has been signed at Vllna by" Russian and German delegates GERMANY TO QUIT RUSS PROVINCES vldlng tor German evacuation ofior ,n'' northern, ena o'.tne iiindei.. occupied' territories, according to dli patches from Petrngnid.' in th,ii city. ROY AMERICAN GUN RAKING ENEMY AROUND ME17; YANKS GD ON PARIS, Sept 9-Tea thou sand BBlfarisHfl were- eaptared WedHesdax oh the SaJeafta frost, the Echo de Paris stated S todr. , Desperate resistance Is being made by the Germans on the ?1 cardr battlefront and farther south, but In spite ot this both the British and French have made more Impor tant gains during the past twenty four hours in the gTeat flanking movement against St. Quentla. and. CaabraL Tbe British advanced a. mile, tail IagJtsiffimubf4seven-aslleavwe' Cmbriry,'--wiai' sligUr souta-fof this, loae-'th'er" have fought" their way, back Into the old defensive positions ther held prior to the Gernjarr drive last March. A fortified farm was taken by the Germans northwest ot St. Quentla. Vrtach titenil Galas. The French hare captured Esalgny la Grand, on the Chaunty-St. Quenllni road, and have extended their gains north of tbe Aisne river. Between the Allette and Alsne riv ers, where the French have been ad vancing steadily ln their "pincers movement" against the Chemln-des-Dames, the Germans delivered flva counter assaults, but all ot them were beaten oft and the Huns were- fluor back, leaving the field covered with heaps ot their dead and wounded. On the Vesie river, where Ameri cans are on the flrlne line, the Ger mans attempted to force their wa-, across the stream of Joncherr. but were hurled back. There Is strong- patrol activity- on the Meuse-Mosella front, where the Americana are driving ln the dlrec. tlon of Metz. Genua Llaes Raked. American artillery Is. extremely busy ln that, sector, keeping the' Ger man lines of communication and Metz under a devastating fire, On the Balkan front, where the af- ,lles are biting deep Into the Bulgar ian iront in southern Serbia tbe ad vance now extends over twenty ralloj and the French and the Serbs are Within nine miles of Prtep. Tbe Bulgarians were attacked over front of about eighty miles, and wer. completely routed. The Bulgarian BUIGARS'RETREAT BECOMES A ROUT I PARIS. Sept. 20 The Bulgarian defeat in the Balklns Is developing Into a staggering rout according to advices from Saioniki today The aUied line In southern Serbia. , is now only nine miles from Prllep. j Prllep U thirty miles Inside of fi-s Serbian border (The total advance of the nllil forces In Macedonia Is now about twenty miles, MOEUVRES AGAIN !N ALLIED HANDS LONDON. Sept 20 1 12:20 p. m.l - British troops again lunged forward on the front northwest of St. Qnentic on Thursday, .advancing one mile and recapturing the Important town o" Moeuvres. the war office announced today The enemy losses in tring to ste-n tbe advanci. are ,tiegcring. (Moeuvres Is about seven rul'd pro-(west of Cambrat anil was an outpost burg line The Germans have bJt iflchtlnr dcsnnite! iLerc In an e(T--, a ,'oyiold ui . British eI-.-!i 1A 4!u- Kneliv aectur nart la ihx. plur sector part of the i .- .JL.