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-ias 1 Today The Times will print each day one of the thousands ,f Liberty Loan Slogans submitted by its readers. Today's is by J. A. HAWKEN, Hagersfown, Mel. "MY COUNTRY, TIS OF THEE"-BUY BONDS FOR LIBERTY A Man Scared to Death. 100 Miles of Fighting. How Near Are Americans? Buy Explosions in Germany. By ARTHUR BRISBANE. Do not imagine, rfhen vou have a slight cold, that the Spanish in fluenza has got you. It is easy to frighten yourself into real illness. As a practical joke, a man was ,Jnce strapped into a chair and told 'that he was to be bled to death. His feet were put in a Sail of reddened warm water, lha ack of a razor was drawn across the soles of his feet without tut tinir them. The man saw the red water, thought he was Weeding to death, and died of fear, although he had not lost a drop of blood. There will be millions of ordi nary 'colds as usual this autumn, and comparatively few cases of real Spanish influenza. Take unusual care of -very cold, but let no cold frighten you. All the European countries have had this influenza. They have not let it interfere with their activities. It hasn't been so very serious, and it won't be worse here than it nas been there. Yon read about the war on the western front. To SEE that great chain of war, you would have to stand at the center of a battle line, one hun dred miles long. Fifty miles to the left and fifty miles to the right, you would see a continuous battlefront, millions of men fighting and killing in the front line, millions in reserve in the rear. You -would see nine allied arm ies attacking the Kaiser all at once, all directed and controlled by the brain and will of the magnifi cent Frenchman, Foch. There is the secret of the good news that you are reading. Nine armies are fighting under one brain, and defeat of Germany ;j as certain as that justice rules this world. How near are the Americans to the Germans? Near enough for American sol diers to make the enemy hear1 this piece of news shouted over the trench tops: "Your friend Bul garia has surrendered and we will get you soon." How far forward do American fighters go? Three hundred of them far in advance of the main line, sur rounded on all sides by Germans, using tnly-weapons and ammuni tion that thev earripfl -nrith ... held their ground for days, and', I "'" ! Kuiea, are again with their own army. Your children missed the fire works last July 4th am. perhaps you did. Explain to them that the bond you are buying for them is n? for fireworks where fireworks will do the most good. One hundred dollars that you pay for one bond will buy one very blB,'T.N.T."ihell. And that shell, well aimed, will send 100 Prus sians to a land hotter than the western front A hundred dollar shell can make Prussians cease from troubling at One Dollar a Head a bargain cer tainly. Begin celebrating next Fourth of July now. with fire works paid for by you and ex ploded in Germany. BUY BONDS. It is suggested that Foch. as a graceful tribute.' be made a citi zen of the United States A polite Frenchman, he will accept grace fully any tribute well meant And a proud Frenchman, he will tell you that to be a citizen of France, and do your duty toward human ity, supplies all necessary glory in this world. Every little French bor rings- "Mourir pour la patrie, t'est le eort le plt.3 beau, le plus diqne d'envie." Every boy In France sings it, every Frenchman means it, "'To die for France Is the most noble fate, the most to be envied " The Danish newspapers say that Germany is crushed, and the Amer ican dollar in Denmark Is worth $2.20. Denmark apparently has not read Colonel Roosevelt's laest Liberty bond speech In which he said- "This country Is paying the price of unpreparedness." Denmark apparently thinks as do many Americans, that THE KAISER is the one jn?t now pay ing the price of Mr Roosevelt's "American unpreparedness.'" which heems to be a very special kind of unpreparedness Wall Street is willing to bet real substantial money that the war will end by January 1 Wall Street is showing better judgment now than when it bet ! to 1 that Presi dent Wilson was defeated, two days after he had actually been elected There comes the rtatement that a German Socialist is to be made Secretary for Foreign Affairs That was little dreamed of four ears ago by the Kaiher. when fear of the Socialist growing power was one of the things that decided him to Indulge bis stupid vanity and start the war Courage pays. Belgium's re sistance to Germany seemed at nrst as hopeless as would the ef fort of a child to stop a locomo tive Belgium has fought for four j rears and the Belgian King has Kept his courage And now Germany is withdraw ing from Belgium and Prussia will soon have to-sign a scrap of paper that will STAND WEATHER: Fair and continued cool ton lent i Saturday cloudy and warmer. Temperature at 8 a. m., SO drier rea. Normal tem perature for October 4 for last thirty years, 62 degreea. NUMBER 10.070. BRITISH YANKS GO FORWARD Ml OW 50 PER CENI YOU! The Spanish influenza epidemic can halt Liberty Loan parades and meetings, bet it cannot cut down Washington's subscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan if you do YOUR part. Buy YOUR bonds today; b,uy all yo", can; and show the Kaiser and his agents, the Spanish influenza germs, That the people of Washing ton can run their best race when they are handicapped. The slowing up of Liberty loan subscriptions, due probably to the encouraging news from abroad, has put the country 60 per cent behind on the fourth loan, the Treasury De partment announced today. The total amount of subscription reported by eleven of the twelve Federal Reserve districts today was $727583,930, the Treasury rejiorted This means that 3 15,000,000 in bond purchases must be made throughout the country daily during the mnaiiV der of the campaign if the SG.OOO, 000,000 total Is to be reached 'Vide Distribution. All Federal reerve banks hae re ported their totals of subscription ex cept the Kansas City bank, which ha not yet opened Its selling campaign. One encouraging feature of the re ports In hand Is that the bond-, of the fourth loan are being more widely dis tributed than thoie of any preious is sue In the Cleveland district the sals of S3) and $130 bonds will xieed the sale-, of small bonds In the third loan by W per cent. Oregon l the second State to go orer the top with an over-subscription of its loan quota. Edward Cookinimam. State chairman for Oregon, reported to day that his State had exceeded Its quota b nearly 30 pr cent, with the city of Portland leading In the over subscription Iowa was the fir- State to exceed Its loan quota. IBEHIND FOURTH UHNSOEDULE I ' ' i TBBiBSBSSMSHiSSXHSiBIHBSBSSilSSSHBiBBBlBIBiHMaHBiBHiHBBiBBBIiiHlBaSSMHiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaBSSS in mi ! r-r- ti iis-wftM. ' fyl fi I - - . TT',',lBsP, - D i a U 5 f got-tics. j I .rne Worlds Smallest Newspaper . T ) CV-OSfc I '"S-Sl tk I 5. I ! 9 VOLT -1 i ,l .Mj mmggT frvhJi ?v I " j4fjh -V '''afaaDsssssssssssssssssslsssssf I VJ-uieSrWlJM f 3 X y4Aaw!aisBBBBBBBBBBBia 1 6 '1 I I .1 fV ifj-. -TX tBlSBBBBn!lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBl I iSrCTjV DM.. E. 1 s smmmm m& k i w .w sa mmmu jr&r& i a rmmmM&h--r osn act ,'qm&.j& r, al i i 1 YfCl :Sr scow m , yyjrr 3 . - ---fe m A1 u . f 'AH . .i.V ,- ... "sa. "V JaV VXiii TOet.H HITLtUt" V .1 K" -'-' ---- I't.L.Itt I . S ja f .Ira - wi? non.ctu, cc-T-t th,-. A mafwr - " S"EVV 0Rg -- mm I '.aB-t-f ..III I -rt'r CTimTiNiv ..a -''n-L C "I -- C r J - -aiafaaaasattaaass-at-a.alS"- - II I ,, - I TM I fsj I a ' i 'i I 1 fte mstaM on Publish! every evenlnr (Includlnff Sunday Entered a second elm matter at th post office at Waihlnrton, D. C. DISTRICT CHURCHES AND PLAYGROUNDS ORDERED CLOSED The Commissioners today closed all churches and play grounds iu the District in the fight against the Spanish influenza epidemic. The Commissioners issued an order that "all church services be 'omitted until further action by the Commission ers," because "indoor assemblages constitute a public menace." Here is the official text of the Commissioners' order: "Whereas the epidemic of influenza in the District of Columbia by its rapid spread threatens to impair the effec tiveness of the machinery of the Federal Government, and, whereas, the Surgeon General 175,000 CASES OF fftll. I II mi A I HI 1 1 I .$. NEW TOBt Oct 4. Spanish Influ- enza, sweeping through big c;tle of the country as well as army ramps, has brought suffering to more than 175,000 soldiers and civilians, reports from all sections showed today. Death is occurring at the rate of ons in each twenty-seven cases, according to unofficial estimates. Here are unofficial reports show ing total cases and deaths among civilians up to last night. City Cases. Deaths. .Veff oVrk 4.85.1 Boston 30,000 Burlington. Vt. 47 Springfield. Mass 690 Ilrockton. Mass 6,800 1,012 28 165 10 90 R 0 5 Bridgeport 20.1 Fltchburg. Mass 2.000 Tlndlay. Ohio 600 Cleveland 60 Wllkesbarre. Pa 60 Allentown. Pa 50 Scranton. Pa DO Syracuse. N. Y 7.1B Newark, Is" J 1.434 Schenectady 64 Westfleld. Mass 129 New Haven 42 Philadelphia (past 21 hours) 711 Elizaheth, N. J 1.20O Baltimore 2.500 St. Paul 07 Milwaukee 33h Ilaclne. Wis 200 Oklahoma City 6.000 Dallas 14:t Grand Hapids 6 Nashville. Tenn .1.000 Memphis 2.000 nichmond. Va 1.029 Pcnsacolo, Kla 1000 New Orleans IOO Birmingham, Ala 7.11 Durham. N. C 200 Lancaster. Pa COO Kansas City COO Chicago 1.349 Dayton. Ohio 27 Montreal. Can 150 Wilmington. Del 12,000 S 20 9 145 (?l 25 I 15 1 o i 5 1 102 7 161 iNrLutiUrimu ..i - .. a. (rgpyrirttt;,,!:!. Chicc rriaa). 111 WASHINGTON, RIP of the United States Public Health Service and the Health Officer of the Dljtrict of Columbia hare ad- vised the Commissioners of the District of Columbia that Indoor assemblages constitute a public menace at this time therefore, be It ordered hv the Commls- isioner or ure District of Columbia that ,. -. . .' . -W7 ' . ail church services b omitted' until further action by the Commissioners. The Commissioners today arranged for the closing to the public of the Congressional and Public libraries and the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Persons !in the employ of the Government en- gaged In war work will be admitted to tnese buildings. All Theaters Closed. The closing of churches and play grounds followed close on the order of the Commissioners shutting the doors of all theaters, motion-picture houses, and dance halls. With the schools already closed, the Commis sioners virtually have eliminated all public assemblages in the District. Although no official statement has been made, it is understood that tem porarily open-air meetings In the in terest of the fourth Liberty Iqan are to be permitted. The number of cases of influenza reported to the District Health De partment today wis far in excess of the number reported on any previous day since the epidemic got a foothold, but this Increase probably wan due laregly to the fact that more physi cians are responding to the appeal of Commlsuloner IJrownlow to make prompt report of all cases to the Health Officer An order was Issued today by the District Health Department compel ling all nurses to repi.rt the name, ago, ex. and color of persons having the disease. The nurses are required to sign their names to the i-port Only Hv more deaths amonir the o' civil population In the District nrrc I I n-ported today They are: George I Davis, colored, twenty-seven years 4Jold. Freedman's Hoxpltal: Hoy It 4 1 Painter, 235 11 street northeast, elgh jjteen years old, Catherine M-mlattnc twenty-sevn years old, of 415 Twelfth street northeast: Edward J. Brown, of 827 I'ourth street north east, and Joseph Gnrvev, twent)-four years old, of 63117 Itlalr road. Commissioner Rrowtilow toljy re quested that all daniM in hornet and private establishment be (topped (Continued on Page 2. Column 1 ) FRIDAY EVENING, NEW A total of 1540.000 American troops have been sent overseas U date, members of the House Military Committee said they were told at a' War Department conference today. Cojnmittex.Tien also quoted War Department officials for the state- rnetrt that 234 de Haviland planes had been produced last week, bring- in total production to 1.694. Liberty, motor production . now.. totals 8,216, committeemen said they were told. The Frasch, a e.OM-ton freighter, has been sunk In collision with the U. S. S. George C. Henry, a 10,000-ton tanker, the Navy Department announced today. The crash ocenrred some miles off the New Tork coast. Forty-one survivors of the Frasch have been picked up. the announcement stated, but the number of missing was not given. The Frasch carried a crew of thlr teen officers and seventr-lx men, a total of eighty nine, the Navy Depart ment announced thin afternoon. Forty-eight of these are still una counted for BY AID OF POLICE BUFFALO. N Y.. Oct 4 Under police protection a few cars were oper ated here today on the lines of the In- Flfirnn f fnnfil 7?fltrni Pnmiwntf tin. am tloyes of which are striking. President Connette announced that the fervlce would be Increased as fast ax new eniiiu)ra (011111 uv ouiaineu mere linn bevn no ioIence totla. Ilullcl Ships. Liberty 1,840,000 O.S. SOLDIERS SENT OVER, SOLONS ARE INFORMED IP 01 N CRASH WITH NOT MR BUFFALO CARS RUN nnnda Ilullcl Ships. Iluy tloniln. mm OCTOBER 4, 1918. GAP ALL BALKAN AS ALLIES WIN ROME, Oct. 4. Two enemy submarines were destroyed by American submarine chasers in the naval raid on the Austrian naval base of Durazzo. Developments in the Balkans, com- J kaleidoscopic rapidity, -""K--r7r- " "fa u ' I nn.taw.M4 w-wwa-jtf debacle of the Central Power- federation, and bring nearer the ultimate victory of the allies. Here are the news reports of the day: Austrian troops ordered to evacu ate Albania as result of net.' allied offensive, Austrian naval base at Durazzo and warships there destroyed by Italian, British and American forces. Austrian radicals openly demand peace in accordance with President Wilson's terms. Turkey withdraws troops from the Caucasus. Navy Department officials were highly pleased today over the part which the American destroyers are reported to have taken in the attack on Wednesday, in which the Austrian naval base at Durazzo, on the Al banian coast In the Adriatic, was de stroyed. Italian. British, and Ameri can destroyers and tdrpedo craft are reported to have defied the mine fle'ds (Continued on Page 3, Column 1.) T COPENHAGEN. Oct 4 Official an nouncement was made In Berlin today that Prince Max, of Itadsn. has been named German chancellor, and that two Socialists ,Herr Groeber and Herr Kcheldemann have been appointed secretaries (members of the ministry) without portfolio. The German foreign mlnl'ter will address the Itelchstag tomorrow, ex plaining the government's program RESOORCESOF FQEVANISHING WO OB GETBERLINPOSTS QosagfyH Street Prices.1 N 3 M E BY THREE BATTLE ZONES The allies are hammering home their victories in three theaters of war today. Continued successes are reported from the west front, the Balkans, and Palestine, while allied naval forces have destroyed the Austrian naval base of Durazzo, in Albania-, sinking the enemy fleet The -E-reach in the German defenses northeast of .St.' Qnentin has agsi been tara"open, ind British' cavalry ha entered Frenoy-Le-Grand, seven miles northeast of St. Quentin. -" A new franco-American attack northeast of tEheims has resulted in an advance of three miles. The evacuation of Belgium is gaining headway, Bel gians, British, and French pressing forward on the heels of the Germans, who are resisting vigorously between Dizmude and Armentieres, falling back rapidly between that city and Lens. Complete evacuation of Albania by Austrian forces has; been announced by Vienna. ' Yanks Surge on in Waves Behind Rolling Barrage By HK.tltY G. WALES. International News Service Staff Cor respondent. WITH THE AMERICAN AKITT IN THE CHAMPAGNE SECTOR, Oct. 3 (night). Driving forward behind a rolling barrage, American troops de Ilvered a smashing attack In the Champagne district today, storming the formidable German defensive work on Mont I! lac and capturing Mcdaah farm. Tho Americans advanced a consid erable distance along the main Som- mepy-Attlgny highway and at last re ports were maintaining steady prog ress. which has reached a depth of at least three miles. (Sommepy is twentl-three miles east of Rheims. Attigny is six teen miles north of Sommepy. Medeah farm Is three miles north of Sommepy and Mont Blanc is nearby.) The Americans co-operated with General Gouraud's army west of the FINAL EDITION II PRICE T-W'Q CENTS. LINE MILES AMI ALLIES IN Argonne forest, and their first big" at tack in this zone was entirely sue cessful. All of the objectives were at4 talned by the Americana in the flrsH rush. . Through Sparse "Woods. The assault, which centered astride, the highway running due north from. Sommepy. was through sparse woods. At the same time strong pressure was, directed westward toward St. Etlenne (three miles west of the). Sommepy-Attlgny highway). near which Mont Blanc Is located on tho' top or a knoll, admldst heavy woods. Krtipp guns were thickly emplaced there, but many of them were knock ed out by the American bombard ment. The tremendous barrage fire which preceded the American assault smash ed all resistance Where machine gunners were encountered the Amer ican Infantry advanced on the wave, going forward by means of Infiltra tion. In Irresistible Waves. The first line would move forward. flanking German machine gun nests and strong points, while the second and third lines followed, "mopping up. The woods hindered complete co operation by the airplane.-, nut n spite of these obstacles the airmen made a new record in regulating the artillery Are The gunm-rs kept a constant wave of bursting shells In front of the advancing ranks German batteries wet of Sulppes laid down an enfilading tire which bothered the Americans until our I long-range heavirs began to roar, j Tho German gun positions ere poi- ' ,f..Afp ,lr.n,li.,1 u-lfPi d- While the attack progiess-d it swerved In a northwesterly direc tion, menacing the bocbes' position north of llhelras. Following the vio lent drum lire which preceded the ln , fantry advance, the merlcan put out a thick smoke screen which I cloaked their movements. Number " prisoner were cap tured, but thev had not been counted at the time thi dispatch w.. written. Several batteries of German Held gutu and numerous maihine gun1 wet In cluded among thp bout Daonrl-. Clear Out Aeslft. Some of the German iiiHfhine suti ners put P tnut rr'iai e hn (. Xiiierlcans v ith llxol l.iron', virmtrd ov. r tb- ,eriian ina ne uun nests. -weepinK l-r.) . V r f boclie- wnli Tic CM l-cl 1 ! -. as ivnge'jj u - I Mr' li. n. s - f.-ni.-i ., ?t ti out'Cuvi o:i 'a(3 : , Celiuaa i n