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Today The Times will print each day one of the thousands i,f Liberty Loan Slogans submitted by its readers. Today's is by L. Flaherty, 2028 Nichols Ave. S. E. THE MORE YOU GIVE THE MORE WILL LIVE Write Your Speech. What's the Money For? Monkeys andModern War. Elephant and Tank Pits. By ARTHUR BRISBANE. One million eight hundred thou sand American soldiers ar in Prance fighting or ready to fight. Millions more are preparing, and will go. Six billion dollars more trill lie poured into the pocket of Undo Sam within the next few days. The man has little respect for himself who does not make soma investment in that six billion bond Issue, the safest Investment ever made, and the best investment ever spent Does anybody astt what th conn try has to show for the money spent already? Bulgaria Is out. Austria tried to get out, but the President wouldn't let her. She is trying the wrong door. In ten weeks two hundred and flfty-four thousand German prison ers have been taken, including more than five thousand officers. American soldiers have shows Prussia, Austrja, Bulgaria, and Turkey and incidentally the whole world what It means when the United States goes to war. Merely as advertising, the total amount, of money spent on this war has been one of the best in vestments ever made. We have spent a few billions, less than a year's income of the United States, and have made the whole world realize, ALL nations, ALL Individuals, ALL statesmen that about the worst thing that could happen to anybody would be war with the United States. Make a four-minute speech in favor of this Fourth Liberty Loan. Think it over; write it out care fully. Read it to your family, re cite it to your friends. Read it to YOURSELF then eo and buy some more bonds. If you can't write a speech good enough to make YOU buy more bonds, you are & poor four-minute speech writer. Nothing in this war is mere in teresting than the manner in which it takes civilization and sci ence back to savagery and bar barism. Our American soldiers trained to baseball throw hand grenades at the Germans with wonderful accuracy. The troglodytes (your ances tors) men threw rocks and the monkeys threw cocoanuts a thou sand centures ago. Our soldiers dig trenches, lie in them,.and waifcjfco.Jdll the enemy. The cavemen lay in "holes wait ing for the enemy or wild beast to come. J The Germans are digging deep pits, covering them with boards, putting dirt and sod on top to make them look natural. The idea is to have the allies' tanks come rolling along, drive onto the deceitful pit covers and fall through. That's how savages in Africa and Asia have been capturing wild animals for thousands of years. Man, fighting, is only.a savage. And science, fighting, is a savage, too, and goes back to the savage method. Our cannon throwing the es- Slosive shell is a magnified sling urling a pebble at the forehead of the giant. Our flying men dropping dyna mite on Prussian cities is, scien tifically developed, the tree man, perched on the limb, dropping his heavy spear shaft pointed with flint on the backbone of the animal below. The submarine is an American invention. It took war down under the sea. The flying machine is czi AMERICAN invention. Ameri can genius led the fighters up into the air. The tank is an American IN VENTION. Holt, who invented the American caterpillar in Cali fornia, supplied that modernized antediluvian monster to war. And the proposition, no peace, except after complete victory, no secret treaties, no compromise with a murderer, is also an Ameri can invention and Woodrow Wil son invented it. This country invented the ways to FIGHT the war, and the way to END it. In all things on this earth, hu man history and human nature swing back and forth like the pendulum of a clock. ' A while ago, you read that the Russian Czar had decided on pro hibition as the solution of his problem and the salvation of Rus sia. He is dead, and so far as Russia is concerned, prohibition seems also dead. You read under the heading, "Orgy 61 the Red Guards," these interesting facts. Bolshevikl sol diers break into the Winter Pal ace and zo straight to the cel lars. Soldiers and sailors become drunk on the stores of nine, btandy, vodka, and begin killing each other. Other soldiers sent to control them Join In .the drinking, the murdering, the drunkenness. Women wander through the streets, their arms full of bottle, selling the spirits for a few cents a bottle. The expedition Is Ti'vl at last by the arrival of the fire depart ment. It Roods the wine cellars of the Winter Palace and drowns many drunken soldiers and sail ors of the great Russian republic lying helpless on the cellar floor. Eventually the earth will be WEATHER: Fair tonight and Son day. Somewhat warmer. Temperature at 8 a. m. S3 degree. Normal temper ature on October 3 for tbe last thirty rears. 61 degreea. -.-r-r-.-. .-r.-r-.-r-. -... ATI TMkKIT? 1 0 (571 ly KjJXiJXJlX XJ,VJ I X. YANKS RAIN BLOWS ON FOE ALONG FIFTY-MILE FRONT II 1 AT TIT. PLAN!; LOSSE NEW YORK, Oct. 5. Ex plosions, the last one shortly after noon being the worst to date, continued today at Mor gan, N. J., where' the shell loading plant of the T. A. Gil lespie Company blew up last night It was estimated that the'dam age now amounts to $30,000, 000. No accurate list of the cas ualties has yet been made. Es timates vary all the way from fifty to 200 dead, with as many as 1,000 injured. At noon today Federal au thorities ordered all the resi dents of Tottenville, Staten Island, out of that vicinity. Tottenville is just across the bay from Perth Amboy, which is near Morgan. All morning fly ing embers and bursting shells fell in Tottenville and it was decided to evacuate the town. The panic-stricken refugees started for New York city. TJifey first had to cross Staten Island and then take ferries across the harbor. Orders to evacuate Sayreville township, which includes Mor gan, South Amboy, and Perth Amboy, with an approximate combined population of 62,000 persons, were also issued by military authorities. South Am boy is one mile from Morgan and Perth Amboy is three miles. Big Fire Threatened. Firemen, police, soldl'.-ra, and civ ilians were exerting themselves to save from destruction the towns of South Amboy and Perth Amboy, now threatened with an engulfing Are from the flying embers blown over the countryside by the terrific de tonations of thousands of pounds of j high explosive. In a statement today. President Gillespie, head of the company, de clared that the loss of life, so far as the company has been able to de termine, amounts to something near fifty persons, but this is countered by statements of others, nlaclnc the actual loss near 150. Gillespie de clared there were seventy men In (Continued on paw 13, column 1) TODAY vegetarian, prohibition, thorough ly moral. But It will come grad ually. If with the power of your hand, you give the pendulum on your clock a violent swing in one direc tion, leave alone und it nlll go about ni far in the other direction. Clocks, tivllir.a.ioti. und human nature are ddlicalf! mechanisms. It is well to understand them, be fore takiug them apart SG ROW A 0 D the warftttmfo Publlibed every evening (Including Sunday) Entered at weand-cUM mstl.r it th port tB ,t whlniton. D. C. Twenty-seven deaths from Span ish influena among the civil popu lation of Washington were reported to the District Health Officer today. This is the largest number reported on any one day since the epidemic gained sway, the largest number previously reported in .one day hav ing been eleven, and the average death's aboutfour or 2ve Freight serice into Washington is crippled, and passenger service is threatened with curtailment by the spread of Influenza among railroad workers. The closing of George Washington University, where 2,500 men and women are studying. Is under con sideration, and a decision whether the big institution will be closed or remain open will be reached by the university authorities within a few hours. Plan Open Air Meetings. The pastors of Washington churches, ordered by the Commis sioners to hold no services indoors, have made plans to hold open air services throughout tbe city if the weather Is favorable. The deaths reported today are as follows: Thomas M. Corkklll, forty years, Prlvidence Hospital; Nannie M. Smith, twenty-three years, 1330 Massachusetts avenue northwest, Gladys Turner, nineteen years, oar field Hospital; Lula K. lllxon, twenty-four years, G35 A street southeast Albert Gaff, one ear, 143 N street southeast (colored); William J. Smith, twenty-eight years, 22 Bates street northwest, Mary B. Collins, forty-four years, r.33 K street north eas; Blaglo Knleillnl, twenty-eight years, George Washington Hospital, Margaret Shorter, twenty-seven years. 3517 Tenth street northwest. Ethel It. Harris, thirty jears, 1M)0J H street northwest: John T. 1-angley, three jears, 020 K street southeast (colored); Susie Harris, thirty-five years, Washington Asylum Hospital (colored); Genieve Kundcrn, twenty one years, Sibley Hospital; Henry rage, thirty-four years. Casualty Hospital, Marcel Jorey, twenty-nine years; Annie Thornton, thirty year (colored); Annie K. White, thirty four years; Charles C. I.ukner. thirty-five years, Itena Meinberg, twenty-eight years; Annie Chalman, twen ty years (colored). Helen Nort. twenty-seven years, Herman 1'. Ilogan, thirty-four ears; Caroline Virginia Poole, thirty years. Martha Taylor, fori) nine jcars (colored i: George J. Moody, twenty-four years: 1-eslie W. Cox, twenty-five J ears, and Elmo .(Continued on Psge 2, Column 6.) soldIsWto HOPEWKLL, Va., Oct 5 Peters burg and HopcueJI militia and Camp Lee soldiers rc-enforccd the loral po lice today In patrolling .he city and powder plant to guard against a re currence af last .light's riots, when two negroes and a. white soldier were shot and seriously Injured. Thf city uas .juiet after a night of excitement, Jurlng which ihe resi dents, ainiosl to a man. armsd them selves. Oni lain believed the rltua- ita uhlfts throughout he I night. 27 DEATHS IN DAY HERE FROM SPANISH-GRIP PATROL HOPEWELL I Wanted Sleamfltterv I1!pr. borers Keiwrt at unce ,lush j b, Sunday work Rices. Dlitler e. IMNnmr. Ihp, 1'j "t. and Xliisourl ave N I V. Washington. D. C WASHINGTON, SATURDAY. EVENING, & J VCij'JBRV ' JaaaVaaaaf.i4aCf r'' '. :aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW " t& . .fj&K y V-.. JmESmm J - XjaaaanaaaW MsflsMssTvl '. V?v z ? , JynN&wk j- ' JiiwPS5BsSB:"' sssssStsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaisssW.ssssssssssssssss. "fi t ffi-E'&JllsssWSsV?.- JHUBssssKKSassssssssMBssissssssssssisssssssssVc sTF -IHPnlIIHBK4 l.. ?v.BflMBBBHMEBBJsPBBJIiMsv; ' H&riBI Members of the Italian military contingent, "who arrived in Washington today to help boost the Liberty loan. They passed through cheering crowds, in their parade 'ttpough the heart of the city. - SAN SABA SUNK OFF NEW JERStY The cargo steamer San Saba was sunk off Barnegat. N. J., yesterday, presumably by a mine, the Navy De partment announced today.. The Navy Department Issued the following statement: "The cargo steamship San Saba wns sunk yesterday fifteen miles south east of Barnegat, N. J. While the cause haa not been definitely deter mined. It Is supposed to have struck a mine. How many of the crew were rescued Is not yet known. "A steamer proceeding to New York reported that she had picked up four men and one body from the wreck age. Naval vessels were promptly sent to the scene to search for possi ble survivors and to sweep the vicin ity for mines. The San Saba rai owned by the Mallory Line and was a steamship of 2.4SS gross tons. E COPCNHAGKN. Oct. 5. King Fer dinand of Bulgaria has abdicated in favor of Crown Prime Boris, it Is officially announced in Vienna, ac cording to a diapaich from that city today. The dispatch said that Crown Prince Boris biH alrcad taken .ho crown. An exclusive cablegram to the International New Service from tome on October 1 said that King Ferdl nand would abdlrate. and that .he Bulgarian orown prince would take the throne. r.ollnt as our .Soldiers Do. Unr Honda nnd Krrp Tbem. RENT ROOMS KILBOURN PL. N.W., 1716 Large well furnished room; electric light, hot water heating; southern ex posure; next to hath; with shower; 2nd floor; two or three gentlemen only. Phone Col. 4225. 1-4 Mrs. F. M. Bouler, 1716 Kilbourn st., says The Times will always carry her advertising, because we alwa)s rent her rooms. The above ad rented her rooms in one. Jav. Phone your ad to The Times, Nain 5260. PICE BORIS ON BULGAR N n They're Boosting the Loan r HIINnRFIKRIlY 300 MOWS BONDS AHEAD nr mmaw I Wu I I.Fll 'ni 11 1 . Suggestions For Liberty Sunday If yon have bought a band of the fourth lasue, vrenr your button and place tdot honor Has; In your front Ttlndoir. Thla trill facili tate the TTork of tbe volunteer eanvoaaera. If yon have not bought your bond of the fourth Isaac, stay at home and be ready to alg-n up when the bond aaleaman calls on you. Answer yonr door bell promptly u tbe canraaaers have great many homes to vlalt, nnd etrry minute you save them will help to put AVnahlngton over the top that much sooner. Don't detain the eanvaaaer by asking foollah quratlona, as thla la n matter of bualneaa nnd may mean tbe saving of OUIl bual neaa. Abore nil things, DO.T UK A DOM) SLACKKIL Determined to outdo the Liberty loan canvassers by flashing a fourth loan button in their faces tomorrow, tens of thousands of Washln&tonlans are thronging .he banks today and literally ' swamping tho clerKa with bond subscriptions. Hurry-up calls for additional sup plies of buttons and window honor Hags began to pour Into the U street headquarters of tho Liberty loan committor early this morning from banks whose supplies had bsn ex hausted, while business houses. Gov ernment departments, churches, and other organisations dispatched mes sengers to bring the buttons and llagB. Windows in every section of the city today are blossoming in red, white, and blue honor flags, and !n dicatlons are that when tho army of volunteer canvassers start out at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, 'he peo ple of Washington -vlll haw perform ed the greater part of their task for them. To lalt KYrry Home. The canvassers have ben instruct ed, however, to lslt each horra In their respective districts, even when flags are displayed In th-' wlnrt'jus. sinc4 it la realized .hat many of Ibe '.OouUnuai oa I'afic 3. Culutcu 4.) times OCTOBER o, 1918. s- - OF ITALY IN D, G. Three hundred Italian soldiers, de tachments from the famous Alptni end Bersaglierl regiments, Italy's crack troops, arrived In the clfy this morning to help in tne r ourtn lioeny loan anvc The veterans were received with open arms by Washlogtonlans on the south steps of Treasury at 11 o'clock, where they were addressed by Secretary Mc- Adoo. The Italians were escorted from Lib. ertjHut. where they are quartered, to .. ...k.. t... a.... ....nnnlfl. .. ,Iia Twenty-second United States Infantry, led by Captain Freeman, and two troops of the Eleventh Cavalry from Fort Myer. Greeted by MeAdoo. Secretary MeAdoo was introduced by the Italian ambassador, who first talked In Italian and then In Eng lish. The Secretary welcomed the soldiers on behalf of the United States Government, and said "it is such men as you who nrs going to free this world from Kalserism and despotism." The Alplnl and Bersaglierl will be received by President Wilson at 2:30 this afternoon at the White House. They then will go to the office of Acting Secretary of War Crowell, where the Acting Secretary and Chief of Staff March will receive them The band, consisting of forty pieces, selected from tho famous Grenadier Guard, is composed of some of the tallest mrn In Italy. The men of this reglmi-nt have taken part In rome of the greatest engagements on th Ital ian front, and their regiment has been reconstructed and reorganized seven times. I Organised In 1S7S. The Alplnl were organized in 1872 i by General ParruchettI to protect the frontier valleys. They have been through tho whole of the Austrian of fensive, and It is due to them largely that the Austrian have been enable to overrun Italy. The troops are under the command of Captain l-ampusnanl. Captain Sanl andCaptain Itomoli. After a -oncert at 4:30 this afternoon on the ellipse they will leave for Wheeling. W. Va.. and Harrlsburgh, To., the starting points of their liberty loan tours. CHILDHleiO Childs restaurant today food prices for the seeor' reduced this week, acting on ordei It. Wilson, District . trator. Action by the food administration is ba..eJ on tlw fact that priccj at Chllds wer- raised twice in three days. Under tho new order. f.od must hi sold under tho nn'.u prlcej in effect hst week. CUT PRICES AGAIN Closing Wall Str Price.! PRICE TWO CENTS. BELGIANS TAKE 10,5C0 IN NHLE GAIN ON FRONT 25 Supported by heavy artillery and aided by fleets e airplanes, the Americans are fighting furiously today along the fifty-mile front, in the Champagne-Argonne region. Franco-American forces west of the Argorme have smashed through the enemy's Suippe river defensive fiat and in the Aerieafi sector Germans havev Mltnd h&mi ti foSStfT TirTlairavIaflar- Tlaaaairua XM. lalcaWsr Northwest of Verdun the Americans, taking FlerxSe. have gained high ground dominating twenty miles of tfcs Kriemhilde line. Gaining ground around Camhrai and Roulers, tha allies are steadily closing their forty-mile pincers on LiHe and northern France. Around Laon another pincers oper ation,, thirty miles across, is gradually closing in. Advancing nine miles on a tweatyfrve-mue frost, the Belgians have taken 10,500 prisoners and much ord nance, while the British are but five miles from the Ger man base at Lille. j F HAVRE. Oct. B Tho Belgian array. which Is attacking with the British on the Flanders battlefront, haa ad vanced nine miles on a twenty-flve- mlle front, the Belgian war office an nounced today. The prlsonors captured now total in son. while ISO cannon and COO ma chine guns and trench mortars have been taken. The text of the official report reaas: 'The whole of the Flanders ridge has been captured. "We gained nine miles on a front of twenty-five miles. All of the YDres-Dixmude area has been liberated. -The prisoners now total 10,.00. In addition we took 150 cannon and COO trench mortars and machine guns." BRITISH PDSH ON FROM ST. QUENTIN I.ON'DON. Oct. 5 Further progress northeast of St. Quentln was made hv the British yesterday and last night. Field Marsh-vl Hals reported to day. "Successful mlnot operations yes terday, north of St. Quentln, resulted In substantial progress southeast of Beaurfvoir and north of Gouy and LeCatelet." the statement said.. ..... . 1- Crtl n-l.Asa e lOOIv OTCr ow, iiuauuGio. VDurlng the night our line waa again advanced slightly northwest of LeCatclet ' FRENCH SIX MILES AWAY FROM RHEIMS PARI-5. Oct S (r.oor.) Continuing heir drive north of Ilheiins. the Frunch hive crossed the Alsnn canal 11 several plar&j ar.d have reacheo tne region of nc-tnerlcourt. the :r uifi-i- announced t mJv. rifimcr'.r n.-t s 0 bruit siz m!!cs north t l:biniJ. ?uc .s.-"f ll ai'a.'ks w. re delivered over the whole frooc in tbs ssct-' worth of IvltaJrai. LANDERS HEIGHTS IN ALLIES HAN I FINAL- I I EDITION MILES 1 of the ChameasBe fvi E PARIS, Oct. B 02-55 7. a.). T& great American and Trench aitrxaca In the Champagne district haa forced tho Germans to-eaccato Eaatrart and Honte de tthefas, the war ofOco an nounced this afternoon. (By the French adraaee en Cut Alsne canal and the Prancc-Am'-rlcaa drive just west of the Argonne a lars; force of Germans was In peril of belnr pocketed, and retreated to sve themselves.) Furious fighting continued today alone; the whole fltty-mlle front la the Champagne Argonne region. ArtJKery Ffrc Heavy. Heavy American artillery fire Is supporting the Infantry assaults. Ti weather Is Ideal and there is a stu pendous amount of aerial activity. Violent German countrr attacks in the region of FlevIIle, on the eastern edge of the Argonno forest, were re pulsed last night. Fleville Is in Amer ican hands. Franco-American forces have defi nitely broken through the whole frort of the enemy's defensive linn betuad the Sulppe river, west of the Argocr.e. Crblad Kriemhilde. South of the Alsne. the German re tirement before General Manln's and General Certhelofs armies ap pears to have ended temporarily. The Germans have now dcfin'.Uly retired behind the Kriemhilde line, In the American sector of the Champagne front. It is reported. Stiffer resist ance even than has been encountered heretofore Is now expected. United States regulars captnred CM prisoners In the fighting eat of the Argonne forest today. Ameri-an ta-nka were seen approaching Cur.el (Cunel is over two miles in advance of th old line.) WITH TFIK AMKI::C.VV FIRST ARMlT, 6ct. 6. Resumption of the Ameri'sn first army'j atack on a wldespead .ront cf the Mcur. together with a five mlln advanc-t of the Americana eat or Ilheims. has brpigb the Atnerlrans within sma.s'i-Icg- dunnnc of the !ln at two important ro.ltlvrvi en thi wcrt front. li the ChaniiMK th Amer'cans c-nte i;i plains beyond lilan- Mont and reached tbe outskirts of St, YANKS FURIOUSLY BATTERING BO H i