Newspaper Page Text
V j ; THK WASHINGTON TIMES. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1918. ' f- ENEMY DEALT HEM BLOWS nwwintfBfiMT BITAMEIBGANS. (Continued from First race ) Etlenne-a-Arnes, Increasing with the French advance, fhe possibilities of complete relief of Rhelms. West of the Meuse, General Bul lard's corps has reached the Kriem hllde line. Troops from Illinois. Wis ccnsln. Pennsylvania. Virginia, and "West Virginia, in a pivoting move ment, advanced more than- a mile and a quarter. Regulars in co-operation progressed more than three, miles. Tanks Overcome Difficulties. The attack west of the Meuse be gan at 5:30 yesterday morning, and by mid-afternoon Hill H0, Gesner. Flevllle. Chesery. and La Forges had faljen. Severe counter attacks In the center were repulsed with heavy losses and the advance was fully maintained. The attack was carried on success fully In the Argonne despite the greatest difficulties. The Boche had felled trees and strung them with barbed wires. Vac one 'in nests were cleverly concealed In .this tangle Tank cleaned these up. Numerous explosions of ammuni tion dumps In the rear of the enemy lines throughout the day gave addi tional evidence of heavy losses suf fered b the Boche from our artll'ery fire. The attack, starting at some points without artillery preparation, surprised . .. . . h r?.rmnn trhrt wr rifvnnKeri nf quickly. But the enemy's heavy concon- irtin r .rtiiUrv . machine euns afforded a general stubborn resistance instances the pill boxes were moth all day The Krlemhilde stellung was er'd 'ith smoke bombs, the Amerl. reached first by a pivoting attack. s then closing in with their bayo swjnglng northwestward from the nets- ... . ... Meuse. ' A corporal of- a famous unit, which (cannot vet be named, captured thlr Stralght ranches Count. j n officers, including a major, and Every kilometer gained was Fpn by twenty-six men. In one-dugouL The straight American punching power, major, who was in command of an tgalnst strong enemy divisions, which artillery group, was greatly dow-n-included Guard,. Two Guard divisions Therff'.cer's , have been badly cut up on the American crosseg of tne n,-al daas. front, and one has Deen filled up with' The corporal was approaching the Landwehr troops. entrance of dugout when a boche The Franco-American attack east of came out. The doughboy quickly Rhelms was pushed vigorously, the covered and disarmed him. He then French attacking on the American left rushed for the other .entrance and en- . , . . am l . 1.1. and following up our advance. A determined enemy counter-attack was repulsed after a considerable' ad vance had been made by the Frinco- Amerlcans.. The boche put down k bar rage and Cie infantry started over,, but t coumer-Darrage, logeuier wiin- rapn machine gun and rifle fire, sent the Ger mans tumbling back with heavy losses. The doughboys did not budre. an Inch irom their new lines. The .enemy's hold waa broken b tne capture of Blanc Mont, -which was taken wih surprising rapidity considering Its strength. It was a vast tangle of wires, trenches ami trees which had been Improved an consolidated for the last four years. Before It was a slope which had been stripped as bare as a skeleton. Thit debouched into an open plain. Hospitals Go Forward. The Franco-American artillery laid down a barrage on the i;oad leading toward Blanc Mont all Thursday night. Behind this the Infantry moved up to Its Jumping off posi tions. Even the hospitals were moved forward. One hospital unit, which had been under shell fire for three days,- but whose position became safe again through removal of the German ar- uuery. asicea to be allowed to go-l jorwam so as to make possible quicker handling or the wounded. The capture of Blanc Mont was of similar Importance In this Immediate area as the fall of Mont Kaiium was! in tne Verdun region. These are two important key positions which have been taken by the Amerl' ans within a week. The Germans' four-year grip on the martyr city of Rhelms is now beine; shaken by attacks west and east of the city, with American participating I In the assault, over the chalk plains , to the east. I stood on a height Just back of the front and saw the Franco-American barrage rolling up great clouds of chalk dust as It spattered Its way ahead of the advancing doughboys. In continuance of the attack, which started early In the morning. ' 1 rather Is Perfect. I The weather was so perfect that It reminded one of a midsummer Sun day afternoon. The sun poured from a cloudless sky. Dust rose from the crowded roads, where doughboys were pushing toward the front. Couriers dashed by. covered from head to foot with white, powder-like dust. It was like fighting across a West em prairie. There was scarcely a "tree in sight over the vast stretches of fiat plateau, with only a dominat ing rie here and there to break the monotony of the terrain. The attack suung forward In a northwesterly direction, thus pinch ing in the salient about Rhelms. S'-ccess Repays AH Our Pains When We Purchase a Liberty Bond? Cald SUver and fl'tlnnm Pnrefaased for Manufacturing Purpose. Railroads to Seire 75-Cent Meals to Soldiers and Sailors Comes now the 75-cent table d'hote meal on railway dining cars. But this meal, which is 15 rents cheaper than the standard lining car meal, will be served only" to men in the uniform of American military service. Arrangements have been work ed ou between the War and Navy departments and the Railroad Administration whereby the field allowance of the military service will provide substantial food on railway dining cars and eating stations. The meal allowance of soldiers- and sailors has been raised to 75 cents. The price will apply whether the men are traveling at their own expense or under Govern ment orders. It includes lso In ducted min on their way to enter the service. Every step forward Tendered the boche position about the city more difficult. In conjunction with Gen eral Berthelots' attack on the west. it is opening the way to freeing the city from artillery fire. The American attack was highly trectacular. It resulted in General Gouraud sending his personal con gratulations to the American division commander. The French had taken a position l.nown as "Elba Trench." But few beches remained there. The Ameri cans desired this as a Jumping off place. Sothey finished cleaning out the enemy by a local .operation the day before and established themselves there for the attack. "Lean Against Barrage." With the crash of the opening bar rage, the infantry Jumped off. Their confidence In the artillery waa so great that one officer said: "The men Jut leaned against the barrage." The fire positions, pulverized by rt,"err flre- were ,u'c,k'y crossed. . Kurlnpr on nlltn.rnil. mil nnT.fl wr ' i .ov, v.. ,ut..r wus i,. wuaco . r. c . encountred. French tanks assisted In I cleaning up some of these. In other countered an officer coming out. with a revolver In his hand. The corporal demanded his surrender, adding that he had better tell all the others In side to surrender, as he was about to unload all his grenades In the dug out. They complied and the corporal marched .them back to the rear, . With the capture of Blanc TJont. the Americans now have downhill fighting all the w.ay to tbe Alsne. The ridge over which they passed was Uie-enemy's strongest point hi Ihls region. Comradeship .Wonderful. The. wonderful comradeship of the French and Americans was again demonstrated In this fight, where the latter were engaged under French command, the same as a. certain number of French troops have been operating under General Pershing in the St- Mihlel and Verdun attacks In the past few weeks. Over the dusty roads. American motor cycle drivers dashed by, earning French officers In tbe side cars, and vice Tersa. Ambulances hastening to the rear car ried French and Americans alike. Over head was the flmlllar ribboning of the sky by French-and American shells, fol lowed bythe-craahing of heavies, and the snapping of seventy-fires. The heavy guns stood in the open, without any semblance of "camouflage. An American rolling 'kitchen served dusty pollus and I grimy doughboys, . Late in tne eening uie Kent was most dramUc The flash of guns pierced j the horizon, to the northward, silhouet ting the men, guns, and horses as they I moved forward across me niaiesus.i while to the westward a blood-red suni sank slowly over Rhelms. The sky was In the city's defense. AUSTRIANS BURN ALBANIAN DEPOTS LONDON'. Oct. 5. The Austriansl ., . . ... . , ,j are retiring In Albania In consider- I able disorder and are blowing up their depots, according to informs- , tlon received here today GAINS BY FRENCH IN THREE DRIVES n.rTc- . c .. i!. w j, ' PARIS. OcL 5 The French made additional progress north of St. , Quentln, northwest of Rhelms. and In the Champagne 5esterday. the war I nITIc. announce lnrt.1v I The OermanR in the Mnnta region, threatened with enelopment by th !i ' THE AVALANCHE , tCoprrlsht 1918 By John T McCntcheoa 1 i iTnFi i i ii TBI ii "in -.-.x.-.v. cr-.-'w -" s-T---n -- n.''. s. m .Bttnrwmr . k - - sj -;;'., N " sTsssVasUaBBVW'am , " 0 IaJ)HMv'ar!r WBoBrSl' 'AV r xr& nssmwrL jawm (krM SmW Mr-l a wiraK -.& mmm. a- viv yv k&'TA BLf wmk m jm j&AYi 1 r y - fly Franco-American advance toward the Arnes rlveK have evacuated the east ern portion of that area. I "Jforth of St. Qucntln fighting con tinued with the same violence," the communique said. "We drove the enemy back, fighting foot by foot. from a height located 1,200 meter? southwest of Chardon-Vert (adjoin ing Sequehart nn the south), and from, the neighboring woods. More prisoners were taken. , "Northwest of -Rhelms we again started a push against the enemy on the whole front of the Alsne canal. which we crossed In several places. ' We progressed until we reached the borders of Bermerlcourt (six miles' corth of Rhelms). I "The number of prisoners taken In ! the last five days Is more than I.r.O. Thirty-one guns have been captured. ' Including twenty of heavy, ' among which were five of Il-centl-' meter size. "Sharp attacks by . French and American troops In the Champagne and progress made yesterday toward tne Arnes lorced the enemy, who was threatened with envelopment on his, left, to evacuate hurriedly the east- cm part or the Monts region. "French troops In the sector wet of the SQippe progresst-d In the hills, maintaining contact w-ith the enemy's ear guards. Last night they reached the height located S00 meters south of Moronvllllers (twel miles directly east 01 iineims) ' 2 ARMIES MENACED RY FRANffl-VANR"S'"n " T""" "" '" ,:n"" "'! U I I AUullA XillllllJ.from the ministry, said a dispatch re- PARIS. Oct 5.-10:29 a. m The French and American drives In the re'n9' renewed this morning, are Imperiling the Germans in the Ar- Sonne massif and In the newlj created pocket northeast of Rhcims Franco-American troops are now strongly established on the Orfeull tableau. The French have reached the Arnes stream and are threatening In pn- I velop the enemy still holding Nogent- j ' ;1DDf8',e ne. and the Moron- vllller's f;rove (all between Khelmsl nd thr Sujppe r,ver) TJ)s op,raton (s ln rC,njnction with ;eneralRer-' thelot's drive north of Rhelms. I The American advance east of the Argonnt iH timed to nroirresj with General Gouraud's right and i. men acing the Germans In the ereat forest, evacuation of which is expected American troops that attacked with Gouraud's army have reached St Ktlenne. three miles northwci-t of Medeuh farm. Medeah farm was taken b" the Ainericuns In their firt dash Thursday, Driving northward astride the ft'ommepy Attlgny highway. the Americans swung to the northwest. I"OK lllll .0. I.,J OV SlOmi and flrolo Mont Ulanc . The Americans now hold lieinoni Chateau, having crossed the ridge. creating a salient In the German front. This gain permits the allies to put under an enfilading fire the German positions on Moronvillerx ridge, between the salient and the German line north of Rhelms. TO SERVE MEALS AT 30 CENTS. IV.RIS. Oct 0. As n means of com bating the high cost of living, munici pal restaurants are promised for I'aris, according to the I'etlt I'arisien The mealwill be served for "i cents, and will consist of soup, meat, vegetables and bread. There will be no augur nor butter. ADVERTISEMENT. Obtain New Uf by Taking HowcIIsLYjMPHlNE Tablet, lltorc-i Ion nrvt fco. creatine iw llf. Imnrotsqirni emB to tsy, guaranteed rt fnj i Chloral. Caraln. Uurplilne or otht urcette druta.T Writs foi booklet. Csca psdtaxs cs-MaJna jo rtaya' trrstraant. bj mall II. C. tL llosrslli & Co.. M Church be. N Trk- Eola Vr Jam O'DoonsU sad iUu IstOac drunisU. -... .. . -,- .. , sut(ii aim l,1'"Ji,ii t t t through the fortified woods north of,1""1' "ep"1 ,r,KJ TURKEY SOUGHT PEACE MONTH AGO ROME, Oct. 5. Bul garia learned through American channels that Turkey was negotiating for peace more' than a month ago, said a Geneva dispatch to the Epocha to day. T&ts discovery, said the dispatch, resulted in the Bulgarian armistice. 1 0,000 TROOPS IN TURKEY MUTINY ZURICH. Oct. 5. Mutiny is reported j to luvc broken out in l lie Tnrklh army. 1 "Ten thousand deserter marched iion Constantinople demanding the rc'icna celled here today. There were clashes between the de serters and loyal troops, but the result of these pitched battl's is unknown. Ami Minor, and this forte has captured An arm of dcrters li.n grown up in a number of town.-- 1DLLATMEADE Thiity-thref 1.iath .it (".imp MnJc, Ml , fnini SiMnNh intlu nz.i r pneu inon1:i. wero r'Krtil trx.i, bringing lln intal number of ilnth in the camp from Ihfaic il!ii" up to 133. Arnun tho ilenthrt i ported IimJ.iv waa tliat nf Srsant Ni( Iiolas J. Uom.iii. ono of th htkuonn oun bu5int-5i nitn In Washington anl .1 prominent .Mason. i h tit; piointrilor of four restaurants. L'po" -! .isigm-J to r'.irnp .Meailr ho was ultuihetl to the Denin.s lived lit ."O'.i Ninth st reel army. nortliwe. t bifoi.- t-ntering tin lie 1ms two brothers lighting for the nlliei1. one in France and the other lighting in the army uhiili lately forced the ItulKaiian arnii-ttice. Another brother, Charles J Iieinas, is a student oi nieilit inc at George Washington University. MAX TO.STATE POLICY ZritlCH. Oct. .1 Prince Ma. of Rnilcn, the new German chancellor, will announce his pollc to the Reich Hag toiluy, according to German ad vIci-n It will include: Restoration of It. Igitini by mean of nn international fund. Revision of the lirrst and RucliareKi trcatic. by u congresi of all the bcli3-rt ills. Freedom of the f-eas. No payment of damucs to France. Retention of Alsace Irraln. Return of Gcnugti rilouies. Partial and pogr.siv, disarma ment The Inilnrllile I nlnn I'lKhtlag Dol lars and Fighting Men. 3 IS E IDEM POST 50,000 "FLU" PLACARDS HERE Fifty thousand copies of a circular entitled, "Advice as to the care of patients suffering from Influenza and pneumonia and as to the prevention of these diseases" are being dis tributed In every section of the District today by the District Health Department. The placard read In full, as follows: Influenza may begin as a common cold Tersons showlng-the least sus picious symptoms of the disease should go to bed at once and send for a doctor Pending the arrival of the doctor, take u laxative; take nlso light food, such as eggs. milk, toast.' and similar things. Have the room nell ventilated. Stay in bed at least two or three days after you think you arc well. liven If It Is found later that you have only a common cold, and not influenza, the rest In bed is the best treatment. Ailllrc to Attendants. Influenza Is highly communicable; the germ is contained In the secre tions from the mouth and nose. It is spread c-liiefly by droplets sprayed from the nose and threat in the act 5i5S.".s.i"s;i5fa,Ktr". wcn per.,(,n who may be near, and In this manner he becomes inrected. Tersons suffering from, or who are suspected to he buffering from, the dlsca.-e. should, during the act of coughing or sntczing. hold before his face a cloth, or something to prevent these droplets from escaping Into the surrounding air These cloths should be burnt or boiled to kill the germs without delaj. The hands nf attendants i-hould be carefully washed with soap and water immediately after attending any one sick and alwajs before eat ing. Do not use a tow-cl that Is used by other person? Dishes, knives, forks, spoons. etc . used by the patient should be boiled before being used again. All bed linen, towels, etc, used by the patient should Ik. boiled. Iflan kets and other bed covering should be exposed out of doors to daylight anil sunshine. To Prevent Infection. Keep out of places where people congregate Do not let any one cough, etc.. Into your face If possible to prevent it Keep jour mouth closed. I'e sure to wash your hands immediately after handling any one suffering from the diseue. Avoid all exposure or ccc.sS..-. Avoid fa tigue; get sufficient sleep. Rat regu liul ly. Keep in tlie flesh air as much as possible. Keep aw-ay from places where the disease. Is ANOTMTMIDDr DIES ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Oct 3.- The thi'rd victim of pneumonia among the stu dents of the Naval Academy, follow ing the ouibieak of the Spanish In fluenza heie. died today Harry S. I.ntta. of Goshen. In.! . a member of; the das.-, succumbed to the dis ease after an lllncs nf several days He was to have been graduated next jumnier Of 00') en es reported among the student hodj there have been but three fatalitits 300 of 500People In Town Have Grip; Nine Deaths Reported The-vlllage of Minw. Pa . with 500 inhabitants, had ".Oil cases of Spanish Influenza today. Nine deaths had been reported. E , (Continued from First rage.) Turton. 1130 Jefferson strait north west. 450 Employes Prostrated. William J. Wilson, superintendent J of the Union Station Terminal, an j nounced that 4G0 or the S0D em jrlojes of the terminal wsjre pros , trated today with Influenza. Many more w-orKmen are Deing seni to homes and hospitals suffering from the malady, liven before the epi demic began a labor shortage existed at the terminal, and now desperate measures are being considered by the .superintendent to keep storage places cleared oL-lncoming freight. "Conditions, would probably be much more serious If train service l.self were not slowed up by the epi demic." said Mr. Wilson. "Freight arrivals are much slower, and we man able to meet the situation It more employes are not taken with influ enza." AH departments at the Union Sta tion are affected by the epidemic lard men. station employes, freight handlers, and crews of switch en gines are the hardest hit. Nearly half of the engineers, fire men, conductors, and brakemen of the Southern Railroad trains running into Washington failed to report to day because of the epidemic, according ( to- H. O. Monday, chief train dls- .......Iia .e .V. ..II ..... .1 ... ll.v.n.l. I'H,VMI V( LUC I4.IIWU, l l.An.V .M Actual figures are 125 sick, out of 350 ' employes. Short of Men. "Although we are dangerously short of men for freight trains, we have I been further obliged to cripple that service by taking freight train crews on passenger runs," said Mr. Monday todav. "Bv these measures Dassenger 'schedules have been maintained up to ' the present, but if further Inroads are ' made on our working force. It will be hard to say where we will end before the epidemic has passed." INearly 200 trainmen and track workers of the Pennsylvania railroad Ir. Washington are down with In , fluenza. and the situation Is beginning to looli serious for us," said J. J. Ccoper, assistant passenger train mas- . ter of the Pennsylvania Railroad, here tcday. "Seventy engineers and fire men in the freight departments alone are sick, and many more are cour ageously staying by their engines, de spite their sickness. "Although appeals have been con stantly reaching us to send men to the New England States to relieve the shortage caused by the epidemic there. It has been decided that we fmust keep all trainmen available in Washington In view of the spread of Influenza." continued Mr. Cooper. "Passenger and freight arrivals in "Washington are normally very heavy, and under the present strained conditions we may be obliged to ap peal for assistance ourselves within a day or two." . 1,000 Incapacitate. One thousand, men, or one-sixth of the workfng force, of the Cumber land Division of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad are incapacitated by Spanish Influenza, according to in formation, obtained by The Times from Cumberland today. Men 'are being brought from Baltlniore ahd Philadelphia in an effort to rejtore the situation. With its working force badly crippled. Baltimore and Oho train service into Washington Is seriously affected. All churches will be closed tomor row. Open air services will be sub stituted wherever possible. Numer ous permits have been obtained to hold .services In various Government parks In the city. These open .air services will continue each Sunday until such, time as the District Com missioners decide the influenza epl demic Is sufficiently abated to war rant resumption of meetings In church buildings. At a meeting today of the pastonr Federation of the District. Protestant ministers of the city voted unani mously to accede to the request of the District Commissioners that churches be closed in the city. Fol lowing is the resolution adopted by the pastors this morning: "Resolved, that In VreTv of tbe wide spread prevalence of influenza that has called forth a request from the District Commissioners or the tem porary closing of all churches, we, th'e Pastors' Federation, in special as sembly do place ourselves on record as cheerfully complying with the re quest of the Commissioners, which we understand applies to all churches: alike. We further recommend that our people shall conduct In their own homes some form of religious wor ship, remembering In prayer especial ly the sick, our allied nations at war. and the present canvass for the fourth Liberty loan." Plan Open Air Services. Similar action was taken by the pastor.s of colored churches In the city at a meeting this morning. Representatives of 131 colored I churches voted to abandon services I Ir. church buildings tomorrow and bold open-air services In ff-nnt nf each church. These out door meetings will be held at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Permission has been granted by the District Commissioners to the First. Second, and Third Churches of Christ. Scientist, to hold an open-air lecture on the Ellipse at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. John W. Doorly. C S. R. of Leeds. England, will lecture. Mr, Doorly was recently appointed by the First Church or Christ. Scientist, of lioston, the mother church, as a lec turer. This lecture will take the place of the regular services In the Christian Science churches tomorrow. The morning services of the Vermont Avenue Christian Church will be held ADVERTISEMENT OLD AGE STARTS WITH Science sajs that old age begins with weakened kidneys and digestive organs. This being true. It Is easy to believe that by keeping the Kidneys ana di-. cestlve organs cleansed and In proper i working order old aire can be deferred ! and life prolonged far beyond that en-1 Joved by the average person. ! For iter iOO yetr.s GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the' weaknesses ana ni.iuDilliy aur to ai vnnclng years. It Is a standard old CHURCH S ICES IN OPEN PLANNED time Home remeay ana nea. no in jibu.vl imariem uu capsules. Money traduction. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem refunded If they do not help you. Oil is Inclosed In odorless, tasteless Three sizes. But remember to ask for capsules containing about 3 drops (tbe original Imported GOLD "MEDAL each. Take them as you would at brand. In sealed packages. Quinine .Cost Soars in Persia a$ Influenza Plagne Strikes Hiere Spanish influenza Is now 'cach ing into the far corners -jf the earth. A State Department mes sage noted Its presence In Teher an. Persia, and quinine, an impor tant remedy, now retails there at $125 a pound. tomorrow in Iowa Circle. Following the Sunday school service at 10:30 o'clock.1 the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Earle Wilder.! will preach ai u o Clock. Special em phasls will be given at this service to the Liberty loan campaign now in progress. The Rev. Dr. Charles Wood, pastor of the Church of the Covenant, announced today that members of his church wllllPln helping the District officials hold an open-air service at 11 o'clock nd civilian doctors to prevent the tomorrow morning on the vacant lot further spread of Spanish influenza, at Dnpont Circle. At -3:20 o'clock thereV Outdoor activities, such as hikes, will be a community song service, led nutting: and Blcnlc parties, and corn by Prof. Peter Dykema. Dr. Wood will roasts', will be started early next make a short address. There will be sesvlces on the lawn of St. Paul's Catholic church, begin ning on the hour, from 6 to 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Vesper services will be held on the lawn at Immanuel Baptist church to morrow afternoon at 5' o'clock. ratristle lUlly. A patriotic rally service will be held on the lawn of Christ Episcopal church. Sixth and G streets- south east, tomorrow morning; at 11 o'clock. There will be addresses .by the'pas tor, the Rev. D. R. Covell. and speak ers from the Liberty loan commit tee. All churches ln the southeast section have been invited to Join ln this service and make it a union meeting. An open-air service will be held in Washington Circle tomorrow morn ing at 11 o'clock by the congregation of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Com munion services will be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow morning in the open court of the church. Short half-hour services will be held on the lawn of the Immaculate Conception Churcn tomorrow morn ing beginning- at' 7. 8. 0, 10, and 11 o'clock. Ifarmtaup Service Otxanlscd. The organization of the public health nursing; service for the District today was announced by Dr. H. S. Mustard of the Public Health Service. "With the setting; aside of one tele phone In the Health Office for all calls for nurses and all Information on Influenza, Dr. Mustard today started his work of preventing; the spread of the disease. This corps which he is organizing Is composed of experienced graduate nurses who have registered. Graduate and registered nuraes have been re- fiif.atml tft eslt snrf see Tlr Fowler j r.V; Z,, j .iT iit v health officer, and they will be put to work immediately. The purpose of this organization la to instruct and not to do nursing;. These nurses will enter homes upon request and will instruct the family how to prevent Influenza and how to attend to the sick person or' per sons in the house. A separate tele phone Main 6000, Branch 364 has been set aside for these requests. One Call a Mimute. This telephone service ln the Health Office was started today. The first call came shortly after 8 o'clock. Floyd Heeler' of 1101 P street north west, asked. that, a nurse be sent to his "home. He ai'ld,- he was housing seventeen girl war workers, and that six of them were sick with influenza. Since the first call 'came In this morning twenty-two requests for nurses have been received. Some per sons said, there were from-flve to eight sick in one house. A. call every minute is received over this phqne. although most ot them are seeking Information. The use of Uje theaters' and movies in wasmngion ny tne xieaiui xjcparv ment was offered this morning by a committee headed by R. S. Robblns, manager of B. F. Keith's Theater, who interviewed Commissioner Brownlow. MrJ Robblns said that every theater and movie In Washington is at the disposal of the health department to be used as hospitals or for any other service. As .s'et there is no need for accepting this offer. Mr. eBrownlow said. Dr. Tnrten Dies. Dr. Elmo Turton, 1130 Jefferson street northwest, a clerk. In the vital statistics office of the District health department, died last night of Span ish influenza. Dr. -Turton is the first man of the health department who has died during the present epidemic, althoughjnore .than five are home , - sick with Influenza. The Dare Devils, the acrobats who have been giving nightly perform ances at American League Baseball park today were requested by Com missioner Brownlow on the recom mendation of Health Officer Fowler to close until furthen notice. The management of the Dare Devils later informed The Times that there would be no performance tonight. An order for the closing of the -show was given yesterday, but did not rcacn tne management, anu a. per- formance was given last night. Health Officer Fowler feared that the closing of theaters and motion picture houses would result in such a large attend ance at the park as to create a serious menace to health. Urges Extra Precaution. Health Officer Fowler today issued a statement rcquestinr all eating places to take extra precautions ln washing dishes. "The greatest danger In spreading' Influenza lies In the lunchrooms and restaurants, where hundreds of peo ple gather, he said. If dishes are only half washed and I have noticed that restaurateurs are not particular ADVERTISEMENT. Y ou are safe YOUR KlDNEYSJwheriyoutake Pill, with a small swallow of water, father John's McdidnC lttLTlrllltXox your cold and to the poisons which cause premature) old age. New life and strength In ' crease as you continue the treatment, i hen completely restored continue taking a capsule or two each day. GOLD ME will keep ; prevent a 1 .il.iial. naariem uu crdsu e y.u In health and vigor and , roium or ine niae.isn I Do not wait until old age or disease! nave semea aown ror trooa. Go to your druggist and get a bos of GOLD in thi mattes- o'f course the epU de'mlo will spres. I urge that -all. rating p!ace. thqroiirbly scald ATshes , and make frejurnt change of linen to check the spread of InfWenxa." With more than a Hundred Influenza I patients to care for. In addition to the normal number of patients under treatment. Georgetown University Hos pital to'day' is filled almost to capacity. Many "convalescents are being -dally discharged;" but the number of new patients is constantly Increasing, and the Georgetown authorities may be obliged sodn to call on other Wash Ington hospitals for assistance. George Washington University Hos pital has only about thirty Spanish (In" victims under medical care new. , out a fcundrVd patients, who hart ,mproved' havo been -. Activities Abandoned. - t The War CamD Community Serrles has temporarily abandoned all recrea- tlonal and entertainment activities which might cause the collection of crowds and today will begin a cam. wee,k by the W. C. C S.. to take the place or Indoor recreations which were abandoned on account of Influ enzal These activities will entertain and keep people out inthe open as much as possible and at the same time will keep them in small groups. Public Ubrary Closed. The Public Library has been closed to the public by order of the Commis sioners. This applies to both the central library and the Takoma Park branch. The Jlbrary staff will be on duty as usuaL During: the period of closing, no fines for overdue books will accrue. When the. library Is again open all books in the hands of readers'may be returned, and no fines will be collected for a period of one week after the library la .again open. No books will be given out while the library is closed. Readers may. however, re turn books between the hours of 9 a. nr, and 4:30 p. m., by applying at the "rear entrance to the central library on Mc Vernon Place. Owing-to the epidemic, the meeting of the auxiliary chairmen of thj Dis trict Chapter. American Red Cross, to have been held Monday in Studio Hall, has been indefinitely postponed. Salvage Work DUeoatlaned. The salvage committee of tho Dis trict Red Cross announced today that it would not receive any more dona tions of salvaged articles until the epidemic is passed. With an enrollment of 750 stu dents already, X. W. C A, classes, scheduled to open Monday last, have been postponed Indefinitely on ac count of the Influenza, tbe T. W. C A. announced today. The dance to have been a-iven br the alumni of the University of Wis consin this evening ln-Chevy Chase ubrary hall has been postponed oa '- .. . . n . ,- 'account ot tne aanger oi opamsn ia- fruenza. it was announced today. GRIP HITS MAIL SERVICE With fifty mall carriers of the 350 employed In Washington Incapacitated with Spanish Influenza, curtailment of local mail service is threatened to day, according to C E. Schooler, superintendent of carriers. T"b.e situation is worse today than at any. other time since the epidemic began," Mr. Schooley said. "We art) having difficulty In delivering mall with 50 of our men on tbe sick roll, and If .the situation grows much worse the mall service In Washington will be curtailed. "Substitute carriers are, hard to find and "the . few obtainable have but slightly-relieved the situation? GRIP GAINS IN PENSACOLA PENSACOLA, Fla Oct. 5. Federal and city health' authorities are un able to, cope with the Spanish Influ enza epidemic here today. The death toll Is mounting, and hundreds ot new cases are being re ported. The lack of physicians and trained nurses has rendered the -situation ex tremely critical. AUSTRIAN.CRUISERSUNK ROME. Oct. 5. An, Austrian cruiser was destroyed in the allied raid on Durazzo. Premier Orlando Informed the Chamber of Deputies. and colds ttat devolop into Pneumonia L,,;l A not, f 1.U J DUllQ JieV I 1 C S U and . i I StrenPTU. DCaUSe It- lc , e . t r e- Tri-im mnrnhma iwaji muipiuiii,, (chloroform, codeine, fjlassssssssssssssHf ssssssssssssssssk MilaiaiaiaLk. r jB-BfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBta lssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssT -IB " For IB Irrir heroin, or other danger ous drugs. Take it Today. (