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Newspaper Page Text
A K - -ifcj ?t i m THE WASHINGTON TIMES. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1018. ffirfaa&fartJifi taster? fatt&f&lWt&vsutrni. N?"5046. Surplus $ .000.000. Capitals 1000.000. jkWy - J s sT (formerly RIQGS&CO.) mi jgemnptiw.m. VCrIg'lIn"Thalil'berty'Loan'Cagrpftlgn ThprCAution:hich:iem necessary Jto preTen&7 spread of Jththreatensdlepidsmic ,serioi2sly:interf eres:withl$hepro MtioniofithiLiertyILcanlongIthellina8:carefulV-iplaimed. Inltheirrs tead3 per sonallhoTise itolhouseicanvas f has ibeeH arranged. relwilllbellacking:0f Icotn? sa , tbo. magna tic. ' WlTJiMl6fIthiJgrAtrnthugiaticTgatliorlng ,xwHich7imMtX$e a'bfndontdtinlprottetlo.nlofilifaiandlbBalth.. ButlitlwlllTba MXaarnjrtiandiaerioJ,hoBertoivBJandIi mtfonao f clocffiopprrow.yStmdiyvraf ternoon. October "slsctay-3ln& llteontlnue"irtthOTftUntarrtgtlonTmtllreYeryma toJpUclhlIorXhr2nimoIonItii "honoriroll 7 BToIxQat't erlhotf 'UtelthftoiztlTtrottcltMn Tolmt&ersiffaenltheylcal,toirenalnIah TeflSnvblpfliaMngalyTbyTgelngp naiif?yoirirfll5iM3cf ltflinstiraril ttlsy larger rthanSTXjrhapa'lttisgyoTg orlgirlilntntion,tbflitask:vrtlle;aconlishddllnirecorditln cmstancesIhaTeiresolvedlthIbTJorthXL Xrit'oiaTdlitlhctlylindividuairiaatterlnDW. ItTisihroightTrigHtltq? t MeaelTon:ofl,ttTperonal lytoldoiojur.'patrio tic idtftyl-.-ffoduty safes. Letinoneioffcusfshirlu Toran7Ixtentitbfi.tithelHiggfIiatlonalt3ank:canT8er7eyouit6 yneTpdlthat'yomnayrbe?abla -tofdoTallTyoT3r inclinations "-prompt -cfflaa8iid.sTiaiwe;are:at;yourXflerviceithatith7greattaimBjforiwhich .tliIIberrtXoaniibeing"nadermayi,be"accompli8h8d, and "the I local conditions. mtiatberpromoted maynot.retardithe.'goal v$xfor1&fthi>on Tc vse src o opera t ingly , She Biggs Sat ional iBank, 3y r President j 0etfc2fl9i8 jL04-i- 5 : -.- . v "' 'V 1?6sl&sA? .v" v it ; " .'I ' . ' i "Vv - "r"Hfi i-. i - a.r4 .... . A l'l I! I l).1 lilt -' rv. ! " ".'' II 's ' J m$ v . ' J t . ' ' .. .-i; f3 "- ' 0 -. J T4 ? '.f r- i ii ,i i