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THE WASTTTVGTOX TDIES. SUNDAY. OCTOBER (f. IMS. 19 SPECIAL NOTICES SUFFERING UNNECESSARY NEAR MIRACULOUS CURES THE VACUUM NATUREO- PATHIC TREATMENT j nESTonns the cuuti-ation or the' HT.OOB to tb UISCASEII PART. BB-1 news Torn nnun.T iiealti'. xunv- OUS VITALITY, EXF.RGV AND rHP. an.I BRINC.R YOU HAC?K to a 1.1 KB or l"SK- '. Kl'I-NEFS iind BNAUI.I2? YOU to ENJOV j 111 PI.EASinnS AOAIX. i Regain Your Health j WITHOUT DRUGS OH OPBUATIOXS j THE VATTJI NATUnEOPATIlll". THE; NERVES. TREATMENT RT ITS MASTHIl I.T CONTROL, or th- CIRCULATION of the DI.OOD and ESSENTIAIr to I.IKE Ml.l HEALTH n.UIPS of the b-wly !' th' DISEASED TARTS. OPERATES E!--KECTIEI.T as a ITP.K fr LOCOMOTOR- ATAXIA. HARDEXINi; OK THE ARTER IES, HEART DISEASE, and all forms of PARALYSIS. niUGHTS DISEASE. EPI- l.EI'HT. RHEUMATISM. ASTHMA. IN- SOMXIA. HARHE.MMl anil SCLEROSIS of the SPINAL COLUMN anl CORD. AR TERIO S.'LEROSIS. VERTICO. anrl the DESPERATE AILMENTS of the D1GES T1VEV RESPIRATORY. CIRCULATIVK and NERVOUS SYSTEM. NEURASTHEN IA. NEURITIS. NERVOUS-EXHAUSTION and BREAKDOWN. CURVATURE of the I j SPINE and othr CHRONIC INCURADLK (to-called) DISEASES for which the MEDICAL WORLD HAS NO REMEDY and TOU are DENIED RELIEF EVERY WHERE ELSE. DESPERATE CASES. THOSE YOUR PHYSICIAN DOXT and CAN'T core SOLICITED. COME and LEARN what it will do for YOU. JIT 14 TEAKS' PRACTICAL EXPERI ENCE In the TREATMENT of the SERI OUS CHRONIC INCURABLE so-called) Ailment! of Mankind, the LAST IS IN THIS CITY, will be of the CREATEST VALUE to TOU In TOUR eBorts to RE COVER YOUR HEALTH. My Business To- the past 54 TEARS has heen RELIEV ING human SUFFERING and RESTOR ING to HEALTH those who were DENIIJD BELIEF everywhere else. NO ONE ELSE DOES IT. Consultation Free I LADY ASSISTANT. rProf. H. N. D. PARKER. N. D. (N. D. Stands for Nature Doctor.) HOURS 10 to IS and : to S. .Suite ::: Maryland Bide 1410 H N. W. Formerly "10-715 Bond Building. IThls Notice la Good For First Treatment. Refrigerators Ice Boxes That Are Superior. NELSON REFRIGERATOR CO. 611 F St N. W. Frank. 2757 jBuy Window Shades Early!! It la to ycu- Interest to order at once. Factory p I The Shade Shop, once. Factory prices. i Ph. M. 4SI ; "OVER THERE." 816 17th St. N. W. , Branch of the Lotos Lantern Tea Room Luncheon and afternoon tea. my3ft-90t ' TO EXTERMINATE BED t COS. nwbn. I ants and water burs, urj 20th Century j jnsecuciae. sola by aruffcisrs or A. m. u. Co, 1201 F sL N. W ap:0-J0t ATTENTION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS A POORLY worded, consumptive looking advertisement baa very nine puiuni If your ai me cc ower. ad is not pulling the maxl mum amount of results there Is a reason. We have employed trained men whose business it is to make classified ads pay. They have made a thorouch study of classified adver tising not only in Washington but in other larce cities. It will not obligate you In any way to have our representative call on you. We will not try to sell you anything. We simply want to show you how an Intelligent force can be applied to your business. PHONE THE TIMES Main 6260. Classified Advt. Dept. PUBLIC STEXOfiRAPnEIt. MRS. STEVENS. rublic Stenographer. 1502 H st, opposite the Shorebam. Thone Msln 2, DEATHS CORKIUtX On Friday, October 4. 191s. at Providence Hospital. THOMAS Gil METT CORKHILL. Funeral from Harvey's Sons' Under taking Establishment. 1521 Fourteenth street northwest. Monday. October 7. 1811. at 10 o'clock a. m. HODftiOX On Saturday, October S. ISIS, at a m.. MA RON L. HODGSON, be loved aon of Annie M Hodgson and the late John TV. Hodgson and brother of Edith C Hodgson at Chelsea. Mass. Notice of funeral later. TBXNAXT On Saturday, October 3, 19IS. at S-30 p. m.. FRANCIS A., son of the late N. Alexander Pennant, at his resi dence 2163 M street northwest. Notice of funeral hereafter. C SMITn On Thursday. October 3. 1918. at 2 p. m.. at 222 Bates st. N. W W. J. B1IITH. Mount Vernon Council No. 16. Jr. O U A- M-. and friends are Invited to view the remains Sunday from 12 m. to 1 p. m. Interment at Glendale. Md., at 3 p. m. !- UNDERTAKERS A. G. KREV CO. Established 1D00. A. G. FREY & E. D. FREY 9th and O sts N. W. Phone North 7335 ocS.90t LOUIS T. CLEMENTS, Ftmer&l Director. Tbeop. Clement. Ianarr. pBoaa WMt S04. Funeral Patio. 1341 WlaeonstP Are, W. W. felVtrt J. WILLIAM LEE, OXDERTAKER AND I.IVEKT. J1J Pa. ava. N. W. T.lenbima M II" WABHINHTOM FLORAL DESIGNS GEO. C SHAFFERBtiV&ft,?.'!', rxpREssm: floral emulems AT MODERATE PRICES. mat-let FLOWERS for ail occasions. Call Frank! Is 4ttl; rtaldanca. Franklin lltt. OEO. li COOKE. 1H3 Conn, ava. iryll-lllt J. H. SMALL & SONS. Florists, Corner Uth and H ata WASHINGTON WaMarf-Artoria and (Ot Uadlann av4 New Toxic Flowcra lor tunerala a apedaity. pfi-e tnftderata. hperial Funeral Wreath Moderate. . . Dowers for all occasions Prompt MUto irrvlce. C K. nnOOKS. l&atO 14th it K W 12 FUNERAL DESIGNS Of ry daaeriptlon Moderate Prle OUDB. UK F PT N tT CEMETERY LOTS IKDAK HILL CKMKTKRV PA. AVE. 8. j E- (EXTENDED). OFFICE 723 TH ST L K. E. rJlWt' UAVb.1 9. I my:i-Sa,ra.Tr.f-tf EDUCATIONAL SPECIAL THE SERVICE RADIO SCHOOL 902 Pa. Ave. N. W. Wish to Announce That in Deference to the Request of the DISTRICT BOARD OF HEALTH Made to All Schools This School Will Remain Closed Until Further Notice. Yc wish to take this occasion to thank cordially our mam students who so cheerfully acquiesced in the interest of public health. The oilices of school will be open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. each d iv, tor the purpose of giving information as to the courses to those who may desire. r i j i i George Washington University j Art and Sciences, Columbian College. Engineering Col- ! lege, Teachers College, School of Graduate Studies, Law j School, Medical School, Dental School, ' Pharmacy School, j Hospital, Nurses' Training, etc STUDENTS' ARMY i Including Naval Section Excellent Acommodations, Special War Courses, Modem Languages. Registration Still Open. Apply at Once Office of the Recorder, 2023 G street. West 1649. The Medical School, 1335 H street. Main 7875. The Law School, New Masonic Temple.' Main 4540. Navigation and Seamanship Emerson Institute 1740 R Street N. W. rfaone Franklin -M63 A Six-Weeks' Course Under a Competent Navigator and Seaman PrtACTICAL SEXTANT WOItK ON THE WATER. USE OF NAUTICAL. ALMANAC AND BOWDITCH PR.C TICAL. PROBLEMS SOLVED. CInaara Up to Junior Grade Lieutenant Elcbt Hours a Weelc For those quallfled for promotion and all those who need Navigation and Seamanship, Including commissioned men. seamen, civilians and beginners. Day and Ecnlnc Classea Separate Classes for Officers ENROLL NOW WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT OF THE EMERSON INSTITUTE 1H0 P ST. N. VT. Franklin 4GJ. Evening School Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday New Classea In All Subjecta. Preparatory for College and Professional Schools Conversational French and Spanish Courses. WINSLOW II. RANDOLPH. Principal. PREPARATION FOR UNIVERSITY, lan guages, mathematics, science, all Govern ment examinations; moderate COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, 507 llth ft. N. W. ljy:i.s.8.m,tu-tf Special Day and Evening Courses for Paymaster Examination IN Naval Reserve Classes Now Forming Enroll Now Preparatory for COLLEGE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOI.S. Office hours, 3 to 4:30, except Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Z:zo to EMERSON INSTITUTE Phone Franklin tiM. 1710 P St N. W. se-tf CIVIL SERVICE Sclf-InMrnrtlon Rook. New 191 & revised edition, price, iz. PEARLMANS UCOK SHOP, 931 G St. N W. Franklin Em Washington College of Law 1317 NKW YORK AVB. CO-KIHTATIO.VAI. TITITION $75. CIoad temporarily by rtf.u-st of Board of Health Announcement of re-ope nine m be made mr. AUVAN'CKD French or hpanUh lon. In exchange fur KiiKlifh by l'nlver-il of Chicago graduate. IJOX 4i?, Times orfire. C KVKNIX. CI.ASSKS AT C.OVZ.U.A COI I.EOK. 19 Eye at N W. Mental phllco phy. elementary and advanced Knplmh. I tin. Spanish and French, comn.erru.1 arithmetic, plane and ohd ceom-try Weekly lectures on important education I :opics Splendid courses Skilled t-acliem. Xon-inal tuition feea Opening .session Monday. October 14, at 7 .Op m. Call or tend lor ur utar of information 19 DRAFTING "The Line of Permanent Demand. Uunllf y na n limf tman In 3 to j 9 month In our Hay or Mtht ' Clnsaea. Uljr. demand a( Kxrcllent Salaries. Get Latest Catalogue Columbia School of Drafting ' ROT C CLAKLIN. Pres.. ' Uth and T Sts. N. W. I'hone N. 57; i'i-U IIOWAUD UNIVERSITY AH depart ment opr. O:tobtr 2, i918. Medir.rn. Medical, Dental. Law. Aria rvJ Sciences. Music, etc. Teachers Preparatory Col lect Address GUORGE W. COOK, A. M, e7-30t KING-SMITHTeacherof Singing M'vlern. s'-'-nlie-'' methyl of vofe devel. ment. Studio Hall 1219 Conn, sve i . ....Iln . .-i S.-J!" ' ' P(TFR l'Cll.l.KiK C-etl.i nrar Ut'ah D. C: new bid.-... degree, prep, and Junto; school courss; from age ten upward. Rata. SAV. UTa MLKJSJ1 . fT., MM, ., IML& 1. Uu30.tu.Ui.M.ju-Jtt i NOTICE TRAINING CORPS Law School OP TheNational University (Inc. by Special Act of Congress.) SOtU Tear Begins Oct. 1, 191S. Note: As s war-time measure a com plete three-year course will be given In two years, entitling graduates to the de gree of Bachelor of Laws; the degree of Master of Laws after one year additional. I WOMEN WILL BE ADMITTED AS CAN DIDATES FOR DEGREES. Students may register and the Dean or Secretary be rontulteri, catalogue ob tained, etc., at Administration Of Dee. 601 Sonthern building, from B to 6:30, or at Law School building. S1G-SIS Uth t. n. w between 4:30 and C p. m. Phone Maui 6617. FIRST-CRADE Civil Service examinations for clerks, Nov 2 and Nov. 9. tuition for entire course for these examinations . THE CIVIL SERVICE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. 8. E. cor. ISth and F sts. Phone Franklin SSS0. Ijyl7-tf WASHINGTON BUSINESS and CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL 1317 Nov York Ave. X. YV. firmc Shorthand. Stenotypy, fira-ham-PItmnn Shorthand, Business, nog. Hah. Bookkeeping. Graded Dictation Classes In Steno typy and Shorthand. Civil Service. Y.M.C.A. Largest Trivate School In Clly Men and Women. ACCOCNTANCY (oldest school In city). PREPARATORY (accredited bases). New Class September 17. COMMERCIAL (Gregg shorthand). DRAFTlMi (mechanical, architectural). Grade (day or evening) Languages Wireless Statistic. 1T3S St N W Bulletin Free. NATIONAL SCHOOL FINE and APPLIED ART 1505 PA. AVK. NrU lo Rlcci. Bank). Main 1760. . . Felli Mario ny. Director. Day and Kv-nlnjr Clacs. Send for Cata Iojcu. Courses In Fine. Applied, and In dustrial Arts Students' Army Training Corps George Washington University Law School CO-UDUCATIONAL. Registration Mill Open. Member Association of American Law Schools, strict standards s-l-rt student body Special course in military law Classes f"r employed fudrnt Secretary. Masonic Temple Iaui:-C0t if SCHOOL 311 Kst Cap. Jit. All Cmnmerrlal IlriinehcK,33d year Castiiian Spanish Taught Na'lv. ,f Mpain. Address l M st N . IMion- S.irih Sits sc;7-30t Spanish and Fvench .,!?J. "r,1v-nlng clasps. NaUia ceacbara. 1KI ew York av... ruicn 21 )13-th.a.flU.tUe-90t BESSIE N. WILD, VOICB CULTURE PIANO AND IIARIIONT. Tllo TI K I Ave N W Phon. V mi. JlSINESS OPPORTUNITIES" I"Oll MI.K t'nnrectloner) anil cigar store; Iran-fT .r.rr,. r avrjije J7i per ,,.; -Ml e-il f..r n.:.D0. ..,nnr-le.l to 11-roum ll.JUSe lng leas.-. (,(! prr munlll. IlOX 42-'. Times offii-e ' 7. NO ICK NKVT THAU. I onirol m wonderful d-ifce that will put iff In fiery home nt a rout of lenv than i rems a dty. tremeii'lnjn rirmand. bic ;' t-nAtlon in ari exrtuhive to 1 wir-s Mil- to flnam- their Ml.-, rt julrk; trTitor stnir.x fnut. .m-. wir r writ KUBII V WOLF. iN-pl ID. UZl N W.-IU &t . l.tipas". Ill TAIMlIt MIOr trr tuile; jrood bublne.; irood hxtur.. price re sun.. bit- ;oc Alt. rif.tant et N V . j HT KINO and clean. nr etal.lihmtnt for-e Kate, well equipped and dolnc fine bul ns BOX 07. Times of flee fi A COINC;. TKOMPKItonS MOTOR TRANS PORTATION business needs services of hffch class ttentlemen for serretary-treas-urer with place on hoard of directors; ap plicant inut be able to made an Investment of from I&.000 to $10,000 in rapltal stock nf ih corj Miration and b competent to take full rharjre .'f,nfnc, an attractive sal ry und preposition will b offered party meetinc leiuir i .entJi For Inlervlevr ad drsa IHiX I.'.T'inn office aulS-Su-tf RA1SK CAPITAL; best Utetbods; corporations ore ni tea eterywners; UDerai terms; colleo tlocs. U. S. LUUAL COUP.. 1103 U St. N. W. EDUCATIONAL T. H. T. PLAN RE I (Continued from First Pase.) The number of injured is 'said to total 1 nlmost a thousand. I It is estimated that about 100.000 persons have been rendered homeless byathe tragedy. I As a result of orders Issued by the I military authorities. South Amboy, j Terth Amboy and Sayrevllle township. j in New Jersey, near Morgan, were ! evacuated. The town. have an ag- pretrate population of more than CZ.OOO persons. iLIke Bombardment. Northern New Jersey and New York and vicinity experienced all the j sensations of an actual hostile bom- bardment from the sea. land, and air. j At almost hourly Intervals, terrific explosions shook the countryside ! for a radius of almost forty miles I from Morgan, N. J. Shells and shrapnel, with the fre quency and intensity of a great Eu roDCan drum fire, bombarded New 'jersey town3 in the vicinity of the caiasiropnc. With each explosion great flashes of yellow flame stabbed the sky. Heavy columns of black rolling smoke almost continuously darkened large stretches of territory- The War Department has taken over the stricken and devastated dis trict surrounding the Gillespie planL Martial law is In force In half a dozen New Jersey towns. United States troops and marines are guard ing all roads. The damage caused by the explos ions has been estimated by the of ficials of the Gillespie Company to be $30,000,000. The United States Government will probably lose 20, 000,000. Damage to nearby towns may total over S10.0O0.000. Huge War riant. The entire plant of the Gillespie Company occupied 27,000 acres, nearly eight square miles. It contained thirteen unit buildings and over a hun dred accessory houses. The thirteen units contained a quantity of T. N. T. and thousands of shells of all calibers. Practically the entire plant was wrecked. An officer of the Gillespie ! Company last night said that only two of the thirteen unita remain, borne or the buildings were blasted to stop the spread of the flames. Within a mile of the Gillespie plant are the California and "Hercules Com panies' plants. Great precautions were taken to protect the latter plants. Had they blown up an addi tional fifteen miles of territory would have been devastated. Hundreds of soldiers, sailors, home guards, plant guards, and firemen, at great risk fought the flames to keep them from reaching the California and Hercules plants. Communication with the stricken district was almost completely de stroyed. Telephones were out of com mission practically all night and day. Thousands of refugees continued to pour into New York from New Jer sey. They were aided by the Red Cross organizations of the city hastily concentrated. All of the refuses told pitiful MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE Lcal Merchants, Attention We ara now prepared to handle local freight In large and small lots In city or out of town. Careful packers and chauf feurs. Truck loads a specialty. MARYLAND MOTOR FAST FREIGHT COMPANY. Phone, write or call rate achednla. 3S New York ava. N. E. Phone Frank. (471 dally ex. Sut-iOt UEKKLY TBIFS, Baltimore. Wilmington, Philadelphia. UM ITU'S TRANSFEK ETORAQE. North K4I. SIS S at. N. W. MnV'INO PADDED VANS AIUVIINU FUBNIBIIED. Phone SL 010.2011. KREIG'S EXPRESS, i:: H Street N. W. STORAGE. PACKING AND SHIPPINO. FOR XING DISTANCE MOVING. QCICK baggage delivery, trips to Baltlmire, Wll- mlnaton and Philadelphia cal! MULLEN'S AUTO TRAN81-ER. 2011 Sth at. Is. N. 2JIJJ MOTOR TBL'CKH FOR IIAULINO Baltimore. Philadelphia and Alesandrla and local points. NO JOB TOO LARGE NONE TOO SMALL. R. 8. R. TRANSFER A EXPRESS CO- tl K st. NW. fJlth sL JMV FrankIISS UOVINU. PACKING. WIIIPriNO. and slor- age NORTHEAST TRANSFER & STOR- AGE CO.. lOOt Hit. N. E. Ph. Line JJ70. RELIABLE QUICK SERVICE NEW 2-TON TRUCKS SHORT AND I.O.VO HAULS. C. 11. THOMAS. 1211 B st nw. JeM-IOt UL'ICK AUTO KERVICK Any plara. BALDWIN'S EXPRESS, S0 12th St. N. W Main lit. -SAFETY FIRHT." ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF STORAGE. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO. Rooms. 12.00 and up. Moving. Packing. Phone Main 4229 411.420 lotb at. N. W. or Franklin 2421. CLKAN. dry Morage for furniture and pianos. Estimates cheerfully given. WKSCHLKK'S. 320 l'a. ava. N. W. Pnons Main 1212 BEE MK for bet tirtce. ami satisfactory service TUB PEOPLE'S STORAOB EXPRESS. I71J 7th st. N. W o d-tf CLAIRVOYANTS Licensed by the District of Coiumbu. MRS. I-MtTO. clalrioyant. mrdlnm; ad vice on all affairs or life, satisfaction guaranteed. Hours, 1 to 8 p. m. &10 Mb st N. W" PALMISTS Palmistry is a re. oirnlxed Krlence and IlIZl'AII III.IHIN IS KNOWN AS ONE OF ITS ISPKATKST EXPONENTS Hundreds V.sit This Remarkable Womn Dallj Complete reailings with accurate descrip tion of what or hand foretells only one dollar Re.-eptlon psrlrs n e cor. f th and II nw . entrance litli si. Hours 10 a. m. to 10 p in !! IIEIJIONT Noted rialrvn;ant and FalnT- Ist fllves advMe cn husln-HS matters. love, health and family affairs Tells the ) name of ynur future huntianil or wife, tells ! If the n- you line is Irue or falee What part of th country is luckiest to yiu What to do lo lie Mllrccftsrul HI life 1216 N Y. av nw Next diwr to Masonic Tem ple Readings II Hours 10 u. m. to 8 i in. . . . IS SPIRITUALISM Licensed by thr District of Columbttt. Psychic-Numeralogist Vocalione No problem is too tare or too mall for the. universal science of NutneTulozy This ( in th crrat adjuitcr. teaching a c entitle knoweIce cf the n-If and h-" to arranice affairs in order to succeed an a MASTKR In al! desre- of life, spiritual!. physically and financially In any cane of worry or anxiety Consultation a wans you Jinrp nnura ni) i 1 a. m in -v i. m DR. CHARLOTTA JKA.N.N'E. 1402 Kye st. N W "MONt? WANTED & 'TO LO'AN MONK TO LOAN S50 to 5O"..000 on II. C. real estate. Several trust funds. Alt transactions conducted wltb economical consideration for borrowers. WM. II. SAUNDKnS 6 CO.. Southern Kulldlnc. 7 IStb st N TO. JcK-tf MONHV TO LOAN. n real estate, lowest rates, prior payment prlrlleaa: larea amounts. TILf.n m IS UNDER CON HOL BUTHBSrORD. 117 llth. rabtl-Kt .ai".' 5l,.-t f the 1 ha-1 n t ' a-1 any sleep since the flrt explosion J'rl day nishL They were hasBard. dis heveled, distrait and badly fright ened. Many of them said their homes were totally destroyed by the con cussions from the terrific explosions. Al roads leading from the dev astated zone In New Jersey were cluttered with refugees on foot "and in vehicles of all descriptions. Many women had babies In their arms and children clinging; frightened to their skirts. A rigid investigation of the dis aster has been begun by Colonel McCay under the direction of the commandant of the Department of the Uast. He refused to comment on this phase of the situation. T. A. Gillespie, president or the Morgan munition plant, during the day said he did not believe the ex plosions resulted frorie carelessness on the part of the employes and scorned -suggestions of a German plot. He slated that the tragedy was probably caused by the explosion of a kettle In unit 0-1. Seventy In Building. Seventy men were at work In unit ,. , . .. ., . . , . t C-l when the blast let go. Eighteen HAVe heen e,nti.frA.l Cv l.t.....l-" have been accounted for. fiiiuuuu GOO employes of the plant are missing, many of these are believed to have fled the district. The majority of them were foreigners. Eleven members of the coast guard are missing, seven are in hospitals suffering from shell shock and one Is said to be dead in the Perth Amboy morgue with his head and arms blown orr. Only by the fact that pre-deviaed plans were made, were many trans ports tied to nearby wharves and loaded with munitions for the Ameri can forces overseas saved from de struction. The vessels, together with many barges loaded with trains of shells were towed to safety by the coast guard. Arros Fly Over Plant. While the conflagration was still raging with intense fury and con tinuous explosions" prevented the work of fire fighters, aeroplanes were pressed into service for observation work over the plant. Extraordinary precautions were taken throughout the day to protect ISO tons or T. N. T. stored In an underground vault a considerable dis tance from, the conflagration. It was reported that fragments of bodies were found on the tracks of the Jersey Central railroad 1,000 feet from the GllIesple plant. 1 When the explosions started Fri day night at 7:30. about 2,000 men were at work In the plant and 1,000 were In recreation rooms about the crounds The hlaats were rnntlnttniit from that time until late this after-1 noon. j Heavy explosions rocked down town New York. Severai doors of. the City Hall were blown open and windows were shattered in the cus toms house. p,i.i. h.,eH Tt,rHnZ th. .ft., Explosions heard during the after-. Town Devastated. noon within a radius of forty miles from Morgan were from box cars loaded with shells to be shipped from the plant. The town of Morgan has been de vastated and South Amboy Is badly wrecked. All residents have left the latter place and hundreds have fled fiom Perth Amboy. Those who re main are camping In the streets. All business houses were closed and mar tial law Is In force to prevent looting of tne abandoned homes. THIRD BIG BLAST IN NEW JERSEY NEW YORK, Oct. 6. New Yorkers recall the Gillespie munition plant explosion as the third In the big New Jersey powder district since the beginning of the war. The second w.-i that at Klrkland. N. J.. January 11. 1017, when tons of loaded shellsillne Drives, bombarded the whole countryside following Are thnt wiped out mi Canadian Car and Foundry Company. This casastrophe practically destroy ed Klngsland and did damage to property estimated at 16,000,0O0. The first big disaster In the New Jersey munitions district occurred July 30. 1016. when explosions that rocked New York occurrea ai duck Tom, near Jersey City, destroying thirteen warehouses, six piers, four barges, a tugboat, and eighty-five freieht cars. One hundred were in- Jured and six were killed. REBUILDING WILL BE BEGUN MEDIATELY The work of rebuilding the Gillea pie Loading Company's plant at Mor gan. N' J., which was wrecked by a series of explosions yesterday, will be started at once, the War Depart- ment has announced. Officer of the construction division awarded the contract to the T. A. Gillespie Pons' .- t..i . 1. ., ... a oi ill hnmintr and nrrhliects already have been itent to the .cenr. 10 BEE Major Raymond V. Tullman. Supar- Intendent of Police, yesterday in - structed all members of the police -Awrrr.. per - tlHy. "all members of the police force have been directed to strictly enforce the provisions rcaiiirint: al dogs to be muzzled v.hcn running at large, within the District, Persons allowing) their dogs to run at large without a muzzle will be placed under arrestj and fined." i lMward Hall, nine years old. 1439 1 .. ..A .... nnrlllll1..) U'U. th . ..i. r .... .i.r.it7tH rfin idiortly after the order was issued, x- :i.ii ... ni.rinr in front nf his home when lie was bitten on the. right ajtkle by a stray dog. The boy's uound was cauterized nt the Eraer- gency Hospital. Ills condition is not serious. LIDlfUN TRENTON TRI2NTON. N. J.. Oct. 0. -The city commlssinn hasordered the closing of all churches, schools, theaters, saloons, dance halls, etc., as influenza, epidemic. result of the DOG MUZZLE LAW NFORCED 44 "FLU" DEATHS N D. C. IN ONE DAY (Continued from First Page.) the epidemic, but the volunteers are not half sufficient for the great need. Commissioner Brownlow last nlghtl called on Washington newspapers to refrain from printing advertisements from other sections of the country asking for nurses. We need ail the nurses In the District of Columbia, and a great many more," Commis sioner Brownlow declared "We hope none of them will be tempted to go away." Every physician has patients suf fering from Influenza, and local hos pitals are crowded to capacity. Many drug stores have had their stocks of so-called "home-remedies" ex hausted. 1 wo nunurca icicpuuut; upn.uo of the Chesapeake nd rotomac Tele- , .. ..a.... am. ....A.e.t t.. pnonc uonipony wudjr aic .wmi . their homes suffering from bpamsa Influenza, or severe colds. Officials of the telephone compan ies state that the service has been crippled about 18 per cent .and that every possible means of prevention Is being used to check the spread of the disease. The telephone company employs about 1,300 girl operators. About half of them ar,e Washlngtonlana and the remaining number out-of-town girls who are being housed In several homes in the city bought by the company. In these, places about 6ne hundred girls are on the sick list. A physician of the company Is in charge of these girls and they are visited each day. Outdoor Services. AH services scheduled for Washing ton churchesModay will be held out doors. With the closing of churches by the Commissioners the pastors of the city have arranged for outdoor services. A majority of them have arranged for lawn services. Special care will be taken to see that the people are seated a good distance apart and that there Is no danger of the spread of Influenza. All serv ices will last an hour or less. All mibllc funeral services are to b(,dlSCS.Uee', "orllne to Hea"h 'S . nH, In churches will ryt be held. Dr. Fowler stated that he was opposed to any service In churches, and funerals were no excep tion In this case. Watch Navy Workers. AH civilian and enlisted persons or ,h, Naw DeDartmenta In Washing- . . . .,. e en,i,h IUU VUU BUW9 J..,W,M w. - - Influenza are being sent to their homes, according to Surgeon General W. C. Braisted. U. S. N' who has Is- ued orders which allow all persons ..., ,,, , . homes. rlllU a &iSW , Haa.SK v o" -" " Sureeon Braisted told ino limes that while he had not ordered tu persons suffering only from colds to be sent home, a close survey was being kept over all enlisted and civ ilian persons In the department. Enlisted men are given medical treatment by physician of the navy. The civilian employes who go to their homes have their own phy sician as the. navy only tends to en listed persons. List of deaths. The seventeen deaths' from Influ enza reported after 2 o'clock yester day follow: Marshall La. Verne, twenty-four years old. Emergency Hos pital; Edmund Bowie, thirty-one years old, 332 E street northeast: Stephen Feeley, twenty-six years old, Walter Reed Hospital; Grace Goodhart. twenty-eight years old. 52 F street north west: Joseph E. Kelly, thirty years old, 2131 Newport place northwest: Fred Warner, twenty-two years old, Washington Asylum Hospital: Made- thirty years 01a, -ua rvirtn.c street- Sllverlo ciizario. twenty-two years old. George Wash ington University Hospital: Louis Bunch, thirty-two years old, 033 Vir ginia avenue southwest; Mallnda Purdy, colored, sixty years old, 461 Washington street northwest; Richard Barry thirty-five years old, 1327 Bu chanan street northwest; Lusle Har iris. Washington" Asylum iiospnai Lou)s Sauft, thirty-six years oiu. providence Hospital: Oliver Williams, len year 0id, R05 Fourth street south- .,. r,,.h neete nineteen years old. Providence iiospnai, ww uj . llre. forty-four years old. of 333 K street northeast. 653 W DEATHS IN ARMY CAMPS A total or 633 Influenza deaths In ar-mv nmiM. the greatest number j t reported for a twenty-four-hour , announced by the War , !""" . , . ,,,, Yesterday's Department last night. lestcrdas I rnnrt nhiiWfd oilO. Tho number of now cases report- etl was 17.r.s3. an Increase of 4.408 over yesterday's report. The 2.H1 new pneumonia cases which developed in the last twenty four hours represent an Increase of l.'JST over yesterday. The total number of cases now reported Is H1.00r. with 12.370 cases of pneumonia and W22 deaths. Camp Taylor reported the Kreatest number of new cas"8 yesterday with t '.cr 7"n I-'riHav. renresent- l lnc the greatest increase in any j camp. Camps Sherman ana u report large totals of new case 1 pneumonia, but Funston sliowc camp. Camps Sherman ana unni cases ui ed a d-"ease in new "'""'"""-; 1 -'n f cus"r , Wi CINCINNATfHAS 4,000 GRIP CASES CINCINNATI. Ohio. Oct. It -Cin' rinnatl schools, theaters, moving pic tures. and churches were otderel closed tod.iv at a meeting of the city board of health, following a confer- ence witn school ineaicr ..u ......... leriui rcuicafinmtit.. The Liberty loan parade of October 1" also was order abandoned. It is estimated CIclnnatI now has 4.000 cases of Influenza and grippe. RICHMOND HARD HIT RICHMOND, Va, Oct. G. Churrhes, i theaters ana scnoois nave ocen or- I dered closed on account of the Span- Says Flyers Learn Stunts In Eight Hours or Never t Difficult as stunt flying appears to the uninitiated, all the tricks at command of the dare-devil aviator can'be learned in seven or eight hours, or not at all. the War Department announced yes terday. An official statement describ ing work done at thirty aviation schools shows that only a. few have the necessary 'stuff to be come stunt aviators. Stunts form a sort of post-graduate course at the flying schools, and Instruct ors soon And whether or not a man has the necessary qualifica tions, the report says. Practically all the aces In all the flying squadrons know every stunt In the trick book, the re port adds. ' i Ish Influenza', in recommendations cent the administrative board by Dr. Roy K. Flanagan, chief health officer of this citj. G. W. U. CLOSED BY "FLU" EPIDE All branches of George Washing ton University have been ordered closed Indefinitely because of the epi demic of Spanish Influenza. The order becomes effective at once. Decision to close the Institution was reached late yesterday afternoon by Dr. William Miller Collier, president of the university, after consultation with' the authorities. All classes will be suspended until the epidemic in the city hss been well checked. The branches affected by the order are the college of engineering, Co lumbian college, teachers college, the school of graduate studies, the law school, the medical school, the dental college, the college of veterinary medicine, and the national college of pharmacy. Approximately 2.600 stu dents are affected. Classes attended by .the 300 mem bers of the students' army training corps unit at the Institution will be suspended, along with the otherclass es, but it is possible the student sol diers will be called out for the reg ular dally drills. A definite decision on this point, however, has not yet been reached. But Dr. Collier has an nounced that the army physical exam inations for the admittance of stu dents to the unit will be continued. All student activities will be dis continued until the reopening of the Institute)". TO FIGHT TLUT HERE To aid in the light against Span ish Influenza, which" is taxing the country's medical and nursing re sources to the utmost. Canadian nurses are to be enlisted, the Ameri can Red Cross announces. The neces sity for continuing assignments to foreign service and at the same time supplying nurses for cantonments, shipyards, munitions plants, and other war Industries, has created a situation that cannot be met by American nurses alone. Red Cross of ficials said. To enlist the co-operation of Can adian nurses a Canadian committee on nursing service has been organ ized by Jane A. Delane. director or the Red Cross department of nursing, and a call has been sent to Canada for 300 graduate nurses to be sent to Boston Imemdiately, and twenty-1 Ave to the National Capital, where the situation has become acute. Miss ' Elizabeth Flaws, of Wellesley Hos pital. Toronto, and Miss Jean Gunn. of Toronto Hospital, have been ap pointed to head the committee ana to secure the nurses needed. In the New England division of the Red Cross, where the Influenza epidemic is at its worst, there are 44S nurses In the field, three-fourths of whom have been assigned to tem porary duty with the military es tablishments, the remainder caring for the needs of the civilian popula tion. LOUISIANA SUFFERS NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 6. The Span ish influenza epidemic continues to spread In Louisiana, according to re ports reaching mc oiaie Doaru oi health headquarters here today. THhirty-seven new cases were re ported in up-State parishes before 10 o'clock this morning. Thirty new cases were reporteu ai mc v-uaxny, Hospital. Twenty cases and one death were recorded at Jackson Barrack. There are now 425 cases of the mal auv at the Algiers naval training sta tion and at the West End cantonment.! New cases are being reported hourly, it is stated. GRIP HITS MEMPHIS MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Oct. C With war contracts In local factories held up because so many workers are ill with Spanish influenza, the city health of ficer has called a meeting of all phy sicians in the city to decide whether or not to order all theaters, movies, schools, and churches closed for a week. The city Is considering asking every person in the city to be Innoculated with an anti-influenza bacterln. MAX'S PROGRAM TO SEEK PEACE AMSTERDAM. Oct 6.- Copies of the Berlin Vorwaerts received here de clare Socialists will enter the govern ment of Prince Maximilian because It is the duty of the government to at tempt a quick restoration of peace. The Tageblatt df-clarea Prince Max's program Is to bring peace to the Ger man people Srad the Ammunition Over. Liberty Beads. Boy M CANADIAN NURSES U. S. IS FAR BEHIND L (Continued from First Page.) all volunteers for the great LlbcQJ.' loan canvass will simultaneously ring 500 doorbells of homes In all' sections of the city, and start the movement of the play which vVllV continue without Intermission, ariif without change of scenes, until every house) has been visited and very Inmate has been given oppor tunity to plac his or her name, the nation's honor roll by buying, bonds of the greatest war loan avej, floated by the mightiest nation "os the globe. Prominent PeraoBsw Included among the 240 team cap tains and the several thousand v6l anteer workers are men and women high In official, business, and profes sional Ufa In the Nation..! Capital, and hundreds of less prominent, but no less patriotic and earnest, mes and women who responded to the call of the Liberty Loan Commlttes am) made possible the carrying out ofithn great plan. Secretary of the Tress? ury McAdoo himself will be amt&k'i the canvassers not. however, aa Sec retary of the Treasury McAdoo. but as William G. McAdoo, citizen -sf Washington, who wants to see''Krr home town lead the country In Llb, erty loan subscriptions. There als'ot. will be bank presidents, promlnrnfcl business leaders, lawyers, doctors.- In surance men. Government workri merchants, mechanics, and. In fWJ' representatives of every class of ti-. more than 400,000 people who maSe np the population of Washington. If?" The drama tomorrow for It willed a drama, with not a line of comedy ir " It will be In marked contrast wHln the other great Liberty loan dejntmJt tratlons which have been hefditim Washington. There will be no bands no oratory, no waving of flags am) ringing of bells (except door benfr and no effort toward the spectacular. The drama will be. serious, very -serious, for added to the Influenza men ace which threatens the city, is itisrj deeper feeling in the minds azM hearts of the people of the DlstrefJ who realize that while It Is being en acted young men from these i4rSTa Washington homes are laying ddws their lives on the fields of Frajrcejitj a supreme sacrifice in the grtfiT cause for which the money Is beinjtj raised. 3t Most Set Pace Here. 'KOO Added to this Is the further fact that Washington as the Capital .oj the United States Is expected to pit the pace In loan subscriptions for th,; entire country, and that the record 6lo Washington In the fourth Llberlf loan will be Interpreted by Berlin raw Indicative of the spirit of the Unltata States of America. It was this adayf -responsibility that caused the WPf. erty loan committee forty-eight hguxf' ago to abandon altogether piAS4 which It had taken months to prepafKo and led to their determination l place the problem squarely before Un people of Washington, for .their ,.J(f, rious and conscientious action. Klj-, The wisdom of this course, and thi success of the plan already aresTS sured. No stronger evidence of (Mi Is needed than yesterday's record1? bond sales of any one of the fortj?.,, three Washington banks. Fridais afternoon the appeal was made tPf to go to the banks and enter thai) subscriptions at once, so as to mjl(tj the work of the canvassers easy. aHf" with It came an announcement from all the banks that they would Tsyj main open until 6 o'clock to recrtvri subscriptions. ,J "Shed your dollars our boys ,w shedding their lives." and "Buy ar the Liberty bonds you can affordytt1 buy then buy more," are somet'teO the Liberty loan slogans which wVrt, thrown on a large white cloth cover ing the window of The Times busl ness office In the Munsey bulldlnf last night while a throng of -,, hundred pepole heartily applauded. Most of the Liberty loan slogant were sent to The Times by patrloltfc, Washlngtonlans for publication. Some of the slogans thrown on tlw? screen were: "Our boys are fighting their waj.t to Berlin will you furnish the aju, munition?" 'A Liberty Bond In time may ixti nine of our boys." ... "The privilege of fighting Is de nied to many tne privilege of lnJrjr Ing is open to all buy Fourth Lib erty Bonds today." ,. "What are you doing to win ini war? Opportunity knocks but once Liberty Bonds IS IT." "After the war you will have t show what you have done. A Lib erty Bond Is the best evidence." ro Accompanying the slogans, a nura ber of views of America's most fargj ous Liberty loan posters were throw.t on the screen. These posters weM, done by some of the greatest artfs-V of the present day. and did not fal to bring hearty applause from th crowa. . The exhibit was In charge of ty t-.-i-k Ik..... T.,n PAmmlltM. filial The Times furnished the news bul letins that were shown between thJ, pictures. JOHN K. HAYES MANAGER-.-. John K. Hayes, one of the oldest tint best known salesmen In this city f- a quarter of a century, has been ai" pointed general manager of the metf stores of W. D. Tennille. one of whic." Is located at till G street northweati while another is to be located in m;a new Mather building, now In course K construction on the site of the ale National Rifles armory. Mr. Hayes ii receiving congratulations on the sti he hss taken, and the good wishes qi his many friends follow him into hil new sphere of usefulness. LOANS On Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry ' (South of Highway Bridge)' C1US1.US3 TRANSACTED KXCLU MVELY THERE. Tax cars at ISth at. and Pennsyl. vanla ave. for south end of Hlghwaj Bridge. On car ticket each way. OAN SCHEDULE I1ESIND0WAI1 IN BOOSTING LOAK