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180 "DEVIL DOGS" HOME, WOUNDED NEWPORT NTWR. Ya.. Jan. IT ? On? hundred and Slghty marine?, vet eraas of nearly every battle in which American troops took part in France, left here today for the Norfolk Navy Yard. These marines arrived here TMterday on the battleship Virginia. All have been wounded. The battleship Rhode Island, having for a passenger Lieut. H. Gordon Campbell, the famous American naval aviation ace, arrived here within a short time after the Virginia docked. Mora than 2,000 men were aboard these two battleships. The seventh anti-aircraft unit, known as the Margaret Wilson Bat talion, composed largely of B<imo reans, was aboard the Virginia. Of the 2.000 men on these two bat tlaahips few had seen action. A ma jority of the men were preparing to go into action when the armistice was signed. LENINE IN FLIGHT; ARRIVES IN SPAIN LONDON, Jan. 17.?Nlcolai Lenine. Bolshevik premier of Russia, has ar rived at Barcelona. Spain, said an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Madrid today, stating that the infor mation had been received there ?rom Barcelona in a private telegram. There has been no prvious report of Lenine leaving Russia, and it wa<? rumored a short time ago that 'Le nine had been arrested at Moscow for opposing Trotzky's insistence upon a continuation of the reign of terror. MINING PLANT BURNS. BUTTE, Mont.. Jan. 17.?Damage estimated at Jl.200,000 was caused by a fire which swept the Sawumet plant and elevator of the Anaconda Mining Company at Bonner early today. The immense yard, containing from forty to fifty million feet of lumber, and the planing mill escaped serious dam age. Millions Use It For Colds Because 'Tape's Cold Compound" relieves cold or grippe misery in a few hours?Really wonderful 1 Don't stay stuf fed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! A do?e of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two' hours until three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either In the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-tip nos- > trlls and air passages; stops nasty discharge or no?e running; relieves sick headache, dullness, feverish ness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness, and stiffness. ? "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts withou.t assistance, tastes nice and cause's no incon venience. Don't accept a substitute. Insist on "Pape'a"?nothing else. Here's What Artti-Saloon League Will Do To Make The Whole World Dry j ? World-wide prohibition is now the aim of the "drys,"| and the resources of the powerful prohibition organizations in this country, principally the Anti-Saloon Leagne of America, will now be throWn into the fight for this end, it was announced here today by Edwin C. Dinwiddie, legis lative representative of the league, following the great ac complishment of the "dry" forces yesterday in the com pletion of the ratification of the national prohibition Con stitutional amendment, providing for a ''dry" United States in one year. "We are now going to give all the assistance we can in the fight for prohibition throughout the world," said Dinwiddie. Dry Speakers Will Go Abroad. The Anti-Saloon League and other prohibition organisation* will aid prohibition organizations in other countries to reorganise, and will stimulate the organisation of rew forcer where there are now none, to give strength to the movement. Pro hibition speakers will be sent to oth er countries to enlist new followers, and the vast ' amount of literature and statistics, showing the advaat* ages of prohibition, \Of the American "drys" will be used in the other coun tries. Also, the Anti-Saloon L<eague will work in conjunction with inter national prohibition organizations, such as the International Order of Good Templars, the largest Interna tional "dry" body in the world. The American prohibition forces will not conduct campaigns In other | countries on their own Initiative, but will confine their activities to ren dering "assistance" to the local forces, thus preventing International compli cations. The Anti-Saloon League will also aid in the passage of legislation to enforce the new law when it goes Into effect and will help in the work of enforcement, Dinwiddle said. The enforcement of national pro hibition will probably rest with the Internal Revenue Bureau of the Treasury Department. The bill to make the amendment operative will Swift & Company's 1918 Earnings How They Affected You \ During the twelve months ended Nov. 2, 1918 (its fiscal year), Swift & Company transacted the largest volume of business on the smallest margin of profit in its history. Profits of the meat business?under regulations of the United States Food Administration?were limited to a maximum of 9 per cent on capital employed but not to exceed 2 Yz cents per dollar of sales. Swift & Company in the regulated departments earned 7.57 per cent on capital employed and 2.04 cents per dollar of sales, out of which had to be paid interest on borrowed money and taxes. Here is how these earnings affect you. Live-Stock Raiser? Swift & Company killed 14,948,000 head of livestock, which weighed alive, 4,971,500,000 pounds. Swift & Company made a profit of only a fraction of a cent per pound liveweight Consumer? The sales of our meat departments were 4,012,579,000 pounds on which our earn ings were less than Vi cent per pound. The per capita consumption of meat in the United States is given as 170 pounds. If a consumer purchased only Swift & Company's products, he would contribute only about 78 cents a year, or 1 Yz cents a week as profit to the company Swift & Company, U.S. A. Washington Local Branch, 10-14 Center Market D. T. Dutrow, Manager j alao probably be drawn up by the bureau. To Fix Heavy PeaaltlH. Internal Revenue Commissioner Roper will face one of the most dif ficult tasks in the world should the work of enforcing the new law de volve upon that bureau. It was point ed out. Heavy fines and imprison ment penalties for importation, man ufacture by Illicit stills or otherwise of alcoholic beverages, transporta tion, sale, gift, or any other dispo sition of such beverages must be provided and carried out. "I have not carefully planned the work of administering prohibition, and do not know what we shall need," said Commissioner Roper to day. "We do not know under what kind of an organisation we shall act, the number or character of men we shall need, or where they will be needed." The new law does not interfere wMth the manufacture and distribu tion of alcoholic liquor for legitimate scientific, pharmaceutical, and sacra mental purposes, which will doubt less be provided for in careful rules and regulations which Congress will authorise. Dinwiddle pointed out. And while distillers are prepared to wage a $1,000,000,000 fight to prevent the operation of the law, have ap pointed a committee to carry on ;i\e fight, and have announced, througn their chief of counsel, Levy Mayer, that twenty-two States have consti tutions requiring a referendum vote of citisens to ratify a constitutional amendment, and intend to carry tho fight into the courts on the ground that this provision of the State con stitutions was violated in the ratifica tion of the amendment, prohibitionist ; here are confident that all efforts to sidetrack the operation of the law will be unsuccessful. Calls Amendment VaHd. "Article 0 of the Constitution says that an amendment shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States," said Dinwiddie. "State constitutional amendments providing for initiative and referendum, and similar State laws, do not control in matters arising under the Constitu tion of the United States, and laws in pursuance thereof, and. therefore, the ratification is complete when the legislature has acted and does not de pend upon any subsequent action by the voters of the States. I do not hesitate to believe that the courts will hold that no State law, whether statu tory or organic, can change the plain meaning of the Federal Constitution, which is the supVeme law of tlie land." Denial was also made by Dinwiddie of the statement of State Department officials that the amendment will be come effective one year from the date of a proclamation by the Secretary of State announcing that the amend ment has been ratified by the re quired number of 8tates. Only four teen of the thirty-six States that have ratified have notified the Secretary of State officially of their action, and ft is held in some quarters that delay in such notification will equally delay the date on which the amendment be comes operative. Under the Constitution, however, according to Dinwiddie, an amend ment becomes valid as part of the Constitution when it is ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the States, and that, therefore, the prohi bition amendment became part of the Constitution yesterday, when this ac tion was completed, and becomes op erative one year from yesterday. "The result of yesterday is the cul mination of generations of effort in favor of temperance, total abstinence and prohibition by individuals and organizations throughout the coun try." Dinwiddie said. "The first suggestion of a national prohibition amendment* of which there is any record was made in ? Grand I^odge of Good Templars about forty-six years ago, and the first joint resolution of Congress proposing to submit such an amendment to the States was introduced in the House of Representatives, December 27, 1876, by Henry W. Blair, of New Hamp shire, who is still living In Washing ton," he poinied out. 450 MILLIONS IN REVENUE IMPOSED ON ALL DRINKS Revenues aggregating 1450,000,000 are Imposed on beverages in the war revenue bill, agreed on by the Senate and House. Conferees on the bill cast their vote Just before word was received that Nebraska, the thirty-sixth State, had ratified the dry amendment. A tax of $tf.40 will be collected on each gal lon of distilled beverages. Oil ea?'h barrel of beer a tax of $6 will be made. Another Senate amendment calls for a tax of 1 cent on each 10 ccnts paid for ice cream, soda water, and other such refreshments. This, it is estimated, will raise $37,000,000. GLASS URGES NATION"TO BEGIN ITS 1919 SAVING Secretary Glass today called -upon all America to begin its 1919 waving. It's a good day- to start. Glass says, because 213 years ago today, Benjamin Franklin, the apostlo of thrift, was born. Franklin's picture appears on the I 1919 war savings stamps. I Swift A C?m?>any'? aalea of be?jf In Well ington. D. C., for tha week anting Satur day, January 11, Hit, averaged aa follows: Domestic beef, 11.08 cunts.?Advt. "HELLO GIRL1 CALLS PRINCE A "DEAR." MISS MILTCENT MARTIN, Of Chicago, an American tele phone operator iq Coblens, who was the first Yankee girl to dance with the Prince of Wales at a re cent dance given at the Officers' Club in Coblens. Mies Martin la a graduate of Roanoke College In Virginia. She is assistant to tha chief of the exchange of the American army of occupation In Coblens. "The prlace Is a dear!" exclaimed Miss Martin after tha dance. WETS PLAN FIGHT ON NEW DRY LAW SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. IT.?Declar ing the Federal dry amendment has not been ratified by the necessary thirty-six States, and will not be un til the Federal Government haa been officially notified of each State's action, Theodore Bell, attorney for the California Wine Or overs' Associa tion, announced permanent Injunctions will be sought in every State where referendum laws exist. Governor Stephens. California, was temporarly restrained fr<ftn notifying the Federal Government of his State's ratification. CALVARY TO MAP PLANS . FOR $15,000 CAMPAIGN Plans for the $18,000 campaign next week to help lift the debt on Calvary M. E. Church will be formulated at a meeting of ISO volunteer canvassers In the church Dutlding, Columbia road, near Fifteenth street, this evening, at 8 o'clock. Edwin Williamson, campaign man- j ager, will preside. The team leaders, Mrs. Fred W. Behrens. Charlee S. Campbell, Herman F. Carl, Seward T. Covert, J. W. DeGrange, Mrs. Benja min Golds worthy, Mrs. Clark GrifTith, Paul F. Grove, Edward M Hall, J. L. Leverton, Mrs. C. McK. Salesman, W. H. Schmucker, Orlando H. Smith, J. j W. Thompson, and Kenneth V. VIpond, will be present. each with the alae other members of their respective tea me. ' Pledge cards and car da containing the naimt of the persons to be can vassed will be supplied the team lead er* the latter part of Udera will distribute portloaately uioac the The IMAM te b the debt on the Calvtry tf #*.000 Girls! Have Beautiful Hair Juat Like This Lustrous Hair?Soft?Fluffy Uined by Splendid Grower and Wofaderful Beautifier that f It's really a woman to beautiful hair la only r Batter tar thta 4 at 1'eaea Delighted All Nr>rlnll Uaick Aetiea of Partsdaa ? Nowadays all up-to-date wo want radiant hair, so eoft, fluffy, and abundant that It fascinates and compels admiration. When your ha. ?TT. streaked and falls out badly and .new hair canst grow, the roots must be vitalised and properly nourished Te de Ate aatckly. safely sad at Wttle sxyinsi fas re is Botklac so eCocthre as Pa rlataa Safe (liquid form) wbteh you rrTni* naraataod t sealp I ted as ? mote a new growth or funded. It's la great dam women of taste ard culture It makes the hsdr soft I easy to arrange attractively and ap pear much hoarier thaa It really ta A massage with Fnrtslaa Sago Is a real delight?easy to naa. not sticky or greasy, and d? irately por fumed??r, antiseptic iquld fTOS from dangerous Ingredient* and guaranteed not to oolor the hi saalp. It yon hair and plent Saga Don't del a little attention Ural hair for years to Hot Water Bottles About 2-qt ?Ire; *11 con* plete; *war ante?d per fect. About 2 <xt. ?ire. guaran teed perfect. Tremendous Savings-In All Five Stores There's Only One Way To secure a satin skin?apply Satin Cream, then Satin Skin Powder, Popular Cough Remedies . A.yer's Cherry Pectoral, three sizes, 98c, 53c, 29c Bochee's Cough Syrup, 69c. 25c Bell's Pine Tar Honey, 79c, 45c, 23c Bull's Cough Syrup, 49c, 25c Cedar Balsam 25c Creo-Terpin Compound, (Wampole's), pint .. .98c Chamberlain Cough Rem edy 49c, 29c Drake's Cough . Rem edy 39c Eckman's. Alterative, $1.39 and 69c Foley's Honey and Tar, 79c, 45c. 23c Hall's Cherry Expectorant will give quick relief; coughs, colds, and bron chitis. Two sizes, 50c and 25c Eckman's Calcerbs .... 45c Jayne's Expectorant, 89c, 45c, 25c King's New Discovery, two sizes 83c, 42c Penslar Sore Throat Remedy, gives imme diate relief to sore and irritable throats, 50c and 25c Piso's Cough Remedy, 25c Penslar Pine Tar Com pound Cod Liver Extract, mentholated, an excellent preparation for coughs, colds, and bronchitis, espe cially when deep seated and long standing cases: two sizes? Luclt Cocoa Batter Cold Cream ?#?????????????????? La Creole Hair DretsiBi:....! Lyon's Tooth Powder or ?p* Ptite ?#?????????????????? Mead St Baker s Mouth Warti. 3 sizes HJVr. 4*c amd : Pyorrhcoide Ponder I Pebeco Tootb Pa*t? ' Penslar Vanishing Crtui. S sizes. 85e Ul I Pinaud's Ve*etaJ Violet Q( or Lilac ...... W Parisian Sage < R. & G. Rice Powder I Sempre Oiovine ?vanltol Tooth Powder ! Sozodont Liquid 3 Vaseline Hair Tonic 3 sizes. ?Be aad Wild Root Hair Tonic, 2 sizes. Arnica Tooth Soap Arnica Cream Kf Arabian Egg Shampoo 45t Aubrey Sisters' Beauti Ber, small size Colgate's Brilliantine 85e Canthrox Shampco Duchesue Vegetal, ?violet QQ_ or lilac 0?7C D. & R. Cold Cream, in tubes, 42e, 21e aad 10c D. & R. Cold Cream in jars. ?1.2?, 79r. 4Zc aad Xtc Duchesne Almond Meal, OQ? large glass jars..: OI/V. Dorin's Brunette Rouge 45? Danderine Hair Tonic. 79f, 45* amd Z3c Glycerine. Rosewater and OQ? Benzoin; 8-oz. bottles.? Hinds' Honey and Al- AQg* anond Cream...... wv Hinds' Cold Cream 2So Java Rice Powder 8J?? Kolynos Tooth Paste 23r Lablache Pace Powder 4?c Liquid Arvon Brown's Bronchial Loz enges, two aiies? 15* and 2*c Gncho-Tone Cold Tablets five quick relief to a freak cold and act as a Of ?fid laxative WC Chloroform Throat Loz enges prevent dryness of the throat; screw can bottles 25c De Witt's Cold Tableta..25c Eckman's Calcerbs 4k Frog in Throat lie Formamint Tablets re- ' liere most all throat trouble 45c Grove's Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets 2Sc Grahams Mentholated Bronchial Lozengea five quick relief to 1C _ throat ilia IvC Bill's Cascara Bromide Quinine Tablets 21c Hawes* Cold Banters, a mild laxative that will re lieve your cold in- OP ?tantly Humphrey's No. 77.... 2Sc Hurlburt's Camphor Pills 21c Hancock's Camphor Menthol Lozenges.. .23c Javnes Expectorant Tablets 25c Laxative Cold Quinine Tablets, made especially for our five stores, 1 P . gives sore relief... IwC Munyon's Cold Tablets..23c Mason's Throat Lozen ges -..ltt Nyal's Huskeys relieve hoarseneas and bron chial trouble 2Sc Nyal's Laxarold Tablets for relief. Grippe and Influenza 25c Penslar Cold Breakers don't contain any heart Depressant, coal tar prod ucts act as a mild laxative and give quirk re- O C salts LOC P. D. 4 Co. Throat Pastilles lie Pape's Cold Compound..29c Quinine Pills or Cap sules; 2-gr. dor. 15ct 100 for 98c Rhinitis Tablets, half strength, relieve cold in head. 100 in bot tle 29c Full strength, 100 in bottle 49c Stone's Bronchial Loz enges 10c Vocaline Tablets contain Pars Formaldehyde, a wan derful preventive for all forms of throat OA. trouble OaFC White's Specific Face Cream.**? Wveth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Tonic, 2 sizes.8?e aad SSe Walnutta Hair Stain 4Se Pills or Capsules, 2-grain. Hoz. Half streartb Full strength 8-grain. Doz. in,oie? keep feet warm. Me IOO for SI .30 5-grain. Doz.. Pinex 2%-oz. bottles, make a pint of cough syrup 49c Penslar Cherry Cough Balsam gives quick results to the old and young that suffer from coughs, colds and bronchitis; three sizes. Ingram's Milkweed Cream It wards off the bad effects of wind and weather. Keeps the p o t e s thor oughly cleans ed and the texture of the skin soft. Alone among all beauty aids it has a positive thera peutic quality that keeps the skin healthy. Get a jar to day at "Peo ple's." Pertussin $1.15 Penslar White Pine and Spruce gives excellent re lief to fresh coughs, be cause it contains am monium chloride. which helps to prevent bronchitis. Oskf of Flanders Rey-Omo, Senator* (iato Key U>?trn Averta, l'erfe?-to? Don-Dfgo I,* Knedlna Segar I>e I.use Syrup of White Pine, plain or with tar, an old time formula still popular for coughs, colds and all forms of throat ills; three-ounce bottle ; Tonsiline gives relief to sore throats; three sizes 83c, 49c. Vapo Cresoline, com plete with lamp and medicine; every home with children should have one $1 Vapo Cresoline, three sizes $1.35, 49c, 2 Right Draft Klog? I.M Urnndea I .en Villa Idea Kl Stnto, Gems Kl Itea? So l.a l.aebaao I* l.iada Dottalajt* Fairbanks Diamond "C" and in true words your liver is not correct. To correct it simply take every night or so E. Z. Tablets Vinol, For Weak Systems, $1.00 Size, 87c Easy to take, easy to act, this little choco late-coated tablet is a wonder. With the bowels right, the constitution is right. Consti pation is blamed for many simple ailments. Try it today and tomorrow you will feel better. 100 in Package, 25c