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- - - ? ???1mmm??^ ??i???? ^^^??????w?^?? . '....W HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY ' . ? '?>-? ? ? ' . . n?i _ - Dinner Parties and Luncheons on Today's Program?Ball for Episcopal Eye, Ear and - " Throat Hospital to Be Gala Event?News of the Diplomats MRS. CHARLES a HAMLIN' entertained a distinguished little company at , luncheon today, her guests being asked to meet. Mrs. Albert Rathbo'na, wife of the new Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. - ? ? Miss Anna Hamlin will entertain at dinner next "Wednesday evening, taking her guests later to the ball for the benefit of the Episcopal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. I The Japanese Ambassador and t Viscountess Ishii left Washington yesterday for a trip through the Sotflh. They hare both been ill with Utftnenxa. "Txy 1 ? '**?-! Secretary Lane Ho??r bant. The Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Lane are the guests in othosn hbaor Congressman and Mrs. Iia C. Copley will entertain at dinner to night. There will be eighteen guests Secretary Lane, who went to New York night before last to make an address, and. who stayed at the As ter Hotel, returned to town today. Admiral Sir William Lowther Grant's flagship, H. M. S. Warrior, which has been at anchor in the Po tomac for more than a year, will sail today or tomorrow for New York. Admiral Grant and the members of his staff, who are returning to Eng land, will go as far as New York aboard the Warrior, but will cross the Atlantic on a liner. They expect to sail on January 31. >/. Mra. Edgerly Wed*. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Mrs. Mira Edgerly .and Col. Count Alfred Skarbek de Korzyb skl. The wedding took place this morning in the chambers of Associate Justice Ashley M. Gould, of the Su preme Court of the District of Colum bia. with a little group of intimato friends of the bride and bridegroom to Witness the ceremony. Mrs. Edg erly wore a traveling costume, and the bridegroom was in uniform. Colonel de Korzybski, who is of the old **oUsh nobility, was on the gen eral staff of the Russian army, saw active servics at the front, and was severely wouuded. He has recently been on duty with out army in ah ad- I vtsory capacity. His bride Is known | op two continents for her charming portraits on ivory, and an exhibition of her work is at present being held at the home of Capt. and Mrs. Perry Belmont. Brought up in California, Mrs. Edgerly has painted many of the leading personages of this coun try and Europe. She is spending this winter in Washington, and has a stu dio at Stoneleigh Court- ? The minister of the Netherlands, Jonkhecr J. T. Cremer, will return from New Vork today, and will be with Mme. Cremer at her first after noon at home. Mme. Cremer will be assisted by Mme. Sulzer, wife of the Swiss minister: Mrs. Frank L. Polk, wife of the Acting Secretary of State, and Mrs. Wiltiam Phillips, wife of the Assistant Secretary of State. She will be at home the remaining Fridays in January. Dr. Slavko Groiiitch, recently ap pointed minister of Serbia, and Mme. Groiiitch have taken an apartment at the Shoreham. The Secretary of the Legation aj?d Mme. Branko I^aaarevitch are estab lished in an apartment at the Hunt ington. Kntrr'.aln* for pieces. Mrs. John J. Hamilton will be hostess at tea this afternoon at her residence in Wood ley place, entertain ing in compliment to her nieces. Miss Elizabeth Hamilton and Miss Nannie Merrick Hamiltoij. Miss Nannie Ham ilton is a debutante of this season, and the engagement of'Miss Elizabeth Hamilton to Major William T. Tomp kins, Engineer Corps, U. S* A., has just been announced. Mrs. George E. Hamilton, mother of the honor guests:, Mrs. John Crayke Simpson. Mrs. Ashley M. Gould, and Mrs. William H. Reynolds will pre side in tile dining room. The little group t>f'young girls who will assist includes the Misses Katherine, Grace, and Elizabeth Beach, Miss Eleanor 'Gordon, Miss Marie Sims, and Miss Louise Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wallace will entertain guests at dinner tonight. Mr. and Mrs. William Corcoran Hill will also be among the dinneri hosts - tonight. Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Charles McCawley will be the honor guests. Mrs. Stephen B. Elkins, who was at home yesterday afternoon, was as- j sisted by her sister, Mrs. Arthur L>ee. Mrs. Philander C. Knoi. Mrs.- Henry F. Dimock and Mrs. George Almy Percy, who is spending the winter with Mrs. Elkins. Mrs. Knox and MISS ANNA HAMLIN, Debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. ifkmlin. Mrs. Dimock presided at the tea ta ble. y Lady Willert. wife of Sir Arthur Willert, will go shortly to Atlantic City for a visit. Sir Arthur, wfio is now in Paris at the peace confer ence, is not expected back until March. He was recently knighted. m Albert Rathbone, recently appoint ed Assistant Secretary of the Treas ury, and Mrs. Rathbone are cstaB 1106 G Street Saturday Extra Special 100 Coats THE SEASON'S BEST STYLES With Fur Collars and Self Trimmed Values $29.50 to $60 $19.95 $25 $39.50 NEW ARRIVALS IN SERGE DRESSES $25 Values. $1 fi.95 Special Saturday Aw All Winter Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists,- Millinery at Clearance Reductions THOUSANDS OF WAISTS Broken Lines Displayed on Tables?Dress and Business Styles Big Reductions at $1.69, $2.98, $3.98, $5 WHERE TO DINE AND LIVE Mortonique Restaurant Dinner. TO Cents. Luncheon. 40 Cent*. Special Sunday Turkey Dinner Southern Home Cooking. 2118 Pennsylvania Ave. N. W. THYSON HOTEL Cor. 7th and P SU. N. W. JC5T OPEJfBD Xerrly KnrnUkrd Rmw At RriMitblc Price* Beyer Bat aria, Proprietor. CHAPULTEPEC INN 2?SI HI* S?. H. W. ' Comfortable rooms, well furnish ed; llfbttd. and heated, for 2 or 3 Krsons. with trst class table ard; rates day. week, or month. Chapaltepee loa Dlatic Rmb. Break fa* t. 7 to 10 ?. n?. SOc DUsrr, |? to 8*? w m. Tie SPECIAL TIRKBT ?TODAY IJl.W.MCK |1J? 1 to 8:30 p. id. Ino2t-90t McPherson Cafeteria launchoon a La Carte. 11 :|t to i. ?r-Cof?o Diaaer 7*e ra-Cears* Diaaer Uc 916 Mcpherson place IStk. n?ar Kyo St. THE CAIRO Qtle St., next door to 16lh nw., modern steel fireproof atructure; rooma with bath, $2.50 per day; rooms with running hot and cold water. fJ.OO per day. de23tf H O T E L .Special afternoon (Tea 3 to C P. M. Breakfast LUNCHEON DINNER K? MrPberaon PIxm STREET RESTAURANT H27 V ST. >. ?. TABI.K U'HOTK DIV> lit 65c SKRV ia> 5 to 8 P. M. WONDERPtli FOOD j?ie RICHMOND DINING ROOM 17th and H Sts. N. W. Table d' Hotel, dinner $1.00 Table d' Hotel, luncheon .50 SpeciaP Weekly Hatra. Breakfast??':30 to 0:30 a. m. Luncheon?12:30 to 2 p. m. Dinner?? to 8 p. m. dei-tr SHEPHERD HOUSE, CORNER Hth and E STS. N. W. Room Mid Board Table board, ti M a Day. "'l-JS* LIBERTY LfNt'H. A place for ladir* and gentlemen, wh??re the b?*at the mar ket affords. The very beat help is em ployed. Whatever the season offers we I have. Our SERVICK is one of our beat aaaeta. aince it la of the highest order. \ Let uj? prove thia. 041 I'a. ave^N W. 7*11.301 DANCING D~-a-n-c-i-n-a TONIGHT Ifil New York Conservatory Pythian Temple, 1012 9th St. Special Jazz OrrhoHtra Popular Prices, Ladies, 25c i CKor. MSTOEIO'8 Orchestra; muele fur tiiahed for any function 1'hone Colum bia 446. Residence 2442 2l>tb al. N \V PRIVATE DANCING LESSONS Tuesdays and Thursdays. Miss BELK, tZl CIh at N *B THE RIGHTWAY STUDIO 012 104li ST. N. W., AT N. V. AVE. PROF. CAIN Personally In?(rri-| In* I teadi you *?ary ?'orre<t movement i.f your feet and body and to lead In all the latest ball-room dancing, l'rhate IrtxiiiN any haur, 76e. Open 10:30 a. m. to 10 gi, p. ni. I'taone Franklin 7Sit for appoint meat. ?| CLOVCiU. #13 2<d?Prlv. lea. any time 75c; Class Mon., Tuea.. Krl. eve.; orchca tra ball room for rent, W. 1129 l-Jatt-lf " learn how to dance ~ MR and MISS CLEMENTS. Private lessons. Toes., Ttiurs and Sat. Claas lesson*. llqn.. Wed. and Frl. ?# B St. N. B. Line. Hit. lished at 1710 M etreet" for the winter. Mrs. Lawrence Townsend has gone to New York to pass a few days with Miss Justine Van Rensselaer Town send, who was engaged to her son. the late Lieut. Lawrence Townsend, jr., U. S. N. Mrs. Raymond T. Baker has leased her villa, Ke-wo-ka, in Palm Beach, Kla.. to Mr. and. Mrs. Plorenz Zieg feld, Jr., who will occupy it the' rest of the winter. Congressman and Mrs. G. W. Fair child. of New York, have returned to Washington and are at the Willaro for the winter. Going to Ralttaaore. Miss Lelia Gordon will go to Balti more the middle of next week for a 'visit as the guest of Miss Dorothy Lyman Savage, daughter of Lieut. Comdr. Frederick Adams Savage. U. S. N. R. F., and Mrs. Savage. Com mander and Mrs. Savage will enter tain at dinner on the evening of Feb ruary '22. preceding the bachelor's co tillon in honor of their daughter and her guest. In Receiving I.Inc. Mrs. Thomas -Watt Gregory, Mrs. Colville Barclay, wife of the charge d'affaires of Great Britain, and Mine. Collardct, wife of the military attache of the French embassy, will be in the receiving line at the "Welcome Home Ball," to be given next Wednesday evening at the Willard for the benefit of the Episcopal Eye. Ear and Throat Hospital. Mrs. Watson Freeman Clark, president of the board of managers, and the vice president, Mrs. David Mead Lea, will also receive the guests. A number of dinner parties have been arranged to precede the ball. Mrs. Charles M. Ffoulke will enter tain in honor of Gen. Louis Collardet, military attache of the French em bassy, and Mme. Collardet. The Serb ian Minister and Mme. Grouitch are the guests in- whose honor Mrs. Walter Schoelkopf wilt give a dinner; and others who will entertain are Hear Ad miral and Mrs. Hlchardson Clover and Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hamlin, who arc giving a young people's dinner for their daughter. Miss Anna Hamlin. Mrs. William Morton Grinnell will also give a dinner before the dance, the party being arranged in honor of her debutante daughter. Miss Elisa beth Grinnell, whose birthday falls on the day of the ball. Mrs. Howard Hume is chairman of the young ladies' committee. She la assisted by: Mrs. Ffoulke Smith, Mrs. Hobert Taft, Mrs. Thomae Bowers. Mrs. Thomas Holcomb. Mrs. George LcRoy Boyle. Miss Mildred Bromwell, Miss Courtney Letts, Miss Frances Hopkins, Miss Anna Hamlin, Miss Margaret Harding, Miss Leila Gor don, Miss Adelaide Tuttle, Miss Mar garet Tuttle. Miss Cecilia McCallum, Miss Anita Henry, liiss Virginia Mi nor, Mt&s Adelaide Heath. Miss Caro line Nash, Miss Alys Downing, Miss Elsie Downing, Miss Mary Hellen, Miss Eleanor Johnson, Miss Marjorie Wright. Miss Elizabeth Hamlin Young. Miss Alice Requa, Mies Olyve Graef, Miss Elizabeth Hamilton. Misa Nannie Hamilton, Miss Ruth Hlteh cock. Miss Helen Langmuir, and Miss Florence Judge. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb O'Connor were hosts at luncheon at the Arts Club, having as their guests Mrs. Avery Coonley, Mrs. Flora M. Keefer, Mrs. Maud Maguire, Mrs. Arthur Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Jennings. Mrs. J. CampbelJ Cantrill will en* tertain the Political Study Club at her home, 1309 Kenyou street, this afternoon, and will present Mrs. Ed ward P. Costigan, who has just come back from the battle fronts, and who will describe her experiences. Mrs. Arthur McDonald, a recently elected member of -the club, who is president of the Womens Clinic, will also speak. The talented young daughter of Mrs. Cantrill, Miss Margaret Rippy, will give a musical program. Now For Big SavingsI 9he Famous 9lew.ark SHOE/or WOMENi ""THEIR regular prices were $3.50 and $5.00?and at these prices they were by far the biggest value? i n shoes for women in this city. It's the end of our season, now, and ??> make short work of the balance of our stock of these superlative shoes, we have re duced them to $2.45 and $3.95 per pair. Choose your pair tomorrow. EXTRA SPECIAL 51.38 and SI (0 Wcbss'i Kota 89c 75e. Bath Sllgpsrc 19c. Cor? Curt 7c !Cc 0'. fcriard't Cut *sdl!iirlcii.cs. 7? Iflt Dr, Berijfd'e Ccthlet, Cork Fait lasalaa 7c Oxfords and Pumps. Exact mod-La that rnont puiicukt of women will wear this Spring and Summer at Metropolitan Fashion Centers. $3.59 to $5.00 ?fleii).Gr? Sfiee Go. f LARGEST RETAILERS OF SHOES IN THE WORLD. Women's and Men's Stores in Washington ,506 9th Street I 1112 7th Street ;Br|nrrn E and F StaJ Brlnrrn I, and 51 Ma. Opi-n Nlicbt* Olirn M?hl? 913 Penna.Ave. Met. 9tb and Kith Mh. Oprn Oiiluid.iy Mjtltta *THE BUSYCORNER* PENNA.MLAT 8 TH Final Clearance of Broken Lots At the Little Folks' and Children's Store ?Mothers, if your chikl's size is here, you can find some mighty big bargains m quality apparel in the clear-away. ?Children's Coats, broke? lota in 2 to 7 year rises, bat not all sizes- Corduroys, chinchillas, broadcloths, and whipcords, formerly $9J6 to $38.96, reduced to ? $6.95 to $21.00 Girls' Serve Dresses, broke* sixes from linos that were SSJt to $27JO. to cloee at $7.50 to $18.50 ?Children's Gincham Presses, sixes 7 to 12 year*, #1 qq were $2^0, reduced to. ?Children's broken line< $5.96, to el Gingham that were $2.96 to $2.50 to $5.00 ?Children's Sweater Salts, 2 to 6 Tear sixes, con sisting of sweater, cap, mittens and leggings, in khaki, old rose, Copenhagen, turquoise and (K,. to clM .. 5895 jjjhJ ?Children's H. A W. Waists, made of ftne brie, with embroidery and lace trim nun*, ?nth ribbon beading. Sizes 4 to 12 years, fiA. 85? values. Saturday ....: 03fC Kann'i?Second Floor. . at _ ' v ' t V ' i .. . vj.1' i .1/, n.-*? ? i, , ) 1 kft- ' Cotton Filled Comforts At Clearance Prices ?Two extra good values that you will need to secure at once as they will go out very -quick ly at such reductions. ?Cotton Filled Comforts, with silkoline covers, both sides alike; size 72x78 in., regular $4 00 quality, special #0 /?Q tomorrow .......... ?Cotton Filled Comforts, with silkoline covers; fancy centers, and plain borders to m^trh predominating color. 72x78 in. size. $5.00 values, fljO ftp special tomorrow vJ?W Kann'i?Street Floor. | *? , * *' ?! The Women of Generous Proportions Enthusiastic Over the . . - % . Extra Size Separate Skirts ?Advertised for TTrursday'a selling. We still have plasty of those ? m attractive styles of soeh popular materials as poplin, Chudda cloth, and black and blue ;?Deep pleated, box pleated, and yoke top styles, ; gathered, backs, and plain fronts. At $9.75, $10.00, and $12.95 ? - ! ?Another Lot of Skirts, are of silk poplins, in black, blue, and ! gray; others are of all wool serges, and there are a few in mixed J effects. These are made with deep yokes, or with fullness all !? around; trimmed ?Hh1 buttons, also with fancy pockets; majority have deep belts. Choice Kub'i?Second Floor, i ?epoa>aat>oooso?lasoQtooasfrasooSoaa??laso?aas?s?o $6.95 ; r. {) ^ ^., TWO ESPECIALLY STRIKING BLOUS& MODELS AfTl f *: * j -v. .. ?Both are unusually charming,-as are the other models at this price. - ? .?-? ?One of these new styles is made of fine Georgette crape and is a round neck style in frsnt, with a bib effect formed with the beautiful and effective embroidered de sign; has sailor collar back. The embroidery is in French blue, on white, flesh, and sunset colored Georgette. ?The other style is a high-neck blouse, fine tucked ? front, with the new artist collar and little - black ribbon bow tie. This also is of Georgette ,and is shown in white, flesh color, and blue. ?Other models at the above price are in white, flesh, and a good variety of the wanted suit shades. ?Nearly all sizes to select from. Kami's?Second Floor. >?*?? Some Good Things for Saturday in the Candy Store -Satin-finished Stick Candy and \ss-rte'1 Hard Cannes packed in a glass jar. Regularly 20c a jar. Special Saturday a 15c 69c Spe ?Chocolate Cream Fudge, filled with almonds. cial Saturday, a pound ?KANN'S KAPITAL K ANDY, a big fresh supply of this delicto as candy all ready for Saturday'*? puiohas rs.. Ipn't >"t a delight to buy what you want again of this famous candy? The oest f?Q*? in the city at the price. Pound Kann'i Street Floor. The Coming Promises to Be One of Pleatings ?^Ve have a wonderful line of sttractive styles in Georgette Pleatings, in a good ranre of colors, some with hemstitched hem in contrasting colors. Pleatings are in both pointed and straight effects. A yard, $1.00, $1.25 & $1.75 The Very Hand Bag and Strap Back! Book You Want * 1 Is probably in this special lot and at a reduced price because we must lower present stocks at once. ?Velvet Handbags, in colors only. Were $5.00 to $8.00, to close*at ?Strap-back Books, in black and colors. W ere S2.00, to close at ?Strap-back Books, in black and, colors, also a few handbags. \Vere $2.50 and $3.00, to close at. .< o.. ?Strap-back Books, in black and colors, also a few handbags. Were $3.50 to $5.00, to close at _ . . . x V* . . * * ? * f . '? ' % .. .- . ?_ /? -% ?Duplex Lock Bags, cannot conie open; black only. Were $1.25, to close at ..." $2.00 $1.50 $2.00 $3.00 $1.00