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"WHEN A MAN LOSES HIS HEAD HE SHOULD MAKE AN EFFORT AT LEAST TO HOLD HIS TONGUE," SAYS SWAMPOODLE PETE r > Zeb Milan May Become Indian, With Janvrin Becoming a Griff The Times' Complete Sport I Harris Coleman Win Lead I Of Football Coacbes at VirfM Staff* 1^1 Outdoor Sports (Copyright, ISIS, by the International New? Service.) By TAD (Copyright, 1?U. by th? Intern*tlon*l N??? S?rvic? ) Stupid GRIFF MAY SWAP MILAN TO OBTAIN HAL JANVRIN By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. You cant get anything for nothing, not these days, and Clark Griffith is learning this rapidly over in New York. He wants a first class infielder, either Jack Barry or Hal Janvrin, in exchange for a second class outfielder, Bert Shotton. It can't be done, and Harry Frazee hasn't been at all slow about telling him so. If Griff insists on landing one of these inficlders named, he may be compelled to part with Clyde Milan, the veteran outfielder. Boston is willing to take Milan for Janvrin, then passing Zeb over to Cleveland for Bobby Roth, who is decidedly more valuable as a base runner, hitter, and pegger, and slightly better as a swatter. Personally a prima favorite with Washington fans, Milan is not a neces sity. There Is a surplus of gardeners reserved by the Griffinen. If In ex change for Milan, the team can find a capable, and most necessary inflelder, the fans will be content. A Tot of bank has recently been ?pilled about Milan's value in the eyes of local fans. From our viewpoint. Griff can swap the entire works, if by doing so ha can win a pennant with the new bunch. What the fans will i not endure is giving such a good play- I er as Milan for a mediocre performer, i That is up to Manager Griffith. If his! swapping results in victory, the fans will range themselves behind him. for they are Just about ready to back a winner on th?rdiSjnond. B?eball Draft Gaes. The draft In baseball is a thing of ths past The major leagues have agreed to let the minors paddle their own canoe. Under the latest plan, all players must bs purchased by major league clubs and no optional agree ments will be countenanced; that is, snce a pLayer is bought he must be tried out thoroughly, for he may not be sent back for more experience. Ths first result will be a decided fall ing off in purchases by big league clubs. f Ban Johnson has won another vic tory in rstaining Garry Herrmann ehairman of the National Commission ; until a committee of four men. to be J chosen later, shall "find a suitable ' guecessor." Until then the present or ganisation will continue. With the American League backing Herrmann, It is not thought that any successor will be found. Old League Thinking. After ths National League mag nates had a chance to read the New Tork newspapers they discoveied that the baseball writers were class in r them as bush leaguers and that ths American League would not adopt ? monthly salary limit. Therefore. It is believed that today the rule will bs thrown into the ash heap. The old leaguers are peeved at the deal engineered by John McGiaw in ths purchase of the Giants anJ. to choke off the flood of dolars that will make the Giants a pennant outfit, ihr 911,000 limit was adopted. Ho vever. It brought so much criticism upon the league from the newspapers and threatened wide trouble with the payers that it has been passed up. Twenty-one players will be thf .limit allowed each major league ciub fifteen days after the season is unaer way. according to the newest regula tion. SANBORN LEADS WRITERS. NEW TOKK. Jan. 17.?I. E. San born. of ths Chicago Tribune, is the new president of the Haseball Writ ers' Association of America, succeed ing Jo* s- Jackson, of the Detroit yree Press, who takes Sanborn's place ths board of directors. Robert W. Maxwell, of the Philadelphia Even ing Ledger, is the new vice president jn place of Jack Ryder, of thj Cincin nati Enquirer. * MAY TRADE WHITTED. 5RW TORK, Jan. 17. ? George Whit ted. wearing the uniform of a gob in Uncls Sam's navy, has notified President Baker that he does not wish to play with ths Phillies again. He may bs traded, with Chicago and Maw Tork bidding for hini. p TRAIN AT MACON. frtW TORK. Jan. 17.?Hughey Jen slags announce! that ths Tigers will train at Macon. Ga., ths Tankees' quarters for the past two years. ? There will be lots doing for the ba? keters during the week-end. Georgetown plays its third contest tonight. The day will be occupied with several scholastic contests of more than ordinary import ance. Friends' Select School makes an np pea ranee against the Easterners in the opening battle for the Quaker School. Tech meets the Baltimore Poly five, while Business tackles St. Albans. Tomorrow the District Intercollegiate Pasketball League gets under way. Catholic University and George Wash ington will lock horns, while Gallaudet will meet Maryland State College. Here are the contests foY the wee it end : TODAT. Georgetown vs. Randolph Macon, Ryan gymnasium. Central v?. Shenandoah Valley Academy, Central gymnasium. Technical vs. Baltimore Polytechnic Y. M. C. A. Central Freshmen vs. Technical Fresh men. Central gymnasium. Eastern Freshmen vs. Business Freshmen, Business gymnasium. Eastern vs. Friends' High School, Mt. Vernon HalL Operators vg. Camp Humphreys, Mt. Vernon Hall. Business vs. St. Albans, at Business. Gonzaga vs. Catholic University, at Gonzaga.. TOMORROW. George Washington vs. Catholic University, at Y. M. C. X Gallaudet vs. Maryland State, at Y. M. C. A. Georgetown Preps vs. Western, Ryan gymnasium. Central High vs. Tome, at Port De posit, Md. BOSTON GOLFER DONE. Neil Wainwright, the former Harvard golfer, who used to play quite regularly in tournaments around Boston before the war, has probably played his '.ast game of golf. Wainwright, who was cited for bravery by General Edwards last April, has Just had his right haml amputated above the wrist, the result of having that member shattered a few days before hostilities ceased. PLAY GOLF ON ROOFS. A fad for visitors to Pasadena, Cal , this winter will be a golf on the roof top. A course is to be laid out on the top of a row of one-story buildings of the Maryland shops and the adjoining palm roof of the Maryland Hotel, ac cording to scale, and will include nine hole*. John Dunn, well known in structor. will have charge of the roof top course. COWLER WANTS TROUBLE. Tom Cowler, the Australian heavy weight. is looking for more trouble. Badly beaten last Saturday by Billy Miaka. at Philadelphia, he is looking for another chance at the St. Paul boxer. GEORGE SISLER SIGN8. NEW YORK. Jan. 17.?George fil ler haa signed to play with the St. Liouls Browns next season. TWO J THREE WITH \ "BUGS" BAER j" I If Robinson Crusoe's lamps had been in the 5-B class Robby would never have spotted Kid Friday's bow legged, rubber heeled gondola prints. And if Rob hadn't spotted those busted-arched engravings in the sand he wouldn't have been shocked. Robby got an awful shock when he piped the imprints of two violin cases with toes on his front lawn. Friday might have fooled him by walking on his hands, but, as it was, Mrs. Crusoe's husband was sure sur prised when he ogled those pedes trian tracks on a perfectly good island. Still, it's fifty-fifty. If Robinson hadn't been startled then, he would have been shocked now, anyway, to hear that the works have gone drier than a soda cracker. Chessir, the old star-spangled suburbs are drier than a yard of Chinese punk sticks. Nebraska slip ped over the thirty-sixth jab yester day and the Boozesheviki curled up like a burned potato flitter. The world and fringes is no longer safe for demijohnocracy. With the "Little Brown Jug" packed away in legal camphor, it's up to some cuckoo iO write us a new national anthem. Nebraska always did have soda pop pish tendencies. It is the nest of the ICto-1 bunk, meaning that every sixteen rounds the bartender buys one. Maybe. Bill Bryan's home is in Ne braska whe^ he's home. Bill is the originator of the Beevo speech. With the old nose rouge Hated among the alien enemies, an old timer is go ing to drag about as much fun out of life as a rabbit can out of a shotgun. THE TIME IS NIGH WHEN A BUSINESS MAN'S LUNCH WILL CON SIST OF FOOD. The Emperor of Sahara died jus! when the Nebraska legislatures added forty oight Slates to Uia estate The old bottle song, "We'll rally round the jag. boys, we'll rally round the jag." is knocked colder than six sardines in olive oil. No more will we wak4 up In the hooje row with our eyes looking like two loose shoebuttons and our mouths tasting like thu bottom of a parrot's cage. All the fui> is extracted from the institution. The Buli shewhiskeya have lost another tussle. You can inhale Skeevo or Lomon ine if you want to, but. fortunately, it ain't compulsory. They're perfectly safe. You can drink all you want to, but you'll drown before you'll get stewed. The long established bar rrj~ ^lio has been swallowing 'em in the >e place for forty years, man und b<>>\ is going to have a corrugated time when they drag the polished mahog any out from under his calloused el bow. Forty-eight legislatures can lead a percheron to Beevo, but they can't make him buy. Yea bo. But the dry* don't erprcl the works to roll over awl play dead witho'it <i skirmish. They know right well that pop and grandpopper will drnuinel their rights us free, unequal citizens. New York end suburbs may go ilrirr than a corered bridge, but those ohl jazzbos won't hare any metre use for the Inw than a Mexican dog has for haxrpinsT They may vote America dry. In fact, they have voted it dry. We handed the Prohibitionists many a hoot since the first Prohibitionist opened his mouth and threw the key away. We figured that he was something like an apartment hOUB? steam heat ing system. All rattle and no results. But the works are dry. The only consolation is that a country which has been, wet so long is bound to stay damp for a long while yet. GOLEM AN TO HEAD STAFF ! OF VIRGINIA'S GRID MEN i Football practice in the spring will be started at the University of ? Virginia with Harris Coleman, captain of Virginia's victorious team over I Yale, as head of the coaching staff. The Virginians are expecting to | get going in earnest just as soon as work can be held out of doors. With Coleman will be associated Dr. Neff, famous as one of Virginia's star players, several years ago. Prospects for a successful football campaign are bright. Word has been received at Charlottesville that Allan Thurman, sensational line Iman and kicker, will return for the spring term to graduate next year. Thurman has seen service twice in France, once with the ambulance unit ar.d again with the A. E. F. as an officer. Virginia had no football team In 1917. The team, captained by"Cnlc" Ward, never played a game on ac count of calling off all athletic con tests tor the duration of the war. According to late report* Ward will be baok and ready for football when the time comes. ? Virginia's football schedule Is ftlll i in process of construction. Games with Southern colleges as usual will be played and it is expected that the North Carolina contesrt will iake place Thanksgiving Day. Banketera Start Up. The veteran "Pop" LAnigan, re cently mustered out of servict asj physical director of the Mineola fly ers, is back on the job. Lanigan has | Been a fixture at Virginia for many | years and can be counted to turn out! first-class basketball and tiack teams. Virginia opened up with a victory over Randolph Macon College and will play Richmond College tomorrow night. The schedule calls for fifteen games. Next week Virginia will play In Washington meeting Gallaudet January 24, and playing- at Annapolis against the Navy on Saturday Jrnu ary 25. THrraaa on Hand. Three veterans are on hand for Vir ginia's basketball team this season. Capt. O. B. Jennings, who. played guard last season, has returned. He will probably be seen at this old position. W. B. Pettyway, a forward, ajid R. V. Hatcher, another forward, of last year's quint, are ready for work. Lanigan ex pects to pick two good men from the material now on hand, although the cen ter position is worrying the Virginia coach. Lile, Hanklns, Blakey, Edmonds and Baker \ook good enough to make varsity material, and will probably be used in the games this season. The freshmen are coming forward rapidly. A first class schedule has been arranged by Alfred SliantU, & Washing ton man. J JOKING >J?M QVER By LOUIS A. DOUGHER In 1903 the late John T. Brush, a wagon manufacturer in Indianapolis, purchased 58 per cent of the New York National League club from Andrew Freedman. He paid $100,000 for it. In 1919 Harry N. Hempstead, as trustee of the Brush estate, sold this property for $1,350,000, realizing a profit in sixteen years of $1,250,000. John T. McGraw, at that time with the Baltimore club in the newly organized American League, was in duced to jump the traces. He was made manager of the Giants and un qualified success has been the ta'.e of the New York Giants ever since. It is, therefore, most fitting that McGraw is one of the three men pur chasing the control of the club. Base ball is his life's work. As a player, he was among the greatest. As a manager of the Giants he has won six National League pennants, finished second six times, once third and fourth twice. Out of sixteen starts MeGraw's entry has landed first di vision honors exactly fifteen time* His champions of 1913 blew up two years later, finishing last, but so clever was the management of Mc Graw, backed with plenty of money, the team finished fourth in 1916 and again won a pennant in 1917. Charles A. Stoneham, the new presi dent of the Giants, is a wealthy Broad street curb broker, owner of a tidy racing stable, and a thirty-third de gree baseball fan. Nothing to his dis credit is known in the world of busi ness or sport. Ills shrewdness is seen by his stlpuatlon that McGraw remain as manager. Then he Joined the syn dicate. Francis X. McQuade, a police magis trate In New Tork city. Is another loyal friend of baseball and an Inti mate friend of MeGraw's. With three such men In control of the ball club still greater triumphs should be In store for the Giants and their fol lower!. Army ??. ?J?Ty. That the Army-Navy football game of 1019 Is assured has spread glad ness through both branches of the service. The two service teams will meet on the diamond May 31. Just where has yet to bo determined, and the Naval Academy will place no ob stacles In the way of a resumption of football relations. West Point has asked that all ca dets returning to take post-graduate courses be eligible for the athletic teams. The Middies have no obje^ tlon. But one class was left at "the Point" last November. The need for officers In the army was so great thai the upper classes were rushed into active service against Germany be fore completing their studies. Now they are to return, and will be eligi ble for the Army teams. With the Army game as the goal. Gilmour Dobie will find his football candidates more eager than ever to m?lt^ good. It will also be Dobie's first chance to tilt with the soldiers. Tom Iln* RlKlit Idea. Tom Andrews, the veteran boxing promoter, staged a show in Mil waukee the other night, with Ritchie Mitchell as his drawing card, and h? did so without charging top prices The following from the Wisconsin - News is illuminating: "We appreciate the turnout and will make every effort hereafter to keej up the line of entertainment given the Milwaukee fans last night. We ar* not going to raise our prices but will keep them down to the popular priced variety since we find this Is the most satisfactory to all concerned. It is better for us and better for the box ing game to have a full house at Iotv prices than to have a quarter hous< at exorbitant prices. We made friends last night end we intend to keep them." Andrews has the right idea about bringing out the largest number of fans rather than only those able to meet stiff taxation. VIRGINIA IS AHEAD. CHARI-OTTrcSVIIXK. V*., Jan 17.? Virglniaopened Its barketbail schedule here last nipht by defeating Ran dolph-Macon College by ?0 to 15. The Virginians were much too strong for the visitors. Pettway and Lile starred for the Charlottesville men. SPORTS CUT SHORT NEW YORK. Jan. 17.?The Na tional League board of directors will take up the charges against Hal Chase on February 8. it is an nounced. CHICAGO, Jan. 17.?The Cobs have completed the purchase of "Speed" Martin, a pitcher, from the Oakland Pacific Coast Leaguera. NEW YORK, Jan. 17.?A "service class" will feature the annual bench show of the Westminster Kennel Club, February 19-22. It will be for dogs who have served their country or are still serving in the army, navy, air, or auxiliary forces of the United States. CAMBRIDGE, Mass:. Jan. 17.? George Krogness, Harvard's all around athletic star and one of the best hurdlers last ytar, has quit col lege. INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 17.?Louis | Wagner, winner of the Vanderbilt ' Cup and Grand Prixe races In 190G | and 1908, respectively, and Jack ' Scales, his teammate, will drive Fiats in the 500-mile Liberty Sweepstakes j here on May 31. HARTFORD. Conn., Jan. 17.?Trin- j ity College will play football at ! Princeton October 4 next season. Three games have been arranged. ' the others being with Amherst, Octo- ; ber 19, and New York University, No- j vember 4. BOSTON, Jan. 17.?Clay Turner j and Kid Norfolk have been matched I for another bout at the Armory A. A. j on February 4. This will be their! third meeting here. Each has a knockout victory to his credit. COACHES HOLY CROSS. Jesse Burkett will coach the Holy Cross baseball team again next spring. ! f^nd one of his Infield candidates will be ! Charles Gagnon, the little Brown half- i back, whose drop-kicks ajrainst Harvard [ accounted for the 6 to3 3 victory over the Crimson service eleven late in No | vember. WALKER WILL COACH. KINGSTON, R I. Jan. 17.? Fred Walker, physical director of the Newport Naval Reserves, whose un- ' beaten Williams 1917 eleven made him famous, has signed as athletic j director at Rhode Island State Col lege here. He will coach basketball, baseball and football. BOX FOR COMMISSIONER. NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-- Benny Leon- ; and staged a boxing entertainment' yesterday at his training quarters for | friends -and Chairman John S. Smith, i of the New Jersey Boxing Commis-1 sion. Leonard meets Johnny Dundee; Monday night in Newark. BAKER YET UNSIGNED. RALTIMORE. Jan. 17.- Frank Baker , conferred here with Miller Muggins, but j went back to La Trappe without sign- j ing up. However, he is expected to get; Into line within a few weeks. EXPECT BIG HOUSE. NEWARK. Jsn. 17. Judging from the advance ssl?v loca! promoters look ' >r at least a $10,000 house for the! Leonard-Dundee boui Monday night. BRAVES QUIT MIAMI. NEW YORK. Jan. 17.?Secretary Walter Hapg< od says that the Bos ton Braves will train at Columbus. Oa., this spring instead of at Miami, Fla. CROSS COACHES MAINE. Monte Cross, fcrmer star shortstop of the Philadelphia Athletic*, has signal to coach the nine at the University of Maint jn IS 19 for Lie fourth season. Tris Speaker ha* done such wonder ful playing throughout hi* baseball career that It's hard to tell what waa his most brilliant play at the national game. But Spoke says he has no trouble picking out the most wretched game he ever played. It was in Cleveland. "One day, summer before last," says he, "the upper stands were packed with people. My first time up I caught a ball square on the end of my bat and drove It a mile a minute into that upper crowd. "It hit a woman on the head and I could see them help her out of the stand. A few minutes later I got the report that she was dead. "The report wasn't true. At I didn't find that out till after the game. I muffed two flies in the outfield?a new record for myself?-and I struck out, helping materially to cost the Indians the game. Nobody knows what mental anguish 1 suffered till I found out the truth." GEORGETOWN GETS READY FOR NAVY Georgetown University basket*** will have one more (um before tack ling the N?ral Academy team **xt Wednesday. Tonight In Ryan Gym nasium the Randolph-Macon Col lac* team will take the floor tvalsit tb* Hilitoppers in what U expected to bo a first-class contest. The Southorn quintet received a 00-to-lB defeat at the hands of th* University of Virginia last night, and Georgetown is expecting to duplieal* tho performance of the Charlotte* ville lads. , ? Coach O'Reilly has about settled n Flavin. Fees. O'Donnell, Sasolli and O'Brien, although several other prom ising candidate are still in the run ning for position*. Th* big ram* with the Navy next week *n Wednes day Is taking up a lot of considera tion at G?orgetown today. Manager L. H. Dally, of the basket ball team, announces the addition of Washington and Lee and the Naval Auxiliary Reserve*, of New York. f*r ? the basketball schedule. WhenYou Throw Down YourMonqyFor SbOeSYou Want The BestThatYour, Money Van 3iry You Should - There are a hundred pood reasons "why you should buy and wear "Brockton" Shoes always, but the all-suf ficient reason is that "Brocktons" are absolutely the best and give you most for your money. "Brocktons" are more than just ordinary shoes; they are a rare combination of elegance, comfort, service, satis faction and saving. j We particularly want yon to see ths new English Lac<~ "Brocktons" in Cordo tan that we have produced to sell at -*T< ?"It ?x. no -Tcm r*.r .k: $5 & $6 W You will say they arc the greatest shoe values in the world. Of course, you can have them in blucher or button patterns if you prefer; also plenty of blanks, in gunmetal. vici kid, and patent colt. For Those Who Would Pay Less (or Shots, We Have "Brocktons" a $3? $3.50 ? Values that are simply impossible to obtain in any of shoe. The fact is, no matter what price you pay.f,fW "Brocktons," you arc sure to pet twice as much shoe value fo your money. - - We jealously guard the reputation of the famous "Drockto Shoes for quality and value, and we protect your ihMrb?|ty*ri permitting "Brocktons" to fall into shoe depley^' f would undoubtedly charge you much hinrher prices, .Manyae know "Brocktons" are worth more money. . ' " . We deliver the "Brockton" factories' output''^ftcj Washington public through the i ea.'niT .1 Vt a( ONLY BROCKTON SHOE % (IN WASHINGTON) 937 Penna. Avenue N. ML ?T| Mt W* >? ?W?M SiHTl ^ n* UOY ana CM Next to C&stclbcrg's Jewelry Storw*^*