Newspaper Page Text
LOST AND FOUND ?U ns, diamond. platinum. liberal r? ward L. E RCBEL, 1IS4 Belmont ro*d. Phone North 2?47. Li? BAG?Black molre, rontalatog knitting. money and War ?tarnpa between 11th and K *'"_N .K?'"t ltth and H sta N E . on westbound H ??. oar. Phone Franklin lOi. reward. I. BICTCLK-TUn troas >"** T** of apt. No. 1. Return, no questions asked. ?i reward. 1'" - BUNCH OF KETS?Cbala lin?; probably on Georgia ave n afternoon Reward for r"","r" E QUARTERS OARAGE. SOLDIERS CHANGE Fl RSR?Brown. Tuesday soon. In Woodward A Lothrop vORTGN Finder please return to MRS. NORTO. ' Capitol Park Hotel. No questions ssKea. BOG-TKinfcy, ? B?tou ball *??***? male, dark brindle. cheat and face white, with eara and one eye black. Rewar l. SS34 Wth at N. W. il_ DOG?A yoang girl la grieving ?h? a little white poodle, loat Sat : tne hair cut off from lower part of back. ?n awera to name of Beauty. Reward l.J? 7 th at. S. W Frank. T?3. j ? DOT'?Boot on ball terrier; black with whit* breast: anawcra to Z. Rowdle. Saturday evening at 32d and N st* Reward 471 1 River road. D. C. or Cleveland 1H. ' BARRING?One large gold. with hall lha canter. Saturday nl?bt; reward. Phoiw North *m rOB? K. P. liberal reward If retnrnad to 13?S yulncy at. N. W . bet. i and OLOVE8?Yellow: new. ia Red c*?** Talot>e Reward if returned to National Red Croaa Headquarters. 17th and B ^ w OOU) LOCK FT and coat rhain. loot Jana ary 13. between the Avenue and G at. on Tth. Reward for return to 310 Beaton >lace N. E. North 14. 18 LAV \LLIER?Gold, act with pearls. dia mond In center. Reward, return to ^1 Man ave. N. E. Phone Line. 34t7- 1-3* LITK^K rOtDKR? Automobile. contain In* Mass. and D. C. driving licenses and cards Return same to A. W. HORNER. Apt 310, 3400 ltth st N. W.: reward _ 1* MONET?fl4 la bill*. Saturday In Gold berg's dept. store. Reward if returned^to 411 tth at. S. E 1 HTMIC ROLL?In Kahn'p "tore. Thursday afternoon Reward If returned to ?44 ?th St. N. E . or call Line. 4247-J. '' PT^TDfTM BAR PIN with diamond- and pearla: loat in or near National Theater Ttoaday afternoon. If found return to 1716 Q at. I* W , reward. 1-17* PTN?Circle platinum, abwl 1-torh in dl ameter. leaf pattern In small diamond*, at the Country Club. Reward end no ques tsvoa asked if returned to 737 15th ^st. !*. W. . or phone Cleveland 73S. 17_ PURSE?Gold mesh, between Ebbitt Hotel and Willard, between 7 and 8 o'clock. Lib eral reward. 1725 Conn. ave. PWp North 9232. 23 Hririr~fluff brawa. f?.M; loat between Uth and 14th on R. Return to lt43 New tan St. N. W. Liberal reward. Call Col. ?tl-j 19 m* REWARD far return af nu'i wOtalre diamond ring, loat in vicinity of 11th st. aad Cal. rd. an Thurs Tinder return to Hit Col. rd. or phone Col. Mil. ROftARY?Aadkyit, at the Kalekerbork er Dec. St. IJberal reward, 1745 Kalo naa rd. Col. M1S-J. l-?* Ssl.m MMH BAG?Containing money, rwser'a card and address: liberal re ward. Phone Colombia 5547. after t o'clock. *?_ | T _ . , B ^ lOBl ? | Food Adminlatratlon and ItSt E st. se .. Hampden make, with gentleman's picture in back Pleaae return to lt!t E st se.; re ward li_ HELP WANTED?MALE The Airman, 400 7th St N. W. . Send us 11.00 for a year's subscrip tion to "The Airman." a new popular naguine to be published by the offi cers and enlisted men who served in | .the great war. Aviation, the great-! : est wonder of the war, will be pre -sented to yon by men who not only Jfcaow bow to fly a ship, but how to oaake one. SUBSCRIBE NOW. 17 ASHMEN?SO: gssd wage*; steady time; report at 4th and M sts N. E J. W. BSA.N CONTRACTING CO. 1-S3* ABLE; start boaineas; small office. "4# Fi oaptional Opportualtlea" tella how. BOX 111, Times office. It* . A F1BAT-GBADK commercial radio oper ator's license is what we qualify you for ia our twelve to fourteen week courae. Po sitions as wireleaa operators in merchant marine pay $110 per month and all ?*? pen sea Largest radio school In America; ' government Instructors. Marconi ship ap paratus. day and night elaaaes Service ? Radio School. 902 Pa. ave. Phone Franklin ? Ttl4^ l? ' BAKER?rtr*t-cta*?: good working condi 4 tlone; at once. 1307 E st. N W IS ; BARBER?SteadvT v{ N. E. 505 H st. 1-19 BLACKSMITH?Heady work, permanent " position automobile carriage work. W. ' LAWTON A SONS, Inc.. I70S M st N W. 1-S0* '?Bright, who will appreciate a possl Mty for a future: office National Pr?a? 101 Riggs Bids Apply to Secretary n 1 and ! p. m. Miut come we'.l mended 1!_ ?TS? To learn trade; muat be evw IS; d wages to start. Apply BRBWOOL', 1th st N W. l-l* C? Six. white, between ages of 18 sad lto eel! Leo filer's Liberty Lunches. Iwages and rommission. Apply 2d B44 Ps. sre N. W 17 f-ilhiU. IS years eld or older, to i on soda fountain and In soda parlor: to^noi neo-sm?ry; good salary and inc^W kk.'or neat, polite boys. XT.'N ,LT S. 12?2 F st. N W. BOT ?<?oo?i ;H. 170* Pa ave. i: ("ENTVRY 17 IOUS BOYS l?n earni$l5 00 per month l8rl?tielivering even I rpute in north Address BOX Suffice, in own ng|p^ ja 14-tf guLftv aorL _ win- zoo wilh'Jvho<ri as messenger; imitv to learn ? good wages; Address office. 1-18 Mid -ckfp4rji L)X 372. Times ofti S years 4 age. for ouse. good salary to SO 11th st N W 1-21 COVKRMIE>T NKKBt* *Ol TOU ARB i^^JklLLi<? CH AI'FVEUR AND AIM MECHAMIC I KATIONAlHTCkOllLVCOULEai Mb MS fita S W Day aad Evening Clssssg BaaaoaaHa Rat as. JjMf-sa* t __ HELP WANTED?MALE __j CH.\l KKIIBS?Kxp?lfar?l: infest h?T4 references 8HERLV8 SUPPLY MAR KET. 94? Louisiana ave. N. W. Main 1525. 21 COOK?Short order; no Sun day work. CENTRAL RES TAURANT, 209 7th N. W. i COOK OX U. S. DREDGE j Permanent work, to cook i for 15 men; helper furnished.! Good wages. Applv 305 j SOUTHERN BLDG., 15th and H sts X. W. 17 Chef and thrff fhort order cooks. white or colored, at once; highest wages paid. Apply to MAJESTIC LUNCH, 191J Pa. ave. N. W. at once. IS COI'XTKBMKX wanted: experienced; good wages Apply CENTURY LUNCH. 17')ii Pa. ave N W. IS COUNTERMAN? Apply 3200 M at. N W. 1-1 J? DRAFTSMAN Familiar **ith boiler and steel plate construction; prefer one with technical ?ducatton. Address your reply, giving references and experience and salary expected, to , H. H. PECK. Superintendent. ISM Chestnut street. Chattanooga, Tenn. 17 j DRIVER for doable team, colored; good pay and steady Job for good worker. Ap- 1 ply COLUMBIA BRICK AND COAL CO.. Takoma Park, D. C. IS DISHWASHERS?Two at once; good wages, j 1792 Columbia r'oad N. W. 18* DISHWASHERS?Good salary.. VICTOR* | LUNCH. 1724 Pa ave. N. W. I* GROCERY CI.ERK?Experienced. RECK- j ER S MARKET, 19l? 7th St. N. W. Phone | North 3??7. 1-17* MAX?Steam engineer; eight hours a day; good pay. Apply Mr. Wesehler, Catho-j lie University power house. 15,17,19 MAX?Young; wanted for clerical work, with knowl edge of typewriting and shorthand. Apply at once, LEO MESSEX & CO., 1206 H st. X. W. 21 MAN?Clean-cut white, to drive ear *nd | clerk in store; good salary. Mr. HART SON. JlJSj^thsUjrW^ 1-1S' ATTENTION! Young men in nearby Maryland. Virginia, and West Virginia should look Into our course In wireless telegraphy In 12 to 14 weeki we qualify you for the Government first-grade com mercial license. Radio operators in mer chant marine receive $110 per month and living expenses. Largest radio school in America; Government instructors; full equipment with Marconi ship apparatus. Write for particulars. You can secure living quarters In Washington at reason able rates while taking the course. Serv ice Radio School, >02 Pa. ave. N. W. 21 MAN?Colored, for general hoasework; must be experienced In waiting on table; bring references, good psy. Apply 1306 H st N. W. 17 MAN wwated to work In elder and vinegar factory, paying good wages APPT.Y AMERICAN BOTTLING CO.. ?3? Louis iana ave. N. W. 1} MAM far hrMM. Apply 1118 Euclid at. N. W. 17 young, of ambition and en ergy. for house-to-house demonstrating; experience preferred, not essential: can make $5 per day; steady. See Mr. STEV ENS. 70? 11th at., after 1 p. m. 1-22 YOUNG MAN as stock clerk. SAM'S FI R CO.. 1212 F St. 1-17* MEAT-CUTTER and one meat and grocery clerk. 643 H st. X. E. " 22 MCSICIANS back from doty wanted for permanent orchestra. Call or address CHARLES RIEMER. Director. U S. A. Or chestra. 611 15th St. N. W., Wash D. O. 17,19.21 * XIGHT CLERK?$80, room and board. Applv BUR ! GESS HOTEL AGENCY, 502 J 10th st. X. W. 17 i OYSTER 8H CCK EH^?First class? Apply I at the LOSEKAM CAFE. 1323 F ut N. j W. 17 i PLUMBER wanted. 1132 l8tn st. N. W. 18 PRESSMAN?Steel die embossing, to oper ate 3 Carver preases. Apply BRKWOOD, 519 13th st. 1-1* SHEET META I. WORKERS' HELPERS? Several young men; good wages perma nent positions. Apply 622 F St. N. W 19 ? ; SHEET METAL WORKERS?First-class; both inside and outside hands steady work. W A. FINOLB8. Inc . 29 S. How ! srd st.. Baltimor'^Md. ' SALESMAN?Able house to house: (7 dav i up assured; 3 easy, quick Belters. Si7 Columbian DIdg. IS* | SOLICITORS wanted to work for The Washington Times; 1 good opportunity. Apply to j MR. LARKIX, Circulation j Department. del9-tf 'TAILOR?Good wages; steady position for right man. 1S.39 14th st. N. W. 1-23 TAII.OR?Hrnt ??!?**?; one who an?Ier*tanris ? busheiing thoroughly, work given by pl*<? , or will pay by we*k aa preferred refer ' encM required. Apply to the BIEBER , KAUFMAN CO. Inc. 901-D09 8th ?t S E. LL TRICK DRITER?Colored: good pay and steady job for good worker Apply CO LUMBIA BRICK AND COAL CO.. Takoma j ParV, i>. C. 1 t UPHOLSTERER WANTED QI'IC'K ? IJeZt I wnges. AMERICAN UPHOLS i'ERINO i COMPANY. 627 F st. N. W . phon- M. *139 VALET?Experienced preferred, although not essential; to travel; salary $35 we-K !y. including railroad fare and sleep-rs ! Apply stage dour Belasco Theater. NAT C. I (iOODWIN. 1-1** I WAITER?First-class; good ! wages. FARMERS' llO ; TEL, Marlboro,' Md. Phone i Marlboro 31. 19 A SPLENDID POSITION ran be secured If you will state your quail i ftcaMons In a Want Ad under Situation* i Wanted la Th? Times Phone your ad. Maf U?? BUI will be ?nt sepJT-tf ("HELP wanted?female ! CASHIER?Experienced. VIC TORY LUNCH, 1 724 Pa. ave. in ;TELEPHONE order clerk; ex pert; permanent position for good reliable girl; good pay. CHAP1N SACKS MFG. CO., 1st a M sts. N. E. 1-18 HELP WANTED?FEMALE EXPERIENCED <liwnti^rm?W; Mghent wages small place. 1208 Pa ave. N. Ul . 23*_ CHAMBERMAID"?At NEW TABSl'51 HOTEL.. N?w Jorspy ove. and C K Apply to Housekeeper. 1*' CHAMBERMAID ? Experienced: high?-t w iffel paid. :S08 Pa ave. N \V l-l-i* CHAMBERMAID?Colored: Rood wa?r* and lunch. Apply to Housekeeper at "Iw PORTLAND, 14th ?t and Vermont av?. 17 CHA M B KR.U a 11>?to lore*!; *oo<l *k(M an<1 Inuch. Applv to Housekeeper at the PORTLAND. l?th at. and Vermont ave 19 CHAMBERMAIDS ? White. Apply RALEIGH HOTEL, 12th st. & Pa. ave. N..W. 19 CLEANERS^ Early, white. Apply RALEIGH HOTEL, 12th st. & Pa. ave. N. W. 19 CHOCOLATE DIPPERS?"Good pav. Applv O. G. CORN WELL & SONS, 1415 H st. N. W. i:2L COLLAR ASSORTER ? Ex perienced; good salary; also girl to wrap bundles. PAGE'S LAI N DRY, 620 E st. n\v. 17 CLEANERS?Colored, at once. Apply HOUSEKEEPER. Cairo Hotel. Q St.. bet. 16th and 17th ?t?. N. W. 17 DRAPERS?Waist and skirt also helpers on all parts ot' gowns. S. K. FORT, 1143 Conn, ave., 2d floor. 17 DISH WASHER ?At once; i good wages. Apply 1216 14th st. N. W. 23 DISHWASHERS ? Good pav and board. CAPITOL SEA* FOOD CAFE, 807 14th st. N. W. 17 DISHWASHER?One colored. Apply 13th st. N. W. 23 ELEVATOR GIRL?Colored: rood wage*. Apply at the PORTLAND, 14th at. and Vermont ave. 1" GOWN HANDS?Girls, experienced. Ap ply J. F. G1DDINO & CO.*. 1510 H N. W. i-n TEN clean |lrh or women, white, to park Loeffler's Library lunches, good wages; easy work; hours 3 to 11 p m. Apply *ry time after J a m . 344 Pa. ave. N. W. 1-17 GIRL; experienced; candy and cigar counter; all meals; good salarv; no Sunday work. 18th & B'sts. N. W. NAVY CAFE TERIA. 1-22 YOUNG LADY to attend soda fountain in evenings. Ap ply ROBEY'S PHARMACY, North Capitol and H sts. N. W. 12 LADY?Young; wanted for general office work at once. Address Box 365 Times Office. 21 MILLINERY TRIMMERS, APPRENTICES AND MAKERS GOLDENBERG'S have posi tions open for the season for Millinery Trimmers, Ap prentices and Makers. Good salaries and pleasant sur i round ings. Apply to Mr. Dobrin, Manager, GOLDENBERG'S, Seventh and Iv Sts. __ 1 H OFFICE MANAG FR?Who Has thorough knowledge of office detail gond corre spondent. sys^matiaer, etc ; one willing to j start at moderate salary, with advance I ment when ability is proven <"all in the I afternoon, S06 Jenifer bldg . 7th and D a's 1-22 MAMCrBIST?In flr?t-fUwi barber shop; good wages SOI 7th st N. W. 1-17 STENOGRAPHER ? Permanent portion with a commercial concern, good hours*, location. Woodward bldg.; applicant must be a resident of Washington, with g?od references. BOX 374, Times office 1-22 SALESLADIES?Experienced in cloak and suit dept. Applv i ERLEBACHER, 1210 F st. N. W. 1-19 ""salesladies" ]For Blouse Department. Applv ERLEBACHER'S 1210 F st. N. W. SALESLADIES ? Experi eneed; ladies' suits, coats, ! dresses, waists, and milli |nery; permanent position; i liberal salaries and oommis iMon. MAYER BROS, k CO., j?j37-9o9 P st. N. W. 20 TYMHTH?He%er?l for plain copy work; moderate salary to start with; advance ment when ability is proven Ci.U after 3 o'clock, 606 Jenifer bldg, 7th a ,id L> mm. 1 .j i 1 WAITRESSES?Two whit*. OI.I\II CAEE, 704 H at N E.. $1- p<-r wefk 18 WAITRESSES? Experienced; good wa|t?. Apply PBNN. LUNCH. 497 Pa ave N. W. '? HELP WANTED?FEMALE WAITRESS ? white girl. Apply TUB A3IA. 12X9 Pn. are. N. W. l-20*_ > WAITRESSES?Two white;1 good pav and short hours. Apply 2422 18th st. N. W. 23 WAITRESSES?Three neat', experienced colored. CE REGO LUNCH, 1529 14th st. 1-19* WAITRESS; colored; at once. 1325 M st. N. W. 1-18 WAITRESSES?0 o 1 o r e d ; j good wages. Applv at once i 1216 14th st. N. W. 23 YOUNG white woman as nurse for three-year-old child; some one who wants a good, perma nent home and good wages. Applv 916 15th st. N. W. 1-18 WOMEN?Why not doable your Mthrv? Study how to Improve yourself with per sonality builder of national reputation: six personal lessons, $&. BOX 359, Times ..f flce. 1-17* WOMAN?Reliable white, for pastry work in cafe. 828 l?th at. N. W. 19 WOMAN?White; for linen room. Apply Highland Apt., Conn, and California avenues, between t a. m , and 6 p. n North <146. 17 WOMAN?Res pee table white, to help dress maker sew; only those with some experi ence need apply. Call between 5 and 1 p. m . 1922 8th St. N. W. 1-21 WOMAN?For clerical work; capable of taking dictation; good wages. Apply at once. 1206 H St. N. W. 1-17 FINE POSITIONS every day ars secured by placing an ad ta The Times "Situation WiiitWT column Phone an ad right away. at. egperlencsd operator will belp you wltt It. Bill will be ?nt. eop?7-tf POMRSTIC. COOK, white or colored, com petent; also maid; good wages. Apply at once, 1468 R. I. ave. N. W. 22 COOK and general housekeeper; good hame and good salary. Apply at once. 30 W st. N. W. before 10 a. m. or alter & p. m. 19 < OOK?Good, and general house worker; must have good references; small house, with married couple only. Call at 3600 1 4th sL_N. W. Phone Col. >399. 1-17* COOK?Family of three; easy work; good wages. APT. 401. Knickerbocker Apt., 1840 Mtntwood pi. 1-1>* COOK?White or colored; good wages; references 2I2S 19th st. N. W. 22 COOK?One, and waitress. Apply before S p. m.. or after 4 p. m. 1714 Conn. ave. N. W. 17 RELIABLE colored girl for general house work. 1225 11th St. N. W 17 GIRL?Colored, for cleaning halls Satur day morning, ready for work. 1533 N. Capltol_at. l_-2 5 GIRL?General hsusework half day. tlJ* o st. N w. li GIRL?Colored, reliable, for general house work. Inquire 1225 11th st. N. W. lg HIGH SCHOOL girl to eare for child two afternoons a week. Line. 5928. Mrs. DYE. 1-1S MAID for ranking and general hooeewnrk; no washing; family of four; good wages; stay nights; references. 2651 Connecticut avenue. 1** NURSE, competent, wanted, white or colored, and to as sist with housework; wages, $40; references. Phone Clev. 884, or call 3037 Newark st., Cleveland Park. 22 N1RSE?For rhildrenT ~ 117 Y st7~N.W. Phone N _ 10 49. 1-1 ? WOMAN?Reliable, for general housework; good wages. Call 1304 R. I. ave. N. W. 17 WOMAN?Colored; general housework; two afternoons off. Sunday and Thursday ?r Sat. Apply 1927 1st St. N. E. Ph. N. 1-17 WOMAN ? Genial colored, for general housework; no thlldren; good wagea. Apply 1104 P St. N. W. 1-20 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE HONORABLY discharged soldier desires position; Government preferred; sergeant major In army one year; familiar with army paper work; good education: business and college; age 23. Phone WILLIAMS, Franklin 502, or write 1819 K St. N W. 19 DISCHARGKf) soldier desires clerical po sition with a tellable construction com pany tr or out of city. Address BOX 346, Times office. 19* | WANTED ? Position ?? photographer's helper or as chauffeur; day work; *y i young colored man Apply 1420 Corco'an St. N. W 1-21 ! BY EXPERIENCED shoe salesman; can | give good references. R. II. Duckson, | "3 4 6th St. N. W. 17* , CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC, white, private position; familiar with New York and' New Jersey roads, best of refs. S. RO j LAND, 111 Q St. N. W. 1-19 RELIABLE chauffeur wishes position in | private family; best references 241r 17th st._N. W . apt 7. 1-19* i CORNETIST desires playing with amateur | orchestra. BOX 101, Times office. l-!?" YOl'NG man, honorably discharged from . army, expert stenographer and type I writer, with considerable experience as of j fice manager, desires position. COX 345, 1 Times office 1 -23* I ALL-ROI ND man, handy with tools, wants ! position to take care of bldg , apartment ( house or flats. BOX 396, Times office. | 1-19* ? COLLEGE student, typist, with seeretarial I *xp , wishes evening work. BOX 384, ; Times office. 1-19* CHEF! colored, all-around experienced cook, wants place in or out of town. BOX 371. Times office. 1-17* DISCHARGED soldier, formerly asst. audi tor and office manager in large retail J dept. store, desires position; familiar with 'departmental cott accounting, perpetual In ventory and capable of handling 25,000 ac counts; best of references. BOX 373, Tim'-s office. I -22* CHA1 FFEI R, best reference; in or oot of the city. Call North 1955. 1-17 j STORE MANAGER and expert salesman. soldier honorably discharged I'. S Army. ! open for position. Address CHARLES, I HI EM ER, 4601 Conduit road. Wash., D. C. 1-22 EX-SOLDIER, studying foreign trade course desires stenographic or other | night work. 205 10th St. S. W. YOI NrG~colored man Jn-t out the service I of I*. S N. wishes a position of an) j kind, various experience; also good driver, j I SAM'."EL CARTER. 1143 19th St. N. W 19 ! CIGAR clerk, honorably discharged from urmv. two years' experience; can give ( heat of references as to character and abi. lity: 21 years old: married. EI>\VARt> A i HAWKINS, 713 Rhode Island ave. N. W 1-17' i DISCHARGED SOLDIER, machinist and I gas or stearn ^ngint-er, wants day work in I District of Columbia Address OSCAR KODNKSS. 102 Indiana av*_Nj._W- -u YOlN(i MAN. 24 years of a*e; 2V? 7'*** 1 ? college, competent stenographer and i typewriter; 7 years' business experience, j ?i*?sires position as private secretary, or with some firm where there^ is a goo?i 1 chance of advancement. BOX 3*?7, Times j office. j VoFnT. MAN; ambitloua; Heslre?? position I with chance for advancement with re I liable firm; best references', kindiy state I advantages and salary. BOX Tim** J of flee C A HP RNTRR?Work b" day or contract. Call or write 125ft 8th it. N. W- LLL? DISCHABCiEpToldler, steam ahoval ar atm tionary engineer. wanta Job ia or near city. 1-17 SITUATIONS WANTED KIALli. YOl'NO MAN. working till l:SO. warts evening position as stenographer-typist or I clerk-bookkeeper; exper:. BOX 360. Tint's ; office. 1-1V j YOUNG MAN?English: experteared <n | hotel storeroom, wants position BOX , 361. Times offlc?. 1-1" * EX-SOLDIER desire* place with bank as 1 runner or minor clerk, two years' expe- \ rience in office work.* BOX 347. } office. !-*> DISCHARGED soldier, steam shovel or stationary engineer, wants Jbb In or near city. BOX >45. Times office. 1" CHAUFFEUR?Experience*!, wit. lie* posi tion, private; familiar with Washington. | New Tork and New Jersey roads. Phjnt| X. 3512-W. 22 _ I STENOGRAPHIC or secretsrial work by discharged navy man, college education; part time work between 1 and 6 p. m. pre ferred; highest references. BOX 331. Times I office. 17* HONORABLE discharged soldier, colored, desires position as bellman, office boy or elevator operator. 11.08 13th st. N. W. 1-17* BOOKKEEPER and junior accountant j wants evening work of any kind; 6 to 12 p. m. SEROT. S A. GOODK1ND, care) J. W B.. 11th and Pa ave. N. W 1-20* EXPERIENCED EMPLOYES In ev.-rr line may be secured by Inserting A small ad in The Times Help Wanted Phone your ad to Main 6210 Bill will b? ?ant. ssp21-if KG MALE. YOI'NG LADY wishes position as private maid; experienced In sewing. Address BOX 105. Times office. 18* PIANO pupils; experienced teacher; les sons pupil's home; beginners preferr?d. BOX 201. Times office. 1-19' BOOKKEEPER and stenographer?Take j complete charge of office; 10 years' com mercial and brokerage; must be first-class proposition. BOX 381, Times office. 18* EXPERIENCED office woman, bookkeeper and stenographer; can take full charge | and assume all responsibility; 11 years' experience. BOX 38!, Times office. 18* I WOMAN for part day work. Call North 1955. l-i; GIRL, colored, wants place as maid. 498 i Mass. ave. N. W. Frank. 2835. 1_-1? BOOKKEEPER and cashier, experienced I and best references. >06 23rd st. N. W. Phone West 1133. 1-17 PERSONAL AM ANXIOU8 to communicate with | ALONZO FIELDS. Notify JEWEL TEA CO.. 1712 14th at. N. W. 17 LEARN VENTRILOQUISM One of the most entertaining and fasci nating arts of modern stagedom, com manding large salary; can also be used for private entertainment; lessons given in class or private by one of Europe's most famous ventriloquists, having appeared at the leading London theaters; terms moder* ate; satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN H. STRUTHERS, ?U F st. N. W.. 2d floor IV LIMP IN?WALK OUT WILSON, CHIROPODIST, 1340 EYE ST. N. W. Main 6155. 1!* WILL rid your home, warehouse, or barn of rata, bedbugs, roaches. SAPP. roon> 8. 1320 New York ave. Phone Franki 2309. 1-25 manicuring It to T. Open Sundays, Tit lltb St.. Aot. 1 IS* LADIES to learn French dreasruttlng. dree*- I making, designing and millinery; French ] patterns cut to order; style and fit guaran teed. New York Academy. 1115 G St. 1-20* FLORA MAE Manicuring, scalp treatment, shampooing | and facial massage. 1418 W St. N. W., Apt. 31. 18* MADAMETa"BLANC Electrical Massaging and Scal? Treat- I ment. Manicuring. 11 a. m. to 9 p. m.. ex- | cept Sunday Apt. 4, 223 H- St. N. W. 1-18* RELIABLE EXPRESS. MOVIMi, HAIL ING. any tlm^ place or distance' Ba'M more or country trips. Call Franklin 2t*t MISS ARNEBERG7 Scalp Treatment and Manicuring. Hours. 10 a. m. to ( p. m. 505 M st. N. W. N. 4881. Jsll-JOt* MARILDA WILLIAMS. Manicuring. Facial and Scalp Treatment. 703 6th St. N. W.. Apart. 2 Main 51?l. Houis 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. deJ0-?')t_ tHAMPtK)IM. AMI MAMCIK1M. done at your bonia. North 1909. ocj l-9?? M is S J A M F R 6 Ni^pody;r,hou j."?, a^ to G p m. 1212 N T ave. N. \V? sec. floor DR.EVANS, nerve and stomach ?prclali?t. My new electric treatment is proving wonderfully successful I can absolutely guarantee relief; consultation free 1147 L st Phone Franklin 157 Je2*-?0t Skin Disease a Specialty Chronic Eczema and Itching* Promptl (topped, Acne. Skin Cancers DR NICHOLSON, 1301 H at. N W DR. REED, SPECIALIST 804 SEVENTEENTH STRUCT <n v--.rc successful practice in the (Jver 3U yl-drb-cure of Chronic Nervous and Special Diseases of Men and Women. Means health to you if you suffer from Catarrh, Obesity. Rheumatism. Con stipation. Plies. Throat. Lungs, Brain, Heart. Blood and Skin Diseases. Nervous Debility Kidney Diseases. Bladder troubles. Specific Blood PoisonlnK. Erup tions, V'lcers, and All Private Diseases Cured for Life by Safe Methods. 606. Bacteria Vaccine, and all the new serums and anti-toxins administered. Charges low Medicine furnished " OLD-FASHIONED HERB REMEDIES. Act on the liver and kidneys and drlva away uric acl 1 by cleansing the stumacn, preventing rheumatism and colds, ctc. We have treatments for other ailments M A LOUIS A SON. 229 11 st. N. W oc6-tf CLAIRVOYANTS Licensed by the Uistrict of Coiutnoia. "MADAM PARKER?<iifte<l Palmist and Clairvoyant, gives advice on ail a..air* of life, Shu asks no questions, but will tell you what you want to know You -vill be wiser and happier after s?-ing her. Sat isfaction or no charges Readings SI 00 HOURS. 10 A. M TO S P. 1211 E St N. W? between 12th and l"!h 17* THV. MAN WHO KNOWS" The great Southern medium and scien tific palmist, who has read for the most prominent people throughout the country Seventeen years of practice in Washington st Prof. Le Remch studii, 1002 7th st N. W. Otfice hours. 1 to 5 p. ni . except Sun 1 - L" 1 * PALMISTS PALMISTRY I* a recocnisetl M'ience. und RIZPAH ELDON in known of it* greatest exponents. Hundreds this r?? woman dally ('on . . te r^adingp. with accurate descriptions of what your ha n ! foretells, only $1. fiec*ption parlors W K corner of flth and O N. \V . oniranr? 6th st. Hours 10 a ni . to 6 p. m. 17* MADAM STANIaKY, Royal <?ypsy Palmkat. reads the hand from cradle to grave, sat isfaction guaranteed. Ci\e her a call. 1311 H st N E !-**? 9 FOR RENT?ROOMS KUBMSHKI) .1 N ST. N. \V., 2140? Bright, warm front room. nicely fur ; continuous hot watei . | reasonable to right party; must give reiM - | ence. c. W. HKNRY. Ph. W. 63i. A^lf4" 15th ST. S. E.. 274?Ne*ly papered fnrn?*h ? j ?<1 room, adjoining bath. $10 Per mo- | Hth ST. N. W., 1734?Pleasant room. ?l?- J able tor one or two; h.-w. h.; C'n"?" | men preferred. 1,1 i I- ST. X. W., 1100?2 roon.s on fourth ?"*? near bath: amiable for 3 or 4. 1-tJ R ST. X. W? 1511?Two Urge rooms; ???* on lime Hour; men only. ROttC( RKKK CHfit lTID. N. I*t Nicely furnished room, with private bath; tor nr.arr;ed couple. ________ N ST. N. 11?2 nice furnished room*; first and second floors; hot-water neat and bath, all car lines; with board; rea sonable, ladies only. 1- Is 23rd ST. N. W.~ 924-^One warm room. ?rd floor. 6 blocks from War Dept.; near Pa. , ave.; hot-water heat; bath near; continu ous hot water; for gentlemen or couple. Call West 1137. UR(iE, comfortable room, with bath, In Mt. Pleasant; for gentlemen, refs re quired. Col. 8528 1-^ T ST. 1443 (Apt. *1)?Nice double room; twin beds; good location; conven ient to two car lines. Phone N. 21&0-J. 1-23 IRVING ST. N. W.( 14?7?Bright double room for 2 girls; a. m..i.; |30; after > P_m . apt. 3?. 1-19* K~ST~ N. W., 2145?WoU famished room for rent; gentlemen only. MASS. AVE. N. k7, lOO?All aewlr furnish ed room for rent; steam and hot water heat; overlooking Union Station Plaxa l-?" 17th ST. X. W.. UMI.srge furnished room, suitable for 2 or I gentlemen. 1-lf MORSE ST. N. K-, 1IS1?I rMni, uufrr nlshed, in new modern houae. #th ST. sr. W.. 1113 (apt. ?>?Large room. suitable for 3 or 4 gentlemen, or 2 roon.s to couple; double beds, highest reference exchanged. 1-1V RHODE INLANO Alt. N. W.. 4*?Meatlj furnished souther., exposure, near ba'h; reasonable; large cloeet. 1-1* 15th ST. N. \\? 1414?Larjre front room. nicely furnished; near bath; aultable for one or two gentlemen; twin beds. Fr??ik. m.. 1-1? NEWLY furnished second-floor frost roon and bath; well heated; gentlemen. Call after 6. North 4179-J. 1-12 R ST. N. W, 207 (apt. D-FlnUied rMU in private family. 1-22 IRVING-KTnTw:, 1637?Two~Urge^ coio munlcating rooms, on 2nd floor, near bath; h.-w. h ; phone; electricity; private family; suitable for man and wife or gen tlemen only. 1-22 yi EBKC ru N. W? 72^?Two"large room*. well furnished, with den and private bath; all modern conveniences, gentlemen only. 1-2? COLUMBIA ROAD. 11?0?I-arge frast room for three. Phone Columbia 7*04. ?i NICEI.Y furnished room; good location; convenient to two car lines. Phone j North 2U0-J. 1? E ST. NT E-. Ml ftwl room: ?wny and 1 warm: suitable for 2 men; separate j beds. )3 per week each. 19 A St7s. E., 821?One large front room, 2 gentlemen; also one adjoining room fori 1 gent.; everything new. Reasonable. 23 IMMJM8-for I. h. k.; no" children. Call after 6 p. m. Phone N. 1430. 1> COL. RD. X. W.. 1*84?Refined girl wishes to share room with another; large room I near bath; reasonable. Phone Col. 4864 ? L ST. N. W., ?*?? Nice comfortable back room, furnished. 810. H H ST N. W . 912?I-arge second-story ?oor i front, alcove room, welt furnished: also 1 south room. 1>* j NICELY furnished front room; electricity, hot-water heat; $20 single, $25 double. Phone FRANKLIN 5815. 18 H ST. N. K.. 1826?t beautiful room* for 1. h. k., or will rent separately for sleep ing; piano; with or without board. I In coln 3261. 21__ BILTMORE ST. N. W., 1882?A port. 4.? | I.arge comfortable room next to bath; suitable for two; no other roomers: vill | grant privilege of pr^aring breakfast in j kitchenette. 12 ] 12th ST. nTe.7 2<02?Attrartl*e outside first floor room. 4 large windows: fur nished aa living room with sleeping accom modations^ 11 G ST. N. W? 2127?Two nicely furnished rooms for men only 22 N ST. N. W., 1207?One well furnished room suitable for 2: reasonable. 1'* C ST N. E.r ?One room for 1 or 2 young ladles: home comforts. * 17 3rd ST. N. E.. 120? Large front room near bath for two gentlemen; reasonable. Phone Line. 4979-J. 22 1. ST.~N. W-. 926. Apt. ?.?1-arge front room, furnished; for 2 persons. 1-18* M ST. N. W.. 61S?-Two large sunny rooms. well furi.ish?-d and heated; reasonable. 1-15 K ST. N. W., 1764?Large, nicely furnished roomr. near bath, for men or ladies; rea sonable 22 PA. AVE, 1914?Near War Dept.. elegant front, fur one, two or three, electricltv. 1-14* NEWTON PL.. 751?Warm, comfortable single front room, one half block from car line. Col. 8391. 1-21 A ST. S. E.. 1507?2 adjoining rooms, eon*. to cars; walaing distance navy yard; gentlemen; reasonable. 1-1?* t.lRARD ST. N. W.. 1114?Two connecting second-story rooms; h.-w. h . electricity; gentlemen only. Col. 2418. 1-17* N ST. N. W.. 939?Neatly furnished room*. suitable fur several gentlemen; 8? wwk. 1-17' 2Sd ST. N. W? 90r?One large, nicely fur nished room, near bsth; h -w. h.; for 2 persons. Phone West 1133. -1 5th ST.N. W. 1201?Nicely furnished room. single or en-suite; light housekeeping privi|e|fes if dep'red 21 HARVARD ST., 1*70? Inrge second floor front room, nicely furnished, suitable fcr 2 or_3._ il_ PA. AVE.. 1014?Neor War Deportment. nice front room for two. electricity.^hot water. 1-1?* HARVARD" STriiJ4.^-One room next to bath: steam heated: hot water: un limited telephone service for 1 or 2; gen tleman only. Phone Columbia 59*9 -1 HOI..MEAD PI-ACE N. W.. 845*? Newtly furnishe'1 room; h.-w. h ; electricity; next to bath, with board; re^aonsble Phone Col 21 COLUMBIA ROAD. 174fi?Large room suitable for 2 or 3 Phone Columbia 4919 O ST- N. W.. 1227?Large rooms nicely furnished, near bath, for 2 or 3 persons. Phone North 4704-J ?h ST. N. E.. 110?Large 2d-story front room, nicely turnished; twin brass bed*, reasonable rent. Phone Line. -1'J- t_atl after_7 P_JJ1_ 14th ST." N. W., 140?? Large, nicely fur nished front room: h.-" h. near bath: for 2 or 3; reasonable. Call after i p_ m. I ST. N. W.. 2005?A gentleman wonld shar? one of two rooms with another gen tleman. comfortable, accessible and nicely located Call after 6 o'clock. I-*" CONNECTICUT AVE.. 17??-A very ?t iractive front room, suitable lor t*o lem^n : private fHmily. ^ u; U K Al TO SER\ icE--B\c.?.AGE A\ 1> '-'LHNITI.'RE TO A -L PARTS OF CIT\. V W WHITE. 2449 Ik.h N. W COL. 6449 Jeli-?t>t t7 ST P. W., 84?Rooms, steom heal, elec tric lights, with or without I. h k. pri\l leges; teasonab'": take Anacoetia car an 1 get ofT at South Capitol. 18* It ST N W 1704?Three nicely furnished rooms.' well heated, for. gentlemen only. 4 yf S U I SOS?lurnlshed front room, suitable for ladies, private home. Call sfter ?; o'clock. * ' IIOI.MKAD PL > W-. S 129?Two pleasant rooms, near both, 'or * 4 men Phone Col 14S3 '? Tl*;-: best rooms IN H ASIIIVf.TO \ can be secured by simply phoning The Main &2i>0, and inserting a small ad at a small cost und^r Wanted Rooma. Bill will be sent. An experienced ope;? I tor will help you writs the ad. oelT-U FOR RENT?ROOMS KIRMUHKII 11 ST. N. W.. CIS?Tw* froot rooms; I. h. k. * * _ FLORIDA AVE N\ t \ l*IS?Nleoly f*', r.ished room. Ill month. 1-1* H KT. S. W, S1X??Owe eatrm luf* ? floor front room. Mwllmtlj' exceptionally clean, wall heated ?IKl light-d. Phone W *04. '"1T 2nd ST. V*"W., 1 h. k. irrn rr. ?. t, m-Tw# room* for I. h. k. EYE ST. N. W., 1413?Beau tifully furnished, large rooms, with running water; suitable for 3; also one front room with private bath; well heated. 18 14th ST. N. W.. 2621?Ch? pultepec Inn, ?icely furnished room, suitable for two. nol3-tf BATHS?Shower and Tub O. A ROBINSON BARBKR SHOP ?i? 11th at, Opposite Raleigh Hotel. FIR5ISHBII ROOM* WITH BOARD tlst ST. N W.. 715?Uir. well-heal od front room for 1 or 4. with board. ^14* p?r month. Phone West 141. -1 ltth ST. X. W.. 14<M?Large roam. ??ro?y furnished with board, electricity, h h.< near bath. 1 gentlemen only. S> IRVINO~BT. K. W.7ltt?? ?aoa aad board for 1. Colombia 1441. vm lii ar* Kensington. Md.. take* children under school age to hoard and gives (MM mother's cara. Phono Kens.ngton 111^ WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD IID. ate. K. E, ???Large ab<e for t4ro, with or without board Lincoln 4t:7. ?'17 WANTKII?ROOMS A*?? MOAWD. ROOM AND BOARD with privwio taasib by two rtflned young |ei?iltiitn nently employed: r*f*r?iic*? AddrMi R. D. B., 224 Srd St. N W. Li!!_ MAN aad wife want rooa and board ta private family In 8. E. saction. BOX 128. Times office. '?** WAKTRIl?H??OM? NEAT SINt.LE ROOM within 1* blocks of library, by gentleman; permanent; will furnish linen and care for room; state terms. Address BOX S7S. Times office* TWO OENTLEMEN - hot-watar heat, electricity piofSJiod; near Treasury. IS*. BOX 1*S. Tlmao of flce. 1-17 WANTED ? L ? . ? - w rooms for I. h. k. with bath. In N -?? section; must ba reasonable. Addjest Bo* SIT Times offlca. "* no children; northeast or southeast pre ferredAddress 512 4th St W. E- 1-1?* L. II. K. ROOM for S gewtlomea: rows. to Troasury. BOX SI?. Times oftce 17* WANTED by yam Ssarrird swill. bo4h employed; 1 cemmnnlctUni roomi, BWr where board may be had; oowtheast section preferred BOX 141. Times afSoe. 1-17* ONE. two, or three room w*b bath a?d kitchenette cloae in; N. W. more than |M per month. Addraas BOX 34S. Times office *'?J . I OR S far. rosis. with ? bath; must be reasonable; N. E. eactlao preferred, near Camp Malga. Call ? 530*. Br. 101. ' I " TWO ar throe risen with kRihr watte to accommodate 1 girts with telephone by January lith; not over ?4l per Catl Main 267*. Branch JIM. Ask for Mies Hawk. t'1T - TABLE BOARD Mtate R. I. A1X N. W.. *??taa aeea several table boarders; exoellent home cooking; private family; refined surround ings; ladies or married couples preferred North Ull tl_ r\RK ROAD INN. ] 415-141* PARK RD . Just off Fourteenth st. Club Breakfast. 7 to *:????? ????.;? tUble dTlote Dinner. * to *-*??? Sunday Chicken Dinner. 1 to ?:S* e l-*t K ST. N. W.. 17*4?Kicellewt table baart home cooking: rossonablo. 2?_ ?f AVE. S. E. 114?Caa accommodate a few more table boarders; ressansbls. Phone Lin. ???* HOARD. MOTHERS. BOAED TOrR CHILDREN WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS DINNER SET?secowd band. BOX 171, Times office. PIANO wantad to reat, bay or care far. long or short period of time. Phone Franklin 4430. Branch 704. 1-11 W \NTED?Furniture, planoe. carpets, etc Phone M 11*2 for wagon, or have us call "WESCHLER'S," *2* Pa. ave. N. W. DO NOT EXPERIMENT We are the largest in the line. Send in your old straw hats and leave the rest to us for your own interest. WE WANT TO KEEP TOU AS A CUSTOMER We put new life And atyie in your hat. BACHRACH'S, Main 4403. G ?' "? W <irz FURNITURE All kinds, wanted to furniub sn 11 -room bouse recently purchased Franklh^S*42. WH-L CALL, oily or >ib.; pay I _ prices for ladies , men s aad children s worn clothing, shoes; sard postal or Pboa* J. TAR8HK8 13** 7th nw . phone North 4?* WE BCV anything aad everything. WbcM have you to se'.lT Tommy Low^,1*4 O si SC. W Franklin 7**1. dtll-lll C iTrVi" I * < M PaKl for aecond-nand M Ul tAon clothing Will call 1. KK1U 1414 7th St. nw. Pb North 1*41 Ft RN IT I RE?All kiada. waated at once. to furnish a 4-room house recently pur chased , will pay cash. Frank. H4S. HAVE *OIT 1NU UAND FlEMTCRIt We have the price you ask?let's get to gether Sherman's i Uif N. T sve N. W. 114t 7?h St N. W Matn *i?*. North 34*1. t) A Mf. 11?t ur ait are far cash. Hall jmm 1 goods to the .nau who gives the most money, bev HOrWOOb, Itb and K. ac*J-*S? I " IV K'I.I. till k"CASH VOK TOCR Pianos and Talking Machines Kills A Arnold. 1123 O St. Main *111. Iee7-**t WK PAY highest cash prices far mei'l oM clothing; see us first at *37 D at. N W. a?t*-tf OLD (.OLD AND SILVER LOKL-iN/ tx*- H- M" Ltw?I\L 1>?- lj | I % w .va iiu Si. a. w. OOl.n. SILVER DU 1 3 I ,1 A k*ONUS PLATINUM. JEWRLRY UIAH1WHWJ FOR SALE?MISCELLANEOUS "YCLK?Nfmrl> new; apoclal Kmbleia ipply 1?S? 4<A st S W 17* R1N(>?lady's ^-carat solitaire diamoiwJ perfect, for a quick sale. I1S0. U AL PlIER. Main 2175 >14-30t 1 Bit A MIXED WOOD?Any length. S14 per ear.; delivered. Phone Franklin 1*17W 31 ITRMTI RE an:! entire e?iuipmenl of tw? rooms u:.*-d for I. h k. price 141 ''h"nc? of at-curing the rooms, it* B st E. , GAS R A NOES EEPA1EED snd ?*slK. CLTDE L. BOWERS, 1207 H st N. W. 1 Main t**4. au2S-**t for SALE?MISCELLANEOUS MAN'S HIT, |M nm, m l~ ~ c 11?*. "j"1 ?*??*???: alae *?; call ??- w x ??? ?rt Imt rwr. i?. rtmKiTi kk-til rjjkoaahle; call at Met IJJ< H ' N * Phone Ua IH1 J? i ? w--l. M '?'? fco*. meat blocT* a?'^ knlaee. ?>, ?aei va4 ^l'" I bona Ales. M! W. F. wiathbrrbri mw CAMUA6I Bin, aata^l r^t. . <*r?P-h#td M?lB? mtolitM |u lamp. It im |,h at N W ill!* CAS nxrtlBMWi at I f t jclr COMPLETT aa? KM luarw taf do~ r~ ?* ~ rrka,< wwitoba. mr. ?tttinr> ??z .n1?'* 5?5 ?v ?"?*??. *??trte motor* . ., ? ? virvinc n stejill* arttrloa cheep Call ji co- f?"?t Dahe at.. Alaxaa* tt~ ut WOOD?Dry ptea M4 aoks m laMk delivered promptly: cord. Ill half cor .. 2?v*; "?*?'?? tff mink r ^ ?*u worth ism take 111* for chctca. Hodaon ataJ COKIM ?'?*. for M Two hSSU t?, ?? - 'on*. era pa do china Ha ?15' W!^} if* f*r ?M ?*# worth l'> tur "? ??* beautiful fos art for |?? One ?.xquielte volf aat worth 1111, for IU T?r I *c*rt* OM Ml muff a 11* Seal capes tit ta |:? Mink aata mink cos tree and muff ta matrh at Hat tt'_. t5*", ?" **w aampl* placw M?a? ha cleared at oac? 1 342 11th at N w. corner O. Franklin ItH It BOILER and *? ?**'n ?" opr ratios. CARMACK cuamm CO.. Il!( Queen at. '? load if oallod for. alao hoslaasber. pack Inr boxea far aale M. H FITZGERALD. *? Jackaoc at. N. E. Mala 1W Ja7-?ai CORD WOOD . l^t a?e deliver and pal la row collar -be very hl?heat *rade oak rordarood Cat <a any l?Ofth to m**t rear r^?di Immcditta delivery, -|1? pat oord Half cord riauly trtr1. " l cranford. W?M <1 Hyatta ??T. ja?.wt . ?CUCAL IKITICIUUlTI PIANO?(prlgfat; ard makr N. C rod.TRY. PTTI ARD LITI STOCK JV9T UTUVU) ?we la* of In* canaries, ffoldftlatiaa. don and w? do taaldarmlnc of all kinda ICHM1 D"| PKT emporium. til l!th at itw j.n m typewriter*?ALL MAW rOR 8 A LB OR KENT. Mil KAWT CAPITOL ?t LINCOLN MIL MORA ICS and VKMICLBI IOUK, _ m., __ ?? ? . * ifi aau separate ar together Phaaa North (ML ?etweea lam and i p m 17 m ?m aat oil ha?d stable a ad |??t BUSINESS amnoumcements BLBCTHIC ARd'gAI RBPAIRlig' Electrical Repairs 2nd Wiring. ^t7n/'r;:ro^pt ^ ^ Washington Electric Co.. OA* AND BI.Er-TRK RETAIRP SI r M. nr. W Phoaa Kranklla M?. lalt-Mt '?fcXHHAL 1MWIIC HKI'tlHU.. Carpenter and Contractor ?Bd ??? work dona for rw w",u m "? i~.w r\-****mrsfi?r?*o?r ??? f it ~r k.tt2de' *? ^l_r FAIRALL (It Do. at R. w. Phoao rrankUa KH-w dalt aat CARPENTER and BUILDER a^'vs'ijtr FraakUa <t?l a OTTO {?? itthat iv l-aat-iat iirrmnamitc dressmaking roal? yad a ft am. Km draaarv. a|M M)t, mad* to order, aitrrad and ramodolad at M^h'? ' V P?**"ph a ^acr"r' 1*1 < j??P at. X. R Phona Kranklln I71A II win do^y 111 An a-1 umd ssssur.rr. ^oc ^$ W* *?" ?*? aamplaa. hi." Ltoa. ITa kleeblatt's uJZ2 u Jalt-tf > UNTtRG ROOMH paparad, $1 ap; runt palMad m -j1?; P__PAW|g. ?t; N T. ava. N^W^?t* ARW A AH tacuND HARD CLOTH Df AWOLITE satisfaction ta aw a?*4 *r"m* "?de and that's how wa bat It op ?"?.a . *"'1 bu>'ln? of maa'a wore aatts i?*!"- ?*" ?*?-. wa hava the eaah ? and It la to be apent In thla city and wa I Want your frlandalUp and rood lnflueroa Phonr us. t?a call JUSTU S OLD VTAND. p ii dykING ANO CI.KANINC! THE MACKOSE ??part Cleaners and Dyart All Wart Strictly Dry Cleaned Ph. Prut ties. Oocda Called Tor and Delivered \ili 14th 1TRBBT N W jat-MI ruINTIHO FOR aattafutarr , p"0"- ^'1 o. K. PRINTING CO . prompt aervlca It. .?TI, tit tth at n W. Jal.?t fiano rmma CZA? 4. SnUEITIA BJi Planoa and playara tuned and repaired M reai-a ?sparieace Phono North 1I2S-W Z?ll Kearney at. K. R. ocSt-U ?r w Sf^*- A- "tkOL |b7 Formerly with Chaa M. Mat Columbia 4it:-W. ?M hi ?L , mylt-SSt ' riRI RICMOD WILL KCKODCL TOl'R PLRs nal ta ?7 " " Por oent Has down towa ??oraatood. oea. ..eaiata "' ? ** N * aet*-?t chair lJtrAIIUAtt. CHAIRS CANED AND Call North ??>? tflMM kuxtthical eltctrical EXPERT ..jf,/0" l%v ? ?i#ctfic%i papalm ?r ip rtlL*9 llf mu#l ^ Proi> CLARKM ? po?iR< 1 uu will An*} pa oa lit j L. CLARKR. ??S1 M at N W !-??? i MIKKl.Lt MKfAIHtAU. ... l*"?ICLU rltair1no. We alao .mr.?# a complete etoca of new embralia* ??t K at S W, one door trr-fa ?th aal-Ht DHr>IMAMjmc AND TAII.OMIht^ I I km t i_V!?a Itm.tKMAklMi ? Utiea tatit>.'t!.a anu raauodaitns al raaai na ale lai.a .a?e> ia ?wa i:?a In at ?> * a oeJS-taa * liKl.?NAki.M, ?| Ma da kr waM _ aawar and Attar. MKt EMI LT MR1. lets m w ?p