Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1D1Q. mi ifcTt iBBh.,"Tr ' TO KILL " First Photograph of the Chinese Student GJub of Washington 0NIVEK8-II U S MAYOR'S ORDER DAY, H URGES m Continued from First Isr ' ttnder the Macy award, statins that to do so would be unfair to shipworkers in other sections, of the country who are abidins by the same award. "Vo Partial Larr at FrMrnt. "There is no present intention of ' proclaiming martial law Jn Seattle." , Mayor Hanson declared. "There is no such necessity at pres ont. The city is in entire control of the situation." Th mayor indicated he would not ask the Government to step ?n and declare martial law unless it appear- , cd violence might result from the re-' sumption of normal activities The mayor announced he would in augurate a. system of municipal jit neys. He invited every one with an j automobile, to operate it as a jitney." Termination of the Rcneral strike! would not. it was believed, affect the I shipyard workers. . "The strike will continue until the j demands of the shipyard workers are granted." Ault says. "There is not the slightest indication of . a I break in labor ranks. "We are pre- pared to feed the entire city if nee- I cssar for an indefinite period. "There is not the slightest indicu- j Ion of a return to work by any of the ctrikers. The various committees aro reaching out in every direction tor a settlement, as they have oeen since the strike started, and for several weeks prior."' Tension Is HchtxeU. A general relaxation of tensioH iii the city is apparent, and food was be ing served in a number of places. The strikers" commissary dcpar- ment. whicn nas oeen nmmwmuib . rublic eating halls with meals at "." cents, declared that over 20.000 had been "served on Friday, and that thv number was probably exceeded todav Light, heat. gas. water, and tele phone service had not been interrupt ed at any period during the sirtKC. Public utilities plants had been heav- lly guarded. J A heavy downpour of rain at the j t !ose of yesterday, when thousands ! were plodding homeward, brought on a revival or oiu-rasnioneu country MKLMjjw.T.ugfe ifeit p il "HwEQtT X trBMlT i mmi. v vraj '2jR91flHH9fHKBK SK 3 HPjflH A HMHHBHBk'fl jfl&i&GsKtUmV' .mBBBBBBHbL MB L lEj . j3BEKuBlMB8!BiElltWIMPiNRr!-!!H!DElJESLr j5sF 93 "SnEBBEBHHIlHEHllHIIIIHIIIIRjHlR rBB fjKJBjcJfiycyjBiy iN8fffa' fffflSfeTEMKJHif k 30&S5SB9flHHflEkE&?' HHBIVAhIIBBJsPjhEBH S a -BhhM it "wBBii. v.y . fcjBBBBBttBMBc jBBBBBBBBBB jQfejajfaSftMiMwMSMPwaBSMlWt. ?it v jkl Lv 3SAuKO0flBj0BBBBBHBBBBHBBBBD9Bf k rSHHflBnP wriwj. l JffffiMTlBifTiTryPpnrir ":wH TfiSHSSv .mHBV HHHBAyflL wkdBBLj HHHHr HIbBBI vp ?pv3BsP!SBBSB9B IL s jcaKMgc '.',whi rf tBBBBBBBBBBEBHBBBBBi BBd Ir iuBBlvSKi w&BSS HwJcbBep yjEJ5 & 3eBBBBBBwBBBB8K'fr?JE3t?B?M' sBJBBJ9B ,kul 9BBBBV"9wk?k BBpB? BBR 'PahBHSI' SHHBlfl9 BHBMBlBHnByKBJE9HBMMcS9PBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBB ijg BBBBBBiB?acAWtf j? niB MBkawlMiBBAwMUMS t gS.yg J5ki rijJIMiBBBBBBHBBBBKgfe'. SbVJBv' vSsn? TflK S jf JEBPw itst1 tui-v' "wBBRb v x BBBBHtJfTSi! jff "fflfirfniffiniffi ''BBPnTrffir 'ffMHBMHBBKlBMffnBi.1 tghsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BBR mm BBBBBHEi T ttiTi if iT TTTffffnTtiiTBTnTiBni ffnrtiffBfw --WMrffBffMHlBBfBBMt -r 3 tBImt g j&F t. Ar 46EjSw& -js&h j?wUJLJl Wr, BMy BBBBECTrfajLritttgjr fs n99sxr SxEfiKMHMHSHMKMKHKflvjHMKESSiKSHBBflBflBHflBflBflMKV IRx vB?99BflKlAifc- 3mTm& &ZXx3is i i'PNffjMKwSS'MWgrsSgjp8ff A.rAysc 9BBi9flflS uMflflBBBBBBflBBflflBBBflBBBflflflBBBflBH! BBEiflflBBBBBBflBBHflBBflBBBBflBflBKflBBHSsB 31HB3B'V v MGB&SuBSnbA stjwEswjEjBRBbssmHBsbw JBflHHHHHHBjr b' BHHHHHHHHP9SHB9K3MgBHBHHHB Bm! jp mBHSt rfcPDK-?jLjlrilfeM . awBMWJBBBMpEBMpMgMwMBaMWBB" ftMBM8BtRMBKSBBMgM9 rjMJBaBHSgM BIBPBkvX BkvMvBWX ' BB0SraBHPBKMi vBH IK aBBfe WBFytgQp'''' ly fr3WPMBBfiBTjMpjMpjMMlMBBWlrBMTB iMMBnBiMffiFni f 8&l&wKT'jt 'BBHVBvAKvJPAvAMvjMvAKvJHvJBBKvJHkt BBpMaBi?MaBBBfllB7V3pWaBWBHMBtBM TTTMwaMPaMwMfBB EK9P8feflBfflypWCTtK15MBBMBBlBjBM ''BBMwhkWc'HP ffgjLapJBBJBJBBBBM ffjBBBBBBlfcfcljJBjpgKJS HBffflJflHBBflBHKMflHBflDBjBGHBBBBBHHBBBBBSB BBBBBF 'KBBmEMB BH BBBBBF3BBBBBBBBrMBwWKagBySWgvXESBHRXv!fcB . -y BBBBBBBMWMMBBWBBBBBBt B.-w?iqHBWBBBBHBHBIWBjBBBWgyBBPKMWMyBWMgBgB BB i lii this picture No. 1 is Ben Sen Wu, the secretary of the mission, who was mur dered. ' Xo. 'J, Kang Li, close friend of Yu, who discovered the hodies of the mis sion members. No. 3, Dr T. T. Wong, director "of the Chinese Educational mis sion, who was also murdered. hours' pn for furtv -eight- hours' . - t t A 1 : u .-- - AniArAl lti tit r-r I neisiiBuriuiiao, ci i-eo "J ""'"""T v.irk-rp irrantetl bile drivers in the invitation to friend and stranger atike. "hop in and ride u ilh rat" ftcr the vote to continue the j strike, it was announced th'at hun ! dreds . of pickets would be thrown j around the mills tomorrow in an ef- LAWRENCE TEXTILE STRIKE fort to tie P an work. i tic puiicc. upon iieuruiB llll: UK 7ILL UNSETTLED, STATE ARBITRATOR ANNOUNCED fort-eiglit-liour week with fortj right liourb pa. It is -estimated that between 20.0001 and 28.000 workers are Idle. ' cision of the general strike' commit-1 I teel to continue the strike, started preparations to handle any emer gency. Former Pro&ident Taft. who is in AWTtEN'CE, Mass.. J'eb. . De- Boston, was asked by a special com- jtfic the announcement of John JoId- mittec of citizens, headed hy r.icnard ea. president of the United Textile j 2rrZ" " "'L. Z Workers, that the strike of textile..,,. Kfr,i. -i-oft; imwpvsr. U. S. TROOPS ARE RUSHED " TO PROTECT BUTTE MINES . AS 6,000 MEN WALK OUT REBELS MASSACRE CASE IS COMPLETE, MEXICAN TROOPS: LASKEY DECLARES BOTTK. Mont.. Feb. 9. United El- I'ASO. Tex . Feb. 9. The plaza (Continued from First Page.) States soldiers are guarding mines! m Tacabamero. Mexico, was the scene 'have been well cared for. Whatever orkers here virtually had been ad jqsted, Charles G. Wood, of the State that he would be unable to do so. near lure which are operating in de fiance of alleged I. W. W. orders call ing a general walkout. Troops were rushed to the mines of a massacre of Federal soldiers I they ordered to eat has been served when lebels under Jesus Sintora beat an(1 magazines and such newspapers ColoiW I'ulido. shot him. and then caused the bodv to be dratrired I through the streets and hanged to a The strike beira.ii last Monday when, when the strikers sprifpnrns rr nioi.--! hnirnl of nrhttratinn and conciliation. . a demand was made for a fortv-eisht- et.- to hlnrlc i-ntmnc r iVi minnc .tree. Jgnaclo Chavez, wealthy mer- tnnounccd late yesterday, after a con-hour week wtf.h fi fry-four houis Before the arrival of the soldiers i c,anf. met the same fate. Three Fed 'rence with the general strike com- wages. The hours requested was I some fist fights and sppiadic diaor- eraI soldiers held out for seven liours mjttee, that no agreement had been 'granted, but none of the mill owners ' ders occurred. ' but were finally taken and hanged. reached. would agree to the wage demand. Jix thousand of Hie i.000 miners At general strike headquarters, and (Their refusal was followed by a J here arc on strike, union leaders say. at a meeting of more than S.000 Ital- strike in which the foreign workers ; A general strike is not anticipated. tans, it was voted to stay on strike led. mntt of the English-speaking : until the original demands fifty-four workers being satisfied with the , TAQQMA STREET CAR AND SETTLEMENT EXPECTED IN PATERSON TEXTILE STRIKE as 'the police wanted them to see have been given them. Only the detec-1 tives working directly on the case and the officers on guard, have been al lowed access to the roms. Wan has read a great deal but the ounjrer brother seems to be more restless and has chafed at the neces- exeiclsT 'ct wh they can get , otherf. perfectly good murder plot , walking around the room. J iw.P. 2nh-.k". S i Tim nr.Kf Iriinif i-niTnrr nn wai o - "c "uui"- ut uvw vi ... . a f.v.... ....u w..--r -... I nese Education Mission, had an ac 1 count of "5150,000. besfdc 'hsls own .personal funds. Wan. i3 known to have remained inside the taxi while the young .brother. Van, entered the bank, introduced himself to the pay ing teller, presented the forged check and an equally false letter of introduction. Clerk Snaplcious. The signature attracted the clerks i attention. He compared it with the bank's record of Dr. Wong3 signa ture. It offered such a noticeable dissimilarity that he sought out a higher official of the bank. This official telephoned at once to the Chinese Mission in an effort to verify the check. We little knew that every member of the mission lay cold In death, the director in the reception hall and his two associates in the basement. - - .- ' At this point, it is pointed" out. an mkAmm 1 mtStJJHF llKiF Sijligr eu&vu PR!nv3 POWER PLANT STRIKE ENDS , s"l,-- "f thc stnKe l the iex 'tile mills of Paterson. X J. involving 27.000 men. is expected hourly, accord ing to reports to Hugh I... Kerwin. 4PAUM1 hlU.W ! I Jfll.TIJI, :t.'II04ir ?JAlLfcLft OPTOMET AND OPT I B mm IAN Washington's Largest Optical Store Affords the Combined Service of Specialists in Both Professions iONE CHARGE ONE RESPONSIBILITY The Services of DR. RAXON Optometrist and Eye-Sight Specialist in a Thorough and Authoritative Eye-Examination. And a completely equipped optical plant in charge of expert opticians for the accurate grinding of your prescription. This Is SheUtex Shur-On Week Featured in the Big National Magazines 8 41 TACO.MA, Feb. 9. Street lailway and power companies and municipal are operating on full schedule ' apain. j The men went back to wok yester i daj , after a day of idleness d,uring , nhuli there was general complaint at the order which called them off thei The return to wotjv of thc street ca men. along with the repudiation of the I'ential Labor Council's older, will go .u toward breaking the generai .-rik-. in the belief of municipal au thorities. Striking -iiipard Workers jester day dispatched their, flrht direct com munication io the Emergency .Fleet t'orporation. Th" strikeri1 message was regarded b smiif as beinK the, first .stcn to- dlrector .of thc Division of Concilia tion. United States Department of Labor. Commissioners Hughes and Barnes have been working tb find an ac ceptable b:isis of agreement between the companies and the men. They linallv have hit on a scheme which i at the scene of the crime within a few hours of its commission. As yet ho has been unable to give a satisfactory account of how he spent the hours just before and after the three Chi nese educators were killed. Although his visit to thc mission had termina ted on Monday, he was alone in ths prepared to answer the telephone when the bank official called, had he represented himself as Dr. Wong and told the official to go ahead and cash, the check, his brother would undoubt edly have beew given the ?3.000 by the bank. Instead. Wan was waiting outside house when the 'member of J ' JJm; j ,-very nerve in the hope that his Ily w-re d ning out on A ed nesdoj . Snside-the bank would secure and refused to admit a friend. Dr.' . .... 0 .,,.,. , ,,i, n lltU lUIIUu CW llV.VVt.U J .-' MVII w Kang Li. j Finally the paying teller returned The outline of tlK police ca.e against nu',r,r v m tAirt the two men will be proof tha botr. , ' KnV i.iontio. .1 ,11 --JS1! . ,..,-.l U. V.t1. r V V t iii-y ouiic-.i- win u- uctj-uniii u uu. . .. ..t,-i..-,1 fhp idrn of mur- Iii the meantime other textile centers i iur ui 'iiini in m --- ' " that together they did the killing. ;.nd that Wan forged one of his v'e tinrs name.-, to a ?."i.000 chock In th5 1 v ere desperately in need of money. I that Wan conceived the idea of mur- rs aro piogrcssing .. 1,Af. 7 v.. Ynrt. tn ,oin him.. Feared : .... ! '. avv -r - v ----- ELECTRIC WORKERS' HEAD him he must furnish better identifia- catiqn of himself before the money could be paid out. Van then joined cicab. ENDS STRIKE IN SEATTLE return to work pending a confer ence. It was an answei to thc t.eiegra.11 from I'liarlej, PicrJ director of the cor poration, received by the Central Le boi Council just bgore a general r-tr.Kc w a oidercd. OAKLAND. Cal.. l-jb. y.o.'jkand eiy hiuise wnere tnree men lay aeau and dying. As part of the dcatn plot, nan id Mippostd to have taker- a room r.t the Harris Hotel, a small place jtnven- 3- ff, S f f "Have your j n 1 eves examined y 1 V .3 4 . '"H ARE. it rSicKm t o.rnn 1'orl j . ro u oui r) I't .0 ha ifmrunirtd 'I HAWE YOUR EYES EXAMIHEB I TODAY Disco cry. The police say that thc two broth ois. fearing any further rattempt t- cash thc check would result in the speedy discovery of the murders, has tened to thc hotel, packed and left on the next train to New York, probably Members of the Electrical Work- Harris Hotel, a small place j.mven- ! al J :1,J tnat anernoon. ward ;. s.ttlemenl. since it declared: ' ers' Jnlon. striking in Seattle, were j r ntl near the L11I..11 Mallon. that ., ,, -"""K" ".TrJ"u. Xv- "If wo had some ppsitivt assurance ' ordered back to work last night bv palmed his omiiier 01 10 ue uom j r;" hid but J-ndor Hue to work that .,0 were going to' have a Just ' 1'. J. Xoolan. president of U,e Inter- management a his doctor so that thr. c hat b to settlement. . might be possible to ' national Ulo i brother', namo won 1.1 not appear on on. f rhcir IrsC came om Dr k ang In a telftrrum '.o u- uanor icpari- inc -;isirr. iiiij ui.ii f.v twin in-. - '- ,, . .- ,, - - ... .nent Noohm declared the action of ,ounR friend. Wu. that he was leaving Ooor of the Ciiinor Educational MIs HUtle union men in striking was Wnshmgton at 5 o'clock thc afternoon f on as laic as . o clock the night of Illrgal and contrary to the best in- ! of the murder. the murder. Dr. M ong and Hsle wen- iiii,ii .niu ui . .; 1 then dining in a Chinese restaurant t crest a of union laboi. I.rnrncil .Mliion'it Plaim. I . ,.lrt .tsts nr Air Quo Phinn... jas"sr,:ibKr5rs. - -"- u-, ,,. ,.lshsfc"rair js"s.siss; ivo.rtVi 1 follow oolans had Id 'earned of hc plan of all thrJi P o"ng 11 was with three triends at VUtl iijiiuit . .........1... .l.A .,; m ...A.l Ji. niitlir.f. fK.tnlirant Kenorts to the department sta- iuv"iu-9 . m. "iy ii-nu um- - -- fi,.it Mnris ft.r :. n niiiaflioth- strlk-! ncrs that nlgnt. that nc ?ainfl accs I oilormul.i rs have votqd MM 10 060 i of bi,ipworl: r. in San Francisco. 1.03 ' to the iiou.u. lot his brother in. and j :.1oring a strike of all boilormakors. ' Angeles and Portland railed Uiat together they lay in wait for the j Two thousand bollerinakers. ropre- - victims, who. unfortunately for them-, :T,,t,g four crafts, already are out If, COALITION D RECTORATE OUo " "lU,"VH " " """ C "' i hey remain on strike the shipyards , . , .,..,, . utoinaticallv will ho forced m ,.in.. cnDMCn IM DnDTIIHAI . n Volicfs know that the last of the - "" - 1 1 1 1 111 1 ij 11 1 ijii 1 uunt. .1 .. , - . 1..-, . w. .... ... - ... inri-i; inuruers ii3 vuiinnnieti hoc ' latei than midnight of Wednesday, MADUIU. Fob. 9 - -on.Miltatie po- and probably even earlier than thn't. j litie'al direitorat- ln- bi i-n foi med in ' At 1 o'clock they have proof or Wan Lirbou to onfc-i with lh- Portugui .-c ' and '"an rushing hurriedly into the ..11 all ' matter1. Harris Hotel and going directly to, & soon as the murder was discov- TARIS, Feb. 9. The right of frc speech, a free press, and demands to sn eight-hour day and the abolitio of child labor are the strlklng-.poir-in the proposals submitted, by t American delegates to the Comir.i sion dn International Labor" Legisla tion. :t - General indorsement" of the pro posals followed the announcement. 3Iany delegatiops here were especial ly pleased over the child, labor and eight-hour day provisions because I ts belfeved. that they will hnd oft demands from the pro-German? labo conference at Berne. The test of thc proposals submitted by the American delegates fo th Commission on International Labo Legislation .follows, "We declare that tae fellow in fundamental principles; snpuld under He and be Incorporated In ''the peso treaty: Favor League. "A leugue of the free peoples t f the world In a common covenant for genuine and praoticaLco-operaMon tt secure justice, and. therefore, -peace ' In relation between nations ' 'T-he en trance or. any tree nation into tnr league of free peoples-of the .worl' shall be infercnt, "No reprisals, based upon purely vindictive purposes, or deliberate de sire to Injure, but to right mantles: wrong. "Recognition of the rights ot smal nations and of the principle no peo pie must be forced under sovereign under which it does not wish to live "No territorial changes or adjust ments of power, except in furtherance of thc welfare of the peoples af fected, and in furtherance of worM peace. "That In law and practice the prin ciples shall be recognized that the labor of a human being is not'a-cam- piodity or article of commerce; exist, except In punishment for critr.' whereof the party shall have been duly convlctedl . Demand Trial by Jnrjv Trials by jury should be- estab llsbed. "The right ot free association, free assemblage, free speech, and press shall not be denied or abridged. "That the seamen of the merchan (marine shall be guaranteed the right of leaving their vessels when the same axe in a safe harbor. "No article or commodity shall be shipped or delivered in International commerce in which children, under the age of sixteen years Iras been, em ployed or permitted to work. "It shall be declared that the work day in industry and commerce, shall not exceed eight hours nor day. ex- Wednesday afternoon. He first todicept in case of extraordinary emers the police he had left at 8:15 that j ency, such as danger to life' or prop- ered by Dr. Ifang LI Friday night, at least thirty-six hours after its com mission, be immediately recalled hav ing seen Wan at the door on the pre ceding Wednesday. None of the three murdered men had been seen since Wednesday. Detective Kelly was sent at once to New York, got Wan and brought him back. He has been housed on the fourth floor of a hotel, under guard day and night ever since. The police say he has made most damaging admissions, and many contradictory statements. He Is known to have made Wu be lieve he was leaving the city at 5 night, and had been accompanied to the train by Wu. When told that Wu was with three guests at dinner- at erty. "The sale or use for commercial purposes of articles made or raanu- that hour, he admited he had told factured In private homes shall be an untruth. When confronted with prohibited. the evidence tkat "he had stayed at the "it shall be declared that an ade Harris Hotel until noon Thursday, he qUate wage shall be paid for labor admitted that he did not leave until performed, a wage based upon and commensurate with the standards of pay conforming to the civilization of early afternoon on Thursday. Wan a Dyspeptic. Wan is a nervous dyspeptic and while under police guard at the hotel has seemed to suffer a great deal. His brother is younger and in bet ter health. This young maneems to have been completely under- the dominance of Wan. At the hotel the police have pur posely kept the two brothers apart; Van being In a room on the third floor. Since he has been removed from his brother's influence, Van talks somewhat more freely. It is from Van that the police hope ulti mately to get the complete story of the crime. While the two boys call themselves Wan and Van, their real name is Hwcn. Their mother is in Shanghai. Dr. Wong, one of the murdered men. knew her there and called on her there. Wan is known to have re sented Dr. Wong's attitude towara him during his stay here. It is believed he left the mission at Dr. Wong's request. Dr. Vong is known to have disapproved of Wan's spendthrift ways and to have urged Wu not to lend him any more money. Thc nolice still want to know thc whereabouts of Jeanne La Mar. a young stage beauty and dancer, who was a friend of Wu's. She is known to nave called at the mission to see Wu and the police believe she may be able to throw additional light on the personal life of thc young man who entertained young Wan, and was, ac cording tc the police, one of ins victims the time. "That equal wage shall he paid t women as is paid to men for eqnal work performed. "The incorporation of the points laid down by President Wilson." ANOTHER U. S. CRUISER ARRIVES AT HAMBURG AAISTERDA3L Feb. 3. Another American cruiser has joined the cruiser Chester and the destroyer Alwin at Hamburg, whoro the allied commission is supervising transfer of German merchant shipping to the Americans, jt was reported In. dis patches received here. The commis sion is said to have been well received. BURNSTINE'S ESTABUSHD srmaSX.y'X, DIAMONDS ... j i .. . 1 SS2.S5STfB5?Sa fDTAMOND EXPERTS i s 361 PENA. AVfc' PHONt MAIN 5382 j Cld. bllver, mad Platlaaai Parchaaed for aUuiuIactaxtujc Fcrgoiea within a day or two. ShJUan Genuine made liapp only for the toutiabt of seeing others in want. K 3 Shur-on Eyeglass MHgfabv -ja Lens Breakage. mBKMBBL s T I fc Mk. Mr m la IW r J f a jH lay jvvaa xEk laW aal hl 1 V "r AtaaJb JBtaaSfc 9a k0 & I RAXOH OPTICAL CO. I V fc7iiiisraia avtiiiiAacai mtvnvMrsmnjk 9 St. N. W. stiiisinmaiEj Tlie ronpies.s ot the Uniled States roquorsts tlic peaee delegates to consider the right of Ireland to : elf-government. This will he u wu ring note Tor Iceland, llui 1.' all" iicoples on the eat tit hae a t iIit to decide govctnniedt qucb tJous for themselves, uliy sliould Irrhmd. which has bceu lightiug for independence during heven Hun dred years, be the only exception? German.-, officially announce that they would like to hae American grain sent over to im proe the quality of beer, which 1- very bad m uermany at present. This 'Government nas lifted thc ban and gives permission now for barley, for beer-making purposes, to be pent abroad. It is no longer needed here for that purpose. ' The State of New York is map- , ping out a local New York Stale ! inrome tax, in addition to thc nn- 1 cional income tax, to Taisc money that will be needed when the e cplptn from snloon licenses ar off TIip amount i-s ?12,000.00'i n . ' IQar. ip Xgv :Vork State, and in comes from SVi" a ycr. up. a re to I be taxed t i. an'iounred in di-patches re L. iod from that city. Th- dlr--.o:-at' onibinfes a coalition ! the union ist, revnlutibni.-t. demon :ui . and na tional pailus tIKMr room. 'I hi-y next appeal, -iccord.n,; to th-j police, mi a taxi, "ii tin ir w.l. o tht Uifigs Xatioiinl UanK. Pr. ! 01m. is direitor of mt i. Iii- ! 1 pecial for Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday Only Gold Filled Eyeglasses .75 New Style Finger-Piece Mounting Made to Fit Any Nose riirrfnllj j 1 rxnmlnrd by our 1 crniluntr 1 optician 1 . , ninl proper lrnM-i ' ndJiKitnl Schwartz ' jewelers -xnd Opticians 708 7th direct j To Parents Who Have Given With the object of creating a unit of those who could not GO, but have GIVEN, and so-that we may participate in the coming demonstra tion in Washington in honor of Pres;dent Wilson, also in a laler parade .0 honor the boys and girls from overseas, parents of the boys who gave or were willing to give their lives are requested to fill out and mail the blank form below. This invitation is general. . A meeting will be called at an early date, so prompt action is desired Parent Home address Washington address Name of Son or Daughter. I- Rank Company Division t I IJiiII ( lil.llKIt :. ,IOIIM)S, . Immlicr f fommrrw. T. I. ., t li!ilrnir.n. I on.iiiiitci' of Kiirtilluu-iit ot I'arrnt. A n.liinioii. ' 1aMBaMH)aMaainHHannnmaaMHaBHBMVBi'SaBiM"a"maaHWaMiB X 1 )A 1 I i