Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10; 1910. HEHET w m mmwm (Continued from First Pace.) " M slate that now because Mr. Kaj'cr is in town, una if he 'wants an opportunitl to come here and deny it, be has a cnace to do it.' Mr. Mayer in entering: his denial declared that no one but an idiot would do what Mr. Henpy charted. "Do I look like an idiot?" he asked the 'committee. "Does the committee think I, as a lawyer of long experi ence, would make such a foolish offer?" Read IValah'n Drnlal. Mr. Mayer- said that Ilcney had coupled the name or Frank P. Walsh n ith "this ungodly, unmanly, this cruel, indefensible, unscrupulous at tack." He read a telcsram from Mr. "Walsh, which follows: "While 1 can claim a very pleasant, acquaintance with Mr. Mayer, he never offered employment in Chicago or elsewhere, and this does not imply that he might not have done so with perfect propriety, or that I might not accept tr decline the sams 'with like propriety." This statement, which Mr. Walsh f-a?c to press association, Mr. Mayer .said "was prompted by the instinct of an honest man." "You wifl not," Mr. Mayer said, "that 'my offer' was made in a 'low lone' "If T "had wanted to offer a bribe lo Mr. Hency. do you think I would do it in iu session of this committee? Was that, .the only opportunity that was jgjvcn to me to offer a bribe to Mr. Hency? Could I Tiot have met him In." tho ball, around the street, or In his hotel. And, gentlemen, why did he wait fifteen days .before disclosing, that wuch an offer had been made to in terfere with his professional Integ-riT'i-hls virtue, his honesty? "The charge" is an" unmitigated, reckless, violent falsehood, with nothing to justify It." . Questioned A' To Seating. Senator Kcnyon. Questioned Mr. Mayer closely as to where he at during tho session of Januijy 24, where Mr. Heney charges the bribe attempt was made. "Senator Gore Bat at the hca.l of the table," Mr. MayeaT explained. Next to Senator Gore sat fcn:iror Page; nest to Senator Page sat J. lowVisibility'Costiimes rVpCi Ball Shock Phila. Hosts PHILADELPHIA Pa., Feb. 10. Xcw York art is somewhat too liberal for Philadelphia, and all friendly relations between the colony here andGrecnwich village in Gotham are almost hopelessly strained. Tho breach in artistic comity is the result of the superfuturists costumes worn by representatives of New York at the camouflage ball of the three arts clubs hero. Those costumes, mostly worn by the female contingent from Man- hattan, shocked tho members of the committco into heated pro tests, and an investigation is un der way. The Manhattan girls, it is said, must have been en routo for the "Garden of Eden." The most flagrant costumes were those of a mermaid, which consisted of transparent scales, and that of "a Vampire of the sea." which was distinguished by "low visibility." CTPROB 1 ASSOLONS M Ogden Armour, who was then testi fying, and to the right of Mr. Armour and next to him I sat." Senator Kcnyon asked "And who to your right?" "At times Mr. Hency sat there; at other times Senator Gronna sat Knotty problems of reconstruction, readjustment, and government owner- i-hip will still, be hanging in the bal ancc when tho present, the 65th, Congrc&s ends at noon on Tuesday, March i, .Democratic and ltcpubllcan- leaders of both tho Senate 'and House today agreed. Monumental as were the war per plexities the present Congress was forced to deal frith, the heritage of peace entanglements the next, the ! 66th, Congrcfs will have to unravel promise to be equally difficult of solution. Democrats and Republicans likc predicted. Senators and Representatives of both parties who have had long ex perience with legislative jams such as tnu one Coiigress. is now caught In freely declared that a, number of appropriation or supply measures of 'he utmost importance may remain undisposed of during the three weeks which arc all that are left before the curtain falls upon tho present Congress. Supply Bills Mar Go Over. In fact, several Democratic and Republican leaders went even fur ther. They volunteered tho opinion that a number of tho supply bills would not bo passed by the prcaent Congress, but would have to bo handed to the next Congress, which nCISr, remember "" Mr' Mavils expected to meet in extraordinary The only conversation between Heney and himself, Mr. Mayer sald, was relative to the financial report of Armour & Company, and when he asked Mr. Hency how long the cross examination of Mr. Armour would continue "Now, what in God's world, even In the mind of an inline man, could prompt such a dishonest, such a .dis reputable, such an untruthful charge is beyond my mental conception or imagination" Mr. Mayer declared Reputation His All. Mr. Mayer, said he was born in Rich mond, Va. : that, like all lawyers, all he had was his reputation, such as he has built up after a practice of nearly thirty-five years. "This is the first time in my practice, which has been varied, extensive and, territorially, quite over the country," he said, "that such a cliarge has been made. or even Intimated." As I have said, it I hurts, and it hurts because of the na session by May or June. Thus far the Senato has only dis posed of two of the scries of supply bills passed by the House. The Sen ate provided an' Illuminating con trast between what it can aid It ! cannot accomplish in spj!y lois lation In disposing of these "two" Dills, the ppstofflec and the pension meas ures. The Seriate "t'obk till of l.isf week when it was not speech-making in getting the postofflce bill out of the way, finally passing it late Saturday night. It required ex actly one minute to pass the pension bill. Today the Senate tackled the wom an suffrage question Once more before getting down to the conference report of the much-amended revenue bill which the House adopted Saturday night. The House only took seven hours on'Saturday to dispose of the revenue bill, but, as several Senators have signified their intention of de livering carefully prepared addresses to the charge. Think, gentlemen, of the idiocy of j sence of oplnl awye"r. who in the open session ot j Pecting many Inn u 1 nK1 it t ntVi Ir1i Vioc hAAti ?Wirn r J I rr It nnrl n tttAA 1 1 n (! 1trA wii . emu ao iiikii; 13 a. n juc uvca- or opinion in tne senate rc- a lawyer, who in tne open session ot i "fvv....0 ........ . ., ,.-.. .,.-...., .. this committee, while the committee rhref.dfJPecl.tole,Psc ,c i,.nrin -a itno Tronic inn ovr before that body finally bids it farc- and in a low tone of voice say to the well " passes It on to the Prcsl lawycr on the other side, 'I want toldcnt- w . v , , bribe you'" ' n tnc mcanwn,'C the House, having "And tlic bribe was that I would ' srotten the revenue bill out of its way. give htm more business to use his undertook today to finish the Navy own words "Send you more business RPPfopi iations bill i pending be than you can handle.' ' rYe u- As those provisions of the Answering the statement of Mr. I measure involving Secretary Daniels' wiT,Nv. ih.t'Mp irvir !' in Wotti. ( bicgcr American nay 1m; too y.-iiurday nd could answer j the charge if he wished. Mr. Mayer) said he left Washington on the Con-, ruary i. York at The mineral lands leasing bill, hav ing been agreed on in conference and BETTER BE SAFE than soriy That's why we idvise you to consult without delay our optometrist eye sight specialist Dr. L. H. Kraskin, if you have rea son iu suspect a defect of your vision. If his examination shows that you need glasses, he will prescribe them; other w 'so. he will frankly tell you so. A.KAHN Optornetrists.&Optictetfs g955-F-STREET N.W. AMI program have yet to be 'disposed of. House leaders jtatcd they could not tell whether the measure would be finally passed gressional Limited last Friday, Feb- h? tonight, as the Democratic "whips' at 4 p. m.: arriving in New I "' 9 n. m.. Friday. , Mineral Landa Bill. -- - -m Charge Henry In Private Pay. . , .. ,, ,, jii,, i being a privileged measure, may be before the committee that dollar-a- ... , .7. , , ..-.v. 'called up in the House early this year men formerly connected with , wcck RcprcscDtativfc Scott Ferris. uie packers wore in Washington Democrat, of Oklahoma, chairman ol j -nneyjiM to oeai no mc .ir the House rubHc in Committee. with whicn tney rormeny wero en- , whUe Representative Asbury V .Lever, gaged, it should not be countc-, Democrat, chairman of the House tianced. Mayer ae.ciarea. (Agriculture Committee, hoped to get .Q1.u4v. . ..wt ..- niouse action on tne xi.oou.ouujwu enough to permit it to serve two mas- , whcat guaranty bill which hi3 com icra. i mittee i3 expected to favorably rc- "13ut I charge that Heney is .n nx- port today or tomorrow, actly the same position. He is here Tne Armv appropriation bill, the serving this committee as its counsel I (jencrai Dcficiencv measure, and the without pay. but he Is bctlS Paid : J500.000.000 extenstion of-ogovern- by private interests on the aide. I ment-control-of-railroads bill arc all " !. .. I three to be yet reported to the House "WE WANT A JUST PEACE, frm committee, as. is the packers' . ' . . regulation bill. WHINES GERMAN OFFICIAL ! A study of the Senate as well as the j tiouse caienaar only served to em- ! phasizc the legislative jam which PARIS. Feb. 10. "I believe a recon-'bomc Democrats and Rrniibllians .dilation of the peoples of the Central ! frankly admitted was daily plunging powers and the entente can dc encctea tnem deeper and deeper into despair. only if a peace of right and justice is, . made." declared Count Brockdorff-Rant-; CCCVQ RPRMAMY A'Q rau. a German foreign secretary, in an -CI0 UCnillHUI HO Interview with the U'cimar correspond- 0IIIFT HAVPW OP RCCT Your Office V.l make a bi"tr imprcision. and will be more efficient, too, if vou let us equip it with our loopo-laf ledscrt. desk pad?, blank books, 3'i,k calendars, etc. BAUM Paper and Stationery Co. QnC Ith f Opposl GoMfnticrs j3U illl Ol.phonc. ,Iain -sis. cnt of the Matin. "You want to take from us the results1 of fifty years work in Alsace-Lorraine, J he continued. "We seek only an cqui-l PAX A. III., Feb. 10. "Germany nc conunueu. e .-. u . y- 0Unds quieter than hom bo ,. table peace. The huge majority of the If av " German people have no thought of rc-j " L""' '"" lw ,f,'a mc p venge. Every one. however, has the im- lic whe" they questioned him at th- . .....uuu .'ittnuu. - to iifia on a prcssion that France is to profit by the- r' a armistice negotiations by making it ap- cnargc o pear we terms." f wife abandonment. I admitted tho justice of itaj GLASS ASKS $9,514 FOR TRAINING SCHOOL FOR B0YSI -International- Cleaners & Dyers Tuo Stores, JStS 11th 5t. "N. "vT. I'bonr Main 0225j S003 Jtth St. A. V., Phonr Col. 7V.V2 WE AKH M'KCIAI.IS'TS on Ladies' Fine Work Ttj- t. lie Conilnced. Ail garments iclivercu on hangar.-, and in d'-st proof bug-. HOSPITAL INMATE USED STOMACH AS JUNKHEAP BOSTON'. Feb. 10. John Leblanc. I inmate of the State Hospital, had sc- Thc sum of ?0.014 as a upp'enTntaI vere stomach trouble. Doctors opcrat- j estimate for the National Training "d and took from hia stomach V-'S . t..t... nM T7yu in Ihtk .. it fiw ,1 in(l.vni!urr nlr,m rf .. . ., Oi:ilOOI lOI J-.V... . .: - w -w ..v-. .I.. ,'i'.v. v, lll'liflj, LljrCI in a communication to the House by imitation diamonds and nine tents. Se-rtary of Treasury Glan."-. - - It i. included in estimates of ?1.85U,-' 3111?. IIOWAItl) I.UKT P.STATL:. 0:G vhich the Department of Jiistirr through Secretary Glass, is ajkinv. The.--c estimates arc intx:iided to sup plfnrnt cfctimatcs for lOlS, 1013 and 10-J0. I Included in the estimates al.o is ;n I Item of ?35 000 for j-upport of convicts I in the District of Columbia this fiscal I year. George Howard, iatc prrajdnt of the Dupont National KhiiIs. by lib Hill dated 1-Vbruary 7. lOOS. fltl for probate totla , names his w idow. Mr:.. Mar C Hov, aid. aa t,or brntllciar or hid esiate. Mr.-. Howard and the I National avingj and Tru-t CompHiiv arc xiani'd hls csei-utors. Mr. Howard Idled January 'S2 iaf. l2T Amateur &$!&$&&& Piotography IT25 Hobby? That "finest pUtu-e" will always turn out well if we do your Kodak Developing and Printing Satisfactory "Work or Xo Charge National Remembrance Sbop (Foster' Sbop) 14lh St and Perm. Ave. Open Exenlagm rap m OPEN NOSMS ID HEAD Says Cream Applied in Nos trils Relieves Head Colds at Once. - If your nostrils are Uoggcd and your head is stuffed and you can't arcathc freely because of a cold or catarrh. Just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of thU fragrant, antl , septic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head, southing and healing the inflamed, swollen mu cous membrane and you can get in stant relief I Ah: how good it feel. Your nos trils are open, your head Is clear, no more hawking. Jnuffllne. blow. Ing; no more headache, drrnrss or struggling for breath. Kly'r Cream Halm if jut what sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. It's a delight ii OLD DUTCH MARKET -SPECIAL FEBRUAR Y SALE- The housekeeper wanting to reduce her table expenses will certainly visit our markets often this week and stock her pantry at these sensational prices TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY SMOKED SHOULDERS Fancy 4 to 6-lb. Size Lb. 25 c FLOUR :a?asajL 73c KETCHUP no io fcn 70c ytu- 5c SPECIALS A COMPLETE LINE OF BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OFOURMARKETS. QUALITY GUARANTEED. PRICES FQR THIS WEEK ONLY 1 0c SPECIALS RICE, Blue Rose Lb. 10c LIMA BEANS, Soaked .Can 10c PUMPKIN, No. 3. . . : .Can 10c BROOKE'S CRYSTAL SOAP ..... 3 Cakes 10c CORN MEAL, Old Virginia 2-lb. Pkg. 10c WHITE CORNFLOURv Bulk.. ....... 3 Lbs. 10c Dunbar Syrup, Old Fashioned Kind: . . . Can 10c TUNAFISH, Albacore is Can 10c CORN PUFFS, a Breakfast Special. . .Pkg. 10c KRAUT, Fancy Stock Can 10c HOMINY, Cooked Can 10c PEA BEANS, Michigan Hand Picked ... Lb. 10c PEA BEANS, California Lb. 5c BLACK-EYE PEAS, Fancy Stock Lb. 5c ROLLED OATS, Bulk Lb. 5c GRAHAM FLOUR, Bulk. Lb. 5c SARDINES, Oil or Mustard, is Can 5c PEAS, Marca, 6-ounce Size Can 5c SOAP, C and C Oleine Cake 5c SOAP, Export Borax Cake 5c 25c SPECIALS LAUNDRY STARCH, Argo, 5 Lbs. . . . Pkg. 25c SAWTAY, a Lard Substitute Can 25c CORN MEAL, Old Virginia, 5 lbs Pkg. 25c HOMINY, Bulk 6 lbs. 25c SAUERKRAUT, Fancy New Pack . . . 3 Qts. 25c SPICES, All Kinds, 10c,Sizes 3 for 25c BAKED BEANS, Victory 3 Cans 25c BUCKWHEAT, Bulk 41bs. 25c BAKING POWDER; Rumfbrd. . . . Lb. Can 25c 15c SPECIALS MACKEREL, Choice Irish-Fat Each 15c POMPE1AN RUSSIAN SAUCE Mr: .Bottle 15c BROKEN RICE , .2 Lbs. 15c TOMATOES, Standard 3s. . .' Can 15c BEST MIXED TEA. . . .- J Lb. 15c BROOMS STOP! LOOK! BUY! No. 6, 4-String Each 50c Little Jewel Carpet . . Each 75c MILK PEERLESS EVAPORATED Small Cans 3 for 20c Tall, 15c, or 7 for $1.00 COFFEE QUALITY MAINTAINED - Our special Santos is a real special. We roast it daily at our plant and deliver immediately to oar markets, thus preserving the fall strength and flavor. It is delicious try a pound. 0c lb. DRIED FRUITS PRUNES PRUNES FANCY JJUTSlKAJ LO EVAPORATED. CHOICE EVAPORATED.. ADDirYYTQ choice i Bt rI? A i"TTE0 FANCY .T E&MVnE0. EVAPORATED Lb. Lb. Lb. PEACHES S"?' . T h Sliced Peaches, No. 1 . Can Sliced Peaches, No. 2 Can 20c 15c 25c 22c 25c 22c 23c 33c BREAD 12-0z- " 5ET TWIN ROLLS DOZEN, 14c Our Millbrook Brand CHOICE, LARGE, CLEAN, SWEET, FRESH EGGS GUARANTEED Th3it Means a Satisfied Customer or Your Money Refunded. FRESH EGGS DOZEN, in Carton, 50c fAFC Fancy Pound Cake Lb. 32c li.liO Real Raisin Cake.. Lb. 35c SUGAR BUNS DOZEN, 18c FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER OUR DERRYDALE BRAND, LB . 53 c SAUSAGE SPECIALS Made of the very Jincst materials and under perfect sani tary conditions in our own kitchens. SMOKED SAUSAGE Lb. 30c LUNCH ROLL Lb. 30c HEADCHEESE Lb. 25c PUDDING Lb. 22c BOLOGNA Lb. 30c SCRAPPLE Lb. 20c CHEESE FULL CREAM Lb. 38c SlvIlVl .................. Lb. 32c SMOKED HAMS, Very Fancy Lb. 36c BACON, MachineSliced Lb. 48c SMOKED JOWLS Lb. 20c SPARE RIBS, Dry Salt Cure Lb. 18c VEAL CHOPS, Rib or Loin Lb. 32c VEAL CUTLET, Choice Lb. 45c OLEO, Mayfield Brand Lb. 33c PURE LARD, Open Kettle 2Lbs. 55c BEEF LIVER, Sliced Lb. 15ci 930 Louisiana Ave. 918 Louisiana Ave. 8th and E Sts. S.E. 7th and B Sts. N.E. 1105 H St. N.E. 700 H St. N.E. 739 N. Capitol St 1632 N. Capitol St 1st & Thomas Sts. N.W. 7th & Florida Ave. N.W. 7th and Que Sts. N.W. 712 K St. N.W. 726 7th St N.W. 906 G St N.W. 1421 G St N.W. 21st & Penn. Ave. N.W. 31st and M Sts. N.W. 3417 M St. N.W. 2030 P St N.W. 1440 P St N.W. 1714 14th St. N.W. 14th and You Sts. N.W. 18th and You Sts. N.W. 3166 Mt Pleasant St N.W. 14th & Kenyon Sts. N.W. . 14th & Perry Sts. N.W. 3420 Georgia Ave. N.W. and 1 1004-1006 King St f AliTaTinits V i i ff , 1 I 1 i 0 v ? I