Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES; TUESDAY; JUNE 10; 1919. '9 BSB HairOn Face p imoie k O TJIM1 MOD litCOc erse d brirttr e jam rely removed from tke sxcfaee- C ike. ckfet. The dx ceBBMSHttmc "WJ tu tchotc bieedosalde kmlr hi to attack: it 6er te kta. DettUnkde, (ke rtcbaU KanKary JUfali, 4e this OsiT gmsiBO DeSOraele baa a iwiwrpy Inrl. paueKatee In enea Paexsso. At tOet ewraters In . 91 aaA S3 aAaesr er by mail fs M im plain wrapper em re ceipt t price. FREE. bool: ""ft teatSssKlals of -- kfsbest arthritic. ex plains what cause hair, way It crtpaaca and fcow DtMlrselt de ttac tt. stalled in plain aealed eavrfope en repeat. Ie3Ilrttcle, Park A-vb. and 120th St, ITew Tork. AMERICAN PEN WOMEN 1 Leaprie. The house throughout Is i furnished m mahopany with dra- HAVE EVENING "AT HOME'Ml'ories of sunliffht yellow and as a ' ;Hub is an interesting addition to The l.facp of American P'enwo- AVashinpton. men entertained laat eveninc at a The puests were received by the reception and hoiipowarmin in its officers and past presidents of the new club house. 1722 H street. Over I-.ea.Rruc. The officers are as follows: nOO jruests were present, amonp I hem, Airs. Isaac Pearson, president. Mrs. manv women of letters from out of Florence Jackson Stoddard and Mrs. town and representatives of the lit- William Atherton PuPuy. vice presi- crary and artistic circles of Wash- dents. Mrs. Katherine J. Fenton. re- inpton. icordinp secretary. Miss Marie C. Red- The drawing: rooms on the first . fern, corresponding secretary. Miss floor were beautifully decorated with t I-ilJian Williamson, assistant corres- flowers and ferns and the brilliant I pondins secretary. Mrs. Thomas S I posters done for the Leapue bv thelWallis. treasurer. Mrs. OeorRC Combs. Camouflage section of the Forty- I librarian. Mrs. Theodore Tiller, his- seventh Engineers. Refreshments torian. Mrs. Richard i. i-ioxie, auai- HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY Mexican Ambassador Entertains For General Aguilar. Mrs. Baker Honor Guest Dinner Parties on Calendar. were served in the large dining j room. An exhibit of autographed dooks. pnotographs. original manu- tor. is absent trom tne cny. Among the past presidents who were pres ent were Mrs. Theodore Cunningham, Thrift Ik progress. 'llmbinc with W. S. S. Keep on j scripts, songs and drawings were ;j rs. Susie Root Rhodes. Mrs. Virginia shown in the library. In the collec- j Sving Frye. Miss Elizabeth A. Hyde, tion were autographed photographs Mrs Rachaei Mongaie uecK, airs, or President and Mrs. Wilson. Vive I Anna Sanborn Hamilton. -Mrs. Edith President Marshall. Prime Minister t Kingman Kern. Mrs. Annie A. Wilder, Lloyd George of England. Field and Miss Jessie Amelia Griswold. Marshall Foch and books from the ' Miss Berthat Frances Wolfe an learimzr authors of tho rnnntrv. The ! nounced the guests and Mr and Mrs. tuo upper floors are furnished as r Austin Thomas gave several mus- is guest rooms for members of the ical selections during the evening. EN. CANDIDO AGUIL.AK. Gov ernor of the State of Vera Cruz and son-in-law of President Car- ranza of Mexico, will be the honor guest at a dinner which the Am bassador of Mexico. Senor BonUlas, is giving at the embassy tonight. The guests asked to meet the distinguish ed Mexican statesman will number about twenty and will include promi nent officials and diplomats. Announcement has been made of the appointment of Brand Whitlock, now American Minister to Belgium, to the post of Ambassador to Italy, succeeding Thomas Nelson Page, who has recently resigned. The promotion in recognition of Mr. WhitloeKS f Colgate's 'I I Shaving 1 I Powder, I 1 Cream or Stick fi V. Large Sire t 1 V 30c J I g A. P. E -5c; tax fi g lc Our New Store: BBMaaaaaaaBBaBBBKHBBflaai W. S. THOMPSON BRANCH, 703 15th St. N. W. Joss Sticks WHl Krep 3Io fpiltoes Awny Large Bundle, 10c Bath Caps, 21c to 98c Bathing Shoes, $1.19 to $1.59 t Deodorants PREVEST PERSPIRATIOX 26c S. Deodorant, lc Amoltn Powder Small. 23r. tax. lc... Large. 45c; tax, .2c. Everswcet Small, 21c: tax. Laxgej 42c: tax. Hush. 2f.c; lc. 2c. .24e ...47c , .. .41c 26c 26c Mcntol Vanity Cream. 25c; tax. lc. Meritol Non-Perspiro. lioiiid Drcuaration. eav use, oc, tax, VhP a to lc Mum, 21c: tax. 22C Nonspi, 45c: tax, A!7p Odor-Sweet prevents per spiration and body odors: harmless to the skin and the most delicate fabric: a small amount of this grcaseiess cream will last the entire day. 1-ounce jars. 25c; )Cn tax. lc AVls Odo-ro-no Small. 23c: tax. 1e Sir Large. 45c; tax. 2c 47c s ' Prevent Riggs Disease With the Continued Ue of Ipeeol Dental Cream, Large Tube. Ofiv mj. 25c, Tax lc. I MOP aaV fl t. A aVraBBBBcaaMM LlJ&&1 a FT TJ V y 1 fti OH aCtaBh jj Jaa Ja9nEafll" .VVaBkk HadataVK L B Oil Citronella Be Sure to Cai a Supply TVIth Yon. Ounce, 15c 2 for 25c m in aimgfifcaa. XWeatheiX ff Thermometers 1 I fl Good aaaortment I I B to aelect from m i 59c to V $2.49 3c 4c Toilet Creams 1V1LL TTEAL SUABtTRX A. V. S Pendixo Cream, the mild skin bleach Small, 3oc, tax Q7p Large, 65c, tax UQn Earirard's Violet Cerate aOc size, 39c, tax A"t p ChaNes Flesh Food, il p 39c. tax 2c TkJ-C V. & R. Cold Cream, in 32c, tax 2c... '. OQtC 'c. tax 2c 44C Derwillo, 5oc. tax QQt Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream. 39c, tax 41 1 Lady Mary Creanj. K9 50c. tax 2c J.C Palmolive Cream, greasy or vanishing, 3Dc, tax 41 p Pompcian Massage Cream. SOc size, 39c, tax A 1 p Pompeian Night Cream. small size jars, 32c. tax 2c Pond's Vanishing Cream. 21c. tax lc.., Stillman's Freckle Cream. 39c. tax 2c . , Woodbury's Facial Cr-am. 21c. tax lc... White's Specific Cream. 23c. tax lc... 34c 22c 41c 22c 24c Less Than Seashore Prices A Home. Laixe Sea Salt Salt-Water Bath .. 15c mt Hajj Thermos Keeps Liquids Hot or Cold Thi are handv acquisitions to inv hora or traveling equipment and thv are fo cheap there is nn reason why everj one should not possess one Come in and se our line. ennmled Refills for Vonr Old rern Thermos 1 -pint size... .it. m Pint JL7? Quart J2i Green enameled raj: Pint J2T' Quart .. . $3.23 Hrown ennmeled cane. ainmlnam pod. nhonl- der and linw: Pint . J2.7.3 Quart . $33 OKKICK LUNCH KITS: -pint iZ.of Pint raw. nickel-plated liraH nip and ithouldrr: '-.-pint JC33 Pint ...... Quart . i . . . S2 S3 ..J3.3K Corrntrated. n I e k e I -plated raxc. HtamlMii hras: 's pint S3.1I Pint ...53.33 Quart $1.9 Peroxide Whenever the skin is broken from whatever causo, whether scratch, prick of a pin, bite or sting, apply peroxide and watch it bubble the prerms and foreign matters out. Xothinjr in the world equals per oxide to prevent infection, a? a jrermicide, antiseptic, as a cleansing and healing; application. The best peroxide that anr drug gist pver offered you is sold under our name. Full pint bottles, 19c, tax lc. .20c Face Powders KSPKCIALLV rOR HOT WEATHER A rmand Face Pow der. 50c, tax 2e '.. 52c Djcr-Kiss Face Pow der Small. 53e. tax 3i 2r Iarcc. 3Sc tax lc.Sl.0U Java Rice Powder SOr size. 39c. J1 tax Zc f41b Lov'me Face Pow der. 75c. tax 7Q Melbaline Rice Pow- l:r' :5c:. lax . . 26c Mclba Face Powder jr.ta: 52c Alysia Face Powder made by Roujois R Co . Paris, from sen nine imported rice powder, delicately per fumed and in all shades: choice ATZ. in all shades rhniee 'Jj .i0c. tax CTO 2 JLds Palmohve Face Pow der .10c. tax Mme Vendnme Vare Powder, S9r. tax QOp Mavis Face Powder. 52c .J3.S3 TALCUM POWDERS That Are Coolinc nnd BaicocoK'! Corvldp sib Talc, 15c, 1(tn tax lc. XUC Butterfly Talc Babcock's m a k 13c tax Ofin all lc Colgate's Talc. odors in stock Small. ISc. -I Qn tax lc -LJ7C I.arge. tax lc Comfort Powder Small. 23c. O A n tax lc UkK, Iarffe, 45c, AH n tax 2r ... ft FMer-Kiss Talc QC 33c. tax 2c . . Odt 26c Medline JeJ Tal lAmeri ,an Arbutus). 13t. lax 1-. ... Meiba Talc. flsh. choi-e. -o.. lax 1-. . Mennen s Tan let or borated, 13r. tax le Piver"s TaU , 23r. ia 2c Squibb' Tal. nation, violet or plain choice. Jf. tax 1 C.n Talcolette Powder whit or flesh Small. 13r. tax l Large. 23r. tax 2c 20c wiiil 26c . X IO 20c 31c car- 20c 31c VSTHOMPSON BRANCH 703l5SfSN.W 7&SSKV "l1ZGEST5.NW no j S NO. vmj WO- V W S HO 3 w S 4 WS &USISN.V T-7;&MSlS.Wfc1 No.5 8SAND H STREETS N.E. 1"e. ta 2c. . . Colgate's Floricnt Face Powder. .10-. iax 2' . bablache Powder. 2e Ren Levy make, all R. X? O. Rice shades i n toek der." white or ehoicc li-c,. tax jr-f 0 choice r,5c, tax lc tlXC ?c 41c Pow flph 37c POPULAR SOAPS For the Toilet and Bath Peers' l"n- f rn Collates Xa rfpnxrrl Soa.n .. XtlU lural Soap, cake Pears' Scent- 1 PT ed Soap J.IC Palmer's Skin Suc cess Soap. 91 n 'ak- "At :; eaKes in b'. fide Parke-Davis A Cor- micidal Soap, nkf .... 10c 10c Ingram's Milk weed Cream A rlar -oiorfoI com nlfxlon a ylfi th -hon1ri b 1a.ouilv cuar1 d Manv a trirl ha? sn "r d1icat -olonni; fa1 j.n'l imprrf-tion? tnr hf charm. hr h- a i rnrrer' rrf rtaily she mirht ha- rrsrv1 hr irarti.nss Injiram -Nf!lkTrrel fr-ani. if ue1 rsruUri will prn!rr vnor ?ktn snd kp i o' jrnooih and health fnl l.fW ulre, 7Je; QQ-, ?0r Lre, 4Se; tax. 2r 5r;. 44c Alcohol Stoves t-'efal. Safe Hnnilj- Alcohol Stoves for nijrhl use, sick room, nursery or kitchen. Handy, useful, perfectly safe. These Sterno Moves burn olid alcohol, easy to carry on a trip. Come in and look the assortment over. 65c to $2 lld Aleohol. IOp; dozen. XI. IP rnz. cakes in 25 Packer's Tar Soap, cake Johnson's Foot !oan IV h l t e ' ; Soap, -a ke ...... 19c box. 21c 19c Specific 23c cakes in t Ck uticura. llesinol -t Woodbur 0"J p Soaps tX. ' cakes in box. Colco Soap, now . ... Sayman'u VeKtabl Soap. 1 9n rake JLC .'. cakes in pks . Xir .1. & .1 Meditated Soap. I 0 take . ... u, larcen's Violet Jlv Tine Soap. S OP rakes for UO Irmatone -I Q Skin Soan Xt7C " cakes in box. ROe There's Only One Way -t retire a atln Skin: "' pplj Satin kln Ofim. Then atln .Skin Pott der." Satin Succeeds! Sim Skin oId ""fajn ."r size. 2:e. tax 1 Satin Skin -ream, Sif 2I' . lax. If Satin Skin d"r. Fizr. las U- Satin Skin :" M7.e. 2?c JKr 26c6cSS 'reaelp- S, jfj5' s,2r 31c &$K ?9r 3ic smcm Till! . C a 31c v Pebeco Toolh Paste 38c. Tex. 2e 41c Easy Shave fiet a Tnlie of nnrnard'n Razor Aid Shalnc 25c Razor Bargains Thrxr nrr not nafotj- rurorn, hill flic old-tjlr wtrniKht rnror, brand- nrw mIck'U. fume In tunl look, thrm our. Cli-iIre 97c GILLETTE ) MONARCH BLADES BATH SPRAYS 1 r At? Unite Ttubber. S ft. Je Dozen, 45c, Dozen, 89c 98c v . ) j I Root Beer 1 1 B I Oae Bottle I I 1 I MaJtr 5 Rations B ' Give Baby the Bene fit of the Purest Make sure vou per 'jaha.iif' Viole Bnrated Talrnm 'vhen oabv ned.' talc, it has a 'olet odor of the frr?h flowers find rrntain. .iifi cpoupli b'Tlr qt id to make it -oolins and h'-alinp Put up in a fami!'- .i.e b . Full PouncL 19c; tax lc. . . . 20c Sorbatol For Footache Spnnkl" Pnelare So.-batol Toxrder your ;hoe.s and etorkmsr.' and foot ac disappears Imoht as ihougn by nias UelifV!" a'hinc tired sweat v. fu-oII fret it ponthep. C00I5. healp and plcaje n ampi" size dox will ii?t you a lo time 25c, tax lc 26c HOME OF LOW PRICES fine work in Belgium during the war. Mm. Baker to Be Guest. Mrs. Baker, wife of the Secretary of War. is the guest in whose honor the Minister of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes and Mme. Gronitch will en tertain at dinner tonight. Secretary Baker will not be able to be present, as he and his daughter. Miss Betty Baker, arc attending the commence ment exercises at the Military Acad emy. Last evening Dr. and Mme. Grouitch gave a dinner at the lega tion having as honor guests the Maj. Gen. Commandant of the Marine Corps and Mrs. George Barnett. The others in the company were Maj. Gen. John F. O'Ryan. of New York: Mrs. Charles Boughton Wood. Mrs. Henry F. Dimock, Mrs. Allerton Cushman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pen field, Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews, of Buffalo; Charles de Chambrun. charge d'affaires of France, and M Tsamados, charge d'affaires of Greece. Belgian En-roy Returning.' The minister of Belgium. E. de XJartier de Marchienne, who has been home on a visit for several months, is expected back-to this country some time In November. Congressman and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth occupied a box at the Na tional Theater last evening for the opening presentation of "Made of Money," and had gucets with them. Others in the brilliant audience were Rear Admiral and Mrs. Richard Wainright, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ad dison, CaL and Mrs. .lames A. Drain. Mrs. Delos. Blodgett, Mrs. Charles Gray Matthews. Lieut. Col. and Mrt. 1 James Walsh, Mrs. Thomas Holcomb, 1 Mrs. Judson C. Welliver. Miss Kath ! enne Goodwin. Miss Gladys Hinck- lev. Mr. and Mrs. Wingrove Bathon. I Miss Virginia Dorsey. Mias Mary Stead and Robert Stead. Lleat. Baraier Entertains. Lieut. Philippe Barbier, military at tache of the Belgian legation, enter tained a party of twelve at dinner last night at the opening of the roof gar den of the Army and Navy Club, tak ing his guests later to Wardman Park Hotel for dancing. The party was given in honor of Capt. Charles Drew. Aviation Corps. U. S. A., who has lately been a patient at Walter Reed Hospital, and left last night for an aviation camp in Michi gan. The other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael, Miss Lois Buck, Miss Sa'die Buck, Don Manuel Zavala, of the Nicaraguan le gation; Don Adolfo Cardemas, of the Nicaraguan legation; Captain Seems, U. S. A., and Lieutenant Kame. U. S. N president of the national association and vice chairman of Ihe Congres sional Committee, and Mrs. James C. Cantrill. director of the national as sociation. The receiving hour is from 8 until 9 o'clock, and at 9 o'clock Mrs. Catt will speak. Assisting at the reception will be the other members of the Congres sional Committee: Miss Marjorie Shu ler. Miss Mabel Willard. Miss Caroline Reilly, and Mrs. Edward Keating. The wiyes'of the members of the Woman Suffrage Committees in the Senate and House of this year and last have been invited to assist. They are Mrs. James Watson. Mrs. Wesley Jones. Mrs. Hi ram Johnson. Mrs. Robert Owen, Mrs. A. A. Jones. Mrs. ."Joseph E. Ransdell. Mrs. John F. Shafroth. Mrs. James R. Mann. Mr. Frank W. Mondcll. Mrs. John E. Raker. Mrs. John Nolan. Mrs. Sherman Burroughs. Mrs. Edward Little, Mrs. Thomas Blanton. Mrs. Richard Elliott, Mrs. George Edmonds. Mrs. A. P. Nelson, and Mrs. John Mc Crate. The guests arc limited to the members of Congress who voted for the suffrage amendment and their wives. The association is glvlmr a second reception tomorrow evening, at which the guests will be members of local suffrage organizations and visiting suffragists. A recital and garden fete will be given tonight at the Arts Club of Washington to raise a fund for the purchase of a picture from the F. Hopkinson Smith collection now on exhibition there. Miss Clara Alex ander, impersonator of plantation tj pes. will be the particular star of the entertainment, and the program will also include music and rhythmic dancing by pupils from the Bentley school. A marriage of interest which will take place this evening is that of Miss Mary Margaret Mulholland, daughter of the late John H. Mul holland, and Mrs. Martha Bearden Mulholland. to Lieut- James Long street Whclchel. U. S. A. The cere mony will be performed at 7 o'clock at the apartment of the bride's moth er at the Oakland, by the Rev. Her bert Scott Smith, rector of St. Mar garet's Church, in the presence of the families and a few intimate friends. The bride will be attended by Miss Jane Mcllhenny. maid of honor, and the Misses Elizabeth Welchel. Ade laide Pierce, Bryant Bryan, Margaret Braitmayer. Marion Johnson and Mary Louise Cashebeer. of Somerset, Pa, The best man will be Ensign John E. Whelchel. jr., U. S. N.. brother of the bridegroom. The wedding was to have taken place in September, but because of the bridegroom's sudden orders to foreign duty it was hur ried forward. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs John E. Whelchel Lieutenant Barbier will go back to ! a"d a grandson of the late General nc is School and a graduate from West Point class of 1910. Belgium for a brief visit in November' James Longstreet. of Georgia, anrf n his return, will be accom-: graduate of Western High panted by Mme. Barbier. who is spend ing the summer at home. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Richard C. Marshall were hosts at dinner last night on the Army and Navy Club roof, entertaining in honor of Brig. Gen. Charles E. Kilbourne, U. S. A.. Girl Scoots Carnival. A carnival will be given by the XJirl Scouts of the District of Colum bia on Friday and SaturBay evenings. June lo artd 11. at 5 o clock, at the who has just returned from France. Mt- pieasant piavxronnd. Fourteenth land Mrs. Kilbourne Their other jtrect anrl park Road. Home-made 1 guests were mostly members 01 tne ' Construction Division of the Coast Ar tillery of which General Marshall is the head, and included Col. and Mrs. James Totten. Col. and Mrs. Clifforo Lee Corbin. Mrs. Stanley Dunbai. . wife of Colonel Dunbar. TJ. S. A., now in France; Mrs. Henry C. Corbin. Col. Evon Shelby: U. S. A., and Col. Jo seph Willcutt. U. S. A. General Kilbourne has seen service both in this war and in the Phillipines and has received a number of decora- tion?. including the Croix de Guerre. ' the Distinguished Se.rviee Medal and the medal of honor for service in the Phillipines. Weds Toledo Man. i A quiet wedding was solemnized at noon today when Miss Helen ' Moyer. daughter of Mrs. Constance Moyer. of Washington, became the. 1 bride of Sherwood Mortiey Plnker j ton. jr.. of Toledo. The wedding took plarc at the home of th- bride's brother-in-law jand sister. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Clark, in Mmtwood Place, in the presence of only the immediate fam ' ilies of the bride and bridegroom .The Rev John ' Palmer officiated. After a honeymoon trip. Mr. and Mrs. Pinkerton will be at home at 'H65 Collmgwood avenue. Toledo. i Mr and Mrs. Woodbury Blair will ' go to their summer home at New ' pr-rt about July 1 Their niece. Miss Ldith Wallach. will spend the sum mer with them. Mrs. John Harrison Knapp and her ' two small children. John Marshall Knapp and Miss Elizabeth Knapp. have left town for Jamestown. R. 1. ' where they have taken a cottage for the summer, in order to be near Pay I master Knapp. L" S N., who is on duty with the fleet. 1 1 Misr Valerie Padelford entertained informally at dinner at the Cafe St ' Mark." last evening. She had seven J guest.0 1 ' Rear Admiral Henry . Wiley. 1 S V.. has been detailed a. a member 1 of the commission on naval terms now , sitting In Paris. He has been in rom Tmand of 'he fourth division of the f fleel. Mis-s Emilv Steuart enteitained at ( 1 luncheon yesterdav at the Lotus Lan tern Tea House in eompliment to her I sister Miss Linda Steuart. whose mar ' riage lo Roland C. Rehm. of Chicago, ! w ill take place tomorrow cakes and ice cream will be sold there will be tables of garden produce raised by the Girl Scouts in their own garden?, and an old-fashioned "country store" will contribute to the entertainment of the visitors. Music and fortune telling will also be feat ures of the program. There will be no entrance fee. Capt. and Mrs. John Gregory Hope have sailed for England for a short visit, the first which Mrs. Hope has made to Captain Hope's family since they were married here two years ago. They left thtr small son with Mrs Hope's parents. Maj. and Mrs. Xevil Monroe Hopkins. ADVERTISEMENT. Hair Often Ruined By Careless Washing 1 Soap t-hould be used very caici'iil' if you want to keep your hair iO"nnz its best Most soaps and picpafd shampoos contain too much a'kaii ' This dries the scalp, makes the ban ' brittle, and ruins it. j The best thing ior steady use is j Mulsified cocoanut ill shampoo twhicnj i. pure and grcaselsss). and is better than anything else you can ue. One or two teaspooaTuls will clean-'e the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simplj 1 moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It mako.i an abundance of ri i, I creamy lather, which rinses out easilx removing every partielr of dust, di-i I dandruff and exessi.e oil. Th han I drie quickly and evenly, and i leav. . 1 the scalp soft, and the hai: fin" and ' silky, bright, lustrous, f'uffy and oao to manage You ean gt Mulsined eocoanut ! at any pharmacy it's ver rnrap and j a feu- ounce, wit upply vorx mm orr of the fnmilv for montn. Washington New York. WE ALWAYS SELL THE BES he f Castile 1 Ahoul 1 lb -8 oe. f 25c 1 Mrs. James McDonald will be hostess at a dinner party tonight Maj. Gen. ind Mm William Crozier , ! are in New York, and are staying at j thf St. Regis Hotel. 1 I Mrs. Robert S. McCormick has gone to New " ork for a vint. and Is f-tay mg at the Plaza Hotel. Gossard front-lace and the best makes of back-lace Corsets, Negligee, Under silks, Hosiery. 1110 F Street Adjoining Columbia Theater. Si j Senator Hale Entertains. 1 Senator Frederick Hale entertained j ' a small company at tne air tit 1 I Marks last evemnc. ' ' J Mr. Cntt to .'peak. j ' Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt arrived In' I town last evening for the celebration j wbich the National American Woman suffrage Association is having this evening at its Washington headquar j ters. Mrs. Catt will receive at the j celebration with Mrp. Maud Wood Park, chairman of the Congressional committee Mr Helen Gardener, vice I, End your foot misery. Relief is rbsitKtry Instantaneous for Burning Puffing & Shearing or Callouses Special Rasters in Each Rsckage S,"S(ubbom"ComS' 25 KtKesNa in &15at)t)6t)$Co tHE BUSY CORNER PENNA.AVEr8TH:ST. r Open from 9:15 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. 1 1 J . T w f 0 1 W i y iNew wmte wooi Jersey Suits The season's latest for -summer jvear. Very smart looking, and are really quite cool for a wool suit. They are made up in two of the, season's smartest models. We only have a limited number, of these, and if you want to be among the first to don the very latest, come. in and make your selection tomorrow.. All sizes. Exceptional value at 29.75 Kami's Second Floor. rs' NewVestings and Skirtings t The very latest, that Mme. I rasnion nas sec ner anprovai upon. NEW ORGANDIE VEST INGS. with onrandv ruffling-, finisned with Dicot edge, in all white, or white with black picot. TUCKED ORGANDY VEST ING, with lace insor- &A f( tion, a yard O'i'.UU WHITE ORGANDY VESTING, with lace ruffles and insertion, a yard. $3.98 to $5.50 VALENCIENNES LACE RUF FLED VESTING, very fluffy, J $5.50 to $9.50 TUCKED ORGANDY SKIRT ING, in white, tan, or- QQ 2 chid and blue. A yard . tDDUv We also have a white organdy 4 skirting, at a QS) IJF i TUCKED VOILE SKIRTING, Z in- Copenhagen blue, pink. tan. J and white, a CO OK yard . . DiJ RUFFLED VOTLE SKIRTING, j in white. Copenhagen eQ pri z Dlue and pink, a yard . 0O3t. Kanns Tleating Store Street Floor. AVimit- 1 rllffATWif TnnrMs to ; I select from. The materials arev i , sen stnpea &u.ecus aau khuoj ! dines. They are shirred all aronnd, l some are shirred in the back. and have plain fronts, and nearly all are finished with.' tailored or fancy pockets. All sizes to select from. This is an Axeerrfcional nn. portunity that it will nay you to take advantage of tomor- row. . Kann'? Second Floor. t 0. We Secured a SpedaH Purchase of White Tub Skirts to Sell , Wednesday At $2.98 Uxrr . . cxrn' t n . t w aists or w asnaoie Datin lAt $3.98 and $5.75 The styles are similar at both prices, but the quality of the satin i.. of course, better grade at the higher price. They are in tailored styles, and most of them are ornamented with pearl buttons. There are white and flesh color ed vai.;ts at both prices. They will launder excellently, and as some women who have worn them declare, "look better for each laundering." All sizes to select from. Kann"s .Seeond Floor. stf x ifjfj-rfffffffffffi'f'' ---e---4 . . 4 x Colored Embroidered White Organdy Edgings? $jvake the daintiest kind .f .-nllnr and ruff sets, and xc also used for the popu- nr vest or vestee max Fine Qualify French Finished Dress Linens is: j rx . : v .: suit. ; found in manv 01 ine new: z j ,. ,t ".;ctc I X The i.ircistK ttuu iviou 4 iti inches wide, in a smooth finish. Indications J X point to an unusual popu-s laniv ror me coiorea unen I X X colors X organdy, white, embroid ord f Vtncrt s . .4 iiivx iii utiiianu .ti iiiv. j X They arc of fine quality J X present time, . such as Co- J fpenhagen blue, green, gray. X I wistaria, rose, tan, pink. X X cadet blue, vellow and black. ' " X Z -r. X z There are many new 5 Sand chic ways suitable for I making up these handsome X X linens shown in the Home X Journal and Pictorial Re-? nA in navv. s'reen. nink. X J-k. red, Copenhagen blue. I flight blue and black; also X.n all-white. . X 4 4 i They have scalloped or 5 hemstitched edges. X , vard, 75c. X CM I SOI E LACES J ith beading at top and bottom of lace, attractive 5 patterns, will only need the 4 gibbon to run through the? Reading and for shoulder4 Straps, and the camisole is X 1 practically made. A ard, s X 50c. 4 4 4 4 Kann " S'ret F'l"'-r l,.e j 4 -t..r- - i S jview fashion books. J 4- Price, a yard, $1'.50. X - CHECKKP" FIXK BATISTE. ? in three different size, check- 4 4 ver fine sofi Hnish. snitabl J J for makin? up women's under ? J garment Thi3 is something entirely now in the realm of J ? linsene materials A CA X iyard OUL 4-10 and 11-m. DARK GROUND J VOILES hiefly navv blue, tn 7 medium ?z flRtires. A HfZn ? j yard I OX. i 4 Kanns. Street Floor. ,