Newspaper Page Text
THEf ASKlNGTdN TIMES: MONDAt, " JtJNE 16; 19197-" ' I EAKTHarTAKE Iff TUSCJlNT. ROME, June 16 A slight earth Quake "was rtlt yesterday morning- in Tuscany, according to dispatches re celved, from that district. Jr fty , CANTRELL& COCHRANE THE STANDARD erAle OF TWO CONTINENTS Order by the dozen for use at home Gins I itth street I D. J. KAUFMAN'S I 1005.07 I Eo'of PaJLv I Mans Stores "" ! Hgreffi-rTJT JwiWBSgMEgfejt fegBBwSKrqMSara yglBTyggRIKffi 3 BHHHiilHi For Featherweight Clothing See D. J. Kaufman The finest Palm Beach Suits on Earth $15 to $18 Waist Lines and Conservative Sizes 33 to 50. Beautifully Tailored. Cool Cloth and Mohair.SuitSj $15 to $25 y At Both Stores n Money's Worth or Money Back D. J. Kaufman, 616 17th St. PRESIDENT TO SAIL FORU.S.NEXTWEEK PARIS. June 16 President Wilson i probably will remain in Paris only three or four days after his return rr6m Belgium next Friday. He will then embark at a French port for the United Stated President Wilson expects to visit Belgium Wednesday or Thursday. Accompanied by Mrs. Wilson and Rear Admiral Grayson, his personal physi cian. President Wilson will leave Paris Tuesday night by special train, returning to Paris Triday morning. Elaborate plans for the entertain ment of President Wilson and his party in Brussels have been made by King Albert and Queen Elizabeth, whose guests they will be. It Is ex pected that while in Belgium Presi dent Wilson will be conducted on a short trip through the devastated le gions. Inc. 1005-07 Pa. Ave. w i --.-. - ' 1 1 11 When a Feller Needs r ft 0. S. OFFERS 900 10BS TO YANKS .For- the guidance of disabled sol- dlfeHl narlrM nnrt morlnut wVm. nn iftaving- tBe sferirlce do hot know "! wj 50 ior a jod, tne JFeaerai Board for Vocational Education has had a paper pfeporbd setting forth What the Government has done In enacting negislation to make civil service employment for the disabled man easy. This bodklet, prepared by Herbert E. Jtorgan, of the Civil Service Com mission, lists more than 800 occupa tions under the civil service, giving the rate or salary of e-ich. It may be obtained at any army or naval camp or station, at any army or naval hospital, or any district office of the civil service. It emphasises the fact that many offices under the Government are doing special work in the interest of the discharged soldier or sailor, whether he be disabled or not, and tells Just wlint has been done, and how the man may receive the benefit of the opportunities offered. The commission states that many men, not being familiar with the op portunities presented to ex-service men. do not avail themselves of these, when a knowledge of the pos sibilities offered would change the whole course of their lives. CORP. DEMPSEY BACK; TO RESUME BANK JOB Corporal William M Dempscy. of thr Ontario, has arrived in New York He has been lh France and Germany nno year w,ith the Sixth division, which was the flrnt riKilnn t ,... laro to return During the war Cor poral Dompsey was a sniper in the VoFge mountains Mr Dompsey is planning to return to his old position ns bookkeeper in the Federal National Bank. His sis ter. Miss Jane Dempsey. is in Paris doing canteen work with the Na tional Catholic War Council THIS IS THE HOUR GLASS Selected and worn by Feminine Society. A It is the glaBs of the i - hour the social glass. s 1 recognized by society and ' auopiea ior its lasnion It is Chic, DUtlnct, In. trlligcnt. Eye glasses should en hance beauty and tho HOUR glasses do which is the reason Milady is wearing them. They are artistic yet sensible. The rim protects the glass The contour insures tor rect vision. Combined with the Dantzlc methods of eye examination and Dantziu perfect lenses the HOUR glasses will give you the combination of beauty, night, and comfort you've been seeking Our stock is complete. Sizes, shades and prices to meet your needs. SAMUEL J. DANTZIC 716 14th St. N. W. JTOniBERLY WITH ME a Friend Copyrle-ht. llt. by the Triton A-taoclition. Yes ITS TO ROBERT E. RAMSAY, Robert E Ramsay, advertising spe cialist. Is on the program of the Washington Advertising Club's din ner to be hold next Thursday at the Columbia Country Club, for an ad dress on "The P's and Q's of Adver tising " President Lester Lansburgh has secured two other speakers who will discuss subjects of importance to advertising men. Mr Ramsay Is now editor of the Advertising and Selling Magazine. In his talk he will cover practically everv form of advertising endeavor, aided by charts. 200 ITALIAN REDS HELD, GENOA, Italy, June 10 Two hun dred arrests have been made here fol lowing "red" riots in connection with the industrial disturbances in this city EYESIGHT SPECIALIST JVRT TO HOME SAVINGS BAfK LATE TV. Q. KIKSMA. RAMSAY SPEAK BEFORE A CLUB 1- r jWMJki ir mm m i i i i nrxnLfsv shejpu u 'Ml f lip By Briggs He 6ggMS all ftiSHT Bur 1 KepT HtM out of School ToDav Doctor, houj lomg vJoui-J He Hav$ To Be ;m fne hospitals HE HAt WIS Tow3L ?6M0J613 ?, i Ojudcc?STawe QU1TC PAJNJFUL WILL CELEBRATE Special services in celebration of the opening of the new Mount Vernoft Place M. E. Church, Ninth street and Massachusetts avenue northwest, will be conducted every afternoon and evening during the week. Saturdiy night will mark tho first recital on the new $20,000 organ. The Rev. Dr. J. Howard Wells, presiding elder of the Washington district, will preacn this afternoon at 2:30, with Dr. Isaac W. Canter presiding. Dr. John A. HUrrowa, of Tennessee, will deliver a sermon on behatf of Epworth League general board this evening, with John W. Price presiding. "The yellow peril is a figment of a wild imagination," said the Rev. Henry Allen Tupper at First Baptibt Church last night. "Japan recognizes the power of America and has the highest opinion of her humanitarian purposes." Dr. Tupper spoke on his torical, religious, social, industrial and educational Japan. Tenta Anniversary, The congregation of the Fifth Bap tist Church celebrated the tenth an niversary of the pastorate of the Rev. Dr. John E. Briggs last night Dnr ing his connection with the church Dr Briggs has been chiefly responsi ble for the payment of the debt of the church, the erection of a parsonage, the purchase of a printing press for the Chinese Publication Society, the erection of the Meador Memo-ial Chapel In China, and the employment of a pastor's helper. Under h's leadership the membership of the Sunday school has grown to 1,651 and that of the church to 1.325 Congressman William D. Upshaw last night delivered his last sermon In the three weeks' revival he had been conducting at Grace Baptist Church He spoke on "The Personal Evidence of Christianity." He spoke also be fore a number of other church or ganizations during the day. The Rev Dr Hugh L. Elderdlce. president of Westminster Theological Seminary, delivered the dedicatory sermon at the North Carolina Avenue M. P. Church yesterday morning. Ad dresses were made at the evening service by two former pastors, the Rev E. A Sexsmith and the Rev. R. Li. Shipley. In the afternoon ad dresses were made by ministers of various local churches. men Moftter of Fate. "The 6nly limitations on our lives are those we put oil ourselves," said Eugene Del Mar, president of the League for a Larger Life, in a lecture on "Man, the Master of Hla Fate," at the New Thought convention at the Raleigh Hotel last night. "One is free when he knows he Is free, we are not the victims of heredity" Others who spoke were Dr Harry Gaze. Dr. J Herrmann Randall, and Dr. Julia Seton, of New York The convention will conclude tonight. .$. LONDON June 16. MIsBing the train which was to carry her to her ; boat Saturday morning, Mrs. Leon Errol. wife of the New Tork actor, tiavrled bv airplane to Southampton, , catching the Aqultanla betore It sail ed for the United States. CHURCH OPENING H USES PLANE TO CATCH SHIP FOR U TWO DIE AS SWISS E PARIS. June K. Serious anarchist and bolshevik disorder have broken out In Zurioh. Switzerland. According to advices received here the local workmen's union Of Zurich, which has a number of extremist members, wajs holding a meeting: in memory of Rosa Luxemburg, the Ger man radical leader who wis killed fol lowing her arrest in Berlin early in the year when the news was circulated that the secretary of the union, Con rad Wyss, had been arrested bn Wed nesday. A furious crowd marched on the rirafecture. atoned the windows, broke down solid doors and after a half hour of battering, looted the hall of justice and burned the archives in the princi pal corridor of the building. BERNE. Switzerland, June 16. The casualties In the disturbances at Zur ich are given officially at two persons killed and seventeen wounded. FLIES 400 MILES IN FOUR HOURS. BARCELONA, "Spain, June 16. The Italian aviator Stopani arrived here yesterday from Turin, with a. passen ger, covering the 400 miles in four hours. ROME TEACHERS ON STRIKE. ROilfi, June 16. The Waitresses'1 strike here has been settled, but the strike of school teachers continues. No attempt has been made to replace the teachers. Tuesday Sale of Sample Parasols At Less Than k Price 19c Sale Women's and Children's Underwear Women's Fine Gauze Vesta, in V-neck and bodice styles. Regular IQr sixes Lvy' Infants' Lisle . Undershirts, with long or short 1Qf sleeves '' Boys' Gauze and White Checked Muslin Athletic Shirts, broken lot; 1 Qr choice 1't Children's Elastic Ribbed Gauze Vests, nicely 1 Q, taped ' Wonderful RED FIGHT FOLIC 50c Yard-Wide Q Printed Voile O Distinctly superior in quality, and altogether charming in designs and colorings. Very soft, filmy, easy-draping quality that exactly meets the requirements, of the summer fashions in dress. All the popular plain colors, and a wealth of beautiful flowered, figured and striped patterns on white and tinted grounds. Special Prices for Silk Poplins Ideal for Summer Skirts $1.00 Silk Poplin, 79c Yard wide of hljch luster and durable weave. A splendid com bination of silk and cotton Black, navy, white and assortPd colors. $1.50 Silk Poplin, $1.19 Tard-wlde faille weave, in black, white and all colors, in cluding Plenty of navy blue, superb quality Beautiful Embroideries All - over Embroideries 22 inches wide; sheer Swiss grounds; shown in many dainty, small, exquisitely worked pat terns. Specially priced ACkp at, yard ul Baby Flouncings Another shipment of these charming Swiss flouncings. embroidered in delicate new patterns; with and without set-on CQ ruffle. Yard C S.0UTH CAROLINIANS IN DISTRICT TO ORGANIZE South Carolinians In Washington are Invited to attend a banquet which will be given at Wardman Park Inn on Tuesday night, June 24, under aus pices of the WInthrop College Club, to organize a South Carolina State society In the District. Every resident or formsr resident of South Carolina is Invited to at tend the banquet. Names should he registered with MIsg Isht Wllloughby, Columbia 7033-W. BEAUTIFUL DAYLIGHT ALL-WATER TRIPS TO NORFOLK, VA. DOWK TO CHESAPEAKE BAT OJT THE HISTORIC POTOMAC TO COLONIAL BEACH, VA., and PINEY POINT, MD. 'I'Uii' rt.TTWAf IPUHj'i rmtmtr tm.awTna "Lord Baltimore" and "Penn" Leave Washington 8:30 A. V. Arrive Norfolk 9t00 P. JI. Leave Norfolk 830 A. M. Arrive Waalnsrton 9i00 p. W. Arrive Colenlnl B'aefc 12i30 P. BT Leave Colonial Beaek SiOO P. x. Arrive Finer Point 2r00 P. M. Leave Plaey- I'olnt 3s30 P. M. ADULTS' FARES Norfolk, Va., One Way, $3.00; Round Trip, $5.00 Colonial Beach, Va., One Way, $1,50 Piney Point, Md., One Way, $1.7S Children Over S and Under 12 Years of Age. Half Pare. War Tax of 8 Per Cent to Be Added to All Fares. Washington-Southern Navigation Co., WHARF FOOT OF 9TH ST. (Colonial Beach Wharf). Ph. M- 6912. Bargain SATISFACTION FIRST i 816-818 Seventh Street iSr KjuH vlLA 40c Yard-wide White Indian Head Cloth Second shipment of the incomparable Indian Head cloth the only successful substitute for white linen. The logical selection for wash skirts, coat suits, and children's garments. White Skirtings, 29c Regular 39c qualities in a timely sale. Choice of linene, gypsy cloth, princess cloth and linonette. 50c WHITE CHIFFON VOILE Special mill purchase of yard-wide White Chiffon Voile, the reigning favorite for dainty stfmmer dresses and blouses. Soft, shear, clinging quality that washes with no loss of its high finish. Millinery New Hats Worth jQ CA $5, $7.50 and $10 O New York's Newest Summer Creations Entire Surplus Production of a Noted Style Creator. Not a popular summer style is missing. There are large, small, and medium models, in Georgette crepe, white milan, leghorn, taffeta, lisere, hair braid, and net. Trimmed with ostrich, flowers, ribbons, and fancy feathers. White, pastel shades, navy, and black. cYd. Dimity Bedspreads Cool, attractive, service able, sanitary. The snowy crinkled fabric needs no iron ing. Inexpensively priced as follows: 63x90, worth $2.75. .$2.39 72x90, worth $3.00. .$2.49 81x90, worth $3.25.. $2.59 18-inch Embroideries Values up to 50c in this lot of new cor set cover and flouncing embroid eries; in Swiss, cambric and longcloth; blind and open OCJ-, pattern. Yard OdC Colored Flouncings Full skirt length; white grounds worked in pink, orchid, old rose and light blue; also solid colored grounds, with patterns in white. 7r Yard JI- KRONSTADTBOMBEQ . BY WHITE GUARDS LONDON". June 16. A Reuter dis patch k from Hetslngfors today stated that fhe garrison at Krasnayagorka has mutinied. White Guards have bombarded Kronstadt. Bulletin Complete line Women's, Children's , and Boys' Bathing Suits 29c 59c Swiss Organdy, 39c 40-inch beautiful white swiss organdy, crisp, sheer, and dainty. Makes up into the most capti vating of cool frocks. 33c Purchase Good Savings in this Bedwear Sale $1.50 Seamless Sheets SO dozen Rood, firm quality bleached y?am less Bnects. 72x 90 3i : ; can bo used for three quarter or dolt ble otds. $1.75 Seamless Sheets Kiiiiabie ' I r o n c lad " brand; heavy and service able, SlxOO s.ize for large oou ble beds. Sti el ly perfect. $2.25 Seamless Sheets 90x90 extra larsre size! Heavy seamless sheets of round thread bleach ed cotton, ab solutely per feet 39c Pillowcases Bargain lot. con- I ta.ning both 42xS6 and 45'50 sizs Made of strong f bleached cotton, I vn ith wide hems I 29c $4 Crocheted Bedspreads E x c 1 lent qualty white) crocheted spreads: plain hemmed or) with scalloped f edge and cut corners; SOxOO I S12C f $8 Marseilles Bedspreads White and ; colored pat 1 terns in these fine Marseilles $5.98 spreads. Large size X- ringed nged. I or with n c m m c u sealloprd tut cot n"r $1.09 $1.29 $1.59 $2.98 I