OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, June 16, 1919, FINAL EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1919-06-16/ed-1/seq-5/

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THEf WASTtnsrtfrrtN fiMfes:" taffEfgf; "TONE' IS: 151&
. a
Select Experienced
Dentists for Perfect
Dental Treatment
You go to an experienced physician when
you are sick because you feel that he will pre
scribe the right cure for your illness.
Therefore come to experienced
dentists when you have teeth trou
bles they will prescribe and treat
your teeth the only one way the
RIGHT way.
Set of Teeth
y r . jr
and Up
We give gas or Vitalized
Air or freeze the gums if
Out - of - town patients
should write for appoint
ment and have work done
same day they come in. All
work guaranteed 20 years.
and Advice
to All
Gold Crowns
Pore 22k Gold. Built
for service. The
finest crowns made
Bridge Work
Painless Dentists
303 7th St. N. W.
Phone. Main 1281. Firemen's Insurance Building, Second Floor.
0fust What Youve Been
Wanting for Your
Auto Cushions f&OK&Q
$2.75 to $5.25
Per Seat
cerra&HT nit T Tc j. r. teuoa c.
Point ArfKtd TtT
WHAT motorist hasn't wished for just such washable cushion
covers as these. The better you know the stained and spotted
clothes that are the certain result of bare cushions, the more you will
appreciate their cleanliness.
They Protect Your Clothes
Dad likes them simply because they are clean and look good. For Mother,"
there is no end to the convenience and motoring comfort they bring. They
protect everybody's clothes. Whenever they are soiled she can consign them to
Monday's wash and button on a clean set no- bother
and best of all no worry about soiled suits and dresses
. -' - )
Quick and Easy to Attach
You can put them on yourself 20 minutes to place the Tack
Buttons for the first set and after that 3 minutes to change from the
soiled to a clean set. Button them on as you would any garment.
And that's all without mention of the stylish appearance
on your car of any of the pleasing patterns we have in
stock ready to use.
-. For Open and Enclosed Cars
I llffil I Ural WeSsw 1 1
"In the Tab On the Lint
Back on the car by
half-past nine"
Store Hours: Open 9:15 A. M., Close 6 P. M.
42Q43Q Seventh 5f. Through to 8th St.
Those Alexandria Jokes
Won't Be Appropriate
In Vaudeville Any More
ALEXANDRIA, Va., June 18. The
near comedian who used to worm a
laugh out of his audience with a
merry jeat like. "I spent a week In
Alexandria one afternoon last week,"
or something: equally as humorous,
must now find some other placo for a
butt or write himself down as dense
ly ignorant of what is happening in
this neck of the woods.
Several years ago Alexandria yawn
ed and stretched and commenced to
wake up. Today Alexandria is wide
awake and looking to a brighter fu
ture than any of its inhabitants, past
or present, ever pictured in their
most optimistic moments.
That the war had something to do
with putting the tdwn on the map
again cannot be denied, the war hav
ing been responsible for the estab
lishment of the yards of the Virginia
Shipbuilding Corporation, now the
most important enterprise in that
section of Virginia. These yards, lo
cated at Alexandria through the un
tiring efforts of Charles C. Carlin, un
til recently Representative in Con
gress from the Eighth district of Vir
ginia, employ approximately 3,000
Pay Roll of $100,000.
The weekly pay roll Is said to ex
ceed $100,000, which accounts in great
measure for the fact that the depos
it in the four banks of the city have
Increased 300 per cent within the
year. The yards of the Virginia
Shipbuilding Corporation cost more
than 52.000,000 and are permanent.
Two 0.400-ton steel carro ships, the
Gunston Hall and the Betsy Bell, have
been completed and launched In the
last few months, and a third ship of
tne same type, the Veneda, will slip
down the ways next Saturday. From
then on, officials pf the corporation
figure, a. ship will be turned out about
every six weeks.
Within two years the oooulation of
Alexandria has jumped from about
15,000 to more than 30,000, and many
predict that within five years the city
will boast of 50.000 inhabitants. With
the rapid increase In population the
housing problem has had to be met.
This at first was a jolt to the natives,
but they have now awakened to the
necessities of the situation, and many
old residences are being converted into
apartment houses, while fully 100
modern houses, to meet various de
mands, are now in course of construc
tion in the city and suburbs.
Realty Men Active.
Real estate brokers report an active
demand for business properties, and
though values and rentals have en
hanced, Alexandria has been singular
ly free from the complaint of profiteer
ing. That the members of the city coun
cil are alive to the situation is indi
cated by the fact money is being ap
propriated at every meeting of that
body for the extension of sewers and
the improvement of streets. Another
public improvement financed by the
city last week is a public school build
ing for colored children which will
cost in the neighborhood of fflO.000.
The building will be a two-story brick
structure surrounded by ample play
grounds, and will be practically fire
proof. Handsome sohool buildings, in
cluding one for the high school, have
been erected for the white children in
the last few years.
The establishment of Camp Hum
phreys, which will be a permanent
military post, near Alexandria, has
aroused interest in sanitation, and the
city council last week made provision
for a health department that will com
pare with those of the largest cities
in the country. In addition to a
health officer who will devote his en
tire time to the duties of the office,
the department will' maintain an as
sistant health officer, who will serve
as sanitary Inspector of the city: &
bacteriologist, a public health nurse,
and a clerk. Modern appliances for
the health department have been pur
chased, and quarters are now being
fitted up in the city hall.
The Alexandria Chamber of Com
merce, composed of wide-awake busi
ness men, is bending every effort to
advance the business interests of the
city and lends encouragement to any
, worthy enterprise that will add to the
city's commercial advancement.
Two men are under arrest today as
the result of a "clean-up" liquor cru
sade in Prince George's county Satur
day night. They are Paul Miner, 322
Seaton place northeast, proprietor of
the White House Tavern at Belts
vllle, and Ossie Klinger, one of the
candidates for sheriff of the county.
They were charged with violating the
prohibition laws.
They were arrested by Constables
William Tobin, assisted by two spe
cial deputies from Washington. The
warrant was Issued by Justice of the
Peace Moffatt.
Constable Tobln reported he seized
stocks of liquor in Miner's place. The
latter was held In $1,300 bail.
Klinger was arrested at 3 o'clock
esterday morning by Constable
Tobin. He was also held in ball of
The fourth arrest within three days
In the nation-wide investigation of
the recent bomb outrages was made
here yesterday, when Edward Joseph
Hart, twenty-eight years old, was
taken into custody by Headquarters
Detectives Scrivener and Kelly and
held for investigation.
Hart was arrested at Eighth and E
streets northwest. According to De
tective Kelly. Hart has been in close
touch with Angus Norwalk, Mary Bal.
and Robert Henkle, all of whom wore
arrested Saturday night.
Following his arrest, the detectives
searched his rooms and found a
quantity or papers which will be
closely examined today. Hart, ac
cording to the detectives, came here
from Milwaukee three months ago.
With several supposedly dangerous
radicals under surveillance, it was in
timated today that Inspector Law
rence O'Dea, assistant to William J.
Flynn, head of the Bureau of Investi
gation, Department of Justice, will
make a clean-up of the radicals this
week. Several women are also under
surveillance, it was said.
Drop Freezone on a touchy
corn, then lift that corn
off with fingers
Doesn't hurt a bit' Drop a little
Freezone on an aching corn, instantly
that corn stops hurting, then you lift
it right out. Ye3 magic! No humbug!
A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but
a few cents at any drug store, but Is
sufficient to remove every hard corn,
soft corn, or corn between the toes,
and the calluse?. without soreness or
! irritation.
Freezone 's the sensational discovery
of & Cincinnati genius. It is wonderful.
Assurance has been received at the
headquarters of the National Worn-;
an's Party that Governor Mllliken, of
Maine, will present tho suffrage
Amendment to the special session of
the legislature next October for im
mediate ratification.
With special legislative sessions
called for today In Ohio, Kansas, and
New York to ratify the amendment,
and favorable action already taken in
three States Michigan, Wisconsin,
and Illinois the campaign Is well
under way. All sitms point to ratifi
cation by Pennsylvania, next week.
Favorable action is expected in Mas
sachusetts. Texas and Georgia will
have an opportunity to act In June and
Alabama in July.
Mayor Asks Improvement of
"Death Strip" Along B. &
0. Railroad Tracks.
HTATTSVILLE, Md.. June 16.
Mayor Matthew F. Halloran has
written the division superintendent
of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad
of the strip of ground running par
allel with the tracks in Hyattsvllle,
from Melrose avenue to Anderson
street. Mayor Halloran points out
that he believes the condition of this
strip has been responsible for loss
of life.
The entertainment committee of
the Hyattsvllle fire department Is to
meet tonight In headquarters in the
municipal building to further plans
for the big celebration to be held
In Zantzlnger's Park the Fourth of
The mayor and town council of Mt.
Rainier is to meet tonight in the
office of the town clerk. It is ex
pected that the municipal tax rate
for the year will be fixed and other
Important business transacted.
Hyattsvllle baseball teams had a
successful day yesterday. The first
team defeated the nine representing
the Wisconsin Athletic Club, of
Washington, by 8 to 6, and the
Hyattsvllle Juniors disposed of the
Wlnton Athletic Club of Washington,
by 7 to 5.
Mayor Halloran requests local
dealers not to sell giant firecrackers
and other high explosives to chil
dren under sixteen years, and warns
that an ordinance may be passed to
enforce this request, if not complied
Arrangements are about complete
for the commencement exerclsos of
the Marlboro High School, which are
to be held beginning Thursday and
continue through Monday. Thursday
evening students are to present an
operetta under the direction of Mrs.
R. Irving Bowie. Friday evoning a
declamation contest Is scheduled.
Five boys have been chosen to
contost for a gold medal donated by
the First National Bank of Southern
Maryland, while five girls are to
compete for a gold medal, given by
the Ladles' Improvement Association
of Marlboro. Saturday evening the
annual alumni banquet is to be held.
Graduation exercises will take place
Monday evening, when diplomas will
be awarded the following: Edgar
P. McConey. jr. ; John Clagett. Charles
Clagett, Ira Hopkins, and Rosa Wy
vill. Prof. Schultz. of Maryland State
College. Is to deliver the principal
address, and George P. McConey.
chairman of the county board of
education, will present the diplomas.
Senator Martin of Virginia, the
Democratic leader, who is ill at the
hospital of the University of Virginia,
Is greatly Improved, it was an
nounced at the Senator's office at the
Capitol today. There is reason to be
lieve he will be able to return to
Washington after a few weeks, al
though he will be unable to assume
very active duties.
ram mm . . -j- ---:
,c8P!Pi t vsSl ' "
gJcai-.- ' " -sfofcSffifgrMiffJKiffiiK
' KilSl HYSrS5ft v
tSKjW SbriliiNA " .
100 Put?) feS'
Turkish 1 . ",
Tobacco r i"
11 1 1 81 K M I J
PURE Turkish tobacco is what
makes Helmar cigarettes so
delightful. There is no substitute
no "nearly as good.9'
Compare 100 pure Turkish Helmar with "bundle "
cigarettes you won't need any argument Helmap does
the talking!
Like thousands oi others you will be glad to pay the
slight additional cost for Helmar "Quality Superb."
Makers (flht Bgbsst Qs&Turjasfi
end Egyptian Ganrffec sUhtV&lft

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