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7 5 - Dt Bare for a "rainy day." Bare, there Yrtll be no "rainy days." THE WASHINGTON TIMES: MONDAY, JUNE 16; 1919. n "W. s. s. HAVE TO STEP FAST TO JOIN CITY CLUB J m $2.75 Philade'pMa 1 And RETURN 1 War Tax 22 Cents Additional. $2.50 Chester I And RETURN j War Tax 20 Cents Additional $2.25 Wilmington 1 And RETURN I War Tax 16 Cents Addtional Sunday, June 22 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. ( Special Train will leave Wash- lnsrton Union Station 7:05 a. m. g Returning leare Philadelphia 7:S0 p. m. same day. See s flyers. Consult ticket agents. Remembrance Shop Remem brances Are Unique The little matter of anniversary and birth day cards alone reflects the wonderfully per sonal service of this shop. A card for every occasion and to fit every individual case. Novel, original, cute 5c to 50c, with envelope for mailing. THE NATIONAL REMEMBRANCE SHOP (Mr. Foster's Shop) Open Evenings. 14th and Pa. Ave. E IS .11 s g 'II ill 1 1 II S II 111 V!II .1 s I S S Do You Need Limbering Up Bring us your stiff muscles and w will take the kinks out in no time. After violent ex ercise of any kind you will feel all the better for a good Turkish Bath. We can guarantee you entire satisfaction be cause our attendants know how to administer a Turkish bath, and we see to it that it is prop erly done. They are men with years of experience and thoroughly under stand their business you reaping the benefits. RIGGS BATHS, Inc. Opposite XT. SV Treasury. 15th and'G Sts Tw eat j't our-Hesr Set i lee. 13 II Prickly Heat Some day you will ask your self Why did I refuse to use Tyree's Antiseptic Powder for these tormenting cases of Poison Oak. Prickly Heat and Mosqui to Bites? The person who does not use Tyree's Antiseptic Pow der freely in these cases falls in two ways, neglect and fore sight. For the effect of Tyree's Antiseptic Powder in these cases is almost marvelous. One or two tablespoons full dissolved In a basin of water invariably relieves you while you are ap plying It. When used in the same dilutions its application is very pleasant and noncauteriz ing. For thirty years Tyree's An tiseptic Powder has been the accepted standard for personal hygiene. In small, medium and large sires for sale by all drug and department stores. Remember the name TYREE'S accept no other. THIN, FRAIL FOLKS NEED PHOSPHATE irtklBgr Itke Plain Bltro-Pbospaate . to Put en Firm, Healthy Flcaa. aad to Increase Strength, Vigor and Jferre Force. "Step lively, please, if you have any desire of belonging to the City Club!" This gentle hint was given to the citizens of Washington today by of- i fleers of the recently organized club. They announced that the membership of the club would be positively limit ed to 1.500, and they hinted that some of the citizens who are so eager to , join will find themselves barred from membership unless they act promptly. It is expected that the 1.000-mark in enrollment will be reached today, and then only 500 additional mem bers will be admitted. At the pres- ent rate of progress, this number will be obtained about July 1. The lim ited membership provision is expected to cause a deluge of applications within the next two weeks. Rapid Enrollment. "The enrollment is progressing so ' rapidly, and so much better than ever 1 was anticipated, mat it jooks as though there will soon be a waiting line of persons eager to get in," said J A. Whitfield, president of the club, today. "Only about 500 more persons will be admitted, and unless those persons who are anxious to join act promptly, they probably will find themselves barred. "The democratic character of the club is drawing men from all walks of life lawyers, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, newspapermen, business men, professors, artists, clergymen, and others. And it is gratifying to notice the large enrollment of Gov ernment officials. All of these men, for the first time In the history of Washington, will find through the City Club a common meeting ground." The semi-weekly luncheon of the twenty-three membership teams will be held at 12:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Commercial Club. Farragut square. Charles W. Semmes, chair man of the membership committee, will bo host. Brief speeches will be delivered by several members of the committee. Reports of the various teams will be made, and the total number of new applications will be announced by Mr. Whitfield. Committee On Site. The reports are expected to reveal that the 1,000 mark In enrollment has been reached. If this is the case, Mr. Whitefield will be prepared to announce the personnel of the com mittee on site and building, which will commence its work at once. The $1,000,000 club house planned for the downtown section will be thrown open certain days of the week to the children of members, as ! well as to wives, according to an nouncement of leaders in the club. The families of the members will be given the full privileges of the swim ming pool and the gymnasium, as well I as of the numerous other features. I This unique provision is expected to make the City Club a sort of big community home for the Capital. SAYS TREATY GIVES T WORLD BRITAIN Judging from the countless prepa rations and treatments which are continually being advertised for the purpose or making thin people fleshy, developing arms, neck and bust, and replacing- ugly hollows and angles by the soft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men and women who keenly feel their excessive thinness. Thinness and weakness are often due to starved nerves. Our bodies need more phosphate than is contained in modern foods. Physicians claim there is nothing that will supply this deficiency so well as the organic phos phate known among druggists as pltro-phosphate, which is inexpensive and Is sold by People's Drug Stores Is Washington and most all drug elxts under a guarantee of satisfac tion or money back. By feeding the nerves directly and by supplying the body cells with the necessary phos phoric food elements, bitro-pbosphate should produce a welcome transfor mation in the appearance; the in crease in weight frequently being as tonishing. Increase in weight also carries with It a general improvement in the health. Nervousness. sleeplcsness and lack of energy, which nearly al ways accompany excessive thinness, should soon disappear, dull eyes ought to brighten, and pale cheeks glow with the bloom of perfect health. CAUTION: Although bitro-phos-phate is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, umiJicsaness anu gen eral weakness, it should not. owing to tts tendency to increase weight, be used by anyone who does not desire Xo put on flesh. Patrick H. OTJomiell, Georgetown University graduate' and lawyer of Chicago, 111., stirred hundreds of Irish men to cheering in an address before the Friends of Irish Freedom, in Gon zaga Hal! last night, in which he cited the peace conference as surrendering the freedom of the seas to England. He flayed President Wilson in giving Great Britain supremacy on the water, and said that, though over t'er it has been given up, the 20, 000,000 of Irish men and women in America would not yield it here. "The present draft of the League of Nations is a British scheme to con tinue her absolute control of the seas," said Mr. O'Donnell in his speech, "The Freedom of the Seas." He will make a hundred like speeches throughout the country, and is confi dent that opinion will overrule the President's tendering to Britain the title. "Mistress of the Seas." "British supremacy began with the piracy of Hawkins, Drake, and Ra leigh," he said. "Since their time England has improved upon her con trol at every opportunity, driving all other commerce from the seas." Congressman Mead of New York spoke of the ways that Ireland has helped in every campaign for liberty in and out of America. He said that self-determination for Ireland will be a reality soon, as the purpose of' America's entrance into the war would not be fulfilled until the Emerald Isle is free and the republic recognized by the world. "The Orange, the White, and the Green," a new song of new Ireland, was sung by its composer, Thomas O'Dowd, of New York city. Irish airs were also sung by Miss Mary Patrice Moran. Rossa F. Downing presided. IU. ECEPT N III! I Wl BE HELD T 10 1 secona pnase 01 nonies attending! c, with was ush- A reception to members of the graduating class of George Washing ton University will be given by the institution tomorrow evening at Rauscher's, the affair lasting from 4 to 7 o'clock. This will be the second phase of I the elaborate ceremonies commencement week ered in with impressive exercises, at the Peace Cross. Washington Cathedral, Mt. St. Albans, yesterday j aiternoon. ine Daccaiaurcate sermon was delivered by the Rev. Dr. Her bert Shipman, of New York city, for mer chaplain at West Point. Dr. Shipman declared that the war! had taught a great lesson that ser-' vice counted for everything rank.' wealth, and position for nothing. "Pa-j triotic service to the country came first," he said, "and in this the worn-1 en of the land vied with the men." J A luncheon will he held at Rausch er's Wednesday in honor of MaJ. Gen. Leonard Wood, the commence ment orator and recipients of hon-' orary degrees". Guests of honor at the luncheon will be Major General and Mrs. Wood. John Earton Payne and , Mrs. Payne. William A. Day. Frank-' lln MacVeagh. Landon E. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell. Miss Eliza It. Pcid more, John Hays Hammond, Jr., Nich-, olas Douty. and Senator Howard . Sutherland of West Virginia. I M& tiff seocoVVvA Iff. IB A I . ' mmsEBB m m Beautiful Black Silks Nothing is more up-to-date 'this quality black silk in all the desirable tractive line of imported silks. 3.00 Black Chiffon Duchess; 36 inches wide; brilliant finish. Yard, $2.49. 3.50 Black. Crepe de Chine; 40 inches wide; fast dye; very heavy qual ity, $2.98. - - $3.50 Black Crepe Meteor; 40 inches wide; rich finish; fine quality. Yard, $2.98. $2.00 Black Satin Duchess; 36 inches wide; good weight; lustrous fin ish. Yard, $1.69. $2.00 Black Chiffon Taffeta; 36 inches wide; soft finish; good weight. Yard, $1.69. r Third Floor- Lansburgh & Bro. season or more practical than our fine new: weaves. We also carry an at- $2.25 Black Chiffon Taffeta, 36 inches wide; lustrous finish. Yard, $1,981' $2.50 Black Satin Charmeuse; 36 ""inches wide; lustrous quality, Yard, $2:19. $3.50 Black. Satin Charmeuse; 40 inches wide; superior quality. Yard, $2.98. $4.00 Black Chiffon Satin, 40 inches wide; heavy weight; rich finish. Yard, $3.49. $4.50 Black Chiffon Satin, 40 inches wide; soft, draping quality." .Yard,. Store Hours: Open 9:15 A. M.9 Close 6 P. M- TmXTOWEOF CREATOR SEWli RUli 420430 Seventh Sfc, Thwogh to&h&. Editorial t This editorial is directed especially to those young men and women just graduating from High School who expect to be come salespeople of one kind or another. It is a tip from one of the best salesmen of our acquaintance. Here it is NEVER ASK A MAN TO BUY TWO THINGS FROM YOU AT THE SAME TIME. "Why," he continued, "If I were selling you a. dollar watch I wouldn't ask you for a match for fear of getting oi m .. diverted from the thing I wanted you to do." He's right. Keep a prospect thinking about your -proposition long enough ana clear enough and he'll soon get to thinking of it as a good thing. When he thinks It's good It won't take long to sell him. Dainty White Wash Dresses Organdies, Linens, Lbhgcloth . $1.25 Ofgaridy, $1.00 45-inch White Swiss Organdy, with a very sheer, crisp -.finish. For waists and dresses. 45-inch white English voile of very fine grade, at $1.00. 40-inch Luna Lawn, sheer with a linen thread finish. Looks, lasts and launders like linen, special at 50c First Floor LcUlSbWgh - 50c Flaxon, 35c Sheer White Flaxon for waists and dresses. Other special lots at 75c and $1.00. 36-inch "white lingerie nainsook with a soft silk like firtisfi. Special at 39c Choice of.-.superior -or .Im perial, longclothwith a cham ois finish. 10 yard, pieces. Regular $4.00 ,value, at $2.98. & Bro. - 36-inch white suiting linen, all pure linen, in medium weight for suits, skirts and dresses. Spe cial at $1.25. 36-inch Imperial long cloth, with a chamois fin ish. 40c quality at 29c - The Newer Late Summer Hats Here Beautiful model hats and copies of models in a large assortment Millinery created of light colored organdy, hair, lace, georgette and French crepe, in sailors, pokes, large 'drooping shapes, and hats with slight mushroom rims: Some -beautiful leghorns faced with " two:to"ned crepe and trimmed 'with ; ostrich in pastel shades. Black hats for matrons. And Sports Hats. Prices, $10,. $1250, and $15. Second Floor . , LansbuxgK.& Bro., The Weather Demands ' Cool Wash Skirts Blouses .- . - Toilet Articles Imperial Ivory Finish These are slightly imperfect, but the blemish is so small as to be hardly noticeable. Large size mirror with bevel edge, 92J0H. Solid back hairbrushes with superior bristles, $2.25. Heavy dressing combs, 50c. Tuff boxes. $1.50. Hair receivers, $1.50. Jewel boxes. $1.50 and $1.98. Salve Jars, 39c. Buffer with removable ring, 08c. Trays, extra heavy, $2JJ0. Photo frames with velvet backs. $3. OS. Hat brushes, $1.00. Military brushes with superior bristles. $3.25. Cuticle Knives and Button Hooks, 25c. First Floor Lansburgh & Bro. Wash Skirts that keep the wearer comfortable, and give other folks that feeling 6t coolness, that goes with white garments.! Wash Skirts," made of gabar d iji e, tricptine, . linen,' and surf '. satin are the most ' popular. There are se verely tailored skirts and ' those with the fancy pockets and pearl button trimming. ?3 Prices .95,Q$rr.95 3 k Wash Silk Skirts Made of Baronet Satin, Fan-ta-si, and Wash silks. Prices range up to $25.00. All sizes in wash skirts regular and stout.' second t-Lansburgh &. Bro. b-i Special Prices "Soap Week" , Palm Olive, 18c. Pears' TJnscented, 9c Pears' Scented, 22c .;. Woodbury's, 22c CutJcura, 21c JResinoI, 25c Packer's Tar, 21c 4711 Almond Bar, 14c 4711 White Rose Glycer ine, 23c 4711 White Rose Glycer ine Bar, 38c Physician and Surgeon's, 10c. Auditorium Bath, 12c Wrisley's Turkish Bath, 5c Wrisley's Bath tablets, in assorted odors, 12c Aladdin, 9c Castile Soap Bars, 95c Castile Soap Cakes, 10c Colgate's Cashmere Bou quet, 10c and 25c Colgate's Natural, 10c First Floor Lansburgh & Bro. Georgette -crepe waists in all styles. They are finished with .small collars, pleated ruffles, -frills, or are- collarless. ' Round,, square ana" V necks. . - -Trimmed with beads, embroidery, tucks, onlace : , Come in . flesh, white, French blue, bisque," tea-rose, sana, etc. sizes jo xo 40. - '.: 4fc98' Neat sprinted georgette blouse with net collkrT fimsHe4 wjtfr. lace ruffles cuffs to match. All good'coldrsv Sizes'. 36 to 46.. , ' ' ' p" $5.00 fSSS- Lansburgh & Bro. Our Fourth Floor Offers Special Prices on Cretonnes, Rugs and Linoleums jffl ummmg New 1919 Cretonnes Values to 59c Yard 4 large table lots of 36-inch heavy quality Cretonne the same quality which we regularly sell at 49c and 59c a yard. Your choice of light or dark floral effects, novelty and nursery patterns. Shelf Oilcloth at 4C yard Full rolls of neatly figured shelf oilcloth, 6 inches wide. In blue, green or brown col ors on white grounds. Also 12-inch, neatly scalloped shelf oil cloth, 20c value at 12Vic. Madras Portieres at $5.75 pir Plain or mixed colors, with self-woven borders. In blue, green, rose or brown com binations. 40 inches wide. Cool and attrac tive. Fourth Flo urr Lansburgh & Bro. 39c Deltox Grass Rugs - a hf Cherokee Fiber Rugs V I 4 ' D Size 9x12 These two well-known quality grass and fiber rugs at a special price during our great June sale. The Cherokee Fiber Rug is a closely woven rug, in neat carpet designs, in green, tan or blue colors. The Deltox grass rug is a smoothly finished rug, in green, blue, rose, gray or brown colorings, finished with sten ciled borders. 300 Linoleum Squares KQ Seconds of SI. 39 Values JJV Suitable for bathroom, Jiall or kitchen. These are mill lengths of felt-base linoleum cut; up into ixz yard mats. Plenty to match up to cover larger spaces. Subject to slight im perfections and therefore none will be exchanged or credited. White Shoes Worth Double Sale Price $4 .40 L. or L B i tjgrBcTLJ J Both high and low white footwear, taken-from reg ular stock and reduced. " ' . Shoes that reflect the best in workmanship and materials. High or low shoes with Neolin, fibre or rubber soles and heels. White canvas, French heel Oxfords or Victory Pumps for all purpose wear. Also white buck and nu-buck footwear. . . Pnrnsrn" .; Mm Z . : fIoo? Lansburgh & Bro. Lovely Pearl Necklaces We have secured a new lot of these pearl neck laces at an unusually low price 15-inch Pearl Necklaces, with unusual luster, 95c 24-Inch Pearl Necklaces, with unusual luster, 50c 52-inch Pearl Necklaces, with unusual luster, 91.79. 27-Inch Pearl Necklaces, with unusual luster, 78c La Belle Pearl 18 -inch Necklaces, with unusual luster, and solid sold clasp, 3JXJ. 21-inch La Belle Pearl Necklaces, with solid sold clasp, 93.08. 27-inch La .Belle Neck laces, with graduated pearls: extra heavy, and with solid gold clasp, $5. 30-inch graduated pearl necklaces, with solid gold clasp, $S.0O. First Floor Lansburgh & Bro. Floor The new summer merchandise which is arriving daily will interest you. Store Hours; Open 9:15 A. M., Close 6 P. M. mESTGREOrGRATEfi'fiVfcSr iB lHl iBEfH H!BklRlBrVMlHdHMBB EBi .42&430 Seventh' SUlThremsh jo Eigfab 5 m v