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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, September 11, 1919, FINAL EDITION, EDITORIAL PAGE, Image 22

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SEPTEMBER 11, 1919
Reg. U. S. Patent Office. -g'
ARTHUR BRISBANE, Editor afl Owner.
23X3AR D. SHAW, PublUher. ... . -.
Entered aa second class matter at the Poitofflce at Wash! nr ton. P. c
-' Puhllshed Every Evening: tlneludlns Sundays) by
.HO YYASUUIKIUU 1 lUICi -.UlllL4llJ, iMUUOwJ UIU5., t wuiw;"""'"";,
tall SabserJptlons: 1 year (Inc. Sundays). S7.B0; 3 .Months. tl.S5; 1 Moata. 65g
What Is Important?
('Banks, Bolshevism, Soldiers, Children, and Other Things.
Each of us lives in his own little sphere, and each of
Us has his own little standard of importance.
The mother will tell you that the most important thing
in the world is the child. The miser believes that the most
Important thing is gold.
T The statesman seeks a place in the halls of fame.
Others believe that service for the betterment of their
ftllow men is the most important of all activity.
President Wilson, in a recent speech, indicated that he
would be willing to give his life, if necessary, that the
Iftagne of Nations covenant might be ratified intact. In
this statement he pledged his willingness to sacrifice that
which is fundamentally most precious to all normal human
Self-preservation, says the old saw, is the first law of
latere. The three ruling interests born in every man since
Adam are preservation of self, perpetuation of the race, and
On the editor's desk are several pamphlets and maga
zines which came in the last mail. Let us open a few of
them and see what people consider important.
The first is a bulletin from an automobile company. It
states proudly that the first automobile built by this firm,
"with approximately 90,000 miles to its credit, negotiated
on highways and byways' of every description, during eleven
years of constant use, is adding daily, visible testimony to
the everlasting sturdiness which is the birthright" of every
oar built by this manufacturer.
The manufacturer of this automobile undoubtedly be
lievee that among the most important things in this world
is the record of service given by his cars.
The next pamphlet is a treatise on the attitude of the
United States to Costa Rica. The writer, Lincoln G. Val
entine, says that great statesmen view with concern our
policies of recent years. Quite so, but it is probable that
or "great statesmen1 by which he means members of
Congress, are far more concerned with the attitude of the
folks back home and the consequent way the folks cast
their votes for candidates for Congressional seats.
The nest is a magazine devoted to newspaper work. It
VMe the first inside page to tell all about Cornelius Vander
bilt, jr., who has become a cub reporter at twenty-five dol
lars a week. Young Vanderbilt says that newspaper work
is the world's greatest agency for good. He believes his
mission in life .is to help in the movement for the better
ment of all people. That is his idea of important work.
The next is a leaflet entitled, "France and Her Prob
lems," an address by Baron Jacques de Neuflize, a Parisian
banker. It is published by "La France," an American
magazine whose editor considers this address to be of suffi
cient importance to spend considerable money in publishing
and distributing it. .
Another pamphlet is from the National City Bank of
New York. The most prominent place in this publication
is given to an article written by George E. Roberts, vice
president of the bank. In a treatise entitled, "Unrest and
Lassened Production Threaten America's Prosperity," he
"The fundamental trouble at the bottom of all the
turbulence in the industrial world, and this pressure upon
the Government to interfere in business affairs, is in failure
to understand that there are natural economic laws always
at work accomplishing the ends sought by such agitation,
and doing so far more efficiently and certainly than it can
be accomplished by Arbitrary measures."
That is a wealthy business man's idea of what is
Another magazine is from Tokyo. It points out that it
is very important to realize the following facts:
The United States is closer to Asia than it is to
South America.
It is possible to connect Asia and the United States
by rail through a tunnel under Bering Strait. '
Manila, in American insular territory, is closer to
China than to Tokyo.
A farm magazine sets forth that the whole livestock
business is at a crisis.
The American Federatiouist, official magazine of the
American Federation of Labor, devotes its leading edi
torial to the International Trade Union Congress recently
held in Amsterdam.
A pamphlet from the League Against American Mili
tarists asks: "Who should 6fficer the new army?"
The latest number of "Judicious Advertising" gives
much importance to the problem of returned service men as
related to agricultural questions.
Which question is most important?
The League of Husbands "ZSttS" By t. e. powers
At 4
m B
Hi 'Less.
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Jfbg I I
SSMflMfcntisaBe- CBflEiisSBBav
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An Elm For Pershing
A Fiae Way to Honor Oar New General WonH Be te Let the Sefteei
Children Plant a Tree Far Him.
With the return to report of the job in France by Gea
John J. Pershing, there will come all sorts of Bnsrzestiora
for memorials in honor of the commander-in-chief of the
American Expeditionary Forces, and such procedure should
go forward slowly. The honor of full general ia an' honor
'conferred by Congress and, of course, by the people of the
United States. But the people themselves will want to do
'something of a little more of their own accord: This is
found in the suggestion of the American Forestry Associa-
'tion made in The Times the other day-for the planting of a
The idea is particularly appropriate because General Per
shing started his career -as a school teacher bra, little town
in Missouri.
Let the. tree be the. American elm wherever it is pos
sible to plant that tree. The elm is the tvnical American
tree, and if each school class in the country would plant a
tree in honor of' ttye general and the men he led we would
have an inspiring memorial that all of the coming genera
tions could take a part in. Memorial trees are to be vilajai&d
facing the Lincoln Memorial. Why cannot the American
I Forestry Association's suggestion he taken up at once and
with memorial trees planted by the school children of the
District in honor of Gen. John J. Pershing and the boys to
whom he so finely gives all the credit?
s a
i i mi ii i q
Beatrice Fairfax Writes of the Problems and Pitfalls of the War Workers
Especially for Washington Women
RTTT. SMrtfrlV of MaddoT Crick.
rises to Inquire through these col
umns if the following araot&tion is
from a dead language:
s-Waateaa gem to nate, b&j'
TTfltrfTio jrahmitted this nnerr to Dr.
JaTit P. TWtt- lata -nrofessor of al
coholics, holding down, the Chair of
Applied Glass Lifting at Skoomak
Vi TTntuAitiLo. T nnf?rjrtanH that
BILL SMOOT'S auotation is from an
extremely dead language, and one
that is likely to be eyen more defunct
as time passes.
I notice that admission to
grandstand seats for the coming
review will be by invitation only.
Mere curiosity prompts- me to ask.
how many mothers, wives, et&,
of the enlisted personnel of the
"Fighting First" hare or win re
ceive these invitations.
John Jorgensen, sixty-five years
old, walked more than a hundred
miles from Clinton, Wis., to Elgin,
III., to see how his old wife in the
State Insane Asylum was "mak
ing out" He left a comfortable
home to do this and he went with
out a penny in his pocket for food
or shelter on the trip.
But the old man could not enjoy
the snug home he had with a son-in-law
while the thought preyed
on his mind that all might not be
well with his life partner.
He tried to borrow money for
the railroad fare, but relatives
and friends thought the journey
unnecessary. Mrs. Jorgensen had
been committed to the State
Asylum by due process of law, she
had been "6,ueer" for some time,
and they were under the impres
sion that it might be wiser to let
well enough alone, But not the
old man, who wanted to make sure,
and after his failure to borrow
the money, he decided to start out
on foot. ...
Doubtless he did not look heroic
a gray-haired old man, dusty
and worn with the journey, trudg
ing along mile after mile. But he
was a braver figure than the young
lover speeding to his heart's de
sire on the wings of youth was
faithful old John Jorgensen.
Everything else had gone
youth, strength, money, oppor
tunity only unselfishness re
mained He could not enjoy the
material comforts that were his at
his son-in-law's home while the
doubt remained that perhaps they
were not good to HER.
Has a Happy Ending.
And everyone will be pleased to
know this story has a happy end
ing. He limped into the insane
asylum with his feet horribW blis
tered and on the verge of collapse.
But he found his old woman and
she was delighted to see him and
realized, too, something of the or
deal the old man had been through
for her sake. And the hospital of
ficials with more humanity than
we ascribe to people connected
with an institution found employ
ment for him about the place, and
now these old people are reunited.
Young people and others not
so young are always writing to
me and asking for a test of real
love. Well, here It Is in the case
of John Jorgensen old, peanlles,
walking a hundred mils to see
that the wife of his youth was com
fortable. To do this, he gave up
a certainty for an uncertainty, a
Bnug home for the makeshifts of
the open road he thought more of
the happiness of bis beloved than
of hlvown. ' -v
Tp rifrturiBlaa wlathff leva. Is
genuine or counterfeit, there is a
simple test that everyone may ap
ply and its name is unselfishness.
Which do you desire more, your
own happiness or the well-being
of the man or woman you love?
Are you willing to pursue rap
ture at the cost of your beloved's
peace of mind, sworn obligations,
life itself if you are, don't for a
moment imagine yourself in love.
You are merely pursuing your hap
piness without counting the cost to
anyone else. And do not Imagine
there is anything permanent about
such selfish passion; next year or
the next, the stage will be set
with the same properties and you
will be declaiming the same high
sounding but utterly selfish senti
ments tho only difference will be
that in the foreground there will
be the figure of a different man or
Lore Does Hat Mean Thrills.
A great many emotional and
rather ill-balanced people confuse
love with "thrills' When the
rattle of a man's latch-key in the
front door no longer produces the
Copyright. 1919. International Feature Service, Inc.
By J. J. Mundy.
You are pleased with the quality of your work technically you
know it is right.
Unexpectedly, you get a criticism which stings you feel it is
unjust you do not value the source, but just the same it hurts.
You are tempted to retort in kind.
How much better would you be than the one who brought down
the hammer so harshly?
Be so balanced so poised that you can take the shot without
If you have a sense of humor, that may make it easier.
But do not scorn the criticism just because you are sure the
one who makes it is narrow, stupid, or has some ulterior motive in
JuBt hang that criticism up, mentally, till you have made up your
mind whether there is anythjng to it which can possibly help you.
Everything should be grist for yourmill.
There is something in it for you, no matter what happens; the
next thing is to get the good something out of it.
What s Doing; W here; When j
Addrtu By Louis F Pent. AssltUnt
Sft-ratary of Lbor. French Club, W.h
lneton Salon. McLan Building. 1517 h
trxtt northwest. t:S0 p. m
Community Slntlnc Blue THancle Re
creation Cntr. Twentieth and B streets
nu-thwest 7 30 p m
Baseball Washington vs. Chicago,
American League Baseball Park. Seventh
anrt Klorlda atenue northwest, 5 pm.
Carnival Mt Rainier, MA.
Dance Columbus Country Club, club
house. Fort Berry, Va Special cars from
Twelfth street and Pennsylvania avenue
northwest, 'i p m.
Danee Clarendon Athletic Association.
ClaraBeloa, Vtv. S 9. sB.
Welcome Hess Oatberlng Governor
Thomas WeTts SoaUty of the Children of
the Amerler.n Revolution. Wilson Normal
School. Eleventh and Harvard streets
northwest, I p m.
Meeting Zionists of Washington. Toung
Ken's Hebrew Association, Eleventh street
and Pennsylvania avenue northwest, t:IS
p. m.
Meeting Catholic Women's Service Club.
691 E street northwest, t p. m.
Concert U. 8. Marine Band, Lincoln
Park. Thirteenth, and East Capitol streets,
T:S0 p. m.
Meeting International Debating So
ciety. 1039 Munsey Building.
Dance Washington Camp, Modern
Woodmen of America camp hall. Old
Masonic Temple. Ninth and F streets
northwest, 5 p. m.
Baseball Washington v Detroit.
American League Baseball Tark. Seventh
street and Florida avenue northwest, 3
p m
Open-air Movies Blue Triangle Recrea
tion Center. Twentieth and B streets north
west. S p m
Carnival Mount Rainier. Md
Dance Blue Triangle Recreation Cen
ter. Twentieth and B streets northwest,
7.30 to 9 p m
Dance Fort Myer. Va., under auspices
of Oovernment Recreation League. 8 pm.
Post Dance Quantlco. Va.. under aus
nices of Oovernment Recreation League,
S p ni.
Dance Thomson Community Center,
Twelfth and L streets northwest. 8.30 p.
Dance Central High 8chool Community
Center, Thirteenth street and Florida ave
nue, northwest, 8:30 p. m.
Dance Calvert Clu, IT Oupeat Circle,
P. m.
same set of emotions as his steps
did during the courtship period,
some silly woman will imagine
that she no longer loves her hus
band. She expected to eat her
emotional cake and have it too.
Love to her is not unselfishness,
confidence, trust, but something
that is going to make her cheek
flush and pale by turns. And
when honest John, worn with the
struggle for the almighty dollar
fails to do this she makes up her
mind that she no longer loves him.
This is the time when a great
many women "think of taking up
a career" and if I happened to be
their husbands I'd let them go
ahead. A good dose of drudgery,
minus the lack of appreciation of
a cold cruel world, would soon send
these ladies back weeping on
honest John's shoulder. It would
do them an immense amount of
good to find out by actual experi
ence what poor incompetent
creatures they are and how much
their great talents would com
mand in the open market.
These "thrill" addicts would
not know real love if it ever came
their way. They are looking not
for love, with the unselfishness it
impress, but for emotion at any
cost. With such people it's a case
of "wanting what they want when
they want it," and they propose to
have it at the expense of everyone
involved even the one they claim
to love "better than life."
There is also very little genuine
love on the part of the man who
wishes to "preserve" a girl for
some future date at which he
might, could, would, or should pro
pose to her. I have had literally
thousands of letters on this sub
ject. Let us suppose that a young
man likes a girl very much and has
paid marked attention to her. Sup
pose, also, that he is methodically
planning to propose to her, when
they raise his salary next spring.
Is He Justified In Building a
Is he justified, meanwhile, in
building a fence about this irl, so
to speak, through which no pos
sible rival may enter, and inside
of which the girl herself must con
tentedly await his pleasure?
A great many young men feel
this procedure to be quite within
their rights, and we find girls
meekly submittins: to be "reserved"
in this fashion. "He is devoted to
me," writes one; but she is utterly
wrong, he is devoted to himself.
You would never find a man of this
type walking a hundred miles te
see if his mentally infirm old wife
were well cared for, as did old
John Jorgensen, of Clinton, Wia.
Keaiey Xete.
The monkeys at the Zoo are rare-
Itr nnt nf Annnt. ft. AB anthOlltieS
fiatrnt monkeys breed consumption,
it sa teiAir Tint- rmnt nrrc or floors
at all times, except, possibly, in tire
most severe weainerf come sagn.
HmA naat nnA of the smaller mon
keys was suffering with an abscess
on the right aide 01 nis jaw, ana wnen
questioned, the keeper stated there
tres nothing that could be done for
it. To my mind It was pure neglect
E. M. S.
Saturday Half Holiday.
and C. R. CRBI, all of the Sight
Shop, TJ. S. Navy Yard, ask me
whether a bill ever passea (jongress
crrcntinff & Saturday half-holiday the
year round, and if not, what is the
present status or ine year rouna nati
hollday. TfiftrA r no status. I sness. Advo-
ejates of the year round half-holiday
claim there Is a paragraph in the
law which permits such a thing; but
those who control the aepartmenis
have never seen it that way.
leads the dedactieqisis f the staff
to believe that the garmefits meet
have beea of delicate fabric The .
stenographers and .telephone eeera
tars, after expert eatal ealeala
tlons, rapport this theory. Tie fcta
is on in earnest and a TtitirTirnufni
is being prepared f er every meater J
of the office force. Suspicion ml
excitement reign.
Optimism Far PeraUag.
iUU ,cett ueee ctays. A X. Mi.
AyTpKHNTlfcr KAtkatrw
I mailed ten deHara by raciiUaeei
mail to New York. NetoiyBSTer
has seen anything of it in tern feya.
I mafled; a medal delivery letter
at the Georgetown. P. O, to an ad
dress two blocks away. It reeabei
it two days later. B. L. FOSSE
.Wlutf Drnf CUrk h tfe
Handtpgwtt? -
I 'deem it oeTv f rV t .... .
word for onethat I eensifter wV
ww wnea 1? coatee to seMlar ire
The young mm I refer to is alse a
eradnate of Km A, r- -j-
and for the nast tra fe-rct i 9m
business for himself at Wiaeeaata
ave. sadO st n. w., where the girb
Can. alwavs sea rtt cmJlfner - - - -
nance under the large sign THOMAS
which spans the entrance.
Dnrinir triA rmAATa w Ia . ;
the U. & navy on active duty at the
am"5r. n?sP1 za and 15 ats. m.
w- this citv.
Talkme ahonfc fcanrfew.. tvre v
a slant at the usher in the Gayety
LctMner on sin street, first fealeeav.
extreme right side. Some Jadiea
man. m w
Is he ftnv nar)rTorrt fc-.n TTA-sVDV
What To Do With Your Old Mnaic
There is a bunch of ex-service
men at tie Mt. Alto Reconstruc
tion Hospital, 2560 Wisconsin
avenue, trying to rebuild them-1
selves after having suffered all
sorts of wounds and disabilities
ranging from broken bones to
lost limbs.
The Red Cross has given them
a player-piano, but theyare ex
tremely short on music rolls.
They have played "How You Go
ing to Keep 'Em Down on the
Farm" until they are about dead.
There must be thousands of
music rolls in this ci that could
be shipped to that hospital.
Yotfre all wrrvner TIM .
notice the crowd of people out ia
f Juiggetcs', 14th and F? AL
-" vu. mo liuwue ana u yea
have never seen him drop in and get
a look at a real handsome drug.
clerk. He won't like this nominal
uon, but here goes!
waitek C. BRANDES.
2032 16th Street N. W.,
Washington, D. C.
Who's Got 'Em?
There is a mystery in the offices
of the Nation's Business, that great
magazine which is the official organ
of the National Chamber of Com
merce. Somebody is holding out some
thing and, from Editor-in-Chief
MERLE THORPE down to the new
est office boy, everybody is a Sher
lock Holmes for the time beinp;.
Not long since there came from a
woman in the Middle West a letter
to the editor stating that the writer
had lost two suits of underwear. She
wrote that she had received her copy
of the Nation's Business and had
used the envelope to mail back to a
big Chicago department store two
unsuitable suits of underwear. The
department store has never received J
the underwear and the lady thinks
maybe the envelope, with the name
Nation's Business" in red ink in one
comer, was returned to the editorial
The lady did not describe the lin
gerie, but the fact that her letter
contained a two-cent stamp, osten
sibly for the xfttaira of the garments,
of handsome
not omit DR.
flTTJCcnarcr nuseA Ja
.-T.S'SX.. -T ww" " " onus JJJ6.
EDMUNDS, of Iiggett's, 13th and
tcuuajuvaau avenue, xus charm
ing personality has made him very
popular with everyone."
xu sxttOTHEB,
Strong Endorsement.
Now that you have Eootleggera
Ave. rathe race for the Handsomest
Drug Clerk, I wish to nominate DR.
STORE. He is not only the best
lookiner. but he is th MA .
genial druggist in the "Bootw
Country." j & "
the Bushy Haired Boy at Afflecks,
aoui ana r sz. jn. w. Urve him
chance. ERMA-
Apotaecarial Beau BrammeL
The Virginia readers of Th Tim
do not agree with the D. C Beantr
Experts as to the handsomest drug
cierK. une nas but to take a look In
at Stone & Pcole's at 12th & Penna.
avenue to be convinced that DR.
FRANK T. STONE is the real Beau
Brummel of the apothecaries. And
he is as popular as he is handsome.
The voters (and may the ladles soon
be with them) of Arlington District
comprising the towns of Ballstoa,
Rosslyn, Clarendon, Arlington ana
Barcroft. are planning to elect him
practically without opposition to th
office of Supervisor, which corre
sponds to D. C. Commissioner. He
will most likely be elected president
of the Alexandria County Trust Com-
"vi nun iu piuceas 01 lurcuauuu.
Ballstoa, Va.

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