OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, September 11, 1919, FINAL EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1919-09-11/ed-1/seq-9/

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Kfttl 1
In the Home
n H ajhJv1' I
Among the Musicians
who made her professional debut hero
last winter as assisting artist with
the famous opera tenor Martinelli, has
Just signed a three years' contract
with Fred Whitney, the well-known
light opera producer, as prima donna
with the "Sweet Sixteen" company.
Miss Moore is a pupil of Thomas
Ei-ans Greene. She is now rehearsing
for her first theatrical season. It was
Mr. Whitney who produced "The
Chocolaate Soldier" in this country.
The Friday Morning Music
has a most interesting season
prospect. This women's club has se
cured the assembly hall of the Cos
mos Club for its weekly morning
meetings this year and many of the
programs have already been outlined.
Mrs. Eugene Byrnes, president of
the Club, says it is to be their policy
x make one program each month a
constructively educational one. In.
the furtherance of this plan, the field
of music Is to be taken chronolog
ically. ODenin? with a Bach recital
to be given by Charles Trowbridge
fcnttmann, bass, and Miss Lucy Brlck
enstein, soprano.
Both of these singers have been
soloists in the great Bach Festival
held each year at Betllehem, Pa,
they are planning to give the Bach
cantata that is written lor soprano
and bass on this program.
The Friday Morning Music Club is
an unique institution in Washington.
Its activities cover a weekly miscel
laneous program, given by artist
members of the club, with several
recitals each season by visiting art-
The best bak
ing powder at
the price no
m better powder
at any price.
Go buy it today !
Club " ists. and a chorus that is featured on
n In j several programs during the year.
-ine active membership of the Club
numbers about 50, while the mem
bership of the Club Js In all about
Among the soloists for the first
month's programs are Mrs. Heinl,
pianist, a very gifted pupil of the
late Edward MacDowell. Paul
Veasey, baritone, is to sing some
English songs oL particular musical
value. The public makes the ac
quaintance of a larger number of
musicians in Washington through
the programs of the Friday Morning
Music Club than In any other circle
of the city.
The officers of the Club this year
are: President, Mrs. Eugene Byrnes;
vice president. Mrs. Samuel Wlnslow;
treasurer. Mrs. Henry Bobbins; cor
responding secretary. Mrs. J. B.
Kendall: ' recording secretary, Miss
Catherine Riggs; musical director.
Miss Mabel Linton: assistant musical
director. Miss Lucy Brickenstein;
chorus director. Mrs. F. W. True;
governors and officers. Miss Sewall,
Mrs. Hilton, Mrs. Howard. Mrs. Wal
ter Bruce Howe. Miss Bestor. Mrs.
Von Beyer. Mrs. Richard Dean.
A Clean Cool Scalp
Parisian Sage Stops Itching, Keeps
the Scalp Cool Erevents Dandruff
Almost everybody nowadays
knows that Parisian sage, the invig
orating hair restorer, is guaranteed
to remove every trace of dandruff.
stop falling hair and itching scalp.
The Motet Choral Society, under
the direction of Otto Torney Sinlon,
will reorganize .this season under the
auspices of the War Camp Community
Service. The last concert of the
Motet Society was given In December,
1917. at the Belasco Theater, at
which time they had the honor of
singing before the President. The
Motet was disbanded because of the
Music for. the War Risk Bureau pic
nic last Saturday, held on the ground
of the Sixteenth street reservoir, was
n-Iven bv the Department of the In-
f terlor Band, under the direction of the
nexistnnt director. W. G. Wllmarth.
Community singing was led by A. W.
Harned, and several War Risk songs
j were sunjr by the bureau "bard."
! The school for song leaders and ac
companists of the War Camp Commun
ity Service, under the direction of Hol
lis Edison Davenny, will hold Its or
ganization meeting on the evening of
September 16th.
This school is conducted without a
fee from the members, the only re
quisite being a willingness to serve as
song leader or accompanist in the
many civic events that the W. C. C. S.
sustains in its community service.
Lieutenant Dnvenny says that the
demand for such service is increasing
steadily. He therefore desires to en
list the co-operation of experienced
musicians of the city who may be
willing to devote, perhaps, but one
evening a week to this community
work; as well as the musically inter
ested who will need the tuition of .he
class for future song leaders?S
He would like to "have possible ap
plicants register at the Community
Music Headquarters at 1408 Penna.
avenue northwest so that permanent
assignments may be made.
Community Opera Plans
To Open Second Season
In Autumn With "'Faust"
Through an error In our typesetting
department the address of the Wash
ington Conservatory of Music was In
advertently given as at T108 New
Hampshire avenue. The correct ad
dress is 1408 Kcw Hampshire avenue.
adjoining Dupont Circle, where the
summer rchool of the conservatory has
just finished a very successful season.
Many music students of Washington
bave taken advantage of this summer
term:- the Washington Conservatory
of Music being the only large school
of music which lias kept open during
the heated period, thus enabling many
to get a 3tart In music before tho
utq t nrt tK a 9ATlA$tr-n l 1 cr nmAD
n.,'t, t,o. .nt into t, n.i encroachment of school duties.
of many .of the men members of this' n has been decided to make the
choral choir i summer term a .special feature each
Mr. Simon intends uniting the year at the Washington Conservatory
forces of the Motet, and those of the f Music. The conservatory Is now
newly organized choral clubs who J open for the Fajl and "V inter season,
gave the impressive Memorial Con- advertised e.sewhere in our coT
cert at Central High School last urans' , . ., , .
SDrinir. These were the Polvmnla.l "e personnel oi me siuucnu or
chestra will be largely increased , by
many new advanced violin students'
and the addition of other orchestral
instruments. The orchestra Is under
the personal direction of the head of
the Apollo, and the Euterpe Choral
The Motet will begin its rehearsals
about the end of this month, the dato
to b annonnrwl Intnrv An l tl-ii-
custonv tncv "K'i,l Slve two concerts i the violJn apartment.
during tne season. The programs of
the Motet have always filled an in
dividual place in the musical life of
the community, both as to novelty
and as to the color in tone and blend
of voices that is a part of the ideal
in music that Mr. Simon tries to in
nill into his choral work. This will
be the eighth season of this choral
Seven hundred voices, at the small
est estimate, will form the National
Community Chorus In the "Welcome
Home" to General Pershing extended
through the War Camp Community
The chorus will be massed on seats 'field affords.
By J. SlaeB.
The Community Opera-of Washing
ton will open its second season with
a presentation of Gounod's beautiful
opera of "Faust." to be given early in
the uutumn. As originally organized,
the development of this opera, "move
ment for Washington will be sponsor-
ea Dy me War Camp Community Ser
Edouard Albion, director of the
Community Opera of Washington, has
Just returned from his summer In
Canada with full plans for the com
ing season, when it Is Intended to
present six of the standard grand
The design of this enterprise Is to
put the best In music into the actual
music experience of the people, and
to develop on home soil the talent for
opera, that would otherwise be lost
for lack of opportunity.
It is the same principle upon which
the smaller opera houses of Europe
have been run. . Tho Community
Opera of Washington is "out of the
community" u is true, but, as Mr.
Albion points out. Its development Is
In the hands of the musicians who are
at hand, and these musicians are pro
fessionals, albeit without experience
inopera. They have.too, been gather
ed here from all over the country, so
in that way are representative of
music in America.
"The value of the best In music,
music as high art in the broad field of
the opera, is the only foundation upon
which this endeavor can be nrmlv
built into the music life of the nation,"
says Edouard Albion. "Formerly, an
American student has had to spend a
long apprenticeship In Europe before
he was fitted to enter the professional
opera world In competition with for
eign artists.
"I found that outside of Washing
ton much emphasis has been placed
upon the fact that 'Opera had become
a community expression, and a suc
cessful enterprise as well. It will
serve, not alone for the development
of opera and a taste for opera in the
National Capital, but it is a model to
which other communities are looking.
'The success of Washington's first
season of Community Opera has made
a place for it in the music life of the
entire United States. It Is not a mere
amateur venture. It Is to the estab
lishment of that broad art of the
opera in the experience, and in the
hearts of the American people, that
the enterprise is directed.
"Opera as a cosmopolitan art, opera
as it should be' studied and under
stood, is what the Community Opera
of Washington alms to cultivate."
With the autumn season comes the
announcement of the organization of
another opera company the People's
National Opera Sbciety for the pro
duction of lighter operas, including a
numbqr of the most succcessful and
popular productions the comic opera
Shaw's celebrated comedy, "Arms
and" the Man." These operas are to
be produced on a business basis, and
presented for one week each, at one
of the regular theaters.
A gala production, of "Pinafore" is
scheduled for the week of the visit oi
the Prince of Wales in the National
Capital. And It is designed to ter
minate the series with a great open-
air production of Verdi's grand
opera. "Aida," taxing the resources of
both' Washington and Baltimr-ro for
its orchestra and band, and having
the most celebrated grand opera sing
ers tht can be secured for the solo
ists. A people's auditorium in Washing
ton that long desired need of the
city--ls among the aims of this new
especially attractive by a most win- j PUllJUIiBlBliaU3KiaiV3BSafJU9iiRV!
ning manner. One could not imag-i
ine M. Rabaud making enemies; one m
coujd not rancy zi. Monteux as mak
ing any but friends. The warmth
and grace of the South of France,
from which he derives his descent
(his parents are Marseillaise) inform;"
M. Monleux's ready smiling speech g
with a spontaneity all their own. fe
1 A Music Store of Service
The music season in Washington
opens with the first concert of the
newly organized Washington Phil
harmonic Orchestra, under Helnrlch
Hammer. This will take place at
Crandall's Knickerbocker Theater on
the afternoon of October 2. It will be
Washington's first effort at "uptown"
But not until November will the
concerts be in full swing. The end
of October, Tuesday , October 28
brings Geraldine Jarrar as the first
artist of the Philharmoic course pre
sented by Mrs. Wilson-Greene.
A new course of concerts, to be
given in the evening, Is announced
by Miss Laura Harlan. These will be
six "Thursday Evening Musicals,"
presenting twelve artists, with two
at each concert. It will prove among
other things whether Washington
really wants evening concerts.
Particular interest will center, both
socially and musically. In the appear
ance of Ralph Leopold, pianist. For
Mr. Leopold is the brother of the wifo
of the, Secretary of War, Mrs. Newton
D. Baker. This young artist Is little
known in this country. He has been
assistant to the celebrated Russian
teacher, lime. Stepanoff, and has
spent most of his professional life
Another novelty in Miss Harlan's
list of artists in Nina Tarasova. con
tralto, who Is called the Russian
xvette Gullbert. Mme. Tarasova
gU-es Russian folk songs.
RAAnrrt iiprnn !
Satisfactory Retail Service Requires
Study of the Needs of the Customer
We have, made this the biz feature of our business by"
wgm . ..- .. - . i " E
- engaging experts at the head of each department.
wi piicct music Leparun.eni consists or a tiuasiucu
stock designed to assist any musician the teacher, profes
sibna'l player, or student of any branch of music.
In front of the W. C C.
fters at Pennsylvania
George H. Wilson will be accom
panist for the Motet, a position he has
or the cost, small as it is. will be KpMVnr '"X v . . 7
refunded. ,1 . some years, first as associat
But you should knbw more about
this .marvelous hair grower. You
ought to know that ItHmmediatelr
destroys all odors -tthat. are bound
to. come from the excretions of the
scalp, and in five minutes after an
application, no matter how hot the
weather,, your head will feel cool
and comfortable.
ft Jreryone should nave a bottle of
rParlsian sage handy because it is
such a pleasant and exhilarating
hair treatment. Ladies use it be
cause they know it Is delicately per
fumed, not sticky or greasy, and
surely does make the hair beautiful,
silky and abundant. Here's what
a New York woman writes: "I have
used Parisian sage two weeks only,
yet in that time find my hair has
wonderfully increased in beauty,
thickness and luxuriance, but what
surprised me most was the disap
pearance of all dandruff."
A large bottle of Parisian sage
can be obtained from People's Drug
Stores or at any good drug or toilet
counter It's not expensive.
Willi Airs. Otto Tornev Simon, who
.was so vital abactor in the music life I"
of ashington, and later as the regu
lar accompanist of the society. The
secretaries. of the Motet will be Drl C.
P. Fralley and Mrs. Joseph Dunn.
Trinity Community Choir held its
first rehearsal of the season last even
ing at the church. Third and C streets
northwest. It Is the purpose of the
director. Hollis Edison Davenny. to
limit the membership of this commu
nity chorus choir to sixty members, ' Church
S. headquar
avenue and
Fourteenth street northwest. The
Camp Humphreys Engineers' Band,
led by Lieutant Weber, will accom
pany them.
Lieutenant Davenny will direct the
large chorus. He has been called to
New Jork In connection with the
Pershing celebration there, leaving on
last Tuesday evening.
The National Quartet, under the di
rection of Mrs. Ethel Garrett Parrish.
organist and accompanist .for this
quartet, has arranged an attractive
program for next Sunday at the In-
j gram Memorial Congregational
xniB win De ine nrsi serv-
Rollin .Bond sends the announce
ment to The Times. Mr. Bond has
just returned to Washington with
the producing rights, among other
operas, of "Tho Chocolate Soldier,"
with -which he intends to inaugurate
his new enterprise.' TBIb tuneful
opera is based upon George Bernard
To the stranger within our gates
the season will offer much of variety
and will bring the foremost artists of
the world to Washington in recital.
What opera we have usually comes In
small quantities toward the end of
tho season, when the companies have
closed their seasons in New York, in
Chicago, or in Philadelphia. Still the
prospectus presents a greater activity
than Washington has eve,r known.)
Washington music clubs, some of
which lessened their activities during
the war, will again return to their
former schedules.
Thus, with opera at home, with our
own symphony orchestra, with club
programs galore, with the ever en
larging circle of community endeavor
in music, ano with tnc vast number of
professional concerts and an almost
certain promise of others not yet an
nojiced we may say .that the National
Capital is steadily growing into a mu
sical city.
mereoy insuring a standard excel-1 ice sung by this, quartet In its new
lence in the development of the choral .field of church music. The program
music. John Wilson, organist of the includes:
church, is the accompanist. Festival "Te Deum" in E fiat (Dud-
ley Buck); "Christian, the Morn
The Rubinstein Club will have as ' Breaks Sweetly O'er Thee" (Shelley);
solo artist for its opening concert of! "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord"
the reason Thco Karle. the celebrated' (Garrett); "Sing Alleluia Forth"
tenor- j (Buck), and "Fear Not Ye, O Israel"
Grace Moore, the attractive soprano' The large chorus choir maintained
t I
Fresh Crispy Bread
Spread With Sweet Honey
Doesn't just the mention of this
make your "mouth water?" Honey
has long been the universal favorite of
all lovers of sweets, and there is no
better way to serve, it than spread
thickly over slices of
Old Mammy's Rice Brad
That Old Southern Mammy certainly knew how to
make bread for we are still using her recipe.
by Ingram Church for many years
will be retained to supplement the
work of the quartet. but many of Its
members being out of the city it will
not be heard until tho first Sunday in
The National Quartet is composed
of Elizabeth S. Maxwell, soprano; Lil
lian Chenoweth, contralto; William E.
Braithwaite, tenor, and Harry M.
Forker, bass, with Ethel Garrett Par
rish, accompanist.
Mrs. Flora McGIll JCeefer. soprano,
has resumed her position as soloist
at the Christian Science First Church,
Columbia road, singing at the ser
vices on last Sunday.
Henry H. FVceman, formerly or
ganist and choirmaster of St. John's
Church, Lafayette square, and hi?
bride are spending some time visiting
friends in New York State.
(Wagner); tenor solo. "Come Unto
Me" (Cowen), Richard Backing;
offertory anthem, "My Song Shall Be
of Mercy" (Wilkinson); postlude,
"Marche Solennelle (Borowski).
Evening service, organ prelude,
"To Spring" (Matthews): anthem,
"Rejoice Greatly " (Woodward); of
fertory anthem, "More Love, Qh,
Christ, to Thee" (Speakes); postlude,
"March Pontificale" (Lcmmons).
"Only twenty-two weeks remain in
which to buy tickets for the greatest i
benefit performance ever staged. In
the world, a benefit that will Include
every legitimate theater in the United
States, with the proceeds Intended
exclusively for the Actors Fund
of America," is the announcement to
day from the office of Jack Edwards,
resident manager of the Shubert-Gar-rlck
Theater, who is one of the hun
dreds of theater managers of the
country .who already have started ac
tivities towards this monster affair.
The movement, started by Daniel
Frohman, president of the Actors
Fund, is being backed by business and
professional men of New York and
other large cities, .the purpose being
the commemoration of the wonderful
work which the theatrical profession
accomplished during the .war, in aid
ing the Government and in obtain
ing for war activities moro than
December 5 is the date decided
upon and It will be known as "Ac
tors' Memorial Day." Every theater
manazer In the country has been
called upon to put his shoulders to
the wheel, and. all of the Washington
theater managers, Including L. Stod
dard Taylor of the Shubert-Belasco;
Harry Rapley, of the National; C. J.
Harris, of Poll's, and Mr. Edwards, of
the Shubert-Garrick, are among those
who have already sent in their ac-
The festivities planned for Actors'
Memerial Day will include the com
memoration of the work done by ac
tors as soldiers in the -war, as a com
memoration of those who have fallen
In the defense of their country, and
all to be a tribute and of service to
the Actors Fund of America, a char
ity In. which the entire profession Is
interested. '
Meal Eflricfeat lastrnateat Rx-irt te tke City.
J. EDGAR ROBINSON - 1306-08 G St.
1 Chords and Records
r . I i -
;? : ss-,-srr7?. v
Try a Loaf Today
At All Grocers
"The Label Is
Your Protection
l &mn&ii
Miss Aileen Miller, soprano soloist
of Wesley Chapel, has returned from
a week's visit at Harper's Ferry, and
has resumed her position in the quar
tet of Wesley chapel. Harrington
Barker, tenor of tho choir, and Mrs.
Harrington Barker. organist and
director, has just returned from a
cruise down th Potomac river on
their boat. And Mrs. James Kerr,
contralto, has just returned from her
vacation at Rehoboth beach. The
bass position in the quartet hasnot
yet been filled.
Ralph Winchester HHI3 leaves this
week for a two weeks' outing in
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New
York city.
Harry Edward Mueller, organist
and choirmaster of the First Congre
gational Church, announces the fol
lowing programs for the Sunday ser
vices: Morning service, organ prelude.
"Canzona" (Hall); anthem. "Blessed
be the Name of the Lord" (Heyde);
Offertory solo, "Fear Not Ye. O. Israel"
(Buck). Fred East, bass; organ post
lude, March of the Priests, from
"Athalic (Mendelssohn).
The organ recital that precedes the
evening service will be given by Mr.
Mueller, who will play "Paean" (Mat
thews): "Minuet" from Suite L'Ar
lcsienne (Rir.et); "Prize Song" from
Die Meistcrsinger (Wagner).
For the evening service the choir
will give the anthem "Let Not Your
Heart Be Troubled" (Foster), and fori
Offertory "Send Out Thy Light"
(Lynes;) organ postlude, "Dead
March" from "Saul" (Handel).
The longevity of phonograph rec
ords may be doubled if proper care
be exercised In their use. When we
have the privilege of listening to the
great artists through the medium of
the record, we should see to it that
the reproduction is perfect, as far aa
our care of the machine and record
may make .it. Nothing can be so ir
ritating as to liqten to an otherwise
artistic performance on a rccord-
whlch produces a grating, grinding
sound. Too many people blatrfe th
machine in an . instance like this,
when the fault lies. In lack of care
for their records, assuming, of course,
that their machine is cared for and
in order. Before using a record Jt
is well to ex3h.ine it carefully. Iff
there be any fault, it may be that
the record is badly worn, the; deep
grooving usually being the cause of
the gritty sound produced. If the
following advice Is applied, it should
have the effect of making your ma
chine a real musical' Instrument.
First, see to it that tho turn-table
of your phonograph is revolving at
the correct number of revolutions
per minute, so as to secure the proper
tempo at which certain compositions
should be placed.
Second, always clean off your rec
ord before playing. Use clean, soft
cheese-cloth for this purpose with a
very little oil on it not enough to
grease the record, but just enough to
lift the dust and lint.
Third, when using steel needles,
change each time after playing. When
Using jeweled needles, wipe the dust
off each needle every time.
Fourth, never let a record rub
against a hard surface. When it is
not resting on the baize surface of
the turn-table, it should be replaced
in a stiff cardboard envelope or rec
ord album.
Strict observation of the foregoing
rules will double the life of all rec
ords while securing 100 per cent of
pleasure to their happy possessor.
It has been estimated that a child's
musical education consists of 20 per
j cent teacher, 60 per cent mother and
20 per cent just plain child. The
mother holds the controlling major
it'. Lucky the child where the
mother exercises he majority to the
best advantage.
Harry Edward Mueller has return
ed from his vacation and will again
be in charge of the music of the serv
ices of the First Congregational
Church. The selections for this
week are as follows:
Morning service, organ "Prelude"
- .
Popular Hits From All the
Leading Musical Shows .
"Waiting." "When the Shadows
Fall." "I'd Love To." "r Was a
Very Good Baby." and all other
"Broken Blossoms." "Taxi,"
"Breeze." 'In Cleopatra's Land."
Girl of Mine." "it's Nobody's
Business But My Own," "Mam
tnv o' Mine." "I've Got Mv Cap
lain Working for Me " "Hima
laya." "Thr Alcoholic Blue."
Honeymoon." "What Do You
Mean By Loving Somebody
HlsV' "Meet Me in Bubble
Land." "Here Comes tho Bride."
-Buddy Blue." "My Naughty
Sweetie Gives to Me."
1300 G Street N.YV.
Stop thinking of music as some
thing only associated with a teacher
and hard practice: with trained sing-
No two people could be imagined I T nd high-priced concerts. Re
.,,, . , . . I vive the old custom of having a sing-
more different in type than Pierre' CVery evening that it is possible.
Monteux, the new conductor of the)
Boston Symphony Orchestra, arid 3.000 PERISH IN TYPHOOIT.
Henri Rabaud. tno retiring conduc- AMOY. Sept. 11. A great typhoon
tor. Except for the charming Gallic 1 swept over the southeast coast on
COlirtesy that distinguishes them Mnnflav lat rpsitltlni? In tho riMth
..! '
both, they eeem at opposite mental
Rabaud Is tall, slender, grizzled:
Monteux is short, dark, plump. Mon
teux is vivacious to the sparkling
point; Rabaud, reserved to tho ut
mont. The one suggests the scholar
by his stoop, his dreamy gravity, the
care with which he brings out hi3
few words: the other is the man of
affairs crossed with the musician, the
man of family, the man who knows
and loves his fellows; the man Of
enthusiasms that are yet balanced
by good sense and that arc rendered
of at least 3.000 persons, according to
reports from Fu Chow. The typhoon
was accompanied by a tidal wave
twenty-eight feet high.
Iii Your Moiile
Opens Up the Realm of
Music For the Family
The splendid compositions that have
made Musical History and the beautiful
dances and popular music of the day are
played with all the effect of the master by
any-one in the family. - . ...
It is a special delight to practice the dif
ferent selections and express one's own feel
ings Musically, so to. spealc.
.. The Rojls ae played by Artists whose
. Sft:Kr Conceded ;and they are chosen for their
.. particularly; fine renditions of the various
'selections. .
. Play er'Piano $575 Up
i. Used Player-Piap os as Low
as $450
Step in at any time and. play any of the
instruments yourself.
Droop's ffii;i30O -G
Steinway Pianos, Player-Pianos,
1 Victrolas
' i-frlv
Piano teacher, recently from
Chicago, experienced and suc
cessful, will teach pupils in their
own home. New England Con
servatory training. BOX 152,
Times Office.
ht and Grand
as you like it! The
world's best, too all
this is possible with a
Columbia Grafonola
Model Pictured, $125.00
First payment of '$15.00
Balance $10.00 monthly
Include these new records when you make vour
My Swanee Home (Sterling Trio)
My Sugar-Coated Chocolate Boy. (Campbell & Burr)
From the
Battlefields of
Gen. Pershing's Voice
(Sam Asa)
I Found the End of a Rainbow.
Kisses. (Campbell & Burr)
(Tkla lias become a ataBd.irU number).
Vocolion Record
"Tell Me."
"Ting-a-Ling, Toy.
Wasfiingtonrs AKSJAH HALL Twelfth and G Streets
Sttlnvjui and "Wcbcr Picnolss THc AeoIiaifXhcmtioryc?
m )

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