-s,-Y : -WW THE VAJ5JtiiiUlUi 1MJS, 1KIXAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919. 19 V LOST AND FOUND w m COLLIE FCPPV Geaeroa awvrard and no questions asked if finder of two-montn-old cattle puppy return ami to 1131 Morse at. N. E.; disappeared between 7.39 and 8 thla morning, neighborhood Fla. ave.. sin and 19th sts. N. E. i OAPE Baby's, la Tlcinlty of North Capi tol and E5 sts. Reward far return to office of Capitol Park Hotel. ii PCRSE Cray, ceetalalaff ring, small amount of money, ke receipts, etc.. n-ar old Bureau of Engraving: Sept. Stn. Reward. C. FRIDIE. 702 26th at. f' PURSE Small black coin P0"?',00,? Ing email gold wrist watch. Llgln make, black Jet earring and 46-odd cents, kindly return to Mrs. E. Reynolds and re ceive reward Care Bertram Cohn Co. . ' . . .., ..--!. rtiuln) on Thursday morning; pink trime (ijaw rence) No. 2597; please return to MRS. F. A CURTIS. 1845 Calvert at.. Apt 23. Reward. " - HANDBAG Black, near 1240 19th at, Reward. Phone Hyatts 28-Tt i- PACKAGE window shades, dr H, Wardraan. Conn. ave. and Por ter i X. W. Reward If returned to CORNELL, WALL PAPER CO.. 714 13th at. N. W. I 12- 5BlIri"i.F,?PlakakfSwaardi,lK returned to' TZl Union Trust Building. BATHING SUIT Oa ear 2246, Cathedral ave. Phone North 4911-J. Reward. G. 3B. B, , i GOLD OVAL PIN: 12 diamond. Reward. 437 16th st N. E. 13 ,- BROOCH Gold: wblea of American WOMAN'S LEAGUE. Reward. 210 A at ae.. or phone Lincoln 4411. , DIAMOND FOB About Sept. 6, 1919 j ta ltUls L. G. Finder will return to E. HEIDBNHEIMER, INC. 1236 Pa. ave N. W.. and receive reward. " BAB PIN Diamond and pearls aet la platltiura. Sunday; J10 reward. 311 Stonelehcourt. 1- PAIR ETEGLASSES with shell rlmt. at tached to pin by trolley chain. Reward. 701MJ-yland avevN. B. 1- FENC1X Gold, valued at keepsake, Sat urday, between 7th and G and 3rd and H sts. N. W.. liberal reward. 813 3rd at. K. W. or Franklin 749; ,12. FTB Sunday, oa 14th st.( Colombia and Park rd.. amall Fitch fur. Reward. TeL Franklin 329-J. .13 FIN Spear shaped; amaU. set with pearls; "X. E"' on head. "B. H." on back. H. B. HULL. 3305 7th at N. E. 13 . KEYS Small bunch, oa or near Potomac I Park car. Monday; reward. Phone Co lumbia 23SC. 1 WANTED AGENTS AGENTS aad salesmen wasted for the .latest picture of General Pershing, ut received; hot seller. Headquarters, 601 p st N. w ic BAST Seller. 25 cent. PARKER WET MORE. 433 West 23d st New Tork City. 12 HELP WANTED MALE Advertising Man "Wanted One experienced on special edition work: have an excellent proposition for Al man; Immediate work in Eastern Virginia: give references. Address BOX 164, Times office. m , 14 AUTO trimmers, 1st class. Apply THE KNOST AUTO TOP CO.. 459 Missouri ac N. W. 14 AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS Wasted two rood mechanics; men familiar with the Mack truck preferred; good pay, short hours. None but Al men need apply. Government Fae! Tarda Garage. St B st & W. 15 ACCOUNTANTS Clarke & Hoscke, Oer- tlfled Public Accountants. 325 Colorado Bide, are looklnr for a few desirable men who wish to learn public accounting work daring their spare time. Opea until ( p. m. $ S ACCOCNTANCV Become aa expert ae- co atastt- uadar the- gvldaaee of 1 cert!' fled public accountants; so text books used! mall cost: easy ttrms; 15,4)00 saccesstul students: over 200 CP. A.'a to our credit: ia. vuua. www m Amrtl ALVlHtlUUiCT. INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTANTS' SO CIETY, CIS Colorado Bids. Office opea tmtll 9 p. m. J23-0f BOYS wanted; over 16, to work in soda parlor. NUNNALLY'S, 1223 F st N. W. 14 BOYS Make hi- money. Seat. 17, Perth Inc Bay, selling; the Famous Lititz Springs Pretzels in H-lb. cartons; treat demand. LITITZ SPRINGS I PRETZEL CO.. 3505 Sherman ave. ' I3 ERRAND BOY Steady work, rood pay. BLANK. COS 7th st. N. IV.. top floor. 12 BOY, at once, for office work; must be bright and willing; over 16 years old. Apply J. F. SWAIN, 328 Pa. ave. S. E. 38 BOY White, yoancr. abeat 15 years old; to hltk WA.1L OB tr&ds. AsdIv At nnr ' .1245 5th St. N. W. 17 .CABPENTEK8 wasted; anion. Apply Al ien place, oetween Connecticut ave. and alvert at. bridrc 17 CARPENTERS and laborers, at once, to build reviewing stand. Apply to Boyle Robertson Con struction Co., 601 Evans Bldg. 2 13 CARPENTERS Twenty, union. Third and Taylor sts. N. W. 14 DRUG CLERK; registered; ex cellent opportunity for right man. Apply l. k. lioui i r CO., 904 F st N. W. 14 NIGHT COOK. Apply QUALITY LUNCH, 3 H st N W 13 PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT sader rood working conditions for yonng and middle-aged men who are ambitious to tears the afreet railway business. WAGES FOR MOTORMEN AND CONDUCTORS: First thn months 4Jo per heer Next sine months 46a per hoar After one year 48c per hoar Fall credit given for former service with this company and 41c PER HOUR GIVEN TO MEN WHO HAVE HAD ONE TEAR PR MORE CONTINUOUS EXPERIENCK WITH OTHER COMPANIES IN THH PAST FIVE TEARS. Apply Monday. Wednesday and Friday between :& and 11:90 A. M. EMPLOYMENT AND INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT, WASHTNOTON RAILWAT ELEC. CO. Hth and East Capitol sts. ao:2-30t TAXI DRIVER Whit, for hotel aerriee eru BRIGHTON HOTEL. 2123 Cali fornia si ! DENTIST Must be registered in District of Colum bia, good salary to lire wire. Apply at gnce with reference. Address BOX A-91. Suae office. It S3i?TAT0R. operators Neat, whit, bet. 20 and 40: geod pay; short hours; per-2J5wkcS?ftHon- APP'X at once. MR. THOMPSON. Munsey Building ' 12 HELPER for wholesale grocery j willing worker? nfmru i on. ; ' x," worker; reference. VV 4VU Bfc. 41. t. 15 TWO HORSESHOERS ONE WHEELW&IGHT ONE BLACKSMITH'S HELPER FURNITURE PACKERS MERCHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., Rear 2d and B Sts. N. W. 14 JANITOR, with some knowledge of firing steam boiler Apply ENGINEER, Pabllc Library, Mt Veraes Square. 12 HELP WANTED MALE RETCXJCHER One who. can handle operating preferred. PAINB STUDIO. 923 F at. N. W. 18 FRUIT, and vegetable sales men; must be fully experi enced; permanent positions, good wages. Apply at 8 a. m., OLD DUTCH MARKET, 622 Pa. av& N. W. 12 LABORERS 45c hour; steady work, rain or shine, year round. Take cars to Sol diers' Home gate. "W. H. H. SOMERVILLE, Terra Cotta, D. C. 12 25 LABORERS 25 Report 7:30 a. m. to Foreman, 14th and Kennedy St. N. W. 50 Cents Per hour. GEO. MULLIN CO., INC., , 3303 11th St. N. W. 13 THE PARKER-BRIDGET CO. REQUIRE ' the service' of an ex perienced men's hat salesman. For the man who qualifies, we have a congenial and per manent position. Kindly apply to man ager of hat depart ment. PARKER-BRIDGET CO. THE AVENUE AT NINTH. 13 LABORERS Twenty; for work at 1221 E at N. W. Apply Mr. NICHOL DAVIS. Contractor. 12 WANTED At eaee, sreeter aad bsshel xnaffl. Apply 428 Oth at. S. W. 12 PLUMBER Steady work ter rood man. Apply at once. 2287 14th at. N. W. 12 JOB PRINTER. JOB PRESS FEEDER. APPRENTICES. Apply WASHINGTON PRINTING CO., 710 13th st N. W. 12 POT WASHES at see; bo Saaday work: must have rood references. Apply 205 7th st N. W. 15 ASSISTANT MANAGES for shoe store. 506 9th st N W. 13 STABLE man; experienced. Apply W. W. GRIFFITH 1st and N ats. N. E. 12 MEN earning ! than 250 per moath have a splendid opportunity right here In Washington to prepare themselves in the Service Radio School, located at 002 Pa. ave.. for splendid positions In radio work. We are graduating: men every week and Placing: them in positions without one hour's delay. In takintr up a course in radio, be sure to make the closest Investi gations as to the merits of schools offering' such a course. Radio schools heretofore have been more or lets of a Joke, and it remained for the Service Radio school to put the study or radift oa a high plane. This it has done through its thorough in struction in the art and ts conscientious, painstaking: methods with each and every student Some radio schools olslm to be graduating1 men every week aad putting them Into peeltfossf tf ye- really desire' to know who is who In radio, and where to ret your money's worth, a visit to the radio Inspector's office, in the Commerce building, at lth and Pa. ave.. will con vince you that we are the people wLo are delivering the goods. That is to say. we are graduating men every week, and they are obtaining their first-grade commercial radio licenses, aa the records of that office will show. Tou want your money's worth and hate a right to demand it and If you waste your money for tuition fees without having first Investigated al; of the schools, you have no one to blame but yourself. Bo a little investigating .before taking ou: a scholarship anywhere, and the deeper that investigation goes The mere surely you will detemine upon the right school. And the more yon Investigate the Service Radio School, the more good things you will learn about It Send for our catalogue or come in and talk It over 'Then don't b too hasty about enrolling, but do as w have advised yeu before In vestigate. Service Radio School. 902 Pa. ave. Phon 7514 13 WHITE elevator men aad beJlaea (ten)j also colored bellman. Today. DICK'S HOTEL AGENCr. 12th aal Pa. ave N. W. 13 MEN, yc-aar, to learn the b ttery basin. Apply B. F. ZIMMERMA 1611 14th st N. W. 13 MAN Single whit man aa assistant dairyman, by October 1 , milking ma chine used. Forty dollars a month and board. Zoar Farm. Gaithersburg. Md 14 MAN who can paint. Call Lincoln 358. 1S YOUNG 3IAN To place car card, for night work. Steady position. Rdom 655. Munsey Bldg. Apply between S:30 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. ' . 14 MAN With seme experience, to wait on table at night from 7 to 1 p. m. : salary 114 per week. Apply CURB LUNCH. 716 H stN. E. 16 HAN White, In delicatessen store from to 12 evenings. 1792 Columbia rd. N. W. j 14 YOUNG MAN For garage; one who knows cometbing about automobiles. Apply 126S C st S. E, after 4.30 p. m. 12 MAN Strang, active, colored, to make himself useful around private home. Telephone Lincoln 553 14 YOUNG MAN To do porting aad assist with offlce work, knowledge of type writer necessary. BOX 144. Times office. 15 MAN To assist in painting and upholstering car. C. & P. TELEPHONE CO., rear 723.3d st N. E., Mr. Cris mond. 15 MEN Several, to sell goods on trains; $2o cash security and blue suit required. Ap ply to the UNION NEWS CO. office, No. 3, basement, Ter minal Station east side st. entrance. 15 YOUNG MAN 1 7 to 1 8, as bill clerk, by large concern where close apDlica- Hon to duties will mean ad vancement; salary to start, $14 per week. Address Box 130, Times office. 15 COAT MAKERS at once. L. JACOBS CO. 413 1Kb at. N. W. If SALESMEN Two, experienced, at once: good wages; perma nent position. Apply '.SOUTH ERN FRUIT CO., 24 Arcade MarkeJ! 1 6 YOUNO MEN bet. It aad to to do collect ing for large N. T. concern; must be Catholle: wages, bonus and com. Apply 1301 O st N. W., room 16. PIN SETTERS Colored! highest wages. Apply after 3 p. m., Manager, ARCADE BOWLING ALLEYS, 14th and Park road K W. 13 m HELP WANTED MALE DRAFTSMAN, experienced, familiar with plant engi neering; also one first-class marine engine and boiler man. Call or write Employ ment Office, VIRGINIA SHIP BUILDING CORPORATION, Alexandria, Va. 17 THE HECHT CO. Require, the Services- of P0RTERS--C0L0RED Permanent Positions. Apply Superintendent, ; THE HECHT CO., 7th St. Near F.' 12 SALESMAN, experienced in' the retail meat. nnri crrnoa-rv business ; permanent positions, gooa wages, .apply at a. m., OLD DUTCH MARKET, 622 Pa. ave. N. W. 12 STEAM table men, three first class, white; good wages and no Sunday work. See Mr. Burch, manager, HENRY PARK CAFE TERIA, 6th and B sts. N. W. 12 SODA diftpenser. must be experienced. Ap ply LIGGETTS DRUG STORE, 904 F st N. W. IS TINNERS, two, and two helpers; at once; good sal ary. 306 B st. S. E. 14 WALL SCRAPERS at oneej come ready for work 1112 26th st. N. W. It NIGHT WATCHMAN White, familiar with furnaces; good position in private family. BOX 160. Times office. 13 WAITERS Ten colored; European plan hotel. Apply today. DICK'S HOTEL AGENCY. J2th and Pa. ave. N. W. 12 HELP WANTED FEMALE ACCOUNTANTS Clarke & Huncke. Certi fied Public Accountants, 325 Colorado Bldg., are looking for a few desirable wom en who wish to learn public accounting work during thlr spare time; only a lim ited number acaopted. Open until 1p.m. 13 A LADY who would study law. Address BOXB-336jTlme offlce. anl8-I0t CHOCOLATE DIPPERS Two experienc ed, extra or steady, no Sunday work. Columbia Candy Co., 740 Tenth st. N. W. 14 CASHIER No Sunday nor night work. THE AVENUE CROWN, 1727 Pa. ave. 12 FILE CLERK who under stands systematic filing. BUICK MOTOR CO., J625 L st. N. W. 12 CHAMBERMAIDS Colored, at NEW VAB NUM HOTEL. New Jersey ave. and C st 8. E. 13 CHAMBERMAIDS, at once; white. Apply Housekeeper, ST. JAMES HOTEL, 6th and Pa. ave. N. W. . 18 CHAMBERMAIDS wanted at once. Applv Housekeeper, RALEIGH HOTEL, 12th and Pa. ave. N. W. 18 DRESSMAKER, experienced, liberal salary. Apply 1101 14th st. N. W., ELITE HAT SHOP. 15 WHITE WOMEN ELEVATOR CONDUCTORS Experience Not Essential. Good Salarv. er Pleasant Surroundings. Short Hours.- Apply Employment Office, WOODWARD & LOTHROP. 12 GIRL Colored, to work at ' soda fountain. F. R. RICH ARDSON & CO., 3d and Pa. ave.N. W. 15 GIRLS wanted to take core of candv Ktands In Shubert theaters Apply PolVs The ater. LANTSM AN, jt7 p. m 12 GIRLS For tailor shoj Apply 110O-b st. N. W. 14 GIRL FOR GRAPHOTYPE WORK AT ONCE. APOSTOLIC MISSION HOUSE, Brookland, D. C. 12 HALF GROWN GIRL to help with house work on baturdays 2500 27th st N. W. 12 WAIST DRAPERS Experi enced: crood wa cres. 1128 Conn, ave. N. W. 12 SKIRT DRAPERS Experi enced; good wages. 1128 Conn. live. N. W. 12 YOUNG ladies for soda foun lain; good wages; no night or Sunday work. Apply HUYLER'S 617 15th st. N. W. 16 YOUNG LADY to alt with office work; knowledge of typewriter necessary, salary $30. BOX 14 4. Times offlce 15 MILLINERY MAKER Ex perienced; good salary. Ap ply THE SLAGER CO., 1513 H st. N. W. 15 MILLINERr-Must be first class; will pay $30 to $35 per week to the right party. Apply at once, SLAGER CO., 1513 H st. N. W. 15 MAID, night, from 4 to 12. Apply at once to the House keeper. RALEIGH HOTEL, J2th ind Pa. ave. N. W. 16 A man, a maid, and soft words three Oh me! Oh my! Oh my! Oh me! A preacher and a wedding ring, Why even these the Want Ads bring. HELP WANTED FEMALE WOODWARD & LOTHROP REQUIRE SALESPEOPLE 2 . Both experienced and inexperienced. For the various departments of their establishment. Exceptional opportunities for those who prove capable and are ambitious to succeed. Apply employment office, 7th floor. l MAIDS Hotel, waitresses, white and col ored, at once. PICK'S MOTBL AG ENCY. Twelfth st. and Pennsylvania av. N. W. j 14 NTJRSB attendant at the Home of the- Incurables. 32d and S sts. N. w. 13 SALESLADIES Experienced and thorough ly capable salesladies for mil linery and ladies' coat, suit and dress departments ; excel lent salary; commission on sales 'KING'S PALACE, 810 Seventh St. 14 STENOGRAPHER Salary 925; perman ent position and rapid advancement; one with patent experience preferred. Write BOX 102. Times offlce. 12 STENOGRAPHER PERMANENT POSITION. 605 13 th St. N.W. 15 J TELEPHONE OPERATORS CAPITOL PARK HOTEL, North Capitol and-E Sts. 12 SWITCHBOARD operator. BUICK MOTOR CO., 1625 L st. N. W. 12 SWITCHBOARD operators earn rood money; position easily obtained. TELE. PHONE SCHOOL. 1313 N. Y. ave. N. W. 13 WAITRESSES, two, light colored girls; short hours and good salarv. Call at once, 343 1st st. N. E. 16 WAITUE88ES wanted. Apply TWEN TIETH CENTURY LUNCH. 638 Pa. ave. ; lg WAITRESSES 914; air days work. Ap ply at once. IDEAL LUNCH. 1927 14th st. N. W. 14 WAITRESS Good wares; rood working conditions. Apply !03 Pa. ave. N. W. 13 THREE waitresses. MODEL LUNCH, 1131 14th st N. W. ! WAITRESS White. .ASIA CAFE, 1250 Fa. ave. r. w. i STOREROOM WOMEN, two; must be intelligent; good pay; no Sunday work; all meals. Apply at once to Mr. Burch, Manager, GOVERN MENT CAFETERIA, 6th and B sts. N. W. 13 SCRUB woman, at once; good wages. HUYLER'S, 617 15th st. N. W. 16 . WHITE or colored woman to wash dishes and take care of dining; room and kitch en. Apply between 10 and 4 at 1110 M st. N. W. 13 WHITE or colored, on old and new tailor wmn. iv.. -,m ai. .1 i . xi FINE POSITIONS very dsy are secured by placlnr an ad In The Times "Situation Wanted" Column. Phone an ad rlfht away, an experienced operator will help you with It. Bill will fee ssnt seST-tf DOMESTIC COMPANION White, to nurse semi-lnra-lid lady, at once. 147 4 Clifton st. N. W. 18 :OOK Stay nights; city ref erence. 1829 Lamont st. N.W. 12 GIRL wanted for general housework: rood pay 335 K st N. V 13 GIRL Colored: to work by tHe day; rood wages. Apply 1117 Kye st. N. W. 15 GIRL for (eneral housework. Apply SnSS ELDON. 7016th s N W 14 NEAT "colored"rlrl "wanted for reneral aousewoi-K. wun reierence Apply Mlto. SL GOLDSTEIN. jn7th st N. W. 12 LAUNDRESS, at once, one day a week. HOI Clifton st. N. W. J LAUNDRY woman wanted. Ap ply 1218 O st. N. W. 15 NURSE for two-year-old child; settled woman; stay nights. Call APT. 61, Cumberland Apts., xl4th and Mass. ave. N. W. 12 WOMAN Colored, to cook and do house work in private family; wlllpay 15 per month. K18 Newton st. N. w., or phone Columbia 148. jb WOMAN Middle a red, far llrht hon work; rood wages; references. Apply 442 O st. N. W. is WOMAN General housework: small fam ily. 1721 Tea st N. W Apt 22. 13 HELP WANTED FEMALE '. HELP WANTED MALE AND FCMJLLK WAJCTED 500 PARENTS To know that they are makinr a serious mistake to let that boy or rtrl ro te work before Uklnr at least three months' course at the Best Business Colters in Wash inrton. No other Investment can equal the small sum necessary to send them where they are sura to berin a successful career. Call, phone, or write for full particu lars. Fully accredited by the "Standard Business Colleges of America. STEWARD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 1202 F st N. W. Phone Mala 8ITL se7-tf DICTAPHONE Operators Day aad even ing. KEXFOKD U. HOLMES, Inc.. 322 Southern Bids. 13 STENOGRAPHER Experienced: 91,400. REXFORD L. HOLMES. Inc., 322 South ern B'.dg. ' ij Why a woman called me Me! an angel!" Centennial Bapt Ch.; 7th & Bye u. e. 12 MALE or female who would stmdy taw. AyuicM tsfe aiiff( uacj eiootj. anll-30t There Is an urgent seed In the Gorenunent departments and large commercial con cerns for competent calculator and adding machine operators: you can learn .this new and profitable vocation In a short period of time. Inquire BURROUGHS SCHOOL 810 13th st N. W. 29 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Maryland Help Association, Baltimore, Ma., furnishes reliable help of all kinds. Est 1S04. Phone St Paul 2868. 108 Clay st au21-30t GOVERNMENT CLERKS. (Stenographers, typists aad ether Govern ment clerks wanted: we prepare you at home for $2.00. SERVICE DJST1TDTH, 114 Evans Bldg. Ault-tf EXPERIENCED EMPLOYES In every line may be secured by Inserting a small ad In The Times Help Wanted. Phone your ad to Main 8268. BUI will be ssnt ssll-tt SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN, 22 years, wanU Job In eve- nlng hours, after 6. discharged soldier. Address A J. OOAN, 216 12th st 8. W. 15 MAN with tools, at your service for car penter or mecnanics work. BOX 1(1, Times offlce. n BY active man, a position of trust, where business ability and Intelligence are required, ha practical experience In the building trades, owns automobile. Address box is. Times otnee. ig WANTED By young man, to collect In spare time, luuk. isaz a st S. E. 12 SALESMAN, experienced calllnr on retail merchants, desires position. BOX 149, Times offlce ! EXECUTIVE POSITION Younr married man. are 30, collegiate and legal edu cation, experienced as an office executive, now engaged in successful practice of law. earning rood Income, desjres assign ment with some Mrr concern, which, if ability considered, will lead to executive position. Reason for change being present opportunities are circumscribed on ac count of surroundings. The very best ref erences furnished. BOX A-90. Times of flce. 15 YOCNO man. neat, honorably discharged U. S N. yeoman, desires position In or out city; intelligent BOX 135, Times of fice. is CHAUFFEUR, expert, desires position In private family, 9 years' experience In driving and can do repairing. Address 425 R St. N. W. ! FE3IALE NCRSE for children, respectable colored woman; will tay nights AMELIA EL LIOTT. Summers ave., bet. 6th and 7th. Andcostia. 1J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESPONSIBLE party to han- dle automobile- sales agency for Alexandria; $2,000 to $4,000, if necessary. Address BOX A-93, Times office. 18 CONFECTIONERY and soft drink busi ness for sale; big store, amall rent; good location for every kind business. 1251 Wisconsin ave. N. W 13 PAINTING, DECORATING by first-class mechanic, estimates given; work done promptly and welt Write MECHANIC. 517 13th st N. W. 12 MMMMaeMsaasaasaMMMHasMBHiH MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN MONEY TO.LpAN $280 to $500,000 ea B, C. real estate. Several trust funds. All transactions conducted with economical consideration- for borrowers. WH. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. Southern Building. 107 15th st. N. W. notS-IOt IfflWOT "y TAIV ..wi4 ill fl Am ...1 iltlll IflwA.t .tMi (I.I.. .. UI.W privileges: la'rge amounts. TYLER A BUTHffflfrOBP. S17 16th at 6p2:90t FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED MASS. AVE. N. W 825 Large room, suit able for two, nicely furnished. 14 LAMONT ST. N. W 1812 Large second floor front room, nicely furnished for two, new modern house, also younr man aa roommate, reasonable. Phone Colum- bla 3(0(-J. 1 RHODE ISLAND AVE., 152& Oho larre Iront room, suitable for one or two gen tlemen in office. Electricity: bath near; al ways hot water: within, walking distance. 14 TWO OR THREE nnfnrntehcd rooms, 1. b k., convenient to navy yard. Box 162 Times office. 14 15th 8T. N. W., 2020 Nicely famished room next to bath; second floor; newly papered. 14 L ST. N. W.. 009 Larre second floor front roorri; Southern exposure. IS L ST. N. W., 1100 Larre room for two ladies; 12 per month each. Main 3753. L ST. N. W., 1100 Yees lady wishes roommate; 116 per xnohth each. Main 3753. 18 B ST. N. W., 417 One furnished front room, near car line. i.incoin vsa. i 11th ST. N. W., 721 Beautifully furnish ed front room for one or two .people; phono. H LARGE south front room, adjolnlnr bath; also single room with porch: new house: private home. Columbia road, near ltth St. Phone Col. 2S13. 12 d ST. N. W., 109 Two larre rooms: heat, ras, and bath; 1. h. k. 14 G ST. S. W., 631 Star le aad doable room; best location; privileges breakfast' Franklin 6101. 14 LH BT., 3116 Large, pleasant room, next Min, quiet lacaiuy, oiocaa irera War 'B-ept; young man wishes one or two roommates of good character; SIS ror one. sis ior two. n O ST. N. W. 1226 Front room: bath same floor; central location; $2 per week. 12 E ST. N. W- 35 Light honsekeeptnr room; S3 week; call evenings after 6. is- MOZAXT PL. N. W. z 00ft Basem eat room, suiuDie ior i. n. k.; b", elec tricity: half block Columbia rd. 12 409 Rock Creek Church Road Nicely furnished room in private fam ily; suitable for two rentlemen or ladles. 14 TEA ST., 1725, APART. 32 Larre Urlsr room aad bedroom, two communicating next to bath; will accommodate two or three. Telephone, between 6 and 7 North S33S: rent reasonable. 13 I3th BT. N. W., 2917 Large, comfortable room f6r I. h. k.: reasonable. 18 FURNISHED ROOM, aear bath, for two f rentlemen; nicely furnished parlor ad nlnr; 3d floor; excellent table. Phone North 4704-W. 6.1.10, OTH ST. N. W., 805 Large neatly fur nished front room for one or two ren tlemen. Phone Main 310. 17 0th ST. S. E.. 234 Larre bay window room, southern exposure: hot-water heat, electricity. Telephone Lincoln 1708. B ST. 8. E., 1433 Large south-front room in new home; h.-w. h.; electricity: I. h. k. permitted. 12 1STH ST. N. E 513 Two largo rooms) I. h. k.: reasonable. After S. 12 LINWORTH PL. 8. W., 317 Second story Tront' room; private white family; nbar Dept Of Agriculture and business center; 39 month. Franklin 1766-W. 17 W ST. N. W.. 68 Dandy large front room; larre closets; a. m. L; suitable for two; reasonable. 13 OTH ST. N. ff 1508 Two front rooms for L h. k.; furnished or unfurnished. 17 EYE ST. N. E., SZ Two modern house keeping rooms, completely furnished: yard, laundry, etc., all convenient; call. Sad ST. N. W.. 5x3 Large frost roost neatly furnished for Lh.lt also smaller room; the two would make nice apart ment. - 13 IVHIQ 9V T VTT AM OIbbI. km ...1.1 room: good neighborhoods-alK tBodorB conveniences. Call after 5 p. va. 1. L ST. N. W.. 1404 Two nicely furnished front. rooms, second aad third floors; possession September 18 17 E ST. N. E 1245 Two large nicely fur nished rooms; 1. h. k., no children, 130. 13 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N. W., 1318 Two large and one small bright airy rooms; reasonable. 16 NEWHAMPSHB3B AVE., 1115 Booms fitted for housekeeping In modern pri vate home; settled couple. 13 RANDOLPH PL. N. W 159 Large front room: southern exposure; all conveni ences; h. w. h.; near car lines. North 6404. YOU ST. N. AV., 40 Newly furnished back room; gentleman: SIS a month. 12 8th ST. N. E, 1010 Nicely furnished Sad floor front room; heat, gas. near bath; for rentlemen or couple: no children; rea sonable. Phone Line 1614-J. 17 L ST. N. W., 1700 Three nicely furnished rooms with kitchen and use of bath, on 4th floor: also rooms on 2d floor near bath; reasonable. 17 GIBARD ST. N. W.. 1120 Oao large, weU- furnlshed room; bath tlms floor; elec tric lights, phone; rentlemen; 322 month. L ST. N. E., 650 Two large pleasant L h. k. rooms. Phone. 17 HARVARD ST. N. W.. 1228 Two delight ful rooms, electricity, steam heat, next to bath; Instantaneous hot water; phone, private family, rentlemen. 17 22d ST. N. W., 814. Apt. 1 Beautifully furnished room adjoining tile bath, gen tlemen preferred. 12 Oth ST. N. W., 1308 Nicely furnished room, suitable for two rentlemen, use of phone; 112.50 monthly. 14 8th ST. N. W., 1316 Furnished room ad joining bath; privatefamlly. 13 E ST. N. E.,lS4e--Larre, cool front room for gentleman; 315 month; 16 minutes ride from Treasury. Lincoln 2237. 1( NICELY furnished rooms; ladies only: L h. k. CoI. (595. 16 13th STTn. W., 404--Furnlshed rooms; central location; conveniences. Phone. 16 CLEVELAND PARK 'Large comfortable second floor tront room. Phone Cleve- land 149. 16 13th ST. N. W., 8003 Two rooms, second floor front, single or en suite, to em ployed adults, or married couple; electric light, hot-water heat, telephone, private family. 12 O ST. N. W., 1209 Three large rooms and one hall room, nicely furnished, conven- lentto departments; reasonable. 15 GA. AVE., " 5758 One large front room for tWo girls. Col. 9362. 15 7th ST. N. W., 205 One nleely famished room near bath. Phone Franklin 6542. 1.5 TOE FRANKLIN, Apt. 40. 1915 ltth st. N. W Large front room; twin beds; Jiear bath; continuous hot water: electric ty; on two best car lines In city; suitable for two gentlemen. 14 P ST. N. W.f 1502 Large front room, 2d floor, near bath, suitable for two men: also hallroom. reasonable. Call after 5 p. m. Phone Franklin 1536. 14 Oth ST. N. W., 1308 Nicely furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen; use 0f phone. 14 KENTON ST. N. W., 539 Two 2d floor front rooms. 14 K ST. N. W 033 Large parlors for two or three gentlemen; also large room next bath: phone 13 Bth ST. N. W., 1534 Two rooms, for cou ple orlngle. 12 17th ST. N. W.. 1115 Beautiful room for two gentlemen: second floor. 13 NOTICE When yon find yonr room or apartment, call us to move your baggage. trunks, furniture, etc.; all work on short notice. White reliable drivers. JOHNSTON'S AUTO EXPRESS CO- Phone, day or night. Main 7383. 707 6th st N. W. 518 10th st N. W. aul-90t HARVABD ST. N. W.. 1357 One room fur nished, adjoining bath. 320. gentlemen ftnir j- HARVABD ST. N. W., sTsAr a. ... .. .wj.. ' - :-r jniMin. m rvn ironi room ior i u, .. . furniture to match, adjoining jath. 336. 12 rA. AVE. N. W., 1208 Lovelyclean rooms; transients and rates to permanent; cen tral: no car fare; phone. 12 MT. PLEASANT ST., 3110 Comfortable rooms near bath, married couplo or gen tlemen. 12 NEAV"6rK AVE. N. W.. 038 Two large light airy rooms I.h.k.; rent reasonable. Plenty hot water. Cot 5S66. 13 FOR RENTROOMS FURNISHED ARIZONA HOTEL, 310 C ST. N. W Neat ly furnished rooms, $3 per week up; transients tl up. a2-Mt H ST. N. W.. 018 Large sunny front room, running water: 430 er tao. 13 ' FURNISHED ROOMS SUBURBAN SOUTH 8TBICKLER AVE.. 34 (Ckureadea, Va.) Nicely furnished room for two, la a new bungalow, with rood board: heme conveniences; rdom and "board, $35 per month. Mrs. S. L. B. Call Rosslyn 63-7-32. . 17 FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD 1811 3RD STREET NORTHEAST. Nice place for room and feast: Modern home, porches front and side, With now and then an auto ride; Boom and meals, thirty-ave dollars; But. look again, see what .fdljowsi Parlor, piano, dance a'nd run; Phone or call North 7431. IT 88.00 WEEK room aad board j 88.00 table board gentleman. 1123 11th st St. W. TWO refined young ladles la private home, Immediate possession- or by Sept 15th. Phone Columbia 2652-J. mornings. 16 13th ST. N. W.. 2815 Cheerful room with board. 333 per month each; suitable for three young ladles employed, home privi leges: ohone: references required. 12 W ST. N. W... 1425 Neatly furaHbed room for 2 gentlemen. Phone North 9813. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD BOOM AND BOARD by quiet youag girl In suburbs near car line, 332. Phone CoL 3191 after 6 la evenings, ask lor MIS& QKUVJC. i 1 UNFURNISHED 10th ST. 8. E 773 Two largo Bai aralshed rooms; bath; electricity, heat and gas. 13 12th ST. N. W., 908 Two- afaralshed rooms for L h. k reasonable. 13 NEW LIBERTY MOTEL. 409 New Jersey ate.; gas. electricity; 319 mostb up. 3x30-3 It FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. 13th ST. N. E., 517 Two rooms furafahed or unfurnished: 1. h. k. 14 EYE ST. N. w 1117 Two rooms, dmlag and kitchen In basement, unfurnished; also 2 rooms, second story front furnished, 320 and 330 per month. Franklin 336. 15 TABLE BOARD R ST. N. W- 1841 First class table board. good southern cooking. Call North 2323. 17 10th ST. N. W' 1339 First class table board; home cooking and service. 17 GIBARD ST. N. W 1114 Breakfast aad dinner served; home cooking. Col 26(8. 17 HOME TABLE of the most desirable kind. breakfast. 7:30-3:30, 60c; dinner, 6 o'clock, 75c; monthly rate, 335; no luncheon served. 3016 ltth st, between Irving and Columbia rd. Phone CoL. 1193. , 1( B ST. N. W 1841 Best Soothers, cook ing; hot bread a specialty. aul(-30t WANTED- ROOMS THREE asforalshed housekeeping rooms: refined couple and two children. 8 and 10 years; reasonable, permanent BOX 155, Times offlce. 12 REFINED, quiet single rata desires room north of Eye south of R, between 12th and 19th sts. N. W., by October 1; price reasonable. Address BOX 150. Times of fice. 12 WANTED 8 or 4 room (er L h. k, small house. BOX 477, Times office. 14 FOB 82 wo register your vacant rooms K Is rented immediately. MT. PLEASANT BEALTT CO- 1411 Park rd. N. W., 14 aa n warn as APARTMENTS TO LET FUKNISHSD " '. ST. N. E 528 Two rooms, farnieaed for 1. h. 1c: liuitable for two nrnnlm- both employed: near .three car lines; phone. Lincoln 5234. 17 WELL EXCHANGE thoroughly modern 2 room,. kitchen snd bath apt in fine N. W. residential section for equally good apartment of 4 rooms, kitchen and bath: unfurnished. BOX 128 Times office. se9-tf WANTED 2 ROOMS, kitchenette aad bath.vztot over 340 per month. Franklin 5184, TEEB. 13 3-BOOM apartment la N. W.: reasonable; accommodations for 4 or 5 young ladles. CoL 6574. 13 GENEROUS BONUS for 2 or 3-room apart, in northwest section. Phone Columbia 1(36 or 1877 Newton st. N. W. 15 TWO or three rooms, kitchenette and bath. Oct 1; adults: references furnish ed. BOX 161. Tlmescffice. 12 WILL EXCHANGE 6-room aad bath house, all modern Improvements, in good neighborhood, rent 150, for 3 or 4 -room apartment. In good locality. Call Line. 925, between 4 and 7. ' 15 APARTMENT wanted, famished, Octo ber first, four to six rooms: ior three or four months; northwest location: by two adults with child. Columbia 2040-J. - 15 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS NEW and slightly esed clothing. Call L. 1494 or write 749 stn st S. E. 18 SHOTGUNS of any make, either hammer or hammertoes; highest prices paid. ATLAS. 927 D st N. W. Franklin 2408. 17 TRUNKS Will buy several medium sized trunks and valises. Columbia 1418. 12 D It's clothlnr. furniture or anything at all. call TOMMY LOWE. 306 O st N. W. Franklin 7(91. au21-90t X9ILI CALL, city or sub.j pay highest easts prices for lsdles. men's and children's worn clothing, shoes; send postal or phone J. TARSHE3. 1203 7th nir.; phone North 499. mhlO-tf BANJO, mandolin or guitar wanted: will pay high price. Apply BOX 157. Times offlce. 17 HAVE YOU 2ND HAND FURNITURE? We have the price you ask Ufa get to gether. SHERMAN'S 1016 N. Y. ave. N. W. 1143 7th st N. W. Main 3639. North 3423. WANTED Fsr-ltare for cash. Sell yoa goods to the man who rives the most money. See HOPWOOD. Sth and K. WANTED Furniture, pianos, carpets, ete. Phone M. 1233 for wagon, or hare us call. "WEflCHLER'B." 920 Pa. are. N. W MC8ICAL Instruments bought: highest prices paid ATLAS. 927 D st N W. Phone Franklin 2408. 17 OLD GOLD AND SILVER I ORPM7 JEWELRY CO.. M. 9559. LUnCli. RJY; 5039thstn-w. GOLD. SILVER DU IS niAMOMnQ PLATINUM. JEWELRY. UIAJVIUINIJO ssl-tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PAINT House. 82.25 per gallon; roof paint. 31 60 per gallon, and black rubber roofing paint. 83c per gallon. ENTER PRISE HARDWARE CO. 927 9th st. N. W 12 GAS RANGES repaired and rebuilt: we do roof repairing, spouting and guttering. BOWERS & CLAYPOOL. 1207 H st. N. W. Main 7094. as3-90t FURS Save money on year f rs by bay ing direct from the manufacturer: we make all our furs and absolutely guar antee their quality: a deposit will reserve your purctfase until wanted: we also re pair and remodel furs. CAPITAL FUR SHOP. 1010 F st N. W.. opposite Wood ward A Lothrop'a. an21-90t GAS STOVE Large: good condition; 813. Phone Cleveland 884. 14 GROCERY and meat store fix tures; anything you need; re ining from business. GEO. F. ZEH, 3165 Mt. Pleasant st. N. W. , IS BESK Flat top, one office chair, refrig erator. 2 white enamel beds. 1344 R st N. W. 13 COAL BANOE. new. cost 850. will seil for 325. Apply 924 1th. t 3. W. or phone Mala 3735. 13 FOR SALE! MISCELLANEOUS xSS?. h&arJ??i J v 4nniB. KSStfL basgela. Phone Columbia 5366. is CARRIAGE. Victoria, for sale. A at. rtose-a Technical Sshool. 1878 VICTORIA Baker ' eleetrie; nu weeLV wm. v.aa..,oo, . ...J 1HS IU IRON BED Doable, sotteasea aad other articles; sell separate. 1303 Pa. ave. aw. 14 LATKOSK Sextoa's Charm; fer sale. 3rd at. N. K. jg BABY carriage, savy btee EagHsh. HksX new; cost 360; will sell cheap. 32 Msr gan st N. W., apt 5. - Phoae North 8211. 12 nuynvn nu im -! j.-.u. , 5,lifr! JH flash karaU; as dealers. BOX,, . 156. Times offlce. - 14 st n. wr ' k Delicious Apple Cider Made daHy -tram select Grimes SoMfta a" plea; 60 seats-gal. ; brlag iags; also a"' Grimes Go Wen apples. 31.50 task! up: . bring baskets or bags. Heart of Mary toad Orchard. Go to.Brlghtwood. Silver ftpriag. oa up State read to Glenmoat: tsra i rigQt, straight to Norwood, -straight to orchard. Write for read map. Opea' Sun- "' day. WILL F. THOMAS. Prop- Sdar.m Md. t .- - rt INVALID WHEELING OHAIR. 13f estf 11 "f ' t. m. 111s uirara st ti. vr. is WALL r&HV. UIi .llll.. !. ..u.t.1 m for a tailor. B. Harltos. lios H st aw. f IT - WOTTONRECTTFIER. $30) clothes eafct- net. 3I5r dumb waiter". 35. J73 M st Franklin 3(59. SHOES Brews oajfskk ladles' waBttac ' , Pklo42 -...w "."- . awe -a; St. lies Kllbourne plaeo N. W. Phoae Colombia 4 1753. jj . M FLOORING MACHINE 14xJ 4 side. driven roll, complete, good workiag eoa- "' dltlon. ROSSLTN WOODWORKING CO T Inc.. Rosslyn. Va. 12., ONE DRBS9. 1 set furs. 2, pain Bassos. J, 1 long coats. N. 7532-W. 12 FOR SALE FURXITURRI DINING TABLE oak), S-Ieaves nrteastest, t3 312; 4 chairs. 310. Col. 3233-J. 1JS, Monroe st N. W. is a SET massive rrrea. laaha-s- asUheet -t. ting room furniture. Call evenings, apt 101. 3033 K at. N. W. 12 HALL SEAT, hat rack sad high chair. , 1346 Parle, read, apt 3(2. 12 CHIFFON LEXv oak, wlM caehrs forhaR v rack; mirror or seat Phoao CehaHMa , 2764"- IJ. - FURNITURE for two-room and-, bath apartment or office;'"' handsome mahogany; perfect 'ti condition. North 9580 after 6 o'clock. 13 ;' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS UPRIGHT PIANOS IS staadard makes. " 330 to 3200. Will aeeept 350 as Orat f payment but CASH TALKS. See SHUK ' and save money. 519 Massachusetts ave. .tt N. W. is PLAYEB-PIANOS Several high grado i WRVa MCB AA .a .CA AA . Sl... "-.-. iii i.v. now I c rm at 3269.00 less than store prices. Terms to resoonslbta tartl. But HAJIW TATV9 See SHUE aad save me Hey. 519 Massa chusetts ave. N. W. H PHONOGRAPHS Victor. Columbia sad ,. other standard makes, 315.09 te 3175.00. Fifty styles to seleot .from at abeat half " store prices. Why pay more? See SHUE - and save moaey. 519 Massaehasetts ave. N. W. . lg VICTOR YICTXOL.V aad rseerds. Chest ' for quick sale. Wilt exchange for pisae. 519 MassaehttsetU ave. N. W. 13 PIANO Wlagj beaaUfalt aaahogaar ta- -; ish: like new: bargain for essh. 3215 Shermaa ave. Phoao Col. 5S9-J. 18 GRAFONOLA Fkrst-elass eeadKiea; ms ' be sold at eaee; 3(5. BOX A-91. Times " offlce. m is 4 PIANO Upright, black eboay ease: te t good condition: wilUseU'for 3J oasa. - ii aiier 7 . p. m. raoas xuneois 43JO. Apply 629 Md. ave. K. E. 17 PIANO Marshall & Wendell upright, of exceedinglv sweet tone; almost new and in per- ' feet condition. Cash bargain ,- for $225. Apply at Room 5, 1306 G st N. W., after 10 a. m, . - 16 ,-.. PIANO, upright, good toae, hargaht; slo-i irpo riier. gooa coaaiuos. uau Jiaia 7(89. 7 to 8 p. m. It Pktso (EHtegton), 3400. WilL Sacrifice for 3221. Can, be sees at . 227 PA. AVE. SOUTHEAST. 13 . yi SPOT CASK for used Bprlght plaaos. K. 3 a - --. aiOTORCTCLES ANT BICTCU6S INDIAN motorcycle, twia; a bargaia fer ' , cash. Seen anytime. 3605 10th X W. 17 CLEVELAND motorcycle. SlOO cash: take typewriter or safe as part payment S14Cst S.JS. 17 -, ; TWTN-CTIXNBER Powerplas Iadlaa. 1910- ,- model; can be sees at 1240 32nd st. N., .,.... W. West 7(1. , TTPKWRTTRRS ?4 WE BUY, SELL AND REPAIR , ALL MAKES OF MACHTNBS. ' TYPEWRITER 3XLE3 MFO. CO- Iaa, 036- r ST; Nj W. a- PHONB MAIN (17. ,,,-t y3-9t ( l POUXTRTt PETS AND LIVE STOCK COWS Two Hols tela: fresh; lot ot!! heifers; one to two year old bull: gentler and a beauty: first-class stock. 73 K tTt N. B. Franklin 4819.- 16 , HORSES AND VEHICLES SACRIFICE Buggy, harness, saddles, sideboard, crib, serines, sawinr ssa chines, boys' and girls' bicycles. 1161 Neai at .n. k. mc. 818. 14 WILL trade four Belgian mares for cattle-1 or land. 90S Colorado building, pnons Main 3S64. 17 MARE Bay, for sale, 10 years old. sound. fearless: work anywhere; weight. 1.150 lbs.; price reasonable. G. H. LANHARDT. Hyattsvllle. Md. Phone Hyatts. 91-R. 16 BOATS. YACHTS. ETC. CANOE, with motor; fine oatfflt; cheap. Call Franklin 2713. 18 GARAGES FOR RENT GABAGE FOR ONE CAB. BETWEEN' X . f Tnn..lr. 1A9Y ItfS mt "M TOT 1i AUIL J. 4.141.. ... w m ... ... ... GARAGE at 1328 Harvard st. N. W. IS SPACE for car In private garage. 312 per month. 1730 M st. X-CAUA.I1 4I.W. 4. DOUBLE garage, rear 3821 Livingston st. N. W. Chevy Chsse, D. C, half blook west Conn. ave. 16 BRICK GARAGE Room for one car. 929 M st N W. Call after 5 p. m. 13 'LIVE OR DEAD storage; reasonable rate. UNION STORAGE AND TRAXBFE3 CO.. 820 20tb st N. W. Phone W. 66. 14 PROPOSALS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS of the District of Columbia, Washington. D. C, September 10. 1919. Sealed pro posals will be received at this offlce. Boom 199. District BMldlnr. until 2 o'clock P. M.. September 22, 1919, and then opened for the purchase of tankage from garbage collected by the Commissioners, D. C dur ing the -period from October 1. 1919, to March 3 IT 1920. Blank forms of proposals, specifications, together with necessary In formation, may be obtained from the Chief Clerk of the Engineer Department. Room 427. District Building. LOUIS BROWN LOW. W. GWTNN OARDINER, C. W. KUTZ, Commissioners, D. C OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTBICT OF COLUMBIA. Wash ington. D. C. September 6. 1913. Sealed proposals will be received at Room 511 District Building until 2 o'clock P. M. September 19. 1919. for grading certain streets in the District of Columbia aggre gating about 24.6S0 cubic yards of exca vation. Blank forms of proposals, speci fications and all necessary Information may be obtained from las Chief Clerk. En gineer Department. Room 427. District BM.ldlng LOCIS BROWNLOW W rm'TNN GARDINER. CHARLES W. Z. Commissioners. O. C 6.8,9,14,222- 6I w . rs ."' ,T