Newspaper Page Text
lMll H i Qi ssse INAL v THE WEATHER: Partly cloady tonight and tomorrow. Probably showers; warmer tonight Tcm; pcratare at 8 a. m., 57 degrees. Normal temperature for September 15 for the last 30 years, 69 degrees. tf - D NUMBER 11,2SS. Boston Police Chief Stands Pat on His Order Barring Strikers From Old Jobs GOMPERS , LABOR HEADS CONFER M HUB OFEICIA ONCOPSTRIKE r .BOSTON, Sept 15. Police Com- laaisskmer Curtis to'day went into eemference at police headquarters with Frank McCarthy, New Eng- . m . a JL . jsna organizer lor xne .American federation of Labor;' President John H. aCdnnes, of the Policemen's Baioa, and President Michael J. CDonnell, of the Central Labor IJnloa. Mr. Curias received the la bor leaders as citizens. Early today two State guardsmen, aWHsbers of Company H, Tenth Beg- imaat, were the targets for missiles throws, from the roof of 280 Dor chester avenue, South Boston. Fire Through Wiadows, The guardsmen flred several shots t t as open Window In the top flo'or of tke three-story tenement house, breaking: the window and. frightening- the inmates. Mrs Patrick Koran, who, with her two children, occupied the third-floor apartment, said site heard footsteps fin the Jeoa iiMsafiTii ii feva&fgate,; f- "? -wotec. Citr Ceu- -Ciller James T. Moriarlty and family! acupy tee aeowi-HXtfx yae mn- Tote n Sympathy Strike. ICeetings of scores of unions 'throughout the city were held yester day, aad it was said the unions voted a the sympathetic strike resolution of the Boston Central Labor Union. It was Impossible, however, today to ieara the result of the votmg. Bal lets were seat to the C. L. TJ. head Niaafters Tor tabulation. The Bartenders' Union, Local. 77, at a. paeetfesg yesterday, adopted Sresolu tiaas criticising Governor Coolldge, Mayor Peters, and Police Commis sioner Curtis for their stand In the present police crisis. It was also Voted to pledge moral and financial 9.14 te the policemen's union. Definite action will be taken by the Beaton telephone operators union whoa it meets tomorrow. The elec trical workers anion will meet on "Wednesday aad the question of a gea- (Continued on. Page 2, Column 4.) JUBERCULAR MAN DENIED MARRIAGE , OHctgo ifctthoritie Seize Proprtjfa Groom and T PntHia:inHofpiUL f , ; o"1 ' CHICAGO, .Seats IS. -William For geetaL wealthy is ia the contagious ward of the County Hospital, hav&g been seized w ewssbeme and forcibly takes there by Dr. H. K. Sendeaen of the health department aad two detectives, wh allege he Is smffering from tubercaleeis. Ferrestal was to have been mar ried, aad bis bride-to-be and bio three-? ear-old daughter, whose moth er is dead, were .present when he was Seized. It is free ihe law has stopped a Wedding Dr, JSandesea said, "hut I aeald ne permit a man In such an advanced stage of the disease to marry aad possibly become the father of ckOdraa. who weald be diseased." t .' TQDAySYOURLAST CHANCE TO PAY INCOME TAX The third qaarterly iaatallEaent f your inOBe tax is due today. It job. pout-oar Treasury De aartsBaat certificates of Indebt adaeee dated as to ssatare on geptoiber IS yoa caa tara them aver to Ou CoHeoter of Iaterna! Jteraaae tot payawat of your tax, aader a receat mlisg of Carter Otaae, SacreUry of the Treasury. II y do aot pay your install aaaat today, Jaterest caargee will b levied agalaBt St from today 9& ike aay it h add. II yaa prefer, payxMat oaa be aaaaa W aaaesjaa ar aaoaey order. JHbhd .Terr evBla (ineladtng Baaday) Knotzr&Th"ch DRAMATIC STORY OF HOW D'ANNUNHO, ITALY'S POET-SOLDIER, Took Possession of City of Frame, Despite Govern mentis Disapproval, After First Winning the Support Of the Com mander of, the Town. fr- i 4 LONDON, Sept. IS. Details of Ga- brieje D'AnnunzIo'8 arrival at Flume and his dramatic .meeting with Gen eral Plttaluga, who was commanding the city, are given In a dispatch from the Daily Chronicle's correspondent at Milan. ' "Thus you will ruin Italy." .said Plttaluga la the dialogue that ensued between the two men. "Rather you will rain Italy," the poet replied, "if you oppose Flume's destiny and support ' the infamous policy." The general Then what do you wish? The poet A. free entry into .Flume. The general I must obey orders. The poet I understand you would fire upon your brethren? fire first upon 'rae. (D'Anaunzle . bares his hest.) The general, emotionally I am happy to meet you. brave soldier a.nd grand poet. With" you, I cry; '."Viva jnume." Then all the soldiers joined in cry ing "Viva Pittalaga." D'Annunzio then entered the city amid great rejoicings, the co rr. sppadeat writes. ffiM SELFISH; SAY! NMBER Changes in the peace treaty pro posed by the Senate Foreign dela tions Committee are ,'Von:hcd :n a defiant, discourteous anil urerbear:ag rssnner. and seem intended j ex press a jingoistic spirit that ought to be eliminated from American tatesmanship." Senator McCumber, Republican. North Dakota, declared in a dissenting report la.i before the Senate today. McCumber headed his report ss the "views of a minority" and urgtd that his six reservations, stated re cently, be adopted in lieu of taose inserted by the Foreign Relations Committee. He took exception to the entire attitude of the Republican majority's report. IroBy aad Sarcasm." "Irony and sarcasm have been sub stituted for argument, and positions taken by the press or individuals cutslde the Senate seem to command more attention than the treaty it self." he stated. "Not one word is said, not a single allusion is made, concerning either the great purpose of the League of Nations or the methods by which Continued on Page 21, Column 3.) LODGE HOLDS TEXT OF AUSTRIAN PACT Copy Received From Chicago Paper To Be Bead Into Congressional Record. The text of the Austrian peace treaty, signed at St. Germain on Sep tember 10, was today in the hands of Senator Lodge, chairman of the For eign Relations Committee of the Sen ate, who planned to read it into the Record in the course of the afternoon. It was the Austrian treaty which President Wilson refused to submit recently to the committee on the con tention that it had not at that time been signed. The copy to be read into the Record today was furnished Sen ator Lodge by the Chicago Tribune, and was said to bo "the complete and official text." The treaty consists of 381 articles, Including the covenant of the League of Nations. It reveals that Austria accepts responsibility done by her and her allies for the losses caused by the war. and the amount she must pay is to be left to a reparations commission.- Whatever sum may be aliened. Austria must pay within thirty years dating from May 1. 1821. the meth ods of payment to be determined by the commission. The right to ex tend the time limit also U Invested in the commission. JiU Wttm DENIES Pershing and Veterans To Begin Historic March Up Avenue at 1 o'Clock MINEOLA, L. I., Sept IS. Two wits of the Brat fi vuioa the Eighteenth infantry and the Third composite rguaent--known a "Pershing's Own," will leave for Wash ingtoa. tomorrow from Camp RSlk. About 5,500 men are melcded in the two units. ' " Gen. John. J. Pershing, at the head of his composite gnard-of-lionor regiment of six-foot veterans and followed hy the entire First division, will hegin his victory march np Pennsylvania avenue from the Peace Monument "Wednes day afternoon at 1 o'clock. The starting time for -the parade was officially announced this morning from the "War De partment, together with final plans for tn.e grand review. Arch Lighted Tonight Celebrating the first day of Wash ington "First Division week," the Arch of Triumph, at Fifteenth, street and Pennsylvania avenue, completed this afternoon, will be bathed in, a glory of light this evening- illqralnat ed by the focused beams from sev enteen powerful searchlights station ed oa the Treasury building and other structures in the vicinity. - Trains arriving at Union Station are discharging hundreds of visitors, the vanguard of the thousands ex pected to flock- to Washington as spectators in the victory march of the veterans day after tomorrow i u-iaga stSULl? A?pe; . i . t JPrsm eery winowaeuBg sSgafr JLr .- VkWsm - TPA sylraafa avenue and- .a ... v-,4vi ra ---phi, Afhoses and private homes through opt-She Capital .the Stars and'SSripes began to appear this morning, evi dence of Washington's changing to holiday attire in honor of General Pershing and his men of the First. Today the District government began the decoration of Pennsylvania, ave nue, and the Police Department took the first steps in roping .off the line of march from the Peace Monument to Nineteenth street. Disband at nineteenth Street. The route of march to be followed by the First Division will be from the Peace Monument up Pennsylvania avenue to Fifteenth street, north on, Fifteenth street to Pennsylvania ave nue, and west on the avenue to Nineteenth street, where units will turn to the north and south, tak ing the most direct route to Camp POPE URGES END TO RACIAL HATRED IT. S. Catholics Also Told To Forget Bitterness . Caused By War. CHICAGO, Sept. 15. Catholics throughout the United States today were entrusted with a new mission requested by the Pope that wars bitterness and the racial hatred which it bred, be forgotten. The Pope's mesage was read at a meeting of the Centrsl Vereln here by Archbishop Mundelcin. Catholics in this country were also requested by the Pope to lend mate rial and moral assistance to members of their faith in Germany. NO RACIAL HATE IN MEXICAN LYNCHING Act Was "Law and Order" Protest Against Lenient Governor of State. PUEBLO. Col., Sept. 15. The lynch ing of two Mexicans here Saturday night was a "law and order" protest against Governor Shoun's leniency to ward convicted murderers from this section, members of the mob declared today. Although Santos Ortez. one of tne lynch victims, was a cousin of Pan cho Villa, the hangings were not duo to hatred of Mexicans and were en tirely regardless of International complications, the mob leaders state. Commutation of tho death sentoncc passed upon Clifford Sptouls. a Pueblo murderer, and a stay of execution granted the Bosko brothers Saturday, although they were confessed mur derers of two prominent men. Inspired the mob to take the law nto their own hands. It was stated. 31,B90 JUST DTFR9TED Uf SPECTA1, shirt ssd collsr equipment by Star Tfl dry to lararo yoa satisfaction AArt, ashiiifllon mms WASHINGTON, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER Meigs, Camp Leach and to East Po tomac Park. The two Infantry Bri gades will march direct to the rail road yards at New York avenue northwest, and at Pennsylvania ave nue southeast, where they will en train and be taken to Camp Meade awaiting demobilization there. Pershing te Review Men. General Pershing, accompanied by his ataff and officers formerly com manding the First Division, with the divisibn commander. Gen. John 3. McGlachlln. jr., will march at the head of the parad through the Court- of Honor to the corner of Eighteenth Btreet and Pennsylvania avenue. lltafty etiaufette, demands that thovl .Tw ? 2f V na taKe tnlrlmenj'ments. they declard-SKat reset - J M. m.m. -.-.-".i T f-"rswiwiBiiMa8BKYauoHS xii:--SQme'sorrr5Ar . crtaia sthy havl "passed before the Secre-t ryof-War. But to afford, spectators along the route of march west of the Court of Honor a glimpse of the commander-in-chief the arenerals and their staff will continue the 'march to Eighteenth street. Then they will, wfH oacK ana iajce ine places re served for them in the reviewing stand, while the remainder of the First Division passes In review. Parade. Three Hoars Loag. There will be a troop movement Wednesday morning which will last for five hours and a half before the actual starting time for tfce parade from the Peace Monument,.. The pa rade is estimated to take fram two and a half hours to three hours in passing a given point. Beginning at 6:30 o'clock in the morning, the two infantry brigades will detrain from their tourist sleep- (Contlnued on Page Column 3.) LAND HOWITZERS ONQUAYATCORK Britishand Irish Steam Packet Company Vessel Carries Guns to Port. CORK. Sept. H.-A number of howitzers were today landed on the custom quay here today from the steamer Lady Cloe. The Lady Cloe Is a 1.581-ton vessel, owned by the British and Irish Steam Packet Company. She halls from London. NIP PLOT TO YIELD ARCHANGEL TO REDS Bolshevik Uprising Killed Aborning and Seven Leaders Are Arrested. LONDON. Sept. 15. A plot has boen discovered for an uprising and the surrender of Archangel to the Rus sian Bolsheviks, says a news agency dispatch from Stockholm today. Sev en arrests have been made. (Archangel was maintained by the allied troops In northern Russia as their chief base. An anti-Bolshevik government was created thorc with the support of the entente troops. Late advices, however, stated that the allies were being withdrawn from Archangel and that they would prob ably all be out by November.) EARTHQUAKEHURTS SEVERAL IN ITALY ROME. Sept. 15. Earthquake shocks occurred at Vlterbo and at several points In Tuscany today. Sev eral persons were injured and a Der oi nouses aamageo. STEEL REATY TO BE CALLED UP IN SENATETODAY Actual consideration of the treaty of peace begins in the United States Senate .today. At 2 p. m., Chairman Lodge of the Foreign Relations Committee, ex pects to call up the pact and the reading of it, with debate, will prob ably start immediately. Test To Show Strength. The amendment first to be reached will be the one giving the United States the same number of votes as Great Britain in the league of na tions. The vote on this change, which was adopted by the Foreign Relations Committee, Is expected to furnish a test as to whether any of the amend ments can command a majority of the Senate. Reservations to the league of na tions, will not come until after the textual' amendments are disposed of. On these" there will be a dffferent line-up. Sure ol Reservation. While" treaty opponents admit there Is doubt about their abjl&yto pass amendments, thev de!arj K- rr'. .- ' ' . TrVK "" ' ' AT 2 Of K staasi-as.aoaatvstlbss toJaesortaigtrje-cfirtalsB Wheth'er"thTse reseratSna m a isaldivor strong, they declare, de pends on the outcome of conferences i now on between the mild reservation- ists and Senator Lodge, who is for those framed by the Foreign Rela tions Committee. Treaty supporters today saw new strength added to their cause in & committee of 220 leading Republicans and Democrats, formed to bring about unqualified ratification. Early ItatlfleatioB JJr34. .The organization of this committee from prominent men of forty States was announced by the. League to En force Peace. The statement of the league, which accompanied the announcement, de clares that 'our land requires" Im mediate ratification, and adds that the "world Is put in imminent peril of new wars by the lapse of each day." The organization is made up of many governors, State supreme court justices, professors, and others. Prominent Names On List. Prominent signers Include ex-Pres-Ident Taft A. Lawrence Lowell, pres ident of Harvard; Charles C Moore. San Francisco, president of the Pan ama Exposition; Judge George Gray, Wilmington, DeL; Samuel Gompers. Harry A. Wheeler, Chicago, retiring president of the Chamber of Com merce of the United States; Carrie Chapman Catt, suffragist; Cyrus H. K, Curtis, publisher; President Heber J. Grant, of the Mormon Church; John Spargo, Socialist; Benjamin Ide Wheeler, president University of Cal Ifornla; Irving Fisher, economist, and William Allen White, writer. PARTIALITY CHARGE BY W. R. & E. MEN Ham- Urged To Discontinue Negotiations With Rail way Brotherhood. William F. Ham. president of the Washington Railway and Electric Company, .will be asked tomorrow by a committer of three men. from Loco! 875, Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes, to discontinue until October all ne gotiations with the Brotherhood of Street and Electric Railway Employes, a rival association. President Ham, during the past month, has been conferring with brotherhood officials. The committee from tho Amalgamated, composed of C. F. Cannon, chairman; Frank Dlggs, and D. P. Ashford, want all negotia tions ended until the ruling of the War Labor Board, effective until Oc tobcr 1, is ended. Amalgamated of ficials believe the company Is showing partiality In dealing with tho broth erhood and for this reason are con ferring with President Ham tomorrow. VONMACKENSEN HELD IN SALONIKI Field Marshall Von Mackensen, German conqueror of Rumania, Is in terned at Salonika, the State Depart num-lment was advised today. Mackensea reached Salonika Wednesday. 15, 1919. TRIKE PRESIDENT TO SSUE LABOR CONEAB CALL PORTLAND. Ore., Sept 15. President Wilson arrived in Port land today with Ms later policy ful ly determined. He apent all of yes terday afternoon secluded ia hia apartment 'in the hotel in, Seattle. All of that time he spent utilizing the famous little tpyewriter upon which he has writte&all of his war messages to Congress. As. a result, it is expected today that the invita tions to attend vthe coming labor con gress in Washington will be forth coming the present week. Position Peculiar. Not a single word regardlngscsteats will be forthcoming until the Presi dent's message is made public. How ever, it Is possible to Estate that the President plans to make the leaders of the labor movement Ja the UaMed States, thejCapltallsts whose aasaee talk wheavsnoney Is mentioned, sad the farmers who hold the balance ,af power in the- UnlWfl States, gat -out into the" open and ay what.4b6r.aff willing-to donrtnjg-tha'assaTrjar1" restore the economic stability of the- world and the Ualtea-fcSUctes -r -"-. The position of the President fs peculiar. The radicals In the labor movement have claimed that he Used up with them as a result of speeches In Omaha, Sioux Falls and Spokane. Sasse Claim by Capitalists. The radicals in the ranks of capi tal have claimed that he lined up with them In his address In Seattle, when he declared he would never consent to government by the minority. In this section .the minority has been claimed to hold the radicals who are favoring government along the soviet system. Thlt Northwestern sec tion is the heart of the radical move ment and in part, at least, so far as It is officially mentioned, it Is a "minority rule." However, the President's position, so far as can be learned. In no way backs up the contentions of either camp. He will. In explaining the call for the coming convention, outline exactly the dangers that are sow facing the United States. And he will call for concerted action, concessions to each side, to meet the situation. On the question of unions for civil servants the President will take a very strong position. "Without Foundation. Suggestions that the President in his call for the conference in Wash ington might tako a position regard ing the situation In the navy, where many of the best men are being forced out. through the inability of the de partment to meet outside offers of money, were declared today to be without foundation. On that 'subject he will address Congress or the Sec retary of the Navy. The President's train reached Port land shortly after 6 o'clock this morn ing, but It was held on the side track uhtil 0, when the party detrained for a long motor ride, which is to Include Inspection of the Columbian highway During the afternoon the party will be guests of Colonel Jackson at luncheon and tonight the President will deliver a set address. STRIKE FOR SHORT WEEK, LOSE JOBS Eight Thousand Brooklyn Ship Workers Discharged By Employers. NEW YORK. Sept. 15. Eight thou sand shlpworkera who "automatic ally" established the forty-four-hour per week schedule Saturday by quit ting, found themselves without jobs when they reported for work today In Brooklyn. Employers declared the men had "automatically resigned" by their ac tion .Saturday, and announced all strikers would be paid off this after noon. The trouble arose when the shipyard workers demanded the forty-four-hour working week, with Saturday after noons off. Their demands refused by Viinvsrrl owners, the men declared a. strike for every Saturday afternoon. The owners niiea tne vacancies with other workingmen. The unions started picketing today, and called a meeting to decide further action against strike breakers. TARE BEtL-ANS HKFORS MKATJI nd Mt how ttm good digestion makos yea fL Advt. w F Omi WaO Street Pik ! !AUJtfrtUlU .AW AN Aff n-LE AGUE TOUK Says Preeident Wants Treaty 0. K'd Before People Can Digest It. DBS MOINES, Iowa, Sept. 15. Hav ing addressed between 40,000 aad 60,000 men and women during the first four days of his tour, Senator Hiram Johnson arrived here from Kansas City today to resume his fight on the peace treaty. " "It is obvious from the- Tespoase of the people to the Issue I ara pre senting why the administration in sists on such haste In disposing of the treaty," said Senator Johnson to day. "Its proponents desire to have it hurriedly approved before our people can find put what it really raeaas te them. Tha Senate has 'had the treaty jast two ssoatha, while the President spent seven months with , it, while the Buropean and Asiatic powers pieced their, peace agreements- to gether as the basis of the detnmeat now presented. "I do aot consider there 'has been anything personal is ihe crowds or the demonstrations that have atarked the meetings. It is 'merely that what the great mass of people have in their hearts was expressed aad re sponse has been: immediate.' Senator Johasen is keeping ia touch, with developments la the Senate while ea his tear. LLOYD GEORGE i MUCK LONDON. Sept. 15. Another of Lloyd George's famous political saa neuvers may be expected upon the re opening of Parliament. against a growing conviction here, if the pre mier revive his sinking coalition government. The government is under the most severe strain as a result of the sud den and simultaneous maturing of three or four political and ecomonlc movements, each containing the mate rial for a crisis. 'These developments were outlined as follows: The administration In Ireland Is trying to crush the Sinn Fein move ment. Labor has delivered an ultimatum favoring the nationalization of mines and the danger of a political strike is ever present. The Russian question remains criti cal, with demands continuing for the return of British troops. The consistent defeat of coalition ists in bye-elections is diminishing the cabinet's prestige. The victory of Arthur Henderson was the seventh decisive loss suffered j by the coalition in almost as many j weeks. In addition to these elements, lti was pointed out. Lloyd George is faced with the possibility of changes within his cabinet. These problems await the premier's solution. Whether he will be able to save the day by his personality, elo ouence and sheer force, as" he has done In the past, is a question absorbing all Britain today. BULUrFS STORY BRANDED UNTRUE Purported Conversations With British Premier Call ed "Tissue Of Lies." LONDON, Sept. IB. A semi-official statement declared today that the testimony of William Bullitt before the Senate Foreign Relations Com mittee with regard to conversations Bullitt said he had had with Lloyd George and Philip Kerr, the Premier's I secretary, was "a tissue of lies." Bullitt testified that he had dls cuss id with Lloyd George the peace propospals offered by the Bolshevik leader. Lenin. But when the premier returned to London. Bullitt said he announced that the soviet govern ment had made no peace overtures. Bullitt said that later he met Kerr, who apologized for the premier's statement and explained that Lloyd George had Intended to make public Lenin's offer, but was forced to adopt a different policy under pres sure from Lord Northclltfe and Win ston Churchill, secretary for war. RUSSIAN AUTHOR DIES. HELSINGFORS, Sept. 15. The Rus sian author, Leonid Andreeff, died sud denly Friday at Mustmaekl, Finland, according to the Hutvudstadsbladet. EDITION 3EaCR i ai b. PRICE TWO GENTS" STRIKE SM The report that taa stel' wwdcee tf the coantry add ttedied at ? poa their geaeral str&e, calW; fr Septeaber 22, aatil after frmUmt Wilson's conference e eaHis, la bor, aad agrkultaral lUWissaalaWpag aaxfc swath, was today eaaaaatacat by Ssaiael Gempers, pracidsat at Jae America Federate- at Labasv as "entirely inaccurate." The iderae head rkmei. a certnaeat a leagth ea the rapsajt Tea Yagae, Me Says. T knew Bothiag about aV 1k saM. "The f aot thft the asoorttea was at tributed 'vagaafcy te a ansaar ed say partyJJs in JUeK saCMoat sat & as xyceayja.H ' Mssafwhllov H was loaned tafct - raageSBoata are going meeting of the aatieaaX PHtfbirgh - tt J satifca-wBl bo aaajPt. It wJBttiaJiyt that aaar iitrsfci VaTPJPpsswarwaaap Ww'",e '' warn, hava iVreet t t WtfHHrtr 7Mt tafeteraa to Gompers, askmg that actio he de ferred until alter the eeaferaac. Whether GosaFcrs wist aUead tha Pittsburgh meeting he deelated to but it was reported Is federation er eles that he probably will counsel she steel leaders, either personally or by Wire, to hold ap their pleas until after the "round table" aseetiag at tfca White House. LABOR IN ENGLAND HAS PASSED CRSE Sir Bobert Home Fores Bright Future After. Bscent Troubles. LONDON, Sept. 15. "After a perH oua journey British labor is pasaiac into quieter waters, having hee steered away from the dangerous shoals." . . This declaration waa made today by Sir Robert Hora,'lnister of labor and Premier Lloyd George's right hand" man in adjusting the labor sit uation on a peace basis. "If British labor had lost It "head durinir the critical periods of the$pasC seven months, causing aa upheaval ia. England, the result would have bee it throughout the whole of Burope. where certain countries probably would have collapsed," said Sir Rob ert. "But the steadiaes of the aver age British worker aad his inhereat sanity tided England over the stoat critical periods. There is a calmer tone in the whole labor situation new, and the outlook is far from menac ing. "War has broadened the workman! outlook. His status has been, ad vanced In five years to a point that probably would not have been at tained in fifty years if conditions had been different. "There is every indication that British labor will make qutalc strides forward in individual development along sane liaes, avoiding the. shoals of communism, as well as the extrem ist pitfalls. "I am glad to hear that President Wilson has summoned a national conference of workers and employ ers. Vast good ia bound te result if each will listen to the other aad try to comprehend the other's viewpoint; as the two did here. The British la bor conference was the first of its kind ever held. Such a meeting for analyzing Industrial conditions pro vided Parliament with exhaustive in formation, of which the first fruits were the forty-eight-hour week aad minimum-wage bills." "NOT CALLED OFF," , FOSTER DECLARES PITTSBURGH, Sept 13. Denial of the report that the nation-wide strike of steel workers set for September 22 had been called off was made here to day by William Z. Foster, secretary of the organizing committee of the American Federation of Labor. "There is absolutely no truth la tha report. No rord baa been, received from President Gompers," said ras ter. . SOFF a ACCURACY Of IS DOUBTELV 8Y GOK WddMsaalk'r'aasi i&3? 4 i t vjfe, -JBJCi-i ., "!- t