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" ;'jj8wwij, '- JMWJV1(H'"a',"T'5r THE WASHINGTON TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 19JL9. 20 if ! REAL TATE Advertising Classified . i V5: fr.oei -?;- l FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAtE- HOUSES ES POR SALE Price, 55.500, In the Bloom lngdale section; owner occupying boose "Till give Immediate possession; a well oallt, six-room and bath brick home, -all the rooms are large, heated with hot 'water, ha vine coed. lot to paved alley w-lth room for garage: easy terms of-sale. 33QSS & PHJSLPS. INC.. 1406 K St. NTW. FOR BALE Price, $8,600, a -popular square on the Heights; colonial type bosses, having eight rooms, two baths, aot-water heat, electric lights, oak floors instantaneous het-watcr heater, -sleeping porch. Owner leaving city will sell on terms of $1,500 cash and 'monthly pay ments. Posseaeloa mt once. BOSS PHBLPSf INC., 1496 H St. N. W. FOR SALE Price, 513.260. in Chevy Chase, a. little off. of Connecticut avenue a most -complete home; two-story and attic eight room house having slate roof, large perches, heated with hot-water, un usually large living room with open fire- '" place, oak floors, and the whole house in perfect condition. The lot is 60x110 to an alley with room for a garage. BOSS & PHELPS. INC.. 1494 H St N. W. 'FOR SALE Price, 11.969, conveniently ' located downtown house west of 16th street; there are eleven rooms, two baths, electric lights, and a garage. The house has been newly painted and papered and is screened throughout. This house has a first floor kitchen and is thoroughly mod ern and up-to-date. Possession at any time. 3QSS & PHELPS, INC. 1495 H St. N. W. TOR SALE Price, $5,769. In Petworth; terms of $1,090 cash and monthly pay ments. A well located six room and bath brick house having hot-water heat, elec--,-tric lights, god back yard with room for I garage. This Is a most salable house. I BQ8S & PHELPS. INC. 1496 H St. X. W. 2 FOR SALE Price. $8,600, in Mt. Pleasant. t last off from 16th street, convenient to ,14th and Ht. Pleasant car lines; a two tory six room and bath brick house hav ?tng hot-water heat, two-story rear porches, good yard to "wide paved alley and having a large garage. The location and the house will interest you. 3Q3S fr PHELPS. INO, 1406 H St. N. W. FOR SALE Price. $12,590. In Chevy Chase a fine locatlon'and a most complete home; fully detached hosse of attractive appearance, having eight rooms, two baths, hot-water heat, electric lights, porches, open fireplace in living room and there is also enclosed steeping porch and a 1 built-in garage. Possession given in 15 days. ' BOSS fc PHELPS. IN&. liOfr H St. X. W. "i"OR SALE Price. $7,599, en Rock, Creek , Church road; colonial type, two-story (Bouse, having four bedrooms, heated with hot'water, having oak floors; electric lights; porches, "deep lot to alley and there is a garage. Terms of $1,599 cash and monthly payments can be arranged. BOSS & PHELP8. INC.. 149S H St. X.W. TOR SALE Price. $7,250. la ML Pleasant, just off from Park read, where Immedi ate possession -will be given: a two-story souse containing -seven rooms and bath, Ctour bedrooms on second floor, hot-water heat, good lot with room for a garage. House is In -line condition. Reasonable "terms of sale. . BOSS & PHELPS. INC. 140fTH St. X. W. TOR SALE Price. ,46,990. in Columbia Heights? convenient to 11th and 14th srtreet car lines; a semi-detached house, tide and rear yard; there are- four. large rooms on first floor, four bedrooms on sec ond floor and a big attic. The house is In first class condition; occupied by -an owner and possession will be given. BOSS & PHELPS. INC. M H SU-X-W. FOR SALE Price. $10,600. la Saul's Ad dition a corner house, central hall plan, two stories and attic, large living room with open- fireplace, hot-water heat, electric lights, oak floors, unusually large porch oft from living reomt possession at once and reasonable terms of sale. BOSS PHELPS. INC. 1406 H St. N. W. -FOR SALE Prfee. $7,360, Just off from 14th street, a. little north of Park road; ene of those attractive six-room ,and bath -colonial brick bouses, having -electric -lights, inlaid floors, large porches. Lot is 2t)xabost 109 to an alley with room for garage. This property is clear and rea sonable terms of sale- can be made. BOSS Si PHELPS. INC 3406 H St. X. W. FOR SALE Price. $8,850, a mighty at tractive two-story real eight-room souse, having- hot-water heat, electric lights, hordwood floors, glassed-in sleeping porch and a garage. Lot is 26x142. Tou should see this house at once. It Is bound to be sold quickly. BOSS & PHELPS. INC. 1496 H St. N. W. XOR SALE Price. $7,900. in ML Pleasant, convenient to the end of car line; a well-built three-story brick house, having Sine rooms and bath, five bedrooms, bot--4rater heat, two-story rear porches; paved 'alley in rear. Convenient terms of sale. "33098 &. PHELPS. INC. 1406 H St. N. W. FOR SALE Price, $5,500. In Columbia Height.-, sear the end of the 11th street sar line; s. modern, two-story six-room ad bath brick bouse; lot 140 feet deep to ared alley with room "tor garage. Owner" leaving city will, give prompt possession and sell en terms of $1,900 cash and loathly payments. jJbSS & PHELPS. INC. I486 H St. N.W. -HOMES OF HOMES- S Booms Modern, detached, with ga rage. Prompt possession necessary for ellent who can make substantial cash pay- NATIONAL REALTT CO. ' 920 New Tork Ave. 15 i.i. Elegant., conveniently ar ranged new houses of six large rooms and bath, porches front and rear, doable oak floors up and down stairs. Hot-water heat, open fireplaces, up to the minute electric lighting fix- ' tares. Convenient to the cars. Moderate prices and terms. See sample house, 114 Varnum st. N. W.. Petworth. HOWARD & HINES, rlNCORPORATED fit ltth st. N w n-rankiln 6552. Jyl4-tf WE' HAVE IT! ! -" Et buy possible. located In ML Pleasant. 19 rooms and bath, brick d welting. Let us tihow It to you. .. $6,000 -Douglass E. Bulloch & Co., 324 Southern Bld. M. 7445 15 RICHMOND BRYANT NO 47 "WARDER BUILDING "PHONE MAIX SS74 Modern -6-roem and bath duelling en Comey place. -S K-. near Eckington and North Capitol car lines. Hot-water heat. In excellent condition. All-white neigh borhood. Immediate possession, Price (5.600. Cash $1.00. t On H st. between 1st and 2d. 6 rooms and bath, tS.994. -fe .each, balance easy jBuRiWy pAysMMtts. An excellent home Tin a xeed pcigllfeorhood. "Two -roera and "bath frame dwellings U'UeQ Mock on Cth at. N. W.; deep lots. SVje $2,600 each. $50 cash.' Slx-reom and bath frame dwelling in "laMTbJock. deep Jet. $,26; $259 to $600 V V --. ALLANS. ;WALrCER . .- -. . - f " " ' - 4 '8-1.3 i5th-'St.N.W.. ' ;; :Qn.l6th Street z' v Soiith of Florida Ave. ' 3-story brick. 11 roems, S baths. H. W. H. Front and rear porches. Biectric lights. N Price, ?17,000 11th, North of Monroe Street 3-apartment building. Mod ern and complete In every detail. Corner alley. Room 1 for garage. Renting on basis of $111.60. Price, $12,500 Near 18th & Kenyon Streets $11,500 Modern ,and comparatively new residence containing 10 rooms. 2 'baths. Hot-wattr hrat. electricity, garage, etc Immediate possession. On G Street Northeast, Near- 7th S-story pressed orick dwell ing. 7 rooms, bath. Latrobe heat. A bargain at $4,000. $500 Cash, $37.50 Monthly Another on G Street Near 12th 3 stories. C rooms, bath, 3 rooms deep, ideal arrange ment. -Nice lot to -alley. A real bargain In a substantial ly built home, for $3,750. Attractive Nearly New Home In -Cleveland Park $19,000 Vacant. Keys at offlee. 10 rooms. 3 'baths, porches, com pletely screened. Owner ha left city; -Must bo sold. ALLAN-E. WALKER &-CO., INC.," 8l-3M5thu'St. N.W;.. t-j REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES Si.500 SOUTHEAST SECTION Near Navy Tard and Marine Barracks; brick dwelling, containing- .six rooms, water, sewer and gas; two-story and cel lar; white occupancy. MAHOKNET1 SULLIVAN $3,500 NEAR FLORIDA AVE. Desirable home Jn splendid condition; convenient to North Capitol and Florida Ave. car lines; six rooms and bath; neat bay-window front: $3,500 refused for this Xouse five years ago. MAHORNET & BU1.UVAS. 3,650 FOR COLORED. Two-siory-and cellar,- bay-window brick dwelling; near 14th and R Sts. N. W.; six rooms and bath; easy terms. MAHORNET & SULLIVAN $6,450 BUNGALOW Woodridge, P. C Detached bungalow; Ave rooms, -bath, attic, cellar; modern heating, etc:- possession. MAHORNET & SULLIVAN . $6,500 DOWNTOWN SECTION Near Sth and I. Streets; 9 rooms and bath: brick dwelling; -furnace heat; 3 story and cellar; well .built. MAHORNET & SULLIVAN $6,950 SUBURBAN HOME In Rhode Island Avenue Northeast: six rooms and bath; attic and cellar: laundry: servant's roonw etc; hot-water heat; large shade trees; possession. MAHORNET & SULLIVAN. NEW HOMES We have'a number of new homes in course of erection that will be ready -for occupancy In from one to six weeks, whieh w will offer for sale at from JT.5S0 to $$.500. Same Include detached brick dwellings and detached hollow-tile bunga lows. Let us show you these properties while in course of construction. MAHORNET & SULLIVAN, 06 XEWTORK AVE. Tel. MAIN Tltt. "See Mahorney & Sullivan They Know Washington. It John W. Thompson & Co., Incorporated SPECIALS FOR TODAY Clifton Street Near 14th Brick home of If rooms, Z baths; well built: in excellent condition. Price, $S,000. i6th St. Above Columbia Rd. 1 block from car line. Attrartivn brick home with porches, 10 rooms. 1 bath; hot-water heat, electricity. Price. $i:.roo. 18th S.t. Above R St. Handsome home in this ideal sec tion of- Sr rooms. .2 hatha: on large lot: a. m. L Price, $i:,S0O. Cleveland Park . All -year around home of 14 rooms. 2 baths, garage: hot-water heal, electricity. Price, $11,008: John W. Thompson & Co., Incorporated 728 15th .Si Main 1477., SECOND FLOOR. f - & CO., INC., - 'Phone JMain '426. In Chevy Chase Price. 512,500 , A house of distinction: de tached;, .beautiful lawn and grounds of -exceptional alse, 10 rooms and 3. baths, hot water heat, electricity- room for garage. Immediate pos session. Near 18th and Lamont Sts. Price. $11,500 Houses in this select neigh borhood are rarely for sale: 11 rooms, 2 baths, hot-water heat, electricity. Immediate possession. In Cleveland Park Price, $13,500 Nine rooms and bath, hot water heat, electricity. 60 feet front, room for garage, beau tiful shrubbery. Owner on premises. Quick possession. In Chevy Chase Price, $8,500 Detached house of $ rooms and bath. Hot-water heat, electricity, room for earage. Owner on premises and will give quick possession. Near 18th and Columbia Rd. Price, $12,000 A very attractive honse: S rooms and bath. ht-water heat, electricity, gas. larjs lot. Immediate possession. In Mount Pleasant Price, $8,000 A home that will be quick ly sold. Let us show it to yon before it Is too late. 10 rooms and bath, hot-waUr beat, electricity. Phone Main-426. sel0-tf 9,750.00 West of 14th Street ' A thoroughly modern home: heated by hot-water: 4 bed rooms; deep lot to alley; never occupied; Immediate possession. $8,000.00 West of 13th Street A 3-story and cellar brick; 9 rooms and bath: a chance to secure a' 'good home at this low price. ,, - $7,500.00 Petworth -Home Be sure to see this: a modern home at a moderate price: 6 rooms and bath; hot water heat; electric lights; alley; $6,850,00 -Overlooking Soldiers7 Home Modern S rooms and bath home; oak floors; hot-water heat; electric lights; ga rage; Immediate possession. $4,750.00 On M Street N. W. A semi-deatcbed home; 7 rooms and bath; white locality; convenient to Gov ernment departments. $3,750.00 Attractive Bungalow In the northwest suburbs; a pretty little home; convenient to 14th street cars; good-sized lot- $3,150.00 ' For Navy Yard Employe A chance to necure a splendid little .home at a low price: two-story and cellar brick; 6 rooms and bath, good front and back yard, half square from cars. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO., 07 Fifteenth St. N. W. lg FOR SALE An out-of-town owner has written us to make a quick sale of the following proper tics: 1200 "G" street north cast; 2 stories; 6 rooms; $2,800. 705 12th street north cast, 2 stories and cel lar; 7 rooms and bath; $3,300. 406 11th street south cast, a - two-story brick dwelling; rents for $15.30; ?1,800. 1350 Wallach street; 0 rooms and bath; rents for $20.50; price, $2,5C0. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York Avenue. it FOR COLORED Of the Better Class SUBURBAN' HOMES See uL.t-.MJAL.t-, u. C , i do suburb of artisUc homes, wide streets, schools adjoin UiK property Only blocks from the Capi tol. Some choke lota can be bought for $200 each; $3 cash and per mouth on each lot. We will build your houc. Two S-room bun galows at $3,360 each. $250 cash, $30 per month. Will be n-ady to occupy in 30 days. One beautiful 6-room houe. .So; &ri0 cash, $40 per month; will be ready in 60 days, our representative on the property ttry day until dark Take H st. carr marked "District Line" to 48th street northeast. Walk south into Glendalr. O. C. IRVIN & SHANK, 1410 G St. Main 3908. anl-t AN EXCELLENT HOME can be eecured by stating what you want tn a Times Want Ad. Phone it to Main 12(0, an experienced operator will help tob write it and bill will be sent. The cost is aUrht. ssIT-U THESE HOMES ARTS SE LECTED PROM RECENT LISTINGS. WE HAVE MANY OTHERS THAT MAY INTEREST YOU. $7,000. An l-room and bath detached house with garage, in the North west. Electric lights, side porches. A bargain which can be bought on reasonable terms. Possession. $7,750: New Croom and bath home In Petworth. Enclosed sleeping porch. Good wide rooms. - The best buy in Petworth today. Rea sonable terms. c - $8,750, InMt Pleasant near 14th Street. A s-room and bath home with double brick garage. House screened and metal weather strip ped. Awnings, electric lights. Owner will give possession. $9,000. A suburban home in the North west, of 10 rooms and ,2 baths with hot-water 'heat and electric it r.- Lot 150x136 feet, with plenty of shads -trees. Two blocks from car Una. $10,000. IS rooms 'and bath honse, suitable- for boardintr house, 4r down town section on corner. -Reason able terms.-- Property now vacant. $10,500. A brand new 7-roora and 2-bath home in one of the best locations la the Northwest. Open fireplace In lirins room. Can be bought on reasonable terms. Convenient to car line. $11,500. A semi-detached home of I rooms and 2 baths in Mt. Fleas ant, south' ot Irvine street. Hot water Heat and electric Heats. Convenient to cars. Honse in ex celltnt condition. Possession. .$12,000. An 1 l-room and 2-bath home in Washington Heights. Hot-water heat, electric lights. This home is in- good condition and Is reason ably priced. $16,000. A 5-room, and bath detached homo, in Clove Land Park; corner npftflAPt With rtssasft Inf It , -- --w ' - . vvu wm rf in perfect condition. Poaieaaion will be riven. HOWARD & HINES, Incorporated lli ISth St. X. W. Franklin $1)2. sel-tf EXCELLENT HOME FOR COLORED Kenyon St. Near Georgia Ave. Semi-detached: 6 rooms; hot-wter heat, tile bath: ga rage for two cars: lot C5xH;Vi to alley, rooms are large and bright. Price $6,000. Hth Near U Six room brick, gas light; In the best rolore1 neighborhood. Real bargain at $3.ta0; J5C0 cash. GARDINER & DENT, INC., Nt. 4884. 717 14th St. N. W. is TWO-STORY and attlr modern brick house, having three bedrooms, two baths. Rlass-rnclojcti striping porch on second floor, servants' room and bath in base ment: built-in garage. Immediate possession-. $4,000 cash, balance small monthly payments. 3132 17th st. X. W. 15" -HOMES- Ran ring In price from $1,200 to $60,000. Alt sections and good neighborhoods. WBST k SMITH. 706-70$ District Nat TUnk Bldg. Kranklln (761. sell-tf COLORED $200 CASH. $20 MONTHLY. room and bath brick: asct.1 lent condition. Address C City Postofttca, Box 1707. jye-eod-Mt VnS, WANT MOBK IIOCSES FOR SALE. Owners of property desiring to make quick sales should list property with us at onee WM. P. NORMOTLB, 810 P- st X. W. my31-31t BUILD TOUR OWN IIOME. 1 will show ou bow. GUT a ZEPP, Representing Lewis-Built Homes. $02 Southern Bldg. Office hrs. to 5 p. m. J:i-90t FOR 8AI.K Fire-room frame honse near navy yard, price. $?.000. Apply 1107 TJ at S. E.. sfter 5 pm. is CHOICEST HOMES AND PROPERTT crrr. suburban and karm lands Honest Dealing and Courteous Service A. N. RUTAN 14 KENOIS BLDO. MAIN M3 su2T-90t LOT S0200; 3 Mjnsrei from ear liar: m small cottage; $500 cash, a OLSON. Her Ian street, Takoma Pwk. li .$8,500.00 On Sixteenth Street $ rooms and bath Jn two floors; good lot to alley; a chance to secure a home on this beautiful street at a low price. $7,750.00 - In Petworth Orerlooklng Soldiers Home grounds: rooms and bath: sleeping porch; hot-water heat, electric lights; deep lot to alley: POSSESSION given by owner occupant; Duut oy uruver. $7,500.00 Near Kansas Avenue Attractive Petworth home; heated by hot water: electric lights: 6 rooms and bath; two-story back porch: paved alley; .owner occupant will give possession. $7,150.00 A NortneasiNHome Located near an avenue ;S rooms and bath': heated by hot water; electric lights; every modern convenience; paved alley; VACANT. $6,250.00 Nftar 4th and B Sts. N. E. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; excellent condition; S room and bath; heated by hot water; wide lot. $3,750.00 Sth St., bet. B andC N. E. A pretty little home: two'-story brick; ( rooms and bath; attractive terms. $3,000.00 In the Southeast A two-story-and-cellar brick; concrete cellar; good front and back yards; close to cars; convenient to Navy Tard. Wm. H. Saunders & Co., $07 15th SL N. W. 17 y 5 Room Frame, 5th St S. .E. Now .occupied by white tenant; water, sewerr detached, on large, lot, 20 by 105. Price, $1,500. Large front and back yards. Columbia Heights 703. 705. 707 Harvard St. N. W.v rooms, bath, latrobe. room for garage. Price, $2,500 each; $500 cash. 750 Columbia Road, rooms, bath, fur nace, concrete celler, colonial front porch, alley. Price, $3,750; $760 cash. Vacant ML Pleasant Home Semi-detached brick, 8 rooms, bath, hot water heat, lot 25 by 140, to a paved al ley. Price, $7,250; terms. Beautiful Chevy Chase Home VACANT Detached, on lot 60 by 90. contains 10 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, gas and electricity, room for garage, has to be seen to be appreciated. Price. $13,600: $4,600 cash, balance $100 month, including in terest, 9th St. Business Property Below F St, 2 stores and one large room above; total rents $615 month; own er repairs roof only. Price, $72,500; lot, 35 by 100. Attractive Home on Md. Ave. Northeast Semi-detached 2-story, brick. 8 roomi, batb. hot-water heat, sleeping porch; lot, 35 by SO, to a paved alley. Price. $9,000; $3,600 cash, balance 1st trust. Three 2-Story Apartments On Morton St. N. E., convenient to Capital Traction cars; each building con tains 2 apartments of 4 rooms and batb Mrh. rentinr for $16 month each apt. Price, $4,000 per bldg., or will trade for business or residence For a quick sale list your house with us we have custo mers for homes in all sections of the city. c p CHPPHV 4.1. WI-- ., 1410 G St. Franklin 6117 sel4-tf FOR SALE AN EXCEPTIONAL PROPOSITION $2,850 EACH Brick houses, comparatively new, offered for sale at this very low price to settle a syndi cate. Terms, $300 or more cash, balance in small monthly pay ments; just about what the houses are now renting for. 3537 to 3565 6th St. N. W. 529-531 Newton St. N. W. Take Ninth street cars to Newton street, go one square east. Each 6 rooms and bath; one square from cars; all occupied by white tenants. You should take advantage of this opportunity to secure yourself, a home and save your earnings! Apply for particulars. At this" low price and upon such accommodating terms these houses will sell very quickly. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York Ave. N. W. ae6-tf $5,250 Terms 1 lth St. N. E. Close to Lincoln Park. S rooms and bath: newly painted and papered ."j-story red brick: bay window. Urge yard and Eng lish basement This Is a bargain. ALL.KT & SCHATA S17 Hth St.. Room 400. Pope Bldg. Phone Main JS76. 15 TOR HOMES AND INVESTMENTS "fcee MAHORNET & SULLIVAN They Know Washington." 306 New York Ave. Tel. Main 7121. b:;-doc JOHN K. DONOHOK & SONS. INC.. 514 Pennsylvania Ate. S. E. Lft Us Submit Our List of Homes and Investments Before Tou Purchase. mh27-tf TODAY V L G. SCHROEDER- . Have you tried our "PEP" service? If you want a homeor desire a good-business investment, let us make suggestions.' If you Want Something Really Homey on Terms That Can Easily Be Met A pretty cozy home on, Monroe, east or -14th at.; reception hall: . six rooms snd bath; large roomy closet: double front porcb; -with French door windows leading to second porch; open fireplaces In both dining and living rooms; spa clous hall and connecting bed rooms. Most convenient neighbor hood in Mount Pleasant- No. 20L $7,825.00 k A delightful, hpmey, place: a corner house with splendid ap proach and yard; well decorated and new; with two rear screened, porches and one fine front porch. Pretty entrance hall -with large archways between living' room and dining room and hall. A kitchen or convenience and modern In every detail, as well as splendid modern basement. Excellent heat ing plant; pretty electrical fix tures; large, airy bedrooms; fine bathroom: spacious, closets. A real, comfortable. worth-while home In best northwest section. Iso, 19$. $8,ooe If- You Would' Larger House, Like va Exclusive in tvery Detail Madison st. nw.; a beautiful de . Uched home; stucco and shingle; eight rooms and batb; hot-water neat;, electricity and gas: In per fect condition; lot 40x145; shads and shrubbery; garden and flow .era. Occupied by "owner, who will' snow and give possession. 'No. SL, $11,500 .Cleveland. Park: -exceptionally fine new home of ten spacious rooms and three baths; three large porches; large lot: In most deslr-' able location; plenty of room for garage; an exact duplicate of this home was sold before It was com pleted; this one almost ready for occupancy. No. 290. $17,500 If You Want a House With Rooms Enough to' Net You a Good Income- A ten-room brick house, two baths: in best section, one block from Scott Circle; gas, new vapor heating plant; room foi garage: back porch and paved alley. Oc cupied by owner, who win give early possession. No, 2S5. $8,500 On Fairmont st. nw.; nineteen rooms and three hatha: laundry: hot-ater heat; electricity and gas; newly renovated; ten minutes from heart or city; now bringing good. Income. No. 1(. $12,500 If You Want to Invest in a Farm That Will Mean profit to you. The best farm near McLean Sta tion. Va.: for years used as dairy :JrmV..Hnd 3 fertile as vallcyVof the Nile. Good 10-room house, substantial barn, garage, work shop, tenant houses, etc: furnace hsat and water throughout house; 13 acres: one field blue grass. Seeing will convince you. Ask for Mr. Ware. $45,000 On 7th st. pike: a combination of a beautiful home and a produc tive truck farm: house equipped with modern conveniences: large porches: beautiful lawn; garage for two cars: a city home with all the charm of the country estate. No. $20,500 Hundreds of Homes in All Ranges of Value Are on our For Sals List. MANT EXCELLENT BARGAINS. Let us know your wants. L. G. SCHROEDER, Real Estate and Investments, Loans and Insurance, 714 14th St. N. W. Phone Franklin 1208 seio-tr BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE) OVE SQUARE TKQSI LINCOLN' TABK. business property and well established business, stock and tixtures. large store, seven living roams: gsrage. selling on ac count of health. J. H. GKUBB. 1312 B t S. E. H INVESTMENT PROPERTY NATIONAL REALTY CO. City and suburban ho rots. "A borne for every family." 20 New York ave. Main TtlT. auiJ-SM A SHANNON JM; 2345. -13th St, Neaf Girard Beautiful location, en Csltaabte Heights convenient to car lines sad sear Central High School :,. Twann, 2 baths; attractively deslgaedMib eral tens, ir.080. Near Dept of AgnctdtoriB 7 rooms, bath; on squarrfrora Mall; near Mostnaa and.' not far from Bureau of BegTaviaj- and Priatlnr. Fries, 4,W- Near. Soldiers ' Home 24,730 Six rooms and -bath; front colonial porch; yards: southern exposure; high elevation. Terms. 75o cash. Eckington Attractive new house saetlea: close to cars; convenient to schools: -U. minutes ride from Treasury; 7 rooms and bath. Prjca, 'f(,M0. - Near First and Que .Sts. 12,500; terms. 1200 cash.. C rooms and bath; attractive 2- -V story brick; near cars; excel lent location. Capitol Hill ' -, 2I.7S0 Terms ' ran be ar ranged. , rooms and bath: large 'front and rear yards: . convenient to . East Capitol' and' Eighth street car line.'- if SHANNON. & 'LUCHS' 4" -Realtors. . ) M23.45:"! T'-' .- v S On -'California St. Between ,1 8th. and l&h SUs. .- Northwest 10 rooms and bath; steam heat: first floor kitchen; deep lot to wide pared alley; ga rage. An excellent purchase. Price only $g,ooo DOUGLASS. BULL0CH.& CO. 324 SOUTHERN BLDG. .', PHONE MAIN T5 Store-- With 3-Room and Bath Apartment on 4th ,St Near Spring Rd. : i' Owner wishes to.realize cash- -Immediately on this property. It. Is an excellent Investment 4 and Is In a location of advane- , Ing values. Rented for 14S9 " per annum. 'Price, -$4,800 DOUGLAS E. iULLoCH &" CO. 324 EOUTHERN BLDG. -PHONE MAIN 7445 Beautiful Home on Upton St. Near. Connecticut x Avenue' POSSESSION -XJCMEDIATELT. story and eellar-briekr dwelling containing eleven roems and three baths. Hot water heat, gas and electric ity; built-in sleeping porch: large library on second floor across whole front or house: hardwood floors; -wide front age: extra deep lot to large paved alley Price, . $1 5,000 Terms . DOUGJ1AS E, BULLOCH & CO. . , 324 SOUTHERN BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7445 Near Maryland . Aye. and Third SL" Northeast Individually' built two-story brick home containing eight rooms and hath: 'oaeellent woodwork: large light rooms all outside woodwork and front trick work newly paint ed: well constructed through out: side alley: Plenty of back yard and room for garage. Price, $6,000 Terms DOUGLAS E BULLOCH & CO. 324 SOUTHERN BLDG. PHONE MAIN 7445 1X41.15 Eockville, Md. Honses. (room modern ' 12-room 7,011 15-room, modern f.0( l-room. modern 1,009 S-room 1.109 10-room 2,700 'room 2,100 6-room 1.403 "-room 3,200 I l-room 4.100 J-room ; 3,500 (room '- 4,100 GEO. F. HULL. Real Estate. Roekvllle. Md.. If a b- SUBURBAN' PROPERTY FOR SALE NE L-bo-gsle s at Cberrydsle. Thrift and Aurora Ht... modern throughout, in cluding gas and elec.; large tots: some shade: easy terms.. K. C.'""MacPHEBSON ilO Maspn at.. ThrJften. .31 DESIRABLE LOTS la Rlvordale. 50 by 150 and 75 by 100,; S100 to 1200 on easy terms. EICHMOND BRYANT 47 PTacdtr Building. CHOICE HOMES. ACREAGE AND SMALL FARMS ON W. B. Jfc A. ELECTRIC ROAD AT HIGH BRIDGE AND HILLMEAD STATIONS. RICHMOND BRYANT 47 WARDER BLDG. MAIN SrT. s)-)ot &-J-UCHS - 7i3'14tlfsi,N..W. HdlmeadAve. Near Otii T nvtmi iaj !k. v.. water heat: exeeHcnt eoadi tlont attractive- leeaMon; es- liberal, terms: immediate ws- session; ,. t Close to Downtown J&e-yl,! ": " aad eat; front eotental persfe; stwthera fxpoaw; exceSeee yards; eeatra! location; -raMtteg.dtaUac-of ertr btirfness section; set Jar nm PaJh Uc Library. E Near North Capitol t rooms and bath; servant's room: attractively arranged: excellent leeaUea, large -does .low. space for a garage: ta- - mediate posseatios; H.219. v Brookland - JM.ogo S room and beta; s reception hall; faraaoe heat; porches; excellent tews and garden let OxllS; bamediata possession. Near Truxton. 5role Faeing touta-ox pmrHlweiitrsfreet; team heat; fJwrrogWy equipped; rooms and Tsath;. .eeevenfaat to schools, sferes-.'aad TfaHrJs dfeZ tasej-of ttele Stabs. Me, 713 Hth SL N. W. rass--iBsr-r-r-H---HB-aiL FOR SALE-STORES FOR SALE -WelM&cated gro cery store; must sell on ac count of illness; doing a splendid business. Call at 1429 Sth st N. (, phone North 263. -. u FOR REHT HOUSES vwFVtansmxD. U BOOMS Hederai Imrnxstofw slear large grsaadX garage and terww court. Takoma Park. Reasonable rest o lease lor year. NATIONAL REALTT CO. 520 New York Ave. ruRXiSHato FOR SENT faraiafced or afraMMrl house. 1122 Staples st. N. & M WAHTEB REAL ESTATE WE 1 it a tfr mni far bosses raaglng te price from f 2.599 to U9.8W. Lttt your prepertr wlta i It yoa want to sell it. GOLDEN RULE 724 J5ts St. N. W. USX OtJR PROPXRTtHS FOR8ALX Where they, will sell. - We are maklsg many ales. GARDINER & DENT, Ina, 7X7 14th St- N. Vf. IP TOU A1T; utsiatiM -of your prepesfyv consult us. We oave ready purchasers. Sales departmoat. THOS, E. JARRELL. Phone Xaia 755. tST Woodward lHdr- ' JTll-tf AUTOS FOR HIRE AARON AUTO SERVICE, " TAXI OR TOURING. Mrs. M, L JARBOE, Mgr. Mam . a-tf-nt TAXICABS PHONE WEST $4 , 50c Ten blocks. 75c Any distance fa city propr. Shopping and tearing, per hoar. 504. l-passenger teerieg ear 52 per hettr. OPEN .ALL NIQHT. New Taxi Service- Co, Inc. j Jy5-tf GALL MAIN 113 Belmont Taxi Service. Anywhere Any time.. Special rates for toariag. CALL FRANK. 4357 Cadillac and National cars for shopping, touring, business. aul9-St Call Pierce, West-197 Quick service, 51.50-52.59 per hoar: II blocks. 50c: -city proper, 75c att2-0t BRAND new touring car for ahspamg. fev touring or trips, 5L75 per hour; two or more. 52.59 per hour; reliable chauffeurs. Lincoln 3841-J. Jy21-90t FOR NEW TAXICABS aad 7-paaeea-1 touring cars call Mala 7009. feZO-tf- FRANKLIN 50 Franklin Auto Service. AUTOS AND TAXIS- furnished for ail o caalons in aad out of city. 3T25-tt AUTO ACCESSORIES VIGTOKY GAEAGE GENERAL AUTOMOBILE EEPAIEING, STOBAGE, AND ACCESSORIES MAGNETO SPECIALISTS ALL WORK GUARANTEED. CALL NIGHT OR DAT LINCOLN 5759. (Rear) 1255 C ST. S. B. sepl5-29t MAGNETO. Baeeh Talrh-tMBKlMi i Rear 1312 L st. N. W. Phone F. 2925. 15 Phone FraakUa 72S. Valaazitaak NORTH CAPITOL TTRE SHOP. 121 J North Capitol st. Expert tiro repairs. JOHN J. ALLEN? Ptop. Gas and oil. Astu s pplleis, sel2-39t STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! - POLARINE. 59c PER GALLON. Gibson Tire Sales .COi We. speolHie In retreading. wMh or up-to-date equipment: ribbed re treading in both large and email siaea Vulcanizing Specialists. 53 H -STREET N."W. Phoae llaia 2194. ael0-19r WATNE OIL TANK AND PCMr CO. HDVRjST.MVisnee vupe Self-measuring Caroline and OH p mi " u nurajo oysCB9 tS. 119. Vih4nr:ton Loan and Trust bJdg Telephone Mala 145. aaJO-tl f 1 V -.