Newspaper Page Text
r-ww? -f THE WSgiNGTOy TIMES, M01StfAY- SEPTEMBER lSlSffi..; ' 21 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES THK TIMES Used Car Service Bureau WHAT WE WILL DO FOR YOU Find the used car you want to buy. Find a buyer for the car you wish to sell. O U R INFORMATION DEPARTMENT IS AT YOUR SERVICE FREE Do jrou wish to know the year the used or. new car you think of buying was manufactured? If "So, just phone Main . 5260, ask for used car depart ment give number and model of car, and date and seiling price will be immediately jriven you. PHONE YOUR WANTS TO USED CAR SERVICE BUREAU, MAIN 5260. ASK FOR MISS REID. Caaa Tnnrlnir car; recently over- hauled S5e0 Chalmers Model K ToHring . 260 Chalmers, 1918, roadster, spare tire ' 1,500 Chalmers, 1917, 7-passenger 750 Chalmers, 1918. S-paseesger 1,106 unaimera tannojct; good tires ana new paint Chevrolet Touring car Cole Touring car Ford Touring car Two 7-passenger Nationals in splen did running condition. Five-passenger National phaeton. Overland Delivery car. Paige Touring car. magneto and battery 3-ton truck; slightly used Light Vim Truckn; recently over v hauled: new nalnt. 8666 to 1.000 400 250 300 506 2,800 850 Fire Taxicabs; good condition, each 1,200 Bulck Roadster , 960 Bulck Cabriolet 800 Kord Roadster 400 Hudson. 1918 Roadster; 4 new tires.. 1.200 KfcASONABLE TERMS TO RELIABLE PARTIES COMBS MOTOR COMPANY-. 1214 VH.N. W. . - i'aed Car Dept. 16 wSUTCK LIGHT SIX, 1917. ant-class running order: Jeoks good aSaew; Dodge touring, 1917, good running order; will demonstrate: cheap for cash. 62 H St. J. E. Frank. 3383. 17 3UICK D43; Al condition. 1726 15th at. N. W. 15 BEFORE going elsewhere see as. We buy and sell cars In anv condition: also we carry In stock parts, magnetos and tires for nearly all makes of cars "Write or pnone and will call. ROBERT HERSON. nvii- fe St. a. w. 2-Yanlc 346. aell-SOt CHALMERS Tearing car: good condition, 2480. WILLIAM'S WOOD COAL TARD, 1126 1st at. N. W. Frank. 5061. 16 CHEVROLET Model 499. 1917: new paint and first-class condition: can be seen between 8 and 5?6 at 127 F st. N. W., rear. Ask for BEES. 16 CHEVROLET Model 494. 191S; good con dition. Phone Frank. IS 47-J before 7 p. m. 15 CHEVROLET Baby Grand. 5-passenger. paint, top like new; all very good tires; two brand new side curtains used once; demountable rims; exceptional bargain. CoL 4031. 3116 14th St. N. W, 18 30x3 Monfford Tires, $11.-90 - 3Gz33.JAxmtfoT& Tires, . ' "T13.70 ' Guaranteed against roadwear 5.066 miles COLUMBIA AUTO SUPPLT CO.. 13th and H Sts. N. W. 19 DODGE Touring, 1917, very best condition; will sell for cash, $750. 62 H st. N. E. Frank. 3383. 19 , DODGE Sedan, splendid bar gain; thoroughly overhauled, repainted; new tires; a real bar gain. BLACK MOTOR CAR CO, 1234 14th st. N. W. 19 DODGE TOURING; excellent condition; xtrast two brand new tires, new bat teries; cheap for cash. Phone Col. 890-J. (Reg. g9.) -- 17 FEDERAL TRUCK 3 tons; steel damp body.; perfect condition, must be sold cheap. Apply or phone 3812 R N. W. West 2442-J. fRog. 8094.) 19 Five-Pass. Touring Car la Al condition, and bargain for quick ale; will demonstrate. Apply 1341-W st. .N. W. North 23f. 20 FORD TOURING 1917; excellent shape; equipped with. Weetlngbouse starting ana iignung system, iizz u st. N. W. North 34 4 1 Reg. $099.) :i XXJRDTRVCK st a bargain. Applj at 4SI O t- X. WV between S and 7 p. m., and an car nunaays. 1C FOKp Track with good delivery body, J Te&boards. side curtaips In good condi 1 tion; all good tires; suitable for any busi ness. S2S0. Apply 616 M st. N. W. (Reg. BV3il. 16 TRUCKS, two, Ford delivery, for safe. TOPHAMS, 1219 F st. N. W. -16 FORD. 117. touring. 3310. Bulck Roadster, electric lights and starter; 4-cji.. JW. ROBERT HERSON. 110-112 4 at. S. W. franklin 234S. 20 WIIXARD SALES CO.. 402 Hth at. Phone Main 9394. 1918 Ford Sedan. 1316 Dodge Roadster. 1917 Appersen Jack Rabbit. 1917 Overland Touring. 1917 Empire Touring. 1?17 Studebaker 7.pasenger. 117 Balck 7-pascnger. To 1J1 Ford Touring 1918 Brlseo Touring. Ill" Brown Tearing. Smith formrr Cadillac Truck "" It will pay yo to e there cars before yon bay Thy are all Just overhauled, and ymr prie Is or So come quick. Open evenings until 7 and Sundays until 2. 15 "ORD Lale 1916 tearing. 00; nn bo seen on first floor of Kaloraroa Garaga, 140 Kalorama rd. N. W. Reg. 8087. . 1 ACTOS FOR SALE S Ford touring, 1914. I26S. Ford delivery. 191S ROBERT HERSON 1I0-II2 4 St. S. W. Frank. 2346. M9-90t 5TVE-TASSENGER CAR Recently thor-.?H5-h,yt0,'"'hu,ed- Ko condition ft8 North Carolina ave S. E. Line 2394-J. tKag. Silt i ii MSi .TRUCK One 5-ton: plaiform fir? Apply BOX A-96, Times of aca tReg. 8t) j9 SFiC1919 ,n cood "Hapc; reason . able. Phone Llncot 4st. n UJ "V? b8 roadster, in flrst- V- v,i,ob in rough out. four .! ",.Hm- w crl!ie for new cash -.. v. inn ai onre XDftJLS TlurtTtitftif Rear i th ,1 K "w" nG 18 MITTIIVt I iJ-J- riX,,u7rLe'5B:P"M?r: Sod tloa.; - - il TL " J5srWi I to. Mm: :""" acni- teterAMM -r. evota4,7?. 0n'l.I Cleveland 149S." Reg. M ) i A Car to Suit Your Terms tMBROt.ET ;-M-ger twirlng . .. 5 Otr. Car. U ashuifftoii Motor Exchanffc WORTH 4755 itZt 11U -. w. ' se!2-St FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 30x3 y2 National Speedway Tires . - ,. LIMITED Sii.50 STOCK COLUMBIA AUTO SOPPLT CO., 13th and II Sts. N. - 10 OVERLAND. Model 90. fl. epas. - item ing. In excellent condition; four new tires, one extra. Price .1509. cash. Col. 4996. bet. 6 and 7 p. m. Beg. 8088). 20 OVERLAND. 1918; good tire and excellent mechanical condition, very reasonable; owner leaving town. Address 1840 Cali fornia aC. Apt. 268. Phone North 3074. (Reg. 8696.) 19 , OVERLAND Touring car; good running order: five tires, starter: lights. S11I sacrinca for a quick sale. Ask MR. WAR REN. 1467 P -BU N. W. Fr. 3203. 18 OAKLAND Model 36 tonrlnr: perfect con dition; reasonable, -135614th st. N. TV- ' ; 17 7-PAS5ENGEK automobile; In 'excellent condition; reasonable. Phone North 9565 or call 152 a st. JJ. W.(Reg. 8092). Our fireproof garage containing 60,000 square feet or Coor space has returned from, the war. It Is again available .aa a home for your car. Our aim wilt, be to render even more efficient and prompt service than ever be fore. Both live and dead storage. Reasonable rate Motor Co. .of Washington Operating 33ie Twenty-f ourtk and M Streets Garage, 24th and M Streets N. W. PHONE WEST 710 and 71L se-20t Racine Horseshoe Tires 30x3 N. F. C, $14.90 This Li 6,080-Mlle Stock. COLUMBIA 'AUTO SUPPLT CO.. 13th and H Sts. N. W. 19 BOAMEE 1BI9 5-pssaeBger tourlar sport model; three months used; guaranteed perfect condition; Rolls Royce blue; al uminum and blue hoods; extra wheel, tlr. tubes, spot-light, bumpers, etc List price. 83400. DR. RAXON, leaving on six months' trip to China; sacrifice for quick sale. 91J ,'G U N. W. Franklin X7S7. . 1 ROADSTER Electric lights and Edison battery, car in Al shape. "Will sell for cash. ELMER E. GRADT. 1620 L st. N. W. 13 SCRIPPS-BOOTII- roadster. Rear 1523 L 'st. N. W. Phone M&ln 10068. (Reg. 8074.) 16 TRUCK Will carry heavy or light work, cheap. 211 8th St. S. R 17 SEE THE STEARNS-KNIGHT & DAVIS Cars Before Purchasing. GEO. C. RICE AUTO CO.. 1317-27 H st. nw. sp3-ttt HATE A NUMBER OF CARS LEFT by army officers to bj sold; all are In good condition and will be sold at bargain prices. See Me Dee Cee Garage, 17th, between O and 'P sts. N. W. FRANKLIN S313. Jy27-90t TOUR" engine troBblesVrplalsed: get DysV Auto encyclo. Fearlman's. 331 O st. nv. Ja21-tz WANTED SMALL touring car or 3-paasenger road ster; 1919 model: must be reasonable; all particulars first: letter. BOX A-97, Times office. 16 STUTZ BEARCAT, A-l condition. Reply by letter to J W. G., Sterling Hotel. 17 IF YOU HAVE A CAR. For sale, let me dispose of It for you. Call Franklin 3103. 1418 B st. N. W. au!7-9" FAINTING AXH REPAIRING WILLCHER'S AUTO REPAIR SERVICE WILL KEEP YOU SMILING. THE ONLY MAN WHO GIVES A NINETY- DAY GUARANTEE ON ALL AUTO REPAIRS. 1341 W St. N. W. North 2360 JeiSOt KIRBY & 8ALR. 809 Sth st. X. E Gen eral automobile repairs. If you have been troubled with your machine Just phone us. Wherever you are we can serve you. Phone Line? 783. 19 PHONE MAIN 6655. E STREET GARAGE 8TARTING & LIGHTING SYSTEMS GENERAL. AUTO REPAIRING. Prices Reasonable Work Quickly Done. B. R. NEWTON. MANAGER. 602-604 E ST. N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. ' 16 YOl'R auto cleaned, painted and varnished in 3 dajs. BECK.WITH. 16 7th st. N. E L. 6062. . 16 AUTOMOBILES. painted mad rerarnUhed; attractive prices. GANTER.. 2448 Ga. ave. N. W. Main 1513. del9-90t GARAGES FOR REJfT 10th ST. N. "W.. 1219 Separate tvlth 'watrr rarage 15 DOUBLE caracr, rear 3321 Llviorston st .-v w . Chevy Chase, v. f' Half block west Tonn. a:e. ' 16 CLAIRVOYANTS lActmed by the DUtrict of CehimMa mrsTboswell PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT. Gies advice on business matters, love, health and family affairs, tells If thr one you loe is true or false, what part of the country is luckiest to jou. what to do to be successful in life Gives you dates and facts, tells ou what has passed in life, and Vvhat is happening, without asking a single question Mie does not tell to please, but reads Just as the hands indi cate: telU you the Dlanets vou wrrc hnrn under, the lucky and unlucky planets, when and whom you will marry, settles and explains lovr. family trouble, mar riage, divorce, health, lawaulte. specula tions, investment, transactions of all kinds In fact, no matter what your hope, fear or ambition, come to this noted palm let and find help. Ther Is no use for any one to be unsuccessful or unhappy. No matter what the cause, her advice removes all trouble Sho guarantees naitafactlon. Readings. SI 68 710 7TII ST N W. 19 MME. KARTO, clairvoyant medium, will give advice on health, business and loe affairs. Readings SOc and II 00. Franklin 1002. 31B Sth st N W 17 NfADAMFi LENOEE- GIFTED CLAIRVOTANT AND MEDIUM. Gives true and good advico op busln&a, love, divorce and- marriage. Tells how to rain success in anything Ton wish to do. Tells how to overcome evil influences, how to gain and hold the one you lore. Her advice will help you. you will be wiser and happier after seeing this gifted medium. No guess work or questions ssked. What he sees and tells comes true. Tells th full name of who you will marry, the day and month. Give her a trial, before you criticise; APrae aad be convinced what a natural born clairvoyant can do. Satis faction or no charges. Hours 11 to 7. Closed Sands y. 721 ELEVENTH STREET N. W. (Two doors north of Palais Royal). ! PEOF. BELMONT. Noted Clairvoyant and Palmist, can read your Ufa by tne lines in your palm, which tre the tecord of your life. Being a graduate of two colleges of palmistry, and his wonderful gift of second sight enable him to lift tho veil of mystery and reveal to yen Important matters of your future life. Gives advice on busi ness matters, love, health and family af fairs: tells nam of yaur future husband or wife: tails if one you lore is troo or false; what part of the country Is luck'nst to you; what to do to be srecessfu! In life: removes troubles of all nature: brings the separated together, tells the secret of Baring penwnai jHouence wim your asso ciates. Prof. Belmont Is a Psychnlnciit of Wpr'.d Renown, ncauings. zi izie m Vork Ave. Zi. W.. nut dour to ilasonlc Temple. ' MISrf LA POINTS, -piritaal drW. la- ribs la rpurxB. spim-M mtmct. .ia- aaa psycaic. iu ain su r. w. i?- SPECIAL NOTICESr Do You Love Those Dependent Upon YouS .-. Then thinfe of their future; provide for their happiness. Your failure- now to provide" for yourself, your family and your loved ones the, grand privileges enjoyed hy others may be a source of keen regret to darken your declining years. THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE OF THE? WORLD Trotccts the whole family provides fre medical attention: pays sick and accident benefits; furnishes the advantages of Mooseheart. "The School That Trains for Life;" has club houses In nearly every city; furnishes financial relief for those In distress; obtains employment for unemployed; seeks to assist at all times. Think It over! Can you offer your family any more secure protection than the Moose offers to tho families of their members? Take advantage of -the SPECIAL INITIATION FEE OF S6!00 which has been extended until October 1. 1919. After October 1, the Initia tion fee will positively not be less than 810. For further information call, ' phone or write M. BLACIfat the . MOOSE HOME Phones Main 3929 and Franklin CLAIRVOYANTS lAeattd ay (as District of CoCuaofete MADAM STANLEY ROYAL 'GTPST PALMIST Reads your hand tike an open book; It is not necessary to mention all great and wonderful things Madam Stanley has and can do for hor patrons, her name and wonderful readings foths last 10 years In Washington will be a recommendation to all; satisfaction guaranteed; give her a call. Second floor front. 740 Sth st. N. W.. formerly of 1311 H N. E. 21 MADAAT B'ASHMAN, CONSIDERED THE MOST GIFTED CLAIRVOYANT IN AMERICA. Will help you to decide what is best for you to do In love, business, marriage, di vorce, changes, traveling; will tell you If you will marry the one you love, give you lucky days-and numbers. See her toaay. She can tell you lots of things ydu will be glad to know. Unlike ordinary people. Madam D' Ashman has possessed the ex traordinary power from childhood. MADAM D'ASHMAN, Room 33, 1301 Q st. N. W. Cor. 13th and G. Opp. Droop Music Stora. 20 ARTHAN, Noted Spiritualist. PLATFORM TEST MEDIUM. Gives readings dally on all affairs of life, tells everything, good or bad; best adviser. See him! You will make no mis tak. Tuesday evening holds spiritualist message seance in large hall. 509 G street northwest. In hts studios, 9 to 12 and 1 to 7 p. m. 1C MADAM PARKER GIFTED CLAIRVOYANT AND MEDIUM. If ydu are going to seek advice or help why not consult one who is well known, one who is here permanently J This gifted lady can tell you anything .you w!a"i to know or find out in business health ur family affairs. When and whom you will marry. What part of the country is best for you. What to do to be successful in lire. Removes evil Influence. Tell haw to win and hold the one of your choice. Sat isfaction or no charges. Readings. $1.00. 1211 E st, N. W., between 12th. and 13th. 16 MARTHA SPENCER, ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST DIS TINGUISHED PSYCHIC MEDI UMS. PALMISTS AND LIFE READERS This lady's reputation is world-wide and her advice of the most reliable kind; without a question will (ell the object of your call, will advise you on all business, changes, speculations, in vestments, divorce and how to become reunited to husband, wife or friend. There . Is no heartache or sorrow so great lime. Spencer cannot help you with It. or help you to decide between the right and wrong courses of action. It will pay the skeptic or doubtful to consult this gifted lady whose 18 years successful practice in Wash ington Is a sufficient guarantee of her efficiency and ability. Hours 11 A. II. to F. M. Studio, 924 14th St. N. W. MADAME VICTORIA EGYPTIAN PALMIST AND MEDIUM. Can tell you anything you wish to know or And out in business, health, and family af fairs; tells you the name of the lady or gentleman you will marry and when you will marry. Have you found the one you have bestowed your affections upon acting cool or distant .toward you? She can tell you If the one you love is true or false and tell you how to win and hold the one of your choice, tells you what business and what part of the world is mvst lucky for you and advises you how to gain and hold a good position; the brings the separated together; makes happiness between man and wife. The Madam can tell you If any body has put bad luck or evil Influence on you and she can tell you how to take It off. The Madam can tell you the cause of your troubles and how to avoid them. Can advise you In divorce cases, when to specu late and whete to locate. This lady does not tell to please you, but gives only truth ful advico you can depend on. Satisfac tion guaranteed or no charge. Readings II. SZ3 7tn st. x. w. 15 RIZPAEI ELDON CLAIRVOYANT MEDIUM. Knowledge of the future U cover for the present, and clairvoyance gives knowl edge, nizpah Kldon Is one of the world's noted mediums and palmists, she stands alone in her profession. As a scientific palmist .he is accurate, as a medium sba gives names and descriptions of spirit friends, messages and information on all affairs of Alfe. family affairs, love affairs, business dTUls. mining and inventions. PARLORS Cor. 6th and G sts. N. W. Entrance 701 6th st. Hours. 10 A. M to 10 p. M. 16 MADAME ALLEN WORLDS GRKATEST PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT Guarantees to read pur entire life. past, present and future, gles true advice on business, lovr, qnd health, and family af fairs, tells the name of jour future hus band or wife, a nil what to do t$ oe a suc cess in lite: tells you what business is most lucky for you and what part of the world will be mere successful for you. advises how to gain and hold a good position, she tells if the one you ioie Is true or false, and causes speedy marriage with the one of your choice, brings the separated to gether: makes happiness between man and wife, she tells you the seerets of be ing happy and successful In anything you take in hand, her advl-e will remedy all obstacles and evil Influence. One iit to Madam Allen will repay you for disap pointments in all others, rausfaction guar anteed or no charge Special Readings, $1.00 812 F Street N" W. IB MES. JEANETT PALMIST. CLAIRVOTANT. Guaranteed to read your entire life, past. r resent and future She asks ncf questions, ut before you utter a word she tells what you called for. names of friends, eneml-s. tells bow to gain sucucess In business, health, courtship, marriage. d'orce. tells you what part of the world UJ be suc cessful for you; advises how to gain and bold a good position , she tells if tha ont you love la trua or falte. Are you :n trouble 7 Do you And the one you have bestowed your trust and affection wpon acting cool and Indifferent toward you7 She will remove alt obstacles and till you now io win ana noia ice one yon flea Ire. She reunites the separated, locates absent friends and relatives. Readings. 11-00. 09 7th St. N. W. (opposite 8aks & Co.) , PrHate Parlors. 16 PHRENOLOGY WHAT SHOULD I DO? Be advised by one who can properly ad vise you on health, love, marriage, busi ness, inventions, speculations apd all af fairs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. Hours. 9 a m. to S p. m. STUDIO 110 9th ST N. W. MME. RUTH Palmist. Phrenologist. Clairvoyant. It SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY Light on Life's ProblenTs Frank Theodore Allen. Director. Astro logical Research Society Life readings, by appointment. 2. Typewritten fore casts. SB UD.' Vocational Outdance and I Children's Horoscope s a specialty. 10S S I n. w. i'none franxjin mis, A.iMtn. ,r-o!c o --,..' w.iv.vjr .vwrwau uuui vmiuu ) SPECIAL WQT1CBS 2538 635 G Street, N. W. au!7-30t Special Party. Excursion (Personally Conducted). VO THE WONDERFUL CAVERN OF x LUEAY, VA. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1919. Leaves Union Station 8:15 A. M. Re turning leaves Luray 6 P. M. .r . .SPECIAL TRAIN. J5.00 Includes railroad fare. lunch, dinner, admlsilnn tb cavern, guides. Res ervation!! should be made immediately by phone, letter or In person. tram AGNES PURNELL. who will be at the PRINCESS CAFE. 1327 T st. N. W., 11:30 A. M. 1:30 P. M. and 4:30 P. M. 6:30 P. M. Telephone Franklin 6661 or Miss Smith, Evenings. Franklin 4S61. ' .20 LIMITED number of seats for Wednes day parade. Call Lincoln 4900 after 6. 16 WINDOW to view the pa rade; reasonable. Apply 363 Pa. ave. N. W. 16 A 1; SPECIAL MEETING of Plasterers and Ce ment Finishers, Local No. 96, Monday, Sept. 15. at 8 p. m., relative to taking holiday on Wednesday GEO, ROCK, Pres ident; E. P. FINN. Secretary. IS i ' ATTENTION CLASSIFIED AIVERTISEB3 A POORLY woroed. consaraptlv looking advertisement baa very little pullinc power. . If your ad is not pulllnp the maxi mum amount of results ther la s reason. We have employed trained men whose buplness it is to make classified ads pay. They have made a thorough, tituy of " classified adver tising not only in Washington but In other InrirA plr It -will tint obligate you In any way to have our representative can on you. we will not try to sell yiu anything. We' simply want to saow you bow an intelligent force can be applied to your business. PHONE THE TIMES Main 6260. Classified Advt. Dent PALMISTS Licensed by the District of Columbia. MADAlfR EPPY Genuine Egyptian Palmist. Reads pas!, present and future. Satisfaction cuaran teed. 924 Fa. ave. N. W. . 16 IvTADATvfTC ZF,T,TA Looks accurately Into the farthest deDths of a human hand and reads the most deli cate and shadowed signs of one's life. A descendant of that famous Gypsy queen. Eella. who, more than a century ago, read the hands of crowned heaos of Europe. Madame Zella has practiced reading tha mysteries of the hand since a girl and has been taught by the most noted cf her Gypsy race Satisfaction guaranteed. 613 7th st. N. W 16 MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE North SS4S Winter Building Storage Moving, Packing, Crating and Shipping 600 Storngrc Roomi. for Iloaseksld Goodn, Ktc. 143S U Street a.W. seS-3Ct Smith's Transfer Storage Co. I'hanes North 3342-3343 Tour Furnltur Inaured Free For 1500 Per load Modern Fireproof Building. While on .completed about tan 1 1320 Our vana au2090t m STOUAOE i MONTH ROOMS 2 AND UP. Ixing Distance Moving. Packinc by Experts. Best facilities' for automobile oiorape. North 104. Union Storaee Co.. 705-9 FLA. AE. N. W. 411 3rd ST. N W. se4-90t Wii MOVE FURNITURE ANYWHERE Euburban moving a specialty. New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Packard and Pierce Aieow car used exclusively. Experienced uhito men in chara. Padded vans. THE BIG 4 TRANSFER COMPANY, 1042-1054 29th St. N. W. Phone West 18U For An Estimate. MOVING PACKING PADDISD VANS. EXPERIENCED MEN. Kurnltur. fThfn. wTi gfPflenced WHITE Mas, STORAGE yBIVATB ROOMS. " VlREPaoOFWATEOuIg W UN1TEU STATES 8TORAOBCO Wt 411-420 TENTH I ST. N. W " & PHONES MAIN 412. or FRANKLIN 3411 faZO-Mt MOSJ-PlL IP1" Phone M. 30103111 KREIG'S EXPRESS, 188 H st. N. W. STORAGE. PACK1NO AND SHIPPrNO. aulJ-U CLEAN, dry storage (er tsrattars pianos. tumataa csesrtully cli iTsa, WEBCIiLiSlfB. szs ta- ava. N. w. Pbom Main . Mt. Pleasant Auto Transfer. 1111 14th ST. M VO Iters Trunks. 'Baggaga and FarnltriraJ qaotral Hauling. ",fn .ft COJ COLUMBIA tjit-tt"! JtlSVtM filloHk n - in a 1 ' mm i TEXAS STORM LOSSREAC H HGURES HOUSTON, 'Tex., Sept 15. One man is known to have been drowned; prop erty damage is expected to run Into hundreds of thousands of. dollars; rail land wire traffic arc Interrupted, and 0i.' ..I..U u A&ACM3 UUU iUIVa U tb result 8f a recurrence of the tropical storm which struck tho Texas coast from Galveston to Brownsville yes terday. Loss is probably heaviest between Corpus Christl and Brownsyijle. The worst of the storm was believed over early today, wire lines to coast points west of Corpus Christl were generally down. Only communication last night were scattered Government radiograms. .It is feared many per sons may have been injured in the Corpus Chrjsti-Brownsvlllc district and the lower Rio Grande valley. Tho storm extended far Inland. Wind reached a velocity of fifty miles an hour. ' M'COIER CALLS . PACT FOES SELFISH (Continued from Plrst Page.) . those purposes are to be accomplished- "It Is regrettable that the consid eration of a matter so foreign to any kind of partisanship should be In fluenced in the country as well as on the. floor of this Senate by hostil ity toward, or subserviency to, the President of the United States. No matteF-how- just may be-any -antagonism against President Wilson, the aspirations and hopes of a wounded any bleeding world ought not to be denied because, under our Constitu tion, the treaty must first be formu lated by him. Sees Reversal of Policy. "Neither can one understand why a country whose whole history has been devoted to the advocacy of the peaceful settlement of international disputes is suddenly to have its pol icy reversed and to become in effect an opponent qf the only means that has ever been attempted to assure world peace. "There has been written Into this compact a gres.t underlying principle. which is the very soul of the agree ment, that the same code of morality whjch governs people in their relations to each other in every highly organ ized stato of the world shall govern nations in their relations to each other, "All of these purposes have been iffn,orcd Jnrthe majority report or treated with sarcastic disdain- or jingoistic contempt." Would Abandon Allies. "The committee amendments seek to compel the Uhile States to aban don, its allies," ho continued. "Most of the 'amendments proposed are those which eliminate the United States from any part in the conclusn and the settlement of this great war in which we took a most noble and conspicuous part," McCumber Baid. "The amendments would further prevent the United States from as sisting Poland, Czech-Slovakia, and other children born of the war." he asserted. "To my mind such attitude Is most selfish, immoral and dishonorable." LOWER CALIFORNIA TO BAR ORIENTALS CALENCO, CaL. Sept. 15. The northern district of Lower California was closed to further immigration by "Japanese, Chinese and Asiatics," In an order issued yesterday by Governor Kateban. Cantu. The order Is to b effective until the Mexican federal congress takes action on the question of immigration. WHERE TO EAT TERMINAL HOUSE 808 15th fcT. N. W. The only place for travelers. Rooms, $1 a day and up. defeat H. C L. by patron izing our dining room. 50c DINNER 30o 75c Sunday Spring Chicken Dinner 75c sel3-90t- Union Cafe 13th and K. Y. Ave. Jr. W. A TiA CARTE SEItVICE Club Breakfast, 25c to 75c Ijtwcheon, 50c Dinner, T5c OPEN SUNDAY AL1. DAY v Je21-90t LITTLE HOME K1MTAORANT. 1735 Pa. AVB. N. W. DELICIOUS HOME COOKING. aul3-St ir you live near tho Knickerbocker Theater you should EAT at tht WTOMINO CAFE. Prompt service. Rg. ular meals, also a la carte. Monthly rates, S125 11th st. N. W. aul5-0t Republic tafe j 3K P10-fllft F st. N. TT. j KE.UULAK DINNER jSi 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. and S p. m. Tt to 8 p. m. $2 45c to 70c 2s? Frnnklln 7757 Chinese and American Dlshra 1 . --).ti 1 1 , -gas DANCING MODERN D-A-rl'C-l-N-6 TAUGHT Prof. Cain, America's Foremost Dancing Master, can teaeh ypu In a few lessons If you Mn..$anF& TS5S!&?5 exclusively at the B1GHTWAY SCHOOL OF DANCING. 121S NEW TORK AVrT Only up-to-dato Dancing Academy south of New York. Private lessons any hour. 75c, ne4 not have appointment. Ph. Fr. 7564. B9-2lt GLOVEB, 13 22ndi nrlT. lessons, 70oi class closes until Sept. 30. W-1129, anio-tt JOSS CHAPPELBAB, rrlrate and class lessons, taught by ap .polntment. r Columbia J50S. 1193 Clifton st,N. . au3S!6t 1 HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES. HAVRE DE GRACE, Md.. Sept.. IS. Entries for fifth day; .TUeadajr. Septperaber 16: First Race Claiming, two-year-olds : six furlongs: aWeaew. 119; bPrecloss Pearl, 107: Sea Queen. 107; Pirate McOee. 107 Steve, 10S; aRockaree. 110; Yap hank. 110; Miss Horner. 107: Oaln De Cause, 105: bllldden Ship. 110: Boher Na Breona, 107; Punctual, 107; Sedceerass, 105. a Smith entry. , b Louis entry. Second Race Claiming-. Steeplechase for four-year olds and -uppwpard; two miles: Pioneer, Hit Onll Fllrht. 1J7; Miss Fay 142: Dorcrls. 144: Smosure. 124: 'Moni ker. 132; Candidate.-2d. 140; Otto Floto, 142. Third Race For two-year-old fillies; Seventh Race Claiming-, tareoryears flve and a half furloncs: Constancy, 121; olds and: up; oae mile and a sixteeafV 1 . . saiaaBHaBB pBOgajHtjakaajaojBfjajljasfji CstssBkiBslBaiB ( w Bm I ill mwM flmtrJlm Kin help you select, that school child. If further information Washington Times. ' ATTENTION, PARENTS' IN OFFICEl Care and -Mtnx-tibn of Yoong Children Wnose Pareajts are . ,m Government Service. A mother and former teacher will open her home on September IS fpr the care and Instruction of. a limited number of yean children attending school, public or pri vate. In tho absence of their parents, whose work In the g-orernment renders It Impossible to care for their .own. Refer- itnr ' Address 210 New Jarsoy-ave. n.w. Write J for appointment, or caiu .Keierences. s The Temple School v Shorthand. .TypewriUnc English. CiVn Service. 1417 G Street N. W. Phone Main 3258 - sa3-39t USARN mechanical EnkiaeeriB sad prac tical machinist: beginner wanjted. one month's lessons tree: "alary depends on ability. 210 2d N. W., -upstairs. M. 73S7. Gonzaga C.llege High Sckcol Under Direction of Jesuit Fathers. North Capitol and Eye Streets JJ. W. Military Prill under United States Army Officer. 9th Tear commences Monday. Sept. 15, 1J19. Send for Catalogue. aul-J9t George Washington University LAW SCHOOL CO-EDUCATIOXAI. Begias 63th Year Sept, 24. JS19. Uember Association American Law Schools Strict standards. Instruction by most approved methods. Maximum credit by other law school; Forenoon claasea 9 to 11 will be resumed. Afternoon clasaes, 5:10 to C:50. aad op tional early morning classes. 7:50 to 1:40, for employed students. Hours of instruc tion especially advantageous to students la Government employ. aulS-SU THE PEIRCE-CfcME SCHOOL OF NATURAL EDUCATION Kindergarten & Primary Grades Rhythmic liaadng Freaca Opeas Sept. 15 1 8 Dapoat Circle. Phone FraakllJi 3543. PBEPABATIOX FOB UJOVEBSm, lan guages,, mathematics, science: Civil Ser vice and consular examinations: bath sexes; moderate. COLUMBIA UNIVER SITY SCHOCLs J07 11th st. J W. sel2-fri,sa, The Catholic University 'of America Law. philosophy, letters and science, civil, mechanical", electrical, chemjcal Jtad architectural engineering, accountancy and business administration. - " ' Openlnc of fall term changed to JJeptem. ber 10. ADDRESS THE REGISTRAR. . auIT-JBt CIV1I. SEB.VICE SKUr-DiSTBrCTOB Prlca, SZ. PEARLilAJTS. 911 O St. N. W t-taSl-U Washington Montessori School Children's House, 1S40 Kalorama Rd. " Primary Dept. 1C25 35th St. CHILDREN" 39 YEARS OPAGE Children cared for until 5 o'clock. Rcoppns 7th Year. Wed. Oct. l'.191B. Apply ANNE J. BLACKWOOD, Secretary, West 34S eJ-30t ST. ALBANS The National Cathedral School for Boys Country Day and Boarding School. New open-air school room for boys 8 to 10 years of age. Reopens Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1319. Bishop of Washington. Presi dent Board of Trustee. William H. Church. Head Master. Fhono Clev. 470. sst.30t HOWARD UNIVERSITY. J. STANLEY DURKEE. A. M., Ph. n. President, EMMETT J. SCOTT, A. M.. LUD, Secretary-Treasurer. Registration September 37. 1913. Uni versity opens September 30, 1910. For further information, address THE HOWARD UNIVERSITY. Washington, D. C. au2J-3t LAKE SCHOOL blENQGBAPUX AND TIPEVVRITINO Best Courses Individual Instruction. 417-1 s Southern Bldg. Phony Main 7(1 S nsh-tr EDOUARD ALBION Late of Montreal Opera Company. Tettrailnl and Nordics concert tours. Special course In principles nf olce production as taught by Vincenzio Lombardl. Jean de Reszk. Studio 1814 O t. N. W. Phono Franklin 4716. ielSieSu-SOt Tlie Luela tiale-Barber School A special home and day school for young girls from 7 to IS years, special courses in music, tine and Industrial arts. 1114 Bel mont road N. W North 6737. Mary Oate Davis. Td. M., Principal seT-JOt fUTKML SCHOOL of SOCIIL RESEARCH Register Nonr. Clasnc- Started. Day and evening courses to mtst special neds of Federal employes as determined by surveys of educational preferences Classes at 10 and 11 a. m.. 2, 4, 5, 7, and $ p. m. Each Course Two Hour a Vek. . 1314 Mass. ave. N. W. Thou JUJn 540. War Camp Community Service Club. ss.iQt WashingJon Business College POTBBT WHITMQRfe, Props. Shorthand Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Civil Service a Specialty. 1SSI G ST. N. W. PHONB MAIN 3I7L stS-IOt irmsT GRADE Civil Rerleo examlnatloa . s...... nm.. n.inh,r 18: tiiltlan for entire course for this examination' IS. THE C1VII SERVICE PREPARATORT SCHOOU 8. E. cor. 12th and F iU Phoat FraakMa 20?0. . JyiJ'tx jAjturIta.'ll2:'My 33d0ta.ll: TTAtrJtMirsv us; Toacmatt. no; AUivas. ub: wmwbi Cake. H5; Martha XAoftett, lr Ytefet Tip. 110. Fourth Race-r-Hlcbwetfht Haadleap. two-year-elds and upward ; six furleBffa: Billy. Kelly. 123; bLeoaharea. 131; Pa toe Shower. 112; aWar Marrel. 120; Start' UnV. 122; Louis V. 110; bThe Porter. 1S FrankHn. lSft: Raleo. 103. a Row entry, b Schorr entry. Fifths- Race Three-year-olds; the Princeton purse; mile and seventy yards: War Marrel. 116: CUaaGoae, 104; War Risk. 112; Rapjiid Day, 104; Translate, 104. Sixth Race Claiming-. three-yer-o4s and up; one mile aad a quarter: Benevo lent. 114; Hauberk. 109;-'Daddy's Chelee, 10S: Osr.ii nf 1h Ra lilt Wtuknr. iws; vaispar. 107: ?. k. JJeai, 10. THE BUREAU OF SCHOOLS AND v OF THE WASHINGTON TIMES best .4qaipje& for the training, you desire for -yourself er for year than that gfyen below is desired writeto Gordon Granger of Tlfe. . ' " f EMElON INSOTtfTl Franklin 4483 3740 P St. J.W. DAT AND EVENING SCHOOL "Fall semester opeas for registra tion Sent. 20th. 19th. New classes be gin In all subjects Sept, 19th. College 1 preparatory, uovernment -Acaaeraies, TJ. K, Diplomatic and Consular Service. .WrNSLOW E- RANDOLPH, A, McD. CRATVEORD, Principals - Women's Deparfrnaat CLASSES -fiGTN, SEPT." 18TH Evening- school' only, prepares tor colleges and professional schools. NOT' CO-EDUCATIONAL se2-m Gregg, Barnes-Pitman. Bean Pitman, "and Graham Pltmatf Shorthand. Touch Typewriting, Bookkeeplar.' Sec retarial Courses. . Civil Service Courses prepared ay former Civil Service Examiner. Speed dictation classes three hoars dally, two hours In the evening. Individual and Personal Instruction la alt courses. Up-to-the-minute equip ment. Endorsed by Congressmen. Official Congressional Reporters. leading-business men and thousands of graduates. Booklet upon request. THE DRILLERY BUSINESS COLLEGE 817. 14th St. N. W. Phese Kala S598. Georgetown .University The Daw School - Session of 119-1920 begins October 1, .1919, at 630 p.'ic -, Law School Offices open dally from 9 a-m. to"5:30"p.m.'for refjlstratlonaad consultation. ' HUGH 3. FEGAN, M. A...IA. XX, Pa-D, AsaJstaat Deaa GcoTsetem Law Seaoel BaUdlax, S68ESt N.W. Telephone .M. 7S3. seS-SOt dm you see that 8pect4i, offer for a business education at a Profit to you in Sunday's times-? you may sttix enboix if you HURRY. - 15 George . Washington . University Chartered By Congress, 1821 Coeducational College Tear Begins Septem ber 24 Arts and Sciences, EQt-ineerlnff, Education, Medicine. Ientistry. Law. F14II day courses a6d late afternoon courses. QVer ope hundred classes in all colleg-e aad entrineerlnc subjects intet at 5:10 and 6:00 P. j CatalQxcreesj aad other fafes-saa- Telephone Yeft 18. i U 1 in 1 1 M,r United States College of VelcrinRry Snrgeona Opens September l$ti Day and EYeninir Classea. Four years course leading 'to the degree ol Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. College equipped with, every facility for study aott practical appjicatloti of Veteri nary subjects under trained professors. Study a growing 'prof essiqn In which thero I a. big and Inoreaalag demand for practi tioners. H. Stanley Gamble, D. V. S Daaa Call er write for catalogue. - 232 C Street N. W. Washington. D. C an32-m.w.f-i 1 1 NATIONAL SCHOOL FINE & APPLIED ART FELIX WAHONY, bJMCTOK 1500 PENN5YLVAMIA AVE. Opeas October 1st. Day and Evening Classes Bead Xor Catalog.. Mala 1789 (Kejrfatrr Norr.) xTe New Georgetown Prepara tory School, Garrett Park, Md. Boarding school aad country day seaoel for boys. Open .Sept. 1J. 1311. J earn t ays tarn of education and training. New build ings oa Rockvllle rd.. Garrett Park. Mt. tight miles from White House, Conaectad with Washington by B. A O, railroad aad by Rockvllle and 'Washington Street By. For further information, address OFFICE OF HEAD MASTER, ueorgetown Preparatory School, Garrett Park, Md. aalS-sn Tno Betctaa 2nd; 11; 84Ix Me, M: la Jta. 113; Old BHt Ba4r, lit: 3tsOr fcwmoC'in; B 3ttor. 1M; Xt Pleasantoa. 116; Mirsa. 116: Oata rSrassj. 113; Victtaato. lit; Jatk 3cl. !.. Ill; Fairly. 116; Prlneo ry. 1M; Pator PTlaee. 11; TWaL Jl; RWt, 111. AIM eMfftMe. Cat. ValenMne. lit; Oarba, HI; Fraak Bwkt, 11(; Grassaorc, HI; Weather, eteuedy; traeJc. faat. Five poaada asraaUva aHowaa olainied. t Tea Posada 'apfcreatteo aNewaaea olatmed for rraer. The Saattra Shode Stake for twv-yea elds; 110.8W added, eloses tAtaorrwW, Tueaday 16. 1919; to b ra Saturday, September a,1919. . Decorate, decorate, decsrate. Has art all the ttess 7hi have. Wak-iaa-tsa's cclehratlng; the ead of- tkta vfar Wedaeaday. COLLEGES .- I Prepqre Notb to help us aeet the great aa grrowiar demaad for 8teesrr phers, bookkeepers. Typists aaft Clerks. -UT TTniunial IsBJiIsAJut. aetlvltT "MM1 seats UBBsual opportnalUea . yeuagr mea aad yoimK yrjomtm t procure attractive posltto&a: Bariy registraties Is reaeeted. Stray,s Business College 9ta y.Streeis, wasafffea, j. c, Fully Accredited by the National Assoclatioa. of Accredited CoatCMr cial Schools. Branch School: Wasiagtoii Bosacss aid (M Sr?kc Sclmi v I317 JTew Yerk A-reaae P. J. HAR3CAN, Prlaclpal. Phoae,lala 3430 er Mala 4304. sei-iot WOOD'S) SCHOOL I 8. tpltel S4, ShortSaad TyjWritla Civil Serriee Beekkeep(BsT Paow-Wij-At ? first LocatteB. -r-Kratr ki -EffckwT . First tae iearts: : Jts S dents. Oar fastnictors hare ax sreraftf experieRcrtr of 12 years. If. yea are lBtereated m CItJI Service it will par ye ta sMt oar sew class sew feraiag. "No FaUores," Is the Metta ef 0a Teachers ' From 90 to 88 is the arenaf ailaiaed hy many ! Over lee Students Last Year. Rates r & meratas, day, aeei alxkt, Mfr 3ta, Year. TeL Llacela 3& au27-tf ' -m -3163 Me aad Wesaest last 7ssr ACCOUNTANCY Oldeat School la. City. -Dejcree-Graatlafir Powers. Prepare for C. P. A. or aeas. PREPARATORY a Accredited Basis. Day aad ug uniot 1 ajga seaoev. DRAFHNG Arealteetara 1,, Mechanical f S- Je a. COMMERCIAI- G rets; SaartaaadLSa per saa. HookkeeBlas;, Typctrri tteav Other Coarsea Bulletin Fnree 17366 SLK.W.V if A 1 Mail 1258 I lffaVall NATIONAL Cnr SCHOOL jn Fifteenth Street Northwest Gjie-half block north of Treassa Offers competent iastructloa la all depart ments, and solicits the patronage' of seriqua-mlnded students who are seeklas practical Bujiaess Training at a fair rata of tuition. gSL13',1 H KlXUf O. BOOK. KEEPING PRTVATE SECSETAKIAL Individual Instruction la Shorthand. Short-time Courses In Touch TypewrlUa ITvIow Classes la Arithmetic. Special Course In Business Letter Writlac Beglantnc Class It! Business Vocabulary Sngash Spelling Penmanship. Shorthand Dictation Civil Serriee. Students under 15 years of age not as cepted. No large classes only a ttmiteVS number of students will be earoHed fee each department. Day aad Night Sessions, 1$ ACCOUNTANCY Be" C.P. A. The highest paid profession taught thoroughly- in a few months of homa study tT new system, under tha galdaaca ot 11 C. P Aa. Iateraatioaal AeeounUats Beelsty. rranklla 403 a, ll Colorado SUft a-17-tf Washington College of Law, Co-EdocationaL Twenty-fourth year opens September' 3 at 7 p. m. TUITION. J75 PER AKNX7M. Sesalona at either :50 or :N p. saw ' Office hours. 10 to 5:30. i 1J17 NEW YORK AVS. Phono Mala 4515. aa33.4K MTJSICAL WASHINGTON -HgJ- Conn. Ave. COLLEGE NOW OPEN FREE SCHOLARSHIPS. Send for Full Iaformatloa. selOOSt t .. , 3 OUT-OF-TOWN SCHOOLS VIRGINIA. Wfflrjw Brwk Aczkmj A mod oris homo school for children. Offers a thorough physical, mental, moral, military apd musical traJa Ing tor college er business. Under Cart tlan masters. Located at tho baa of tho Blue Ridge, sear Washington. D. C Mod ern equipment. Healthful. Scenery beau tlful Vs., Bluezaoat. Address J. C 2atta Head Master. 1V 4 t