Newspaper Page Text
TffE WASHINGTON TIMES, MONDAY; SEPTEMBEft 15; liter 3 i i Wt BULLITT PEACE REPORT : WITH GRAIN OF SALT i HILL J. Fred Essary, WashiBgton cor Xpdent of the Baltimore Sun, in dispatch printed this morning, de clares "official Washington is n5t aow taking seriously the rather sen- vsapopal testimony of William C. Bullitt before the Senate Foreign Refetiwis Committee, during the; course of which the -witness be tnfoed what he himself admitted weie confidences of member; of the American peace commission, par iticalariy that f Secretary Lansing. At first, the revelations of Mr. Bul litt, were startling; continues the dispatch and no doubt would con tinue to be startling it " the cir Icusnstances under '"which "he testl fte'had been a HtUa creditable tS bisn, and to those members 01 the com ntfttee who staged -the wpuld-be tneju3drama and who now seem to hafe taken somewhat carefully re hearsed parts in the performance. As it is, the expesHres of Mr. Bui p&Z the most surprising of wbleh -wa the declaration cojSded the wit- fitli that Secretary Lansinzr hellfvd. sthlv "League Pt Rations,, tbfep use&siP; h map jne xseaace wetfi? reject that covenant n c ypaeratooa what . it if t meant, probably will be tfergotten in Great Expectations are tmare Unui reaMcetl -fat ftb&fe&SV.' . Soon to be nosed j V TSvaas Cbeceaa Beverage" ' A? "Bread sad Batter" bererae-e that S&eets every reQBkmes& of coed drinker jmbJI Pare Food sHovrers. I -$9Xptted by Ieedlar dealers in Washiafton. E. BETTZELL. 2IB Tenth lit. K. W. nWriurf0 ar VadillHu. "&--C4 i-i- 1 t, 4; I NONMHTOXtCATW I SIbsbpssssssssssssssbbP ft J ? A GOLD BRICK AND AN "EYEGLASS BARGAIN" BOTH BELONG IN THE SAME CLASS ' ... - Buying "cheap" Eyeglasses or Spectacles is a "penny wise and pound foolish" a simple case of false economy! , Castel- Berg Optical business is not ( founded on the idea of merely . selling so many pairs of glasses a day. Our interest in your eyes is personal co mplet e! Over thirty years' experience in -eyeglass making and per sonal optical problems is focused here. Of course, you may OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT Pay a little each week We'll be very glad to have yon pay for yoar Glasses the Conven ient Way a little evary week or so. It's a sensible way of baying, because at Castelberg's your Credit has the same purchasing ! power as cash. 111! II Ml II II - 'The Largest Wedit Jewelers in the World" ' 935 Pennsylvania Ave. N. W. a few days. One or two Senators, it is said, arc priming themselves for a further attack upon the peace treaty tomorrow or a little later, with the BulJItt testimony as the text, but the Intimations that Secretary Lansing might be impelled to resign are smiled at today. Surprise In Statement. One of the most interesting facts about the whole matter Is not the willingness of Mr. Bullitt to make public such official secrets as bis posi tion as an attache of the peace com mission gave him knowledge, but the apparent eagerness with which Secre tary Lansing, Colonel House, Henry Whits and General Bliss unburdened their souls to this young man- From his testimony it seems that every one of them rushed to him with their coSSdences and that only the Presi dent himself failed to appreciate the value of his advice or the wisdom of his judgment. The President has had .singular success ia sizing up nun. Perhaps he took the ambitious ycung attache's measure long before other members of the peace mission did. It might be of interest to cite the circumstances under which Mr. Bul litt appeared before the Senate com mittee. Xn the first place, the pub lic bearings upon the peace treaty were closed many days ago and the treaty reported to the Senate. Of ficially, the treaty no longer was in the hands of the committee and could not be considered by it unless recom mitted by action of the Senate as a whole. Notwithstanding all this, the committee, ojr rather a small hand ful of Republican members of that body, assembled to hear the belated witness, and carefully guided him in giving his" testimony. No Croast -Kxamlnatlon. There was not a Democrat present to cross-examine the young man nor even Senator McCumber, the Repub lican member who is supporting the ?iurii- An u result, that srroun bow known in Washington as J$e "wreck ing crewv pad ueir own way ana a witness who mjght ordinarily expect a savage .grilling upon cross-examination was handled with utmost ten derness. 2a fact, he seemed to be is company with Jd and sympathetic personal Xrieads who stood' ready to applaud his courage, his patriotism and his fine sense of personal and official honor." HUNTS GROUNDHOG, FINDS 'BLIND TIGER' J-TEW CAFTLfJ, FC Sept. 5. The result "of groundhog hunting here abouts promises to attract the at tention ot hunters U prcr the coun try. Antonio BaHini started the sport here recently and is so enthusiastic pver his first "bag that nothing else will interest him. Anioalo was. in troduced -to- the sport, when- he spied one of the anjraala dock into a. hole. The tu-aiir -pres t dig It out when "he caine apon '4 whisky eaC&e, aontaijajjag nbf. , - iWhen asked IT end the grsef4 hog, AstJOnio-stlfiThe forgot all about It.- - ' They yelled tpr tfceaa te Lose on -and- Wew Terlfe Skew these harm 9t the First Division tkat wlie U eosaes to wfcfga- aejaey Washing ton's get Enrepe mad Sew Terk beat eeMhirtar.v.rf . - --, 2-VBi"? 'rz V-"---v-'-i BI1 SIRED BY PREMIER'S PLEA LONDON, Sept. 15. Political circles have been greatly stirred b'y the re cent message voiced by Premier Lloyd George for the building up of a new world, and the novel method of Us distribution. "The Future." In which his roes age appeared. Is described as "a latlonal publication issued with Pre raiee Lloyd George's authority." It Is noteworthy that almost simul taneously the premier addressed to Walter Hume Long, first lord of the admiralty, a sort of personal apology to the officers and men of the navy for the "compulsory and ruthless re trenchment" Imminent In the navy, and his assurances that the necessity of dlspenslpg with the services of loyal men does not mean "any want of gratitude on the part of the em pire for what they have accom plished." Blghtly or wrongly, the premier's appeal is regarded as the signal of new orientation in the government's policy. "The Future," Is dated September. It has the appearance of a news paper but it is not marked number one, and there is no indication that there will be an issue number two. Immediately under the title in the following: "A government statement of national needs and of national policy." SHED FIRE CAUSES DAMAGE OF $100 Three sheds in the rear of 1004 to 1008 C street northeast were damaged to the extent of 5100 yesterday by STYLE HJ5AT- QUASTJE&? September 15 The - ' 1 r tfHstajBsw f tfc ksBBBBsKiBBBBBKe&SU&SBBBBBUrl SBSBV JbbbbbU'' f V$JX it?? JsVV Wlsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssar .ssiaiaBkk.w ssssssTl V a TlSt-Tr ; sT Ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbk9' ,r t si J ' h f jtf P m tasssw Should be selected where there is plenty of opportunity for selec tion. In the Young Men's Shop the Hat Department is not a "vermiform appendix" to our Suit Department, but a big, healthy, complete store in itself. Your hat is sure to be here. We have made extensive preparations this fall the assort ment of textures, colorings and styles afford an opportunity for individual selection that is unlimited. Every model is exclusive j but not expensive. $5 Arator (ink 34,000 Feet Intt Air, Finding Temperature 44 Below NEW YORK. Sept. 1C Taking the air to try out his apparatus, but finding conditions so favor able that he could not resist the temptation to keep going, Roland Rohlfs. testing pilot for the Cur tlss Aeroplane and Motor Corpor ation of Garden City, established at Roosevelt Field. Mineola, Sat urday a new world's unofficial al titude. The machine Rohlfs flew was a Curtiss "wasp" triplane, powered with a Curtiss K-12 400-borse-power motor. In one . hour his instruments showed an altitude of 34.000 feet. That was as high as his aneroid was geared to register, but his barograph allowed him some lee way, so for seven minutes longer he kept the plane's nose turned toward the stars. In that seven minutes he had gone 20 feet more. Rohlfs found the "temperature lid" at 34.000 feet. At. that point his thermometer reached its min imum of H degrees below zero. Seven minutes later, at 3&200, It registered 40 degrees below. fire of unknown origin. The blaze was extinguished by members of No. 10 Sngiae Company. Fire was discovered in the home of Mrs. R. E. Kelly, 188 Fourth etreet northeast, yesterday, but was extin guished before any damage resulted. I Children playing with matches la the cellar of the home oi yranK Stelzer, 4901 Thlrtenth street north west, is assigned by the police as the cause of a small fire yesterday after noon. No damage resulted. I3i32irS&ec$ STORE NEWS Truth and Nothing But the 3rzL Your Fall Hat 10 to We are also showing .the new importations of. the genuine Italian G. B. Borsalino Hats. The prices on these are $10 and $15. "LEI HI DIE IN 11 E NEW TORK, Sept. , 15. Sheriff Knott has appealed to Mrs. Anna Goldhaber to consent to the release of her husband, David Goldhaber, from Ludlow street jail. Mrs. Gold haber has written the sheriff a reply. In which. he saidr "I mean to keep jny htwbanl in Jail for life. if X can. I wouldn't care If he died there.-" Goldhaber was sued for separation, and an order for alimony was grant ed his wife. He failed to pay her al lowance. She then had Win arrested, charging he had threatened to leave New York and go to Chicago. Gold haber secured a bondsman, nut soon afterward the bondsman surrendered him. Since then, more than six months ago, he has been In jail. When the .sheriff, seat a deputy to see JJ,rs. Gold&aber she .paid: "Nothing doing for my husband's' release. He only wants to get out to run away or bother ,me. I hope he stays .there Xor life." "EXAMINES" 01, SHOOTS BYSTANDER While examining a revolver in the yard of the American Ice Company, Ninth and I streets southwest, yester-'J aay, tissue -o. Ulngaly, 32 I treet southwest, accidentally discharged the weapon, the bullet striking -George Perry, 1117 Sixth .street southwest. Perry was taken to -the Emergency Hospital, where it was Xound that fee was only slightly -wounded. jy 1319-1321 E St Troth r JAIL SAYS W F BTOS33 n't'THIWfl' ! W-taSfrML ; BAND CONCERTS .I Today at the' MARINE BARRACKS, At 4:30 P. M.. tr the 0. S. MARINE BAND, WriXIAM H. SANTELMANN, Leader. Karcfc. "With Sword and Lance," Starelc Overture, "Merry Wives of Wladar." ' Nlcelai Serenade. "Spring Moralar." Lacoma Suet for Cornet sad Tromboae. "A Night In Vaiea".....LaeaataI Musician Arthjtr S. Witcosb, Cornet Musician Robert E. Clark, Trorabona Excerpts from Sweethearts." IHerbert Waltz. "Poaauw&Jbehea". . ., . .Strauw "Polonaise MlUtarr" Chopin Grand Selection, 'Soaca of Scotland." - Lamp 8 Marines' Hyan. "The Halls of Moatesama." "The Star-Spangled Banner." By the XT. S. SOLDIERS' HOME BAND. At the Bandstand, at 6 o'clock. JOHN S. M. ZIMMERMANN. Director. March. "V. S. Field ArtUHA" Soua Overture, Staat Mater' fc Meeeadaate-ftosainl (Br request) Descriptive, "The "Warrior's Pream." Voelker Scenes from Eileen" ...Herbert Fox Trot, "I'm Golnjr to Break That Mason-Dixie Line" ..Sc&Wartz Valse Movement, "Naila".....Pelibes Finale, "Mother, Here's low Boy!" Morse "The Star-fpangled Baaaer." Notice The concert n Wednesday, the 17th, -wiM te omitted, owing to Pershing Day celebration. 1 : BANK CA1X ISSTJEB. The Comptroller jot the CarreBcy today announced & bank call for cob- ditlon of banka as of Friday, Sep tember 12. STTLB HSAS- CCASTZRS. September 15 Use The In r . - ' - ty; .: : c V ft JL "- , Sv . . S- ..--T j. ,, -tfttv'- r.' ?r '". W4 r ' vU I. . v . xt t ) 1 i Thp rflsfinrtivft SIOCK as ltrgC as excellence at such DECORATED ROCKS PUZZLE SCIENTISTS SPOKANE Wsb Sept. If. Whether painted ayjnboJA a the rocky banks of the Columbia river, in Klickitat county. Wash., Are Jtfdian symbols, or whether they are the records of early Teutonic explorers is to be submitted to experts ot the Bureau of Indian Affairs at Wash ington, D. C for their verdict. That the pictures are fragments of early history of fbe tribesmen of the Pacific Northwest kr the belief of W. S. Lewis, secretary of the Eastern Washington Historical Society. The theory that they are the writ ings of European travelers of many hundreds of years ago is held by Oluf Opsjon, a student of archeology, who resides at Diaham, near this city. STEEPLEJACK TjOSES NERVK. NEW YORK, Sept, 15. Charles Perkins, neryy steeplejack, who painted the Singer building flagpole and scaled feuUdiaga, will climb no more. .Gassed while in the A. E. F., Perkins nerves require less daring work. STORE NEWS Truth ad Nodsoc But d BSBsVBSr SA8.aT SSBBBBBsftSBBBBBBBBBBBSBsJ New Note Fall touches that unmistakably stamn "l - -r ssssr .dfe. BMHO fsssP'aBaMsBF' -4 "'" -IKbbsbsIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 1 I asssssssssssssssssHKslssssssssssssI : ; IT 4 I - sssssssssslsssssssssssasBsssssssssssK ' ia ft t - I' 'SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBraW&KBBBBBBBBBBBSH ' i v J IT ' ssssssssssssPVssssssHsssssssssssB m-&1 ) .' j. BBBBBBlBBaKCjL - SBBBBBBBK3IBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBH Jt J - asssssle9sssBissssssssssssl SSl'-'i' '-l ' UMMmM Sri ''' : aiHaffH5i..i......H vw i '"' ;i: sssssssHEflsHissssssssH '" 1 I ; ssbbbbbbbrsPbsbs9bssssbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 'f-.f ' J r ' bbbbbbbbsbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI - I fill sssssssssssssssssssssssBssssssssB ':' ' I sssssssssssssbsIPbsssssbIssssssssI rr--" ssssssssffBslsssssssssssssI ' ''-' J SBBBBBsHF HffBBlSSSSSSSSSSSSSsI ''' X - f ' SssssBKaJt' Mm, Wssslssssssssssl i'j "'''' "'4 BBBBBBBsfaF JSsBBr JBSSSSSSSSSSSSsI .';"- . ? BSSSSSSsKJBr-JBSSSSSSSSSSSSSsi ; It $' - ' sssssssssssssSssVJsssflssssssssssssssssI " -'--' ' t''1 BSssssssssHssV JPsssssssasssssB ? J3& I ' TsssssssffBMsssssK fr- , W" i''',t5f::!4.r"' tsSBBBBBBBBsP3BSBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl V - X? - 'X A. SSBBSSr jMjflJtSMHBBSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSt ' ' n yHssssssssssslsisssssssssH ' --' it sVssssssssssssssssssssTbssssssssssH ' '" ssssssssssssK sssaew 3- ' j.A' IsssssssssH - ' -W I '''k - BssssssssH I sssbbHBbH ing; models that are fashioned for young bloods; fabrics and ;J patterns that have been selected with a discriminating eye r" such you will find here at I- Lv $A( and It is perhaps needless to point 'out that it has. taken many months of careful preparation i'o -He able to present to you. ay . ; X tuna, uj; iu. mc iuumj; incu o ouup jioiiuaiu vi'.' t- i- a remarkably low price range. 1HAN,78,IUID " CROSSING TRAd Four Injured In ColUdoB B. tween Auto and Ctja- Onei nan was kiBed and tome bobs were injured in traffic ciesjfc4 in and near the cy yesteMay. While eroseiBg the traa-ka ot tiMf Washtegtea Railwcy and EleetsU Compaay at the Konnteg power plaa yesterday John Setter, vety-eigh years eld, ef 638 Tfttteeatfc ateJ nertheast. iraa atrack y a -sAtaet; ea and alaest -tesaatly fced. SeUer waa takf t CaJty Hm . pital in a paastng autoobUe, whersf "he was preBOtwced dead, coronesjf Nevitt wll Held aa umpu-k ever u body at the District morg-ae thia aftette noon. Four pecsoss wce JtaorHl in col listen between the assteBfle In which fcr wre ridtes; aad . street car of the Capital TraetSe-a Company at Twenty-sixth, street aad PeimaTl vasla a.vBiue northwest yejrterday. Waxdsfi Tarvii- .ef BolMswr FleHL operater of the BtatwOe; Umw Waltars, M13 JDmMHtvrtega wmsne, mm hia wife and child were an case xm Emergency Hospital alight istfarie. Trnih master -faflor-- If J i r&txbc ztom "W if i i . , ; ! mp i i . ' . x ''4 if ! -i :? ;' . - ' '' SiEiSfcl B St W - . . r " i " ir .;., " - At m at S w. 7 I t I ''- i him s