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Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON TIMES. TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 16, 1919.- &RAZY KAT CepjrirAt, 1919. International Feature Serrice, Inc. Ecxiiterel U. S. Patent Office. ;- JERRY ON THE JOB '- CD Ll mi i i i i i m . . x s IT4ltfrTW ) iVVftOIGl W v A3ot ir 9j&r&. ' '" . ', . , ' . . . ... v -nr.- . . Ccnyrlxnt. 1819. International Feature Serrice, Ine. 8eUtered T7. 8. Patent Office. r He Slams This Bird a Verbal Wallop ,iw"Ma p " mm"m m ' - . A nLAjw-7. ., -9l: - - H J Tmj&tmiBhi mF&m 3TBCldS!i33Tt" w - 1- fTiWflyfP' fw-. ABIE THE AGENT (fc''lwrws - ''i. D - ABS VBWBVE , OF W KU- KttT, 10.7 lOWTttT 9rCE, B CHIEF SrWwTttH ftttftBtir: . sswE iws subpoena y - onum,jika: : s?Hfi Ccpyrtjbt. 101D. International Featcre Serrice. Ice Keststered V. S. Patent Office. 7 Abie Doesn't Know That the Law Pays the Carfare . mm ll mi I i rm ni .twKVK iic C3: "Tuc UCYftdgR. 1 r-., -s- . jgr POLLY AND HER PALS CcpjTlSkt. 1V10. Neirfnaper Feature Serrice. Inc. RezUttrcit U. S. Patent Office. Great Britain Blent Bcterred. , Whaf s a Bump to a Loving Heart? iHil ll j; ?? THEN THE FUN BEGAN -CepyriCBt. 1819.' International Feator Serrice. inc. " - " - mwifiBccmrts ;- hlR.' KORK. fe$r fei'. V I j IT J ' v it -'tiyp-f fp TZJTc7'77 -J VlL-K k iea 'WV04K N'SSW atA ' W r KJ Sm VMAT A toDdDfcRfclA t. JKS JJ l JM2.,T i T.taI V Mfe: Au' "Tm.' Aiiuni it-c rt .w-m AtooAJ. flLH ft if- r - LlSTfeAl. Cm. H4vfeAlT VCO A MCSToRlAloa OP.. $OM&tiit4lCr " V. l3a&T Wtow -?6sx C4Rfe A$A MACmMt G0)2$. LfeT '.&, GO 7-A-W Moffc fimni.bS. . I .' .J.-ruit0y. ? 3wfe . wrmk - i "g rrr-ia u-vi.yr. r - ssvmrfjm ' -H.qB awt. i '' i ssfflire4S??iKH. iy," Bpi- This flfcttfc. J4S vJJ Wv& ViOUR. IDfeJJ HRT' ; I 'BfeLlJfei t T jS5 S RTy 'akUSMP; 'e ggr.sig..,j US BOYS THE GENERAL CopTrtsnt. 1919. International Featsrv Serrice, Inc. -jT RoT-reE J-yfX IZhjiL S5cH3 --" ki. JL (1) A W VJP OR J s, ooviij ( SKINNY 5HANER., C SK1WNV SHANER. SKINNY SHANER i'.U Cenrrlstat, 1919, International reatnre Serrice, Inc. Retictered U. 8. Patent Offlee. ' Something Doing on Our Block QzT IWHATfj TAYIS KEBTAXIS KEE SKINNY SHAN5R CiOr IKTO IT R$HT IN r FRONr OF HIS HOOSE. ( AMO IT WEMr DOWN k THE STREEr-TAYlS KEBl v.. I? -KJATl Auu? j C - IS THAT AaT- GEC WHIZ2 WHAT oio Ydv wArir IT TO 00, R-y i r ir iTi.ow p 1 jT '-,' "1 4-6 loMSATftVA-t VAM, WHO ISJLLIN. A SWSLL SAMATARllUA W OFTOVWM WflSHKO TO HAVJC SWUNY SHANER OlSir HM. SO HH SlfAPL7 StKT A TAl TO SKWNYS H0U3J IM OUR AiEKSHBORHOOQ, .viE Awr useo To seeih" QUYS STEPPlN IKTO TAXIS, SO IT 60RTA UPSETS DS. PLEASE a eyGose the yoonc? mams excitement; HE'S A GOOO FEUOltf IJMOER.QROtNARY CR- D COMSTANCS, BUT YOU KNOW HOU) IT K5, HS JUST BUOUJS UP OCCASSON ALLY. r.M- HON AND DEARIE Copyright. 3919. Iotfrnatlonsl Featurs S.rilce. Inc. Hon Will Know the Meaning When He Goes to Work a -tr, JJW m 4& ? TtH"V yswa a Toi liST&V5EM 5c 1 1 WJ260T TO KISS DEAIS 00OD Tl fPZ OOH! FATHEB'S nTTAZ" WWHT-50 I'UE (JPITTHK3 A LOT OF fcfc- -.B 0 IW DEAR1&3 N. X, FOpiioTTO KfSS IV AUStoER.- A FIBE" I BKtSSES OM THIS PAPER. -111. M2AP IT HSnHHH CoOM" Y30 GOOD WK3HT- jB PAIL- 8uT WHAT M WmammmAZDuuD ) stome PPSIHIH StT C t&T these do uudl H does she meaki I V4ud toss it imto Vyx7E - Mmm TO-MoeeoWWiaHT. K FIRE"5 J HOW DO THEY DO IT? CopTflslit. 1319. Interaatlor.alFtature SerTlre, lnr. Still, You Can't Deny It's a Change ARtloT ?' I Xk Kabibble Kabaret NfftYlT TO GET ftvJhy TRon Trt. Souilb of ft VOKftN S VOICE ftttO VOO 5ft Y V0U't LIKE. TO "STftY .ftT SOME NMorAS colony voTt yoou UEsER. cc ,n pQN j. .C J5W F - ' ,i 1 . . i 4 j 1 tJS gy M,,ir-" 1 7 li-txu " J vyyZ gm$g HSZm i J BSIV idJW fJ V'' TcctfhMGE "Post CftRti'S L.'E.fHG ftCW oTrtcK To "BElEvE TKT TE.y ftfc.E vEuy Aucn vTrEHsnrED H- THE fVSCttVTtCTuftE. Of TrtE SPtCTWE YhCSTicrtMS TovU4s Aib Socrt . 1yce tARS B.TmHKS TtlhT "&WV S GETTMG ft 3oofc "rEST c Mt "Bai ftiovo5 TftT Trtt nres IS TUVEXirtG 1 eoMrOKvTy- "S5r jl. m Pi KvS 111 mzm&Bi v-i . fee "But fts f iHTEYi op Ther-rc-ETPt -t aJLU.1 7r4W777 SSGSflHBMIfAViYA mmmmmm rk '. r w taatfesal rto rl. le-lU . . ftumx Oaem. VW'WO IM WS PKV-UJWST 00 VOO Aosse ? , MOS WPTIC iAV DM0W ttlAJUE U)WiV PW2E BE SHOP-T iti US AUAMNy.1 'dife iijjww .ii ' ' ' - ' mmm rmmmmm"mmmammmmmmm