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THE WASHINGTON TIMES. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1919. 16 t REAL ESTATE Advertising Classified FOR SALEHOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALEHOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALB Price, J8.S&9. Jn the Bloom Ingdal section; owner occupying house H1 give immediate possession, a well ballt six-room and bath brick house, all the rooms are large, heated wjth hot water, having a good lot to paved alley Jrtth room for garage: easy term of sale. BOSS &. PHELPS. INC. I486 H St. S. W. I"OR SALE Price. J8.50B. a popular square on the Heights, colonial type bouses, having eight rooms, two baths, hot-water heat, electric lights, oak floors. Instantaneous hot-water heater, sleeping porch. Owner leaving city will sell on terms of Jl.SM cash and monthly pay meats. Possession at once. BOSS & PHELPS. INC 1466 H St. X. W. FOR SALE Price, JlS.SSe. in Chevy Chase, a little off of Connecticut avenue s most complete home, twe-atery and ttle eight room house having slate roof, largo porches, heated with hot-water, un usually large living room with open flre jilaee. oak floors, and the whole haute in perfect condition. The lot is 56x118 to an alley with room for a garage. BOSS & PHELPS. INC. 10 H St. X. W. TOR SALE Price, U.Ov. conveniently located downtown house west of 16th street; there are eleven rooms, two baths, electric lights, and a garag'i. The bouse has been newly painted and papered and is screened throughout. This house has a first floor kitchen and is thoroughly mod ern and up-to-date. Possession at any time. BOSS & PHELPS. IXC I486 H St. X. W. 3FOR SALE Price, 6.788. in Pet worth, terms of $1,888 cash and monthly pay ments. A well located six room and bath brick house having hot-water heat, elec tric lights, good back yard with room for Karage. This is a most salable house. BOSS & "PHELPS. IXC I486 H St. X. W. FOB SALE Price. $8,668. in Mt. Pleasant, Just off from Ifth street, convenient to 11th and Ktv Pleasant car lines; a two story six room and bath brick house hav ing hot-water heat, two-story rear porches, good yard to wide paved alley aad having" a large garage. The location and the house will interest you. BOSS & PHELPS. IXC 1466 H St. X. W. FOR SALE Price. J12.666. ia Chevy Chase a fine location and a most complete heme; fully detached bouse ef attractive appearance, having eight rooms, two baths, hot-water heat, electric lights, porches, open fireplace in living room and there is also enclosed sleeping porch and a built-in garage. Possession given In 16 days. .. BOSS a PHELPS. IXC. 1466 H St X. W. FOR SALE Price. $7,596, on Rock Creek Church r6ad; colonial type, two-story house, having four bedrooms, heated with hat-water, baring osk fleers, electric lights, porches, deep lot to alley and there is a gartge. Terms of J1.S88 cash aad monthly payments can be arranged. BOSS ti PHELPS. IXC 1466 H St. X. W. iOR SALE Price. 37.2E0. la Mt. Pleasant. Just off from Park road, where Immedi ate possession will be given; a two-story house containing seven rooms and bath, feur bedrooms on second floor, hot-water heat, good lot with room for a garage. House Is In flae condition. Reasonable terms of sale. BOSS & PHELPS. IXC. 1466 H St. X. W. TOR SALE Price. $6,968. la. Columbia Heights, convenient to 11th aad 14th street car lines; ja. semi-detached house, aids aad rear yard; there are four large rooms on first floor, four bedrooms ea sec oad floor aad a big attic. The house is la first class condition; occupied by an owner and possession will be given. BOSS &. PHELPS. IXC 1466 H St. X. TV. FOR SALP Price, 816.S66. in Saul's Ad dition a corner house, central hall plan, two stories and attic, large living room with open fireplace, hot-water heat, electric lights,'' oak floors, unusually large perch off from living room; possession at once aad reasonable terms ef sale. BOSS & PHELP& IXC I486 H 8t. X. W. TOR RALE Price. "17.358. just oft from 14th street, a little north of Park read, one of those attractive six-room aad bath colonial- brick houses, having electric lights, inlaid floors, large porches. Lot is 28xabout 166 to an alley with room for garage. This property is etear aad rea sonable terms of sale can be made. BOSS & PHELPS. IXC 1466 H St. X. W. FOR SALE Price. JS.858. a mighty at tractive two-story real eight-room house, having hot-water heat, electric fights, hordwood floors, glassed-in steeping perch aad a garage. Let is 2Sxl2- Teu should see this house at once. It is hound to be sold quickly. BOSS & PHELPS. IXC I486 H St. X. W. FOR SALE Price. 87.468, In Mt. Pleasant,, convenient to the end of car line, a Well-built three-story brick house, having nrne rooms and bath, five bedrooms, hot water heat, two-story rear porches, paved alley la rear. Convenient terms ef sale. BOBS & PHELPS. IXC. 1486 H St. X. W FOR SALE Price. S5.S86. la Columbia Heights, aear the end of the 11th street car line, a modern two-story six-room aad bath brick house: lot 146 feet deep to paved alley with room for garage. Owner leaving city will give prompt possession nd sell on terms of $1,660 cash and monthly payments. BOSS & PHELPS. IXC. I486 H St, X. W. -HOMB6 OF HOMESr 11.12.72,15.16 Elegant, conveniently ar ranged sew houses of six large rooms aad bath, porches front and rear, double oak Coors up and dowa stairs. Hot-water heat, open fireplaces, up to the minute electric lighting fix tures. Convenient to the cars. Moderate prices and terms. See sample house, 114 Varauaa et- X. W.. Petworth. K HOU I J T Tit ltth i HOWARD & HINES, IXCORPORATED Tit ISth at. X. W. Franklin E8K. Jrl-tt FOR COLORED Of the Better Class SUBURBAN HOMES See GLKNDALE, v. C, the suburb of urtisUc hemes, wide streets, schools adjoin ing property Only O blocks from the Capi tal. Some choice lots can be bought for iZJO ach: ts cash aad IS per month on each lot. We will build your house Two 5-roosi bun- 1 calows at X3.:v eacn. xsne casn. sie per month. Will be ready to occupy in 30 days. One beautiful 6-room house. M.W); J600 cash, sM per month; will be reedy la 66 days. Our representative oa the property every day until 4ark. Take H st care marked "District jjise" to th street northeast. Walk south jjjto Glendale, D. C. IRVIN & SHANK, 1410 G'St Main 3908. anf-tt JOHN F. DOXOHOE & SONS. INC., 314 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E. Lt Us Submit Our List of Homes aad Investments Before You Purchase. mh27-tf Rockville, -Md. Houses. S-reera modern 311,000 32-room ......... 7.000 25-room, medera ... S.OOO S-roora, modern .000 9-roora ..... 8.890 je-room . 2.760 -room ................... z,36w Srcom ........- 1.4W9 7-room ................ 3.1 bu U-reom 4.868 9-room ........... a.svO C-roora 4,606 GEO. F. HULL. Real Estate, Rockville. Md. 16 " FOR HOMES AND IXVBSTMEXTS -See MAHORNKY & SULLIVAN They Know Washington." fKJkir York Are, TeL Mala 78 ZL J" J17-Mt ALLAN E. WALKER & CO., INC., 813 15th St. N. W." On 16th Street South of Florida Ave. 3-story brick, 11 rooms, J baths. H. W. H. Front and rear porches. Electric lights. Price, $17,000 11th, North of Monroe Street 3-apartment building. Mod ern and complete In every detail. Corner alley. Room for garage. Renting on basis of $111.66. Price, $12,500 Near 18th & Kenyon Streets $11,500 Modern and comparatively new residence containing 10 rooms. 2 baths. Hot-water heat, electricity, garage, etc Immediate possession. On G Street Northeast, ' Near 7th S-story pressed brick dwell ing. 7 rooms, bath. Latrobe beat. A bargain at $4,000. $500 Cash, $37.50 Monthly Another on G Street Near 12th 2 stories, 6 rooms, bath. 2 rooms deep, ideal arrange ment. XI ce lot to alley. A real bargain In a substantial ly built home for $8,760. Attractive Nearly New Home In Cleveland Park $19,000 , Vacant. Keys at office. 10 rooms, 3 baths, porches, com pletely screened. Owner has left city. Must be sold. ALLAN E. WALKER & CO., INC, 813 15th St. N. W. Phone Main 426. BEAIi -ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES Sl.500 SOUTHEAST SECTION Near Xavy Tard and Marine Barracks; brick dwelling, centalnlag six rooms, water, sewer aad gas; two-story cel lar; white oeeapaaay. MAHORXEY St SULLIVAN $3,500 XEAR FLORIDA AVE. Desirable heme la splendid condition: convenient to Xerth Capitol aad Florida Ave. car Maes, six rooms aad batli: neat bay-window treat. 13.860 refused for this house five . ars age. ...,. UAHORXET tc SULLTVAX. $3,650 FOR COLORED. Two-story aad cellar, bay-window brick dwelling, aear 14th and R Sts. X. W., six rooms aad bath; easy terras. MAHORXEY & 8ULLIVAX $6,450 BUNGALOW k Woodridge, D. C Detached bungalow; five rooms, bath, attic, cellar, modern heating, etc; possession. MAHORXEY & BULLTVAX $6,500 DOWNTOWN SECTION Xear (th and L Streets; 9 rooms and bath; brick dwelling: furnace heat; 3 story and cellar: well built. MAHORXEY & 8ULLIVAX $6,950 SUBURBAX HOME In Rhode Island Avenue Xortbeast; six rooms and bath; attic and cellar; laundry; servant's room, etc; hot-water heat; large shade trees: possession. MAHORXEY & SULLIVAN. NEW HOMES We have a number of new homes In course of erection that will be ready for occupancy in from one to six weeks, which we will offer for sale at from $7,656 to $8,500. Same inclnde detached brick dwellings and detached hollow-tile bunga lows. Let us show you these properties while In course of construction. MAHOBNEY & SULLIVAN, SOS XEW YORK AVE. Tel. MAIN 7SM. "See Mahomey & Sullivan They Know Washington. IS S9.750.00 West of 14th Street A thoroughly modern home; heated by hot-water: 4 bed rooms: deep lot to alley, never occupied, immediate possession. $8,000.00 West of 13 th Street A 3-story and cellar brick. 9 rooms and bath, a chance to secure a good home at this low price. $7,500.00 Petworth Home Be sure to see this; a modern home at a moderate price; 6 rooms and bath; hot water heat, electric lights, alley. $6,850.00 Overlooking Soldiers' Home Modern 6 rooms and bath heme; oak floors; hot-water heat, electric lights; ga rage. Immediate possession. $4,750.00 On M Street N. W. A semi-deatched heme; 7 rooms and bath; white locality; convenient to Gov ernment departments. $3,750.00 Attractive .Bungalow In the northwest suburbs; a pretty little home: convenient to 14th street cars; good-sized lot. $3,150.00 For Navy Yard Employe A chanee te secure a splendid little home at a low price: two-story and cellar brick; 8 rooms and bath; good front and back yard; half square from cars. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO., 107 Fifteenth St. X. W. MIS Phone Main 426. In Chevy Chase Price. .$12,500 A house of distinction; de tached; beautiful lawn and grounds of exceptional slie: 10 rooms and 3 baths, hot water heat, electricity room for garage. Immediate pos session. Near 18th and Lamont Sts. Price. $11,500 Houses in this select neigh borhood are rarely for sale: 11 rooms. 2 baths, hot-water heat, electricity. Immediate possession. In Cleveland Park -Price, $13,500 Xlne rooms and bath, hot water heat, electricity. 60 feet front, room for garage, beau tiful shrubbery. Owner on premises. Quick possession. In Chevy Chase Price, $8,500 Detached bouse of 8 rooms and bath. Hot-water beat, electricity, room for a"".?; Owner on premises and will give quick possession. Near 18th and Columbia Rd. Price. $12,000 A very attractive bonse: rooms and bath, ht-water heat, electricity, gas. large lot. Immediate possession. In Mount Pleasant Price, $8,000 A home that will be quick ly sold. Let us show It to you before it Is too late. 10 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electricity. selO-tf $8,500.00 On Sixteenth Street S rooms and bath on two floors; good tot to alley; a chance to secure a home on this beautiful street at a low price. $7,750.00 In Petworth Overlooking Soldiers' Home grounds; 6 rooms and bath: sleeping porch; hot-water heat, electric lights; deep lot to alley; POSSESSION given by owner occupant; built by Gruver. $7,500.00 Near Kansas Avenue Attractive Petworth home; heated by hot water: electric lights; 6 rooms and bath; two-story back porch; paved alley; owner occupant will give possession. $7,150.00 A Northeast Home Located near an avenue; 6 rooms and bath; heated by hot water; electric lights; every modern convenience; paved alley; VACANT. $6,250.00 Near 4th and B Sts. N. E. IMMEDIATE POSSESSIOX; excellent condition; 8 rooms and bath; heated by hot water; wide lot. $3,750.00 8th Si, bet. B and C N. E. A pretty little home; two-story brick; 6 rooms and bath; attractive terms. $3,000.00 In the Southeast A two-story-and-cellar brick; concrete cellar; good front and back yards; close to cars; convenient to Xavy Yard. Wm. H. Saunders & Co., 807 15th St. X. W. 17 5 Room Frame, 5th St S. E. Now occupied by white tenant; water. sewer, detached on large lot. 20 by 105. Price, 81.600. Large front and back yards. Columbia Heights 703. 70S. 707 Harvard St. X. W . 6 rooms, bath, latrobe. room for garage. Price. 82.500 each. 8500 cash. 750 Columbia Road, 6 rooms, bath, fur nace, concrete celler. colonial front porch, alley. Price, 83,750; $750 cash. Vacant Mt. Pleasant Home Semi-detached brick, 6 rooms, bath, hot water heat, lot 35 by 140. to a paved al ley. Price, $7,360; terms. , Beautiful Chevy Chase Home VACANT Detached, on lot 60 by 50. contains 10 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, gas and electricity, room for garage, has to be seen to be appreciated Price, $13,600: $4,500 cash, balance $100 month. Including In terest. 9th St. Business Property Below F St. 2 stores and one large room above, total rents $615 month: own er repairs roof only. Price; $72,600; lot. 35 by 100. Attractive Home on Md. Ave. Northeast Semi-detached 2-story, brick. 8 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, sleeping porch, lot. 35 by 00. to a paved alley. Price. $9,000; $3,600 cash, balance 1st trust. Three 2-Story Apartments On Morton St. X. E.. convenient to Capital Traction cars; each building con tains 2 apartments of 4 rooms and bath each, renting for $1S month each apt Price, $4,000 per bldg., or will trade for business or residence. For a quick sale list your house with us we have custo mers for homes in all sections of the city. F. P. SHEEHY, 1410 G St Franklin 6117 eel4-tf THESE HOMES ARE SE LECTED FROM RECENT LISTINGS. WE HAVE MANY OTHERS THAT MAY INTEREST YOU. $7,000. An 8-room and bath detached house with rsarage. In the North west. Electric lights, "side porches. A bargain which can be bought on reasonable terms. Possession. $7,750. New C-'room and bath home in Petworth. Enclosed sleeping porch. Good wide rooms. The best buy In Petworth today. Rea sonable terms. $8,750. In ML Pleasant near 14th Street A 6-room and bath home with double brick garage. House screened and metal strip ped. Awnings, electric lights. Owner will give possession. $9,000. A suburban home in the North west, of 10 rooms and 2 baths with hot-water heat and electric ity. Lot 160x136 feet, with plenty of shade trees. Two blocks from car Una. $10,000. 13 rooms and bath house, suit able for boarding house. In down town section on corner. Reason able, terms. Property now vacaaL $10,500. A brand new 7-room and 2-bath home in one of the best locations In the Northwest. Open fireplace "In living room. Can be bought en reasonable terms. Convenient to .car line. $11,500. A semi-detached home of 9 rooms and 2 baths In ML Pleas ant, south of Irving street. Hot water Heat and electric lights. Convenient to cars. House In ex cellent condition. Possession. $12,000. An 11-room and 2-bath home In .Washington Heights. Hot-water: r heat, electric lights. This home 4s ? in good condition and Is reason ably priced. $16,000. A 9-room and bath detached home in Cleveland Park; corner property with deep loL Xew hot-water heating plant. House in perfect condition. Possession will be given. HOWARD & HLNES, Incorporated 784 18th SL X. W. Franklin 8IIZ. 8-tf John W. Thompson & Co., Incorporated JUST LISTED TODAY Modern Homes in Chevy Chase On Jocelyn street. Jenifer street. Connecticut avenue and .others of 10 to 16 rooms, with 2 to 5 baths and garare Prices range from $15,000 to $20,000. Ashmead Place, Near Conn. Ave. 10 rooms. 3 baths, garage: best of condition, hot-water heat, electricity. Price. $15,000. 2 1st St. Above Q Brick and stone dwelling of 10 rooms. 2 baths, hot-water beat, elec tricity. Immediate poosesslon. Price, $12,500. Hobart St., Near 16th St. 9 rooms 2 baths, brick residence; hot-water heat, electricity; 2 shower baths; exquisite lighting fixtures. Price. $1.000. Monroe St., Near 1 8th St. 9 rooms. 2 baths: lot 22x100; hot water heat, ctertrlnty. porches, hard wood floor. A bargain at $10,500. I 3th St., Near Clifton St. rooms. 2 baths, hot-uater heat; electricity, garage. For an Immedi ate sale will consider $9,006. Rock Creek Church Road Brick house, 7 rooms. 1 bath: hot water heat; electricity. Price. $7,500. 13 th St., South of Spring Rd. B rooms, 1 bath; hot-water heat; ctectrlclty. garage Immmetllate pos session. Price, $7,500. John W. Thompson & Co., Incorporated 728 15th St. Main 1477. selfi-tf UUILD YOUR OWN HOME. I will show 'you how. OUT 8. 2EPP. ... Representing Lewis-Built Homes. $02 Southern Bldg. Office rs 4 to S p. m. Je28-90t F ST. X. R, 520 ft roomH and bath, brick, latrobe heat, excellent condition: pos session: $3,600, $E00 cash J C. BROWN. attorney, 412 6th st X W 18 GRESHAM TL. X. W 6138 rooms and J?i. br,cVc J3.560. terms. J. C BROWX, attorney, 414 6th sL N. W, 1 TODAY t L. G. SCHROEDER Have you tried "PEP" service? If our you want a home, or desire a good business investment, let us make suggestions. If you Want Something Really Homey on Terms That Can Easily Be Met A place that Is a real home will not stay on the market long: this fresh, comfortable eight-room house on Potomac Heights has man attractive features, such as front and side porches of unusual comfort; flowers: hot-water heat. It Is located on a lot 77 ft.xlIS ft. Convenient to schools and car line. No. 239. $7,000 To make housekeeping essy, you should purchase a home like this, located on Spring road. Seven rooms on unusually convenient plan: hot-water heating plant in best of condition; a most desirable kitchen, with pantry, having out side window; large back yard; the house is semi-detached and well lighted; conveniently equipped laundry; front and back porches: Plenty of room for garage; a well built home that win grow In your estimation the longer you live In It. Xo. 363. $7,200 If You Would Like a Larger House, Exclusive in Every Detail Madison st, nw.; a beautiful de tached home: stucco and shingle; eight Tooms and bath: hot-water heat; electricity and gas: In per fect condition; lot 40x146; shade and shrubbery; garden and flow ers. Occupied by owner, who will show and give possession. Xo. 691. $11,500 Cleveland! Park; exceptionally fine new home of ten spacious rooms and three baths; three large porches; large lot; In most desir able location; plenty of room for garage; an exact duplicate of this home was sold before It was com pleted; this one almost ready for occupancy. Xo. 290. $17,500 If You Want a House With Rooms Enough to Net You a Good Income A ten-room brick house, two baths; In best section, one block from Scott Circle; gas, new vapor heating plant; room foi garage; back porch and paved alley. Oc cupied by owner, who will give early possession. Xo. 266. $8,500 On Fairmont sL nw.; nineteen rooms and three baths; laundry: hot-water heat; electricity and gas: newly renovated; ten minutes from heart of city; now bringing good Income. Xo. IS. $12,500 If You Want to Invest in a Farm That Will Mean profit to you. The best farm near McLean Sta tion. Va.; for years used as dairy farm. Land as fertile as valley of the Nile. Good 10-room house, substantial barn, garage, work shop, tenant houses, etc.; furnace heat and water throughout house; 1(5 acres: one field blue grass. Seeing will convince you. Ask for Mr. ware. $45,000 On 7th st. pike: a combination of a beautiful home and a produc tive truck farm: house equipped with modern conveniences; Urge porches: beautiful lawn; garage for two cars; a city home with all the charm of the country estate. Xo. 4C8. $20,500 Hundreds of Homes in All Ranges of Value Are fn our For Sale List. MANX EXCELLENT BARGAINS. Let us know yous wants. L. G. SCHROEDER, Real Estate and Investments, Loans and Insurance, 714 14th St. N. W. Phone Franklin 1208 selO-tf ALL THE NEW HOMES! And all kinds of Homes for sale. Also a great many business places, some of them excellent Investments. J. D. GARMAN, District National Bank Bldg ii COI.rMIUA ST. N. W., 1512 She rooms and bath, brick, furnace heat, cellar. $3,260. $300 cash, balance terms J. C BROWN. Attorney. 412 6th st. X. W. 18 WE WANT MORE HOUSES FOR 8ALE. Owners of property desiring to make quick sales should list property with us at once WM. P. XORMOYLE, 110 F st X. W. myll-IOt M.2345 Near Lincoln Park $(,150 Attractive residential lo cation In southeast; convenient to both 8th and East Capitol street ears; 7 rooms and bath; hot-water beat. Foxall Heights $S,8S0 Beautiful hlgh-seml-snb-nrban section; overlooking tipper Potomac river; absolutely modern bouse; fl rooms and bath; bet water heat; garage. Northeast 16,000 rooms and bath; fur nace heat: attractive location; high elevation; convenient to both car systems and cot tar from Btanton Park; walking distance of Union Station. Park View $6,650 Attractive location; -tlon of home owners; 6 rooms and bath: front colonial pircb; good yards; garage on pard alley; im mediate possession. Central Northwest Section $5,600 10 rooms and bath; ex cellent neighborhood; close to schools: walking distance of en tire downtown section. Near Kendall Green 12,600 600 cash; S rooms; large lot; bleh location. Potomac Heights $4,250- rooms and bath fur nace beat: electricity and gas; semi-detached; 3 chicken houses; garden; lot 26x100; immediate possession. Brentwood, Maryland $6,500 S rooms and bath; porches front and rear; furnace heat; electricity; gas; excellent water; range; grapes, fruit trees: pebble dash finish: slate roof: lot 50x175; Immediate possession; terms can be obtained. Phone or See Us for an Appointment to Show These -Homes. SHANNON & LUCHS Realtors. M. 2345. vr SOMEONE HAS SAID) THAT it Is impossible f To find a house IN Washington THAT could be moved into RIGHT away. WE have a surprise for SOMEONE. WE have several GOOD ones, too NOT a thing to be done EXCEPT move. GOLDEN RULE Real Estate and Investments 734 Fifteenth St Main 3659 (. "Specializing in Satisfying" HOUSES FOR SALE: Xo. 114T31S $4,760; $500 cash. $50 month ly. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, bath, electricity. IS minutes from Treasury. IMMEDI ATE POSSESSIOX. Xo. 115T310 $5,500. $1,000 cash. $50 monthly. BRAXD XEW 5 rooms, bath, open fireplace, hardwood floors, electricity and gas. Xo. 11ST313 $6,800. $1,000 cash. BUN GALOW 6 rooms. bath, electricity, one block from cars. O. B. ZANTZINOER. 903 New York Ave. (2d Floor). 16.17,19 $5,250 Terms 11th StN.E. Close to Lincoln Park, S rooms and bath: newly painted and papered; 2-story red brick; -bay window: large yard and English basement. This ts a bargain. ALLEY A SCHATZ, 817 14th St., Room 400, Pope Building. Phone Main 287C. selS-90t FOR SALE STORES CIOAB STORE and flxttrres; doing a good business. BOX 185. Times office. 12" FOR SALE Well-located gro cery store; must sell on ac count of illness; doing a splendid business. Call at' 1429 5th st. N. W., phone North 2653. i SHANNON & LUCHS, REALTORS,' ' 713 14th St N. W. Near 5th and Mass. Ayc 15.000 7 rooms- and bath; large yard front and rear; space for s -garage; paved alley; excellent-location: close to entire business section; 3 squares from Publio Li brary; liberal terms. Walking Distance of Business Section $4,000 Located close to New Jerser avenue and M; rooms and bath; modern corner house; all outside rooms; close to ears. Near Hth and C Sts. S. E JJ.500 Comfortable C-reom house. beHweea two car lines; not far from Lincoln Park: In good neighborhood; rooms aad bath. Near isi and R Sts. J5;760 Liberal terms; modern rooms: tiled bath; hardwood floors and trim; open fireplaces; spaea for garage en paved alley; convenient to ooth ear systems: excellent street. 13th, Near Spring Road I6.76S Attractive location, close to 14th street ear line; new house section; rooms and bath; hot water boat. Near 13th and D St Car Line $3,3004 rooms aad bath; mod ern front colonial porches: good yards; fine location: section com posed almost entirely of some owners. 0 Northeast $3,500 Terms $600 cash: Imme diate possession: 7 rooms and bath; latrobe beat; near Capital Traction car line: walking dis tance of Union Station; excellent neighborhood. G Street Near 4th N. E. $4.760 Terms $500 cash; C rooms and bath; latrobe heat; all white neighborhood: one square from either car system; walking distance from Union Station; IS minutes ride from Treasury. 713 14th St N. W. K .,.. t 15 STONE & FA3EPAX 1342 N. Y. Ave. N. "W. VACANT Practically a new English basement house on Washington Heights, near Con necticut ave.; 10 rooms, 2 baths, garage. This Is a well-built home in one of the best locations of the entire city, where values are sure to increase. Owner Is about to leave city and will make ths price very reasonable for a quick sale. $14.750 Modern 10-room and 2-bath colonial house, near Kth st. and Columbia rd.: fireproof garage, sleeping porches. Possession in a short time. $14.600 A brownstone seml-detaehed dwelling near Dupont Circle; 10 rooms. 2 baths, steam heat: large yard in rear to wide-alley. inis is one oi ino dcbl uuj. in this high-class location. STONE & FAIRFAX 1342 N. Y. Ave. N. W. VACANT 10-room house near Wardman Courts and Central High School. House in excellent condition. Wide lot. with large yard In rear. Hot water heat. Electricity. Price. $9,750. Good cash payment re quired. Large range In rear can be purchased. This will be sold soon. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 Xew Tork Ave. selS-tf HOMES Ranging In prlee from $1,200 to 110.008. All secttens snd good neighborhoods. WE8T & SMITH. 701-701 District Nat. Bank Bldg. Franklin (7S1. sell-tf On California SL Betweea i8th and i9Hh Sts. Northwest 10 rooms aad hath; steam heat: first floor kltehee; dee lot to wide javed aMey; ga rage. AS exeeiteat pvrobase- Price only $8,000 LOOUGLAS E. BULLOCH & CO PHONB HAIX 74J Store With 3-Room and Bath Apartment on 14th St Near Spring Rd. i Owner wishes to realise cash immediately en this property. It la an excellent Investment and Is In a location of advanc ing values. Rented for $i$ per annum. Price, $4,800 DOUGLAS E. BULLOCH & CO, $34 SOUTHXRX BLTXJ. PHQXB HAIX 7445 . Beautiful Home on Uptoa 5L wear Connecticut Avenue FOS8XS8ION HODnrATXLT. Three story aad cellar briek dwelling eeataialar eleven rooms and three baths; Hot water beat, gas aad electric ity; built-in sleeping porch; largo library on second floor across whole front ef ho use; hardwood floors; wide front age: extra deep lot to largo paved alley. Price, $15,000 Terms DOUGLAS E. BULLOCH & CO 334 SOUTHXRX' BLDG. ' FHOXS MATX 7445 Near Maryland Ave. and Third St Northeast Individually built two-story brick homo containing eight rooms1 and bath: excellent woodwork; large light rooms all outside woodwork: aad front briek work newly paint ed: well constructed throaga ont: side alley; plenty ef - bade yard and room for garage. Price, 16,000 Terms DOUGLAS E. BULLOCH & CO. 324 80UTHERX BLTX3. FHOXS MAIN 744S ' !WI4t FOR SALE - AN EXCEPTIONAL' PROPOSITION $2,850 EACH Brick houses, comparatively new, offered for sale at this very low price to settle a syndi cate. Terms, 300 or more cash, balance in small" monthly pay ments ; just about what the houses are now renting for. 3537 to, 3565 6th St N. W. . 529-531 Newton St N. W. Take Ninth street cars to Newton street, go one square east Each 6 rooms and bath; one square from cars; all occupied by -white tenants. You should take advantage of this opportunity to secure yourself a home and save your earnings. Apply for particulars. At this low price and upo-i such accommodating ierms these houses will sell very quickly. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York Ave. N. W. M6-tf FOR SALE An out-of-town owner has written us to make a quick sale of the following proper ties: 1200 "G" street north east; 2 stories; 6 rooms; $2,800. 705 12th street north east, 2 stories and cel lar; 7 rooms and bath; $3,300. 406 11th street south east, a two-story brick dwelling; rests for $15.30; $1,800. 1350 Wallach street; 6 rooms and bath; rents for $20.50; pries, J2.500. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York Avenue. alS-tS