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EM TRANCE TO ZOO THOMAS' SWUE?i CIRCLE? This is one of a series of tours being issued by the American Automobile Association, in 'V # # co-operation with the District of Columbia Commissioners, which will include some of the most delightful drives within the District limits. This map is published at the request of the ? ?* i ' ? ? District Commissioners. ^XVPa'rK '# Hamvaro St. Cra***' Htwh St V 8*ip*i _ M. /LAJ Hdqfs. Amenan University jDiplomatle ^otui Jffb /ntrreMi/ig and *Drrre. ores Ft n& Roads V'sfr'c/ ofGpfo/nb's ~/6nufas ~ WOOOLtV Hosfl/ogfa7 COZ/teJrwL Nt* PUSLIC Park ? ScMifrfe Temp/e ? Comeaelnd Thf* < Ahoial ffotnea Tl*~ Rest Sr HVOI w Surrey 4 Map 6/ J G 5ej/er. AAA. In the above 16 miles one tra verses the most beautiful part of the Nation's Capital. To the stranger who tarries in our midst the photo graphs reproduced here will furnish but a faint idea of the manifold beauties and interesting environ ments of Washington. Few cities in the country can produce a more varied panorama of scenic attrac tions within so short a journey. The ? Capital is beautiful at this season. MOTORISTS LOSE BIG SUM ON "GAS"j VEW YORK. Oct. 25?A gasoline investigation recently conducted by the bureau of weights and measures and city and county sealers showed an average percentage loss of 2 per cent through Incorrect measuring ?ump?. There are today more than SOo.OOO motor vehicles licensed Jn the State of New York. A conservative ar.nual average of 100 gallons of gaso line per vehicle would mean a total consumption of at least 50,<MK>.?00 gal lons cf gasoline a year. A 2 per cent ?o?s on 50.000.000 Is a loss to con sumers of 1.000.000 gallons a year. An average price of 25 cents a gallon iwans an annual loss to New York motorists of $250,000. Karts to be remembered are these: 1. T'rg? your dealer to make a daily test of the accuracy of his gasolin* ir,< Muring pump with a standar five-gallon measure tested by the city or county sealer. -2. On pumps making one-gallon n' liv?:y. see that the pump operator makes a full stroke and that the pis ton travels Its full length. 3. Watch the counter or indi cating d^vtce on all pumps provio therewith. 4. See that the operator drains the delivery hose. 5. On pumps provided with gradu ated glass cylinders, see that the gasoline reaches the proper gradua tion. 6. Beware of the filling stations where the delivery is outside and the pump inside the building. The mo tori?t should be able to see the pump under operation. 7. Operators should willingly test pump* in the presence of the autoiat v ith tn* five-gallon standard measure sealed by the local inspectorof weights and measures. K. Short delivery of gasoline is sometimes caused by leaks In the sup ily line to the pump This condition causes the pump to Oliver air instead <-? gasoli.t and can be detected by t*ie sputtering sound. 9. If the gasoline is low In t^e j supply tank, short delivery is likely tt result. This can be detected by the irregular flow of gasoline and the : sputtering sound. Such a condition is | Tiiquently encountered where porta-: ble filling tanks are used. 10. The first delivery made by a| ;>ump after it has been standing idle, for tome time is invariably short I This is caused by the gasoline al ready in the measuring chamber leak ing back into the dealer's supply tank through a leaky check valve. 11. View with suspicion a gasoline delivery hose attached to a well in the curb. It ia impossible to properly <*rain a hose so installed, and ade quate measure cannot be obtained unless this done. All delivery hose should have an overhead delivery. 12. In rare cases pumps may be j deliberately manipulated to deliver short amounts through the changing; of measuring adjustments. 8u-hi cases are difficult to detect. When in 1 dcubt, Insist^on a test. LOCK YOUR SPARE TIRE. LOCK YOUR CAR. NEW MEMBERS IN MOTOR ASSOCIATION NT5W YORK. Oct. 25.?At a meeting; of the board of directors of the Motor and Accessory Manufacturers' Asso ciation at the New York ofTicc the following companies were elected to membership: American Hammered Piston Rinv Company. Baltimore. Md.; Chicago Steel Wheel Company. Chicago, 111.: Corcoran Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati, Ohio: Tron City Products Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.; L. Law rence & Co.. New York city; Nation^, Clutch Company. Inc., Irvington-on the-Hudson, N. Y.; Roberts Brass Manufacturing Company, Drtroil Mich.; Charles Schutte Body Cotn pany, I>ancaster. Pa.; Hears-Cros: Company, Brooklvn, N. Y.; Special Tool Engineering Company, Dayton. Ohio; Tr^xler Company, Philadelohia Pa.; Wellman. Sparer, Morgan Com pany. Akron, Ohio Among other firms elected within the past two months are the follow ing: General Asbestos and Rubber Com pany, Charleston, S. C.; Hudson Motor Specialties Company. Philadelphia, Pa.; McQuay-Norria Manufacturing Company, St. Liouis. Mo.; Macbeth Kvuns Glass Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Midwest Engine Company, In lianapolts, Ind.; Northwestern Chemi cal Company. Marietta. Ohio; Perfec tion Heater and Manufacturing Com pany. Cleveland, Ohio; Story Rubber ^mpany, New York city; Toledo Steel Castings Company, Toledo. Ohio; Triplex Safety Glass Corporation of America, New York city. The Times Auto Emergency Service Is At Your Disposal If you are in need of a haul f home, gasolene, or help of any kind Call Main 5-2-6-0 |F\i this memo in your note book | M?WIIMWIIWIIIIIIIIIWmWHMIIIWIIIIIlMHBIIIilWIIIIWIIH1Wltm.W>Wimj|fny This Load of Paper, 9,048 Lb*. Wu Hauled to "The Times" in Record Time This Truck for Sale # A Real Opportunity for Some One A war-time necessity removed. That's the answer for placing on sale this Peerless Truck with Trailer. Anyone having need for such is assured of a truck that has filled its transient need for us with absolute satisfaction?and of a truck that is positively in as fine mechanical condition today as any motor truck can be. It may be had at a material savings, Ready to Demonstrate Any Time See Mr. James McLaughlin R P. ANDREWS PAPER CO. 727 731 13th Strcrt N. W. Phohe Franklin 6060 mm ?Di?tfibot<ri SKINKER-PALMER CO. 1408 14th St. N.Wj Pt">~ Main #77 DREADNAUGHT TIRES Hit? set a new mark In tha tire world btcuit of thatr tou*hnes?. raalHamcr, aroooth rWUn* qualltlaa and d??f*4 enduranc*. Made In tw? tread*? the DREADNAUQHT Re inforced Vacuum and DREADNAUQHT Ribbed * Quaranteed 4.0W Mllea, LOOKING UP 1G* STREET How aProminentWashingtonian Secured Perfect Automobile Lubrication NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY, W. H. Rdnsaville, Resident Manager. . Washington, D. C., May 19, 1910. Acheson Oildag Qompany, Washington, D. C. *?? Gentlemen: 1 note with a great deal of interest that Oildag is available for a* in auto mobile engine?, and is now un sale in Washington. I have used Oildag in several makes of cars, during the past year? and my experience with it has been remarkable. In one or two old cars in which I have used it, it has had the effect of increasing the power of the engine to a remarkable degree, and I have alsc been impressed with its economy, as it needed to be renewed much less frequently than ordinary lubricating oils. I can appreciate your argument that through the use of Oildag, by reason of the lesser quantity used, the less trouble from carbon is experienced. I feel sure that you will be gratified with the sales of Oildag, if it is properly brought to the attention of the automobile owners of Washington. Very truly yours, W. H. RONSAVILLE, Resident Manager Why Not Lubricate Your Motor with Oildag The Wonderful Engine Oil Lubricant Invented by Dr. Edward G. Acbeson , ===== SOLD BY ===== Albrechtsen & Varnell Tire Co. 1521 14th St N. W. Bailey'* Auto Supply Co., 3001 14th St N. W. Belmont Auto Service Station, 14th and Belmont Sts. N. W. Crosstown Auto Supply Co., N. E. Corner 14th & S St*. N. W. Davis & Child, 1110 14th St N. W. Donohoe Motor Co., Inc., / 215 Pa. Ave. S. E. Dupont Garage Co., 2020 M St. N. W. Eastern Auto Siq>ply Co., 522 8th St S. E. Emerson & Orme Co., 1620 M St N. W. John B. Espey Co., 1010 Pa. Are. N. W. J. C. Flood & Co. '2114-16 14th St N. W. W. H. Frey, 1724 14th St N. W. Gustave Hartif, 509 H St. N. E. Louis Hartig, 7th & K Sts. N. W. Home Auto Service Station, 314 Pa. Ave. N. W. Kalorama Garage, 1640 Kalorama Road N. W. Lehman Tire Shop, 811 H St. N. W. Mid-Washington Service Co., Inc., 1602 14th St N. W. Modern Auto Supply Co., 917 H St N. t Motor Inn, 1108 Connecticut Ave. N. W. Mul care's Tire & Accessory Shop, 1222 14th St N. W. The National Garage, 326 New Jersey Ave. N. W. North Capitol Tire Shop. 1218 North Capitol St. Northwest Auto Suppiy Co., 1946 New Hampshire Ave. N. W. Rudolph & West Co., 1322 New York Ave. N. W. Schaefer & Ridgley. 1411 S St N. W. Sea ton Garage & Supply House, 306 Rhode Island Ave. N. W. Service Tire Co., 1336 14th St N. W. Speedway Auto Supply Co., 332 14th St. S. W. Surety Garage & Motor Co-, 14th and V St*. N. W. 31 *t St. Auto Supply Co., 31st & M Sts N. W United Garage Co.. 2424 18th St. N. W. Uptown Auto Supples Co., Inc., 18th end California Sts. N. W. Rockville Garage, Rockville, Md. Write or phone us for booklet on Engine Lubrication ACHESON OILDAG COMPANY Distributors 600 F Street N.W. Main ?710