Newspaper Page Text
Today Beef. 14 Cents. Intelligence and Ugliness. Shovels for 60,000.000. Wicked Banks, Sad Gamblers. By ABTMCB BVISBA?S 'Ct-OTt-IC-t, ltll> This announcameat conrss from the Chicago meat industry: "In three months the packers pri?*? for beef ha* dropped from $20 a hundred pounds to $14, the lowest for three years." Fourteen dollars a hundred "is fourteen ?-enta a pound. How many mhabitanta of the United States are able to buy beef for that price, or for 50 per cent more than that price? Is there not enough intelligence in the -?ountry to solve in some wit the high cost of distribution, which often costa more than the food itself? New York State farmers, for in stance, have been allowed an in eraaaa in the price of milk, for which they will now get seven and debt-tenth? cent* a quart. This leles? than half the price that the wee-tan ia the city nays when she bey* milk for her family. If the farmer can raise the calf aad car? for the cow, and take the Bulk to market for lees than eight ?ants a ?mart, it ought to be possi ble for the milk t-onceras to hand it to the consumer for a charge of than eight cents a quart addi Dr. Simon in v'?**v York says: "A* civilixation pixtrresses, wom en grew uglier. His theor** is that more intellect means an uglier woman. Women are uglier now than they were centuries ago, says he, and later they will be ugtier still. It's a matter of opinion. This ?Mdieal gentleman may think that a lady with a high forehead and a ?Math larger than a raspberry is ngjy. His Hottentot fellow man would call a woman ugly if she measured less than four yards around tbe Some Asiatics consider a mar ried woman ugly and immodest if she doesn't paint some of her front teeth black. And m parts of Sooth Amf-riea a man-ied woman must have a couple of her front teeth knocked eut?the husband does that as part of the ~*redding ceremony. A aaarmoset would consider his female companion ugly if her face ???a net ?tm?rely covered with fur. ? cttaapaiuee would want shoo* Us?t for aad half black skin, m et these monkeys would do pt??* eey fo-io-ead above the ?all need aet wony. Those that -maesa intel_?ra*e will at tract able men. Able men are able to pro-ride for a family, and are Ten ally more loyal than the sort ef mea pleased with silly woiaen. GeaeroJ Maurice, important in England, says Germany is so thoroughly beaten that the talk of war from Germany now is silly. The chief business of the allie?-, for whom all Germany must work fer years to come, says he, is to prevent revolution and destniction of the present German govern ment, which means to pay If it can. "The only means which the al lies have of obtaining from Ger many their demands is to assist by all means in restoring German industries. " There are sixty millions of Ger mans who for a long time will work practically as serfs of the conquering nations. If you had sixty million slaves or serfs working for you, yoa would see to it that they had shovels aad other tools, also raw materials to work with. * Learned gentlemen that write about Wail Street for newspapers are exciud because banks put up the rate on money used for stock gambling, thus knocking down the prices o? many stock.. One writes with earnest sym pathy: "Tens of thousands are be moaning the loss of ?avine;- of Crs. ' But those bemo-ner-? lost money gambling, and that is Etrt of the game. Gentlemen that vest savings in stock -rambling, after others have sent stocks kit ing UD above the danger line, are certain to hear bad news -ooner er later. -? The Federal Reserve authorities answer well the compiami made by ?toc?: ??oeculator.??. They say the Ke-Jer-?1 Re*-erve <y>tem wa? not ??tabi.shed to provide iTtoney for -tocW trambling. It was establish ed to supply money for letntimate Guaine*-?; lor m?rchants _nd man ufacturer.?, importer-, and export *n. Bank- were ?-.,?-*' Filerai Reserve resource.- to make unlim ited gambling Joans, and gamnler were using the ?oanj in frenzied. Jangerou*? *?t_ck tjootsting Wtaen yuo break a fever the tem peratura* usually goes a little, be 'ow normal at tir?* That s better aan having the fever run on The country haa prohibition written into the Constitution, will Iiave it there for thirty years at least, so opinions or fact?, ran make so ditference. Bur from the con vention of life instiranct? actuaries In Chicago comes the statement based oa statistics that prohibition reali** do*??'! t make any difference la length <>f 'if?' Tho*-*? that drin?: moderately li*-- n Ion-* as anybody, and those th , 1-iu_ to excess often iivt very '<"?"- ir. Kneland, where ??verrbod: u*<-? alcot.c: ?:.. r- or less, they ;>'?? a_ Ion. as ?e .k? ? . It seeiua _ pity ror W-umfd *"jt. - tidaas to pubi,*.] .:???*?- figures BOW? When people are virtnoui Hke io beli? e t'ia* i!ie. - ? ling something by u WEATHER: ?Tied y feasghti teeeer rew fair. Te-aaaeratare at 8 a. mm.. 4M S ?-arree?. ? ?limes 33 ?- t - -? ? -r-m t*? G? t -t ?-? ? ??" published every evealng (incledlns Sunday) I L M OJb? 11 ,?jV) ? . ?atered es eecoad class mattar at tbe ooetofflee at Washington, D. C WASHINGTON? SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 22. 1919. \Qmmt fai Strwt Print) PRICE TWO CENTS. Mine Owners A$k Government To Define Its Position in Crisis + + + + + + + + + 9 9-M'??'?'*? *^ # * + + + + ??4? + ?????? MEXICANS KEEP JENKINS PRISONER PRODUCE, SAY L Tee Govern a??*? t ???? will play a tew eard la tbe eoal sitaation, It was ladieated today, when aa Wpa?i iras made tkat At? toraej General Palmer will ae ras* tbe situation with Ball Di rector Hinee aad Assistant At torney General Ames, Monday. Coal operators tottay threw up t leir arms in dismay before the strike deadlock and decided to ask the Gov ernment where it stood. Thomas T. Brewgter, president of the operators' a-aeociatkm, of the competitive field, was named chair man of a committee to call on Fuel Administrator GarfiekL They are aroused to tbe peril of the situation, with tbe nation's coal ?t-tocka dwindling to tbe point ef fam ine, aad cay that the period of tern perizia? haa paased?that something ?ill have to be done tb force the miners to return to irork. Agreement Seems FaHkely. Prospects of an agreemeat between the two force? In conference this afternoon grow slim and dim in view of the stand the ? oerators take. The breach appears be widening in stead of growln; smaller. One ray of b- o slipped through the clouds?? t? irram sent by one I of the miners' 1?? >rs to Illinois dis trict No. 5. saying that he "expects favorable settlement tonight at 31 per cent. Indications are men will be back at work In a few days." Operators went into conference to day withmany of their number In fa vor of breaking off negotiaations until the miner? return to work. These operators are ready for a finish fight, and want to demand that the Govern ment furnish troops to protect miners who are willing to work. The Joint ee?eion of miners and I operator? meeting late today wilf have no business before it unless one ?ide or the othfr make.? a new offer. If no such offer I? made. Fuel Ad ministrator flarfield" or Secretary of Labor Wilson may bring forward a proposal. Asks Attltaee of l al ted States. The operator'? committee, headed by Brewnter. will a>k Garfleld to state exactly what support the Government will giv-? if the operator? decide to t-r?ak off n< (?Otia?ioM.s with the miners and start a finish fight to make the latter return to work under the pr?s (Continued on Page 2, Column 7) PALMER ACTS TO CONTROL SUGAR Attorney General Expe<rted to Set 12 Cents a Pound As Fair Price. Attorney Gene-ral Palmer tuday be gan setting up machin?ry for abso lute control of sugar production and sale under authority of the Food A?l ministration conferred on him by Prestdent Wilson. Palmer went to work with the aim of providing "plenty of sugar at a fair price." This fsir price is likely to be 12 cent? a pound. This will be an ad vance of approximately 1 cent per pound retail for beet sugar over prices now labeled as fair by Palmor. The Attorney General will Ignore re quest? of refiners and wholesalers to charge 15 cent?, it was stated em phatically at his office. Palmer? first move will be to de vise new regulation? to govern metn oda of wnoiesalers and refiners unler license? issued by the food admin??? tration. Now clothed with authorl'/ to withdraw the??? licenses, Palmer will have indirect power to fix prices. tt Is pointed out. Palmer'? ?t-cond move will be to ?upervise malt ma? of agreements tin der which r.-ftn-r? will contract fo? fart of th? Cuban crop of raw cane ?ugsr Th- Attorney General ia !n the a?l?t?t ?>? an Investigation of fho entsaa a-egae Crowing and refining in du*?7"f. This wa? negua several ' weeks MISS MAZZE E. CLEMENS, relative of tbe late Mark Twain, photographed as she arrived in the city of Fiume via airplane from Paris. Miss Clemens was the flrst American woman to enter the city since the sensa tional coup of the Italian poet-aviator, Gabriele D'An nunzio. Freshman Co-Ed ??9 Admits Shooting Girl Love Rival at Chapel DELAWARE, Ohio, Nov. 22.?Staid Ohio \\ ^eyan College today thrilled with details of a sensational "love triangle" case. Interest was climaxed by the confession of ?Blanche Davidson, nineteen, freshman co-ed, that, actuated by jealousy, she fired the shot which late yesterday seriously wounded Gladys Racey as she ascended the stairway of Gray' Chapel. ' Revolver Wrapped In Stocking. Tae confeealon came, according to the police, ehortly before noon today at the police station, following a long grilling. The girl, at flrst defiant, be came tearful and finally told the of ficers her ?tory. A revolver wrapped In a woman's stocking, found near the scene of the shooting yesterday, gave the police the clue which led them to suspect Ml?? Davidson. According to the police, the David son girl told them ?he carrieil the re volver for several days, awaiting an opportunity to "get" Miss Racey, whom she described as "my rival." According to the confession, the third figure In the "love trlangl??" waa a well-known younj?; ??udent at Ohio 8tate University at Columbus. PRESIDENT LAYS IN ????? FOR SUNDAY Many ' - Thrillers ' ' Among Fifty Volumes Delivered for Executive's Perusal. Resting from hi? labors In preparing his annual message to Congres? and fortified against a "Prest?-t?-rian Sun day," President Wilson today la en Joying ?ome "thrillers" in fiction which the Congre??ional Library delivered "?perlai" at the White House today. There were about fifty volume? In the package delivered, among them The Millionaire Baby," and other ?thriller?."? SHIP IN DISTRESS OFF CANADA COAST ITALIFAX. K S.. Nov. 22.?The Ger man four-masted schooner Paul, bound from Hamburg for Philadel phia. Is in distress 3O0 mile? off thi" coast, and assistance is bclncr rushed to her. The steamship Winnlfredlan stood by the disabled schooner during the night, but was unabl? to tow her to Port. _ whose name was given to the police, I they said. Tha girl told the officials that both , she and Miss Race y had "found favor In his eye?." but that lately his at tention had been showered on Miss Racey. Friday ?he "cut" the Spanish class, which both girls attended, and wait- I ed In the hallway until the Racey girl j left the classroom, ?he told the po- ' lice. She then followed her up the stairs. B-hootinir when the landing was i reached, the confession continued. The girl is being held at police eta- ' tlon, where her confession was made. | She will be charged with shooting with intent to kill. The Racey girl passed a good night at the hospital and ic believed out of danger. ^? TO PAY FOR ARREST OFLAWSONSEIZERS! Nashville Labor Council Of fers Reward For Convic tion of Kidnapers. ?NASHVILLE, Tenu., Nov. 22.?A re- ! ward of 11,000 has been offered by the Nashville Trade and Labor Coun cil for the "apprehension, arrest and conviction of the unidentified parties who unlawfully seized and deported J. B. Lawson, an official representa tive of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Em ployes of America," Wednesday night. I Lawson was sei/.ed as he left the ? office of I.-??^v, u Is said. ! .iced in an automobile, and carried to Sprlngu,.?.. ._.. ?? county, where he wa? placed on board a train. He was toid not to return. Officials charged him with coming here to organize a gtrike of street car men, though he maintained his ourpose was to prevent any such ac tion. ???? TO (HECK SOCIALISM. ROME. Nov. 22.?A meeting of dele gates for Industrial and commercial organisations was held here ?, to jciganlae a patriotic coalition to op pea? tbe spread of Socialism. ? i i GUARDS IN 2 STATES - DENVER. Colo., Nov. 22.?While United States cavalrymen and armed railroad guards continued the search ; In the mountain passes on the bar- j ren wastes of the red desert in Wyo? : mine, the hunt for William Carlisle,, escaped train robber, was taken up, today by police in several Colorado cities. Carlisle has been "'seen" simultaneously in Pueblo, Ft. Col lins and Denver. Parsile Touring Car. Police and detectives of Pueblo are engaged in the pursuit of a large lour ing car south of that city which le supposed to contain the elusive bandit Two letters have been received by a local newspaper purporting to come from the convict and early thi? morn ing a postcard signed "Carlisle" was mailed in the Denver poetofice ad dressed to tbe chief of police of this city, thanking him for the hospitality of tae police during hi? stay h?re yes terday. I If ?tat* St??? I? Texas. "My next stop will be in Texas." the message on th? card concluded. Union Pacific officiala in Wyoming declare that $17,000 has already been spent In an effort to catch the "white masked bandit," and they cling to the belief that he will attempt more train robberies In the State. WALES PREPARES TO SAIL FOR HOME Had Good Time in New York, He Says, and Hopes to Come Back. NEW YORK, Nov. 22.?The Prince of Wales' American visit came to an end today. As the prince was preparing to de part on the battleship Kenown for Halifax he declared he had had such a good time in New York he hope*d to come back and visit the city again. The program for the final day of the royal visitor's stay in this city was not so strenuous as the preceding ones. He bestowed medals of decora tion upon a number of war heroes dur ing the morning and spent a great deul of time bidding farewell to per sons he had met. Premier air Robert Borden, of Canada, and Hear Admiral Sims were invited to luncheon on the Kenown. PLAN EXCHANGE OF SHIPS WITHBRITAIN U. S. May Swap 8 German Liners for 12 Standard Oil Tankers. Negotiations for an exchange of eight German liners, held by Amer ica, for twelv Standard Oil tankers, held by Great Britain, are In progress today. The Imperator, surrendered to the British yesterday, is one of the eljrht Although Knglishnien ?ire takinjr charge of her. title to the ship is still In doubt and is to be settled by an lnter-allied commission on which the United States Is not represented. If the British agree to trade the twelve tankers for the eight German ships, the United States will be sat isfied, it was learned. This Govern ment would, It is believed, have little chance of getting permanent title to the Germans from the Inter-allled commission anyway, and It needs the tankers. The tankers w?re taken bv the British, because, although Ameri can owned, they flew the German flag. ABANDON ?. S. SHIP ONBRAZUJANBEACH Th?? American steamer Benvola, aground off the North Coast of Brasil, has been abandoned, the Navy Depart ment was advised today. All live? were reported saved. ^ FOR TREATY Hope of qaick. ratification of the pea? treaty through compromise seemed more remote today with an nouncement from Senator Lodge, . Republican leader, that there ia no ' room for "farther compromise be tween Americanism and the super - ! government of the league. " "All I ask new is that we may have the opportunity to lay those reservations before the Aaaerican people," Lodge declared. "To that great and final tribunal alone would ' I appeal. I "wish to carry those res-, . ervatione into the campaign." ? Corsulted With Hays. ' ? Lodge's statement followed a con ference here with Will H. Haya, chair man of tbe Republican National Cota mittee. Belief Is sraaaraJly ?apresaad among Republican Senator? that tb? treaty must, ia JiU u*e ?atieataf ' campaign. | Senator Lodge made hi? announce . ment In a statement given to the press (just before his departure for Boston. ? It was a surprise to some of his asso i elates, as the proposal has heretofore ! been favored only by irreconcilable ' opponents of the treaty, such as Sen ators Borah, Johnson and Reed. "?ente Peeele to Decide. The position announced by Senator Lodge 1? that tbe reservations which were rejected by the Senate did noth lng.m?*re than Americanise the treaty. Therefore, he wants the people to de cide whether there is anything ob jectionable or un-Amerlean In them. He want? to hare them studied In "ever household, In every shop and facto j* throughout the land," so that the people may decide in electing their representatives to the next Congress and in electing the next President, whether or not the treaty should be accepted as it is or rejected unless the Americanizing reservations are attached to It. Text of Stateaseat. Senator Lodge said: "I have no especial comment to make. The case is very simple. After four months of careful con sideration and discussion the reser vations were presented to the Senate. They were purely American In their (Continued on Page 19, Column 5.) RAILROAD RATES CANT BE JUGGLED Tariffs Mufrt Conform With I. C. C. Regulations, Car riers Are Notified. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion today notified all carriers that at the t< rmlnatlon of Government con trol of railroads, tariffs on flic shall not be changed unless it 1? done In conformity with the commission's tariff regulations. After their return to private con trol It will be necessary for carrier? and their agents to conform to the commission'? regulations In connec tion with schedules thereafter pub lished. Including the requir?: mert that the schedule must show the name? of all participating carriers and the form? and number? of the powers of attorney for concurrences under which that participation is authorised. FRANCE AND BRITAIN IN CLOSER ?ALLIANCE PARIS, Nov. 22.? A new and closer alliance between Prance and Great Britain may result from the visit of President Poincar? to London, ?he weekly newepaper, Aux Ecoute?, an nounecd today. It said that President Poincar? pointed out to Premier Lloyd George that the American defection on the peace treaty made it nece??ary for France to enter u ? loser alliance with Great Britain. The Uriti?!*, premier was said to have g ven satisfactory guarantees. ???? BE1.I.-AN8 BEFORE HsssUfl ???] es how floe good digestion -rota feel LONDON PAPERS LAUD SENATI ACTION LaONDOH, Nov. 22.?The reac tion of tb? peac? treaty by tbe United 8tate? Senate vm com pletely justified by tbe Morning Pott today. Thla newspaper ex pr?sese tb? -new that the Ameri can statesmen probably acted wisely ta not putting America? a country tbat had Won ber In dependen?** through tbe travail of war?under tbe tberab of aa International oommtttee sitting In Switaerland. Tb? Dally Graphic ?afended tb? action of tbe American Senat?, ?aging: "Before we condeses America l*t u? aak ourselves whether w? would care to submit tbe risk of war to a council in wblch we bad a miaority of votea" ?.S. BALKS PEACE * * * Senate's Action Kay Pre vent Treaty Baoomkag Effective Dee. 1. * * ? TO HOLD UP LSAOUIB an Assumption rut* ? Would Be Ratified, | ? mr sms?mr wood. (United Pre?? Staff Correspondent-) PARIS, Nov. 22.?The peace treaty may not be declared efiec Deccmbtr 1 unie?? ratification ?? completed by th? American Senate before tbat time, it wa? indicated today. The tentative decision of th? ??preme council announced Wed nesday to make the treaty opera tive December 1 was ba*ed on the assumption that th? United S.ataa upper house would reach seme compromise and accept th? treaty before that date, according to re liable information. (Tbe Senat? does not reconvene until Decem ber 1). It is imperativ? that tho first meeting of th? League of Nation? be held the same day the treaty becomes effective, it was pointed out today, and thu meeting can be called legally only by President Wilson. It was feared here the Senate'? re lection of the treaty during Ita re cent session has Indefinitely poet pond the date of making the treaty effective, likewise oiganl aation of the *_eagu? of Nations. While those in official circle? refused to discuss formally th? ?ituatlon created by the failure of the United State? Senate to ac cept the treaty, there wa* no doubt it is receiving grave con sideration. The sentiment prevailed here that If th? league doea not ma terialize, the allie? wt.l demand additional guarantee? from Ger many. These demand* were ex pected to Include: Cession of ine left bank of the Rhine and the Saar basin to Franc?. Rectifications of the Belgian frontier. Further German disarmament with the surrender of all Ger many'? war material?. New arrangements for payment of reparations by ??ermany. Tossitile annexation of He'.iro land by Great bri'.ain. Newspapers here published lit tle comment on the Senate's ac tion France generally ?eemed inclined to adopt an attitude of "watch'ul waiting." REBELLION PERILS OMSK GOVERNMENT Report States Denikin's 'Whites' Have Annihilated Thousands of 'Reds.' LONDON*. Nov. 22?Rebellion If ?pleading io Siberia, aertously menac ing the existence of the Omck govern ment, headed by Admiral Kolehak, it ? ? as learned In advices received here today. In some quarters bellet wat expressed that the Omsk regime might be overturned within the next week. General Denlkln? "while" army Id southern Russia haa broken the front of th?? red army over the who!- front between Orel and Tamboff. annihila? tiria* several thousand? troop? _rxord '. ing to a Reuter dispatch fror*? Hei?. ingfora today. The dispatch ?ad "lu?? lato? peasants and workmen ar? in re vclt against tb? reda. JUDGE SENDS William O. Jenkins, -ular agent wboae uia??red by Um Calte* In tbe penitentiary at ieo, as tar as tbe estate Dep?r kaowe, Secretary Laaatag shortly aitar 11 a. m. ttxUy. laiwiii aet* tbe Aaanieaa demanding Jenkins' fr?e*o*a hai ?eDvered to tbe Mexican gowra ment but no reply bad beaa recehe*. The State Departmaatt has reeersw ad no inforrntatM? that ?rould see tain the charge agafcast Jenkins of colhiaion with baafita, it ?-as aa? ?W ?a Oonaal William a Jaaklne wfU be forwarded b?fors Moa*ay, it ?ras ?te? clare* today by Hilarte Medina, act? ing foreign minister. In spite of tbe growing anger at tbe United State?, Jenkins is still bel* In tbe penitentiary by Mexlc officials m Puebla. By RALPH H. TURNER. United State? Staff Correepondfnt. MEXICO CITY, Not. 22 ? Wil liam 0. Jenkins, American consular agent, was returned to jail st t o'clock last ' night after a prelimi nary hearing in Puebla en charges of conspiracv to defraud through alleged complicity in his own re-tent kidnaping, according to dispatch? fron? that city. Jenkins, it was said, denied testi? mon y that he was seen talking with fifteen Indians on his ranch October 22 previous to his abduction. Tbeae Indians were said to be ine!??*?* among his knidnapers. The state judjre stated he had aa desire to molest Jenkins, "bot muet see justice done" Official versta? of the hearing was expected to be received by the foreign office tomor row. MEXICAN CRISIS GROWING ACUTE The United States today 1? neasrr a break with Mulcc than It ever has been within the past few years One thing unly ran prevent ?erl-?ae trouble. If Carranaa repue? ? suit able terms to the emphatic note ?ent by the State I ?epart ment '.t? conn? - tlon with the arrest snd Imprison ment of V. .an; '' J'BKins. Ame-i can consular agent at Puebia Mm;-, ' matter? will probabiv t>e ?moothe-A over and run ih??r o?d fnur??. If hi? reply I? not ?ur.abl? hotr. ever, and If he does not r?i?a?? Jjb kina immediately, then an ultimatum will be dispatched to hli*a and th:? country will prepare to Inte-vene la Mexico. Thl? was the state of opinion la ration circles today. It pos sessed an added significance, also, because It wa? >'...?, <>??'. in of ficai quarters thst the army already La a ! plan foe the pacification of the soutb ? ern republic. The War Department est ma'.ey that ? 4>&o OOO men snd three years rime 'will purg? Mexico of ? ? " ? evil? of j banditry and n-.iagoverui L and ?n able the United Statee, ?hen tt? task '? done, to breathe In peace od tbla side of the Rio Grande Jeaktae Sasassartae? t eet Th? consular agent summarised la ?oli.*r? and cent? hi? entire los? la cci.r -cuon with the kidnaping, and Its unpleaasnt developmenta Following are his expenses Ransom paid and te be paid. $i?*>?V 4>0r- money and effects stolen from office. }">((!:, money taker, free? rocket. $i?? hospital fe*ee for self and wife Ulu expense? for tele? grams. $4SS2?. ? ? penses for tneee?? geri te mountains, UTC, expenses fer (CossUauee *m Page S, Celia? I )