Newspaper Page Text
WEATHER: ?old aod rainy weather toslK-t. and Tt?or?ar ? iKk colder. Temper? tare ll 8 - a, it le on-mes NUMBER 11,361. TMgMjg^CWff WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 26, 1919. | WtJI Street Prie?! PRICE TWO CENTS. General Angeles, Friend to U. S., Reported Executed By Carranza + + + + + <* + + + F*******?*. **? + ????? U. S. ARMY READY TO ACT IN MEXICO Today In a Worker's Pocket. Up Goes Silver, An Italian Republic? A Simple Russian. By ARTHUR BRISBANE. (Copyrl?*-?. Iti* ) A -caffolding fell yesterday. Three men were killed. When the body of I.-ndor Grossman, brick layer, was lifted from the ground, *?00 in Liberty Bonds, $277 in paper money fell from his po^?et. That .3 better than finding a pawn tacket, or a dispossess nocice, as \ yoa might have done a few years ago. The value of silver goes climb ing up. No wonder W. J. Bryan is excited. It took a big war, how ever, to jo ;t. Today the metal in a silver dol lar is worth five cent.-? moro than the dollar?but _f you me t down the <wliars, to get the silver, you wiii be put in jail. The trouble, they say, is that Chinese art-? hoarding stiver Per haps they ar? -retting read** to fght Japan, want silver to fight with, and put :t away as Prussia gnt mmm\f at Spandau the gold re fer??- that waa to beat all Europe. V Good is a--??mpushed when the accompliaher little dreams it. For instance, the United States Goverrunent has treated Italy shamefully in the war settlement. The city of Fiume, which is Italian, the northeast coast of the Adriatic, that was the property of the people of Italy for centurie?, should have gone to Italy when the war ended. In the days of Cavour, Mazxiri, and the great Garibaldi, the Ital ian nation was swindled by Napo leon ??, later well beaten b7 hM-a Napole?n did not keep his word, did not even allow the Italians to take back Venice fror. Austria. They had to wait for that until Bismarck came along. Napoleon sympathized ?vith the Hapeburgs. r.ot with the HLerty lovmg r-eopie of Italy, so r.e left with Austria the unredeeme-J Ital ian territory WHICH ABSOLUTE LY BELONGS to Italy. The United States show, laek of justice, lack of appreciation for th?.? splendid work mat the Ita-ians have done for liberty and for in? ?mstry in this country, when the lan?a that belong to Ita!> ar* . ha_-_-t- erer to people that won't ? know what to do with them. But, good comes out of evil. A re-pubLic in Italy may be the result of this Republic's unfair treat ment of the Italian people. Italy would be a gamer if iut of the unjust treatment to whi?~h she has been subjected by this eountry a great Italian Repuoltc should arise. That republic will kaow how to get ultimately what belongs to Italy. Mean w m le, may the United States realize that the Italian people of the twentieth century should not be tied down by the tricky deals between the Hapaburgs and the imitation Mapolee?. Every corporation will tell you that Government ownership would be a terrible thi ? ??. So it would, for corporations. For instance, with the war over ine r**?*?"-?1-''' rate of thre-e cents was changed to two eants. Now Mr. Burleson proposes to cut the price to one cent for local postage That is done by a poatoiflce run by the people and f.making a profit ' You haven't noticed any private corporations acung ia this way, have you" If you i/eHev?? news from Rus sia, not always reliable, they shot Mr. Bak.-omoff, president f a cer tain Soviet' His crime was ob taining mon?-y under false pre tenses. He raised rubles, and said he had used them to bribe Clemen ceai of Prance and Wilson of America. The story wan that the American President got one hun dred and fifty thousand rubles, whicti in American money would b** about enough to buy a good au tomobile JJ- Bakrornoff seems to have share, the sweet simplicity of the little- child that helped the soldiers bring kindling wood to 'build a bonfire around John Huss And the fa<*t that he cculd raise money by telling his associates toa* he ?a- eolng to bribe the eaaa of great nations is an inter [esting indication also of the gen eral simplicity of mind in Russia. ._I__-URYMAYBEU.S. AMBASSADOR TO ITALY inator Fletcher Also Mentioned Aa Possible Choice of President. With the arrival of the new Italian a_t.oa*?ador B_r r? V_?-v_ri-.-? jo-tiD W-? rtvivrd here today aa to the iden tity of President Wilson's cno'c? for ti.e Amer:? an pott in K-m? m?_de va rani by the resignation of Thomu ?'???? Pa??? It 1? believed that the PresIder.t will aena the name of hla choice to th? ??.nate durine the early day? of the 'omina ?--.-?s on Tha two naraea mo?t prominently mentioned for the honor are those of tr.e tmruaaa Senator from Delaware, Willard P. Saullsbury. and Senator ? uncan I' pitcher of Florida 1 h? Pr?sidents oriaJnal choice for wo p?_; wa* Ambassador Bran.] Whit l?ek. but he y_rld-d to the ..tier's empire to stay at Brussels wh. ? that I raa% waa raimad uraja e__ba_u-y. I FLASK' DEATH Police Would Learn If Manufac turer Had Insured Life of Woman Companion. S?COND VICTIM IS BLINDED Effects of "Brandy" From Missing Bottle Like Wood Alcohol, Say Doctors. BALTIMORE. Md.. Nov. 26.?With |be "mystery flask" from which two women?one now dead, the other blinded and critically ill?are aK eged to have drunk, still missing, two investigations are underway to determine the nature of its contents and a possible crime motive in the case. rorouer Lloyd Smith will go to day to Winston-Salem, N. C, the home of Miss Lucille Sharp, twenty-' ei?ht years old. who died last Satur day mornin? after being taken to a hospital from the apartment where she lived with John Keiley, forty eight years old, a cereal manufac turer of this trity. He will assist an autopsy to be performed on her hody in the meantime, the police are endeavoring to ascertain if Keiley had Mi&s Sharp's life insured. Two Held Without Bail. The other woman. Mrs. Catharine Bristol, twenty-five years old, of Phil adelphia, is in Johns Hopkins Hos pital, ?'hysiclans attending ner said this morning she was ?"lightly im proved. Keiley and Aille Osman, twenty six years old, a wealthy Turk, of New York city, are held without bail, pend ing the outcome of the investigations. The police declared today nothing had been developed so far to warrant the release of the two men. Both women were stricken In Keiley's apartment. Physicians, who were called by Keiley, say the symp toms were as of wood alcohol poison ing, and say Keiley admitted having mixed a "milk punch" for Miss Sharp, using liquor he called "brandy" fn m a black bottle which the police have been unable to find. Keiley de nies he knows anything of the myste rious bottle. The prisoners have retained William L. Marbury. a noted naltimor?* attor ney, as counsel. Keiley summoned Osmsn ami Mrs. (Continued on Psge 2. Column 3.) Keeping Up With The Times A FACT A DAY A bad advert i servent?be <_ause it telli ton little: KOR SAI.K?Pure Kn,li?h bloodhound puppies, ?ir?*i by Lodgecraft. Jr. Will be successful man trailers, also prise winners. J. H. SMITH 1112 _ St. N. W. ' A good afvertisement--be cause it (ah attractively the various features that combine io malie the article desirable: ? PPI *?**?__ Pare Ea?-M?h oiood houn<l. Prote<*t your resi dence by th? "bloodhound ?ys t?ra Keen Kent and acute hearinc ?-nablei them to de tect the stiebtest Intrusion. T'_eir centle, lovlns disposi tion toward th.? family malees them invalusb.e p?ts Their Intelligent faces and ionic .ara make a plctur?s<-ue adjunct to your automobile. Also afford? th? b?a- protection. mred by ???? sec raft. Jr. dam by I.ady Rose. They natural ly will be expert man trailers. Also their ?are??? wrinkles, markln-rs will make them In vincible pt-Ue winners. Ap ply 11(1 ? St. H. W. Phone Mala t>2f?. Give vjur advertising a chance Jo ? : fail of results by omitting to tell the whole story Girl Honored By Visit From Prince Named In Suit Over Her Portrait MRS. DAISY O'D. BI?EA?X CALHOUN. MISS MARGARET CALHOUN SIMONDS. These Photographs Were Taken From the Oil Paintings Which Are the Basia of the Suit Filed Here Today By Adolpho Muller-Uiy. PRIEST TRIED ON E Accused of Treasonable Utter ances Against British Gov ernment. LONDON". Nov. 26.?Charged with making seditious utterances, the Rev. Father O'Donnell, a chaplain in t-he Australian forces, was arraigned be fore a court-martial today at Guild Hall. He pleaded not guilty. Father OTXinnell is accused of say ing in a epf-ech at Killarney that "the Australians fought for the independ ence of small nations, while inde pendence was denied Ireland by a few satellites of the King who were filling their pock-ts at the expense of the workers and on whose heads was the blood of Irish patriots." Lieutenant Chambers, of the Br * ish army, presentad notes in support of the charge against the chaplain. It was declared that Father O'Donnell had further said that he considered "a king and royal family of no use to this or any other country," and ex pressed hope that the recent railway strike waa the beginning of a revo lution. The accused was charged with say ing that King George, evidently fear ing the same (revolution), ordered the premier to quash the strike. Another specification in the charges was that Father O'Donnell had pre dicted that Ireland would "shortly strike against the tyrannical British I Parliament." The chaplain was also charged with saying that sympathy with the 8inn Feinere was growing in Australia Father O'Donnell was arrested in August. THIEVES ROB GROCER AT POINT OF PISTOL Two Men Rifle Cash Register?| Highwaymen Active In Northwest Section. John Lynagh. proprietor of a groc ery store at 1200 Third street south west, was held up at the point of a pistol while a negro robbed the caen register of bet?-en $40 and $50 lasi night The police weie told that a negro came into the store and a.?kt-d for a pound of cheese. While the pro prietor was wrapping up the package another negro with a handkerchi?'f over hie face entered the store with a drawn revolver and demanded his money. The negro who came Into make a purchase rifled the cash reg ister of the money. KISSED BY PORTER, SHE SUES HI?ES FOR $10,000 POP.TI.AN'D. Ore, Nov. 2d.?Because a negro Pullman porter stole ? klas from her, Mrs. Fannie is suing Walker D, Hines, director gen eral of roUToaA?. tor ?10,000 aamaeoa. Artist Claims Society Matron Has Failed to Pay For Two Painting 8 A portrait of Miss Marguerite Cal houn Simonds, the dainty Washing ton debutante who attracted notice because of the signal attention paid her by the Print*? of Wales during his recent visit, figures in a $6,000 suit brought against her mother, Mrs. Daisy ??. Breaux Calhoun, formerly Mrs. Barker Gummere, of 1519 New Hampshire avenue north west, in the District Supreme Court today. Painted Famous Pen-ons. The palintiff is Adolfo Muller-Ury, an artist claiming International re nown through having painted por traits of I'opc Pius, Presid. nt and Mrs. Wilson, the late President McKinley, former Attorney General Gregory, Mark Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Chaun?-ey Depew. Lord Strathcona and others. His claim covers two portraits, ot*?? of the debutante and one of the mother. The original price was $3,d?? ?"ach, with u discount of SI .000 on th" total bill, which the artist says I commission on an order for a portrait of a niece of Mrs. Flagler, ontalne 1 through Mrs. Calhoun. The artist Is represented by Attorneys McKcnney ?i. Flannery. Artist's Own Story. The artist thus relat?d his story of the manner in which he obtained the order to paint the two portraits: "At a certain dinner party at the home of Mrs. Lewis Nixon, April 14, 1916. the then Mrs. Gummere request ed me to paint portraits ?if herself and of her daughter. Miss Marguerite Simonds, and I agreed to do so, it being und?-rstood between us that 1 was to be paid my regular standard price therefor. "Subsequently, at the request of Mrs. Gummere, I went to White Sul phur Springs, W> Va., for the purpose of painting the portraits. Mrs. Gum mere and her daughter gave me fre quent sittings. I worked on the por trait continuously from August 23. to September 1?, 191T. Some time in September. 1916, Mrs. <;urnmere gav> (Continued on Page 2, Column ?.) MT. CLEMENS POLICE JOSHED BY "WILD BILL" Carlisle, Elusive Bandit Pays Respects By Letter To Mich. igan City Authorities. MT. CLEMENS. Mich.. Nov. 26.?The elusive train robber. Hill Carlisle, has arrived here, according to a letter mailed special delivery to the police department last night. The letter fellows: "Just dropped in to pay my respects to the bath city. It's some town. That's a great bridge and the new road will reap you big benefits. He gards to th.- police and sheriff. "Yours, "BILL CARLISLE. ,p? **???Former convict No. 28S3. Next stop Port Huron, but don't let anyone und oat." ?6?? ON TREATY COMING IN ITALY Socialists and Catholics Plan Opposition to Approval of Pact. ROME. Nov. 26 (delayed).?A hard fight against ratification of the peace treaty, which may precipitate a crisis involving existence of the monarchy, was Indicated here today. Socialist and Catholic deputies, in the recently elected chamber, will combine to defeat the pact, it wa? said. The signal for the fight was expected to be production In the ?"hamper of Deputies of a royal de cree ratifying the treaty, for conver sion into a law. Both the Catholics and Socialists, who f-xhibited unusual strength in the recent election, have ?.pposed the treaty from the beginning. Awaited With -tlUglvlag. The coming session of the chamber is awaited with misgiving. There is no precedent in Italian history for re jection of a royal decree, especially a peace treaty. The treaty right ia a constitutional pcrogativ?? of the crown. Should the Socialist plans succeed, the outcome of such a solemn dis avowal of the King's wishes prac tically would necessitate his abdica tion, in the be'ief of many Italian leaders. Whether the Catholics will be will ing to support the Socialists in a flat showdown against the King is consid ered doubtful by many. On the other haml, it is considered certain they will maintain unflagging opposition to the Versailles treaty, which it wa? said, the Holy See considers contains the source of new wars. SINN FEIN PROHIBITED THROUGHOUT IRELAND All Activities Under Ban By Most Drastic Action Yet Taken By British. DUBLIN, Nov. 25.?A proclamation suppressing the Sinn Fein through out Ireland was issued in the official Gazette today. All activities by the Sinn Fein or ganization are prohibited. This is the most drastic step yet taken by the British authorities to put down the Sinn Fein movement, N. Y. JURY INDICTS LARKIN AND GuTLOW AS RIDS NEW YOHK. Nov. 26.?The extra ordinary grand jury this afternoon return indictments against James I_irkin, Irish labor leader, Benjamin (iittlow, former socialist assembly man from New York, and "many oth er?" on charges of criminal anarchy. Bench warrants were issued for those indicted and Justice Weeks re fused even to intimate how many were at tec ted. IO END COAL Prospect of Settlement Looms As Members Go Into Session Again. MINERS STANDING FIRM No Breakdown of S.trike Unless 31 Per Cent Raise Is Grant ed, They Say. The Cabinet is battling with the coal crisis again today, ?with the prospect of a final settlement in the next few hours. The Government was to make ite "final statement" to the coal minen? and operators late this afternoon. Dr. Garfield, Fuel Administrator announced. "I will call the miners an-' opera tors together.'-' ?aie Dr. Garfield. "__4 I will make a definite statement to them. It will be the final statement. Further than that I can say nothing" Miners Stand Pat. Miners grimly say that there will be no breakdown of the strike if less than a 31 per cent increase is grant ed them, while the operators are none the less positive in their stand that they must have carte blanche to im pose large increases on the public if the workers are to be given a rais? of more than 20 per cent. If the deadlock continues today. It is evident that President Wilson will have to be called in. The call for a "show down" regard ing the profits and margins of the bi tuminous operators is being voiced In many quarters in Washington today. The coal section of the Federal Trade Commission has pla?ed the bulk of It? data at the disposal of the Fuel Administration since its incep tion in 1917, when Its statistics were the basis of the prfce-fixing program. Pro??? (all??- Too Hl?__. Reports that the officials of the I-ederal Trade Commission believed that Dr. ("artield fixed prices entirely too high during the war period are current, but there is no confirmation of them, ??enerally speaking, however, the published figures of the Federal Trade Commission bear out former Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo? dictum that the operators' profits have been "grave and indefensible." Other data relating to the Illinois soft coal fields probably will be pub lished soon by the commission. If the entire bituminous industry is to be investigated by the Govern ment, the nucleus of the work proba (Continued on Page 2. Column 6.) SEVENI CENT FARES ADD $8,000 WEEKLY Additional Revenues Do Not Reach Anticipated Figures of Utilities Commission. Figures given out today by the Washington Railway and Electric Company and Capital Traction Com pany show that approximately $??,000 additional a week is being earned as a result of the "-?ent, six-for-a-quar ter fare on street, cars. On the linee of the Washington Railway and Klectric Company last week $10?,'?16 26 was collected, which was an Increase of $14,474.40 over the receipts of the preceding week. On the lineefof the Capital Traction $99,6S" was collected last week, com pared with $92.092 the same week In October. The Washington Railway has de rived $29.332.54 additional revenue since November 1. Continuing at this rate until May 1 will net the company $509.297 additional income, while the Public Utilities Commission esti mated $850,000 additional should be received. The W. R. & E. carried 1,581,424 passengers last week, which is a de crease of more than 200,000 for the same week in October. The Capital Traction passenpers numbered 1,5.IR, 4 20, compared with $1,728,394 the same week in Otcober There seems to be a general de crease in the number of passengers and 2-cent transfers An lncreaae li noted in revenue and free transfers issued. TAKE BELL-ANS BF.FOEE ????? mm eoe how Una good dlgqeUon makaa yoe teei. ?Ad-"-. / GEN. FELIPE AN GELES, Mexican rebel leader, who haa been reported executed by court martial because of revolt against the Oarranxa gov ernment. ANGELES rara AS MEXICAN REBEL Villa's Righthand Man Shot After Court-Martial, Says Report. EL PASO. Tei. Nov. 26.?Gen Fe lipe Angeles, intellectual head of the Villista moTemetit, was executed by a Federal firing squad in Chihuahua City early today, according to con firmed telegraphic reports received here. Angeles famous artillery expert. who turned against Carranza. his former chief, was found guilty of re bellion by a court-martial and sen tenced to death, earlier dispatches r?* ported. An appeal to the Mexico City supreme court had been planned. Faced 4 ?xar-t Thr-re H ?**"?. Genersl Angeles went to trial yes terday morning For three hour? General Angeles faced the military court of four Car ranza pe?er?is and defended the ac tions of himself and his companions Two of the four men captured with him already have beer, executed by Carranza soldiers. The soldier Trillo, on trial with Angeles, ?s but seventeen years old. During his address to the court General Angeles prais'-d Am? ri'-a and Americans. In this connection he was reported to have said "The Mexican people always have viewed with dislike and apprehension the ureat American nation. aiwa>s r*e ??? brought up to believe their power ful neighbors are harboring thoughts of our Nothing is mot? erroneous.^ t v?, "Our g>e*it neighboring nation. headed by its great President, Mr. Wil son, "-is only the kindliest fe-eling for (Continued on Page 2. Coluti-*. &.) SILVER "CARTWHEELS" ARE NOW WORTH $1.05 Metal Quoted At $1.37 Cent*. An Ounce?China Willm-i To Buy Yaat Quantity. Treasury officials ?re not concerned with attempting to find means of pre venting the conversion of silver money Into bullion, despite the high price of silver, it was stated today Officials of the Treasury stated that at even the high rate of silver th? process of melting silver money would be expensive and would not **arran? such an operation Yesterday silver was quoted at 11.37 an ounce, making the American f**rt wheel worth $1 05 each. The advance in the metal is said to be due to the enormous demands from China, which is normally the greatest silver con suming country ?n the world China is d?manding more and more silver, and at present ("hines? interests art showing a willingness to outbid all other sources of demand and to buy as much as lVOOO.lXK) ounces a m nth Not only In the United States but throughout the whole world sliver now commands a predominant posi tion, rising. e\ Idently, even higher in demand than g? Id Treasury officials d sciai-? thst the remarkable rise in price is International. TO NEXT WEEK Lansing Not to Lay Matter Bt? fore Cabinet Again Til! Car ranza Replies. JENKINS STILL PRISONER State Department Has No In formation Regarding Date of Consul's Release. General Pershinjr will lea*?? Washington one week froto today on s tour of inspection of the So.then. depart? ent, visitin?*? the ter*ntof*j* adjaeent to the Mexican border. Obeervers of military affai? ia the Capital today saw in thia wi?i?* another evidence ?f the int?Hoe si tels ?mai neutre ta he rumie te mee tha erte? ta evwt Can-__aa ta -re-a-K Wilham O. Jenkins. ?alar agent held in jail in Puebla oa a charge tit conni-ring with bandit? who kidnapped and held hire tor a $150.000 ransom.. No attempt is made to conceal the feeling that tbe situation is aerieeu and that relations between the United States and Meneo ara -trained. Officiali said the three depart ments, State, War and Nary, we? ready to meet any eventeality and deal with any sitnatic-n ai*__jr ?est ot a more defiant itti?de by tbe Carranza admini-tration toward th? United States. "We are still awaiting a repir from Mexico," said Secretary of. State Lansing, commentine on the Mexican situation and the Jenkins case. Secretary ? -.r_-int said h? wan M Dot lay the Mexican sitaation before the Cabinet again until the C_n_???. ?.overnmeiit replied to tbe note sent by the United States demandine the reJeaae of William 0 Jenkins. Amer lcan cont-ular agent Jeaaias SOU Held. Jenkins ha_> not b*en releaj?ed uid the United State? has ne Information at to when ht will be released. ?? waa ?tated at the Slat* I>epartmect to day The Mexico City Pre?.? quote? tie aub*?-cretary of foreign affaira <>r Mn.i- *_? sa>in(r thai publi? opinion in the I'nited Slut? I? being iicited by certain new ?papera bu! that th? ?eriou? n<-*? ?paperi? a*"? treating th?r? ? abject calmiv and cartrfully. and (hat the M-nur. author tie* are coD-tn? :nj: the.- n\ e?t .gat ion? a! I'uabia_ and the Mexican foreign offic? 1? re ceiving reporta eonatanlly for u?e In preparation of ite reply to the Amer ican note which, aocordlng to th*? praee. war expected to be handed ?? the American embaa* y at M nice Cltjr November 25. MEXICAN SENATE VOTES ' TO UPHOLD CARRANZA By RALPH H. TIRA Unite- rreae Staff Correaponden: MEXICO CITY. Nov. 2tV- The Mea ican ?enate in a^ret ??aiion U> na P< rted to have j_?.?ed a to ?upport FreeI4aat Carra**.-* In whatever action l? taken by tb? gov ernment in the Jenkin? ca*e Tie Mt.?:? '.? al?, a? id v. ha?? ap pointed a committee to invrtin-t-i? the pre*ent internati"!?-. aituaU?? and to have ark ed the executive d?a inriraini for fui. lr.f ornaalion con cerning the .?tat?? of William O. 3am Kin.? A men?-an ron?uiar agent, held In Puebla on a charge of c(j?*.eplrlag ?itt, hi? a'.eged kidi.aper? ? %)\ofo the ran?orr. d'-manoed r.r hi? rel*?aaa. Th? lateat informati c from P\leb? -?aid that J??nk:_a. refuaing ba-?. waa ?till tn jail awaiiing triai The apathetic attitude o? tbe pre?? wa? broken thi? afterne.? _ ?Kec _U rr.iveraal pubiiahed aa extra co_u_i_r r.s, a ?pecial diapatcf from Washing? Inn rieclarlns the I'nited S??ttj wag (onaidenng intervention. Federal fon ea. after clearing rebeie from ihe ?.:'.ii_? p? Malacatepe?-, rea dieted ar, r. ? ?-?t'.gat ion ahowing thai ?\ ?lliam O ?enkina Annerir** co? rular ager? waa mm in that piaae mt th? ?at? of his i??ant uliT?ritHa t| i