OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, January 09, 1920, FINAL EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1920-01-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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SSI fte ^flashtttftfon ?lmes |FL?,^|
? . I I ==HB1
numbkh 11.405. .rav washIngtonT friday evening, January 9. i'j-.'o. icuuu w>u su?et Pricoi price two cents^
Leading Democrats Confer with William J. Bryan to Heal the Breach on Treaty
Wan Is-Found Guilty of Slaying Ben Sen Wu, Member of the Chinese Mission
.^?hited Clown and Girl.
^ Ancient Baku, of the Oil.
Four Things Women Do
tCwmiti. l ??? )
Or. Margaret Httllivaii tclU lueiu
of the T. W. C. A.: "Girl* of
oday do up their face* llk? circus
clowns." Not accurate. The circus
down Willi bright red spot on each
? lieek and \ one on bis noae is
-tmusing. The girl of sixteen,
?oldly painted, is depressing You
ee in her a chllcr without a real
The same woman denounces
?Modern dancing; "Those dances
^ra the Bast African sex dances,
dances of cannibals. They kill all
Not quite ALL, modesty Zola
truly: "Every man has In
lilm a hog. slumbering."
Occasionally the hoc grunts
Occasionally It eats and drinks too
much. Occasionally when young it
cavorts in foolish dancing, whisk
ing its little hind legs. But there
is no serious harm in it It must
do something, and it cannot think.
It la quiet and fat enough later.
One ship carrying extremists,
including Emma Goldman and Al
exander Berkman, who tried to
murder Mr. Frick, is reported near
the Kiel canal.
'/Tiere was anxiety about land
ng room for the exiled. News that
Le nine's armies, victorious, now
menace Persia after capturing
Caspian ports, may solve that
If the enemies of Bolshevism
continue running away, Lenine
will have plenty of room for all
the "reds" we can send.
Lenine's armies now attack
Baku, the town sticking out into
the Caspian at the end of the pe
ninsula of Apsheron. There they
will view ancient palaces of the
Khane, four hundred years old;
tnosques of Persian rulers a thou
sand years old; Arabic relics still
But Lenine is after something
older than Tartar, Persian or
Arabic remains. He is after the
Baku oil wells, put away under
ground millions of years before
any kind of human beings lived;
oil upon which the glorious rulers
of toe earth largely depend in
their game of exterminating each
Government census lists a
woman, Anna Prater, colored, as
115 years old. She mentions that
Mite was mU ?i a slave fifteen
times, raised fifty-two white chil
dren, ran away from three mas
tars, was caught each time. . All
the while she was busy sewing,
explaining that she had no time
to waste. One hundred and fif
teen is old, but tjme does not
Charlotte Corday lived more
than one hundred and fifteen
years in the few seconds it took
her to walk into the bathroom of
Marat, "revolutionary tyrant,"
and to stab him to death.
Dora Kaplan, young Jewess of
Petrograd, probably lived years
in the time that it took her to
shoot and Ground Lenine, boss of
And many years of life were
squeezed into a few minutes by
Miss Joanna Mackie, of the Ob
servatory at Cambridge. She has
discovered a new star in the
Milky Way.
It ia a star too faint to be seen
by the eye, unaided, but greater,
probably, than the sun that lights
our little corner of space. It will
ke measured, weighed; the spec
troscope will tell what elements
it contains, whether it is going or
coming. And serious Miss Joanna
has the satisfaction of knowing
that she. first of human beings on
this little earth airship, saw and
catalogued the "new" sun that has
traveled through billions of years.
i ? V.
Three things?no, four?women
ran do better than men.
They are better singers, bettsr
actors, better students of the
heavens, and, Infinitely more, they
are mothers of the race. They
contribute at least seven-eighths
of its value to the human family.
Being so much better mothers
than anything else, even as sing
ers, dancers or astronomers, they
should concentrate on mother
Which would you rather be, the
genius that painted the Sistine
Chapel, or the mother of Michael
Angelo? The mother, of course!
than the thing created.
Mr. Houtmaa. fifty, retired
from the Barber Steamship Com
pany. Mr. Barber gave Mr. Hout
man a present, a check for $500,
000. Mr. Houtman goes South,
he THINKS, to devote the rest
of his life to playing golf.
When he arrives at Augusta
and find? that they have cotton
worth $40,000,000 in town, when
he gets to Atlanta, and sees the
miracle city of the South, he
will forget about knocking a lit
tle white ball over dry grass,
and bo pin investing and spending
his $500,000.
Americans CANT stop?a for
tunate thing for America. They
do not live so long; but they
lhre more, do more, and the coun
try gets the benefit That be
ing the caae, dying earlier is un
important. Not how long, but
mack da you live.
Party Leaders Consider Refer
endum on Issue Before
Drive Begun to Patch Up Split
Between Wilson and
? Nebraskan.
Democratic leaders today started a
great drive to patch up differences
of opinion between the two leaders,
President Wilson and William Jen
nings Bryan. ?
Despite the fact that Mr. Bryan
was speaking untit near 3 o'clock
this morning, he was called out early
today for a conference with members
of the Democratic'national commit
tee. Homer Cummings, chairman of
the committee, and other members
wefe present, and they went into a
prolonged conference in an attempt
cq settle npon a definite program that
would not And President Wilson and
Bryan af odds.
Early Referendum Planned.
Slrfa star be takes ?? bring the
treaty lasae to the praple before the
Presidential raa?al(i, It was. learaed
at the White Hons* today. It Is aa
derstood that l>easoeratlc leaders,
fearlaa a elash ! 1 their own pari y,
are aaw work In oat a plan which
will be sabalttr to the President,
whereby a refer- . dan on the treaty
at a r be takea wl iln a short tlsae. It
was stated at tli>' White House thnt
surh a plan aalsht be deemed advis
It was admitted that Mr. Bryan's
| plea for Government ownership of
railroads will appeal strongly to the
labor sentiment of the country, .-is
iwell as other groups who believe In
public ownership of utilities ?.n<l
transportation lines. At the same
time, it was conceded that his stand
will find sympathy with the Demo
crats who believe ii^ the adoption of
the treaty with mlRT reservations.
Mr. Bryan, at his headquarters, in
the Hotel L*fayette, this morning,
was engaged in conferences with a
group of Democratic leaders who
gathered at his hotel at an early
hour. Mr. Bryan was in an exceeding
ly good humor and received each
group with outstretched hands.
Chagrin Is Displayed.
Democratic leaders today were not
at all backward in displaying their ,
chagrin at the differences which de
veloped between President Wilson's j
views and those of Mr. Bryan. They i
were hopeful, however, that In the
conference today they would get def
inite assurance from Mr. Bryan that
he would not lead a revolt in the cam
paign, and that he would not cam- i
paign against the views expressed by
the President.
There was an unconfirmed report
that leaders were working in an ef
fort to convert Mr. Bryan to the
President's views and that If this
failed he might be asked to withdraw
from active participation In the Presi
dential campaign.
President Wilson and Bryan are
diametrically opposed in this situa
tion. The President in his message
to the Democratic party, read last
night at the opening of the Jackson
Day banquets In the Wlllard and
Washington hotels here, said:
"If there is any doubt as tq what
the people of the country think on i
this vital matter (ratification), the j
clear and single way out is to sub
mit -it for determination at the next
In the face of this, and in the face
of a resolution adopted by the Demo
cratic Natlpnal Committee pledging
the party to support the President in
the treaty fight. Bryan came out un
equivocally against making It a cam
paign Issue.
With regard to article 10, to avhleh
President Wilson has referred as the
heart of the league of nations cove
nant, Bryan, tn his second speech
early this morning, said:
"I think the Importance of article
10 has been very much magnlfted."
President Wifson's message failed
(Continued on'Page 2, Column 4.)
Federal Trade Commissioner Colver
charged today before the Henat* Agri
cultural Committee that former Secret
Service men in Chicago had trumped
up charge* against former commis
sion employes tn mak* It appear that
"red" activities could be found la the
"f the rnmmisslon.
Just Like a Gathering of
Neighbors Back Home,
Mrs. Peter Oleson Writes
i . .
f | ?
(Written Exclusively for The Times.)
The tirst impression of a Democrat from the country
was the immense enthusiasm displayed at the banquet. It
was good to see the donkey, the emblem of the Democratic
party, decked out so wondrously.
If the Republican party had achieved as'much in any
seven years as the Democratic party has since it came to
power, it would dress the elephant in cloth of gold and
parade the streets of America- j
Good to Hear Ideals.
So it was good at this banquet to
hear the achievements and ideals of
the Democratic party so well ex
As women are only now becoming
interested in politics, a woman .might
put it "How were the Democratic
women received at the banquet by
the men of the party?" The only
answer can be that they were de
lightfully received, and all the wom
en enjoyed the dinner and the
speeches as much as though It were
a private dinner and the people whom
they met were of long: acquaintance
Chivalry toward women was very
marked .at this banquet of the Demo
cratic party. Of course, the Derao
j eratlc party is the party which does
| the will of all ,the people of America,
therefore, is the party in which it
(Continued on Tage a, Column 4.)
See Bryan-Wilson Split
As FavoringUark Horse*
I. N. S. Staff Corrwpondrnt.
Party leaders here today are convinced that only the
forlornest of forlorn hopes remains for the ratification of
the treaty, and that the pact will become the parnmouiit
issue of the Presidential campaign.
Race for "Dark Horse."
This being the case, sober, non
partisan Judgment, baaed upon.flrst
hand knowledge of nation wide con
dition*, la that nothing can save the
two old line parties from splitting
over the Issue, leaving the way more
than ever open for "middle parties,",
independent candidates and last mo
ment candidates.
Only the next few days can
leflnltely settle the question of Just |
liow serious Is the clash In the I)amo- |
cratlc party between President Wood- |
row Wilson and William Jennings
Hrvan. That there la a wide differ
ence of opinion at the moment ia not
disputed. The President saya, let the
treaty go to the country as a cam
paign Issue If the Republicans re
fuse to ratify the pact with reaerva
tlons which merely Interpret It.
Bryan Insists that the Democratic
party cannot go to the people on such I
an Issue. A difference of opinion, I
therefor*, exists. nnd only a com-I
promise lb the Senate, between the '
mild rcservationists on both Hides,
can save the Democratic party from
the consequences of the split between
its two greatest leaders.
t'kurehea Want l^spif.
Nevertheless, politicians of both
big parties who have taken a swing
around the country testing opinion,
declare there are many people, both
Demoorats and Republicans, who
wan the league of nations. Churches
are said to be almost unanimously In
favor of It; also labor, women, and
other factions In 1920 politics. If
this appreciation of conditions Is
true, political forecasters here today
claim, voting will not be strictly
along party Ines nest fall, but'will
be according to whether the voters
favor or oppose the treaty of Ver
sailles with the covenant of the
league of nations whleh It carries.
Kach of the two big parties' will
(Continued on Page ft, Column 5 )
Accused Faces Extreme Penalty
For Death of Member of
Oriental Mission.
Cobs and Is Supported From
Courtroom by Two
Deputy Marshals.
2i&nK Bung Wan was found guilty
of first degree murder by the Jury
in Criminal Division No. 1, District
Supreme Court, Justice Gould pre
siding, shortly after noon today. The
jury was in deliberation exactly
thirty minutes.
Was has been on trial for nearly ;
a month on the indictment charging
that lie shot and killed Ben Sen Wu,
a member of the Chinese educational
misSion, January last. The prosecu
tion, while trying Wan for the slay
ing of Wu, haa charged ' that the
Chinese student also shot ?od lulled
Dr. Theodore T. Wong, director, and
O. H, Hale, under secretary of the
Chinese educational mission.
Forglig Also Charfwl.
One of the four counts in the in
dictment on which Wan was tried
a'jto charges that the Chinese student
forged the name of Dr. Wong to a
check for *5,000, which an attempt
was made to have cashed at the Riggs
National Bank on January 30. the day
after the three Chinese educators had
been slain. ,
Wan at first received the verdict
stoically, then broke down and sob
bed and was led from the court room
supported by two deputy United
States marshals. His attorneys,
James A. 0'8hea and Charles L*ahy,
stated they would file a motion for
a new trial in a few days.
The case went to the Jury at 12:20
In his closing statement. Mr. Las
key told the Jury that If it did not
believe Wan accompanied his brother.
Tsong Ing Van. to the Riggs National
Bank to attempt to have cashed the
18.000 check, bearing the forged sig
nature of Dr. Theodore T. Wong, he
did not desire a conviction.
Mr. Laskey declared the Govern
ment had established an indisputable
case against Wan. and urged a ver
dict of first degree murd?r.
In summing up the Government's
case against the defendant. Mr. Las
key told the Jury that if it believed
(Continued on Page 21, Column
Bundled Warmly, He Strolls
With Mrs. Wilson Outside of
Executive Mansion.
President Wilson walked about the
White House grounds today for the
first time since he arrived home. Sep
tember JS, from his transcontinental
trip, which was the cause of his phys
ical collapse.
Bundled warmly and wearing his
heavy fur coat, the President strolled
leisurely along the walks and paths
south of the Executive Mansion and
sfeeroed thoroughly to enjoy the out
ing. He was accompankd by Mrs.
Wilson. 1
Those ?ose to the President say
that all vestige of doubt about his
return to health and physical strength
have been swept away.
President Wilson was up unusually
early this npornlng and read the news
It Is not too much to say that the
attitude of William Jennings Bryan
ta no surprise to him and tKat he haa
had all along a rather correct line on
the trend of political events.
'The Preeldent Is full of fight," said
an Administration official and polltl
oal adviser of the President today.
That seems to be the temper of
most of the President's most intimate
friends. All believe that he Is prepar
ing to continue with renewed vigor
his fight for the ratification of the
treaty and the league of Nations
covenant without "ruinous" reserva
tions, and that shortly there will be
| forthcoming from the White House
something definite In the way of a
| prn| n
Pounds Victim With File in
Lonely Wood as Husband
Wields Club, Police Say.
Body Found Upon Information
Furnished by Rochester
Woman's Father.
ROCHESTER, N. Y? Jan. 9.?An
alleged murder of vengeance, in
which the wronged person was an
eighteen-year-old bride, was said by
the police to have been cleared up
today when James L. O'Dell, a for
mer soldier, confessed that he and
hit young wife had beaten Edward
J. Kneip to death in a lonely spot
three miles from this city.
According to the police, O'Dell
claimed his wife had been wronged
by Kneip. O'Dell is twenty-one
years old, the same age as the vic
Left Alive Under Calvert.
The crITnela mufltud by mw of the
most tmulnc detail* ever called to
the attention of the Rochester police,
ft la charged that Kneip waa taken to
the murder spot on Wednesday night,
and after being beaten, hia body waa
left lying under a culvert. Long
afterward O'Dell returned to the
acene and waa surprised to find Kneip
still alive.
Both O'Dell and his wife are under
arrest. They have been grilled by the
police, and, according to the authori
ties, the following story of the mur
der has been constructed:
O'Dell, incensed by the story told
him by his wife, went to the Gleason
work? where Kneip was employed, in
a taxicab on Wednesday night. Pos
ing as a detective. O'Dell flashed a
badge and told Kneip "he was want
ed." Kneip was taken In the cab to
a Junction of the Scottsville and Mos
quito Point roads, several miles south
west of Rochester and ordered out
of the cab.
Wife at Se??e ?( < rime.
Whether Mrs. O'Dell. accompanied
the men In the cab is not plain, but
at any rate she was at the spot.
Kneip was led to the top of an em
bankment where O'Dell suddenly
leaped upon him and overpowered
Kneip was nearly helpless, as
O'Dell had placed handcuffs upon his
The victim was then fastened to a
tree and Mrs. O'Dell Is alleged to
have beaten him over the head and
face with a neavy file until he was
unconscious. As the bodyvsagged In
Its fastenings as though lifeless.
O'Dell and his wife unbound It and
the supposed corpse rolled down the
embankment and slid beneath a cul
vert. s
O'Dell threw some brush over the
(Continued on Page 3, Column 8 )
LOS ANQKL.ES. Cal.. Jaft. 9?Life
imprisonment was asked today by the
State for Harry 8. New, alleged slayer
of Frieda Lesser, when arguments
were opened in his trial here. This
caused considerable surprise, as all
previous Indications wore that the
prosecution would demand the death
If New Is guilty and sane, the
State's attorneyls contended. he
should be sentenced to spend the rest
of his life In San Uuentln peniten
tiary. If he Is Insane, ss contended
by the defense, he should be confined
In any asylum, they stated^
PARIS, Jan. 9.?American
Ambassador Wallace announced
today that he will not ^ttend the
signing of the German protocol
or the exchange of ratifications
of the peace treaty, scheduled
for tomorrow afternoon. It la
understood hie announcement
waa made under inatructi?oa
| from Washington.
The District Commissioners today asked Congress to
prepare a way for the merger of the Washington Railway
and Electric Company and the Capital Traction Company,
declaring that "ideal street ear service cannot be furnished
| in the District until all the compares are brought under
lone head."
A bill which would make possible the consolidation of
i the companies was prepared by the Commissioners ancf
i presented to Carl E. Mapes, chairman of House Commit
1 tee on District Needs, today. The Commissioners urge,
immediate legislation and, included in their bill several
other changes in the public utilities act.
It was hinted today that members of the Public Utili
ties Commission were of the belief that a merger of the
companies would make it possible to have a lower street
car fare in Washington. In a communication to Chairman
Mapes the Commissioners spoke njrarnst the zone system
of fare collection.
[ , five Points in Bill.
Attorney General Pushing Bills
For Punishing All
A subpoena was issued today
for Ludwig C. A. K. Martens,
Bolshevist "ambassador" to the
United States, to appear Mon
day moraine before the Senate
subcommittee appointed to in
vestigate Russian propaganda.
Secret ^Service a?ents throughout j
the country today aVe in the midst
of preliminary work for a third big
roundup of radicals, it was learned
at the Justice Department.
Directed by Attorney General
Palmer, the agents are collecting evi
dence against the members of three
national groups of "reds."
Other Branches Aid.
Other departments of the Govern
ment are co-operating.
Conferences are being held with
Secret Service agents of the Poatof
flee and Treasury departments. Im
migration authorities unde' Commis
sioner Caminettl of the Labor Depart
ment. are ready to assist Palmer
.when their aid la needed.
The names of the three groups
under inveatigation naturally are be
ing withheld, leat their offlcera and
members become warned to dectroy
Incriminating evidence. Their avow
ed alma, however, are fully aa nn
tagonlatlc to law and order aa the
Communist and the Communist labor |
parties, and the Union of Ituaaian j
(Continued on Page 7, Column 2)
Officer* and Crew of Craiser Yaku
mo Feted by Ctrrinia
MEXICO CITY, Jan. it.-Mej'ro
City last night was the scene of n
demonatratlon In honor of the officers
and crew of the Japanese cruiser
Takumo, who were concluding a
week's atay here.
After a banquet tendered by the
government great thronga paraded the
streets In the vicinity of the visi
tor's hotel, shouting continual "vivas''
to the Japsnese. Plre-woiKx and '
band concerts were features of ?he ,
Five points In the Commissioners'
bill which tends to better street car
service In the District are:
' A merger of the street railway com
A change in the form of taxation
of street railway companies from one
based on gross receipt* to one bawod
on operation income.
Creation of a contingent fund to
be made up of taxes paid by the rail
way companies. This contingent fund
to be used from time to time at*thf<
direction of the Public Utilities Com
mission to lay additional tracks or
for any purpose tending to improve
car service.
To relieve the street railway com
panies of the burden now imposed
upon them of paying the entire cost
of maintaining street railway cross
ing policemen.
To permit public utilities in the
District to finance needed extensions
by the issue of additional stocks.
The bill will also make it possible
for the consolidation of the Washing
ton Gas Light Company and the
Georgetown Gas Light Company.
The portion of the bill relating to
th%?merger is the' most important
legislation asked by the Commission
ers. The communication to Chairman
Mapes explains the advantages In de
tail of a consolidation of the two
street railway companies, and cites
the various petitions presented by tbe
Company for higher street car fare
"The Commissioners are firmly of
the opinion that ideal street car serv
ice cannot be furnished in the Dis
trict until all the companies are
brought under one head," says the
letter of the Commissioners, "either
through single ownership or through
single operation. To make this pos
I Bible the bill authorises a merger
of the street railway companies on
the basis of the valuations found by
the Public Utilities Commission ai
der the law creating that commission
This legislation will also permit the
merger of the two gas companies
These companies are now practlcall>
In common ownership, but are handi
capped by the requirement of la*
'hat each maintain a separate cor
poration existence."
Will Im prove Herri**.
The Commissioners are anxious thai
a fund be created, to be made up from
the taxes derived from the two rail
way companies, to be used by tht
utilisation commission to Improve
service by apendlng the money on new
tracks or to make loans to the rail
way companies. In asking for the es
tablishment of this fund the commie
sloners also request a change in the
form of taxation.
"Section 1 of the bill provides for
the repeal of the existing tax of 4
per cent on the gross receipts of the
street railway companies and substl
tutes therefor a graduated tax upon
operating Income (n excess of 0 pe>
oont on the fair value < n property
of the company as determined by the
Public Utilities Commission tinder the
provisions of the act of 1018." say*
the commission. "The new tax would
take one-half of all operating Income
In excess of fl per cent and not ex
ceedlng 7 per cent, and three-fourthr
of all operating income In excess oi
7 per cent on the fair value as so de
termined. The term 'operating In
comes' Is defined with precision.
"As the value of the privilege* \
which the various street railroads en
Joy in the streets of the District 01
Columbia Is not in any sense me**
tired by the gross receipts, taxee
based thereon are Inequitable and un
just. It in true that thia Inequity he*
existed for a great many years, but
(Continued on l'sgr I, Column 7.)

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