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Today Emerson's Quotations. Better Than Emerson. Wagon and Star. Jack Horner Reading. BY ARTHUR BRISBANE. (Copyright. 1*1* > Read some writers for what they ?*y, others to pick I 'Mr books well chosen quotation* a? Uttle Jatk Horner picked plums from his Christmas pie. The statement would enrage Mar SJ?ret Fuller, nevertheless Ralph Waldo Emerson is one whose writ ings are more valuable for quo tations than for original thought. Like many others, Emerson is not strong enough to go through time's furnace. But he read earn estly for you. Go through his es says in Jack Horner fashion, pick ing out the quotation plums. Emerson, born in Boston, 117 years ago, was a clergyman, as were his ancestors; he graduated from Harvard and the Divinity School of Harvard, preached from a Unitarian pulpit In 1882 he resigned, after a quarrel about the lvord's Supper. That a Unitarian should quarrel about the Lord's Supper, while denying the deity of Christ, is ueer. Emerson did quarrel and evoted the rest of his life to lec tures and writing. He greatly admired Carlyle, a real genius. Carlyle tired of him; so will you, but read him. His best five words advising young men to follow their highest intellectual ambition were: "Hitch your wagon to a star." It is good advice for intellectual wagon that has wheels with ball bearings and a strong chassis. Emerson was a valuable opti mist, had a high opinion of the human being, did not believe that we are poor miserable worms put on this earth to spend short lives dodging eternal damnation that is waiting to get us later on. His opinion of himself is thus: "I am owner of the sphere, of the seven stars and the solar year, of Caesar's hand, and Plato's brain, of Lord Christ's heart, and Shakespeare's strain." / There is a lesson for some em ployers who say men are willing to take salaries now, but won't work, in a short story quoted by Emerson in his essay "Heroism. "After the army had crossed the River Teleboas, in Armenia, there fell much snow, and the troops lay miserably on the ground covered with it. But Xenophon rose naked and, taking an ax, began to split wood; whereupon others rose and did the like." Had Xenophon stayed in bed, the wood would not have been split. Let employers set the ex ample. Martin Luther threw his ink stand at the Devil, actually be lieved he missed him by half an inch, and he had long argument with Satan. Men once were credu lous. Luther's life is one with which every reader should be familiar. Emerson puts this interesting quo tation in his essay on "History:" "Doctor," said his wife to'Mar tin Luther one day, "how is it that whilst subject to papacy, we pray i>d so often and with such fervor, whilst now we pray with the ut most coldness and very seldom?" The essay on "Self-reliance" be gins with six lines from Beaumont and Fletcher that can be cut down to two: ' Our acts our angels are, or good or ill. Our fatrl shadows that walk by us still." Every man knows that he is made up of things done in the past, and these "things" include (specially "thought," the real "fa tal shadows that walk by us still." In the essays this quotation from Zoroaster: "To the persever ing mortal the blessed immortals are swift." You may seem to be going slowly, but if you are a persevering mortal," you have working for you some of the blessed immortals, including your own perseverance and determina tion, which are immortal. Read about Zoroaster, another of the world's great men with whom you should be acquainted in order to understand the life and thought of today. He was a great tcacher, but his followers dwindled down, as followers usually do, and became mere Ignorant flre worship ers. Many followers of a higher teacher have dwindled into mere money worshipers, and own some of the most respectable "religious" edifices today. In his essay on "Spiritual Laws" you find this quotation from one of the five greatest geniuses, Michael Angelo: * "Do not trouble yourself too much about the light on your statue," said Michael Angelo, to the young sculptor; "the light of the public square will test Its value." The young man who does not understand how that quotation applies to him, to his foolish In terest in his own appearance and what others think of him, does not nnderstanl much. In the "Spiritual Laws" essay this line from Byron: "He knew not what to say, and so swore," is ap plied by Emerson as follows: "1 may say it of our preposter ous use of books. He kne* not what to do, and so he read." A man reading to pass time is as foolish as a man eating to pass time?many do that Think m you rend. Road to give your mind exercise. There are {Continued on Pag* 3, Column 4 ) ?t?^a*htnafott Wtmes INAL EDITION NUMBER 11.422. WASHINGTON. MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 26. 1920. KW fil Stml Pricwl PRICE TWO CENTO. Martens, Lenin's Envoy to U. 5., Refuses to Reveal Secret Code to House Committee cxxxxxxxxxxxtocxxxxxxxxxxxjooooc ooujCoooooooocxxxxdoooooocxxxxx cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjooc LODGE TREATY ULTIMATUM STIRS DEMOCRATS Martens Tells Senators Russia Can Survive Without Help From Other Nations. MUM ON SOVIET ORDERS Denies, However, That He Has Engaged in Propaganda In America. Lenin abandoned his idea of world revolution, Ludwig C. A. K. Marten*, Soviet representative in the United States told the Senate Foreign Re lations subcommittee today. The success of the Soviet govern ment, Martens asserted, has demon strated that it can. survive in the midst of the present systems. Russia Can Exist Aloae. "There ?m a time when the Rus sian social lata believed that revolu tion in all other countries was nec essary," Martens said. That idea la disappearing now be cause Russia has demonstrated that It can exist against the rest of the world. Russia is now trong enough to defy the other governments. That is th reason Lenlne wrote the Italian socialists advising against revolution. He believes this la a period of recon struction." Martens objected to making public his instructions from th*.X?ain gov ernment as to his conduct In this country when Senators of the commit tee investigating Russian propagan da asked him to reveal them. How ever, Martens denied that he had en gaged in any soviet propaganda In this country. The soviet bureau In the United States Is being supported entirely by funds from the L'nln government In Russia, Martens < dared. Martens assert' 1 he was Instructed that no funds sh< id be used for "in terference In th' internal affairs of the United Statei Senators denuiu i?d a specific state ment supporting his assertions re garding instructions received from his government. "There is a question as to how much of the confidential instructions may with propriety be revealed," said former Senator Hardwlck, who Is act ing ax counsel for Martens. "Many of the Instructions were contained in code," Martens said. Keep Cede See ret. "We want to disclose to this com mittee every Instruction of any kind," said Hardwlck, "but we don't think the committee would want us to reveal a secret code." "Together with my credentials as representative In tie United States of the republic of Russia, I received from the minister of foreign affairs of the republic instructions to work for th? establishment of trade relations be tween the United States and Russia," Martens said. "My government speci fically Instructed me that the fund* at my disposal should not be uitod for any purposes Involving Interfer ence in the internal affairs In the United States. In my reply acknowl edging the receipt of my credentials I gave my Government a brief out line of the establishment of my bu reau and of the nature of its work, stating my Intention to maintain a (Continued on Page 2, Column 6.) Keeping Up With The Tim&s A FACT A DAY On the subject of advertis ing copy?which is a hobby with The Times?Robert Rux ton, editor of "Knowledge," makes these very pointed ob servations: Before a man can adver tise he must buy white space. This accomplished, he then prints words in It. These words In advertis ing parlance are termed ."copy." There are two kinds of copy. Good copy and bad copy. The advertiser pays the newspaper for the amount of apace he usea. What he pays represents the value of the spare to the newspaper publisher. It does not represent the value of the space to the advertiser. The value of the space to the advertiser Is determined by the kind of "copy" he puts Into it. There la an easy way to tell good copy from bad copy. Good copy la copy that la good enough to aell goods, day by day. at a profit over Its cost. 1,107 LIVES SAVED IN YEAR BY U.S. RAIL CONTROL "Efficiency methods Introduced by the railroad admlnlsratlon In the operation of tralna resulted In a material decrease In accident* during tbe first ten month* of 1019, aa compared with the aame period in 1918." "aid Director General Hlne* today. "For the flrat tin month* of 1019, the number of employe* kiled waa decreased by 1.107, a* compared with the aame period In 1018, and 26930 less employe* were injured than during the same period In 1018. "The?e figures give evidence of^ what can be accomplished by team work In the application of safety practice*, as in other thins*," the director general *ald. MRS. HOBART DESIRES taP. TO FIGHT WOMEN Widow of Former Vlfe President Announced She Opposes Equal Suffrage. TRBNTON, N. J.. Jan, 2?.?Mrs. Gar rett A. Hobart, widoaMftf former Vice President Ho?art, dednRed In a state ment today ?he will not contribute to Hepubllcan party fund* *o long as it advocates woman suffrage. "As a woman. I am opposed to the enfranchising of women," she said. Mrs. Hobart said that woman suf frage would *oclallse institutions, demoralise the electorate, and "In volve the modesty of womanhood" In controversies. SOVIET MAKES WOMAN RUSS ENVOY TO ROME Madame Angelica Ballaranoff To Be Diplomatic Representative In Italy. I.ONDON, Jan. 26.?The Russian so vlet government has announced that Madame Angelica Ballaranoff will be appointed Russian diplomatic repre sentative at Rome, according to a news agency dispatch from Rome to day. AUSTRIAN ART OBJECTS WORTH MILLIONS STOLEN Bold Theft From Museum May Re suit in Nation Going Hungry for a While. LONDON, Jan. 2?.?A bold theft of $4,000,000 worth of art objects from the government musenm In Vienna was reported In an Exchange Tele graph dispatch from Vienna today. (A recent movement was Initiated In Austria to pledge castles and art works for money and food supplies.) TO TRYLANDLORD AS SLAYER IF BABY DIES Detroit House Owner fumed Off Heat and Infant Got Pneumonia. *? DETROIT, Jan. 2?.?George Munro, Detroit landlord, will face a charge of manslaughter If baby Broadbeck. suffering with double pneumonia, dies. Prosecutor A. P. Cox declared. Munro, according to the baby's father, turned off the heat in the Broadbeck apartment because the family would not pay the rent In ad vance. The baby contracted pneu SUPREME COURT DECIDES AGAINST GOVERNMENT Lumber Companj Winn Snit Brought By U. S. Against Officials for Alleged Fraud. The Government In the Supreme Court today lost It* suit against the Hllverthorne Lumber Company, North Tonowanda, N. Y., which grew out of an Indictment against official* for attempting to dsfraud the railroad admlnlatratlon. Frederick W. Hllverthorne a* presi dent and Asa K. Hllverthorne his father, and general manager, were Indicted for delivering to the Le high Valley Railroad at Buffalo, while It waa under Federal control, a iea* number of grain door* than they attempted to obtain compensation for. Thl* action was taken by the grand Jury after United Htates marshal* raided the offices of the company and salzed Its records. U.S. MAY KEEP SIBERIAN ARMY Withdrawal May Be Delayed J>y Capture of Americans by Bolshevists. OFFICIALS NOT ALARMED, Expect Early Release of Engi neers and Red Cross Workers. Withdrawal of American troops from Siberia may be delayed by the reported capture of a party of American engineers and Red Cross workers by the Bolsheviks. The War Department was today seeking complete information of the reported capture of Major W. M. Blunt, a Miss Ford, And Captain! Charette and American engineers near Kliuchinskaya. United States Net Alarmed. Officials dclared that they had no | fear* that the release of the persons captured could be effected, but It whi understood that American troops would not leave the region until they could bring out the captured person* with them. General Graven, in command of the Siberian forces. Is expected to make immediate negotiations with the J4ol shevlks for the releaae of the Ameri cans. Keports which had arrived here to day were fragmentary and not com plete. The War Department will take no official action until complete official reports have been received, but It was stated that It was believed Gar eral Graves has already taken steps for the release of the captives. The American Red Cross was with out Information today as to the re ported capture of Red Cross worker*. The Red Cross announced thfet C?pt. lSdward Hercules Charatte, who Is reported captured, is from Stockton, Cal. PIANIST TO PLAY FOR 12 BOTTLES OF BEER Rachmaninoff, Noted Russian, to Be Inspired by Mr. Busch's Home Stock. ST. LOUI8. Mo.. Jan. 2??When art and alcohol join hands the promotion of art Is likely to be. a dangerous thing In these dry times, but If Sergei Rachmaninoff, the distin guished Russian composer-pianist. Is still thirsty when he returns to St. Louis for his concert engagement February 11-14, the beer which hla temperament requires will be forth coming and music need not pine for lack of moisture. During his recent visit, the pianist said: 'Til play anything you want; any where you like, but on one condition: I must have a doxen bottles of genu ine beer." The hunt for beer went on unsuc cessfully for weeks, coming ulti mately to August A. Busch, the brewer. "Tou can say for me that If It Isn't a penitentiary offense, I'll be glad to accommodate Mr. Rachmaninoff," said Busch. "I'll do anything for the up lift of art that won't get me Into trouble with the Federal authorities. "Be sure and tell Mr. Rachmaninoff not to go to the brewery, however. Have him come to Grant Farm, my home. A brewery is the last place In the world to look for beer In these days." SECRETARY OF TREASURY SELECTED BY PRESIDENT President Wilson today selected his appointee to the post of Secretary of the Treasury. The name will go to the Senate for confirmation late to day or tomorrow, It was learned at the White House. U.S. UNREPRESENTED AS LABOR PARLEY OPENS PARIS, Jan. 26.?An International labor conference opened here today wlthont representatives from the United States. A delegatlpn from Germany attended. M. Thomas, of the French represen tatives, said he hoped the United States would collaborate even If In formally, pending the ratification of the peace treaty at WaaJ)lngton. M New Ttitnc* far Antmnnhllee Th?y ere described and Illustrated In February Popular Science Monthly. All mm nirti 1 in. Dr. Van Schaick Before Senate Investigators President Wilson'* choice for District Commissioner photographed today when he appeared a* a witness in his own behalf before the subcommittee of the Senate District Committee which is investi{rating charges that he is disqualified to serve. Right to left: Senators King, Utah; Sherman, UL; Dial, S. C.; Sheppard, Tex., and Capper, Kan., and Dr. Van Schaick. Disabled Transport Expected to Reach Halifax by Noon Tomorrow. HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Jan. 29.? The army transport Powhatan, which baa been battered about In midwinter storms since January 18, la now in tow of the American army (UK Re lief and revenue cutter Acushnet. making her way slowly to this port, radio dispatches received here today said. The I^dy Laurier failed in her sec ond attempt to tow the disabled transport when another hawser broke this morning-. The Powhatan Is expected here to morrow noon, VALIDITY OF U.S. DROUGHT TO BE DECIDED IN APRIL Supreme Court Postpones Arguments On Motion To Dismiss Rhode Island Bill. The Government, In the Supreme Court, today moved to dismiss Rhode Island's bill attacking the validity of constitutional prohibition. Argument on this motion is expect ed to determine whether constitu tional prohibition will stand. Solicitor General King stated the motion could not be argued until March, b oca use Rhode Island attor neys are not yet ready. A reoesa of the court during February will delay it until that time, so that a decision cannot be cxpected before April. The court agreed to advance the appeals from Ohio courts, which will determine whether States by referen dum can override the action of 8tate legislatures In ratifying the consti tutional prohibition amendment. The Government In Its motion to dismiss the Rhode Island complaint claimed that It presents no Justiciable matter nor shows sufficient legal ground for the court to take Juris diction of the case. "The facts stated in said bill of complaint do not set up any cause of action," the motion says, "and there Is no equity In said bill." The argument of prohibition cases was assigned for Monday March first. FIRE IN HOTEL FORCES GUESTS INTO ICY COLD Clad in Sleeping Garments They Watch FUmes Destroy $250,000 Hostelry. DETROIT, Mich., Jan. 26.?Fire to day totally destroyed the Hotel Hoff man. on Woodward avenue, with a loas of $250,000. More than 100 guests, msny of them clsd only In their sleeping gsr ments, were driven qut Into aero temperature, and at least ten persons cut off by the (lames were carried down ladders to the street from the third and fourth story windows. No Injured persons hsd been r? ported up to 9 o'clock, snd the fire was under control. WELL TELLS WEATHER. WICHITA, Kan., Jan. 20?Fred Dahm's well Is his forecaster. In fair weather the well whistles as air rushes Inward. Before a storm the air rushes out ,1 VAN SCHAICK FACBFOES Nominee for District Commis sioner Answers Opponents At Senate Hearing. The Re*. Dr. John Van Schaick. Jr., faced hi* accusers In open tension of the Senate District Committee today and denied flatly the charge that hi? voting record In the State of New Tork disqualified him for appointment as Commissioner of the District of Columbia. His confirmation as District Com missioner is at stake before the Dis trict Committee. Hearing* Are Claaed. Fo.lowing Dr. Van Schaick's ad dress this morning. Senator Sherman, chairman of the committee, announc ed the hearings closed. Dr. Van Schalck denied that he had voted In Coblesklll, N. Y., during the last three yeara, which would have disqualified him under the organic act of 1878,? governing the appointment of District Commissioners. He denied just as emphatically that it had been his intention to vote since 1016, when h# admitted freely that he had cast his last ballot in that year. In the next breath. Dr. Van Schaick told the committee that he had re fused to vote in the August primary of 1910. when a new legislature was to be elected in New York, although requested to do so. Dr. Van Schaick eagerly laid bare his entire voting record before the committee. It was not done, however, until after Col. C. C. Lancaster, of the Brlghtwood Citlaens' Association, had submitted documentary proof show ing that Dr. Van Schaick still is a qualified voter In New York State for that matter. This proof was fur nished in photographic copies of Dr. Van Schaick registry as a voter ?*?, Coblesklll in 1017. 1018 and 1010. Additional IToaf. Additional proofs were furnished showing his voting record since 1011 up to 1016. At the end of Dr. Van Schaick's tes timony he was asked the following questions by William Clayton: "You admit then that you voted In 1016?" "I do," replied Dr. Van Schaick. "You deny you voted In 10177" "I do," again was the reply. "After my appointment to the school board," explained Dr. Van Schaick, "my attention was called by Charles F. Nesblt to the Incongruity of my vote In New York while holding a position under the District govern ment. I told him I would not vote again. It has never bern my Inten tion to vote since 1016, and 1 showed that this was my Intention by re fusing to vote last August, 1010." Ke*< HI* Name Ob. Dr. Van Schaick said he did not ap ply to have his name taken olt the registry list at Coblesklll, nor has ho evor made that application. "Apparently, I am qualified to vote now," he admitted. "The question is one of Intent. I have told you what were my Inten tions. The question of law I am will ing to leave In the hands of the com mittee," said Dr. Van Schaick. One of the racords submitted by Colonel Lancaster showed that Dr. Van Schaick had voted In the fall of 1017. Dr. Van Snhalck said he believed this record was an error, as he was In Bel (Contlnued on rage 2, Column 4.) BLANTON FAILS IN FIGHT ON KEATING House Committee Decides Texas Congressman's Charges Are Unfounded. Demand by Congressman T. L. Blanton of Texas, that Edward Keat ing, former Congressman, be removed from the Commission on Reclassifi cation of Salaries of Government Em ployes, met with a chilly reception today at the hands of the House Com mittee on Reform In the Civil Serv ice. Mr. Blanton, who appeared before the committee to urge a favorable report on hla resolutions authorizing the removal of Mr. Keating, aimed his remarks principally at the Plumb Plan League and its publication "La bor." Mr. Keating is manager, with out pay, of the so-called editorial board of the publication. Mere Fairy Tale. In brief here is the indlctmen\ by Mr. Blanton, which Mr. Keating told the committee was "a mere fairy tale:" he attended a banquet given by Government employes on the day he assumed office as a member of the salary commission: that he accepted a gift from those employes bearing the Inscription "true and tried friend of Government employes." That he had attended numerous re ceptions tendered by people whose salaries he had been named by Con grass to readjust and that he had as sured them they had no cause for alarm, because the commission would see to it that their salaries were raised. That he had held out hope even for the "clock-watching, cigarette-smok ing Government employee who don't care anything about the kind of serv ice they give the Government." That Keating, while In the employ of the Government, accepted employ ment from the Plum Plan League, a "Socialistic," Bolshevistic plan which would taJ<e forcibly $20,000,000,000 worth of property." Se?rea I'lumh Plan* That the Plumb Plan League, through high officials, was exploiting millions of laboring men in the coun try. That <10,000,000.000 had been col lected from the laboring people to be "misapplied and misused to the dlsadvantageof those putting it up." That ths Plum Plan League pub lication. L^bor, had attacked membera of the House and Senate and that In reference to himself had asked, "la Texas short on bughouses?" That it Is time for Congress to an swer the question: Shall one of our own employes smear us every day with slime and mudT" Mr. Keating was told by Chairman K R. Lehlbach that Mr. Blanton had failed utterly to make out a prima facie caaa against him; that he saw no use In hearing from him. Congressman FairAeld "we tried to get matters of fact from Mr. Blanton, but without success." Mr. Keating said that Mr. Blan (Contlnuad on Page 2, Column 8.) RAKER CONFINED TO HIS HOME WITH COLD Secretary of War Baker la III at his home hare. He haa been con fined to hla room since noon yester day. Cot Roger Brook, of the office of the surgeon general, who la caring for Baker, believes the Secretary'* Ill pep* is only a cold, which may be re lieved after several days Indoors. G. 0. P. LEADER Declines to Consider Any Com promise on Article X as Amended. HITCHCOCK MUCH AGITATED Hurriedly Summons Conferees To Draft Reply to Sen ator's Defi. Senator Lodge, Republican leader, today refused to resume bi-partisan treaty conferences, except npon the definite understanding that no change whatever be made in the Lodge reser vations on Article X and the Monroe Doctrine. He delivered this virtual ultimatum to the Democratic mem bers at a brief meeting today Democrats Confer. Democratic conferees Immediately went Into executive session to decide on their answer. Senator Hitchcock, in a statement issued after the Demo cratic conference, announced that the Democratic reply to Dodge will be de livered at another meeting of the bi partisan conferees tomorrow morning Dodge's action is believed to have made certain the breaking off of the conferences, and to mark the failure' of this effort at treaty compromise. Hitchcock and other Democrat* seemed agitated by today's develop ment. In his formal statement, Hitchcock said: "When the conference assembled. Senator Dodge advised the Senators present that he had been called inte a meeting by certain Republican Sen ators and for that reason had not been able to attend the last confer ence Friday. Forres Adjournment. "He regretted to say that he foued it impossible to resume the confer ence for a compromise except upon the understanding that no chanae shall be made In the reservation on article 10, or on the Monroe doctrine. The Democratic members retired for a private conference and will make their reply to Senator Dodge Tuesday morning at a meeting at lO^SO. "The conference, up to the time its meetings were interrupted, had ten tatively agreed upon the preamble and all sections of reservations except that relating to article 10, the Monroe Doctrine and one or two minor mat ters, and an agreement was appar ently almost consummated on Arti cle 10 when adjournment suddenly came, followed by the intervention ef the irreconcilable Republicans." ALLIESPLAN "LAST" NOTE FOR HMD New Request for Person of For mer Kaiser Will Contain No Threat, However. By NEWTOW C, PARKR. I. N, 9. Staff Correspondent. PARIS, Jan. 2?.?French legal e* Oerts were today Instrutced by the ambassadorial council to draw up a rejoinder to the Dutch note refusing to surrender the ex-Kaiser to the al lies for trial before an international tribunal. This may be the allies' "last word" to Holland on the matter. It was re ported. The rejoinder will not be sent to The Hague Immediately. It is un derstood that It Is to be submitted to ths ambassadorial council for ap proval, and may be resubmitted to the British, French, and Italian pre miers before It Is dispatched. An at tempt will be made to have the note go forward some time next week. It is learned that the eommur" tlon will not contain any thre? Holland, but will merely argu? questions that were raised b^ Dutch government. The president of the i'uilsh delegation appeared before tf bassadors and urged them to U mediate steps to aeeist the against the threatened Bolshevl gresslons. The matter wa referred to Ml Foch, who Is In charge of the military precautionary m? throughout Kurope. Several minor Oerman dealing wltfc modifications peace treaty and the expenses ous commissions were rejected ambassadors. SUPREME COURT RECEJ The gupreme Court today an> ed It would reoess from t, until