OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, May 08, 1920, FINAL EDITION, REAL ESTATE, Image 16

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1920-05-08/ed-1/seq-16/

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Births, flBawlagts,
. Draths
NctteM May Bt Phonvi U*tii
t P. hi-. Mow iXCO, Bramc.i 9.
I'hj.tasn Kajl? I* lUcoier Kro*
Ailment Contracted While In
U. S. Ar*y.
Dr. Fre4erlek Bohoa. one or W*sh
ln|iuu i loading physician# died !???
night ?t hla home. 612 1 itreet north
west follow ng on Illness. contrated
while serving in the army at Camp
W heeler, Ga. I>r. Sohon wan fifty
three year* ?nd w?" .bo,n in
He v? educated In the public
grammar and high schools In the j
Lrt#trtct. and w?? gr?4utt?4 froin the
Georgetown Medical School. Ho latar
? tudled la liurope. and was graduated
from the University of Venn* with
high honor*. After hla educatlou
abroad had been completed, he re
turned to Washington and practiced
Or. Sohon accompanied Admiral
Peary on h e trip to the North 1'ole
|n IbOS, as physician of the explours
''lie entered the army three yeara
ago as a captain In the medical corps.
After his discbarge from the aerv >-e.
Dr. 'Sohon was connected with lite
? taff of. the medical school at Ueof..o
town University. . *
ll? waa a member of Washington
Council, Knights of Columbus and the
KtUa. He Is survived by his niothwi.
lira. Julia Potion, two sister* U,
UlUabetb Sohon and Mrs. p ? Cro
uielln. of thla city, and two brothers.
Henry W. Sohon. of Washington. and
Dr. Irvlnf Sohon. of New York.
. The funeral will be held Monday
morning from hla residence, thence to
St. Patrick's Church, where a nigh
muss of requiem will
at 0 o'clock. Interment w.ll be In wt
Olivet Cemetery.
J Carl Parnall, prominent business
man, died last night at hla residence.
2!? Eleventh street northeast, fol
lowing a brief Illness. Mr. Parnall
lor many vrars cojidttcted a plumbing
business at 1320 New York avenue.
He was a member olf the Ninth Street
Chrlatlan Church and of Harmony
I J. O. O. IT.
Funeral services will be held Mon- :
day morning from the residence at
10 o'clock. The Kev. George AJ
Miller, of the Ninth Street Christian
Church, will ofllclate. Internment
will be In Glen wood Cemetery.
Kuneral services for Mrs. Samuel
Oorapers. wife of tho president of the
American Federation of l-abor. who
tiled -Thursday, wore held at her
home. 3300 Thirty fifth street. Cleve
land Park, last night. The body was
/ taken to New York today. \
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, of New
Tork. will officiate the the funeral
services to be held st 100 West ^Thir
teenth street New York, at 1 o'clock
tomorrow. Interment will be In
Washington Cemetery, Long Island.
Mrs. Allle I>acock. seventy nine
vrars old, died last night at the home
of her son. Ilarry C. Surguy. the Iri
riuols apartments, 1410 M street
north west, after a brief illness. Mrs.
l.eacock was a resident of Washing
ton for the past year, coming here
front Anniston, Ala.
She Is survived by two sons. Harry
C. and Arthur li. Surguy, of this city.
The. fuV-ral will be held Monday aft
ernoon, with interment In Rock Creek
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Kelly died last
night at her residence, 4109 Twelfth
street northwest, after a brief illness.
Mrs. Kelly maided In Washington for
several years. Site is survived by her
husband, Thomas J. Kelly.
Funeral services will be held from
the residence Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Interment will be In Glen
wood Cemetery.
Murray G und Pearl llarrt?on.
Charles and Amy M. Baker.
Clifton K. and Henrietta W. Gray.
Dewey U ?nd Mary K. Suit. ,
Boyd R. and Ethel W. Read.
.'ohn 8. and Nannie Ilooe.
Authaa and Gertrude Lyon
Claudlua M. and l.ula M. Grceno.
? leveland and Alberta Todd.
James E. and Kluabeth Hawkins.
Kdward and Blanrhe Reed.
>V alter J. and Hathe Brown.
Benjamin and Rose Ennet. \
Tolyon and Mary A. Hurler.
Stanley V-- Klltna, 24; Josephine Posplsil,
34. The Rev. T. K. Davis.
Prank I? Blair, S.">; Dorothy M. White. 24.
The Rev. F. Rohrer.
nlu(M B. Rice, a:, Rirhmond. i?.: Mubel
Irene Cameron, 27. Seattle, Wash. The
Rev. J. H. .Jeffries.
? initio R Torrej, 23, Tampa. Pla : Marie
Catherine Dement, 20. The Rev. 11. K.
Downs. .. ,,
I,awrenee Cameron Gates. 33; Mary B.
Aeton, IT. The. Rev. VVIUIam C White
Prancla Michael O'Brien, 20. P**anna|J.
Ga.; Itnilly Ellaabelh Davla. 1?. The
Rev. E. A. Hannan.
Elwood Earl .larboe. ?2; Anna Rcglna
Healey, 2*. The Rev. J. E. Url((a.
Rebecca Wood, 81 yra., 1023 Bladensbur*
Charles M Cooper. 5J yra.. Tudor Hall, t?th
at. and Mm. ere. ?? . "Of
Sallie C. OalcoBcr, 13 yrs., 4S1 Mass. ave.
Sophia J. Gnmners. ?!> yrs . 3&00 Jith si nw.
Mdwln D. Ryan. "1 >ra, JiK loth st nw.
fvabert Weal. ? moa. Children's Hos.
uwrrta Waabitifton. 64 yrs. 1*41 12ib at.
Robert Mshoner. 45 yra.. Oarfleld no?.
Mary Morrison, 31 yra.% Preedmcn a Hea
CIIMCKH: -siS ml. 1^-1 i 1 . on Thursday, May
? ]930 at 7:3* IP m., at her late real
d'enrs. r.?00 Hth st. N. w . Washington,
D C, SOPHIA JUI.IAN, beloved wife of
Samo?l Oompera Services to be held at
7,i0t 3ith atreet, N. W . Cleveland I'ark,
Prtday ?vahln* st 7:30. Relatives and
Prlends Invited
Kuneral from th* funeral parlors of
Charlea A Benedict. ISO W 13th atreet.
Now York city, on Sunday. May ?, l#3?.
at 1 P. m. Interment st Washington
Cemetery. Lonir lalnnd. New tork, New
Tork papers please eypy.
?g?? ??
Of ??ary description- Modarata prltaa
1114 r rr n w,
MOWT.M tar all eerm.le?? (all Iranklla
4??? raieane" Tranklls Ilia OKO H
tookr "*
j. wiLliam i.ee
ky W B Mlkfc* * Ca. ??II<JI?S t ?
0U?. Ml* U?
32 Adams KiyrtM. 3J JJ S3
M AlllxaiHnra... >7 M14 *V
1*, Alaska O M... 1* 1H 1*
96 Am. Uaal tfugar. 94>* MH
41 Aw. Can 42 41.U 4li*
132^ Am. Car * Fdy.. 134* 133 J**
30 Am. Hide * Lea. 20S 20H
b9 Am. Ica pf CP U) 60
?IS Am. Llnaeetf .... 81't 81W 81)4
94 >? Am. Uc?muU??. 96 96 9b
IOX Am. Smelting... 61 60'4 61
93 Am. Smalt, pf. A. 9J 9] gj
42*4 Am. Steel Fdjr... 4Z>? 42'? 42K
90 Ai.?. Euwatra To. 90S tOH 90^
129 An- Sugtr 131 13014 131
KX A.n. T?1 * Til. 94* 94% 94.H
75 Am. T A T. Ctl. 74>? 74X 74.H,
lC3l/t Am. Wool lllJt IW>4 111)4
41 Am Wr. Pa. pf. 41>< 4l!{ 41'.?
A/iacodda 67? 57H 5/?
U Atchison t0'* 30'1
74*? Alcltiabn pf VsJi 75 75)?
171*4 At.. U. A W. I.. :/J li9H 172
US.'* Baldwin Loco... H9 lib 118&
i30l. Ea!iwln pf. .,.. 100 100 100
iy/t Lai to. A Ol.io... 3b 339i 35
4Mi IUii. A Ohio pf. 44 44 44
US iMrrett c?> x29?? 129 129'*
1 Ua'.opila* Min... 134 1 1%
96.'. Bei'iUiUim fctaei. 94.U 83:\ 94'*
C4* ->?th. Slvel 11... 94}, 963,
Ii9 Beth. Steel pf...*408i4 103.H 108H
<y? Booth Fisheries. 10 9J< 9X
?i!4 Butt* A Superior 223?< 2i?*
JJ,'.' Butterick 14X 14* 14.H
117ft Can. Pao 1X8 117H U7ft
73 Central Leather. 74 73*4 * 74
4oH Carro du Paaco. 47H 47)4 47%
Ui'4 Cbaudlar Motor! 147 145 147
62 Chea. A Oi4o... b3>? 52)4 5334
793? Chi. A N. W..'.. 81 81 81
34H GUI.. Mil. A BU P. 35H 35 35H
tOW C. M A St. P. pf. 51X 51 bl*
33Ji C.. It- I. A P.... ??*' 33X 36M
65 C.. K. I. A P. 0 wL 62 ?2 62
7W C.. a I. A P. 7 wL 74X 74H 74*
32)4 Chlno Cob. Cop. ??? it <23*
15% C, 1. Callahan.. 15 15 15
33X Coca CoIb 33 33 33
Consoi. Uaa .... K>'? r> 85H
;C Col. Grapliophono 3fcv JnJt 36^
22 Colo. A South.. 2J 22'4 23
F73? Corn Products... 9V7V?
91M Cont. Can 91', 91 ? 91H
13ft Crucible bteel.. 146 13t;? 146
51 Cuba C. Sugar.. 51* 62J4
81)4 Cuba C. s. pf.... CO, 80* 80H
P. A Klo U. pfd. 12 10)4 12
10 Dome Mlnea ... 10 10 10
Erin 13 12)4 13
20 Erie lat pf 20N 19X 20!4
13J4 Krle I'd pr 14 14 14
41 K. M. A S. pf.... 4i<4 40),' 40)4
1% GuioirWnn.... 13 13 13
14134 Gen- Electric ... 142 141?< 142
Grn. Motor Ctfa 3d',' 2914 30,'.'
62 Goodrich a F... 04 63 b4
36W Gt- North. Ore.. 3634 36 3634
74)4 Gt. North, pf.... 75 74^ 75
53 Inapira. Cop 5334 6334 533*
84 Int. Agr. pf..... $5 85 85
1934 lnt""- Nickel.... 195^ 19.^ ig>4
72)4 Intrrnat. Paper. 74 7254 74
4634 Iron PfoducU... 47 46^ 47
1634 K*n- City So.... 17)4 16>4 1734
29)4 Kcy?tone Tlr?.. 31^ 30 3134
27% Kenneoott 2734 2734 273,
79)4 Lacka. Steel .... go 79 * (X)
Lehigh Valley .. 4^4 4i;4- 4jj4
(Quotations Furnished by W. B.
llibbs A Co.)
Berlin 4'a 22'/?
Greater Berlin.4's -I 'j
Bremen 4'i's --;;i
Chemnitz 0'a -1
Coblenz l'? ? I
Cologne I'm
Danzig 4'x S0!j
Darmstadt 4'a
Dresden I's U
Dresden 4ti's
Dusseldorf Is -D'a
ICssen 4'a S3Vj
Frankfurt 4's I'll
Frankfurt o's S'J
Hamburg 3's Js'i
Hamburg 3V4's 19'?
Hamburg 4 s - '
Hamburg i'n'a 'j
Kgberg 4's .?. ISO>4
Leipzig 4'i's "J.'l
Leipzig 6's 25Vi
Munich 4'k 23',a
Germn Gv. 3's 1S'4
German Gvt. S'/j's lOVa
German Gvt. 4's 18>,4
German Uove. 6's IB
Krupp 4's i
Balsehe Aniline 41-j's ."."Vi
Allcgni Klerk ties 4',4's 20
Melnlnger Bank 4's. 24'j
Ni.rd Land Bank 4's 24'..j
Preusj Bank 4's 24'n
Berliner Bank 4's 21'4
Vienna 4's 7
Vienna 4Vj's 7 '-j
t rench 4'm
French It's E>U
Italian 5's .'. 60 34
Italian Notes 1923 *"'/}
Italian Notes 1925 47
British Vic. 4's 318
Nac. Wat Loan b's :!82
War Loan 6's 335
Belgian Best .' 68',4
2 p. m. prices furri?h<!d hy >V. B. Hibbs
* Co.. members of New York Flock Kx
Chans'?. tttd? Asked.
Amer. Agrl. 5's 01 00^
Amer. Cotton Oil fi's.... 70 81
Am. Tel. A- Tel. cv. 4'/j's. 78 80
Am. Tel. A Tel. conv. ?'s. 011% 04"4
American Tobacco O's.. 117
Anglo-French 0's OS 08'4
Armour A <'o. 4Vj's Tlli 78|.j
Atchison gen. 4's 71'? 72
Atchison cv. 4's (I0?0). 80 80*i
Atlantic C. L. cons. 4>.. 72 73
Baltimore A Ohio 4's.. f?0',
Balto * Ohio cv. 4Vi's.. T.O r.O'i
Bethlehem Steel ref. 5's. 80 82
Bklvn. Trans. 5's (I !?1 s). ?_'<> ||^
Central of Ga. cons. 6's. 7">'4 7634
Central I>eather h's 1>I \ HI
Central Pacific lats nfi'4
Chrs. A Ohio ?'/.j's 69\ 71
Ches. & Ohio cv. 4<4's.. ?S'4 6*'4
Che?. A Ohio conv. 6's.. 73 73'4
Chi., II. A Q. Joint 4's... !M !>??(,
Chi., B. A Q. gen. 4's... 70 70%
Chi. Great Western 4 s.. 11 T? 52
C.. M. & Mt. I'u. cv. 5's.. C.3 61 <4
C.. M. A 81. P. gen. 4Vs. 71 "4 ...
C.? R. 1 A P. Ry. ref. 4's. 62\ 63'4
C.. M. A St. P. conv. 4'4's. 63 <4 6334
Chile Copper Col. Tr. (I's 7534 71
Col. A Hotllh. ref. I Vs.. #8 00
Conaol. 'las Co. ev. O's,, 100*4 101
Den. A Rio CI. cons. 4'a.. ftO'i 50^
Ben. A Rio O. ref. 5>.. 43 43S
Blstlllers' Securities IV*. 77 78
lk>m. of Can. 6's 11031). 8!>'i
Krle ev. I's. series "il".. .'n"? "l'.j
11. I? gen. 4> ">r? 4 1'
? irneral Kl^eliie 5's s <
11raat Notlh. 1st 1\4>.. .. "?!
Ilndsna * Man tef. k's.. 5*'? ?8
liliKPis Central ref. 4a.. W4
CUM Hlak U? C??_
Jik ilarln* com ... 34% J3% 34%
i5% Mario* pf 66 to 86
177H M?*>can Patrol.. 186^ J/8 1WH
128 May Dept. Store 127 127 127
"32% Middlesex Oil ... 33% 32% 31%
44* Uldvala Mteel .. 44% 44if 44%
7\ Mo . Kin. h Tex. 8.'-< S 8 *
11 S% M. K. St T. pfd.. i3U 12 tf%
24^ Missouri Pacific. 'Li^% ?4'? 26%
40*4 Mlsaour! Pac. pf. , 42 41% 42
Nat. Hiscuit .... U0 110 110
10 Nat. C. C. 10 10 10
Ti\i Nat. Lead 7t% 79% 79%
70>4 N. Y. Central... 71% 71% 1?%
29)4 N- T- N H * M" 30% ?% 30%
N. Y. Dock pf. b0 60 501
191^ N. T., O. * W.. 19W 19U 19'*
91 Norfolk & West. 61% Wi 81%
76, Northern Pacific. 76 76 75
4% Ok. Pr * nr. Co. 4* 4% 4%
40% Ohio City Gas.. 40% <0% *0*
97* Pan-Am. Patrol. 104 97% 101
25>t Pcr? Marquette. 26% 26% 26%
40^ Penna. R. II..... 40,'s 40'? 40%
Peo. Gas Co 34* 34% 34%
35% Phil*- Coal .... 38 36% 38
Pitta * W V?.. 32% 31% 32%
68 Plerce-Arro w ... 59;,' 68% 69%
17% Pl?rc* Oil 18 " 16% 17%
K)1 Press. Steel Car. 103) 102 102
rullman Pal. Car iU% 114% 114%
17% Kay Con. Cop... 17% 17% 17%
99% Ry SI- >?Pr Pf ? ? 97% 96% 9?%
V6>? H*P- lron 4 81**1 97 95J< 16%
86H Heading 86% 84% 86
72% Retail Stores ... 74 72 74
RoyDutclfN y.. 120 117% 120
14 Saxon Motet ... 14 11% 14
UMbotrd A L.. f 8 8
Sea. A. Line pI. 14% 14% 14%
36% bloclalr Oil .... 36% -36% 36%
23 St. UAUaar.. K% ?% M%
96^ Southern PaclOc. S*% 95% 9C%
22 fcoutbern By.... 22% 21% 22%
77 Slromktri Corp. 76 76 76
80% Studebaker 82% 79% 82%
48% Superior Coal .. 49 49 49
U Tcdb. C. A C.... 11 10% 11
48% Teui Co. 81% 48% (1%
42 Tex. * ParIflc.. 45 41% 41%
66 Tobacco Prod... 66% C?% C6%
Union Bag * Pa. U6 116 116
16% Transcont. Oil.. 16% lb 16%
63% Cnlted Food ... 63% 63% 63%
116 Union Pacific... 118% 117% 118%
Union Pec pf... 62% 62% 62%
209 United Krult ... 2U 209 210
30 Union Oil 31 30% 31
K)% Un. Kail. ? lav. 10 10 10
17% U. 8. C. I. P * V. 18 18 18
86% U. 8. Ind.Alcohol 86 66 % 65%
66 Un. Realty Imp. b6% 56% 56%
96^ U. 8. Rubber.... 99% 96% 99%
U.8. Rub. 1st pf. 106% 106% 106%
U S Smelt & Rcf. t3% 63% 63%
95 U. S. Steel $0% 95 97%
107% U. S. Steel pf... 107% 107% 107%
69% Utah Copper ... 70 69% 69%
Utah Sees 8\ fc% 8%
69 Va-Car Chem... 72% 69% 72%
23 Weat. Pac 29 23 29
24% Wabash pf. A... 24% 24% 24%
48% Weatlnghouse .. 49%' 49 49
Western Md. ... 10% 10 10
10% Wh. t Lake Erie 10% 10% 10*
64)4' White Motora ..64 54 ?4
19',' Willis Overland. 19 18% 18%
67>{ Wilson, III. ... 68 68 14
70 Worth P. Ma... 70% 69% 70%
The market closed strong.
Inter-Met. 414's ltf',4 J"
Int. Merc. Marine O's.... 80 8814
Int. Rapid Transit ft'.*.. 53 63V4
Kan. City South, rcf. 5'a 04',3 65
Luck. Steel 5a <1050>.. N7'., 02>-j
Lake Sh. deb. 4's (1031) 70V4 <7
. Liggett ?? Myers 5's.... NO 8.1
I Lorillard fi> "7 NO
I LonU. & Nash. un. 4's.. 74'j 75
Midvalc Steel 5's 70v4 NO
j Mo.. Kan. & Tex. 1st 4's. S314 51
j Missouri Pac. gen. 4's.. b'J'j M
I Montana Power 5'? 7!)ri N2
! N. Y. Cen. ref. & im. -4 ? j'a 701- 72
N. Y. Cen. deb. O's 87li ...
N. Y. eity It-i s (1905)... 9:5 l>5%
N. Y. R). adj. u'b 0 0%
N. Y. N. H. & H. cv. 0 .1.. 0814 ...
North. Paeitlc 4's 70 70'?
|North 1'acilii; .Ts 50 50't
? Oreg. Short Line ref 4's. 731 i 7it
| Pac. Tel. *< Tel. 5 s 78'j M
11'cnn. cons. 41j's 84 Vj 85
Penn. gen 4'i'M 75'? 75H
Pcnn. Uen. 5's 80 80 '4
Reading Ren. 4's 78',i i91j
Republic Steel .Vs (1940) ... 87
St. L. & S. P. p. 1. 4'a 5314
S. L. Sou. 1st term 5's... 53 51
Sea'd Air Line adj. 5's... 34 34'i
Sou. Par. con. 4's 74'.j 74'?4
South. Pac. cv. 5's 98'j t>0
South. Pac. ref. 4's...... (!t):;i 0!)"4
: South. Ry. 5'n 78-';4 7t?
South Ry. Ken. I s 5'J'? 50'j
Texas Co. cv. (i's x10li4 105
| Third Avenue adj. 5's... ".'3 14
I Union Pacific 4's 71?14 70%
Union Pacific cv. 4's.... 80's 83
U. S. Rub. 1st & ref. 5's. 70T? NO
U. S. Steel 5's 02 '4 0314
Vlr. Var. Chem. 5's 0214 03
Western Union 475 70V4
Wilson & Co. conv. 6's.. 87 8S
(Quotations furnished by W. B.
Ilibbs & Co.)
Liberty 3%'s ...... 01 80
Liberty flr.-t 4's lJ5.NO
t.iberty second 4's 85.0<)
Liberty first 414's 80.50
Liberty Second 414'a 85.10
Liberty third 4'4's 80.00
Liberty fourth 4,.Vn 85.70
Victory 4")i'a 00.02
Victory 01.00
The polled are today watching out
for Milton .^Ionian, aged fifteen, and
Lucien C. t'oiiglas. aged sixteen, high
school students reported missing from
their homes.
Saloman, who lives at 413 R street
northwest, has not been home since
April 29. Ills parents liavo told the
police. A description has been given
the ? precincts and to police of three
cities in an effort to locate him.
Douglas, who was reported to he
seen gathering "wild flowers" in
Chevy Chase, lias been missing since
May r>. lie is a Central High School
student and wore his cadet uniform.
The ft-pflitnan "prom" of 5t. John'*
Colic*? will h?- lirid tr night At R*u
whrt'*. Vulronn ttrr Alhrrt l?. I>h^r.
| Uuml Tinrlry, i^otivirll,
J 'mnU t* I 1 M K. 1/ ?t ^ Ituvr r. M
| N K*;in Mm lmf| Iff int? r. J. |?ro
K?>lb. K. I gmnn, i.\ p. L. Xurin, ?n4
Jaqhm Jnhn?oix. jl.
Formal opening: of the Mount Ver
non Mvlnfi Dank, Ninth street and
Masaachuaetta avenue northwest, will
take place next Saturday, May IB.
The officera of the new tnatitutlon
Include William Muelhelsen, retired
merchant, president; William Jobn
aton. president of the International
Association of Machlnlata, vice presi
dent; William ft. Ileum formerly
cashier of the Security Savinga *
Commercial Bank, caahier. and R. G.
Donaldson and C. C. Tuckar. counsel.
A unique feature of the new bank
la the atrong representation on tVe
board of dlrectora of labor leaders. In
addition to the vice president of the
baijk. who la president of the Inter
national Association of Machinists,
other labor representatives on the
board Include Emniitt C. Davison. urn
eral-secretary-treasurer of that aaao
clatlon; Fred Hewitt, editor of the
Machinists' Monthly Journal; and A)
bert J. Berres, secretary of the metal
trades department of the American
Federation of Labor.
The other members of the board of
director*, besides the officers are;
James H. Baden, cashier of the Com
mercial National Bank; ChanJe* K.
Berry. president Berry-Whitmorc
Company; Dr. J. Uyan Devcreau*.
capltallat; B. K. Ollfnore, Samuel J.
Henry, vice prealdent K. II. .Smith
Company; Dr. Edward H. Koas, drug
gist; Henry C. Moses, vtca president
W. B. Moars 4k Kona; (leorge T. Par
ker, prealdent Ktdwti Beat Katate
Corporation; A E. ungerer. tlngerer.
Motor Comnany; H. R. Walcott, Safety
Cabinet Company and O. B. Zant
zinger. real eatate.
B Golden Donaldson, prealdent of
the board or director* of tha Com
marlcal National Bank, la aJao preal
dent of the board of dlr?etora of the
new Institution.
Tha Mount Vernon Raylnga Bank
will bava a close working: affiliation
with tha Commercial National Bank.
Capital Traction, 26C87!?. 25087,
Washington Merchants' Savins*
Bank, 10*20.
Graphaphone Rights, 1561 >4.
Bid. Asked.
Am. Tel. * Tela. 4'a.... 74T4 77
Am. Tel. & Telg. 4V?'s.. 71 10
Am. T. & T. CtL Tr. ft'a. 75 77
Am. T. it T. ronv. !'>..< 03'4 95
C. & P. Telephone 6'a... 90% 92
Cap. Traction R. R. 6'*.. Si *7
Georgetown Gas 1st 6's.. 04
Metropolitan It- It..6's... 00 02
Potomac Klst. 1-t ft's.... fej 05
Potomac Elec. Cone, ft'*.86 87 Vi_
Potomac E1e?\ P?w? 6's 01 01
Pot. Elec. Pow.. G-M 6's. 02 04
Washington Gas &>.... SO 84
Wash. lty. & Elec. 4's... 63 56
Wash. Ry. Klec. G-M ?'?. ... 93
D. C. Paper Mfg. 6's Of)
RiggB Realty ft's (lone). .. 93
Riggs Realty 5's (short) 92 ?.
Amc"ir. Tel. & Telga.. .. 04 ...
Capital Traction 86V6 S7
Washington Gas -4 4 V5 451 j
N. &. W. Steamboat,... 210 ...
Wash. Ry & Klec. com... 17 IS'/i
Wash. Ry. & Klec. pfd.. 47 4S'j
Wash. Va. Ry com 2 ..
Wash. Va. Ry pfd..,,.. 6
American Nat. Bank 171 1S5.
Capital National Bank... 180 ...
Columbia Nat. Bank 175 ...
Commercial Nat. Bank.. 175 ISO
District Nat. Bank 174 ...
Par. ic Merit, Nat. Bank. '-'40 255
Federal Nat, Bank 1S5 ...
Lincoln Nat. Bank 105 ...
Liberty 12$ Ijj
Nat. Metropolitan Bank.. 200 ...
Riggs Nat. Bank 445 ...
Sccond National Bank... 110 16.1
Washington 105 215
Amer. Sec. & Trust 225
Continental Trust 100 in
National Sav. & Trust.. 265 ? 280
Union Trust 114 118
Wash. Loan & Trust.... 245 260
Commerce & Savings... 14 ...
Last Wash. Sav. Bank. 14 ...
Merch. Bank 145 ...
Sec. Sav. & Com. Bank. 200 ...
Seventh St. Sav. Bank.. 145 ...
Union Savings 116 130
U. S. Sav. Lack 200 240
Washington Mechanics.. 17 ...
Arlington Fire Ins "% ...
Corcoran Fire Ins 70 ...
Firemen's Fire In#.... 2Vj ...
tJer.-Amcr. Fire Ins.... I.'.O
Nat. Union Fire Ins.... 0 ...
Columbia Title Ins 4Vi 6%
Real Estate Title Ins., 80 ...
Col. Oraphophone com.. ;;6 .17'^
Cal. Oraphophone pl'd Ut)
Col. Graphophonc Ills... l*i 2
D. C. Paper Mfg. Co. pfd ... 102
Merch. Trans. A Stor.. 1(>0
Mergenthalcr Linotype.. 101 J34
Old Dutch Mar., com.. 4% 6
Old Dutch Mar., pfd.... 10 II
Lanston Monotype SI % S3
Security Storage 200
Washington Market.... 714
\ ?
Dramatic Club Provides Own Scen
ery For Wilfttach Drama.
Mrs. Korrcsl Director.
To make Howard University ? cen
ter of rare drama that shall offer
the same contributions 1o American
drama that the race has made to
American music. Is announced as the
Intention of leaders of the Univer
sity, under whose auspices th> How
ard University Dramatic Club players
will present Paul Wllstach'a drama
"Thais." at the Howard Theater this
evening. *
The play Is produced under the di
rection of Mn. Marie Moore Forrest,
and It Is expected that Mr. Wllstach
will be In attendance. Invitations
have also been accepted by Mrs. E
II. Harrlman. Henry White, former
Ambassador to France, and Mr. and
Mrs. Archibald Hopkins, while it
expected that the Secretary of War
and Mis Baker will be able In at
The scenery ls^ lito work of mem
ber* of Ihe dramatic club, who were
directed In their effort tfy Cleon
IhroUunortoa, ol this yl>.
I p. m prices tarnish** by W. U. tllbl?
ft Co. m.mb.i. of New Tom Block K>
chitn Bid. > Askod
Aetna fecploalvea #'4 ?'/?
Allied Oil .A. ?' ??
A mar. Writing Paper. .. ' ? ?V4
Atlantic Petroleum .... 1% 4
Belcher Divide 1 ?
Belcher Uxtenaion 1 ?
BIk Mle A %
Boone Oil lit 4.
Boston and tluniina ... 73 II
Boston and Wyoming.. \ ||
Caledonia H II
Calumet and Jerome..*
Canada Copper 1 ft I A
Carbon Hteel >tM) 110
Cftr Light and Power... 1% S
Cltlea Service New 31 aft
Cities Bervlce Old 141 lil
Cltlek 8<t vice pfd...... 07 01%
Colonial Tire 3 t
Consolidated Copper ... 3?* 4
Coaden Co ? H',4
Coaden pfd -T? 3'4
Cramp* 130 1<K>
Craaaotr Gold 1% 1%
Curliss Aero . ? u * *
Oavla Daly V 10
Dominion OIJ .. 1HS 13%t
KIK Ban I ii ? *'4
Emeraon Phooe 3 0
Ertel V>ll % 1
Federal Oil ? '* 3
General Asphalt 70V*' 71
General Aaphalt pfd.... 120 J4?
GHIIland Oil 37 30
Oilllland Oil pfd OS 80
Olenrock Oil J S?i 3
GuffeV-Gllleaplev ....... 30'4 31
Hecla ' 4 *%
Houston Oil 84 00
Howe 8ound ? '?'<"* -tTa
Indian PacklnR 0* 10',4
Iftter'Ont'l Hubbcr ,1o 11
Internet. Petrol 30'i 37%'
Island Oil fl'-j "OS
Jerome Verde % %
Jumbo Extension 4 8
Lake Torpeko ' 1'? -'4
Unu Loco 80 00
Livingston Oil 1*4 114
Magma < upt>?r M
??riu4 naflnarjr
Invincible , 38
Uukb V?llcy A'*
Merntt Oil ..... >J
M?( ropolltan Mfil?? ?? M
Miilwcal Oil torn ....... 1
Mld? eat Oil Pfd JV4
Mldweat llaflnln? 141 -
Motberlod" inaw)
Nevada Ophir 30
New Cornelia 1?
Nlplaalng Mlpea Co.... #1*
North Amaf. P. * P....^. ?',i
Nortbweatarn Oil -t)
Oklahoma Oil Co %
|'ar(fcllun Tlra IIU
I'hillipa fat r 33'4
I'rodueera A Reflnera., i?4
Ray Mercy lee ,. \
Ryan Oil 3*4
Halt Crealt ............. IS
Kapulpa com.. J
Minima Petrol It .
hkully Oil 10'*
Standard Motora 7
Submarine Corporation.. 14
Hweata Co ?. 1%
Kwlft International .... 39
Tobarco Prod. Export. 12
Tonopah Divide ....... If,
Tunup^h Uxtenalon .... :
Tropical Oil II
United Kaatarn 3%
II. H. I.lght A. Heat Com. 2%
U. H- Light & Heat. pfd.. i%
United Profit Hharin* .. l \
U. 8. Bteamahip Z 'i
United. Retail Candy.... 15'.,
Wayna Coal .*1
White Oil L'l
Wright Martin Aero ... U
Armour pfd ??i*? 07
Cudahy Packing 0;i 04
Ubby ST14 27%
8wirt & Co ii4 nr.
Union Carbide ?t "??
Armour leather I6!? 16'J
Armour Leather pfd.... 03 OS'*
Nat. Leather 12% 12%
Wahl 47 4$
Congressman Mason Promised
Action Will Soon Be Taken
On His Measure.
? ? ?
The liuion revolution calling for
recognition by this country of the
l^llh republic will be taken up for
consideration In the Houm Foreign
Allaire Committee May IT. ac.*rdlng
to preaent plana.
Congreaaman Mason, Illinois, who
h?a been preaalng tor action on hla
resolution (or the paat two montha.
haa succeeded In getting the prom
lae tram hla coleaguea that action
will be talten. But whether there
w 111 be. aquorumof the committee prea
ent May 17 ia not certain, and there
may. bo further delay.
Many inembera of the committee do
not dealre to go on repord on thla
resolution They realUo there la a
good deal of polltlca In I', affecting
the votea - In their constituencies.
They Know, alao, that action on the
resolution might affect the relatione
with Ureat Britain, and It ia not de
aired now to atlr up antagonism. The
State Department has not looked with
favor on the resolution.
There is another resolution before
the committee bearing jin the Irish
question?that expressing the senti
ment of Congresa against the holding
in prison without trial o{ Irish po
lltlcal offenders. This resolution was
introduced by Congrersman Tague of
Massachusetts. Very recently there
was strenuous pressure brought on
b> iht
*d an I
tlie two
before tilt
ralaed comp,.
action 9n ellhe.
Klimer, (oud demand; No. 2 red ?
tar. $3.20; No. 2 red winter, garllrfc,,
13.18; recelpta. Sl.tUMJ bushel*; ship
I ntenta, tlifc buahela.
Corn?firmer: No. 3 yellow or bet
ter, domestic, fl.VO; recalpta, 11381
buahela; ahlpmenta, 24,171 buchela.
Oat*?Firm; No. 3 white, domes
tic. 81.30; receipta, 0.037 buahela;
ahlpmenta, 60,043 buahela.
Kya?Strong; higher; No. 2 Weatern
export, apot. 82.43; receipta. &8.8IU
bushels; ahlpmenta. lHS.42tt buahela.
Hay Ktrm: good demand.
Flour?Firmer; 50 cent* barrel
Safeguarding the
Safest Investment
It la a Generally recognised fact thut
first mortgages arc the safest lovestmcnl
In the world We would like to send you
our new booklet ti lling of the many saf*
guards we hav? placed around OUR first
mortgage si* per c*nt note*. which w? be
lieve make security doubly aecurs and
which constitute the chief reasons for our
racord of fifty years without loss to an
?JI 16th 8t. N. w.
this is hot an investment?but
a speculation pure and simple
? . ; , x <y.
It is the kind of speculation that will pay big returns if successful. On the other hand, it will
mean a total loss if unsuccessful.
Did it ever occur to you what the discovery of an oil field in Maryland would mean to Wash
ington? Can you visualize the untold millions of dollars that would be spent in our business houses
and how each one of us would irt turn be benefited?
V ' *
What the Scientists Say
f *??*' ' _
Dr. Otis Smith, director of the U. S. Geological Survey, says oil will "almost certainly notV, fyc found out
President of the Maryland Academy of Sciences, Dr. A. B. Bibbins, of Baltimore, our consulting geologist,
says the '^conditions warrant a thorough testing by the drill."
Dr. Francis C. Nicholas, former geologist for a number of the country's large oil companies, looked over
our property and s'ays: "drill, and do it quick."
Mr. Olander, Oil Scientist, says he never found surface indications better in any of the oil fields he has
Mr. Robinson White, practical oil geologist, says he is convinced oil will be found out here, but not under
3,000 feet.
Dr. David White, Chief Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey, says "there is no inherent reason why oil anj
gas should not be found?
We don't know who is right, but we intend to find out. For that purpose^we've organized a drilling
company and as soon as we have money enough we're going to buy a rig, bring on some trained drillers from
Texas, and get busy.
We invite you to join us if you can afford to speculate. If we lose?we lose, that's all. If we win?well,
that ,is something you can figure out for yourself.
We have leased 500 acres out in Prince Georges County, Md., and as soon as the geologists have finished
making their surveys we will anijpunce our first drilling location.
Stock $1.00 Per Share
We are offering stock now at $ 1.00 per share and it can be purchased in lots of from S 10 to $2,500.
We limit the maximum subscription because that's enough for anybody to lose, and w ould make the holder a
fortune if Ave find oil or gas.
There is nothing secret about our company?our Inoks are wide open for inspection by any stockholder at
any time. It's a sort ot club all air with no personal liability for anybody.
We want you to feel that our office is "your" oflice. Come in whenever you can and chat with us.
We're "at home" every day from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. except Sunday.
Mr. Traver, our president, is a practical oil man with some 20 years experience in the business. Mr.
Hopkins, one of our directors, spent a number of years in the Ohio. Illinois, and West Virginia fields. Both of
these men believe there is oil in Maryland?how much, they don't attempt to predict.
Our officers and directors are all well known Washington business men, who (with the exception of Mr.
Traver and Mr. Hopkins), know nothing about oil. They were selected to insure a clean, honest, energetic at
tempt to find oil or gas if possible.
An Explanation?and Apology
We want t<? thank those sporting-blooded folks who have already sent their checks in and become mem
bers of the "S-M-O-C-O CI.UB," and apologize to those who sent in the coupons and have not yet received a
call from one of our representatives. We have been literally "swamped" for a couple of days and since we kre
trving to keep selling expense at a minimum, we haven't enough salesmen to go 'round. Just " 'bide with us a
bit" and in the meantime tell vour friends to send in their checks for the amount they can spccu!?.t<* with and their
stock certificate will be mailed immediately.
You might also suggest that if they want to know more about us before buying stock to call and >ec us, or
fill in the coupon below and mail to
Souttm Maryland Oil Corporation
"SMOCO" Room 505, 1423 New York Ave. N. W. "SMOCO"
Capital $200,000 WASHINGTON, D. C. 500 Acre*
i W TRAVER. President. W. GILBERT DENT, Vice President.
J* "0 yearn' experience In Vic* president and treasurer well
v-intiirltv Writ Y?r*'nla and Texas known real estate firm. Gardiner
... V_- Dent. Hth street.
RUSSELL SHF.LK, Secretary-Treasurer.
General Manager Carter Labora
tories Corporation. Manufacturers
nerfumca and toilet waters. this
nil Thla Out and Mall loda? If 1 on ( an ? fall. ?
Southern Maryland Oil Corp.,
1423 New York Are. N. W.
Washington, D. C.
Gentlemen: Please send me full information
concerning your plane, prospects and reasons why
you believe there is u chance of opening a new oil
field near Washington. It is understood this in
quiry places me under no obligation whatsoever.
Note:?This company is not connected directly or indirectly tfith anv"
others interested in the Maryland Held and has nothing in common with them IIj'
except that we believe as thev do, that there's a good chance of getting oil.
Office Open Every Evening Until 10 o* Clock
Except Sunday?We Sell No Stock On Sunday. t(lr
Name ..
\tldrot s

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