OWN YOUR OWN HOME WLRISE I FOR M YEARS Only Relief in Co-Operative Ownership, Says Prominent New York Builder. 'Mueh has been said during the last few weeks in reference to the ad. visbility of the purchase of apart 'nest houses by tenant owners, or en the eo-operative plan," says Frederick A. Wyokoff. alce president of the Wee4-Delson Company, Ins., of Npw Terk city. "If the property, after an investiga tien, is a good investment for an individual. it e is a far better proposition for a group of ten aw. who not only have the investment, but are sure of pop session of an apartment for mady years to come, without the constant anoyance of the change of owners, the renewal of leases. increased rentals, the question of pepairs. unde airable tenants, etc. LOOK DMUOR YOU SUF. "A tenant. after deciding the integ. city and reputability ef the people who are offering the proposition. should give careful consideration as to the permanency of the home in whieh he Is about to purchase. Much attention should be given to the char aster of the neighborhood and to any conditions that may arise that would make it undesirable for residential purposes. "Rentals in modern fireproof build Ins will advance for a number of years. or until such time as there is open competition in the offering of high class apartments. Under present conditions it will take at least twelve months to erect a twelve-story fire jproof apartment house and no en "courgement is offered to builders by ,labor, the reduction in the cost of snsterials, or 'by capital. Conditions in 1931 and 1922 will be worse than they are today, the demand far ex. ceedint the supply, unless capital comes to the rescue. "Rentals in modern fireproof build ings are not high, considering the tremendous increase in the cost of all supplies and labor in the last three years. It in a fact that in some fire proof buildings in the best locations, erected about ten years ago, the ,gross income today is less than at the time of their erection, despite ,the cry of high rents. "Prior to 1914, due to cheap labor and plentiful money, there was an overproduction in all classes of buildings. Rents were considerably reduced, and only in the last year or two have they been brought back to their original figure. Any student of present day conditions can surely realise that the events of these years will not be repeated. CO-OPERATIVE OWNERSHIP. "Where it was possible prior to'1916 to assemble a plot of five or six old houses at a low figure for building purposes, the price has now become excessive. The loaning institutions have increased the rate of interest and have not increased the ampunt of the loans in proportion to the cost of the property, and I believe that with the other items above mentioned the hi h cost of building will continue for p' umber of years, especially in those of steel construction. "Not only should there be a num ber of tenant-owner purchasers of buildings that are at present erected, but it is my belief that many com binations will be formed by those who desire apartments built and planned to suit their requirements with many features that speculative builders ignore. Under the proper guidance and management, the incorporators in these projects will have less trouble than the tenants of the present day." FC New Home This is a fine seven-room with beautiful lawn.; house is sised bedrooms; first floor finish electrie lights and vapor heat; 'Boing offered tentporarily REPRtESENT Take Ninth Street car to 1 690 block to end house. All Kl~in af Inss Unimpri ATTRACTIV$ hrie hoe at we,,k by Mrs. P neesCr ile fr.. Adajah Behrend through the Jeha F. Maur et fles. Mrs. Currigie wll e... py tbe property as her hkme. SIX FINE HOMES SOLD FOR TOTAL OF $100,000 The beautiful new stucco and brick home at 3708 Ingomar street, Chevy Chase, recently built and owned by Frederick Sonnema, was sold last week to Mr'. Mary L. Callaway through the real estate offices of John F. Maury. The purchaser will occupy the property. The house con tains eight rooms, two baths, hard wood floors, electricity, and every other modern convenience. Mr. Maury also sold the twelve room brick home at 1214 K street for Adajah Behrend to Mrs. Philomena Oerriglo, who will occupy it. Dr. Raymond C. Simpson purchased the home at 638 Rock Creek Church road from Francis J. Nicholson. The house is of brick, with eight rooms and bath. A house at 1757 L street was sold for Maddox Trenholm to Roy L. Neu hauser as an investment. This prop erty Is situated just west of Connecti cut avenue on L street, where the en croachment of business is rapidly causing an increase in values. The handsome detached home at 10 Lenox street. Chevy Chase, was sold for Roger Whiteford to George P. Kimmel. After extensive alterations the property will be occupied by the purchaser. The semi-detached home at 2749 Macomb street, Cleveland Park. was sold for Mrs. Elizabeth Wimsatt to John T. Carr, who will occupy the property. FAILS TO GIVE TENANTS HOT WATER, FINED $100 NEW YORK, July 24.-Brooklyn special session justices yesterday im posed a $100 fine with imprisonment on Mrs. Idette C. De Renice, owner of the apartment house at 300 Lincoln road. She was convicted of violating the recently passed housing laws by fail ing to provide hot water for her ten ants. $10,500 iR QUICK SAl Near Walter Ri md bath home Ideally located dire a hollow tile, pabble-deshed, slate ed In exquisite taste with large in wide lot, 125 feet deep, at $1,000 les than original price. ATIVE AT PROPERTY ALL DAl Valter Reed Hospi al, walk east to IcKEEVER a GO 1405 - ye St..t, N.~ Main 4752-4753. wam. Cae Our Rat... We'll Dved Pro RIVRDALE HDGHTS ATRACTING BUYERS New Holloway Subdivision Makes Appeal to Investors With Limited Capital. Considerable success is being met by the J. W. Holloway Company in its development of Riverdale Heights, one of the newer subdivisions opened up in 'the vicinity of Washington. Riverdale Heights lb located just outside the District line in Prince Georges county, Maryland, abutting and adjoining the old village of River's Vale, which grew up around the old Colonial mansion of Lord Baltimore. This mansion is ttill standing and is occupied by United States Senator Hiram Johnson as his Washington home. There is a trolley line running along halt a mile of the front of the property and a splendid county road leads to the city for automobile own era. The Capitol and the Washing ton Monument are plainly visible from the property. Two years ago the J. W. Holloway Company opened up Colmar Manor. Home seekers were quick to see the opportunity offered, and as a con sequence all lots in Colmar Manor were rapidly disposed of by the Hol loway Company. Today there are sixty houses at Colmar Manor, where there were none when the lots were first offered for sale. Inspired by this admirable record, the Holloway Company believe they can duplicate the success of Colmar Manor in the proposition they offer at Riverdale Heights. Persons of small means will be able to take advantage of the lots offered at Riverdale Heights. as they will be sold as low as $59. and on reason able terms. The J. W. Holloway Company en joy an enviable reputation in the business world, having officei in New York, Trenton, Philadelphia. Wil mington. Baltimore, and Atlanta, as well as in this city. They intend to devote all of their energy at present to "putting over" Riverdale Heights as a popular suburban residence sec tion. LOUIS S. OWSLEY BUYS WILLIAMS HOME ON S ST. The large double front white stone English basement residence erected about two years ago at 2346 S street has been purchased by Louis . Ows ey. through Moore & Hill. The prop erty was built for the former owner, Mrs. John R. Williams, and was de signed by the late Clarke Waggaman and George N. Ray, architects. It has a frontage of 60 feet on S street and contains fifteen rooms, five baths, garage, etc. This house has been occupied by Hugh Wilson, of Chicago. during the past year and adjoins the large resi dence of Henry P. Fairbanks, op posite the new residence of Randal H. Hagner. The consideration in the transaction was $75,000. ANDREWS COMPANY WILL BUllD NEW WAREHOUSE The Society of Savings and Loans has been granted a permit by the building inspector to erect a bank building at 1714 Pennsylvania ave nue northwest at a cost of $40,000. A permit also was issued to the R. P. Andrews Paper Company to build a warehouse at 103 Canal street south east. It is und-rstood that the opera tion will involve more than $57,000. H. R. Howenstein was given permis sion to build six duelling houses on Evarts street northeast at a cost of $4,000 each. The houses are to be numbered from 9 to 19. LE ~ed Hospital tly adjacent to a large estate roof; sleeping porch; four full assive fireplace in living roomn; SUNDAY. Eighth Street, turn north into S-- oMoe perty Is The Value( By RONALI How many people appreci How many people consider I when they are able and read money? An increasing number of ported from practically all o rounding Washington Indicates are beginning to realize thi property as an investment. There are few investment. property, safeguarded with ri There are none that can be acs of capital and on such convenlie If the property Is located promise of always being a rei repute it is an absolute certaint' will increase each year. It is to thle credit of Wi the great majority have kept i property in the matter of re; suring, so far as humanly pos development. The developmei Takoma Park, Brookland and munities is a splendid tribute moters of those properties. The purchase of a lot m building a home of one's of finance the building, of a hom almost impossible to finance sup lot. Therefore, if you ever I NOW to buy a lot? The pri NEVER decline; the cost of bu to build when the opportunity very own-it is the first step to GOOD HE H HOME BUYS NEW BUILDING Institute for Benefit of Working Girls Buys Site for $24,000. The Good Health Home, operated by the Women's Evening Clinic for the benefit of the working girl who can afford only moderate charges, is now located at 1022 Eleventh street. following the purchase of the resi dence from Mrs. Lillie Gudger for the sum of $24,000. The home, run on a smaller scale, was formerly locates at 720 Thirteenth street. Funds for the new home were raised by volun tary subscriptions and guaranteed penennial subscriptions 1er the next five years from members of the clinic, which now claims S00 members. The Good Health Home is a three story building, the first floor of which will be used for medical treatment, and contains a reception room and a reading and dining room. The two upper floors will be used for rest and recuperative purposes. To the right of the house is a lot, which will be roofed over and made into a gymna sium. The home is equipped with various electrical and vibratory machines for treatment. as the principal treat ments will pertain to mechanical therapeutics, although minor surgical operations will be made when neces sary. The use of drugs will be mini mized, medicine being administered only when it is certain that it is needed. All service will be rendered by women physicians. The superin tendent for the time being will be Dr. Elnora C. Fofkmar. VIRGINIA HOMFS AMONG WEEK'S REALTY SALES The Virginia department of Shan non & Luchs, recently opened, reports considerable activity in property dur inig the past week. The seven-room frame home at 306 Virginia avenue, Clarendon, was sold for Mamie Knapp to John T. Moberly. This house is detached and thoroughly modern. Edward M. Taylor purchased from Miles J. Eastman an attractive frame dwelling at Clarendon which the pur chaser will occupy as a home QIlNCY STREET HO0ME IS SlOLD FOR $15,000 An attractive ten-rnom house at 51lR Quncy street weas sold last week for Mrs. Edwards to George Bentley through the real estate offices of M. L. Wolpe & Son, for a consideration of 5'15,000. WALTER W. HILL NOW OWNS STRAND THEATER The strand Theater, at 5th and Dl streets northwest, formerly devoted to motion pictures, has been sold by the Moore Orpheum Theater ('ompany to a syndicate of hrhich Walter W. Hall, local business man, is the president. U.nder the new ownershIp the theater will be operated in connec Leading Real Estat. Firms Casch & BIrge me.l mete. 1326 N. Y. Ave. ML s130 John F. Donoho. & Son., mel e., .ete... ..d ,........ L t.ee.. Sd 314 Penineyamia Aye. S L Attractir >f Property i S. O'NE!LL. ate the value of a vacant lot? he purchase of a vacant lot y to invest small amounts of sals of vacant property, re f the newer subdivisions sur that more and .more people advantages *f unimproved more secure than unimproved asonable building restrictions. uired with such a small outlay nt terms. In a neighborhood that gives idential neighborhood of good r that the value of the property ishington real estate men that alth with purchasers of vacant tricting neighborhoods and in ible, its consistent growth and it and'growth of Chevy Chase, numerous other suburban com to the faith of the early pro ust always be the first step in vn. It is infinitely easier to when one owns a lot. It is :h work unless one does own a tend to build, why not begin :e of unimproved property will ilding MAY drop. Be prepared :omes-have a lot that is your ward a home of your own. tion with a vaudeville circuit, supple mented by first-run motion pictures. The new system will be instituted July 12, following alterations and re pairs. The management will be as follows: A. T. Sparrow, formerly of the Empire Theater, general manager: Jack Kee non, formerly of the Avenue Grand Theater, house manager; George P. Lowe, stage manager, and Arthur J. Manvell, musical director. Openi Beauti NO LAVISH PROMISES The Eastern Land and Sa Co. does not make lavish exaggereted promises to s lots. Ric-bottom prices way assured and every tra action made in good fai Proving the popularity of i realty offers we have sold I lots in Addison Heighta and lots in Bon-Air Heicht, sir February 8, 1920, a rect which speaks for itself. MN of these buyers have resold a good profit. No lots or land on which mortgage or trust is held Is fered by this comyany. guarantee a perfect title every instance. Eastern Land ad Sales C Bon-Air Heights is lot high and dry, possessing 1 tiful shade trees and attra environment, characteristic the best suburban sections. F erty, in this section is wortl1 same price in large tracts a: are asking for these most tractive parcels. $1 Eas tern 804 Union ig Local BECNAPARTMENT SOLD ToCRALL Owner of Local Theaters Pays $200,000 for Bujiding at 18th and Calvert Its. The Beacon Apartment building at Eighteenth and Calvert streets, was sold Thursday to Harry M. Crandall, owner of the Crandall theatrical em terprises and prominent in national motion picture circles, for a cossid eration of approximately $200000. The Beiacona was for many years considered unique among Washing ten apartments because of its "flat STOE J. 324 Southern Bldg. ig of Kear iful Boi -With the opening c fered prospective purcha that could be desired of under 6,000 square feet. Here you can choose the lea or oil LOTS a This new tract of Ial v north by Fails Church el "n south by Georgetown at ly adjoins Veitch Station * lows. We also offer in t -half to one acre tracts as terms. :ated eau- In buying a suburba ctive offers the greatest induce oftrees should instantly app 'rp- command your undivided Sthe Thirty minutes from 12tl Swe Georgetown. Take electric at- will meet you: or take Old1 StatIon, agent will meet 70 day froma 1 to 6. LO -Sta ome Out Toda i Land ! Savings Bank Bldg. Buyers loop" qebta..tural shape. It u~tpm a troanguar plot ap groued droetly 1a77? the iaeve.eethla of tgreteath ee tad Columbia read. o Mr. Creadall will Immediately to meda the eao with the ade ot maing it tN o the most attretive CpSrtmta in the city. The Balu was Made braugh the real state Bao" o U. K. limptam f Ce. . APARTMENT HO WE 3OUl The four-story apartment house 1717 seventeenth street. at the cor ner of Riggs street. was sold last week for Barry M. Dralove to Mi Mary Yous, for 300A00. through the real estate offices of Moorm Hil. There are twenty-eight apartments In the house. For Miss Yoga. Moore ! Hill sold 3131 Nlastfleefth street fors $10.600, and $30 Kennedy street. for $760. Both of these properties were One Bunga One Bunga One two-s large lot. Just compi Cabii Good as C is One-Third Good car I city; high -at shade; water electric light; heat; large t and basement and butter; bT ideal surround sonable prices Many desir Write, phone S. Tomlinse Phones M ney Addit i-Air H f this new pubdivision very si sers. The convenient location home-seekers. Lots of liberal ) And the present price will ( home site, or a logical plot fi TERMS $10 Down $5 Month J d consists of sixty acres of be ~ctric line, on the west by Old d the picturesque Fa'bs Church ,which is rapidly being built his subdivision some ground wlt low as 2 cents per square fc n property for home or investi ments. The added advantages eal, for in the Spring the ma attention. I Street and Pa. Avenue, or 16 mis car at 12th Street and Pa. AvenUE )ominon car line at 86th and M S *; or Blumenot Junction. Agent e rts Y( y or Tomorro ~ales Co -710 Fonrteenth Si BUY REAL ErATE NOW purchased by Mrs. Dole 0. al. wood. other transactiOs handled by the Sme firm for Miss . wer the* '1'0 a".'".da."' street to a esa iavoetor, for ..00, aad promiso. 1I Sprinmg road for a oinsidoratlom of 5'.se. Another bis ease racerded durning the week hy Munre A Hill was that of 1714 H street nortbweat. sold for the schrivor estate to Leonard Nicholson and Joseph H. Kee, for approalmately 8M,000. C. WillE CO. WILL NUIL 27 OE HI Thirteen now hoses oS the north side of Webster street between Is teonth and Meveateenth streets and fourtoen detaehed suburban bhrmes on Sheridan street between Second and Third streets will be ready for oeeu pSUCY within thirty days, according to an announcement by' Charles E. Wire, Inc. DK1~ low; 5 rooms, large lot. low; 7 rooms, bath, large lot. Cory house; 6 rooms, bath, eted on Conduit Road at ri John Park :hevy Chase houses and cost Less. ine, best macadam road from d dry; fresh air; plenty of through house; bath room; auto garage; pipeless furnace asement with concrete floor porch; cold storage for milk eakfast porch, sleeping porch; ings for country home. Rea and easy terms. ble lots for suburban homes. or see main 7445-Franklin 301. on To eights ecial inducements are of of this subdivision offers all size are offered. (None only hold good till August 3. >r wise investment. 87up autiful land bound on the Dominion car line, on the Boulevard, and immediate up with attractive bunga ich can be bought in one ot on attractive monthly nent this time of the year of planting berries or fruit ter (of home-building will uten from 36th and M Streets, N. W. to Veitch Station, agent reeto, Georgetown, to Ben-Air a grounds Saturday and Siu W mpany root N. W.