o . W., se-os.rne attrat ive,
geal ; aushi3p e -
.W. 988-Earge fernemd room,
a Marees. N. W. A few
desa rooms with bath; alS
awsth rwithoet; 15.a W
MTN@ rem, bedreem, with sleeeUS
geoh, asgt to bath; a. m. I.; sne dere
L, ;veiemor as iemaseM. Phese 6.
with reakfast it reismi Phae Cl.
y W i i 1 wOO m e en 1i l st., tw
beer. A y H sth l. W.
TA R ST. N. W.. 6/t-d.e large
furahed bedreem; mask bath Is private
femiy;l eleetre lights; h. w. h.. Phe~e
Celembia 600-W.
V ST. N. .. 830-3 furnished rooms and
perh for . L. k.
BRMONT AVE. N. W., 1018-Large. reel
eesaed-fleer roomi Aug. 1. Frank. 113$.
V RONT AVE. N. W.. 1116-Large trot
room ter 3 or 4; hot and cold water;
ale eem tr 3 or 3.,
VERMONT AVE. N. W.. 134-Uvery ap
pelatment; mamsal smi-private hee;
walking dhtanco.
VARNUM ST. N. W.. 131-Desirable see
ead-fleer treat room; all oenreatences;
$30 for see, $31 for two; gentlemea only.
WHEN YOU LOCATE the room yon want
tro to the Moving and Transfer ad.
ft/her back in this paper.
Bnd ST. N. 3., 314-One nicely faralshed
room; clean; cool and comfortable; steam
heat, hot-water; phone service; private
family. Line. 663-W. MRS. FREEMAN.
2nd 8T. S. E., 116-Double and single
rooms for rent.
3d ST. N. W., 616 The Lavaille-Large
room; I. h. k. or living.
4th ST. N. E. 16-Large 2nd-floor front
reems, $3.T' week and up, near Union
4% AND MISSOURI 237-Attractive let
or 3d Soor front 1. k. k. rooms, $6 week;
southern exposure; facing park; downtown.
Ilk ST. N. W., 521-Two rooms, 1. h. k.;
most to bath.
Bth ST. N. W., $36-Two rooms furnished;
I. h. k.; central.
6th ST. S. E., 327-Large front room and
kitchenette. Sad floor very high ceiling
and 3 windows; beautifully furnished for
housekeeping; near Library and Pa. ave.
cars; $30 monthly.
6TH ST. S. E., T0--1 room for 1 or 2
persons. Lin. 3066.
6th ST. N. W.. 400-Nioely furnoped rooms
for gentlemen. $2 and $2.10 per week.
6th ST. N. W., 413-Large h. k. room, with
porch, $6 per week.
8th ST. N. W., 634-One large front, suit
able for 3 and 3 single 1. h. k.; hot
water, electric lights. Col. 6666.'
8th ST. N. W. 1333--Frt room, second
Soor; 5 windows. Phone N. 682.
8th ST. N. E., 1006-Nicely furnished
room for young lady in new modern
home; next to bath; homelike surround
Ingo; 63 week.
9th ST. N. W., 1420-Front room; married
couple; no children; 1. It. k. It desired.
8th ST. N, W. 130$-Large front room; 4
windows; suitable for 3 or 3 gentlemen;
$16 monthly.
8th ST. N. W.. 130-Large front room; 4
windows; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen;
$12.60 monthly.
10th ST. N. W.. 1134-Second-floor front
room; nicely furnished; two gentlemen.
10th ST. N. W., 1312-Two large rooms for
bachelor gents; private bath; owner.
Phone North 31.
10th ST. N. W., 1019-Two rooms and
kitchenette; perfect condition; next to
bath; $60 monthly. 14. 3048.
11th ST. N. W., 1501-Large room and
kttchenete; employed couple preferred.
North 7213-J.
11TH ST. N. W., 1230-1 large, sunny front
room with 2 beds; suitable for gentle
13TH ST. N. W., 2300-2 front rooms: In
an apartment; a. m. I.; electricity;
gentlemen. Col. 2217.
13th ST. 1j. W.. 1701-Two large second
floor front rooms, kitchenette, bath; gas.
electricity; no bed or table linen; owner.
13th ST. N. W.. 1223-Second floor; next
, to bath; suitable for two gentlemen;
home comforts; phone; electricity.
13th ST. N. W.. 1712-Back room, with
communicating sleeping porch and bath;
housekeeping privileges. Col. 4661-J.
14th ST. N. W.. 1827-Three beautifully
furnished outside rooms, single or en
suIte; hoge privileges.
14th ST. N. W., 2003-Nicely furnished
double and single rooms; near bath.
North 10053.
17th ST. N. W., 1506-Two front cdol
rooms: electric lights; walking distance.
1th ST. N. W., 3120-Furnished room,
next to bath; private family. Phone
Columbia 2666.
18TH ST. N. W.. 816-Large double second
floor front; reasonable. Other vacancies,
$3.00 week up. Plenty hot water; baths.
18th ST. N. W.. 2218-L. h. k.; two rooms;
back porch and bath; gas, electricity; $30
per month. North 1316.
22d ST. N. W.. 833-Parlor room, $20
month; also two neatly fur. 1. I. k.
rooms. $30 month; walking distancedept.
22d ST. N. W., 723-Large 2d-story front
room: bay window; downtown district;
only $20. Phone West 228.
22ND KT. N. W., 806-Two large, well
furnished rooms with running water;
complete for light housekeeping.
29th AND) BEACH ST., Mtt. Rainier. Md.
2 rooms for I. h. k. Mdrs. J1. 0. SCHULZ.
. Uformiabed
F.L.A. AVE. N. E., 1213-2 nice unfurnished
rooms for young couple; use of kitchen
and beth.
2nd ST. N. W.. 330--One fuP. room; price
reasonable; for gentleman.
6th ST. N. W., 1414-Two rooms, newly
papered, on 2nd floor next to bath, for
I. h. k.
11th NT. N. E., 326-Two unfurnished
rooms for I. h. k.; no children.
12th ST. 8. E., 421-Unfurnished room.
front. 2nd floor: one block from cars.
r'th STr. N. W., 739-Three very deairable
rooms, unfurnished.
17th ST., bet. L. and M-Bright communi
cating rooms on second floor, suitable for
housekeeping. Phone Main 6205.
20th NT. N. W., 500-2 unfurnished large
rooms, with bath; second floor, over
store: $20_per month.
ParnIshed or Uafuruebaed
E ST. N. W., 522-4 rooms, second floor;
two front; I. h. k.
Reemse with Beard
L ST. N. W., SO5-Several furnished rooms
lith excellent board, reasonable.
CO0L. RD~ N. W.. 1421--2 rotoms. in apart
ment; front, southean exposure, hums
conveniences. Phone Col. 2911.
1432 NEW Y(JfIK AVE.
Desirable rooms single or en suite.
Rooms without Ineals:
$20.00 per mionth and up.
Rooms with meals:
645.00 per month and up.
The Most Centrally Located Hotel
In Washington.
Phone Frnklin 2403
10WA ClIRCIE. 24 l.arge room for ;t or 4
gi~enmn, also) other vacancies for
L.ARflE modern home, cool rooms. porchen.,
good meals, parlor, plano. dancing: $'16
month. l'hone N. 7431. l#1l 3rd at N. E.
Q PT. N. WV.. 2007-itored and rooms in a
desirable home; all conveniences; pianot
rndf dencing floor; .n corner, one block
from tsr line. West 1 257.
lfOf)E Ili-lANii A VE. N. W. 1301---At
Iractive, airy rooms; excellent board; for
girls only; ho'gne priniileges.
ft ST. N.W.. 1634--Exceptional opportunity
for gentlemen *iestring a home of com
fort; s. m. I.; rooms cool an,1 "lean; heel
home cooking; three meals daily; in neigh
borhood of fPupont ('ircle.
4 NiT. N WI . 1810 t.large. itial room, 4
wimlows; peectricity. 120; board,. $20.
to hath; contlinuous hot water, use of
lphonel. for two.,370 per mionth, e ith board.
mmor wfh bMt
rd MYT. N. W.. 34-Try Cresby good home
oneekig; three mesle eagh day,. e
Frashu TOuI
6th IT. N. W. 111--Have a few vacancies
I16 moeath I meals ard wrapped lunch;
downAtown setion, able board, 46 week.
15th 8'T. N. W., 3600-3lie st;lrge room
with private bath; S windows; ther
roome at reasonable prices; location 16 de
green rooler than dewatwe; large tennis
OoWrt and lawn fur your oese lesce at
Millerest. P'hone Col. f62
I$tm, s with or witbemb Eod
NODU ISLAND AVE. N. W., a15-Large
treat room, eleetre llghts use et parlor;
laundry privileges. Phone 9t T6
O . U. W.. 631-1 large room. 3 students
wiehiag reaeoable aosemmodat leO spa
eate beds; good location: private fI4IIIy_
TWO unturnihed resans er beard wanted.
Brlghtwood or Petworth preferred, where
4-year-old child can be cared for durinO
the d-y; must be reasonable. Apply B0
141. Tines eftee.
3Y man' and wife, 3 iner. rews to pri
vate family; permanent; meals oen dra
and helidays; both working. BOK 30.
Tima office.
CAN aosemmodate few meore bearders. $10
weak; breakfast and dinner. BOX 113.
Falls Church. Va. Phone 04-J-1.
E T. S. E., S0-Beat het ai. t"
private family; eon, accom .
SUMMER BOARDERS-For particulars
address V. Sisson. Fairfax C. H., Va..
Route 1.
FOR two girls sad one boy, age S. S. 10
years, board in country for two weeks;
eference required. Apply BOX A-IS.
Times office.
BABIES BOARDED-EXCellent care. Write
BOX 296, or phone 24. 1,enaonning. Md.
NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE.. 1400 (adjoining
Dupont Circle)-2 or 3 cool spacious
rooms with bath, 2nd floor; large windows
everlooking grounds, cool breezes day and
sight from Heights; cosy window seats for
children; piano; maid service. Family or
number of gentlemen; $100 monthly. Best
of meals served In apartment. $16 month.
Franklin 4166.
GIRL to share 3-room furnished apartment.
17151 M at. N. W. Fr. 761.
34th ST. N. E., 2934-Three rooms, kitchen,
bath, and hall in private home. $5.000
per month. Call after 6 or on Sunday; no
children; couple preferred. North 773-W.
16th ST. N. W., 1627 (apt. 41)-Room; twin
bed.; for two; reasonable.
YOU ST. N. W.. 1510-Second floor house
keeping apart.
JOHN MARSHAI!. PL. N. W.. 324-Two
rooms, kitchenette and bath; porch; gas
and electricity included; no car fare; $65;
NI.:W HAMPSHIRE AVE. N. W., 1003, be
tween K and 3id sts.-Lse, nicely fur
nished room, with sepaate. well-euipped
kitchenette: gas.. elec.: phone free.
lit ST. N. E., 223-2 and 3 furnished
room apsrtments.
8T1 ST. N. E., 1027-Second floor; 2-room
apartment and bath: Pianola; suitable
for 4 adults; $35 monthly.
0th ST. N. W.. 1320-Nicely furnished
I. h. k. apt. of two rooms, screens, re
frigerator, etc.; also one 1. h. k. room. 2nd
floor near bath; private family: reasonable.
SHEPHERD ST. N. W.. 964-Furnished
apartment. mnodern home; entire 2nd
floor; three rooms, bath and porch; fur
niahed for 1. h. k.: h.-w. h.; electricity;
telephone; convenient to two car lines; no
children. Col. 606-J.
MT. PLEASANT-Three rooms and bath,
entire third floor; modern house; gas;
elegiriclty; phone; $55. Phone Columbia
MASI. AVE. N. E.. 304-Two-room apart
ment to party buying furniture.
EYE ST. N. W., 911-Two nicely furnished
rooms, kitchenette and bath; all expos
ures. Main 3067.
A "iMONT ST. N. W., 1366-Cool, spaci
'"'t, home for careful parties for season;
parlor floor and bedroom; also three-room
and bath apt.; reasonable. Phone Col.
L IT. N. W.. 1700-Four rooms and bath
apt.; also room on 2nd door near bath;
EYE ST.. 1900 (apartment house)-Two
room and bath nonhousekeeping apart
ment, unfurnished, for rent.
TWO rooms. kitchenette and bath apart
ment in the Itygelan, 2nd at. and Mass.
CO.. real estate dept.
TWO rooms kitchenette and bath apart
ment in the Itygeian, 2nd st. and Mass.
ave. N. E. Apply TIlE MUNSEY TRUST
CO., real estate dept.
14th ST. N. W.. 1925, Apartment No. 3-Five
rooms and bath. August 1. Address P. O.
BOX 1133.
Faratshed or Unfurtiahed
K ST. N. W., 1307-Housekeeping flats:
furnished or unfurnished.
APARTMENT of two or three rooms.
kitchen and bath, in attractive suburban
home; furnished for housekeeping with ex
ception of silver and linen; or unfurnished;
also garage. Phone West 145-W.
14TH ST. N. W.. 1123-Apartment suitable
for office room. Apt. 1.
ONE apartment for rent, furnished or
unfurnished. Apply A. L. GIHBERT.
manager, Falkatone Courts, 14th and Fair
mont Mts. N. W. Phone Cot. 442.
For Sale
4- ORY HOUSE. '.7 apartments, between
14th and 16th sta., on NewtonI; trust 2%
years to run; good-chare to. get a bargain
from the owner. (Cotumbla 32.
TWO ladies to join three others Jn 5-room
apart.; rent $100 per month; permanent.
Call Main 5264. 11 to 5 p mo. ROOM 204,
Munsey bildg.
UNFRtNfrHED, modern. 3-room, kitchen.
bath and porch apt.; walking distance,
northwest; reasonable; permanerit. BIOX
11. Times Afflee.
roems; all modern improvementg; 13th
and Franklin sts. N. B.; take 0 at. car
marted B1erwyn, Laurel. Mtt. Rainier or
Hyattsillie; rent $90 per month. G.. Ht.
LAME. 21601 California ave. North 2880.
For rent. 418 ath St. N. W. 6-room
house. large double lot; very fine location;
price $100 per month; Immediate posses
District Nat. Bank Bldg.
I-AIIRDIN(& or rooming house; fifteen
rooms, at once. 1307 K et. N. W.
961~ lAnN(1FELI.''W :;T. N. WV.-Neatly fur.
house. *; roomts amt bnthi.
41, ST. 4.~~W.,~5;f3 House fortr~it,
cheap. ____
Waste l
6 tsR 7 room house, Wo.1l'ington or the
suhurbs; location immttuteriasl, if the sur
roundings are desirable; not over $75 a
month. Apply MUNtOEY TRIUsT CO.. real
esta dept._ _ _ _
1N to twelve room hous-. h.-w. h.. ee
tri, lights preferred; N. E. or N. W. cec
i.1 l't"o. lit'. .3177.
814 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E.
We have several store., suitable for any
cass of busines, at a fair rental. For
further particular., apply to us.
We have several garages, holding from
one to as ears, for rent. Apply to us for
any- --r-cuara
SPW3f V3SP33?3 Vfl 31?
IT. N. W. MAIN 010.
OWPIOa SPACE fer rest; one or two desks;
modela office bldg. Phene Malm 1410.
altr 6 n as
We offer the following desir
able properties. Immediate pos
session can be had for many of
them; accommodating terma.
We have slesmen whc make a
specialty of this section, who
would be pleased to take you in
their automobile to see them, by
An East Capitol street residence; 2 sto
ries and cellar; but-water heat, electric
lights. hardwood flours; 11x110; wide al
An 6-room dwelling on C street. near
0th; a well-built house.
Near 11th and A P. E.; 2 stories anid
cellar; double back porches; newly paper
ed and painted; lut 100 feet deep; 30-foot
7th St. N. E.; S stories and cellar; 6
rooms and bath; furnace heat.
Near Lincoln Park; an attractive 2
story dwelling with cellar; hot-water
heat; lot over 100 feet deep; alley.
Near 0th and A N. E.; 2 stories and
collar; 7 rooms; furnace heat; 26s124.
Is St. N. E., near 4th; T rooms and
bath; lot 20al2.
C st. N. B.. near 0th: 2 stories and cel
lar; furnace heat; box style of house;
hardwood floors; porches.
K at. N. E.. near 7th; a daylight plan
ned house; 2 stories and cellar; 6 rooms.
tiled bath, hot-water heat; porches.
Near 12th and H N. E.; 6 rooms, bath,
cellar; furnace heat; colonial front; new
ly papered and painted; double potches.
Near East Capitol et..; 2 stories and
cellar; 6 rooms and bath; colonial front;
immediate possession.
Near 5th and A N. E.: a splendid home;
3 stories and cellar. 12 rooms. steem
heat; first-class condition; lot 05 feet
deep; 20-foot alley.
Florida are., near 11th N. E.; 2 stories
and cellar, furnace heat.
2nd at. S. E.; 11 rooms. 2 baths; lot
On a well-improved square N. E.: 2
stories and cellar, 6 rooms and bath, hot
water heat and electric light; covered
A neat little 6-room house about three
squares from East Capitol; brick porch;
house In good condition.
at. N. E., near 5th; 6 rooms and
Near 4th and B H. R.; 3 stories. 9
rooms, 2 baths, hot-water heat; newly
papered; first-class condition; immediate
4th mt. P. E.: 2 stories and cellar; 6
rooms; fine condition.
New Jersey ave. H. E., not far from the
Capitol; 12 rooms and 2 baths; splendid
condition; lot 20x145; reasonable terms.
4th it. N. E.: almost new; 2 stories
and cellar; box-planned house; hot
water heat, electric lights; 24=100; 20
foot alley.
North Carolina ave. H. E.. near 8th;
3 stories and cellar, hot-water beat.
7th st. N. E.; 2 stories and cellar: hot.
water heat; garage to hold 2 cars; a
complete home.
O st. N. E,; 2 stories and cellar; 4
bedrooms; lot 21:100; 30-foot alley.
A modern house on 7th at. N. E.: 2
stories and cellar. 6 rooms and bath, hot
water heat, electric lights; large porches
front and rear.
11th at. H. B.; 6 rooms and bath; easy
Maryland ave. N. E.. near 6th: 3 sto
ries and cellar, 11 rooms; in first-class
4th st. N. E.. near D; 2 stories and
cellar, hot-water heat.
A colonial dwelling on 15th et. P. E.;
6 rooms and bath; Immediate possession.
Fronting on Lincoln Park; 3 stories
and cellar; hot-water heat; well con
I at. N. E., near 6th: 2 stories and cel
lar: furnace heat first-class condition;
porches; room for garage.
Near #th and R P. E.; 3 stnries and
cellar: 9 rooms, hot-water heat; front
age of 33 feet; possession soon.
A magnificent residence on Maryland
nye. N. E..; 12 rooms and 2 baths, hot
water heat and electric lights: garage
to hold 4 cars. somo one can get a bar
gain in this house.
$6,51th st. P. E.. near TI; 'l storiei, 9
rooms; lot 18xh17; 30-foot alley.
Near 14th and A N. E.;: 2 storIes and
cellar: furnCC heat; lot 100 feet deep;
$6300th st. N. E.; 2 stories and cellar:
hot-water heat; first-class condition; lot
16x100; 30-foot alley.
375. st. N. K.; 2 stories. 6 rooms and
bath; must be sold.
54,5 . at. N. K.. near 2nd; 6 rooms snd
bath; room for garage.
$3.50st. N. E.; 2 stories and cellar; pos
$6,750. at. N. K., near 6th: 'l stories and
cellar; furnace heat; easy payments.
1342 New York ave.
There is every modern convenience
contained in these new six-room and
tiled bath homes just being con
structed at
711-731 IRVING ST. N. W.,
Between Georgia & Sherman Ayes.
Not only that-but they are splen
didly located, and mean an invest
ment that is sure to increase In value
at once. Inspect the Sample Homes
critically-and you will see what ex
cellent type of construction and what
practical planning. The lots are very
deep in the rear and wide terrace in
front. Hot-water heat, gas range,
electric lighting; three porches, in
riu.dini: sleeping porch, and a host of
big closets.
tupon for inspection every day and
B. B. PINN,,
On the Premises.
Phone Columbia 5817.
Five-room bungalow, hardwood floors. a.
m I : less than $6.000 for quick sale.
terms. P'hone C'olumbia 1351-w.
21?zeieTa.W.E weA=Momnn
No0aui Vfl BALD
There Is no Waster eaterlag
Into the puuehase of a hes
quite s important to the aver
age buyer as PRICE.
We all weat the very beet
we can And for our moey.
Many of us are limited in the
amount we ean affero to
spend. Perhaps the majority
of home mekers ba. their
minds made up, not to buy
the BEST hse they can And,
but to buy the BEST FOR
$7,000 or the BEST FOR
What do YOU want to pay
-what can YOU pay for a
Not over $8,750!
If this is your limit there
is a bargain feast for your
eyes on this page today.
Stone & Falrfx have se
lected 14 homes in the north
west section of Washington
which they can sell for prices
ranging frpm $4,760 to $8,760
and they are presenting these
homes for your consideration
on this page today.
Think of it-44 HOMES at
such reasonable prices. ' And
Stone & Fairfax say, in their
advertisement, that "we have
on our lists many houses that
we offer at prices less than
asked five years ago."
From the thousands of
homes listed in their office
this firm has selected these 44
exceptional bargains for YOUR
consideration TODAY!
Let not the day pass with
out investigating them!
Tel. M. 4340. 14p6 H St. N. W.
PRICE. 10,750--A splendid northwest
home and a decided bargain where
prompt possession will be given. The
house has six large rooms and bath.
electricity. two-story rear porches; a
lot 140 feet deep. having numerous
fruit trees in the back yard: also gar
age. Convenient terms of sale.
PRICE, 17.360-Well situated in Pet
worth, occupied by an owner who has
kept the whole property in beautiful
condition; two-story colonial house.
with six rooms and bath, having hot
water heat, electric lights, parquet
floors, front and rear porches; a fine
back yard with grape arbor and lots of
roses. Room for garage.
PRICE. $7,750-On K at. N. W.; con
venient downtown location: a bay
window brick house, having nine rooms
and bath, hot-water heat, and a new
brick garage, holding two cars. This
house Is occupied by an owner who
will give possession. It will pay you
to inspect this house promptly.
PRICE, $10.500-In Cleveland Park
section; terms of 81,500 cash and
monthly payments will be considered;
the house is bound to please you; two
stories, six unusually large rooms.
front porch, rear porches and a gar
age. The house is heated with hot
water, has electric lights and hard
wood floors.
PRICE. $6.000-On Que stree.t. in the
' loomingdale section. A two-story.
six-room, hay-window brick house. In
fine condition throughout. This house
is occupied by an owner, can be in
spected any time and immediate pos
session given. You would do well to
look at this house quickly.
PRICE, 0.500-A Capitol Hill home
which can be sold on terms of $1,500
cash and $75 per month, to cover prin
cipal and all interest; a three-story
brick house, having eleven rooms, two
large bathrooms, hot-water heat. Im
mediate possession will be given.
PRICE. 8'.500--A little off of 14th st..
in the downtown section, a first-class
- square for a home; a three-story brick
house, having eleven rooms and bath.
seven bedrooms, large yard. with
room for garage. Owner in house will
sell on terms of $2.000 cash and give
possession within thirty days.
PRICE. 6.9.50-in the Masas. Avenue
hieights' section; a location that will
please you; a two-story. six-room
house, colonial type: heated with hot
water, having electrie lights, oak
flonrs, front - porch, two-story rear
porches, room for garage.
PRICE. 56.500--A two-story house.
having .even rooms and bali, 4 hed
rooms on s,-onnd floor hot-water heat.
deep lot to paved alley, with room for
garage. Owner leaving city is anxious
to make quick ale--will consider
offer of less for equity in cash.
PRICE, 5't.650-Near the Soldiers'
IIeme; vacanit and in first-claaa con
dition throughout, A alx-room end
bath brick house; paved alley in rear
of lot; there Is a frame garage. Easy
terms of sale,
Tel. M. 4340. 1406 H St. N. W.
314 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E.
In Riv.erdaie. ti'. tie, e. of property.
sold to close an estate. The property ,on
tains fromt as rooms with hot-water heat,
bath, and all modern improvements at
$4,500 to eleven rooms and bath at $6,000.
l'osaension can be given within six weks
The propertIes are splendild values at the
prices quoted and reasonable terms can he
arranged. we can make arrangements
for inspection to suit your convenience.
For further particulars, aplly to, this
314 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E.
Price $12,000.
M st. N. w.. between 9th and 10th eta.
A ten-nm house with hot-water heat:
twn baths: lot to wide alle-y. A real bar
gain In every sense of the wnt. 1mmtedi
ate pr*'rnston can be given and reatsonable
terms made.
t'Ity avid htuburban Homes.
''A home for tery faimily
520 New Terk Ave. Maim 725?.
uw0aa V99 BALT
1184th S. N. W.
The mest reasonable home In
this section whloh we have to
offer today. Lot 6032N; larg
Lare. bheautfu mresad ehrut
y. nThe house Is built ea the
semi-bungalow style. 1s absolutely
moders and has bee. newly pa
pced and palted Inside and out.
There are eight comfortable roetms
and bath. immediate pesseml*a.
Attractive modern detached
home; 0 rooms and bath; large
attic and cellar; new metal roof;
high elevation; attractive sur
roundings; S-oar garage: lot 765
150: immediate poseselea.
$1x rooms, bath: hot-water
heat; electric lights; front and
sleeping porches; lot 40x00. In
eluding adjoining lot, alley; space
for garage.
A fine corner residence contain
Ing 1; rooms, 3 baths, all out
side rooms; hot-water heat; elec
trle-ty; two-car garage: house
newly decorated and in good repair
throughout; oteriouking Rock
Creek Park.
718 14th st. N. W.
PRICE, $7,500.
Attractive modern two-story enlnnIal
brick. six rooms, bath, hot-water heat,
electricity and gas; excellent condi
tinr; double rear porches: full-esed
cellar, with toilet and laundry trays;
two-ear brick garage, immediate pus
Near North Capital at --t'ozy modern
two-story brick, six rooms, tiled bath,
excellent furnace; good deep lot: ;'e
font alley. space for garage. Price,
$.,500. Good terms.
Two-story brick, six rooms, bath,
good lot; room for garage; opportunity
to own a home on a mall cash pay
ment; balance like rent. Price. $4,750,
$750 cash.
Near Ga. ave -Attractive two-story
brick, six ronnis. bath, colonial front
porch, good heating plant, wide alley,
room for garage-. Only $4,000, $500
cash. 'ossecsslo.
:5-ft. frontage on 5th at -Two-story
briek. seven rooms. hath. well built,
large front anl rear yard: garage for
six cars, will be vat ant Isa a few day,.
l'riee $6,.00. Want off c. $1,000 cash.
Near Ga. ave.-Two-story brick, six
rooms, reception hall, bath, good heat
ing plant: concrete cellar under en
tire house: very attractive exterior.
having colonial front porch; alley;
room for garage. Price $4,500; $760
PRICE, $4,250.
Two-story brick, box-type. Colonial
porch, six rooms. tiled bath, hot air
best, good lot, side andl rear alleys,
immcediate possession. $5O0 cash.
New. modern homes just completed,
having hot wacte-r ne-nt. electric
lights. Pilttceburgh water heater, open
fire-places, and many built-in features.
These attractive., homes contain 6
roonis and tiled bath. bungalow type,
beutlt con )5x132 Size lott, with wide
altep,. ample room for garage and gar
de-n. P'rice, $l1.Ztf. Rteasonable cash
and monthly payme-nts.
Two-story proessed-brick, in a desira
ble residecntii a etion; five rooms and
bath onc first ficenr. six rooms and bath
on seennd floor; heated by hot water;
separate heating pta nts, entrances,
yards and celiss. Will remodel entire
building tio suit purchatsrr. Price,
$8,0l00. W'eant offer,
Attractive three-story brie-k. nine
rooms andi bath. enlonisi front porch,
rocar pocrche-s, moedern end in good con
ditiion;- lot 1 9x100; wIde all.-y. Price
oly $600 Rleasonable terms.
717 14th St. N. W.
MAIN 4884.
SANDI 10 roocm houses for sle; white
and -clored;l trie. $4.250 teo 17,000;l -
mdiate poessiont. RthiM -204. Muunsey
Ig. ?lsin Fc354, II to S p. mt.
-4lW vacant hpuses, lots 16nx3225: Hlyatta
vitlte; 2 blocks cars: $4,100; $500 cah.
E)O. r. WAL.KER, Kennis bldg.._11th & a.
6NLY $300 CA8H.
Two story brieck e sqtuare from Rast
~spitni street. having 6 rooms and bath;
frnt ande rear peerchen;: hot-water heat;
smidetached. Pr ice, $3,400. Act quIck
lTO NE~tI & FAIRFAX, Inc.,
1342 New York Avenue.
Phone Main 2332.
500 cash. balance 12S monthly: S-room
,rik house: large garage. OWNER, 73*
0th et. N ee. W._____
Wasnt to Buyv a ltenle Read
3m the ReaI _Estt Page of The Times
& LUCAs,
Mais 2$4L
A {-Peem sad- bath dwelling em
deep lot, with ample space for
garage; the property is occupied
by twasr and sn in eacellest eon
dition. This 1san attrative beaus
in a section where the demand
I. constaat.
A home-house In a section of
eharming hutnes, lot sualle to
wide alley; two-story brick of t
rooms and bath; hot-water heat;
the owner has taken pride In this
home and it is in perfect codil
tUon. Immediate possession.
A most desirable location riar
14th st-an equally desirable
house of southern exposure; 8
story brick construction; 9 rooms
and 2 tiled baths; open fireplace;
hot-water heat; garage; large
)ard to a 20-foot paved alley.
The house is in excellent condition.
and immediate possession may be
)istant about i blocks from the
Government Printing (ffle.', lnion
citation and l'ostoffie., a 2-story
substantial brie' dwelling. con
taining 9 rooms and bath; furnace
heat, gas; corner of an alley;
spate for garage.
Main 2845.
9-room house, hot-water heat
and electric light, newly deco
Open for inspection.
2333 18th at. N .W.
Columbia 1077.
Before buying a home, let me
show you the strictly modern
new homes that I can sell you in
the N. W. on $1,000 cash pay
ment. All the people I sold new
homes to last year have been of
fered more money than they paid
for them, and I rather think if
you buy this year and wish to
sell next, you can make some
money by doing so.
District National Bank Bldg.
NO. 1-The beat bargain in the city today;
10 rooms. tile bath, h.-w. h.; electric
lights; garage. Practically new Price.
$12.000. 18th and Columbia road. Good
for residence or husiness.
NO. 2.-18th street In the 2100 block, west
sida of street. Good for residence or
business. Nine rooms, tile bath. Price.
NO. 3-Ontarin road In the 2300 block.
Oix ronms, bath, furnace heat. In good
conditnop; garage for two care. Owner
left city, and authorized mie to make a
quick sple for $5.250. Easy terms.
NO. 4-New York avenue, between 4th and
bth, six rooms, hath; in first-class con
dition. For quick sate, *3,750, and good
NO. 5-K street right off North Capitot.
Ten rooms. 2 baths. h.-w. h. Price. $6.500,
andt good terms.
S. BELOFF, Exclusive Agent,
921 15th St. N. W. M-8187
L.1ST your property for rent or sale with
888 N. Cap. st. Main 26"
500 Ht'MEM F.OR SAtE--Alt price and
descriptions, city and suburban. tf you
have not the money. I will loan it to you
(let yourself a home. Rolling stone-s gather
no moss. ROBEPRT C. GARNETT. Lasw,
dleal Estate. lUona. Room 21. Pacinec
lHldg. Phone Main 2854.
MODEPRN 6-room house in desirable section
of northeast; gas, electricity. h -w. h.;
excepitionally large rooms; large back
yard to alley; must be seen to he apprect
ated. Price. 87,500. Phone Line. ;;(80-J.
916 8th at. N. 3.
'2436 20th ST-StrIctly modern; hest con
ditIon; 3 hedrooms, 3 porches, tiled bath.
hardwood floor.; eash required. 84,500O.
ColI. 2211-..
ALL. kinds of homes for sale.
for all kinds of people, at all
the different price.. Also over
300 city lots for sale inside of
the city limits; one carfare to
these lots.
District National Blank Bldg.
TWO honses, northeast section, 87,000
each. POX 188, Times offioe.
f-room, bath. h. a. h., S5,000, 8500 cash,
7 rooms. bath. h. a. h 84,50(.
809 North (Capitol st. Main 2600.
Si0O il~'tEtt~lOR i4AlI. All prisn2d
deettitonis, city atti suburbs if u
hat-e no.t the mneynt, I will loan it to, you.
liet yourself a homne Itallinot stnes gat her
no niosa. ROltERT C. GARNETT, lAw,
ea Use, .lo n. Room 88, Pacfine
MOKEWSS a 0045,
1400 1 at. Maim 4752.
Our Weeldy Buletia of Was
ingtom's Best Buys:
I17,0--Ose of the naast baes I. Haul's
Addituoa; alfas 4wene ss and
two bathe; 4. s let 60xS60
feet ; all modera imprevemeats,
st.igin psreb.
$21,000--Om the beet seeties et Massasbe
selt Aveoe. Weights; alas room.
and three baths; detached; en lot
130 feet deep; garage; steepNag
pore; amm; ale possesesa.
$11,710-la Worth Columbia Heights; sa
rooms and two baths; open fire
flace; beamed ceilings; glassed
a sleeplag porch; eerees.
11,3160-gis rooms, two baths, vaor heat,
frost and back porches; replace;
sleeping porb.
$4,600-Dandy home ef Ng rooms and
bath in as section of N. W.; fine
beating plant; deep lot to wide
$11,600-Upper Thirteenth st.; three-story
brick, hot-water heat, five bed
rooms, two baths. This is a bar
12,600-Near Thirteenth at. and Columbia
rd.; three-story brick; ten rooms,
two baths; recently papered; elec
tric lights; steam hea4; an ideal
home fur two families.
$1,950-New home in North Columbia
Heights; seven rooms and bath,
sleeping porch; deep yard.
$10,360-Uame home an above with built
In garage; Immediate possession.
$1,150-In the best part of Petworth; new
homes; seven rooms and bath; all
modern improvements; lot 100 feet
$12,750-A fine home in Paul's Addition;
nine large rooms, modern tile
bath; all modern improvements;
hardwood floors, 150-foot lot.
$7,000-North Florida ave., west of 14th
at.: brick house, eight rooms and
bath. This house speaks for itself.
$10,500-In Petworth; seven rooms and
bath; two front porches; built-in
garage; all modern improvements.
$10,600-Near Takoma Park; the finest
new houses in Washington; com
pletely detached; stucco finish;
double back porches; vapor heat;
tour large bedrooms; 121-foot lot.
$1,000-This bungalow. near Takoma
Park. I. reduced from $10.500 for
reason of forfeiture of deposit on
recent negotiations; thoroughly
modern in every respect, and will
be sold to the quickest buyer.
$:0.000-Thirteenth at.. north of Park rd.;
-leven beautiful rooms, two tile
baths; also servant's room and
bath in basement; detached; on lot
60x110; all modern improvements;
het-water heat; double back
porches; screens and awnings, etc.
$13,.00-Beautiful Chevy Chase, Md., home
near water tower; just being
completetd; eight rooms. bath,
hot-water heat; thoroughly mod
ern in every respect.
$15,600.-Paul's Addition; nine rooms and
bath, sleeping porch; screened
throughout; all modern improve
ments; bargain.
$12,600-Near First Church of Christ.
$cientist; ten rooms and two
baths, hot-water beat; absolutely
perfect condition.
$10,500-This is a fine potential property,
near 9th and K ste.; in a brick
house of six rooms and two baths.
with electric lights; alley on one
$6.750-Beautiful little semi - detached
stucco home, near lSoldiers' Home;
has six rooms, tiled bath, beamed
ceilings. Dutch colonial mantels
with gas logs in sitting room and
dining room; hot-water heat;
brand-new electric fixtures of very
select design.
$7,500-Six rooms and bath; double back
porches. ileeping porch; screens
throughout; garage.
$35,000-The most luxurious home In Mas
sachusetts Avenue Heights; stuc
co over hollow tile: 20-inch stone
foundation; red tile roof; large
front and beautiful breakfast
porches; five dandy bedrooms;
two baths; finished attic; double
sleeping porches, overlooking en
tire city: two-car garage to match
house, with red tile roof.
$16.500-(leveland Park; detached home
of ten rooms and three baths;
haivitng front anol rear porches.
sleeping porch, hardwood floors;
screens; garage.
$1,000-Right opposite Central High
Zchool, on Clifton st.; dandy
three-story brick home of four
teen rooms und three baths; has
elec-tric lights and screens
throughout ; is convenient to down
town and would make a very ex
clusive rooming house.
$4,b00-Dandy home in Laurel; has twelve
large rooms and modern baths;
fine heating plant, electric lights;
would make three first-class
apartments, and is a bargain.
$9.00-Absolutely the finest corner home
in Petworth; the smallest bedroom
is as large ss the average parlor;
six rooms and bath, hot-water
heat shower bath, front and rear
porches; sleeping porch; screens
and~ awnings; automatic water
$12.000-Nine rooms and two baths, near
1st st. reserveoir; bot-water heat.
electric lights; garage for two
37,500-Six rooms and tiled hath: brick
house, detached, on tot 60x125;
garage for two cars. To see this
is to buy.
$7.960-N. E.: six rooms and bath; elec
trie lights, hot-water heat, front
porch, sleeping porch; screens
throughout; garage space.
$1.500-Brick house, in Mt. Pleasaht ;
eight rooms and bath; elec-tric
lights, hardwood floor., sleeping
porch; fine garage.
S15,000-This is a fins Chevy Chase home
of eight rooms and two baths.
garage for two care, on large lot.
front and double rear porches;
sleeping 'porch; screrns; imme
uilate possession; easy terms.
$6,500-l.acing Soldiers' liome; six
rooms and bath; beautiful man
teipieces with gas logs, beamed
ceilings; hot-water heat, electric
5t.960--Near i~n-olni Park; 7 fine room.;
tiled bath; new heating plant;
scre-ns throughnut; in absolutely
irst -class conition
$m;nnC t'ne home in N. E. : seven rooms
ancd hath: front porch; ser, ens
Ithr,.ughoui . immentate posse'ssan,
house is as goodc as new
11 th t- Main 4752.
If you conteeplate purchasing
a home you cannot afford to
make a decision without frst
looking at the many bargains we
offer. We have en our lists
many houses that we offer at
prices lea than asked five years
16.600-Near fist sad Q. a remarkablr
Cheap house; 3 stories. 0 rooms; good eas- A
dltion; roosn for garage.
S6,000-Near Georgia avenue and Quebec
street; a bargain in a neat two-stery
Colonial brick residenee; room for ga
rage; reasonable terms.
17,60-One of the most beautifully
situated houses fronting the soldiers'
Home Grounds and Park place; 2 stories
and cellar; hot-water heat; electric lights;
hardwood trim; room for garage.
$4,000-Near Georgia avenue and Park
road; 3 stories; 6 rooms and bath; lot 163
feet deep to a 16-foot alley.
$7,600-Eye street N. W., near 2d; 16
rooms and 2 baths: room for garage; new
plumbing; newly papered and painted;
$6,750-A three-story house near 16th
and Q; I rooms and bath; Immediate pos
session; surrounded by expensive resi
$7.000-West of lath: 11 rooms and 2
bathe; covered porches in the rear; ar
ranged so that one door can be rented so
as to bring a good Income.
$6.760-Near lst and R N. W.; a well
built two-story dwelling; 8 rooms; newly
papered and painted; hot-water heat;
room for garage.
$6,760-Near 11th and Otis streets; 2
stories and cellar: hot-water heat an-.
electric lights; newly papered and painted.
$6,000-N street N. W., west of 9th; '
rooms and bath; convenient location.
$8.600-Corner residence north of Per'
road; near 2 car lines; 8 rooms; moder t
heat; electric lights; lot 119 feet deep; i
foot alley. .
17.000.-Near 14th and Eu.'ld streets;
must be sold at once; 8 rooms; very sub
stantial construction; a chance for a bar
6.250-11th street near Newton: two
stories and cellar; 6 rooms and bath; hot
water heat; public alley; easy payments.
$5,500-Columbia Heights; bay window
brick; 2 stories and cellar; 20 feet front;
immediate possession; easy payments.
$7,600-A most desirable home in the
Petworth section; 8 rooms; cellar, hot.
water heat and electric lighta
$8,60--Mass. ave. N. W., near 6th; 1
room;; lot 22z94; wide alley.
$6.000-Penna. ave. near 24th: 3 stories;
10 rooms; splendid location to rent rooms.
$6,000-A corner house near Penna. ave.;
6 rooms and bath.
$8.750-A particularly attractive home
on Rock Creek Church road; 2 stories and
cellar; a roos. a magnificent tiled bath
room; lot has a frontage of 40 feet by
depth of It, to 15-foot alley; porches
front and side Take a look at it; we
know you will like it.
16.,00-New Ilampshire' Avenue. very
close to Washington Circle; C rooms and
bath; substantial construction.
$6.500-Newton Street. between 11th and
14th; box-style house; ; stories and cellar;
hot-water heat and electric lights: lot 20O
82: double rear porches, Ecreens and awn
ings; possession.
Quebec 'lace N. W.; a Kennedy-built
house, with about every modern conven
ience; double garage; hot-water heat and
electric lights.
66.000-North Capitol near R; a clean
cut, two-story brick dwelling. 7 rooms and
$1.000--9th Street near P. 6 rooms; lot
20x94; alley.
$7,850-Near North Capitol and R. 2
stories and cellar; tiled bath; hot-water
heat; lot 20x90; :;0-foot alley; possesslon.
$8.000-Monroe Street near 11th; 9
rooms; cellar.
15,500-Near R and North Capitol; 2
stories and cellar; furnace heat. house in
good condition; pl~nty of room for garage.
A very good bomne on "T"' Street N W ,
near North Capitol; 2 stories and cellar;
hot-water heat, 20-foot front; .0-foot alley,
56.600-Near 1st and 8 N. W : 2 storIes
and cellar; 6 rooms an.! bath; furnasce
heat; double rear porches; posseesion at
56.160-New HampshIre Avenue near
Park Road; porch house; 2 stories and cel
lar; hot-water heat; lot 20:100; key at
off ice.
56.300-FrontIng on Rhode Island Ave
nue west of 9th; a 10-room dwelling, lot
59.210-A corner house on Hfolmead
Place; 2 stories and cellar; hard-wood
floors; splendId condition; lot 21:92; 15
foot alley.
$5,100-Near lst and V Streets: 2 storIes
and cellar; 11 room.; large closet. and
36,910-Sth Street. between P and Q; 10
rooms; lot 96 feet deep; ,publice alley.
38,500-11th St. N. W., near N; 10 rooms;
hot-water heat; garage,
69.000-11th St. near M; S storIes, cellar;
room for garage.
56.500-Harvard at.: 2 stories, cellar;
hot-water heat and electric lights; posses-j
sion soon.
57.000-On Irving St., Columbia Heights;
I stories and cellar; hot-water heat; lot
113 feet deep; publec alley; house has
front and rear porches.
$6,000-Moton 5t.: segnI-detached; *
meom. and bath; open on three sides.
36600--I st. N. W.. between North
Capitol and 1st; 5 rooms and bath, hot
water heat; lot 19:90.
$4,750- Near 1st and I 5ts. N. W.; 5
story ,lwetting. with cellar; 7 rooms and
bath; furnace heat.
56.600-On the Heights, west of 14th;
a 2.story 9-room b~rtck d weding; very
handeofle front of light brick and lime
stone; tot 19:100.
*6,600o--n the Heights, wet of 16th
at ;astories. 9 foms. S well-plann.d
house; reception hail,. dining room, Dantry,
kitchen; S sleeping rooms, 2 StaIrways.
$s.76--On 6th at.. near U: 3 stories; 5
rooms and bath; lot 20:106 to an alley.
12m ?seW vnsrK AVn