--UOI FOB SALE REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES. HONE OR $I8VETMENT. b S h~ em. of sin roms and bath #WIS pwheaser. Letrebe heat, s ? t 6 W eedltlis Mtt N feet lde ; NM ear 14e. North e Sa ear 4% et. B.W. Terms. MAMOII0kRNY " SULLIVAN. 23760. - SOJTHEAST. Cesat to Savy yard. Marine Bar ra", ate. Six rooms, brick house, perch frant; deep lot to paved alley. Oas ight. latebe beat, well built. MAMORNEY a EULLIVAN. . 3ENI.& TACHED. Neer 14th at. and Pennsylvania ave. D. >. Six rooms; modern bath; electric lights; wide lot rood surroundings. Terms. MAMOR YY a SULLIVAN. $3600. VAUANT. Brich dwelling, near 5th and 0 st. N. W. Mix rooms; new plumbing recently pa pered and painted. Convenient to market, schools, etc. Terms easy. Small cash pay "tent. MAHORNEY A SULLIVAN. $3,850. NEAR LINCOLN PARK. Desirable brick dweillag. in Eleventh at.. near the Park. Six rooms and modern bath. House in good condition. Wide paved street. MAHORNET a SULLIVAN. $4,250. VACANT. six rooms and b: th. colunial brick dwell ing. near Kentucky ave and D at. t4. 1. Lot 18x110 feet to paved alley. Hot-water heat. Easy terms. MAHORNEY d SULLIVAN. $6 500. TWO HOUSES. One used for business. In K at. N. W. Over 5,600 square feet of ground. Fronting 38 feet, running through to interior street 30 feet wide. Six rooms each. Offered to settle an estate. MAHtRNEY & SULLIVAN. $6,750. VACANT. Seni-detached dwelling in Columbia rd. N. W. Six rooms and modern bath. Hot water heat, electric lights, attic and cel lar. Porch front and rear. Open fireplace. Side and rear alley. MAHORNEY & SULLIVAN, 1527 Eye St. N. W. Tel. Main 7821. "See Mahorney & Sullivan They Know Washington." $3,700. In Mt. Rainier fine location; lot 50x150: property In excellent condition. Cash pay rent, $700. $4,500. In Mt. Rainier; doe location; G-room bungalow; in excellent condition. W500 cash payment; beautiful surroundings; large lot. $4,750. 6-room brick; large rooms: In fine -on dition; near the Union Depot; cellar. $700 cash paymnent. $5,500. In Mt. Rainier; fine bungalow; large lot. $750 cash. $6,750. On Maryland av-. N. E.; very finest loca tion: beautiful large 6-room brick: large front lot; furnace heat. If you want a good home, see this house at once. $5,500. On 10th at.. near Maryland ave.: -room house. hot-water heat. This is a very fine location; convenient to stores, school and churches. $7,500. 9-room house; large lot; hot-water heat; near Lincoln Park. $3,500. Near Lincoln Park: 6-room house; la trobe heat. $5d0 cash payment. $7,300. 6-room house. colonial porches front and rear; large lot to wide alley; hot-water. gas, electric light, hardwood floors; bright oak trim; property In fine condition. $8,000. On H at. N. W.; 12-room house, hot. water heat, double garage; Just new; $1.000 cash. Keeping roomers will pay for this property; It being almost a downtown property, It Is sure. in my way of thinking. te be valuabSgan the future. $8,000. 6-room house, hot-water henl. gas. eec trie lIghts; good N. W. location; colonial porches rear and front; wash tubs in cel ler: mervants toIlet; long bac-k yard to wide paved alley. $14,000. Large beautiful corner In the N. E. 16 voomi, hot-Water heat, gas. electrieity; im mediate possession. I have 5-10 of the new homes that are being built now in,the city for sale. I have some for $1,000 cash pay mnent. balance sanme as rent. Don't buy a new home before vfly saleamen show you what I have. Homes for sll kinds of people. In almost every section of the city. J. D. GARMAN, District National Bank bldg. $5,950-BY OWNER. $500 CASH. In Good Northwest Section. Six rooms and bath; hot-water heat; colonial poreh; newly painted; possession; terms; $500 cash; balance like rent. Call MR. J. GILBERT DYER Col. 7744. FOR SALK---By owner, 6-room brick, on beautiful K at.. near 6th st. N. E.; in a splendid neighborhood. Please call at 100:1 T st. U. U. fOUS-For male by owner; 9 rooms anet bath; good location on Belmont at. Im mediate possessIon; riear car line; no agency; apply 3004 13th t. N. W. 65'N3 best home bargains are listed under "OUR ONE BEST DUY". on the Real Estate Page of The Times every Saturday. Mur YOUR RNADY-CUT ntoiUs NOi. O~lY U. ZEPP. Re presenting T.EWin- BUIliT HOMICN Room 313. Davidson Building. Corner 1th and K stm. I$60 CiW will start your home In Chevy Chae D. C., In a forest of beautitul tree. adlointiag nock Creek Park. G. ~. YANCEY, Saleit Agent, r726 14th itt. N. W. Phone FranklIn 75 HEpfVT ChfANT. it. a' 3-room bungsinow. bath, lavatory, laundry. near Cnnn. ale., saast Phan. at-'. tA~ I NoUS FOR SALE JOHN F. DONOHOE * BONS 314 Paasylvania Ave. S. E. Pries $3,70. A s-resta 'etonial house en VirgialO Ave. I. .. conynlera to the Navy Yard. This hess is cosapratively New. was built by day's labor, and will shew splendid value for the price asked. We are the es elgsive agoats Torme. 1016 cash. balance 316 a uMath. isiadiag interest and prib cipai. Prisc 12,600. th Street 5 .3.. near O St. A sil-roeem brick house, three roome en a sur. in epleadid condition and a bargain. Terms. 9700 T aah, balance $30 per month, lnulding atoreet and principal. We invite compari son of thin property with anything you have been ogered at the price. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS 814 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E. For Hale. We have a t0acre tract of land at Suitland. Maryland, at $150 an acre. gold to close an relate. and a hargain. The owny-s will consider dividing this up In nine acre plots, giving equal road frontage. Implicate prop) erty is selling in small plats for $500 an acre. NORTHWEST. 43 T Street-6-room hnouse In .iendid condition; parlor, reception hall, dining room and kitchen on first door; 3 bed rooms and bath on second floor; basement under entire house; hot air heat; gas. Price $7,000. Cash and terms. KENILWORTH. Large Suburban Residence-Lot 1S0 by 161; 12 rooms and 2 baths; frame, shingle roof; large attic and basement; electric light and modern plumbing; hot water heat; big front yard; large stable: close to cars; additional ground available at at reasonable price. Price $0,600. Cash and terms. This Is a bargain. WASHINGTON HIGHLANDS. Five-room Bungalow-Newly built. Price 13,300. Cash and reasonable terms. HILLBROOK. Eleven-room. frame metal roof dwelling: large rooms; concrete basement; electric light; hot water heat; large lot; hedge fence; fruit trees and grapes; properly built by owner for own use in 1016, all newly papered and painted. Frame garage. Price $9.500. Cash and easy payments. KENILWORTH, D. C. Six rooms and bath; furnace heat; elec. tric light; good asa yard and garden. Price $4.200. Cash and terms. CHARLES A. APPLEBY, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. 1415 G STREET, N. W. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, 314 Pennsylvania Avenue S. E. Price $8,700. Michigan ave. N. E., overlooking Soldiers' Home. A beautiful six-room house with hot water heat, electric light, front and rear porches. garage. lot 20 by 133; every modern et.nvenlence. Terms 62.000 cash, balance $75 per month, including interest and principal. We can give possession as soon as the trans action is closed. Price $5,500. t Vacant. Twelfth at. S. E., nort1y of Pennsylvania a.enue. A seven room, modern house with hot-water heat; two baths; in splendid con dition. This property is in a splendid lo cation and could not be built for 17,500 ex clusive of the ground. Price $4,500. Sevcth et. N. F., very close to Maryland ave. A seven room. modern brick house with cellar; furnace heat. One of the best bargains In this section. Most of the houses In this neighblorhood are occupied by the owners. Terms $1.000 cash, balance $40 per month, including interest and principal. Price $4,250. Pennsylvania ave. H. N. A six room. mod ern colonial house; the best buy in this see tion of the city. Suitable terms arranged and possession given within a short time. Price $3,500. Rented at $39 per month. Two six-room frames on 12th st. S. E.. not far from Pennsylvania ave. Could aeadly be rented at $45 per month, There is no encumbrance on this property and the owner will accept reasonable terms. One of the best investment propacitions in W ashington. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, 314 Pennsylvania Avenue S. E. NORTHEAST OFFICE 0. B. ZANTZINGER, 4419 Hayes St., Hillbrook, D. C. Take District Line car to 44th at. Look for big sign. Alik for Win. L. Forsyth. Branch Northeast office. 61st and Dix ave. Telephone Lin. 2430. Large six-room house on car lIne: two lots; latrobe heat; $;3.710.00. Moderate terms. Two-story. seven roofn framce: latre heat: gerege; chicken Rouse; $4.000; I500 cash, balance monthly. Two-story. seven-room frame;: two lots; $2,600.00; $600 cash, balance monthly. Two-story. six-room house; barn; latrobe heat; $;1.000. Easy terms. Splendid little four-room bungalow; five lots: barn, fruit, and hedging in abundance; is of frame and concrete construct iort, has bath: 82,600 cash. Brand New Five-Room Bungalow. Two lots: electricIty snd furnace he-ut; $3,160.00; $700 cash, balance monthly pay ment. Two-story. seven-room house: electeril,: garage: chIcken house; screened porci s; shade anid hedlginig; I6,200; $700 cash, bal ance monthly (1T322). 0. B. ZANTZINGER, Main Office, 903 New York Ave. Phone Main 5371. STOP-LOOK! One bungalow. I room.: large let. One bungalow. 7 rooms, bat h; large lot. One 2-story house, 6 rooms, bath; large lot. Just comtp leted en4 t ConduIt roed,* at CABiNJ JONHN PARK (ood as the best at Chevy C'hase and price one-third leea Ussy terms. Many desirable loits for suburban homes. Write. p hone or lee J. S. TOMLI NSON, 224 Southerr Building. N. 7441 or Franh. 301 MOUSE FOR AL - TMU PROPEIMU AtV5R U THE P THET A ) A DVIRTISSD DA L yALL FAPAS UNTIL SOLD. WHITE. 1609 C t. S. r.-Brtck; 6 reems sad bath; latreb#, gas, 13,60. 5414 Warder at. . W.-Brich: 7 reeme mad 1i1ed bath; 4 bedrooms; large lot to paved alley; b.-w. h.; concrete cellar; a. m. I.; modern garage; leeping porch; hardweed bears; pasesaloa. 610,6S0. 366 141k it. N. I.-- rtica; 4 ruuwA amd bath; latrebe. gas. 43.000. 16 Gthg t. Y. i.- rame. I0 rooms sad bath. 6,600.1r as 403, 096 a at. I. --Brck; o.7 reooms a5d bath; latrabe. gas. 4.900 each. 761 10th at. S4. 1.--Brick; I rooms aad beta; double garae. latrobe, gas. 14.200. 9 P at. N. U.--Brtck; I rooma, bath. Ia trebe; gas. $3,600. 126 9th Mt. S. 1.-Brick; 6 rooms, bath; latrobe; gas. 54,000. ,it, ltsh at. N. W -i1 rooms. rec. ball; brick. ;as; guru. 110.000. ' K at. N. E.-Brick; 11 rooms; bath; la trobe: gas. 17.000. 1436 A at. N. E.-lirlck; I rooms and bath; latrobe; gas. $$.76. 13721 Deaes at. N. W.-- Brick; 10 rooms, 3 baths; vapor heat. $17.000. 33 0 at. N. i.- Brick; 6 rooms and bats; latrope. gea. 13,00. 1643 0th at. N.. W. Brick; 6 rooms; la trobe; gam. 14,260. 205 1. at. N. W.-Corner property; large store with $ living rooms. 10,000. COIditsI,. 929 R. I. ave. N. W - Brick: 10 rooms; hall; 2 baths; 7 bedrooms; h.-w h.; Kellar; a im. I.. tarne 'of; room for garage; pos easion. $11,600. 106 K at. N4. W.-Brick. 3 rooms; gas 11.600. 130 10th at. N. I.-Brick, 6 rooms aad bath, cellar. lairobe, gas. $4.70. 917 3rd at 8. C.-Brick; 7 rooms and bath; latrobe. gas. 12.300. 1604 13th at. N. W.-Brick. $ rooms. b.. gas. $7.350. 447-449-461 R at. N. W.-Brick, 2 stores and I house, corner property. $7,000. 104 K at. H. B.--Ilylck: 7 rooms, $1,se0. 155 157, 16, 161 N at. I. E.-Brick; $ rooms. $1.160. 156-1331 Francis at. P. E.-Brick, 4 rooms each- excellent condition. 11,000 each. 149 1. at. S. 1.-6 rooms. bath, brick; g.. $2.50C. 317-19 Va. ave. S. B.-Brick and frame. Both for $';,000. 3306 N it. N. W.-Brick; 6 rooms, bath; lot 50x100 to alley. $4.500. 63 i)efrees at. N. V. Drick; 9 rooms and bath. latrobe; gas. $3.460. 2356 6th at. N. W.--Brick: 6 rooms, rec. hall; bath; latrobe; gam; basement. $5.050. 408%l N. J. ave. N. W.--6 rooms. roe. hall, bath; latrobe; gas. $2.300. 1734 Seaton at. N. W.-Brick; 6 rooms. bath; Iairobe; gas. $3,360. i91 45th at. N. .-Frame; 6 rooms; Ia trobe. $3.000. SI'D!URBAN. 2004 20th at. N. E. (Woodridge). Stue co; 6 roohis and bath; cement garage, h. w. h.; concrete cellar; a. m. I. 69,000. Foxall Heights-4205-9 P at. N. W. Frame. 4 rootna; 13.000. Fosasl Heights-4211 P at. N. W. Frame bungalow. 6 rooms; $3,000. Laurel-Frame. 7 rooms and bath, elec.;) garage. $3,000. Kenuington (Conn. ave. and Baltimore st.)-Frame. 11 rooms; a. m. I. 13.000. Tuxedo--Frame; rooms and bath; large lot, h.-w. ht. $;,600. 3501 Newton s'., Mt. Rainier. Md. (WHITE)-New 6-room, bath bungalow; a m. I.; metal garage; lot 60xl60. POSSE SION. $6.000. 34th st., Mtt. Rainier, Md.-(WHITE) 6 rooms, large rec. hall, b.; 2-story frame; garage; lot 50x150; newly painted. VACANT. $4,750. INVBSTMFNTS 131.3-5 Pierce at. N. W.-Brick. $4,000. 1069-71-73 Wisconsin ave.-3 etx-room and bath brick houses, and a ten-car gar age; a. m. 1. $16.000. Corner of Kentucky avenue and South Carolina avenue S. E.. 67 by 77!5 feet. Four one-story frame houses, excellent condition. Good building site. $3.600. 2307 N st. N. W. Corner lot 45 by 39. Six-room two-story frame house. $1.500. Two vacant lots on Morton street, near Sherman avenue. 3267 Square feet. 40c square foot. Corner South Carolina avenue and C at. S. E. 8762 square feet. Seven frame houses. Leot 233 by 77 by 220. 16.000. AL1. OF THE ABOVE PROPERTIES CAN BE PURCHASED ON REASONABLE TERMS. SPECIAL--WE NKEI) 1OUSES. LIST NOW FOR QU'iCK RETURNS N RRADFORD & COMPANY. Main 677. 337 Southern Bldg. Main 697S. F ST. N. E., BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH, $7,500. We are offering for the first time this home of 6 large rooms and bath, with rear porches. concrele cellar and now garage. Splendid condition If you want a home in this fne neighborhood do not fail to see this. Owner occupant. $1,100 cash end $6, month. CLARENCE F. WELCH, Ground Floor, Southern Bldg., PHONE MAIN 4289. FOR COIORE[i Near 10th ant Kenyon--::-story Colonial porch brick. 6 rooms and hath; hot water heat: perfect condition: hardwood flors and trim; woodwork finished In whit, and mahogany; possession; price. $5,500. WALTER A. BROWN. 1400 H st. N. W. ECONOMY BUNGALOWS 4910 to 14 Ga. Ave. Contain 8 rooms; 2 baths; 4 on each floor; fully detached; can be bought for less than houses in a row. Inspect Sunday from 1 to 7 p. m. Accommodating Terms-Owner. S BY OWNER-Six rooms and bath. electric light. h. w. h., light cellar under entire house; stationary tuhi. pantry. large yards: early poasesilon. I.ine. 2926. 1010 Mary land ave. N. E. Get Into the Habit of Reading "OUR ONE BEST BUY" On the Rteml E-,tte P:.ue__Saturdays~ SUBURBAN FOR SALE BY OWNER. PRICE, $6,000. iroomse and bath. Htot-water heat. Electrieity and gas. Slate roiof. Lot 40x100 feel. Property can be seen any time during next two weeks. For terms, apply 6 Baltimore at., Hyattsville, Md. Phone Htyattsville 271. AT AI.T% VISTA. Montgomery cnunty, Md., 2.\ minutecs from iity. at ve.ry deae atbc moidern home (or a rolimi. lath, hot wae heal. etc.;: stoine lomtruct ion, slate roof: % of an mire tani: beautifult lawn i: on fine inacsdamn roadl: garage: immediato possemsion. P'rice. $9.i00. II. lATrANE i.WIVIt 142" F at.; Fr. 7807 or itetheada 3 1-W. BEE OUR BEAUITIFU~LL NEW Rt'NGAIOWS JUST (COMPLETEDL AT AURORA HILLS, VA. New home. containIng 4. 6 and 7 rootne and tils bath, with all modern convenlencem. Inlunilng excellent heating system and elec trIcity; hard wood floor. anel trinm through. out; I and 2 open fireplares. basetment un der entIre house. C.onmmutation ticket. 7%jc; taleS team than one-half that of Dim trict; excellent sewerage syatem, etc. THE FS'BURBAN HO0ME WITH CITY 1ON\'ENIENCEAt SMALL CASH PAYMEINT-CASY TERMS. To Insapect take Alexandria car. at 12th st. and Pa are. to Aurora Hills StatIon. or phone New PtorC just 'omnpleted,. KIng and Harvard ml.. Alezandrla. \-aNo tores wIthIn 3 blocks Also row of new brIck houses. ALL ON EASY TERMS. L M. JOHNSTON, OWNER, Arlington, Va. Phone Clarendon 810-F-5. RUPREURNTATIVE ON PREMIS.S INSPUCT SUNDAY OR ANY WEEK DAT. NE2W houses, 'aram: . hs 160x22i,. Hyatlte tItle, 2 bIork he qrp. St.tifn $$,flf ,amh. (1 (0 WAlt(NFR Aen,.l hing 1ith and fB 11sI'M3A! Pe SALS DO YOU went a beautiful Nis-reeve heme? Really one of the beat homes in ArlInSg ten County; strictly mdera, with over half-acre of Around; plenty of large oak Srees for shade; [arase; chicken boese, and ether out-buildings. 7 minutes from Georgetown Price very reseenable. MAtNERO0N BROd.. it4 16th at. N. W., Room ill. Main li96. JOHN V. DONOHOE & SONS 314 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E. FUR SALE. - 36 acre. of ground rear Camp Springs. Maryland. $76 an acre. tan be sld om easy .erms. Will subdivide In Ave-acre plute with equal road frontage. lItms Buyers Will Prolt by Caref ully Vollowlag the Listimgs is " OUR ONE BEST RUY"1 Oa the Real Metate P'ae of The Times Every dtufday. LOTS FOR KALE $50 RIVERDALE HEIGHTS $5 - -(OLDN THI RECORD For rapid elling. The suburb cesation of Washington, in eight of Monument and Capitol Dose. A number of homes have bees built and several are now upder con struetion. If you want a real bargain in a subdivielon. restricted to desirable peo ple, write or call for additional Infortua tion. Hem naber our tern are very easy. J. W. HOLLOWAY CO. 1110 F at N. W. Franklin #98. FOR EXCHANGE TWO IA)TB-D. C. clear value $3,100 and $2.000, securities for nearby Virginia roperty. BOX 206, Times offiee. LBUSINESS PROPERTY FOR MALE BUSINESS PROPERTY. . DESIRABLE NORTHEAST BUSINESS PROPERTY. Two-story brick, with large ad Joining aide lot; store on first floor, flive ruoom and bath above; exceptionally bright future. An ideal location for almost any bust ness, especially adapted for auto accessories, etc. This property is v.ry reasonably priced at 16,600. Immediate possession given. rea sonable terms. Don't fail to see this. WISCONSIN AVENUE. Near ' st. --Brick store, with four rooms and bath above. in a desirable business s.etion. where traffic Is exceptionally heavy. It will pay you well to investigaste this. Price, $8.000. Attractive terms. GARDINER & DENT, Inc., 717 14th St. N. W. G< 0.1l1 investment-Well-built three-story business place; brings fair rental: lo iatl on the beat business block on If at. N. K. lOX 208, Times office. $32,500. Large 4-story briok business place on 7th at. N. W. This I consider the best busines property for this much mon".y on this good business street, the rent that e:iti be had from this property %il pay a good rate of inteTt on your money, besides being In a location. wher.- it surely will increase greatly in 'oiue in the next few years. About 100 business prupe'rties for sale. J. D. GARMAN. District National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS MINEY Tot LOAN--326o to $500,000 on r. c real estate Several trust funds. All transactions conducted with economical counideration fur borrowers. WM. II. SAUNDERS & CO., Southern Building. $07 16th st. N. W. PROPERTY WANTED Property Owners, Attention! We want a number of houses, some fine. expensive ones, as well as Ien pretentious ones. and small house, to sell to appli cants. Some of them need not be subject to Ininiediate delivery. but we want them at once. We are also having calls fop suburban please, colonial homes and desirable farms. Our thirty years' experience and office facllith. enable us to render expert service. Wm. H. Saunders & Co. Suthern tldg.. 807 16th at. N. . J OHN P lO NO llOE & ONB. INC. 314 Pennsylvania Ave. S. E. Let Us Bubmit Our List of Homes and Investments Before You Purchase. An Ideal Home. the best in every real es tate office. Is listed for your attention I each week utnder "OUR ONE BUST BUY" on the Real Estate Page of The 'Times every h.tuririay, __________ IY y-u .a I ic for a home, don't fall to INlat~ (7AREFULLY "OUR ONEi REST lIlUY' on the Real Estate Page of 'rhe Trinfs every Saturday. 1iAVE~ YOtP A HOUSE FORt BALE TO CO LORED. We will advertise your house to evr paper in the ilty daily until eotd. l.iat new for qulick returns. BRlA DflORfl & COMPANY, inn57.47 southern bldg.an67. LIST YOUR~ PROPETiES FOR SALE WV ler. they will sell. We are tuaking many sahe. ,GARDINER & DENT, Inc., 717 14th St. N. W.. WlE WANT MORE HOUSES FOR BALE Owneri of property destring to mak quick sales should list property wIth Us at once. W.ai. rP Ni)PMtOVTl. Cin P at. N. W C LA INVOY ANTS Licensed by the Djistrict of Columtia MADAM D'ASHMAN CL-Alt\'OANTl. tRYSTAl, tlA7/.ER, AND t'ARD) READERt. llave you business and domestic troubles? If so see Madamiine iVAshmin and she will help you io of your difficulties as she has advised hundred, of nthers. This gifted lady will tell your fortutne on luve, mar riage, divorie, chatnges, reunites the sep arated. hellp, you to win back lost love. happiness and husiness. SP'EctAr READ.INO. 11.00. 1301 G Street N. W. Opposli Drnooi's Must- Store, 13th a fl. MADAME SPARROW ('ail snd b~e advised by this gifted lady. who was borni gifted with seeond might. She can te.ll you anything you wish to know. It took, strange how snime people have more luck and prosperilty than others. Call to see me and r will tell you the cause of your bad luck, worries and trou hles. You know n-hen you don'S live happy at homie or your work or business goes wrong, there is somiething wrong with ynu You miay have htad hatd luck or * cit wisha lilaced lupon yoett or you may have done snething to offend lodt. The tmi dame will tell you who you will tmarry and. whltn. 1101 7th N. W. Rending,. .1. MADAME VASHTI. - If ionu nrc in dout amit anything. why not visit this wonderful wnt-n andt hasve the mtastery cleared. leeliings. SI. 92~4 Pa. aiye. N. W._______ MADAME LEONE, Palmist and clairvoyant, gives advice n all affairs of life, love. bualneas and health. All readings pritle. Slit F s. N. W. MADAM STANLEY Rf OTA . (IYPSi P AI,M iST Now loi:.le. at ?40 N' w York iare , oe. 7th en=Als your ha,i like an oen ba.L CLAIEVOTANTS MADAME SELIA "GTPT AN PALMIST AND liLUDiD.UI Tlgitdlady readO yeour ,a present mfuture tif glvlag = ad y can veetaeate and divorce cases Lells Ihe Of your future husband or wilfe ad to wia the eae you love, mnakso Up love gerrels bad family trumbles. resate I eparated amd mas happases betwO maa and wife. tells what busi, a what part .f the world most J lst to yam and how to gala secems In aythia veu aske e had. It you are hevlai lurk or trouble cnsul Madams hell.. ase can help; her advice pemoves all troubles Stalles garsateed. Mours 9 to $:N. Ile 27-J. Roadls a. 11. Wy ad. Between it ros isa i I . o.NTH MT. ll W. MADAME LENORE, GIFTED 'l.AIRVUYANT AND MEDIUM. Ulves true advice on business, love, health and family adfare; tlls the full name of the one you will marry. the day mad monath. t'eme and be convinced what a natural-born ctalgvoyant can do. special readings for a short time, $1. 731 ECLEVENTH ST. N. W. oNear Palate !ioyal Store.) PROF. STEVENS, MASriit MIND of PIeHlcs. Clairvoyant and Palmist. Advice On al affairs of lit., including business and speculation. If affairs of the heart or emotions of love Interest you, he gives esact and truthful reoelatlous. settles lovers' quarrels. enaLIles you to win the es teem and affection of any one you desire. causes speedy and happy marrlugea, tells if the one you love Is true. also date of mar riage. Restores lost affection, peace and confidence to lovers and diicurdaut families. All Invited. 925 F St. N. W. MME. ORA PARKS, CLAlltVtYANT ANt) PAL.MIST. Gives advice on all affairs of life. A visit to this remjarkable woman will do more to convince you than colutas of self prale. She is not a turtune-teller. neither does she cater to the iunorant or super stitious. but to those who appreclute the advice of a fine reader. All business sa cred and confidential. Hours, 11 a. M. to 9 p. in. 1220 ti at. N. W._ MME. JEANETT. EGYPTIAN PALMilST. CI.AIRIVOYANT. Guaranteed to read your entire life, past, present and future. She asks no questeoas, but before you utter a word she tells what you call for, names of friends. enemies; telle how to gain success in business. health, courtship. marriage, divorce. tells you what part of the world will be sac cessful for you; advises you to gals and hold a good poeslon; she tells If the one you love is true or false. Are you in trouble? Do you find the one you have bestowed your trust and affection upea acting cool and Indifferent toward you? She will remove all obstacles and tell you how to win and hold the one you desire; she reunites the separated, locates absent friends and relatives. Readings. $1.09. 309 7th st. N. W. (opposite Saks Co.) PROF. BELMONT Noted Clairvoyant and Palmist. no read your life by the lines in your palm, which are the record of your life. Being a grad uate of two colleges of palmistry, and his wonderful gift of second sight enables him to lift the veil of mystery and reveal to you important matters of your fulge life. Given advice on business matters, love health and fanily affairs: tells name of your future husband or wife; tells if one you love is true or false; what part of the country is luckiest to you; what to do to be successful in life; removes troubles of all naturo; brings the separated together; tells the secret of having personal Is fluence with your associates. Prof. Belmont Is a Psychologist of World Itenown. Read ings. 81. 1216 New York ave. N. W., neat door to Masonic Temple. MADAM ALLEN CLAItVOYANT AN D PALMIST. Guarantees to read yot.r entire life--past. present and future; gives true advice on business, love, health and family affairs. Special reacinrs. 1. Retween Nth and 1th. 61: :' S' N. W. iAIY AND STiNDAY. SPECIAL READINGS, $1.00. MME. VASTE. There Is a aiy to overcome all difficul lies. trouble anl anxiety. A correct and truthful readtng of your life by the science of phienology will dhow y.u how you can be hap;py. No questlons aatced The head and face are as an open book by which all R flail of life an be read. Don't be a fall. ur.' le today. Alvice on all subjects. Gifte-t lIrenologist andt ilusiness Adviser. perlani.'.ly located 625 14th st. N. W. fours, 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. MADAM ZARA, CILAIRVOYA.tN t .ARD ItEADER. Again at the old number. Tells you any thing you wish to know; answers questions. Please call 1:17 North Capitol el. MME. PARKER, Gifted Clairvoyant and Medium. This gifted lady can tell you anything you wish to know or find out in business, health or family affairs When and whom you will marry. What part of the country is best for you. What to do to be successful in life. Removes evil influences. Tells how to win and hold the one of your choice. Satisfaction or no charges. Readings. S. 1211 E st. nw. het 12th and 13th. MRS. COATES, spiritual medium. Inter. views by appointment. Col. 6227. Seance Friday. b:30 p. in, 1':04 Kilbourne at. N. W. Admission 5oc. Spirteuntlism MRS. COATES, 1704 Kilbourne p1. N. W. lectures and seance etery Friday. 1:10 p. i. Ariission 50c. Appointments by phone. Col. 6;:27. DANCING GLOVER. G17 22nd; priv lessons any time. 75e; clans Tues-tnys and Fridays. W. 11.9. ___ RESORTS COLONIA. ICEAt'H. VA --Johnson house: openel for the se:..en. also 1. h. it. rooms at the Woodlawn; terms moderate. J. H. BRA DY. Wildwood. N. J. EDGETON INN Centra!!v located near beach. White serv Ice. Calacil:. :0. Music room. Orchestra. Auto nme-ti. trainis. Writenfor Booklet. P-. BRAI.OW.. Prjt. T. H. Uallagher, Mgr. MRiELDON-Wildwood's finest hotel; mod ern throughout ; all rooms running water. PrIvate baths. Elevvator. Auto. Booklet. D. J WOODs. ownership-management. S LEG&AL NOTICES _ _ Francis R. Stephens and Riaggeld Hart. Attorneysa. IN THlE UPREMEi11 CtOURT 0OF THEl Dis8 TRICT OFI. CtUIA'.13A, loding a Dis trict Court- In re: The condemniration of land for the ope.ning of a public alley n elmua 3120, In the Ilistrict of Columbia. - ilstriet C'ourt No. 1391.l-NOTICE ANI 1 RDER 0OF l 'B1,it'AlON.-Notiee Is reby given that the Commissioners of -ltistrict of I'olumobia, pursuant to the iv vi,.ons of s'ctlion 16 to ' sect ion I 60t , lieualve, of the Code- if i-nw for Ithe. lie tris I .f iColumnbia, have did a ptiIt ion in lthi --urt pra.yig for lthe toilndimnat Ion of I., land nicessary for the opening oif a public alley in asucre :lt20 ihounded by V. street. ,.cond streeit. WA .1treel and Flugler lilace northwest i, in the District of Columbin, as shown on a plat or map filed with the sid petiion as part thereof, and prainlg also that tii Court empanel a jury In accordance with the law provided for In sulh eases to assess the damages eacht owner of land to be taken lna.y sustain by reinsot of the opening of thle sald publie atll'y 'nil the condeminat in of the land nersary for the purposes theri'of, and to amece a' benietits resulting therefromt the entir. amiounit of said dam, ages. 'ncludtng the expetnses of these pro ceedings, upon eachi lot or part of lot or parcel of land, whicia wIll be benefited by said opening, in lb.' proportion that the said jury mtay rind said lots. parts of lots or parcels of land will be beneltted as pro vided for in and by the aforesalid Code of Law, It Is, by the Court thin 14th day of .July. 1920. OtRDERED. That all persons having any interest in these proceedIngs be. and they are hereby, warned and coin. tonanded to appear in this court on or be fore the 20th day of August, 19120. at 10:001 o'clock a. ni. and cont inue In attendance until the court shnll hate maid. Its fltiat order ratifying andl confirtming the award of damuag.'s and the asesoment of liene-fits of the juny to be emlianeledl anti sworn herein; andl it Is fort her I fl D~I-ilh . That a cotpy of thIs nttl,- and order be put Ilibed twice a we. I fir two suerensve weeks in thie Wa'shingtont Ivening fliar. The Washlngtoii Tutnas. at theb. Wtahington Ilerald. newstpspbrs pubished In the- said htistrict, coommenintg at least ten days be fore the sail 20th lay of August. 19120. it In further OtitCilEII. That a copy of tis notlle and irdler be serveid by the United Mistes mttshll or his deputies. upon each of ithe towners of the fee of the land to be contdenmned herein as masy be found by the salid mshal, or hIs ideputies., within the Illstrict 'if titimbIs.,before the siaid 20th lay of August. 19!211 fly the I 'ourt:; .lCN ... T-e' '.1 vitll N H4 I"BAt 'I. Clerk. LIGAL R@TICU F. H. worn... .,Seal rat, A~am~ipe IN THE SUPRNMM tOURT OF TH ill TRI(1t UP OCL UMAiA, Helding a Dis trict Court--is re: The condem ales of lead for the esapol of alley is squar 106.4 is the Wtrict flsala -Dliestt Court. No. 1696.-NOTICU AND ORDER OF PUBLiCATION.-Netice Is bereb gives that the Cuommbiesre of the Als~ct of Celumbia, puePat to the 1F vi510S5 of ictiea 161 to soften 11101 1. ieliusive. oe the Code of law for the Di. triet of Celuia, have Mlad a petities in this court prayIng for the esadesnnatleo et the lead sn.essary for the opentin of apub1le alley i soar 14 (boln.. by Fifteenth.U and Bsteaenth streets. Ken tucky sad Potonac avenaes southeast). is the District f Columbia. ua shows en a plat or swap fid with the said petitie as part thereof, snd praying a that this Court empanel a jury in aceerd see with the law pruvided for I. such cas to assees the damage erh owner ef land te be taken m'ay sustai by reasom of the oening of the amid public alley sad the ceemosnaties of the lamd neessary for the purposes thereof, and to aseso as benest& resulting therefrom the entire amount of said dam ages, including the expenses of these pro ceedings, upon each lot or part of lot or parcel ot land, which will be benedied by said opening, in the proportion that the said jury mar And said lots, parts of lots or paroel. of land will be beneitod as pre vided fer in and by the aforesaid Code of Law. It Is, hy the Court this 14th day of July, 120. ORDERED. That all persoes having any lnterest in these proceedings be. and they are hereby, warned and com manded to appear In his eourt on or be fore the 30th day of August, 1920, at 10:10 o'clock a. its. and continue in attendanoe until the court shall have made its finat order ratifying and confirming the award of damages and the assessment of benefits of the jury to be empaneled and sworn herein: and it is further ORDERED. That a copy of this notice and order be pub lished twice a weak for two suecessive weeks in the Washington Evening Star. the Washington Post and The Washington Times, newspapers published In the said District, commencing at least teq days be fore the said 20th day of August. 1920. It isaArther ORDERED, That a copy of this notices and order be served by the United States marshal, or hle deputies, upon each of the owners of the fee of the land to be condemned herein as may be found by the said marshal, or his de uties, within the District of Columba. before the said 20th day of August. 1920. By the Court: JEN NINGS DAILEY, Justice. (Seal.) A true copy-Test: MORGAN H. BEACH. Clerk. By F. U. CUNNINGHAM, Apst. Clerk. asne. H. Stephens and liaggeld Hs Attorneys. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DIS TRICT OF COLUMBIA, Holding a Dis trict Court-In re: The condemnation of land for the opening of a public alley through square 31037, in the District of Co lumbia.-District Court. No. 1397.-Notlce is hereby given that the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. pursuant to the provisions of section 1606 to section 1606 I, Inclusive, of the Code of Law for the Dis trict of Columbia, have fied a petition in this court praying for the condemnation of the land necessary for the opening of a public alley through square 3937 (bounded by Twelfth street, Evarts street, Thirteenth street, Rhode Island ave nue and Dahlgren Circle). in the Dis trict of Columbia. as shown on a plat or map filed with the said petition as part thereof, and praying also that this Court empanel a jury in accordance with the law provided for in such cases to assess the damages each owner of land to be taken may sustain by reason of the opening of the said public alley and the condemnation of the land necessary for the purposes thereof, and to assess as benefits resulting therefrom the entire amount of said dam ages. including, the expenses of these pro ceedings, upon each lot or part of lot or parce' of land, which will be benefited by said opening, in the proportion that the .aid jury may find Paid lots, parts of lots or parcels of land will be benefited as pro vided for in and by the aforesaid Code of Law. It is, by the Court this 14th day of July, 1920. ORDERED. That all persons having any interest in these proceedings be. and they are hereby, warned and com manded to appear in this court on or be fore the 20th day of August, 1920. at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. and continue in attendance until the court shall have made its final order ratifying and confirming the award of damages and the assessment of benefits of the jury to be empaneled and sworn herein: and it is further ORDERED, That a copy of this notice and order be pub lished twice a week for two successive weeks in the Washington Evening Star. the Washington Post and The Washington Times, newspapers publis'ted in the said District, commencing at least ten days be fore the said '0th day of August. 1920. It is further ORDERED. That a copy of this notice and order be served by the United States marshal, or his deputies, upon each of the owners of the fee of the land to be condemned herein as may be found by the said marshal, or his deputies,. within the District of Columbia, hefore the said 20th day of August. 1920. By the Court: JEN NINGS BAILEY. Justice. (Seal.) A true copy-Test: MORGAN H. REA('I. Clerk. By F. E. Ci'NNINCHAMl. Asst. Clerk. Franci H. Stephens and Riaggeld Hart. Attorneys. IN THE StP'REME COt'IRT OF THE DIP TEIC'T OF COLUMIiA, Holding a Dim trlct Court-In re: The opening and ex tension of Runnymede place through par rel 49-13 to Broad Branch road, in the Dis trict of Columbia. District Court No. '' .---NOTICE AND ORDER OF PUB LICATION.-Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, pursuant to the provisions of section 1604 to ectilon 1601 1. inclusive, of the Code of .aw for the Di. trict of Columbia, have filed a petition in this court praying for the condemnation of the land necessary for the opening and extension of Runnymede place through parcel 49-11 to Broad Branch road, In the District of Columbia. as shown on a plat or map filed with the said petition as part thereof, and praying alo that this Court empanel a jury in accordance with the law provided for In such cases to assess the damages each owner of land to he taken may sustain by reason of the opening and extension of the said mirtnr Street and the condemnation of the land necessary for the purposes thereof, and to assesa as benefits resulting therefrom the entire amount of Paid damages. including the expenses of these proceedins. upon each lot or part of lot or parcel of land. which will be bene flied by said opening and extension, in the proportion that the said jury may find said lots, parts of lots or parcels of land wtil be benefited as pro vided1 for in and by the oforesaid ('ode of ILaw. 1t is. by~ the Court this 14th day of .luly. 1920. ORDERED. That all persons having any interest in these proceedings he,. and they are hereby, warned and com i.:anded to appear in this court on or be fore the 20th day of August. 1920, at 10:00 o'clockc a. mn.. and continuo in attendanc e until the court shall hnve nma'le its final ordter ratifying and confirming the award of dlamages and the assessment of benefits of the jury to be empaneled and sworn herein; and It is further ORDERED. That a copy of this notice and order be pub lished twice a week for two successive weeks in the Washington Evening Star. the W',ashington Post and The Washington Times. newspapers published in the said District.,conmmenlcing at least ten da ys be fore the said 20th day of August. 1920.1It is further ORDERED,. That a copy of this notice and order be perved by the United Sttates marshal, or his deputies, upon each of the owners of the fee of the land to he condtemned herein n's may be found by the said marshal, or his deputies, within the District of Columbia, hefe the said 20th day of August. 1920. fly the Court: JEN NlNt;s hAltI'EY. .lustice.. cfteal.) A trume enov Test: MIORC;AN H. BEACH, Clerk. Ry ', E. tt'N%NNGlAM. Aest. Clerk. PRUP(S A IS OFFICE OF THlE C'OMIS1ONERS. Washington. P. c.. Juily 30, 13'20. - Sealed proposis will be received at this office. Room 509 District Building, until 2 iwelock. p. mn.. August 16, 19.20. for fur nishing $chool Roonm Furniture. lipecineca lions and fcems of proposalI may be had up~n application to thme Purchasing Offic*, Room 1:20 District Building. LOtitM isisioners. D). C. TREA~I'RY DEKPARTMENT. Supervising Architeet's Offiee. Washington, I.,. C., .fuly 26. 1 920.-SEA LED P'ROP'OgAtat ""i be received in this office until 2 p. nm., August 9i. 1920. snd then opened for reli eating fence on Fourteenth street side of the Auditor's Itutiding, Washington. I). C,. acc'ording to drawing No. #0 and sperinenu tion, copies of which many be had a.t this office. .lAP. A. WETMOtRE, Acting Su pervising Architect. __________ OPFFItE OF. THEO t')IM~IssinNERit. Dip. TIlaT OF" Ctilt'MBIA, July 24, 1930, NEAIiMD PROPOSAIN will be received at the offiew of the Secretary to' the Bloardt of Commissioners. Room 1.09, District Build lng, until 2 o'clock P. Mi., August 1. 1930, for painting the House of Detention, in 'atecd on 15th street. between Ohio avenue and I) street N. W. Blank forms of pro Posai, specelfeations and all necessary in normation inay be obtained from the Chief Clerih Engineer Department. Room 417. Dltr~ct Butilding, Washington, P. C. LOUIS ItROWNLOW. c'HARLES W. KUTZ, Com missioners. DI. t'. AN EXCELLENT HOME ran be secured by statinog what you wsnt in a Titmue Want Ad Phone ii to Main 1.2n. an -.aperie.nced opuerator wcili heip you ririt anol 1,11t vGii be sont The iost is -It Ie msa y a 1 ess 4436 Adame ..prw. 33 !3 33 46 Alas R4bber.... 47 45 45 336 Alipamere... 33 33 33 6114 Am. AgrL Chem. 6C 10% 61% Am. Be" sgar. N6 4 4 O0 4Am. Bseh....... S0 f0 9 3 Am. Ca........ 37% 471 136 1334 As. Car A V*f.. 13336 134 13314 Am. Cettes OU. 40% 40% 40% Am. Drg.5vad.. 11 10% 10% 7776 Am. H. AL5& 1.. 76 7714 7$ 76 Am. Ist. Corp... 763( 77x- 7736 73 Am. umease .... 71 73 76a JON Am. LeomeOe. N 14 9614 1316 A.. saty Mama 1% 1336 1337 ICs Am. 'melttng... E16 5636 5636 354. Am. Steel P47... 3614 5% 363 119 Am. Sugar...... 119 119 116 9636 Am. Tel. A Tel.. 94 I694 9% 1316 Am. Tobaeeo ... 2004 20036 3t16 ,136 Am. WeeL...... 1, 8016 60% 48J Am. Wr. Pa. Pt. 4936 493 401 53 Aaaooada ...... 53% 5314 5336 79 Atohiam ....... 7934 7934 7 6536 At. Coast LA".. 15 65 8 151 At.. G. & W. L. 151 150 161 11036 Baldwla Les... 11114 11056 31036 3 Salto. A Ohio... 3736 32% 4236 43 Salt. a Ohio pt. 4334 4336 4316 6'% Beth. Steel "... 6436 36 82% 139 Barrett Oa. ..... 143!( 139 14034 103 Brook. Rapid T. 103 1031 1036 6 Booth FisherIes. 8 8 8 120 Can. Pf. ...... 12196 110+4 121% 54 Central Leather. M4 53X6 5336 8734 Chandler Motoe 89 8817 6634 564% Chee. A Ohio... 6636 55 E634 679 Cal. Pack....... 67 67 67 36 Chicago Gt. W.. 8 8 8 22 Chi. dt. W. pf.. 22 22 22 66% Chi. A N. W.... 636 E9 88M 3376 Chi.. MIL St. P. 34 356 34 4714 C.. M. A st. P. pt. 50 50 50 34 C... L . AP.... 511 34% 8636 1436 Chile Copper.... 14% 1436 1434 54 C.. C.. C. A S. L 56 E6 56 Cluett-Peabody.. 75 75 75 2536 Col. Graphophone 26 2534 26 11 C. I. Callahaa.. 11 11 11 36% Coca Cola ...... @ 353% 3436 90 Corn Products... 9036 8931 90 Cont. Can ..... 80 80 80 114 Coat. Candy Corn 11 31 11 3% Coedo. Co......363 355 3534 148% Crucible Stee... 14936 147 147 45 Cub.-Am. Sug. cts 46 46 46 45 Cuba C. Sugar.. 4536 '4566 4536 41 Den. & Rio Gr... 5 44 5 9% D. A Rio G. pfd. 10 9% 10 12 Erie ............ 12 12 12 12% Erie 24 pt.--... 13 13 29 Flake Rubber... 29 4% 2834 2136 Freeport Teax. Co 2136 2136 2134 10% Gaston Wms.... 11 11 11 2236 Gea. Motor Ctte 223 224 2211 5734 Goodrich B. F... 56!4 56 E64 343 G1. North. Or... 34% 3476 3434 69% Ot. North. pt.... 703, 6931 7034 2831 Greene C. C..... 28 28 28 69 Hask. A Barker. 69;6 683 68% Huppe Motor Cam 141q 14g6 1416 || Ill. Central ..... 8234 82!6 82M4 Int. Motor Truck. 5236 52 52 4831 Inspira. Cop..... 497" 49 49% Int. Agr. pt..... 8U% 80%6 ?0% 125" Int. Harvester.. 124% 124% 124% 17% Inter. Nickel... 17.4 1714 1736 79% internat. Paper. 80 79 8034 443 Iron Products... 44% 4436 4431 173( Kan. City So---- 1f6% 17;5 18 823 Kelly-Spg. Tire- 835 80, 8234 22' N Keystone Tire.. 23 2156 213 244 Kennecott ...... 2436 2434 249 6836 Lacka. Steel .-- 6736 E61, 6656 424 Lehigh Valley -- 42; 423 42%6 21% Loew's (Inc).... 21% 40% 21% 27% -lanne con. ... 28 274 2734 17 Maxwell M. G... 16 16 16 180% Mexican Petrol 181'T 179 180 39?, Midvale Steel 39% 39% 39% 2036 Middle States... 203 204 # Mo.. Kan & Tea. 63 634 634 93, M. K. & T. pfd.. 11' 10 113 25% "1i:vun 1-acnc. S6 255 2537 413a Minu Pac. pt. 4256 41% 4236 31 Mont. & Ward... 30% 30% 30% 77% Nat. AnI.&ChernC 82 79%7 80% 53 Nat En A Stmp. 593 5731 593 7334 Nat. Lead ...... 73% 7?34 73% 7% Nat. C. C. ...... 7; 7% 7% FINANCIAL 0ver This fifty-y .40.000 Depositors posits in ar Rate of mI Accounts. Over 40,0 Deposit through our Bozes at big family, I Moderate Rentals WVTTTAM D. WOODBURY FRANK W. 8 FR~ANK STE'! CHJAS. C. LA Rate ofFRANK R1.ULJ interest Paid om WVoodbury Bla LI.g and 1J1mem A39 Singj] Walter C. C11 ANeotmbt W illiam T':. Ed H. Prescott 01 NATIONAL SAIN OlMest layinas ya. Cor. 15th a *TMARKET a Ce. iaubbs seWn.) 11,4 Con. Ce,..i. las u S ig Ng N V. Centrol... OX g1M m X34 N Y CI A St. 81 1M Ki 37346. T. Dark..... 1M M N 36 N. T., .L. U 31 M M6 $34 Noreifk i Wees. N8M as3 04 1 Norsbera Ieas , 7a( 71% 7134 31% ottesteet........ N U N 4 06. Pt. .L 04, 4 4 4 474OwneseMa.. 4 4N 06% Pan-Am. Pear . 814 M M 13% Pere Marmeate. m66 113 m13 aSI Pean. a, a..... 889 39M 88 113 Pitubergh Coal. N3(N 46 t3 456 Ptere-Arrow ... 4684 46 4N46 314 Bi'eres Ott ..... 13 13 ni x N PIte a W Va.. 3193 1 97 p... steel Car. 97 1 M 113 Pullmsan Pal. Car 113 113 113 7$% Puata Al es.... N N N 94 Ry steel spra. o8M MM 83 g4% liep. Iron 4 see 1% 34% N 111 Reading ........ SM N Sp 77 Replegle stol... 77 76% 7S 6114 itetail Stores ... SM N8g 5% 137 sears ReeVk... 137 3N 13 sea. A. Lne Kf. 134 3#4 3M 27% Sinclair Olt .... N 2% 1M Sloss-s. s. L... N g$ g6 $134 SoutherTaPees. N 91 11 so southera $y.... 3MM N NI 4% St. L A saa V.. N 1% 1a 1054 trs. aa. VJ.C.. 3 3n O 914 atroae'rs Cep. 10% 1e w 6534 Studebaker ..... 4 oU am ib superior steel.. 4 N N 44 Tenas Cs. ...... 44 44 44 934 Tea. C. a.... 9%. 34 N4 3734 Te. Peelse.. 83 37 1334 Traeont. Oil.. ,34 3334 1234 13 Union Pnelse... 1836 334 11g 2s Union O6 ...... 29 27( s9 62 United FeS ... 61% 619 6114 U.LC.LP . 158 M4 1534 63% U. S. Irnd.A oo 84 8&34 633 52 Un. Realty Imp. 51% 61% 613( 87 U. . Rubbe-.... ga5 6734 67 E634 Tu s smelt a ae. 5614 6 N U. L. eel...... 134 87% 108 U. 5. Steel pt... 10754 034 134 7634 Vanadium Ino.... 7634 7534 7536 163 Vivendes In.... 1634 1634 1634 23 Wabash pL A... 2334 23 2334 47% Westinghouse .. 47% 47% 47% 10% Wh. a lake arte 11 9% 34 4234 Walte Motors .. 49 4834 4816 17 Willis Overland. 1731 19 17 b334 Wilson. 1.4 ... 533 6334 5334 FAMOUS "HINKY DIRK" WARD IS ENDANGERED CHICAGO, July 31.-Chi.ago's fa mous First ward, presided over for years by "Hinky Dick'T Michas Kenna and 'Bath House John" Cough. lin stands in serious danger of be ing redistricted. The plan if adopted will abolish the time-honored custom of electing two aldermen to a ward. The plan calls for one alderman to a ward at salary of $10,000 a year instead of $3,500 as at present. At a meeting of the city council r'. districting committee yesterday the proceedings became so 2amplicated that at one point Alderman McDon ough proposed that the entire mud dle be settled by the aldermen shak ing dice and thus settling the bound ary lines in dispute. ALICE G. REPETTI. Funeral services for Alice G. Repetti, wife of George R. Repetti, who died Thursday at her residence. 404 Seward square southeast, after a brief illness, were held this norning at St. Peters Church, Second and C streets southeast, where a high mais of requiem was celebrated at 9 o'clock. Interment was private. MRS. ANNA WHITMAN. Donald Whitman, 2131 P street northwest, member of the composing room staff of The Washington Times. was called to Glen Cove, Long Island. N. Y., Thursday, to the bedside of his mother. Mrs. Anna Whitman. She died yesterday afternoon. The body will be taken to Erie, -Pa., for funeral and interment. Mrs. Whitman is 'sur vived by two sons and a sister. FINANCIAL Capital and Surplus $2,000,000 Strike Out on 'brift's Pathway This Pay Day Y OUR first deposit need not be big. :ar-old bank welcomes de y amount-pays the Same crest on Small and Large DO individuals are profiting service and protection-A ut there's room for YOU. OFFICERS. WOO VER...........President BLAIR. . ..PFirt Vice President .ONE... .Second Vice President SON......... ....Tru~ offcep NIBOrtN............... easurer WILSON......... ..ecretary MER. Ast. Sec. a Aist. Trees. DIRECTORS eReginald S. Wuidekep *rnan~ William D). Roover Church Victor Xauffmrnann han. William F. Quicksafl a Frank W. Stene nonston William H. Walker tley Henry L. Willard S & TRUST Co. noee66tery I. Waeasben nd New York Avenne