OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 31, 1920, FINAL EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1920-07-31/ed-1/seq-5/

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Meteed Sheeld Avoid Ctung
C ewI
Did you ever notice a'ragged bole
about the Sie of a silver dollar in the
rear tihe of a earl This little ragged
hole is the result of carelessly turn
M ars otorists swerve swiftly
around a corner without slackening
speed. They fail to allow suflcient
leeway between the car and the curb
in order to clear the rear wheel.
When too sharp a corner is made, the
rear wheel will often grass the edge
of the curb or climb up on it. This
peels of some of the side-wall rubber.
Though little thought of, this in
jury, according to Miller tire and tube
experts, is often the first cause of a
later side-wall blowout. The facts of
the case are that the fabric side-wall.
having lost its rubber protection
against the elements, quickly de
teriorate. If taken in time, the re
pair of such an injury is very simple.
The motorist may make a tem
porary repair by cleaning with gaso
line and then covering with a plastic.
self-vulcanising gum. When an op
portunity arises, the casing should be
taken to a surgeon for a permanent
The 1920 Automobile salon in New
York will be open November 14.
American and foreign cars of ex
clusive design will be exhibited.
Auto Supplies
3605 M St. N. W.
At ftorgetown End
. Aqueduct Brdge
Free Tire Service
Open Day
and Night
Standard Gasoline
Oils and Greases
Goodyear Station
Ride F
Latest Decisions and Lega
T13 at..tive show rooss at 1517-19 Oon..ti an.ue to be opened August 4
by the Walker Moter Copany, Washington representative. for Lalayette
Metor 0.rs
Ct -oe AutoP RK
.47 7 .
r at:?+ , " " ' w 4
V1lca31. C.. Supply Shop MOTOR CO.
161 You Nt W
Ph... North 1133 Twentieth and K 1065 Wisconsin Ave. N. W.
M. H. CALKER C. E. LORD Phone Iain 3972 Phone West 163
VULCANIZING Authorized Ford Agents
OurStandard Tires and Tubes Ford Sales and Service
OrWrReo- -
nised by'.the ---
Largest Rubber AccessorIes Immediate Delivery
Company Lubricants o All Models
Except Touring
Full Line of Acces. Vulcanizing and Especially Equipped
sories Repairs for Repairs on Ford
Tinsand ubesCars. Full Line of
ires and Tubes Free Air Accessories, T I r em
Goodyear Service Goodyear Service and Tubes.
nen 'Til 9 P. M. Goodyear Service
arther on Goodyear Tires
in Your Small Car
It is tire performance, not price, that
decides what you really pay; hence,
do not experiment with tires made
to sell at sensationally low prices.
" You can secure in Goodyear Tires, of
the 30x3-, 30x3-/2 and 31x4-inch sizes,
ahigh relative value not exceeded even
in the famous Goodyear Cord Tires
', on the world's finest automobiles.
4 - Goodyear experience and care are.
applied to their manufacture in the
world's largest tire factory devoted
to these sizes.
If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort,
Maxwell oi- other car taking these
sizes, go to your nearest Service Sta- -
tion for Goodyear Tires; take ad
vantage of the opportunity to get
true Goodyear mileage and economy.
rDoubt.Cure $ "g Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no more than the pris
i5r TtC.... yon are asked to pay for tubes of less merit--why risk costdy
7,'P'" *2112 *"''''""'"'"''""""'' _ *
----- 3 a3% lsede sserres se
I Points]
Disagreements of Courts of
Various States Feature Motor
Car Decisions.
by Our Legal COesespdent.
In a preceding article attention was
called to cases in New York aad
Mich':ea dealing with the question of
the liability of motor transfer com
panies for goods delivered to them
Wad lost through thefts on the part
of the companies' employee. Full re
ports of these cases (just now avail
able), show the decisions to be ir
reconcilable. The question at issue
was whether the valuation placed by
the owner upon his goods at the time I
of delivery to the transfer company I
was binding upon him, where the
actual value of the goods was much
greater. In the New York case it
was decided that the valuation so
fixed was absolutely binding on the
owner, even where the goods were
stolen by the company's chauffeurs,
on the ground that the act of under
valuing the goods was a fraud on the
comtpany, for the purpose of obtaining
a lower transportation rate. The
Michigan supreme court decided that
the owner Is entitled to recover the
actual value of his goods, regardless
of the valuation given the company.
It should be understood that the
rules in the' above respective States
apply not only where the company
specifically asks the value of the
goods, and states it In the receipt, but
also where the company -merely is
sues a printed receipt containing a
provision that is understood that the
goods are not valued at over a stated
The Michigan court, commenting on
the New York rule, forcibly remarks
that under such a r.le, "so great
would te the opportunity for fraud
(on the part of the companies) that
public policy will not permit a prac
tice so manifestly calculated to in
vite it" In answer to the argument
that the shipper has accepted the
stated valuation by voluntarily ac
cepting the receipt containing it, the
court further said: "It is not within
the power of the individual to barter
away the right to protection inherent
in the general public."
A l recent decision of the Supreme
Court of the District of Columbia dis
cupses both of the above rules, and
adopts the Michigan rule as the one
more consonant with abstract justice.
'The courts of practically all of the
States are agreed that a repairman
has a lien on an automobile for labor
and nece.sary parts furnished by him
in the repair of the car, though this
lien does not extend to such auxiliary
items as gasoline, grease, etc., fur
nished to the owner as a part of the
same transaction. There is consider
able diversity of opinion on the part
of the courts, however, as to the
question of priorities as between such
a lien and the claim of one who holds
a chattel mort-i.'e on the car, thc
mortgage being prir in date to the
claim of the repairman.
As pointed out in preceding articles,
the Courts of Ohio and Maryland,
among others, give the repairman's
lien priority over such a mortgage.
where the value of the car Is not suf
ficient to pay both clain . A case
recently decided by the supreme court
of South Carolina denies thin priority,
holding that the claim wh'ch is prior
in date must prevail.
In practically all of the States
there is a statute known as the "sales
in bulk law." Under the terms of
this law, the sale of a business is
declared to be void as against the
creditors of the seller, so as to render
the stock liable to tjieir claims even
after delivery to the buyer, unless
-27.2 1\
I N areinakablem
New York, ave
27.2 mis per gallos
Twenty-five dii
before, drove it thro
Come. in today
with Triplex Sprini
tablished in new ree
TOURING, $985;
Prices f.e
Frnklin 4307
For Auto Owners
CarsWorth $8,658,360
Were Stolen in 1919
And Never Recovered
There were 31,349 automobiles stolen in nineteen "index" cities of
the United States In 1919, compared to 25,613 in the same cities in 1913,
secording to figures compiled by the National Automobile Dealers' As
ociation. This is an increase of 32.4 per cent. The figures were obtained
.rum the official reports of the chiefs of police.
Of the 31,349 stolen In 1919, 33,332 were recovered, 74.4 per cent
)f the 35.613 stolen ia 1918, 20,203 were recovered, 78.8 per neat.
Cars stolen which were not recovered were valued at approximately
15,410,000 in 1918, and $8,658,360 in 1919.
New York again led the cities In cars stolen, with 6,627 In 1919,
against 3,340 In 1918, an increase of J6.5 per cent. St. Louis was the only
large city where the number was less than in 1918. This Is accounted for
y a vigorous law enforcement campaign against automobile thieves by
the circuit attorney's office. Sentences up to twenty years have been
ssessed in St. Louis for the theft of an automobile.
The detailed list follows:
Stolen Recovered
1918 i91 1919 1913
New York....................... 6.637 3.340 3,124 2,678
Chicago ....................... 4,447 3,611 3,447 1.964
Detroit ........................ 3,481 3,689 2,529 3.934
Cleveland ...................... 3,338 3,076 1.786 1.816
Los Angeles.................... 1,688 1.629 1,366 1,499
Kansas City.................... 1.661 1,144 794 606
Portland, Or.................. 1,528 1.088 1.371 990
Denver ........................ 1,440 401 1,187 627
an Francisco.................. 1,354 1,122 1,304 1,082
Ht. Louis..................... 1.241 2,241 944 1,354
Seattle ........................ 1,122 1,451 1,398 1,376
Indianapolis .................. 1.031 404 492 224
Roston ......................1,002 866 680 607
Halt Lake City ................. 776 797 758 790
Oakland, Cal.................... 760 995 733 860
Omaha ......................... 734 1,039 647 669
Columbus, Ohio................. 55u 451 373 362
Cincinnati ..................... 520 348 293 291
Oklahoma City.................. 149 571 70 404
Total .......................31,349 25,613 23,322 20,303
Police reports show 915 cars stolen in Washington in 1919. 743 were re
General reduction in the number of automobiles stolen Is expected
during 1920 because of the fact that. Interstate transportation of stolen
automobiles'is made a Federal offense under the Dyer law. The National
Motor Vehicle Theft Law, however, did not become effective until No
vember, 1919. 'Numerous convictions have been made throughout the
United States under this act this year.
Harry G. Moock, general manager of the dealer organization, has
written all district attorneys of the United States extending to them the
services of the dealer organization in expediting the collection of informa
tion leading to conviction for thefts of motor vehicles.
certain formalities are complied with. In which the entrants were horses
Recent decisions point out that these or horse-drawn vehicles. Apparently,
statutes apply to transactions in- this was the original purpose of the
volving sales of garages. It is indis- ion, but the court held that
pensable, in transactions of this kind,
that the formalities of the "sales in
bulk law" be fully complied with. Many recent cases have decided that
Otherwise the buyer will find himself the owner of an automoble is liable
at the mercy of the creditors of the for the negligence of his son, result
hee etoftera.i ing in another's injury, where the son
The object of the law Is to cirqum- Is permitted to drive the car, even for
vent secret sales of going concerns, his own pleasure. In a case recently
with tle consequent loss of tangible
assets upon which the creditors could deie in sowa tqest na
enforce their claims. The law in ques- demnity policy which the father car
tion, among other things, requires rtes on the car protects him against
that the purchaser, before consum- such claims for damages; in other
mating the transaction, must obtain word, whether he can compel the In
a full list of all creditors of the seller, surance company to reimburse him
and give them a certain period of for damages of this class that he Is
notice of the iatended purchase. compelled to pay. The Insurance
There are many other formal details, company contended that its policy
and a prudent person will always em- contemplated only accidents that oc
ploy a lawyer to safeguard his in- curred when the car was being driven
terests when entering into a transac- by the father or by someone on his
tion of the kind in question. behalf or In connection with his busi
ness. The court, however, refused to
In a recent Colorado case the ques- so limit the policy and held that the
tion at issue arose over a provision owner was protected against losses of
in an accident insurance policy that the kind referred to.
exempted the insurance company from
liability for accidents occurring when
the insured was engaged in "riding .
or driving races." The accident in The various engines of war which
question occurred while the insured made success possible in the great
was driving his car in an automobile conflict were airplanes, passenger
race, and his contention was that the
above quoted language of the policy automobiles, motor trucks, tractors
was intended to apply only to races and submarine chasers.
orsU .S hredAwn.hce. paety
ighan da cotinemsrpnan oen d u tecouthk dta
n raciso n uly26 he dasuater lwavrodi noght
ragng 9.2mils pr hur ovr 3442omiles rands
feen divrs w o adneerevny seenthass caredcddta
ghevryknwncodiioho waner o and rad.mbeislal
and seefordtplicageiofnthisoremirkaole Overlan
ROAs peritted toUdriv$1the;cSrAee$1575
b. Toledoownbpleasuoechange withoutcnotic
deOera d CoIcidd. oateqeto a
r 11s28.thecarp ote nhi Aains
Trouble and anseranee are sae
the motorist It he will examise ht
easiage after a puncture, before is
sertisg a new tube. A mall. trag
meat of glass, or rough and broke
fabric surface, remaining over fies
the first puncture, will often quick;
ruin a new tube.
After a careful inspection' of tb
casing, the tube should be sllghtl:
Inflated before being Inserted, to pre
vent its being twisted, according t4
Miller tire and tube experts. When
tbe- tube is inserted flat, there b
danger that, due to a twisted cos
dition, it will tear under high ab
Another good rule is never t
place the tube on the ground. /
porus condition Is eften a diree.
result of the dirt and sand whisl
adhere to the tube that has been lab
on the road beside the car.
A fourth principle of tube conser
vaUon is to lightly dust the inlsde a
the casing with soapstone or tale
This prevents chafing and stickia
of tube and casing. Excessive use
of either talc or soapstone cause
tube blinters.
Car Thefts
Here I. Mouth
Autes Worth $66,00, of
17 Makes, Vanish
Sines July 1
In full view of scores of pe
pie the other day and under
the very eyes of its owner a
$5,000 enclosed car was
whisked' away by an auto
thief-and no trace of it has
been found since.
Your car is no longer safe
from theft. Wholesale stealing
goes on unchecked. What you
need is a
With this unique device fit
ted to the steering column of
your car it can be left any
where-any length of time.
"A twist of the wrist-and it's
locked." It cannot be stecred
or towed.
KARLOK-the positive auto
mobile lock is AUTOMATIC
cannot be locked or unlocked
It is approved by the In
surance Underwriters. Have
It attached to your car and get
15% of your theft insurance
rebated at once.
Play safe! It pays! Do it
At t e
Dealers Take
EARLOE s elsi
on sight. De
mand is enor
mous. Write for
i ib er al dealer
'91 Hallsey St., Newyrk,
We Do Not Bore Into the
Driving Shaft
Dist ributor and Service Station
Tire and Auto
Specialty Co. Inc.,
.1810 14th Street
Phone North 4314
Sold by the following deal
Kere * Kendrieit.
3320 N Pt. N. W.
Aeme Aute Teop Co.
Casltett Ante aPugml.
2301 Chamwlain 51.
Creqatflwn Ante Papply.
IPIel 14th St.
Fe.ne Auto au ly.
liartmas Tire Ce.
r2O 12th Ct. N. W.
Hlb fahigla.
19i89 14th Pt.
Iinwenstein-Pharwe Ce..
- irr New flampshIre Ave.
Monre's 4nin Rsupiw Mbnp
2eth and l( lmt. N. W.
saal', Additien liardware and
Auta Pappir Ce..
4001-03 1 ith St.
emperior Pale. Ce..

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