IN Ye TOWN I WAS trailimg aloag. nsED A truck. TEAT WAS :p,,aedp high. WIT! WOODEN estes. AND IN the crates. WIIE COUNTLESS heas. 01 MAY33 chickas. AND I suppose. TEE! WEEE on their way. TO TEE butcher's block. AND ANYWAY. TNET MADE me sick. JUST TO look at them. AND I blew my horn. SO I might pass. AND AS I did. A SAD red hen. STUCK OUT its bead. BETWEEN THE slats. AND LOOKED at me. AND I was shamed. I ATE the things. AND I looked back. AS I went ahead. AND THAT poor hen's eyes. THEY PLEAD with me. THAT I let it out. AND ON my way. ITS MOURNFUL gaze. SEEMED TO stay with me. "Bugs" Baer Has Some Pointed Remarks. About Mr. Bryan By "BUGS" BAEL "Nuttiest" of the "Nat" Writers. B ILL BRYAN has turned down the Prohibition nomination* flatter than the stuff he wants us to drink. WM. gave us the party and now he refuses to go to it. PLEBISCITE of birthday, sur prise and block parties i di cates that this is the first time tht the guest of honor. didn't go to his own party. ILL is A. W. O. L. Bill claims as precedent the Book of Genesis. and states that Adam bolted the Eden convention on the fifty-sev enth ballot. But Adam wasn't ab sent without leave. History says he wore at least one. BRYAN is the stepfather of Pro hibition. and it seems strange that he should refuse a plum just when he has the persimmon in his grasp. DUT what is a nomination to a man who hops from nomination to nomination like an egg-shaped cue ball on a country billiard table? BILL has his trophy room clogaed with antlers of nominations which he gunned during the good old days when Democrats roamed the office prairies in countless herds and nominations were passed from mitt to m4tt like rain checks after the fifth inning. WHY should a man who has been voted against by the best peo ple in the restricted suburbs ac cept a nomination which phoneti cally spells sure defeat? That would be no novelty to Jennirs. RILL is acclimated to defeat. But Lhe likes it with a slow fuse. H E doesn't mind being in the old saak, provided they only sew up the top and leave the bottom open. The old frontier blockhouses had loopholes in 'em for shooting, but politiCal blockhouses use the loop holes for exits. A LTH OUGH he can spot a rain bow in a glass of pump juice, where another guy can only pipe a germ, although he uses grape where another yam demands canister, al.. though he gets bright and shiny on , the stuff that rusts and corrodes, Bill sees no nutrition in the ProW~ bition nomination. - A GUY can give away something he hasn't got, but the bird who receives it won't get it. That's tough to figure out, but it means that Bill knew any Prohibition nomination was like a plus check drawn on a minus balance. * HE old boy doesn't believe in nyztting all his bad eggs in one ~asket. UNLIKE his illutrious prdces fish for whales in a bucket. TO BE A VEGETARIAN Pearl White has about decided to become a vegetarian. While on loca tion near Pineville, Ky.. where ex terior scenes for her latest Fox pro duction were filmed under the direq tion of Charles Giblyn, she became very fond of a little ealf. fihe stop ped at the barn one evening to play with it, as was her custom. But the animal was conaspicious by its ab In answer to her query about her ittle friend, one of the farm hands answered laconically: "Tuh et him for' yer supper, Miss." DOROTHY GIS.H SAILING. Mis~s Dorothy Gish, accompanied, by er mother, will sail from New Tork August 12, for a brief vacation Iroad. This will be the first rest Viss Oish has enjoyed since her ad E GOSSIP u. a. rasest oSee. C. 8. AND I recalled. TEAT A friend of mine. 05C ON a time. HAD A feathered fowl. Of TEE sterner se'. AND EE called it Abe. AND I knew Abe. F3OM TEE early Spring. WREN EE Arst appeared. . AS A little chick. AND I liked Abe. IN SPITE of the fact. THAT HE had no feathers. ON HIS neck. AND WAS bald elsewhere. AND VERY red. AND ONE Sunday. WE WERE there to dine. AND CHICIENS were served. AND MY friend's little girl. PIPED UP and said. "WE'E EATING Abe." AND I think I gagged. AND I'M worried now. FOR FEAR that hen. WILL BE served to me. BECAUSE WE'RE going to have chicken. TOMOBROW NIGHT. I THANK you. MISTOOK STEWART FOR STABLE HAND Visitor Wished to Hire Him, But Shied at Salary Asked. One of the particular hobbies of Roy Stewart. who has been engaged for an important part in Robert Brun ton's first feature production, "The Devil To Pay," is caring for a string of thoroughbred riding horses which he keeps stabled at the Brunton studios. Recently Mr. Brunton and George P Huntley. the fatmous British come dian. made a visit to the studio stables. In one of the stalls they found a young man busily engaged in rubbing down a mount. Upon being questioned by Huntley the man ex plained in detail the various points of the animal and discoursed to some length on horse in general. Leaving the place Huntley remark ed to Mr. Brunton: "That groom of yours seems to be a very intelligent fellow." "He is." admitted Brunton. "Wouldn't mind hiring him myself. What wages do you give him?" "A thousand dollars a week." Huntley gasped. "A thousand dol lars for a groom!" "Well, you see." drawled Brunton, "He does a little acting for me on the side. He's Roy Stewart, you know!" Huntley spent the rest of the morn ing buying cigars. " THE ORIGINAL VAMP. Alice Hollister. who is out on the Goldwyn lot now. claims to be the woman who put the vamp in vampire. She played the title part in "The Vampire." which was one of her first appearances on the screen. Miss Hol lister, who wax born in Worcester, Mass., and educated at the Villa Marie convent in Montreal, has ap peared oniy in pictures. She played a prominent part in "Milestones" re cently filmed at the Goldwyn studio and now is working in "The Great [over." WEARS 24 DRESSES. Corinne Griffith wears twenty four different and beautiful gowns in "The Whisper Market," her forth coming Vitagraph production. The opportunity is provided by the char acter she portrays, the wife o~ the American consul at Rio de ,Laneiro and the silent partner of a fashion able modiste. B.F.KEITH'S'iP DAlfYI SU.;? HOL'YSE0~'j1 "Better than Ever"-Herald Famew r Soit o"hils*Fls" JAZBAND isIWit tHarriet 3 A (Great Pregram. IMarie Mc('onnell. "The Man Mat" with Isolde titan a Harrison (Garrett. Anger a Packer. Ge~e. Veonmam a "isste." The Royal Gas. enieers. FA. P. Ford, Not hen Aros. Sunday Excursions Bluement, Va. Pareellille. Iwenhaurg and Other Poiats $2 Per Round Trip (War Tax Included) Childrerg Half Fare Uleetwie Traas Leave Terminat 36th mnd M tets Nothwe.t .A:30 a. mn.. 0:50 ft. in., 2 p. m. Re turning local trains leave Blue montl.1:32 a. in.. 3:14 p. mn.. 5:40 p. m. Lirmited train. *420 p. m. (last train). (Oeergetewu Car'e Nake NO DUST. NO DIRT. NO CINDERS washtn & Old Domnion *Parlor car attached. Extra fare to Leeaburg~3 27ens: to Bueee.~ M ests. ar ts inlude m i O ff ma r hr W t et . T. QhdO6e Sap lis~ce _ _ _ _ CHICAGO. July 31.-STreet Car Coadusetor H. C. Drumbach Is as o MA Romeo. ""W e'11 I meet you ad at wha Zl.r"be said to Mlis L......1Clrma. wa. about to, alight from his car.I beet gt fre.'" she wared. The conductor held her arm. He started to coo sweet nothings - In her ear. Mhe promptly slapped his face. Whereupon he turned cave man. "'All riEgit. Not off If you want to.' he retaliated. assisting her with-well. she says it was a kick. Her brother. Herman l erman, fu In a garage sear by. saw wht wasn transpiring. He started for the conductor, who was quickly sur rounded by a chivalrous mob. The police came. Brumbach and Eier man were arrested. "My, but he was rough," com menpted Louise. SEES "MARGE" FIRST TIME. James Oliver Curwoed, who wte "The Courage of Marge O'Do e,"*w~ which Vitagraph made Into a big, spectacular special photoplay. saw the AT picture lat week for the first time. .' ~ In Rf a (edj W The writer was not in New York Tub W when It had its initial showing. J ttZ' rnsi"jrss 'WAY DOWN EAST' COMPLETE E i h T I~ D. W. Griffith's production of "Way eA . Down East," for which he paid $17. . CRANDAWS 1ih St. at Cetum.a Rawl KNICKERBOCKER Natie..e Sunday and SEturday W SUN.-MON. ALICE JOYCE SUPPORTED BT L. ROGERS LYTTON J CK McLBAN AND OTHERS OP NOTE IN A POWERFUL~ PICT URIZATION OP JOSEPH LB BRANDT'S TENSE DRAMA OF FINANCE, IN TRIGUE AND LOVE. "THE PREY" Dupplemenated by a Leehmsher ad Cotmtie.. Surres SNUB POLLARD in "LIVE AND LEARN" Tues.-Wed-Hobrt Bosworth . . in . . "Below the Surf ace" Thurs.-FriL-Leah Bard ... in ... "Cynthia of the Minute" Sataday-Bryant Washburn . in . "The Sins ef St. A nthony" BIG V OMEDY, "SPRINGTIME"-MUTT AND JEPP CALWAYS A GOOD SHOW Ninthat RANDALL'STHEAYZR W' SUN.-MON.-TUES. M A GRzAT DOUBLE FEATURE BILL NORMA TALMADGE WITH PEDRO DE ORDOBA AND A STELLAR CAST IN "THE NEW MOON" SNUB POLLARD IN HIS MASTERPIECE, "CALL A TAXI" W WED.-THURS.-FRI. M One of the Meot Eetroordfuary Productions of the Tear . "FRIVOLOUS WIVES" With a Coast of Asaooist; Stars bf Conspicuous Eminence ROSCON (PATTY) ARBUCELB IN "GOOD NIGHT, NURSE" CRANDALL'S_ " METROPOLITAN * 1 ST. AT TENTH i r EiiBEGINNING, TOMORROW 1i A lavishly staged super-production into which Joseph Le Brandt, the j author, has writ ten the most fasci nating elements of high finance, in- U S trigue and delightful romance. The ~ * supporting cast, led by L. Rogers Lytton and Harry Benttham marks.U the high point of jutdicious select ion. 1p pa L... IN ALICE .THE JOYCE / PREY ADDED ATTRACTIONC ISNUB POLLARD in a Comedy Hit. "LIVE AND LEARN" I ~PATH E NEWS-TOPIC8 OF THlE DAY. NTiOOLTANE AUnuENml, 3YMnONY OREHERqTiA__ AWEnsHo V'iOn. tomm~'cron. QUAM Q .M~ n mannnananna. GOLDWYN PRESENTS THE LATEST REX BEACH PRODUCTION ~2 r rE BEACH A DPAUL ARMSTRONG. Wl SPECIA L ADDED A TTR ACTION -me EXCLUSIVE PRESENTATION PICTURES OF KNGHTS'0F COLUMBUS EXCURSION TO CHESAPEAKE BEACH, JULY 13 Were Yeu Theret Are You a Scrve Star 'in Weektf COME AND 8EE1 w OTHER FEATURES-ee RIALTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 3ANIEI, BREE:SKIN. Conducting OVERTURE: "POET AND PEASANT" SCENIC: "THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA" WITH INTE:R'RETATIv'E ORCHESTRAL ACCOMPAN(MENT EDUCATIONAL: "MODERN CENTAURSB" REPESAT SHiOW11WO BY PUBLIC DEMAND CARTOON "OUT OF THE INKWELL" POX NEWS LP S T ODAY FROM DORIS KENYONO "Ile Great White Trail" .atar Tis We,,t M. ST. ,JOHN COMEDY LS IE OA "THE AERO NUT" Blanche Sweet in the moat ramu 1e story E+ver I A a-osP1d1 e 'THEE OUR" AT e. ' The Greatent -ta Ever FestatedO 'e".I ." '' EEIS". .lksd.cMar O V R T R E " O E A DP A S A N ' S WITxae hrTAL A CydiKnott. DfeDUCFmAntinAL YoDER COLTUWS" A CARTON OUTOP HE IKWEL" LOLIEW Heavee Eveedr OSetee.te C LOEW'S "Thesapeatkie Beaih___________ Wb ~aternbc Resor s Banch.Steety'unURKdE on the ntoth Bo rdua Sarvcov er wy osPrdue Tb rnte frat ervc atn taed Ad eUn. 3 itd a crcdo. 40c; ..O UM I itect nfrom WAnyhing Y. Ha.S a . 3c e e . 0 LAAST MEMESOTODA THE DENtiu OFepk fllA WAVERTntonSO , ny Sht d n at er R e ~ BAR IS AL on.h mamt B rlk oer hes Twate. tela Ceerc.90 REEN DCINGS The lgenstagrce asr sta ofae ha benenagdovrtL~atrw; Great Falls Park Ideal-Pitreqne--Nifteele s~en a njoyble FREE ADMISSION thebuy eronwihot or o tme S~EE THE SEARCHLIGHT ON Chidrnlie Ohe das.Adlts 4c;THE FALLS CopltetrinscedleI.Uvnlg FREE DANCING | Sunday Concerta FourTims Daly-Ladies' Orchestr Mat U. sadc..t.v...... ....... LA S~ IMES TNAY.Lngn amnding ta-PlRid. FREE ~ ouponif Nome Chaifly. FREEVOpen-id cents onAdmsshentouA AD~U~qiN sat nigt 5-ent EleicA Aff. TetrST. m, i Fir~t ..e., wnem o .im..... PALACE TOIOR5OW VALL W1NK CHARLES. RAY -I Ir t% e I1 "HOMER COMES HOME" EXTRA--UUE S8UET-E an AINTS"--EXTRA MUTT AN dEW A1U1- tM E EWS-TWIL T - PALACE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA =- + it (FWJ) C-LUMBIA J TOMORROW-MON.-TUES.-WED. ' i ENID BENNETT n MaM Meew. W." . a "HAIRPINS" MiT0NI-fENS.-4EITgiE-STiEI NUTLTIES of the Evenin MA BE L I M**ml.h Sail NOR MAND ""T'* Um aEoRGE ADE THE MARSHALL HAL 5"SLIM PRINCESS" "nteHAo~ ooa. K RAISALL 13th aid ol. Rd. Fmu ~~II elca KNICKERBOCKER tae hrlsMclee TODAY *eO SSt.wafa a.i. Reinnfing at 2.30 P. M. ludn arlt >MARY MILES M INTER AUEETPR In NeMateIE" I O1YArAtIN