.MlnSATURDAY,J L 31, 1920. STRAJL 1 m
Three Months Ago We Opened a Northwea
Virginia Office -
We did this because we were convinced there was
existent a demand for properties in that section, and that
the only way to handle such a demand was through an
office located in the territory.
Results Prove That Idea Correct
We have been able to secure for sale many attractive
properties in various parts of Arlington County. If you
want a home in this beautiful suburban section we will
be glad to furnish complete details.
Shannon & Luchs
ah OM0.i, Min Ofe, F. D. Kiinkiewicz
Clarendon, Va. Realtors 713 14th St. N. W.
Phone 22. Main 2 345.3 t63 .E
I Which Appeals to You?
a' -a bunch of rent receipts, or a title to a home in this Modern Apartment that is
worth considerably more than you will have paid for it?
Why You Should Own Your
THE AVONDALE, 1734 P Street
1sat This building is strictly modern, ireproof throughout, equipped with two electric 'elevators and a spacious at.
B trpctively furnished entrance foyer.
2nd The location is in a refined section, less than two blocks from Dupont Circle, conveniently situated to car lines,
stores, theaters, schools and isp, ese
3rd It is an entirely detached building; every room Is lighted from the outside by generously large windows, insur
,- 3rd ecellent ventilation and a cool. comfortable home in the hottest summer months.
The environment is most excellent, a i is sur
4 rounded by the finest residences in this splendid
5th The prices and terms on the individual suites are
th very reasonable, as Is partly indicated by the
schedule below.
Details as to the csh payments and monthly pay
ments for the various suites will be furnished on request.
Apt. Rooms. Price. Apt. Rooms. Price.
1 6 rm. 2 b. $12,503 35 3 rm. 1 b. $5,200
3 3 rm. 1 b. 2,500 36 5 rm. 1 b. 7,500
4 3 rm. I b. 3,800 37 6 rm. 1 b. 12,000
5 3 rm. 1 b. 4,600 38 5 rm. I b. 8,500
6 5 rm. 1 b. 6,000 it 6 rm. 2 b. 13,500
7 6 rm. I b. 10,000 12 4 rm. 1 b 7,500
8 5 rm. 1 b. 7.500 13 3 m. 1 b. 1,500
21 7 rm. 2 b. 15,500 14 4 rm. I b. 7,00
22 3 rm. 1 b. 5,500 15 3 rm. I b. 5,200
23 3 rm. 1 b. 4,500 !6 5 rm. I b. 7,500
25 rm. 1b. 7, 00 47 6 rm. 1 b. 12,000
-26 ,505 6 r. 2b. 13,50 -
27 6 rm.l1b. 12,000ts 5 Srm.l1b. 4,0
28 5 rm.I1b. -8,500154 4 rm.l1b. 7,000 =
= 31 6 rm.2 b. 13,500 55 3 rm. 1b. .5.200 _
~33 3Srm.l1b. 4,500 57 6 rm.I1h. 12,000
34 4 rm.l1b. 7,000'58 5 rm.l1b. 8,500
A representative of this office will gladly give you further particulars or' by
simply signing and sending the coupon herewith, we shall be pleased to mail you a
* copy of "The Allan E. Walker Plan of Co-operative Ownership of
*Apartments"--which clearly explains the general plan. Allan E. Walker & Co., Inc.
= it r ~ 7ll (1Gentlemen: Kindly mal
E. Walker Plan of Co
- operative Ownership of
~'~'. o th lla WalcerPla ofApartments." It is under
- stood that this incurs no
Co-operative Ownership olgto nm at
* 813 Fifteenth Street Southern Building Name.................
= ,Address.............
The Best Home Buys Are Advertised
t Homes
3904 to 3910
13 St.
O. Sree Frm 14h
Street Car Lb.
Six and seven large
rooms and tile bath;
roomy attic, cellar; front
porches and inviting sleep
ing and breakfast porches;
deep lot to wide alley.
AN Comforts of Ral
Open Daily for
Chas. J. Walker
522 13th St. N. W.
bd Bdiders
National Realty
"Home Merchants"
$4,700.00-S. W., near Bureau
of Fisheries, 9-room brick
house with furniture; deep
yard; garage; wide alley;
immediate possession.
$2,750.00- Suburban; 6-room
home, front porch, about a
acre: vacant. $250 cash.
$25 month.
$6,500.00-Beautiful suburban
home, 7 rooms and bath,
hot-water heat, electricity;
corner lot, 90x'00; garden,
fruit, garage; early posses
Business and Dwelling
$9,500.00-Mt. Pleasant: large
store and 4-rooms; bath,
gas and electricity; hot.
water heat; large cellar;
high-class business location.
$3,500.00-N. E., near K St.,
store and dwelling, 5 rooms
ar.d bath; gas.
National Realty
Home Merchants
940 N. Y. Ave.
Middaugh &
Shannon Homes
Designed with as much
thought, built with as much
ease and finished with as
much pride as you yourself
would give such an under
$9,588 to $10,312
Brookiand Cars to I 2th St.
and Michigan Ave.
Saul's Addition-Call at
office for information
Middaugh & Shannon
Established 1899.
N4 place like home:
No Home like atira.
Buhilding Owner IEutablished
Woodward llldg. 1500
Main 6935 15th & H sta.
In The1
Knocks at the Home.Seeker's Door
Washington's Ideal Suburb Within Actual
Sight of the Capitol and the Monument
The question of buying lots in RIVERDALE HEIGHTS is not whether to buy
or not, but when to buy. And our answer is NOW, while the prices are low. Here is
the greatest building plan we know of. Let us show you how to secure all the neces
sary material, such as lumber, paint, roofing, hardware, porches, etc., for your home,
as pictured below, for an initial payment of $27 to $50 and the remainder in monthly
installments of even less if you own a couple of lots in this newest and most refined
3 Lots $59-to $159
Terms as Low as $5 Down and $1 a Week
$27 First Payment $40 First Payment
(at the right) This (below, at right)
cozy little home of This beautiful home
three large sized of four comfortable
rooms. complete as rooms, complete as
p ictured, can he pictured. is easily s
yours for a first cured for a first pay
payment of only 127, nment of only $40, if
if you ownl two lots you own two lots
SE H 8 costing HE I G H Ts costing
$35 First Payment $50 First Payment I
(upper at left) Here is (at the left) This hand
a little gem, a fine five- some two-story home of
room bungalow, complete five rooms and bath,
as pl c t u red, which is complete as pictured,
yours for a first pay- is yours for a first pay
ment of $35, if you own ment of $50, if you own
two lots at RIVERDALE two lots at RIVERDALE
HEIGHTS, costing $118. HEIGHTS, costing $118.
or any week day, and look the property over. Make an appointment for one of
our autos to take you out. Hundreds of these choice lots have been snapped up by
shrewd Washington buyers. Why let somebody else own the lots that should
be yours? Make the start toward YOUR home and your independence NOW.
Call at our office or telephone us HOWV TO GET THERE
(Franklin 898's and learn all about thiss aecra 5hadGS
tontae you gout top RIntVEfrDE N. W. or any point along ine
HEIGHTS in our autos any week day mwakd RIVERDALE, LAUREL, or
that sis your conenienee. To sav BERWYN. On Sundetys our autos
to us. me l as
~The J. W. Holloway Co.
Room 54 Metzerott Bldg., 1110 F St.
Phone Franklin 898
] Please send vie further information about your building lots at Riverdale
Height: ind your Easy Payment Building Plan.
Address .................................. .
ashing ton Times Every Day