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'1 iaw ;ELECT and boiling water merely cooks it into I OFCLOTHESthe fabric. This is the reason, avers this writer. why some users of electrical washers complain that they must rub the wristbands and neckbands by hand o TEST SH after washing the garments in the machine. In much the same way fruit, cofee and tea stains which have Ceaa Few At Ti me and dried are hopelessly set by soaking 1us r W 11W i I1 U or washing in too hot water, even Olsolved SGaP, says though these stains yield quickly to actually boiling water when applied Authoity. directly- to the fresh stain. It must be said in favor of the hand While manufacturers of all types of rubbing method of clothes washing clothes washers, electrical as well as that it at least tended to prevent the weruse of too-hot water--a practice w~te an pind-wer geeraly - which the woman fortunate enough ommend that bhllia or very hot to possess an electrical washer water be used for.wa hing clothes, re- hould gusrd crefully against. Whin ceant experirsens Wre samsto show the wash was rubbed by hand t that this i. the worst thing that can water had to be cool enough to be be done with soiled clothing. endurable. According to this authority en This writer declares that for the household engineering, washer mak- best results in washing clothes, the era in .conducting their tests usually soap should be In solution to insure used their workmen's oyeralls and even distribution. that the soiled working jumpers. which, were the linens should not be put to soak on easiest to obtain. Generally theme the night before washday because this were.stained with machine oils and tends to dilute the washing solution. griaacs, all dirt being held in the fab- and that the soap should never be riE' by vegetable oil. This, of course, applied directly to the clothing to rea4A1i nited with hot water and be washed as this clogs up the pores a sg a aaponiAcati. of garments and prevents the unim DMjr iu 'esn the man facturers peded rush of water through them. recommend hot water. They found It is quite unnecessary from sny t hat the htter the water, the quicker standpoint to boil clothes. it Is ts it dissolved this vegetable oil, says serted. Instead of boiling, a hot. this home engineer. But the ,'oilb of scalding rinse o advised. Especially fipe family wash ro of a radically Is this preferred by this authority different nature and are far harder to If the rinsing is done in the machine eradtcate, sheadds. becaise it Is then sure to be done First there is a black soil. common- efficiently and thoroughly enough to ly called "dirt." This is cemented to take the ldst braces of the soap so the fabric by a sticky viscid corn- ltion out of the clothes. oe pound, which upon anatysis is foun n To further sterilize the garment to be the animal fat, secreted by the which ht- beeu washed but not beled. skin and trow off. Animal fats are the electric iron, heated to from 3b0 the ones tat cause 'trouble when boil- to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, is run ing water Is used because each glob- over it and kills germs which might tle of the fat is incosed in almumin even have survived the boiling. Step Lively If you Want. An APEX! They are going fast-tlc sturdy electric washers that arce .built to give a lifetime of suy cessful service. Is it any wonder' No rub" bing No boiling. No wear or tear w verathing washed perfectly from the most deli cate fabrics to heavy woolen blankets. The swinging wringer op-4 crates in any convenient p sition while the e f asher s kleansng another tubful. You o e it to yourself to see the APEX before making - your selection. Doubly guar anteed-by the manufacturer ~t4by us. Ask For Demonstration At Our Stoere. aweniest Teas Arrangement. Edgar Morris Sales Co. Sele Agents and D~istributhrs Apex Alytiee Cea. Pittsburg Wa ter Heater (ce. 1305 G seft Northwest WAStIhII nnD. C. d Main emc3 b u To Wired-Home Fo efficentl and toroughly e nouht A Suggestion--as Eracthe "ao Clutionout th e lteo stoe-wichve iso furteiet zae thegamen showyouv~h~whicNO hardt be WIHedut a old Eh lectric Wron, hea efr 3 toTANDAR degreeS FELD"t s u ulo te fat i ned I-aSUMMin evnSALe suvie the bo1ing Step LivelynIf Yo veryareaoindfas-th strylcti twsers tat tre UULCS 1 .bittWiv iee Aof suc Is it an wonofitNobrub bing. o boiing.gulwea or tear.tEverythingmwashed perfectryssronthehe termsdthi cate fabricsatotheavaywoflthe avbal'ankdrssonsdy. Theek.wineitgmeringerepo eraundresn isysconlenworthpa sitionn, tereeisttheaatualr is You og iniourtolyoursthefcon see theelencEX bdefheeal-aroun youry-ssedction.rDoublSeruar anted-b oth mauthSurertoa-G N EgrMris SalesW CoAV. MW6 NCAL' 1 WIRING LACK HALTS SAVING OF LABOR Tight-Fisted Builders Blamed for Limiting of Use of Electrical Devices. Tight-lsted builders and back number architects are blamed by a Pacific coast eJectrical society for obstructing the wider use of home labor saving devices by America's overworked housewives. Thousan4s of women still bend over the washtub, hundreds of thou sands are still condemned to un counted heufs of dishpan drudgery, millions still sweat and suffer at the ironing board, because designers and builders of dwellings fall or refuse to provide the wiring connections which would permit these menial tasks being done by electrical ma chinery. "Ask any electrical dealer what limits most of his sales of appli ances," says this authority, "and you will almost always get the same an swer, I. e.. the premhises are not wired to accommodate the articles, and, moreover, In the case of washing ma chines, ironing machines, dish wash ers, and ranges) no space has been provided in laundry or kitchen in which to locate thfem. "The buyer then faces the expense of alterations and additional wiring, which, to the average housewife, seems extravagant and perhaps pre hibitive, and which, we must admit, is all out of proportion to what the cost would have been had these simple requirements beene provided when the house was built." "Although the prospective buyer may have been sold on the electrical idea and really wants the device, be ing willing to pay its purchase price, there is a psychological reaction and revulsion of feeling on the point of paying, in addition, the cost of rem edying the result of someone's neglect or oversight in the way of wiring. "With a feeling akin to resertmont. the prospect may throw up her hands and decide to do w'thout, consoling herself with the thought tat she cannot afford such an outlay. (As a matter of fact, she is deceiving her self because she can't afford, re gardless of price, to do withou* a mears of saving herself daily labor or providing increased comforts.) "You can imagine how this situa tion is 'intensified if the prospect is not the owner but merely a tenant of the house and must, taierefore, pay for wiring and outlets to be perma nently Installed in her landlord's premises. There is a point where human nature -revolts at imposition. Why, then, we are now entttled'to in quire, is not the home, whether house, flat, or apartment, property wired in the first place to avoid such compli cations? "Practically all living abodes are designed not by the ultimate owner or tenant but by an architect or building contractor, hence these voca tions become a'link In the chain of the trouble." Adopting the slogan. "An Outlet for Every Appliance." Californians are rapidly overcoming this condi tion, it is said. Already the Pacific boasts of having more than three times as many electric labor saving devices per capita as can be found'in the middle West. Even so, it is as serted that they have "hardly scratch ed the surface of their possibilities. and. they confidently may there Is room for ten times as many devices as are uow in use. ks Who Have Yet to in ble Features of Possessing lerwoman." These Dealers -aeme of thema right in your eighbbeod-'eprepared to how this wenderful electrIc Prvant and to Peplain the any payment plan by whieh practically pays for itself, E. Angermam Arcade Market. Edw. R. Dateman 1410 Trving St. N.E. Joseph Berra 3062 Mt Pleasant St. N.W. 3. F. Breoka Comany 813 14th Pt. N. W. J. D. Campbell 2203 14th St. N.W. Capital Electric Ce. P. L. Clarke 1242 Wisconsin Ave. N.W, Lloyd R. Celliflower 2918 14th St. N.W. 0. R. Evana & Bra 720 13th Pt. N.W. Jehn R. Hopkins (erge W. Jonee 1414 Park Road N.W. Modern Eleetri. bhop 1411 U St. N.W. Pre'mier seevlee Ce. 704 10th St. N.W. N. D. staagten 224 Holly Avenue Takoma Park Turheryille a: Hardiag 709 12th St. N.W. Washington Electric Co. 21 H St. N.W. White & Boyer suburban Electrie C. -Rockville, Md. Watkina & 'Wahiagtn Alexandria, Va. Elactelei WRLWSRA Mrs. Emma 3. Helm, 1$, Says She Was Forced to Obey 4ubPnd's arents. MNW YORE. Aug. 1.-For break fast: Obediemfe. For lueeees: Docility. For supper: Submission. That was her day-in-day-out diet for almost three ywai says Mrs. Emma J. Helm, eighteen- ear-old wile of Frederick B. Helm of Woodhaven. Pleading -for a separation before Su preme Court Justice Fawcett io Brooklyn, the slender, wide-eyed little plaintiff told of her marriage at i teen. she went to live with her bus band's parents. she sid her attorney, Johd' X. Mer rill, asserted that she immEliateIy be came the victinm of a coe 'Wolly continental" because of the Eu roO birth and training of the He1Rs "Obey thy husband's parepte," woo the way Mrs. Heim swapmeqsed this code, and the following things hap pened to her: Since her marriage she has virtually been a prisoner in her room being denied permission to go out alone. Every time she "escaped" for a short stroll some members of her husband's family followed to make sure she lived up to the code. For infractions of the code she was con fined to her bedroom, her meals placed on a platter outside the door, accompanied frequently by the re mark. "That's the way to feed a Yan kee." Her husband has given her about 10 cents a week since their marriage, though he earns $32 a week as a chaufeur. After the birth of her baby, her father-in-law struck her with an iron pail, and left a neighbor te carry her to her room, where she remained without attention for forty-eight hours. Counsel for the husband denied that the "child wife" had been abused, and alleged that she often left home for long periods, snd was "unruly." Judge Fawcett directed Helm to pay $15 a week alimony and $100 counsel fee. Mr. Merrill said welfare workers of the Lutheran church in Woodhaven, brought the girl to him after neighbors. had told of the al leged cruel treatment. Mrs. William R. Brooks, of Wood haven, became interested in the case, and enlisted the' aid of others. Mrs. Lillian V. Van, of Brooklyn, sister of Mrs. Helm. was appointed guardian ad liten by the court. Mrs. Helm said that her husband and his family did not hesitate to show their loyalty to Germany in the war, and to boast of having obtained young Helm's exemption from the draft. Attached to the wife's papers are corroborating affidavits from Mr. and Mrs. Gustave J. Holzhauser and Frederick W. Gunieau. neighbors. The young wife, her lawyer said, is now being taken care of by church workers. She left her husband's home several weeks ago. 'BAD MAN' BLAMES H. C. L. FOR CRIMES "Most Desperate Conviot of Decade" Takes Verbal Fling at Profiteers. OAKLAND, Cal., Aug. 1.-Cart Otto, pronounced by peace officers Caiifor nia's most desperate. convict of a decade, rose up in all the glory of his five feet no inches today, shook his bandaged head and somewhat bruised flat, and took a verbal fling at the high cost of living. .He put squarely on the shoulders of Old Man High Prices the blame for his own transgressions, which In clude: Conviction of robbery. Escape from the State penitentiary tn 1917. Sentence to a life term for robbery abd jail breakipg. r Another eseape a month ago. Otto was beaten ins6nsible when-be was recaptured here two days ago. "There as only one thing to be done to stop the spread of crime," Otto philosophized. Living conditions must be brought within the reach of every man. "I worked as an honest laborer for years. When I couldn't earn enough to live on, I turned to crime." BALL TEAM ROUTS COPS WITH BOTLES; 5INJURED TARRYTOWN, N. T., Aug. .1-Five men were wounded, one probably fatally, in a riot near the estate of John D. Rockefeller yesterday. Fight ing started when fifty members of the Catskill baseball club, of Brooklyn, who were passing Tarrytown on their way to Ossining for a baseball game, began to throw empty bottles from busses at persons along the road. One struck a policeman. When he warned the Brooklynites to cease he was answered with a volley of mis sles. Another policeman arrived and the two held up six busses at the point of their revolvers. A veritable barrage of bottles was laid down then, and more policemen hastened to the scene, The fighting lasted half an hour, and more than 100 persons took part. lAY RAISE MORGANATIC WIFE TO GREEK THlRONE PARIS, August 1.-The sekt session of the AGreek Parliament will-debate a proposal to recognise the morganatic wife of King Alexander as Queen. said a news agency dispatch from Athens. The Greek public is said to favor the ascension of the King's brid, to the throne, but the offioers' corps of the Greek army refuses to recog nise her right to rank. King Alex ander and his bride are now in Athens. BAILEY SUES TEXAS PAPER. GATNICIVilI1E, Te:., Aug, l.--Buit has been entered by 3. W. Bailey. former United States Senator, against the Record Company, of Fort Worth, for 8100,900, alleging that false, slanderous and malicious publication of matter in regard to Mr. Bailey's alleged connection with te element opposed to prohibition had been made in the Fort Worth Record last April. Mr. Bailey is now candidate for the LAN5BRGH&BROTIRIE Otus/Ji 3ale 6 ri Starts Tomorrow Morning at 9:15 Actual Savings of 25% to 40% A display .and sale of such extraordinary proportions that all previous events are dwarfed-In comparison. Merely to *nhpgunce our August Sale of Furs this year, without an explant ation of the: chi $ condition of the Fur market, would be doing our customers an iniustlc. - - - To state it briefly: * - f Raw pelts are now- low in price. There is, however, a great lak - skille4 labor, due to a strike which started several months ago (mention of which was made in our June Sale annoutcement). The strike, is still on, with no indica tion as to when it will end, and every furrier, designer and cutter in New York is out. This condition has tied up the Fur industry to the extent that not - a manufacturer is operating. The strikers will not return to work unless they gain their points (shorter hours and higher wages), and having accomplished this the extra cost which will have to be added to every garment makes it practically impossible for Furs to- come down in price. In fact, we are so certain that there will be no decline in prices later in the season that we will guarantee the August Fur Sale price -until December 1, 1920. Fortunately, Lansburgh & Brother Furs were bought some time before the strike, the assortment is the handsomestever assembled in August, the prices are 25% to 40% lower than the present Fur market makes possible. Hudson Seal Coats Pony Skin Coats 36-inch model with Nelf co- 36inch model; soft, pliable Bu Now-Pay ut and cuf~s full w:a d 3ustable belt. August sale kin.; black with elf pr H ming. August cu fnNovember 36-inch model with deep col- "33. ar and cuffs of uirr.l. Full swsup. August Sale pries 3&lnch model trimmed. .wth eH 3-inch model with ;aa col- large collar and cuffs of Rae- this August Bale, may. ar and cuffs of Austre ian coon. August sa pile. S upou payment or prhae, Opossum. August sle price 36-inch model trimmed of 25% at tim of pur. 4L. with large collar and cuffs of ae Raccoon. August sale pie ce Bay Seal Coats ate. O c t o b e r ststat, Beautiful 36-inch model: Bat Seal Dolman: large able in November. Hollender dye. sme as Hudson cape collar of self; 36 Inches Seal: self collar an4 cuffs. long. August sale prce, 6545. All taus purchaed, August A git priea, p , S."o 36-inch model trimned with Bay Seal Dolman with tred free charge lar e collars and cuffs 'of large cape collar and bell until November 1st. squirrel. August Sal. 'prie. sleeve of squirrel: 50 inches 42W oh long. August Asale s . FOR NEARLY 60 YEARS-$"LANSBURGH &. BROTHER FOR SILKS" ofSilks at Old . TimofP B a fl-have been recently acquired. These silks are new-those in foremost demand, and their prces reason "of the market break, hare 'way below the figures quoted earlier in the season. 550 Black Satin Crepe, $3.99 $2.00 Fine Wash Satin, $1.39 40 inches ride--a superior qutal'. 3,000 Yards-$3.50 t 9( 36 inches wide; colors: Flesh, ity, for evening and street dresses. , Cepa de Chine, Yd.bpink and white; good 'weight for $3.50 Navy Blue Taffeta, $2.49 An exceedingly heavy quality, full - lingerie., 36 inches walde; splendid quality; 40 inches- wide; very desirable for ' $350 1 4 &e Satin cif niis;d e w gh.rsewa ts nd i eln eie Co- -D iu' $5.00 WhitA Sport Satin, $3.39.. ors are ivory, flesh, pink, turquoise, -2' 40 inches wide; rich, lustrous fibe tan and navy, also black and white. . 36 inches wide-heavy weight, satin, for summer sports wear. rich, lustrous finish., --A rea value. We Again Desire topmphasis That These Lansburgh's Linens are Etraordinary Quality for Sixty Years -MAnRs NERlFOR Sits Beautful ew Slks etnOl Tegime Prcs Smal Lot Maderia Linens We Are Selling. at There is little to add eto the fa- ses a.50r Bak nisnd-aep adhn-ebere; marsoyo $3.his .0 saletha ashSll3 pinhe ad- salprior qand 3,1 0rd-3.50 1900 Wahngo 36ws ecpinc hswd;aoos:Feh size f reeigulandree dre2.00 qualiy;edo e Chi ed hael tu pk 60 anwie od ih o $3.50r NaykBnu- Tairen, $2.49 Anc oelscedinly hayairts y, sell ths re. 3inchswie; y pe ledi qua slt ed; anchywie er- Teralit i :for s3.5e h-gratin DiBsn-hs chffn rnshc; reweght.r d esses,3 ains; a rd atin enie have bogh duig--- reiu or $2.00 value $por SaEi, $33. r r vrfeh inktrqos,.24 4ozinchs-ie rich, us regulbr $1.2 alue navy alob ac h hit -iinhs welidfae-havy eceight Qualityacor..ixty.Year Madeira Napkins-Hrand-md an coormaeral,-ecudngrrntdiddasrhghcd;n plain rs n scallop; 2ular - 3 inchswd;ofrdTepten r e n rsadflo h izen;... .U regular $2.00 quliy1dze...9 md rer pins- Thien ultyr . osti esn insize; eady fonue; eletfrcae n uc tefc htthsi hft aehl ti esno cadros- romscarlplopsirsofte;dnt lqaltguelayrhm ediy Coelo akis-rte elgaenDee 3t~~ 5inches wde; yelendiwegtadseroqu-ACobnd o f ityanfinsh.Caolo rs-Oytrlgtbucpn a witra ae.der gryslmnan$he150 to $000S0t Bemme ad medeied pinrselgtaddrrebon excelent qalit; 18-inch .......~~.V uy fTe&Wt ~ IIO Jipe;ere o Bue; Prspe-eue rce w ar f rues4 New priesn or ent etiftchese fny bor-cual akd onTom$50,$75 n of7ind kicerbckrstowidemae;o srviealeedb 60x60-n. Clths; frmerl f3.98 attaciw $29patterns's;y bu er utsi heppl linbc Na4~ins,~ormrl 1.79 now usdfo e n 13unch t 1 eas Thi iraoopprtuitveopurhaesteeBysascoo chtarfs forimerlyk rose, h nw eachgr, brown, ta earalesvig exele tal yar.................... eii ~w-~.Srhauehr